Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star (1907-), 16 Jan 1936, p. 5

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13 49 - . Itis by ha meri hod--- Good Service and Good Merchan- e, soppled with fair prices and courteous treatment that "R. R, O'NEILL o Fp RED E. REESOR Phones: Office 73 wi Res. 735 GEO. A. ASHER . Tn response to the i The Port Perry Board of Free Short Course in' Agriculture and Home Economics, i "To be held in PORT PERRY HIGH SCHOOL from: Mon, Jan. 27, to Friday, 'Feb. 21 3:35 ep January is Celery Month-- Eat Celery for Health Snow White Celery Hearts, 10¢. a bunch Red Ripe Tomatoes, 2 1bs.-35¢. SPECIAL--Oranges, 2 doz. 35¢., 2 doz. 45¢. Leave orders for prompt delivery or phone 208 AS Armstrong Bros., Janetville James Casey, Valentia = ° Cullis' & Lean, Cameron A. E. Dillman Estate, Little Britain. OO fi ty h Classes Monday to Friday, 10.80 a.m. 'Special Instructors, "Interesting : and Practical Churse: Pot Study. . This Short Course is open to anybody : in Port Perry and surrounding district: . There are no entrance requirements. i ern I ETT CCB CET OO CTF AE ~The 26th ANNUAL SALE Sponsored by the ' Victoria County Shorthotn Assn. to be held in the - STINSON STABLES, 143 Kent St. LINDSAY WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 29. 1936 Offering consists of 23 males mostly of Scotch breeding and reported by the Inspection Committee to be superior to any of late years. Donors to the Sale are: reat at dont ucation: announces a 2.8, 30 fm. Roslyn Flett, Oakwood Caleb Hicks & Sons, Valentia J. Innes & Sons, Blackwater, John Parkin, Little Britain Harry Stroud, Cameron dern Fruit and ! Vegetable Market S _ Phone 208. We deliver. Harry Eyers, Lindsay No, 2 Bertram Fish, Sonya James Crssys Valentia : President. ) = "any shan or ot the Star Office for| her publication. Liam ie ; .BLACKSTOCK The W. A. of the United Church held its regular monthly' meefing at Filling i in Time until T 0 reloc: With the supper dishes cleared away, Mr, and Mrs. "Elmer Banks sit. down each Wednesday evening to a rollicking game of checkers. Really they are just f itling' in time until their son John 'makes his weekly 1: distance call from a far-away city --a few minutes ih - 7 when Night Rates ate in. effect, { That weekly chat with John is the big event in their ' placid week, He never fails them, and his cheery : chatter, means: more to them than they would e cate to say, ® On both "Anyone" and "Person- "tr Pirso calls, Low Night rates apply aftec 7.p.m id x Low Week-end rates ALL DAY SUNDAY: {he home of Mrs. John Wright with the president, Mrs. Bell in charge of the devotional service, the theme being "Starting All Over Again". After the business session the following program was given: a reading by 'Mrs. G. Jackson, "His Mother's Cooking"; Boy's Faith in God"; a reading by Mrs. Leith Byers, #Memories"; and a reading by Mrs. Russell Mountjoy. Lunch was served by the group in charge. The January meeting of the Vie- toria Women's Institute was also held at the home of Mrs. John Wright with the president Mrs.. C. Marlow in the chair. After the devotional period the business session followed during "| which arrangements were made for a progressive euchre party and social evening to be held in the Community Hall .on Friday evening the 17th. The program opened with the Institute. Rally Song after which the following numbers were given: an article on Christmas written by Rev, C. C. Har- court for the Port. Perry Star and | read by Mrs. R. Whitfield; a reading by Mrs, Percy VanCamp, "Start the New Year with a Smile", "Put on Your Old Grey Bonnet" sung by the "members in honour of Mr. and Mrs. 