Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star (1907-), 16 Jan 1936, p. 4

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PR AG WPT LOCAL ITEMS 'been a speaker at the PAGE FOUR . ® The Misses Ada and Harriett Dow- ner, of Lindsay, were in Port Perry on Sunday attending the Golden Jubilee services of Port Perry United Church, the guests of Mrs, Harris. Word was received on Friday of last week that Rev. H. M. Manning] of Brampton, had suffered a paralytic stroke. 'Mr. Manning was to have Golden Jubilee celebration on Wednesday of next week, Sincere regret is expressed by the many friends of Mr. Manning be- cause of his illness. His place a» speaker will'be taken by Rev. D. N. McCamus, of London, who was mini- ater of the church from 1895 to 1898.1 d Mrs. W. W. Crosier is visiting her son, Mr. Wesley Crosier, at Seagrave. Mrs. S. Farmer has been visiting her mother, Mrs. P. A. Abernethy, in 9 Toronto for a week past. x Miss Dorothy Davey, of Toronto, spent the week end with her parents. Mr. M. M. Statton, St. Catharines, spent the week end at the home of Please Take Notice! { OR will be done at thig store on a cash basis. For this .move the following .yeasons are given: for cash; we shall be able to give our customers the very best values the market affords. w ~ lower prices than formerly, because we shall no longer have a loss through bad debts. 'mutual benefit of our customers and the business. and see them. On and after February 6th, business . 1. If our goods are bought and sold 2. We shall be able to quote you Eyes Tested AND Glasses Supplied WHERE NECESSARY. I. R. BENTLEY OPTOMETRIST PORT PERRY, ONT. titties 13 3. Cash business eliminates' a great eal of unnecessary bookkeeping. The change is being made for the We have a good supply of Work litts and Gloves at the right prices, so Dress and Work Socks. Come WILLIAM WEBSTER, Mrs. W. Real. Mrs. Geo. Mark, Misses Laura and Hazel Mark, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Mark and daughter, with Mr. and R. D. Woon for Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Wilson and Mrs. Chas. Doubt, of Oshawa, with Mr, and Mrs. R. B. Smallman on Sun- day evening. On Wednesday January 29th, 1936, SERVICES feesecntesesd 1111118 titii1t 38080000 § culosis has decreased the Hception of the National Sanitarium Associat BORN BLIGHT--At Port Perry Hospital, on December 29th, 1935, to Mr. and Mrs. L. Blight, of Epsom, a daughter --Shirley Louise. a ~<a Science Reveals Increase in Tuberculous Although the death-rate from tuber- 65 per cent. since the on thirty-nine years ago, , gos number of turgons Sesding tospital treatment has increased. 'This statemen At Beatty 8 Store, Port Perry may sound paradoxical but the explan- ation is that, with the application of 7 ------ sclentific knowledge and the establish- ment of government travelling clinics, together with the offorts of other health agencits in different municipalities, a de larger number of tuberculous children : ' and adults has heen revealed and they : must be cared for. * This never-ending fight for lives and the return to health and strength is being carried out at the Toronto Hospital for Consumptives, the Muskoka Hospital , ford for Consumiptives and the Queen Mary . Hospital: for Consumptive Children It is a fact, however, that few of the : patients are able: to pay anything toward their keep and not one pays the entire cost of maintenance. Voluntary contributions from have, heretofore, ensured the carr ying on of this work of merey and the three warm-hearted friends 4% TRUST CERTIFICATES A legal Investment for Trust Funds $100. and Upwards Accepted for Terms of 5 Years. - Unconditionally Guaranteed THE STERLING - TRUSTS CORPORATION TORONTO Peterboro at Port Perry The general opinion before the game between Port Perry and Peter- boro was that Port would be walked over Jecause ' games played with Bowmanville and Cobourg seemed easily won, But ' Peterboro did not win their game without a real stiff fight. ; In the first half of the opening period both teams