Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star (1907-), 26 Dec 1935, p. 5

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( ng her new broad. ~~ bi ed summer hat and find, when "you see the finished print, that her pretty face turned out to be an un-. : attractive: dark shadows, Of course Who hasn't? Now there. is really no excuse for "common error in amateur pho- tography, You can't prevent the ap- "pearance of the shadow but you can : lighten it considerably in the picture Vin iiiby using a reflector to cast or reflect the necessary light under the brim of the hat and on her face, = ; ' Please don't gasp and think about "spending a lot of money for a re- flector for it 1sn't necessary. A satis- 'factory, 'efficient reflector can be had for practically nothing. Any number ~ of things will serve you; a plece of Sh "white paper about three feat 8QuATe, a white cloth of the same dimension or even a pillow slip or white towel, ~ 1f the chancellor of the linen closet will let you get. away with it, will . serve admirably. What's the trick? There's no trick to it at all. This 1s all you have to do, 1 ; : comely young lady above as an ex- of your best - girl -- or | ample. ; noon with the sun's rays striking the top of the hat, Notice the picture to the right; how the brim of the hat casts a dark shadow over the face. The picture to the left, however, shows the pleasing results by using a reflector to cast or reflect the sun's rays under the hat. The reflector ifi this instance was a piece of white cardboard about two feet square held about four feet from the subject and tilted so aa to reflect the sun's rays on her face and under the hat. a reflactor it can be placed on a chatr however, that the reflector does not 'you.ean readily detect where a re- Both anspahots' were taken at If there 18 not a third party to hold at the proper angle or tilted against a stick placed in the ground. Be sure, appear in the view finder of your camera. : This is only one of the many ways a reflectormay he naed to advant» ze in getting better pictures. By glving a little thought to your snapshooting flected 'Hight on your subject may. brighten over-shaded gpots in out: goo or: indoor pleture making, Try : JoHN VAN GUILDER. -- ™ 'Suppose we 2 ugeine plotires of the ' "The Fami Phone 36 SCUGOG Next Sunday, Communion Service morning at 11 and in the evening at the. Centre Churcha at 7.80. There 'will be no Sunday Schools next: Su-dey. Last 'Friday evening there was a splendid Christmas Tree Entertain- ment held in the Foot Church with a En large attendance. The program was good, Last Sunday evening a real Christ- mas. service was held in the Centre 'Church. The church was nicely deco- Biba "rated with a tree on each side of the L church decorated with icicles and : electric lights. The service opened with the singing of a Christmas hymn followed by a number of boys coming "to the platform and representing the prophets and reading their prophecies, "phecles! "Then the girls dressed as 'angels came and looked in the man- ger while others sang a song making "a very inspiring scene. June Sweet- man, Isabel Flewell and Lois Jeffrey then explained the meaning of Christ: : Then the children joined in 2 'Holy Night". Elgie Joblin 3 In all'it was a rvice. This service took the usual Christmas tree, ons to. Mr. and Mrs. H oy 'Collin « 43%, Harry Brown 409%, Dick For Quality Groceries 5 and Reliable Service try J. F. McCLINTOCK Ja framed picture of of their class and 'will be held in. the Foot Church in the| y ly Grocer" 5 PORT PERRY school, which will be nice to remem- ber their school days. In all it was u very plossol 'afternoon, The Conimunity Club Christmas Tree held at the Head Church was well attended and an enjoyable time spent. There. were many home gatherings for Christmas. = Sympathy is extended to Mr." D. Chérrie, of Oshawa, in the passing of Mrs. Cherrie, on December 17th. Mrs, Cherrie had been in poor health for some months, The funeral was held in Oshawa last Thursday. The many floral tributes showed the esteem in which the deceased was held by her many ¢riends. The pallbearers were five nephews -- Robert, Alfred and Ross Prentice, 'W. Brown, Mr. Conquergood and Mr. F. Clark. She leaves her husband, one son Gordon Cherrie, on the Island, and three daughters, "Mrs. Sharrad, "Mrs, C. Henry and Miss Viola at home, Report of 8, 8. No. 1, Scugog (Head) Sr. IV--Florence Carter 78%; Edna Samells 78%, Gladys Midgley 72%, Nelson Reader 68%. Jr. 1V--Oliye Brown 71%, Lorraine Collins 65%, Perey Colling 62%. Sr, 111--Mijldred Heayn 86%, Ruby Brown 82%, Joyce Reader 76%, Ger- ald Colleran 67%. * Jr. III -- Marion Sweetman 66%, Elsie Reader 50%, Aleta Collins 48%, Wallace Collins 46%. . 