'Wright's Golden Wedding Anniver- sary which was celebrated recently; a reading by Mrs. C. Marlow, "I Have Found Such a Joy"; a contest Things Our Grandmothers Missed" conducted by Mrs. A. Reed and Community sing- ing." The members were disappoint- ed in not having with them Rev. H. Bell, who was to have given an ad- dress on "Peace", A hearty vote of | thanks was tendered the hostess for the use of her home and lunch was served by the group in charge with Mrs. T. Smith as convener, Twenty-five years ago: on Tocslay, December 27th, a quiet wedding took 'Geo. Hooey, Cartwright, when their GREENBANK : The annual meeting of the W. A. was held in: the church OE re i toe oer / , when the following) &T nary th, "when i President-- Mrs. Whitter, Mrs, Edgar Leask, Mrs. Mrs. Ianson, Mrs. C. 'Phair; 2nd Vice-President-- | Phair, Mrs. Chapman, Mrs, L. 0' Neill, for church--Isabel Leask, were elected: Jackson; 1st Vice-President Harvéy Real, . O'Neill; Secretary--Mrs, C, Mrs. MecKitrick. Asst Sec. --Mrs, W, Phoenix, Phair; Asst. Planist--Mrs. G.| evening. raonage Com--Mrs, J, How= er an "memorial com.--Mrs, J.| two weeks, m, Mrs. Bushby, Mrs. B. Cragg, ee . On Thursday evening several of the ladies of the W. A. met at the home Foster Ferguson. . of Mrs. McKitrick and arranged the officiated. Conveners are: Mr. and Mrs. Partridge entertained C.. Whitter; Planist-- geveral' of their' friends last Friday Mrs., M. Wallace "returned home on C, Leask, Mrs, B, Cragg; Sunday after visiting in Toronto for Mr. and Mrs. Bagshaw, of Sunder- , = Mrs, Bushby, Mrs.| land, "visited at Mr. W, Somerville's | rs,,C. Leask, Flower Com. | on Wednesday of last week, : youngest daughter Miss Lottie May was united in marriage with Mr. Rev. J. C.- Forster "The Silver Wedding An- niversary of Mr, and Mrs. Ferguson was celebated at the home of their 'daughter Mrs. Percy Philp when they were presented with a lovely clock. Mr, and Mrs. Bert Hooey, Toronto, spent the week end at the home of the former's parents Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hooey, Mrs. Alice Johnston, of Caesarea, was a recent guest of her cousin Miss Ferga Johnston. : The January meeting of the W. M. 8. of the United Church was held av the home of Mrs. N. 8. McNally, on : TED JACKSON, Auctioneer, Port Perry. Rp omen nC EE LU 1 - - me nl CREE 'Lunch was scrved. No.' a reading by Miss Pearl Wright, "Al" place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wednesday afternoon, the 8th. Thel °° ~ Willard E7Skuce, Reaboro Fred Sacey, Cresswell 'M: H. Winters, Lindsay, ; Secretary. "= ceed the following numbers: a reading by Mrs. E. Dor. rell, "The Little Black Sheep"; a reading by Mrs. J. A. Johnston "New program Year Thoughts"; a reading by Miss Hazel Mountjoy, "Looking Ahead "to Old Age" and a very: interesting letter was read from Revi and Mra. M. Fer- guson, 'of Angola, Central Africa. home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Mount- joy, on Saturday cvening, when they entertained their family to a fowl supper in honour of their 556th wed- ding anniversary. Others present were their grandchildren and Mr. IL Whitfield and Mrs. John Wright, brother and sister of Mrs. Mountjoy. Among those who entertained last week were Mr, and Mrs, A. L. Bailey, Mr.'and Mrs. W. Marlow and Miss I. Parr. = --- Mr. and Mrs. W. VanCamp and family and Myc. Wm. Barton spem Sunday at the Le of Smith Bres:- The annual meeting of the United Church League was held in the school room of the church on Wednesday evening last when the following were elected to office: President--Mr. H. Swain, Assistant--Miss Pauline John- ston; Sec.-Treas.