Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star (1907-), 2 Jan 1936, p. 6

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PAGE EIGHT "EPSOM Glad to report that the sick people of Epsom are rapidly coming back to complete recovery. 'The Election of Officers for the kpsom Sunday School" was held on 'suesday atternoon epsom has a live Sunday School and iv is hoped the new officers will have us good support as the old. A more loyal staff ot officers and teachers it would be ditticult to find, Kev. D. A. Ferguson, B.A, of Port Ferry, was calling on sick friends and parishioners on, Christmas Day. His coming on that happy day was much uppreciated by thos¢ who were for- funate enough to be included in the list, 'the monthly Ladies' Aid meeting of the Kpsom congregation this week is aestined to be held at the home of Mrs. Norman rrentice. The ladies of the congregation and community are niost cordially invited to be present. Quite a number of friends during the past week have been taking ad- vantage of the holiday scason to visit the sick folk and shut-ins. The com- ing of so many during these past few days brought comiort_to taosc who look for cheery faces of by-gone days. The young people of Epsom have been conducting the mid-week prayer service at Ipsom. This week three young men of the congregation are expected to conduct the meeting on Thursday night in the basement of the church. These young people need encouragement, You can give it by your presence. We need to show them that the influence that they are striv= ing to impart on the community is - appreciated by their friends. PRINCE ALBERT The annual business meeting of the Women's Association was held in the church basement on Thursday afternoon. A New Year .llymn was sung. The Scripture reading which was the 103th Psalm and prayer were taken by the President. Iach mem- ber gave:a favorite Bible verse. On 'motion the officers were all re-elected, namely: President, Miss M. Madden; Vice-President, Mrs. G. Luke; Seere- tary, Mrs. H. R. Murphy; Treasurer, Mrs. W. Martyn; Fruit and Flower Com., Mrs. A. Hunter and Mrs. I. Philp. After some discussion it was decided to have a 'Pot Luck" Social in Jan. 15th, followed by the regular League meeting. - Several of the shut- ins .of the village sent their thanks for the Christmas box of fruit which they had received from the W. A. The meeting closed by singing "Standing at the Portal of the Opening Year". Mrs. Hunter and Mrs. Luke had charge of the following program: a reading by Miss Madden, a reading by Mrs. Murphy, a reading by" Murs. W. Martyn, a solo by Mrs. Ettey. Lunch was served by Miss Madden and Mrs. Murphy, and although it was very cold 'outside, an enjoyable time was spent inside.- Next Sunday, Communion will be held. The Men's Class held its business meeting on Monday night last. On a carried motion the same oflicers were .re-instated. Several matters of busi- ness were discussed, among them it was decided that the class would pay nine dollars towards the Missionary Fund, also that it would pay for one half of the Onwards ordered by the S S. and would obtain a cord of wood as its share towards the fuel bill, ~ Following this the Sunday School held its annual business meeting with Rev. Mr. Smyth in charge. The same . executive was returned. service Rev. Mr. Swayne, a former pastor here, visited in our village last week: Among the visitors at their hbges for Christmas were: Miss Robina Me- Crea, Misses Elva and Aileen Hope and Jack Butson. Ralph Lyle was at Mr. and Mrs. Frank Vickery's; Mrs. Geo. Johnston at Mr. Russell Butson's, Mrs. Norman Lyle and-Murray with 'Mr. and Mrs. P. Raymer; and Mis. R. Bond with