Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star (1907-), 23 Jan 1936, p. 3

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Eee SS al. A 25 . : i 083 to $20,705,683; copper, from Ay. ET, IAEA VRS Hoes pai yy A Building In Canada $18,217,688 to $24,292,120; auto- Saskatchewan re ; » mobiles and their parts from $18,- rr the Famous : Leads The 'World 060,275 to $22,231,663, and wood F ights D roug ht HERES SS la. = Gai 83 Month pulp from $21,129,298 to $22,648, : -------- : #3 IS an extract from an orig. ain is ... In 10 Months | 624. : ; i Li . inal composition -- spelling and all ai : in: Total $22,313 170 For the most part the primary in- Soil Laboratory $750,000 Cf : 8 | ltt , tl . i 0 313, J to Be Spent By Government . | -writte y the future Presiden CHa ax dusiries of Canada have registered " y : (7 Hd | EE when only nine years old. It is on gat pa ts RS 2 x=To $40,530,687 marked production gains in the past y 4 re HL "Ancient History." ii? ; oe ] 5 iy iy id : 10 months. Precious metals have ad- " SWIFT CURRENT, Sask, -- A 2 0 | be "The first real king of Egypt was If You Eat Starches OTTAWA---Canada's world leader-} vanced considerably, while a note- large" laboratory of the 'soil to which i ; | SORA | ~ 'Memes' and he reigned about 5,091 M S = ship in improvement in the con fyworthy Increase has been shown in farm problems may be taken for sol- .. ; J | 't% § # years ago. Ho enlarged his coun- eats, Sweets Read This |struction industry for the first 101 coal and coke production. RESOLUTIONS! ution is taking "definite shape here, There's er SAA J BE wea Noe re an ry Foods [1% 108, 00) CC area REORT a nn ty tn sah dos SERA Tar print tn 9 Wh i ~ Nile which overflowed in the end © -= But A a orks tute, Tae of ngs hots GENEVA,--Canada led the world in | each hour ' , irst-year experiment to T b soak ~ Bpring, Before Menes their reign. Hence Most of Us Have *"d or that period, compared with the |; , ovement in the building industry with all the fo Il tre lovi reclaim the praivies. When com. No onaceco a) i "od priests and Menes kept their ence 4 : Acid corresponding 10 : months of last during the first 10 months of 1935, as ith a e force and all the loving pleted it will = be 'the finest of its | tS med priests and Menes kept their Stomach" Ag Times. Easy year. Up to October 81 mew con-| ,..nared with the Ero bon ding power | kind on the continent, lik 0 d 9 W ~~ customs and worshipped their gods. Now to Relieve. struction in the Dominion in 1935 period of 1934, according to the 'Which the Creator gave me to apply.| The new research station will be 1Ke g ens 3 e Y amounted in value to $40,630,687, ¥ B I am going to try. equipped for experiments in soil drift ' y » Ibis. Second, the oxen, the dogs, many of us suffer, is really acid in- Canada's incr 4 ~ the cats and by jingo! the very ve- Qigestion . + « brought at by too « OTHER ACTIVITIES No A 2 Md life's way, years. A large staff of engineers Qg en's Fine Cut--the onetobacco gotables in thelr gardens! They wor fod, {then i) ous IN OTHER lines of industry the | cent, increase, and the United 'States To sing, to laugh, to work, to play and other members of headquarthra' that agus cigarette satisfaction. ] Shipped them because of their use. to relieve hat A Sowa increase was not so spectacular, but| with an increase of 45 per cent. The ' R14. pray : | personel have already arrived. And bE) en's costs so little that Thu'hon by made tis grow, ale Thi vious eke choad | Dahl Kms tan wn. 11 Tah 9, tnd al malice |, much AOUTRL, 0, Cine dog poy lo dey vine ge 83. 1 Ibis, he | Simply take Phillips Milk of [most of them, Canada stood sixth |per cent. - y: Wika | Jeena 2i0nS FEU AF ose the best tobacco. You'll ro Bs 1 Srogodiles 2nd thelr hit The cat nesia after meals, Almost im- |among - the trading nations of the| The bulletin showed general im-'; ; : iat doposited sons of Silt over, vast Ogden's best with "'Chantecler" =I u ' e same ng; he also destroy- m ately this acts to neutralize the world in that period. Her imports | provement in other industries as well am going to try to feel the life in areas of southern prairie land in re- or Vogue" cigarette papers. ig : ed billions of rats. : stomach 'acidity that brings on your |anq exports had a value of $1,042,- building. - Tndustrl Aid me : cent years will be set up, The mach- ; \ hgh ; ASE 4 3 AND IT GETS even better as it trouble. BL "forget you have @ |958937, compared with $957,308,761 Ng ly Is but & trust, which in my custody ine will be directed against small v 3 J RH NY goes along: stomach . or nearly nine per cent. greater in |th : Must be accounted for tc One on plots of land allotted for research SFA - Li BN. "When people dyed," 'notin the) i; ue oe Te Ta" the | 1986 than in 1984. gl : a va doin vy yo HE = work on soil difting, FR i : young 1 Hera hey had been! pow the convenient new Phillips' | excess of exports over imports was|Russia, 20 per cent. Italy followed | 1 # EOE 19 try. Multiple experiments in crain | | NE CUT Ls . 