made little head- way, each keeping the other well checked. Then finally Peterboro got around the Port defence, scoring the 24 days Treatment Lawrence's Drug Store News. | (You can Save with Safety at Your Rexall Store) Recommended Preparations It is our constant aim to recomend only those preparations which we know are good and to save you money where we safely can.. REXALL BISMA REX--A product which has given relief to'a great fi|} number who suffered with stomach trouble. ~~ . fn Y SPAHR'S THROAT ;REMEDY--For sore throat, especially' the kind that hangs on. Two sizes 50c. and $1.50, ©... Re NEO-CHEMICAL FOOD--A rich source of all the vitamins, essential minerals in a very palatable base of Halibut "coughs, and bronchial affections. Per bottle 50c. Two sizes 766. and $1.50 Liver Oil and Malt. $1.00. 72 days Treatment $2.25. PHONE 49 " 4 Port net where before the gong rang they tallied two more on Port in close scrambles, to bring the score to 4-1, Port Perry commenced. the third period with a flying start, playing good combination and working hard. Dafoe succeeded in centering one out to DeShane who scored. Brandon REXALL BRONCHIAL SYRUP--An excellent preparation for |ji| FE : RE a ad § We will be pleased to v | quote you prices on A. M. LAWRENCE | new or repair work PORT PERRY 4 The score looks one sided but the In fact it was exceedingly fast with}. a lot of close checking. The Port Perry team have made a big improve- ment this season and it is hoped they will soon chalk up the wins. Their following games will be worth seeing. Come and cheer them on. 2 {nvm and MONEY. | ARE SAVED ? Lumber Co. game was far from being that way. fo. " PORT PERRY, ONT. WHEN THINGS ARE IN.GOOD REPAIR" ¥ Ny | Sm N. Griffen Phone 240 compared with adjoining municipali- Mrs. William Nott, Sr., will celebrate hospitals must depend largely, upon Sch Th hens, 4 o£ : ; to Daf : : i ; 'her 91st birthday: We ure pleased-to 1886--1936 fe ar ayy | Set Boned a onl Toros, Thy! seeved 5 P00 or on The manage of the Peterboro team note that she is enjoying good health. . ganitariym Assuciation. 223 College | p+ Jord in then SD ee Then Port played too openly in their | stated that--Port Perry provided the \ o Booch He ' ttempt t leavi i Ti : : J ELECTED MODERATOR PORT PERRY Es ra Petr A at A Dass, Sppesiion. Sy have. meh this {XS iptomelris At a meeting of Lindsay Presbytery s Re . area pased to Defoe who scored. The goals, making. their chances ver li ig : : Eo i . . : C1 y A 4 1 y slim : no of the Presbyterian Church, held in United Church a LAME BACK a Sdkk 4nded with Port only one; on top of that a fluke bounced in : Ep Eyesight Specialist TEL i Lindsay on Tuesday of this Wek, Rev. WEEE ih . a LAME BACK, RHEUMATISM, ale ) . : ni and out making a total of eight for| AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK Open Monday, 'Wednesday, ey D. A. Ferguson, of Port Perry, was Jan. 12, 19, 22 |B, UMBAGO, respond quickly to = In the second period their was much | Peterboro. Port did not cease. to A mai RE and Friday Evenings, by. ak elected Moderator for the ensuing siX| [] RUMACAPS ht = hard' ¢hecking, resulting in the Peter-| fight however, and finally "Dafoe Baht AND IMPLEMENTS 2 Fo) appointment at al : } iy MISA H, Rev. W. J. H, Smyth, M.A, B.D, | P. G. MORRISON " = boro players doing a lot of long shoot- | broke through and scored a fourth,| The property 'of: J: "Ac: Sweetman, 1 a DISNEY BLOCK En : 3 | ot 5 Es Minister. a ; = ing (one shot nearly injured B.| but the period ended too soon for| lot +7, Con. 10, Scugog Island," on oi Oshawa: B- it | -- a RUM AC APS u Cawler, but he rallied around alright) them to rally back and Peterboro won Tuesday; Jan. '28th; 'at--one o'clock.