Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star (1907-), 2 Jan 1936, p. 3

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"RR. O'NEILL "GEO. A. ASHER ae, ssc, 40¢., Boc., and 55c. "dozen. ornia (TT flowers, Sweet Potatoes, : Paani, & Pepper ek Green Peppers, Tu 8 - 3 and Public School held a _Cliristmas Entertain- mber 10th, at the school, el Diamond in. the chair. ; Miss W. Niddery accom- male quartette--Messrs. , 'Merlin Gilroy, fot Mrs. H. accompanied her daughters Miss Mae Barber rave a Very interesting Christmas mologue. Recitations 'were given uth Diamond, Ray and Clare Ver- on, Bobbie Middleton and Stewart es. Several dialogues 'entitled "A sr the Bed", "Trying to 8", "Courtship ior { plelod a varied and \ Misges K. t for their' achievements. aus appeared | at the cloge and m a prettily deco- The | EE ora and family from Marjory Bray of Green ' Jean. 'McClintock, Chas. Web- John Varcoe and 1 Marion Holtby Toronto. priate sermon on Sunday 20:6. The part| with her parents. - | Victor 'Henderson. "Three: 'Christmas schoolroom was also| - | Reynolds, Uxbridge, with Mr. and Mrs. Grant Christie, Mrs. L. Lamb, eed, for 25c., and 5 for 25¢. Fresh Roasted Peanuts, 2 bs. 19¢. 'Hall. The attendance was not as large program. The address of welcome was given in verse form by Doreen Johnson and a word exercise '"Wel- 'come' was presented by Joyce McKee, 'Doreen Johnson, Helen Franklin, Har- ley Johnson, Peter Swanson and Billie Stewart, Recitations were given by Bruce Cooper, Helen Franklin, Victor Henderson, Doreen and Harley John- son. The entire school sang a motion song. entitled Clock Song" and a 'chorus "On Christmas Eev". Victor Henderson sang "Animal Crackers in My Soup". "The Unwilling Tramp" Jean Luke, Ruth Luke, Marion Frank- lin and Arthur Mitchell. . Another 'dialogue entitled' "Who Salted the Soup?" given by Rose Masters, June Mitchell, Helen Franklin, Harley 'Johnson: and Wesley Johnson caused plenty of amusement when "Pa" who was Wesley Johnson, found that for .once on his birthday, every one had remembered to salt his soup. "Marry- ing off Father" a'longer play put on by grown ups, had the following caste "Father", Milt Butson, his three child- ren "Christopher", Elwood Crosier; "Lloyd", Maunsell Gerrow; 'Sure", Mrs, Elwod Crosier; "Alda Sayler", a cousin and family advisor, Dolly Rees, "Mrs. Findley" a neighbor, = Mrs. Cooper, Guitar selection, Murray and 'as usual owing to the severe weather; | those present 'enjoyed the following| 'was a short dialogue ably given by | 0 store. tor 'thie whe see. that 2OREY pair "Midnight" and "Dahlia." Miss Alverta Mitchell, of Whitby, is .| spending a week with her parents Mr. | and Mrs. Jas. Mitchell. : We are sorry to report that Mr. | Aubrey Simpson is still very ill with pneumonia in Toronto General Hos- pital. We hope to soon hear of im- provement. EE a HONEYDALEL The regular meeting of the W. will be held at the home of Mrs. W. [ J. Jackson on Thursday evening, Jan. oth. d 'At the annual Statutory meeting of the School supporters of Section No. 9, Reach, Mrs, Jaa. Owen was elected on the school board in place of Mr. Alonza Williams, who has been on the board for twenty-five years and 'was not seeking another term. We con- gratulate Mrs, Owen on being the first lady elected in this section. * Miss Beth Symes, nurse-in-training in Oshawa hospital, spent Christmas with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Symes. Mr. and Mrs. McDowell, of Janet- ville, Mr. D. Suggett, of Nestleton, Mr. B. Buttle, of Oshawa, and Mr. L. Holley, 'of Toronto, were Christmas guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. 