1I--Evelyn Reader 84%, Walter Colleran 79%, Allan Redman 78%, George Samells 77%, Helen Sweet man 76%, Myrtle Collins 70%, Lois 'Reader 62%, Merlin Collins §4%, Roy > A My Reader, _| Marie Sweetman, | the evening Rev, H. J. Bell, pastor of the United Church. : play entitled "Just Country Folks" will be put on in the Community Hall '| cast of characters is as follows: cold citizen) Oliver Smith; 'Charles Porter | widowed sister) Mrs, J. Rahm; Bertha 'ronto teaching staff, are spending lins.. Jr, A Bonroll W. Niddery, Teacher. BLACKSTOCK ~ Anniversary services will be held in St. John's Anglican Church next Sun- day, December 20th. In the morning the speaker will be the rector, and in Special musie will be furnished by the choir," On New: Year's night, Jan. 1st, a a by St. John's Dramatic Club. The Hezekiah Huckins (Village Chief of Police) Norman McCurdy; Harry Bur- gess '(summer visitor) Bill Barnes; Mary Young (school teacher) Vera Forder; Simon Tuthill (town Shylock). Jack Smith; Abner Watkins (town's (Simon's nephew) Miranda Dodge Lavern Devitt;" (Seth's Hammond (confidence woman) Mrs. Jack Hamilton; Seth Heminghaw (village postmaster) Jack Hamilton; Abby Holmes (Another widow) 'Mrs, A. L. Bailey ' Music between acts, 'Adission 26¢. and 16¢. Misses Florence McLaughlin and Miss. Phelma Hooey, both of the To- their vacation under parental roofs. "The twenty-sixth .wedding 'anniver- sary of Mr, and Mrs, Norman Mount- joy was celebrated at their home on Saturday evening, Dec. 21st, when they entertained a number of rela- tives to a fowl supper and social even- ing. Miss Marie Proutt, Mrs. Asa Spinks and Miss Aileen Jarvis, of Nestleton, spent' Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Al- bert. Wright. On Friday evening: last; Mr, and Mrs. Austin Larmer and family, Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Jabez Wright, Misses Annie and Effie Wright, enjoyed a very pleasant time with Mr. and Mrs. Mr. Larmer's birthday, « 'The regular monthly meeting of the at the home of Mr. and Mrs, F. Bailey on the evening of Thursday, Dec. 19, with an attendance of thirty. . The re- port of the Diocesan Board meeting program, in ¢harge of Mrs, C. Smith, was as follows: reading by Mrs. Robt. Hamilton, "A Perfect Husband"; a reading by Mrs. Mrs. J.-Carter "This World is a Mir- ror", a reading by Mrs, H, Bailey, "How to Prevent War", and a timely talk by Mrs, Harcourt on "The Spirit of Christmas." One of the W. A. groups had a fine collection of fancy work for gale, At the close of the meeting a vote of thanks was tendered the hostess for her hospitality and lunch was sgrved by the group in charge. The concert put on by the teachers and pupils of the Continuation School two evenings of last week, was a de- cided success. - The play "Polishing Papa" - was well. worth seeing and those taking part are to be congratu- lated. "Mr. Alvin Bell, B. A, of the Ottawa teaching staff, is enjoying his vaca- tion with his parents Mr. and Mrs, R Bell. We are sorry to hear that Mrs, R. Bell is under the doctor's care. hope for a speedy recovery. Miss Norma Hooey of the 'Toronto Normal School is with her parents holidays, MARSH HILL Miss Nora Wilkinson, who 10 has been living in/Toronto, is spending a while at Andrew Davidson's. Mr. Harold Tomlinson, who is teach- ing school at Blair-Hampton, and Luella who is teaching near Bancroft, are spending the holidays at their home here. Mr. Wilmot Swanick, who is attend- ing Toronto University, is spending the holidays with his parents Mr, ana 'Mrs, Robt. Swanick. Much credit is due the teacher, Mr. Walter Phoenix, for the able and ef- ficient way in which the pupils took their, parts in the concert, which was held at the school on Thursday even- ing of last week. Rev. Mr. Wallace and Mrs. Ernest Larmer and family, John Larmer; it being the occasion of | W, A. of St. John's Church was held | was given by Mrs, H. Bailey and the |§ Study. Book Chapter "The Jewish i Riddle" by