{' | Opp: 'Post Office, Phone 1516 BY a i T own Council a i a order to get the puck down to the| 8-4. E See' bills for' list. Terms cash." "icq . et ; k : ; Eo fe x 2 | meeting of the Port : "7 Ted Jackson, Auctioneer, | WETTING HSS MST. i FET : initi i or : m-- . SO A a BE oe for. 1036, al pied rm mma | ; eri Sd fe) |SUITS CLEANED s+ + bers were present and signed the A ; : : 2 ! Ni CE Hii : x rhe WE A declaration of office. | : he Smile of Catisfaction I, W. A, Edwards, Prince Albert Suis sponged 2nd pressed od The following Committees were 8p- Ons... demand fh he ents : PR - : i i partys' concerned in : > % NLR pointed: or bi 2 ~ b ing wood in, Al Dry Cleaned $1. od Finance--W. M. Letcher and J. E. "Increased sales prove that'many more people - baying on lie ood 3p Prine al Nv y i YR $1 00 ; Jackson are pleased to shop at "Dominion." You, too, =| hert return' game . to, 'ay ful owner, |. C P ROLP fen Ha A Ro a R. M. Holtby and H. R can be Niojoughiy hea if yo shop where otherwise party concerned "will _ be so H FE alg--x. W. tad hg you are always sure of fresh foods at "Do- dealt with law. -- ere Ta NR r 3 |B Archer. minion's" low prices: ! 34 £: ih 2 Te necorfing . hi tus 1 Over the Observer Office REE 'Relief--R. J. Harris and W. M. : : ft i nals Sug TS Sy RTT 13 ER ii i FE W ARNING! '. an Hi n {=| OLD "Letcher. Property and Fire--J. E. Jackson and H. R. Archer. Water and Light--H. R. Archer and R. J. Harris en The following appointments were made:- Mr. A. B. Cawker to High School Board for three years. } Mr. Wm. Graham as member of the Board of Health for 1936. Mr. S. A. Wallace as weed inspector for 1936. Ra Mr. Geo. Aird as Assessor for 1936 at a salary of $100. Mr. Wm. Nesbitt as Tax Collector for 1936. Mr. H. G. Hutcheson as Auditor at a salary of $76.00. Mrs. W. H. Harris as member of the Library Board. A PORT PERRY ASSESSMENT CLAIMED TOO HIGH The Editor of the Port Perry Star Sir,--For at least two or three years prior to 1920, a number of our rate- payers justly complained that the small homes of the village were taxed for full value, and the better homes were taxed ridiculously low. This was so apparent that a proposition was 'suggested at the 1919 nomination that three valuators he appointed. I personally promised that this would be done, and accordingly a (carpenter) contractor, a real estate agent, and an independent valuator were assigned the task, and on the basis of seventy- five per cent. of .the values of pro- perties, for taxation purposes, the total assessment was raised to $790, 000. But since the County assessment had just been fixed for the next five _ years, there was ample opportunity to lower the assessment. I have from time to time urged this to be done, but unfortunately, the village has been assessed on this basis up to date, thus 'a factor in causing us to pay a larger County Rate than we should. It, would appear now that our actual assessment value has depreciated from $790,000 to $674,713, which, ro. La ties, for County purposes, is grossly ir, 1 would suggest that an ad- us ment to our assessment be made parity with the other munici- REV. JAS. SEMPLE, B.A, s.T.D., D.T.H. Bay of Quinte Conference, United Church of Canada. President, Jubilee Anniversary Services Sunday, January 19th. Rev. James Semple, of Belleville, President of the Bay of Quinte Con- ference, will preach at 11 am. and 7 pm. A ladies' quartette from the Simcoe Street United Church, Osha- wa, will assist the choir at both ser- Turkey Supper Roast Turkey Supper and splendid concert by visiting ministers and To- ronto artists. ----t--o>- IN-MEMORIAM . WELLS--In loving memory of a dear husband and father Charles Wells, who passed away January 20, 1938. Gone dear father, gone to rest; Away from sorrow, care and pain, May you rest in peace dear father Until we meet again. {i Sadly missed by wife and family. a PLEASE KEEP THE SIDEWALKS CLEAN By-laws Nos. 845 and 847 require the householder to keep the sidewalk fronting his property clean. Failure to do this makes it very dangerous walking in town. Taken at the proper time keeping walks clean is not a difficult task. CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION ~ . 7 p.m~--Evening Service, SE F< corr ST. JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH fe Rev, D. A, Ferguson, B.A., Minister igned). Jas, Lucas, Service next Sunday in St. John's On Wednesday, January 22nd, a SALT from January These special values 'are effective' "18th, inclusive. 