0. Edwards, Mr. and Mrs. Waridel were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. J, Jackson, on Sunday evening. Mr, and Mrs. W. Mark and family were Sunday visitors of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W, J. Jackson. Mr, and Mrs, O. Edwards spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Craw- ford, in Blackstock. members--J ) Luke, Doreen and: 'Harley Johnson and 'stories developed the 'spiritual and worldly meaning of Christmas. Miss Thompson read "The Shepherd's Story, by F. Richie Smith; Miss 'Hooper, read the other half of the 'Christmas Message by Mrs. M. 0. J. | Kreps; "Mrs. E. Holtby read "The Christmas List" a monologue by Mar- garet: R. Subach.- Mrs, Frank John- .son was appointed delegate to the annual meeting at Whitby on Jan. 16, Words of appreciation were extended to Mrs. Vernon, retiring president, for her faithful services during the past|- year and she was appointed an Hon. President in recognition of her lead- ership. Miss Rees offered her home for the January meeting. We chose the word "Love" for the key-word in our Scripture verses in answer to the roll-call. We sang "Blest be the Tie That Binds"; and Mrs. Walker closed the 'meeting. with prayer. The com- plete slate of officers for 1986 is. as follows: Hon. Presidents--Mrs. I Yornon and Mrs, Ww. F. Walker. Ass't Presidents--Miss A. Thompson and Miss J. Hooper. Treasurer--Miss A. Rees. Secretary--Mrs. E. Holtby. Missionary Monthly Sec.--Miss Rees' i Associate Helpers" See.--Mrs, Vernon Press Sec--Mrs. Elwod Crosier = / Temperance Sec,--Mrs. W. Walker Strangers' -Sec.--Miss A. Thompson. Peace Bec--Mrs. H. R. Murphy. Literature Sec--Mrs. Greaves. Christian Stewardship--Miss Hooper Finance Com. -- Mijss Rees, Miss Hooper, Mrs. Walker. Pianist--Mrs., W. Walker. a Bee a Minong the Christmas holiday visit- | ars we noticed Miss Verna Masters and friend Toronto, at her home here. Mrs. J. Bain, Toronto, with her par- ents Mr, and Mrs, Jos, Mitchell. Miss Dorothy Roper, Toronto, with Mr. 'and Mrs. John Masters. Miss Anni KY Bis Miss Doris Johnson, Toronto, with Miss Helen Crosier. "Miss Marion Holtby, Toornto ~ Mr, F. Franklin, Port Perry, with' Mr, 'John Moore. Messrs. Geo, and-Walter Fowlie with _ Among those way for the holidays ere Mr. and Mrs, 'Lloyd MeKeo and Keith Wilson. A pantomime "Little 41 Town of Bethlehem" was presented by Mina Dobson, Jean Luke, Ruth Luke, June: Mitchell, Rose Masters, Marfon Franklin and Medeline Thorn, as Miss Grace White sang the hymn. The : program closed with a tableau, "Must Jesus bear the Cross" sung by Mr. and Mrs, Bert Oliff and given by Mrs. Cooper, Jean. Luke, Helen Crosier, Mrs. Elwood Crosier, Mina Dobson, Reta Munro, Joyce McKee, Doreen Johnson, Helen Franklin and Mildred Cooper. Blue footlights made the pciutre most "appealing. Santa "Claus "arrived in due time and dis- tributed gifts and candy to all. Mrs, Frank Luke is entertaining the . Brooklin Women's Institute on Friday, Jan. 3rd, The gathering will be in the form of a grandmothers' meeting and grandmothers in the so- ciety wil assist with the program. Mrs. E. A. Harris, Winnipeg, Mrs. 