Mrs. (Dr.) McArthur. The : Christmas carols, | § T, Smith, "Will Trouble"; two vocal |§ duets, 'Come All Ye Faithful" and|$ "Holy Night" in Eskimo sung by Rev. |# and Mrs. C. C. Harcourt; a reading by | § We, § 'Mr. and Mrs. Herb. Hoey during the : mother Ms. W, L "Done, of WE Boe Mr." and Mrs. Russell Acton and| children, spent Sunday with her| father Mr, Wm, Parrott, of Chalk | Lake, : We congratalate Mr. Edgar Stack] and son William in. getfing prizes on} their turkey, Mr. Frank Welch on his geese and . Mrs; Robt, Swanick and| Garland on their ducks at Uxbridge| Christmas Fair, . Keeps you | n neighbours and fiona" Makes yo whole fot wear A Opping a Calls the An 5) lness op accion WHEN it's been stormy for days on end, or you haven't been feeling quite up to -your usual round of visits . . . how pleasant it is to chat with friends by telephone, You are never alone with your tele phone. It. banishes isolation: keeps you in touch with your own immediate circle and with the world at large. And. it's al- ways on guard in emergency. om, OF YOUR TELEPHONE / IS JUST WHAT YOU MAKE IT" in Sudden E : : nables yo v ro ar i affairs Tangs Sum breaks ou bap when fire essential s h Iran when Sorvices.: down, A break 2 ve STRAND THEATRE, UXBRIDGE, ONT. THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY, (THIS WEEK) TIM McCQY, in - "LAW BEYOND THE RANGE" A thrilling Cowboy Wiestern. And COMEDIES. MATINEE! MATINEE! FRIDAY, DEC. 27, 3 p.m. Sharp. ADMISSION 20c. and 10c, MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 30- 31, JAN. 1 (NEW YEAR BILL POSTPONED) Owing to illness among children, "OUR LITTLE GIRL" will be shown at a later date, and we are substituting "MADAME SPYE" starring EDWARD ARNOLD, FAY WRAY Thursday, Friday, Saturday, (Next week) Jean Harlow in "Reckless" $3332 RIO 0000 sss enteaetettanetotteeteiettiertettittnetietiatenteettosentioiitssees THE CHOICE OF GOOD MEATS IS EASY IF YOU BUY ~ FROM -- BERT MacGREGOR " BLUEBELL COFFEE 'Golden Bantam Corn CHRISTMAS MIXED CANDY ............2 Ibs, for 25c. ,REFUGEE BEANS ....... vera iene ees ved Ving {OF 236, JELLY BEANS ................ vane verses pOrIbe 156 "APPLE JELLY, 16 oz. F. W. BROCK &SON " RED & WHITE STORE WE WISH ALL | Happiness and Prosperity in the New Year Navel Oranges, extra large, doz. 49¢c RED and WHITE TEA, ¥;'s vives. per pkg. 30c. RED and WHITE COFFEE, 4's .............per tin 22¢c, PITTED DATES . . ..2 bs. for 23c. GOLDEN SPRAY CHEESE .............2 pkgs. for 26¢c. ICING SUGAR is, rrn nse sidinnadinis 3 tbs. for 25c. cere e oper Ib 26e. «+. .per 1h. 10e¢, 2 tins 25c. SAGE OR SAVORY ........... ver ens.s.2 tins for 17c. BUDDED WALNUTS . riipesssiai sein Biel 25¢. CHOCOLATE DROPS 0% x : ASSORTED CREAMS AND JELLIES . ...per Ib, 15c. eee ees PEANUTS . RR NRE) Sete sateen 2 Ibs. 23c. ....per jar 18¢, MARMALADE, 8202. ............ eves... per jar 27c. CHOCOLATE MARASCHINO CHERRIES .1 Ib. box 26c. FALCON PEAS .......... ...2 tins for 19c. COOKING FIGS ... He ...2 Ibs, for 19c. SWEET CIDER, 32 0z. .........+.........per bottle 20c. H. P, SAUCE ..... wees es SE Doidle 365 geld Medal TOMATO JUICE, ..small tin 5c., large 10c. gp Ib. tin 19c. Mincemeat.. DECI SC SERENE tees Teese CECE) "eee | Fr ry's Cocoa, ifie rife alii MTR "jh ATER GET YOUR LIFE, FIRE, AUTOMBILE, - and THEFT INSURANCE HAROLD Ww. EMMERSON Phone 41 ~ Port Perry 'Beginning the New Year, you will be making resolutions-- Why not this one--"Resolved to buy my meat from Cawker Bros." We will assure you of the best at the lowest possible prices, , Co. - CAWKER BROS. Phone 29w, Port Perry. Prompt Delivery Order your Magazines and Periodicals "A Happy New Year To All "ORR C. BROWNE .,"WATKIN'S PRODUCTS" A Happy New Year to Everybody happy by providing - at very moderate prices. tables to ensure good health. BON The Modern Fruit and Vegetable Market Anthony Caruso, Prop. made an ideal chairman. Todd 3 id 8:2) sia ok VRE Hi THE MODERN F RUIT and VEGETABLE STORE wilkdo all that is possible to make your New Year the best the market affords _ +: Eat fruit aud vege- Phone 208. We deliver from The Port Perry Star O all people, who travel. on this road of life with us, we extend hearty greet- ings, and may you receive all the things you deserve .- during the year 1936. FRED E. REESOR Phones: Office 73 w; Res. 73

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