16th to January 7 The World's Best Seller "P:G Soap -25° | Free Running Or lodized 20 Pkg. 5 Santa Clara, Large Size PRUNES NEW CROP = Walnut Meats Pieces 35¢ b., 2 3-25 g Heinz Ketchup y Ao 35 Bottle pi Campbell's Tomato Soup 328 Stove Polish ZEBRA. Ay Small Tin 8 Maple Leaf Australian ; ) 4 Sweet Potatoes Church will be at 11 o'clock am. Sus 3 LARD Gh Pe 17 Peaches 2: FRUIT and VEGETABLES Tomatoes, Ib. .... . .16¢. Cabbage, head ..... Te. AL 6 ha, for 26c. Celery, ++ ss osbunch be, | KEEN'S Mustard cLassco's | i Pure Seville Orange f aaa | 'Marmalade Ia 25¢ Oranges, dozen ....23c. Oranges, large, doz 39¢. Lemons, dozen ....29¢ Grapefruit, large be. Shredded or Desiceated Cocoanut 15 11717, Port Perry. p--_-- p-- i The undersigned = hereby = gives culating false statements about my '| son Harold, that they quit making : these statements, or prove them to be |: correct. The names of the parties telling these false statements are known and action will 'be brought ugainst them if the slander continues. W. A. Edwards, Prince Albert, Ont. ih 2 LY TE aa FOWL WANTED 400 Birds--hens, geese and ducks-- city prices paid: Hens 12c. Ib; Ducks 16c. 1b., Geese 12¢. 1b, all live weight. We pay top prices for goose and duck feathers, hides and skins, horsehhir. Horses. Phone A. Gilboord, Phone "MORTGAGE SALE UNDER AND BY VIRTUE of the 'Powers of Sale contained in a certain mortgage which will be produced at the time of sale, there will he offered for sale by BSE RT. 'TED JACKSON, Auctioneer, at PUBLIC AUCTION, - 3 on FRIDAY the 81st day of January, 1936, at the hour of Two o'clock in the afternoon at the farm of ETTA FLORENCE BRIGHT, Myrtle Sta- tion, Ontario, the following property, namely: ALL AND SINGUAR those certain parcels or tracts of land and premises, situate, lying and being in the Town- ship of Whitby and County of Ontario Province of Ontario, being composed of parts of Lots numbers 20, 21 and 22, in the Ninth Concession of the said "Township of Whitby more par- ticularly described in Instrument No. 7609 for the Township of Whitby be- ing a mortgage from the said Etta Florence 'Bright tothe Agricultural Development Board, saving and ex- cepting those parts of the said Lots more particularly described in Instru- ment numbers 7724 and 8939 for the Township of Whitby. On the said farm there is said to he erected a dwelling house with suitable farm buildings. reserve bid. : i TERMS FOR SALE OF LAND; Ten per cent. of the purchase motiey to be paid down at the time of sale and the balance within thirty days, ' For further particulars and con- ditions of sale, apply to R. G. M. McDOUGALL, Solicitor; East Block, s,, Toronto, 'Ontario, warning to the persons who are cir- |' The lands will be sold subject to a | ELECTRICAL -=. Repairs . a PE bk - =; Si Phone to i 4 JOHN FARMER . worms TE Consult us if you have | fei any suspicion of failing 'eyesight. = It may save. "you years of future trouble. Sgn To F. E.LUKE & SON 163-167 Yonge St. Opp. Simpson's-- Upstairs Phone El 4820. wii "DR. W. S; HARPER Graduate of "Trinity Medical Coll and Trinity University, root ip of Medical Gradu- Font Gradoate in; Sure fo Ih ates' College an velin North "East {od Fol Crimi LA London, England, Royal Infirmary, Glasgow. Office and Stirgery--Port Perry, Ont. W.. A. Sangster DENTAL SURGEON Office Hours; 9 a.m, to 6pm. ~~ Office Up-stairs, over Emmerson's Insurance Office ser lit eer Gann iL 14 i CONANT & ANNIS Barristers; Solicitors, Notaries Ruble : GORDON D. CONANT, K.C, ALLIN F. ANNIS, BA, LLB Offices 7% Simeos Bt. 8, Oshawa Phones, 4 and B (Oshawa) ~~ = ° Court House, Whitby, (Mr. Oonant) _: Phone 7 (Whitby) Abe] Fr LL adit " and at _ ousTOM LUMBER SAWING ~ "The undersigned is prepared odo lumber sawing at his premises, fhm 3 olic the Mo DATED at orn on of January, 1936, . LA ER this third day Borelia Hill, Port Perry. Prices on application. ON HN J Hill, Port Perry i ii oH

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