'Van Valkenburg, of Whitby and Mr. and Mrs. Norman White, of Brooklin, were guests of Mr. and Mrs." Elwood Crosier on Friday last. Mr, Arnold Roach, of London, was home for the week end. Mr, Isaac Walls, of Pipestone, Man- itoba, arid Miss Mary Walls, of Tot- tenham, are visiting their sister Mrs. I. M. Vernon. The Community Club met on Thurs- day evening the 26th with a smaller attendance than usual. Affer a short business meeting, the program, one of the best of the season, was given. '/A number of guest artists assisted; making it a real treat. Miss Marion Goode, who is spending her vacation at her home in Port Perry, gave lib- erally of her readings in her usual happy manner. Miss Goode is al- 'ways a welcome 'visitor at Man- chester. Mrs, Moon, of Raglan, sang two golos and Mr. Moon and Mr. Pilkey, of Raglan, sang a duet which was much enjoyed. A recitation by 'Bruce Cooper, mouth organ selection by Jack Butson. The Brushville Darky Trio--Fred Brooks, Orr Gra- jokes, with Miss Jessie Walker at the 'piano. They also entertained as the Brushville symphony orchestra. Danc- ing was enjoyed until "eleven, Mr, W. 'Rogers and sons, of Epsom, providing excellent music. The prize for lucky ' number dance was won by. Byron Holtby, and Mrs. Elwood Crosier and the spot. dance by Miss Margaret Johns and Mr. N. Tindall <@ "On January Oth the meeting will take. tha form of an amateur hour,' | vited, Cn to be given to Mrs,' Elwe sier not later than noon,' Mr. Norman White, Brook- udges will be Mrs, Norman "Cash "pr eligible. Co i H. Carnochan. : : Miss Luella Jeffrey spent the week Congratulations to little Pearce on winning third prize in the Rexall Store contest--a lovely doll, Also to Audrey Ploughman on win- ning the ninth prize. Jackson and her daughter Mrs, J. L, Sweetman, winning so many prizes at ing a few days with her daughter Mrs, end with her brother Orr. Aurora, were recent guests of Mr, and Mrs. J. Pearce. : There were a number enjoyed their Christmas with relatives off the Is- land--Mr. and Mrs, R. Prentice with her sister Mrs. Brown, of Epsom; Mr. and Mrs. Alf, Prentice and Ross with Mr. and Mrs. R. Prentice, Port Perry; Mr, and Mrs. E. Reader and family, Mrs, R. Reader and Owen, with her sister Mrs, W. Gerrow, of Reach. Mr. Geo, Shunk and family at his brother's, Mr. A, Shunk at Prince Albert. Mr. and Mrs, O, Jeffrey and child- ren with Mrs. 'D. Harrison of Prince Albert, Mr. and Wm. Jeffrey and family Mr, and Mrs. Beacock at Mr. and Mrs. G. Jeffrey's, Port Perry. Mr, and Mrs. S. Rodman at her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs, E. C. Ashton, Enniskillen, Mr. Geo. Bratley and daughter witn Mr. and Mrs. Perry, Port Perry. daughters, Jona and Dona of We were pleased to see Mrs, Robt. ' the Port Perry Christmas Fair on non. d Mrs. W. Mark of Shirley is spend-['} Mr. and Mrs. Ground and family, ot 3 with her mother in Barrie; Mr. and |§ Misses Blanche, Burnice, and Eileen | f Sweetman, Mr, and Mrs. D. Lewis and | } f HAWES' LEMON OIL ROASTED PEANUTS ..... RED & WHITE STORE Red & White Pastry F lour 1! Hag, 59 QUAKER FLOUR, XXXX GOLD MEDAL COFFEE; OXYDOL, small 10c.. . LIFEBUOY SOAP. . CANADA CORNSTARCH . SARCASM ELIE. baila "bars tor ase. «isos. per or bottle 28c. Marshmallow "BISCUITS 2 Ib. 27c. GILLETTS LYE ..... ASSORTED CANDY .per Ib, 15e. P. & G. SOAP ..5 bars for 19¢, GOLD MEDAL FLOOR WAX, I's . B21. 