--Mr. Harold John- ston; Assistant--Miss Vivian Saddler; Conveners -- Worship, Miss Hazel Mountjoy, assistant -- Miss Ferga Johnston; Christian Endeavour--Miss Aileen Mountjoy, assistant--Mr. Herb Swain; Missionary -- Mr. H. Short- ridge, assistant--Mr. Wesley Beacock, Citnzenship--Mr. Jog. Bradburn, as- sistant---Miss Frances Mountjoy; Cul- ture--Miss Olive VanCamp, assistant --Miss Jessie Knox}; Recreation and Social--Miss Mabel VanCamp, assist- ant--Miss Mildred Hooper; - Leader- ship Training--Miss Jean Wright, as- gistant--Mr. Wesley: Beacock; Publi- cations -- Misses Doris Marlow and Lorna Trewin, Messrs. Bruce Mount- joy and Anson Taylor; Pianist--Mr. Eldon Ickle, assistant--Miss Muriel Mountjoy, The annual meeting of the A. Y. P. A. of St. John's Anglican hurch was held at the home of 'Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Bailey, on Wednesday evening with an attendance of 30. Rev. C. C. Har- court presided during the election of officers which President--Mr. resulted as follows: conducted by the rector. * grany consisted of a. reading. by Mrs. T. Smith of 4n open letter from Mrs. Cecil Hyde and some intelligence stunts conducted by Rev. C, C. Har- Lunch was served and a vote of thanks tendered Mr. and Mrs. Bail-| court, | were given by Rev. C. C. Hartcourt. Al then were entertained to lunch at 'Mrs. Wm. Steele's, the guests of | § "sassssssssssssssssssess pa-- present 20. . A very happy time was spent at the | r Lavern Devitt; Vice- President--Mr. Fred Hamilton; Sec.-- Mrs, John Hamilton; Cor. Sde.~--Miss Vera Forder; Treas--Mrs. W, Craw- ford, The installation of officers was |: The, pro- Council for 1986 was held in the ommunity Hall on Monday morning, January 13th, at 11 o'clock. "Town- ship Clerk Wm. Beacock swore into office the reeve and councilmen after which a short address and prayer Speeches were then mide by ex-reeve Norman Green, reeve C. Devitt, coun. cillors N, Taylor, B. Heaslip, R. Byers, H, Hooey and ex-councillor J. Forder. Reeve C. Devitt, - There is to be a meeting in the Centre Church on. Thursday evening to re-organize the Young People's Society. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. daughter on Tuesday, Jan. Tth. Congratulations to Miss Victoria Lillian Stokes, eldest daughter of Mur. and Mrs. N. Stokes, who was married ronto, on New Year's day. , Mr. F. Pettitt spent Monday in To- ronto. : Miss Margaret Crozier spent the week end with her parents here. Glad to see Mrs. Wannamaker is | able to be out again after having her ankle sprained. \ The Junior Girls' Institute meeting was held at the home of Murs. G. Jack- son,"on Saturday, January 11th, with an unusual small attendance. The meeting: opened with the Ode followed by the Lord's prayer. The motto-- "It takes a good deal longer to get rid of a bad habit than it does to form 'toll call was answered by a health habit. Mrs. Geo. Sweetman led the community singing. Miss E. Stephen- son read a number of recipes on hot supper dishes. Miss. Margaret Crozier conducted a very interesting spelling and much enjoyed. Lunch was then Mrs. Jackson for the use of her home. invitation to visit her in her new home in Port Perry. It was decided to hold! a social soon. : Mr. and Mrs. C. Hardy attended the funeral of his uncle Mr. R. Hardy at Utica last week and visited with their cousin Mr. G. Christie at Manchester. + Miss Rena Sweetman visited her sister Mrs. D. Lewis at Caesarea ve- cently. . wo Master Norman Aldred, of Prince Albert, is visiting his cousins Victor and Alan Aldred. Mr. and Mrs. H. Mathews, of To- ronto visited.