Mrs. Luke. The annual School meeting was hela last Thursday night. The new trustee is Mr, Ben Smith, The Young People have been enjoy- ing skating on the Duck Pond. On Monday the "shack" was moved back in pieces to its old site by Mr. Hunter, assisted by about twenty-five husky helpers, K : Mr, and Mrs, Regan and family ave enjoying the Christmas holidays at their home here, : ~~ We are sorry that Mr. T. Dobson is not as well as we would like to gee Gentlemen! do riot forget choir on. Friday night. / le Hopé was in Toronto a Decemebr 31. president, Miss Laird, Send the past week with her parents, We hope the ship "Good Wishes" will bring to every reader rich cargoes, of health and prosperity throughout the ensuing year 1936, Myrtle Station ¢ A Happy New Year to all A special New Year's message was delivered on Sunday evening by Rev. W. E. Honey, who used for. his text purt of verse 6, chapter 20 of 2nd Kings--*1 will add unto thy: days fifteen years." A pleasing solo was sung by Miss Marion Martyn, of Wel- come, who was spending the week end at the parsonage, Christmas visitors with Mr. and Mrs Morley Cook were Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Moorey and grandchildren Ethel, Bernice and Dorothy, of Enniskillen; Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Blanchard and son Arthur of Solina, Mr. and Mrs. IF. Ashton and family, of Oshawa, Mr. Art. Wilson of Columbus, Mr. Art. Goring and Mr. Wn. Oshawa. Miss Vera Masters, Toronto, spent Christmas with her parents. Mrs. W. H. McCartney, Dorothy, Phyllis, Hazel and Wilma, of Brooklin, spent Christmas with the former's parents Mr. and Mrs. C. Harrison. Mrs. Jos, Simkin and Doris spent the holiday with relatives in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. A. I. Ramsay were with relatives in Uxbridge for the holidays. Mur. and Mrs. W. Malley, of Oshawa, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. IE. Masters, ~~ Mr. Nelson Luery, of Toronto, was a Christmas gues{ of Mr. D. Luery. Miss Nellie Nash, of Oshawa, was quest of Miss Viva Briggs recently. Mr. and Mrs. R. Chisholm spent Christmas in Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Perey and son Harold spent Christmas with relatives in Pickering. The annual meeting of the Sunday School is being held on Friday even- ing of this week in the Church. Miss Mildred Harrison is spending a month in Toronto. ~ Mr. Earl Squelch, of Raglan, called on relatives here on Friday. Mr. H. Barnum and Mr. J. Glover, of Oshawa, came up here on Tuesday to hunt jack rabbits which are be- coming numerous than they used to be. Mr. and Myrs. Frank Harrison and Gordon spent Christmas with Mf. and Mrs. Gascoyne, of Brooklin, Gordon remained for the holiday season. Much sympathy is felt for Mr. John Quinn in the death of his sister Mus. John Gruer, who was buried at Port Perry on Dec. 24th. known in this district, having lived in this vicinity many.yvears. She had heen in failing health for a number of year and had spent the past year with Mr. and Mrs. Quinn. Mr. and Mrs. John McAlpine, of Toronto, Mr. Will and Miss Helen Me- Alpine, of Reaboro, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Beacock, last week. Miss Margaret Armstrong, of New Liskeard, is holidaying at her home herve. more ------ te ---- WAKEFIELD I. M. FENTON DIES IN ONTARIO, ONLY A FEW DAY ILL. (St. John, N.B., Times-Globe) Wakefield M. B. Fenton, eldest son of Mrs. Lillie M. and the late" W. IL Fenton, died early Saturday, in Lon- don, Ont., after a few days' illness of bronchial pneumonia, according to word reaching the bereaved family here by telegram during the week end. It was the first break in a family of ten children. The father