14 01 1B tin 25¢. WHIZ TOILET FLUSH ...............0c0s...per tin 19¢. BLUEBELL COFFEE . Ledibinins CHE per Ib. 26e. 49c. «ov .per Ib. 10c. FIVE ROSES FLOUR, 24's ...per bag 89c¢. NATIONAL MATCHES .... «ve ..3 boxes 26c. GOLD MEDAL HEALTH SALTS ............per tin 15¢. GOLD MEDAL QUICK TAPIOCA, 4 0Z. ........pkg. 10c. CHOICE SPINACH ...per tin 17c. «....per tin 12¢, Supreme Chocolates Lb. 9B, Lb DR RNR Christ OL Mr. and Mrs; Fred Raines, were Mr. and Mrs. Walton, 6f Newcastle, Mr. and Mrs. McConnachie and Mr. Merlin Raines, of Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Jackson and Edna spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs..W. Mark, of Port Perry. .Miss W. Robinson is visiting with her sister Mrs, F. Raines, Mrs. Glen Dunn and little son Jim- mie, of Bowmanville, have gone home after spending a week with the form- er's parents Mr. and Mrs. J. Owen, Mr. and Mrs, E. Jennings, of To- ronto, Miss F. Wells, Mrs. Thomson and Anna, of Blackstock, and Mr, and Mrs. Harold Mills, of Enniskillen, spent Christmas with Mrs. C. Walls. We are very pleased to know that Mr. J. Wells, who has been in the Peterboro Hospital for some time is able to be out again. Dr. and Mrs. R. Honey, of Pater- boro and Dr. and Mrs. M. Honey, of Toronto spent Christmas with Mr. and Murs, Chas. Honey. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Honey spent Mr, and Mrs, J, Miller, The correspondent takes this op- portunity-of wishing one and all "A Very Happy and Prosperous New Year. SCUGOG "~ School starts on Jan. 6th, so make the best of your holidays children. The trustees for S.S. No. 1 are-- Messrs. T. Redman, M, Collins and L. Pearce. For No. 2--Messrs. Geo. Sweetman, J. Demara and R. Tetlow. For No. 3--Messrs. F. Clark, Robt. Reader, N. Crozier. At the nomination meeting the were nominated-- For Reeve--F. Gerrow, R. Carter, J. Aldred. For Councillors - -- Wm, Jeffrey, J Demara, R. Prentice, E. Heayn, Geo. Hood, Fred Jackson. 4 Winter 4 Port Perry. hi 5 ile warded, 'Novelty numbers as | - Sympathy is extended to Mr. Wm. ham and. Bob Walker, were good with! Hodgson and family in the death of their . cigar-box banjos, songs and, Mrs. Hodgson. Mrs, 'Burnham attended a quilting party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. IK. Lee at Chalk Lake, where there were about twenty attended and had a «social time quilting. Quite a number on the Island heard 'the King's message over the radio on Christmas morning. On Christmas eve about thirty ' friends and neighbours gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs: Wm. Dods- ley to help them celebrate their 25th '| Outside contestants are cordially in: wedding anniversary. The house was | tastefuly decorated for the occasion. A very pleasant time was spent by all after which a dainty lunch was served. : Mr, and Mrs. Dodsley re- .| happy couple many returns of the day. The Girls' Institute will 'meet. on wary 11th instead of the 4th, rd, Thomson and daughter Aria and Miss Verna McNally, of Black- And make this this so & nigh of the Christmas with the latter's parents| .