-her parents Mr. and Mrs. Stokes and Mr. and Mrs. J. McLaren, on Sunday. "Mrs. H. McKinley, of Port Perry is spending a few days with her sister Mrs. Pettitt. . -- eo CHALK LAKE# Mr. Russell Bryant, of Brandon, Manitoba, is spending the winter with friends in this community. We are pleased to know that Mus. Russell Taylor has returned to her home after spending a week in St. Michael's Hospital, Toronto. Mrs. Jas. Mowat, of Toronto, was the guest of her sister Mrs. Robert Parrott, recently. Mr. Wm. Taylor, a former resident of this community, passed away at his' home in Ashburn "on January 3rd. Much sympathy is extended to Mrs. Taylor and family. Miss Alma Lynde of Toronto, with her parents on Sunday last. The Ashburn tennis and horseshoe club are holding a- euchre and dance at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Bryant on Friday evening, Jan. 17th. Several from the Lake attended the cuchre and dance at the Community Hall at Myrtle, Friday evening. County Council COUNTY OF ONTARIO The first meeting of the Council of the Corporation of the County. of Ontario for the year 1936 will be held pursuant to statute in the Council Chamber in the Court House in the Town of Whitby, on TUESDAY, the 28th day of JANUARY, 1936, at the hour of two o'clock in the afternoon. All accounts to be laid before the Council should: be forwarded to the Clerk, properly certified, at least three days before the meeting of the Council. Dated at Whitby, this 14th day of January, AD. 1936, R. DONALD RUDDY, éy for their hospitality, County Clerk. The Inaugural meeting -of the)? F. W. BROCK & SON RED & WHITE STORE SCUCOGC ( JELLO, all flavors, with recipe book Norman Aldred on the birth of af to Mr. Harry Woods Mathews, in To-|# i WEINERS Cee FRESH GROUND COFFEE - GROUND WHILE YOU WAIT OUR OWN BRAND MAGIC BRAND 25¢, 1b. 29¢. 1b. PASTRY FLOUR, "BANQUET", 248 ...........- _QUAKER XXXX BREAD FLOUR, 98's ........... $2.79 PRINCESS SOAP FLAKES, ......10c. package with card ieee. 2 for 1be, vee ia.20c., 29¢., 45¢. CELERY, 5c. head. NAVEL ORANGES, per dozen ...... GRAPEFRUIT, 5c. each TOMATOES, per 1b 17c. LEMONS, per dozen 29¢, SLICED BREAKFAST BACON ........ RUS S30 L 8 LTH BOLOGNA, fine quality ..... EAS ..per 1b. 17c. .per 1b, 19¢. DRESS GOODS WABASSO PRINTS, nice utters, all tubfast at Per yard 20c¢., 25¢c., 30c. VELVETS--36 inches wide in Rose, Blue, Green, Black, Navy and Brown. Reg. $1.65. yd. Special 98c. it" was taken by Miss I. Fralick. The |} t 1: and motion game which was amusing} | served and vote of thanks tendered to || In replying Mrs. Jackson extended ant} 3 Phone 49 BOOTS and SKATES MEN'S BOOTS AND TUBE SKATES, complete ....$2.98 ~ BOYS' BOOTS AND TUBE SKATES, complete ....$2.79 § WALL COVERINGS WALLPAPERS -- All new papers for 1936 are in stock. Attractive patterns at 9c. roll--Semi- trimmed. Sunworthy Papers, at 12¢. roll and up. 'Sun-tested Papers, at 10c¢. per roll and up. Port Perry A NEN OR CMON SSM SSE GET YOUR LIFE, FIRE, AUTOMBILE, Thrivivgd and THEFT INSURANCE ~ HAROLD WwW. EMMERSON AD) CED CED) GD) ED ED) CED CD Phone 41 regs] Port Perry Jeginning the New Year, you will be making resolutions-- ~ Why not this one--"Resolved to buy my meat from Cawker Bros." We will assure you of the best at the lowest possible prices CAWKER BROS. Phone 29w, Port Perry. Prompt Delivery 'THE CHOICE OF GOOD MEATS 1S EASY IF YOU BUY -- FROM -- BERT MicGREGOR = 14S SS FIRAANIATNS eS ATT ROYAL PURPLE CONCENTRATE, 100's ......... .$3.756 ROYAL PURPLE CALF MEAL, 25'¢c .... ... 100 ere ) MARVEL PASTRY FLOUR, 24¢ .......oovvvinann .65 ARISTOCRAT TOMATO JUICE, per tin ©........... 95 FOUNTAIN TOMATOES, 2's ....... shee ans ..4 for 25c¢. PRINCESS FLAKES ............. RIA POPE | 1 EGO BAKING POWDER, MOTRIN RAMMIE BIRR v1 HEALTH BRAN, 3's ....... PRIPECRM IIe er gis © HARRY HORNE'S C USTARD POWDER, 1602, .,... 29.7 ) MEN'S OXFORD SHOES 8 irieeriraereess32.50 10 $5.50 LADIES' MOTOR BOOTS, Black or Brown ......... 3.25 | LADIES ALL RUBBER GOLOSHES ............v MISSES ALL RUBBER GOLOSHES .............. "1.30 GOOD OLD CHEESE, per Ib. ERD ATLY ARAN EERE GRA 140 0 229

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