passed away seven years ago. y Many friends in this city learned of the! death with regret, as Mr. Fenton had been widely and popularly in the younger circle, prior to his leaving St. John to yeside in Upper Canada in 1927. Mr. Fenton was born-in Saint John on August 10th, 1904. He was edu- cated at Rothesay Collegiate School. In Upper Canada he spent some time in Ottawa and Toronto and less than a year ago moved to London where he entered the-bhond brokerage business, Deceased leaves to mourn, besides his mother, seven sisters and two brothers, The sisters are Mrs. Frank L. Miller, of Hampton, Mrs: T, A. Me- 'Avity, Saint John, Mrs. Oliver Crom- well, Cookshire, P.Q.; Mrs, Stanley Scott, Fredericton, and the Misses Rosamonde, at home, Lillie at Monc- ton, and Joyce at home, the brothers "| are I. George, and Paul M. Hockey--Jan. 7th "The opening Junior. Hockey game January 7th, 1036, The Lindsay Junior team will prose the ?pposi. \tjon for the. locals. Britton, of She was well | will be played at Port Perry on Tues, | LL AS SHOWN AT . GENERAL Port Pe ry Finances NDAY'S NOMINATION MEETING ACCOUNT DECEMBER 16th to DECEMBER 31st, 1934 RECEIPTS Bal. in Bank, Dec. 16th, 1934 ... Current taxes REVIT Interest Poll Taxes Weigh Scale Fees ......cccovveiiinses Tax Sales, County ......c...c0nn FER T Road Exp. Recovered .............. ire Licence Fees Road Oiling Adjustment, W. W. Dept. 337.13 108.63 12.00 617.80 28.27 6.75 3.40 4,07 126.62 PE I SCR UIC IRCA PEERY - $2160.61 veers $1471.84 EXPEN DITURES cr alve denen 147.88 8.42 88.40 341.10 © p48 2.00 247.50 Salaries .... Office XPENSES ov vevensavnsssnssaans Roads Relief Town Hall Weigh Scales Exp. ..... Street Lights, 2 months ..........0c00s Ornamental lights ........... Police EXP. vovererennnoesoruanssnrons 16 Insurance Paid .......... 90.00 Debenture Interest ive res ve veda 370,50 Bal. in Bank Dec. 31, 1934. veeve.. 121514 EE EE IER) ERE EE shes tana PEE ER ER EIR a) crass erasers PEER EEE RRR) Varese ORR Peseta $2160.61 JANUARY 1st, TO DECEMBER 15th, 1935 RECEIPTS Bal. in Bank, Jan. 1st, 1936 . cere sd 1215.14 Licence Fees ...ovvivisenans i ee .. 886.00 Town Hall, rentals ........... * 169.756 Sales of 'Road Material ... 2.30 Tax Arrears, paid ... 'Tax Sale Arrears Paid Current Taxes. ...oovvevieeenenns PE Weigh Scale Fas oiuiciee LRG re Police Exp. recovered ......... A A Dog Taxes Poll Taxes Rents received Accounts received Releif Recoyered (including road work) County re Road Work ........... eon (Balance of $980.88 to come) Interest received ......... Seren aia Road Oiling ..vovvierieienieninnes vt 2748.40 . 26076.77 274.85 -1.00 206.00 46.00 59.00 19.82 412.43 - Amusement Tax Received Cash Over Rebate re County 'Roads, 1934 Sale of land to HE.P.C."..... LaF Deficit : : 1065.49 100.00 $38,334.60 MEMO RE ROAD CONSTRUCTION, 1935 VILLAGE Wages Stone and. gravel 0il Use of Crusher SECTION-- "Use of Tractor Tile : Fees of County Engineer Wages allowed for relief, refund ...... .$1090.44 Two-Thirds .. 726.96 - 2130.21 © 1021.04 $1798 71 EXPENDITURES 1673.37 229.17 Salaries ... 00000 Office Expenses Weigh Scales Expense ... Insurance Paid ....... oi dey ve Street Lights .... oie Law Costs tv vvuvirronncossanssnnss Roads Maintenance .........e0cvs CPR County Rate Direct Relief . Town Hall expense ..... UID SLi oe Board of Education estimates . School Debenture and Interest Grants and Donations ....0v.cvieiinen Police Expense ..... Sih RECN RA Park and Wharf expenses ......... Fire Protection .. Health Department Gen. Debentures and Interest . 