| a visitor here on Sunday. ceived many lovely gifts. We wish the| ro.fotent puesta of Ms. and |, Jackson. : with Mr. and Mrs. A. Sweetman. There were many happy gather: Mrs, Aylesworth of Oshawa, Mr. Ww. ford of Blackstock, Mr. and Mrs. F. Pearce and Eva, Mr. and Mrs. R. Tetlow and children, with Mr. Mrs. J. Pearce. Miss F. Clark of Montreal, Mrs. Teel, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs.. R. Fow- with Mr. and Mrs. O. Reader Mr. and/Mrs. Bert Cliff and farmily of Port Perry and Mr. Joe Lucas with Mr. and Mrs. C. Reader. Messrs. Kingsley and Fred Joblin, and Miss Gladys Joblin of Toronto, and Miss Dorothy Joblin of Stirling, Mr. and Mrs. J. Joblin, all at the parson- age. Mr. and Mrs. T. Asher and son Arthur of Port Perry with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Jackson, Mr. Fred Gow of Ollinka at his home here, Mr. and Mrs. W. Crozler, Mr. and Mrs. F. Crozier, Mr. J. Crozier, Mr. and Mrs. N. Crozier, with Mr. and Mrs. R. Hood, ; Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Schell and daughters, Mr. Allie Mark, at Mrs, Pettit's. Mr. and Mrs. 'D. Hope "and, family with Mrs. Hope's sister, Mrs. C. Hardy. Mr, and Mrs. Robt. Jackson with Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Sweetman. Mr. Wm. Hope with his sister, Mrs. H. Demara. Mr. Kingsley Joblin will have charge of the Church services at the usual hours on Sunday. I Atl fA MYRTLE Mr. Charlie Taylor of Whitby, was /The annua] school meeting was held last week, but unfortunately there was not a very large attendance. Two new trustees were appointed to take the places of Messrs. Arthur Maw and George Painter. "After a number of years of service on the board, Mr. Maw retired this yedr. The board now consists of Messrs, John Grant, Elmer Cook and Frank Booth. The inspec- tor's report showed that the school at- tendance, etc,, was in splendid shape, and it suggested-that the building be wired for electricity to counteract the difficulty of dark days. After con- siderable discussion this was placed aside for future discussion. Rev. Mr, Honey made a very capable chairman, Congratulations to Mr, and Mrs, A. Lawrence, of Port Perry, upon the gift of a baby boy, on Saturday, Dec. 21st--James Garfield, Much sympathy is felt for Mr, John Quinn in the recent death of his sister Mrs, John Gruer. Miss Margaret Ross of Margaret Eaton School, Toronto, spent the holi- days with her aunt Mrs, KE. E, Mole, Master Allin Booth has been holi- (daying with: his sunt and pele in Toronto, 'held on Pai and | § ler nad son Allan, of Ebenezer were |} Mr. E. Joblin of Buckhorn Lake, | Caesarea, Mr, and Mrs. S. Sweetman. }L ings held on Christmas Day: Mr, and Pearce and friend, Miss Clara Craw- |}! Extra Large PRUNES 2 lbs. for 23c. GOLD MEDAL TOMATOES, y large tins ... FUGEE BEANS . QUAKER BRAN . PUFFED WHEAT PUFFED RICE pkg. 13¢c: 0X0 CUBES, . ci eee d's per tin 10c. ide per tin 25¢. WALKER SODAS (1 1b. bags) ... ..2 Ibs. for 25¢. .. .per tin 10¢. ..per tin 11c. per pkg. 13ec. oie pkg. 10c. Teen NT TIN TN DICED CARROTS 3 tins for 25c. Phone 49 Port Perry => GET YOUR ; LIFE, FIRE, AUTOMBILE, 'and THEFT INSURANCE HAROLD W. EMMERSON Phone 41 Port Perry Beginning the New Year, you will be making resolutions-- Why not this one--"Resolved to buy my meat from Cawker Bros." We will assure you of the best at the lowest possible prices. cs - CAWKER BROS. Phone 29w, Port Perry. Prompt Delivery THE CHOICE OF GOOD MEATS IS EASY IF YOU BUY -- FROM -- BERT MacGREGOR L wal lt meeting : i .- NE RYT ALRAS FAL SANT GTN For Quality Groceries and Reliable Service = try Te J. F. McCLINTOCK "The Family Grocer" Phone 86 PORT PEI y of this week, | Bf A [SE

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