1934 Accounts paid in 1935 ...... : Ornamental Lights ....... FA Ap EN * Paid for County Road Constraedon - FE Municipal Road Construction PRL Misc. Expenses-- - L, C. Act Vote ......... EI 'Railway Protest . Auditor's Reports 'and Fin. Statements Voters' Lists L.C.A. Prosecution Exp. Library Opening ..... Spee. Fees, Clerk ........... E (Coll's Roll, Jurors, ete.) Sheep Killed: .......... 0. Fe : Municipal Election ......... . 16.86 County Tax Sale 196.35 1477.60 10.56 7714.06 283.63 7075.00 4763.08 848.25 86.42 .. 1282.26 6.00 1250.86 3123.85 37.07 980.88 2706.87 "516.74 Nog Pg 7 'COUNTY SECTION-- "Paid for wages ....... I Allowed for relief, refund Two-thirds revere 44719 $533.69 Refund by County..... seeeeees 941243 Bal. due by County ; $533.60 LR CURRENT Agee ann LIABILITIES AS AT DECEMBER 15th, 1935 - FP ASSETS Balance in Bank ......... 00000 idan $4192.89 Arrears Current Taxes 5109.07 Arrears Business Tax, ete. 831.03 County Treasurer for Tax Sale ...... ... 0000.35 Petty Cash ............ REE 20.00 Accounts receivable ......... 00000 vee. 30.40 Arrears Poolroom Licence 90.00 Balance due by the County re road si 121.26 $15, 395.00 LIABILITIES : Due Waterworks $5213.98 Surplus (nominal) ........c00v0v..... 1018107 Subject to loss on Collection of arrears $16,395.00 WATERWORKS ACCOUNT DECEMBER 15th to DECEMBER 31st, 1934 \ RECEIPTS Bal. in Bank, Dec. 16, 1934 ..... Received on account .......... ETRE Cash Sales . $4124.09 16.60 $4142.89 BXPRNDITURES Wages + iiviaissi COSA ATED Expense Pumping -. Shed an Vase Adjustment, of <ApRTiBes, Gen. Acct. .... Bal. in Bank, Dec. 31, 1934 . 2.00 26.60 126.62 EE EE EE RE RR EERIE $4142.89 ~ JANUARY 1, 1935 TO DECEMBER 15, 19365 RECEIPTS Balance in Bank, Jan. 1 .........; Received on account .......eoevnesos Cash Sales .iivviienns Cha veres ... $3942.28 .. 2867.68 29.06 $0828.91 ASSETS Balance due from Gen. Account ....... .$6218.98 » Accounts: Receivable ..oooinviiseiiien 801,82 EXPENDITURES { pebenture and interest SPP PST IT: 505.61 Wages . he Fak PUMPING Jue evevvmmriveeniasdionasies Power House expense FER Merchandise Purchased... ....oviviins ~ *Bal in Bank Dec. 156 and due from ; General RECOUNL svt svivesssbevisene 5218.93 AEE KENARS AAS ARAARELAS] 852.98 289.72 81.67 DER AR *Subject to adjustment of a share $6828.91 of general expenses. x Surplus, o omitting provision for bad debts sh bh vn # 414° 51.12 - 2053.90 2247.75 371.97 . $38,334.60 vere 8 4840 486.20 We Have bot the eqbipmenba; to assure our users | Li ob i 25 iv PHONE 75+ . Nitti 3388828883888 881 Ist tittsaseaesssd : pz » ER mn they last. ii DR. WEST'S TOOTH BRUSH 50¢. With very get a 25c. tube of Dr. West's Tooth Paste MALT EXTRACT and COD LIVER OIL--one 1h. Two pound jar 89c. HAMPTON COURT LINEN FINISHED STATIONERY. \ Tablets of note size, letter size or fold-over style, 9c. each. Envelopes to match 9c. pkg. On sale for one week at above prices. All new stock. = p Jar; 49¢ Morrison' 8 Drug sore Port Perry + : in wr Sp = a Gann START THE NEW YEAR RIGHT SPR If yom have not been using our "Better Fuels" 'place : your orden'with us and be assured of getting heat satis- § faction. We handle "Famous Reading Anthracite? that . better Pennsylvania Hard Coal. COKE--Hamco Dustless Coke--Nut and Range sized, Semet Solvay Coke. 4 ROSEDALE ALBERTA COAL--the same 00d Alberta, : coal we have sold the last three winters, Fresh car- load just arrived this week. Fr i HARDWOOD. HARWOOD SLABS. If you wish WELSH COAL, SCOTCH COAL, coal or coke for Jou blower or stoker, we can get you what you nee H i. PORT PERRY COAL YARD A W. G. W. PYATT : Phores--94W and 94J i "Reliable Service and Better Fuel nen pe a pS i and. Baking of the Daily We Family Requirements will be readily secured from + Jemison & Hutchinson, Bakers ORT PERRY J

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