890 all t il ives, they Were wisp. Milk of mesia Tablets, But be $130,684,265, compared with $108,- | with 19 per cent. The United King- -- growth under all conditions will oc- : b= 8 i ATA $ pe 0 tightly in Iinen and a ter| sure you get Genuine "PHILLIPS'", | 862,669 for the corresponding 10 |dom figure was seven per cent. Josephine--How are you getting ' CUPy other members of the labora- Your Pipe Knows Ogden's Cut Plug HER Son uries the Jetson ; somes y 28 ao in Tablet I : months of 1934, Li natioial cuivéncies ths value of, ot with George? i tors A "glass house will be set Ht ; er "bad Hae a oe ov Phillips' Milk of Magnesia Tablets Contributing to this favorable posi-|imports in October, 1935, increased' Katherine--Oh, he's a most dis. up 30d testy pune Of y1oth and pra i hd TT & ho . y : if th Ogre now on sale at all drug stores tion in the primary and processing |over that of Qctober, 1034, by 12 per 'PPointing. I purposely blew out the &rowth and their suitability for cer- ,..oqsary to keep prices from being : x x nors , no matter they were. . everywhere.F aching | industries were exports of newsprint | cent. in Canada, and 37 per cent. in electric light fuse before he came | tdin arcas. Selected seeds will be nduly depressed. Jain : Bid NE | ¥ sd % gins al yn a which in that period this year totall- | the United States and Belgium. Tne' °%" last night, and he spent the distributed" at illustration stations.' yp, ihjs connection, they proposed BE (RUNS er Hibbard iy os and they of Oenine cna > SHE SEES ed $70,214,700 against $65,859,989. [increase in the United Kingdom was Whole evening trying to fix at. Abandoried lands will be taken over , g.ja] levy on all live-stock mar FEA a nd them in temples, ruins or py- PHI LLI ps' JY | Exports of nickel rose from $25,505, | six per cent. | : - {and efforts made to bring them back oteq to compensate individual own- ARE ~~ Sun, the moon I'll tell you about them. First, the #nd a bird called ramids . . . Ramese the Great was i one of the greatest kings of Egypt. He was brought up with 1700 little kids that were born on the same day as he in Thebes. These kids be- came good friends of his and they Milk of Magnesia. IN CANADA against $22,818,170, a gain of close to 83 per cent. monthly statistical bulletin of the League of Nations, published recently. SCOUTING 1 am going to strive to live along NEW YEAR STARTERS -- The man who looks down on his neighbors | is always surprised that they don't' look up at him, -- A lot of men who "ride the help" at the office have | | area. ing and allied problems that have harassed the, prairie farmers for into pastures. "A small irrigation project has been undertaken near the experimental This will be used to distribute moisture over 19 acres sown to vege- tables in 'sufficient quantity to serve "That's why "roll-your-owners everywhete are getting back to ers of diverted stock in the event the final sale of their animals should bring smaller prices than were re- ceived on the market from which the - diversion was made, helped to make his kingdom great| we x to walk the chalk line at home, you opt | 5 a 3) : 2D The working Se had great : Historic Scene H ( Dy = on i winds of ns the pa of those employed at the 10,000 More Adres Re ing . The kings made them AR , uture already exists. -- The first re ia ry s ay 4 AL work 30 hard 'and gave them so litt | Raval Bank Calendar Depicts ers There ( ri ire. oR Rn: Rags OF Sugar-Lieets Grown 0) 5 Te that b 51 tl 1 t = J 7 by ERR Oh ) y. -- Form good .babits.. They're ji ot : k . : He e that by wingo! they mearly starv "Opening of Canada's Everywhere - : as hard to--break--as-- bad i. oo be cut to a minimum and a water y.0 Ten thousand acres of i, ed and by jinks! they had hardly any clothes so they died in quad- rillions." - i+ By jingo! by wingo! and-by jinks! : isn't that 'delicious? . i 3 37? i i : 9) small - communities in various parcs| We might know what trouble really cove: Bret) i istur ; Mark twain. ok A tion o a kn of 159 Scout Christ- | of Canada are again this winter op-|is. ~~ Five minutes of thought is conserve precious soil moisture. cellent although the tonnage was not his degree from Oxford University|on the inaugural run? Tow ig wes Wag mde) Selby erating public skating rinks. often equal to an hour of hustle, -- ro re. up to the average of other years, he afterwards' went for a swoll inl the locomotive and did it break down | Rupert Ji il 'west Whi h chief ~ Toronto Scouts and Cubs will on| L0day, When you say a man's word Accents Plan Fay a hag pie Wd Jost» hs University gardens and. wasior not? : Spe 2 3 § ML, lo the ¢ ef | January 18th, Saturday, repeat|i® 88 good as his bond, it's rather - . erap ol ered from extremely - hot : much struck by the velvety, billiard | These and many similar questions | things ast > Bain play-| their big city-wide collection of |® doubtful compliment. -- If there - Of Producers Seah and fk Lowy gi) : ; table-like looking lawns. Approach-| which have centred around the op- ngs han il » iy es and | yseq clothing for the various Neigh. | 18 no hell most users of prownity - RL A ve Erimliding hs ARE a8 a yas gy ing a gardener, he asked him how | eni Is first rail ' Y usands also Were jorhood Relief agencies. L .| have wasted a lot of breath, -- An| zp, lating , PILE is Nib BF nd rg x £5! ga § : ening of Canada's first railroad a ol ast yen Marketing Board Favors 'crop was harvested later iw Septem- they were produced. © "Well," said the old fellow, "we beging hundreds of: years ago, and we cuts and we rolls, and we rolls and we cuts, and we keeps cuttin' and rollin', as I'm rollin'; and that's how we gets 'em, sir. ; Quite ' simple, you see. 5 the first train of the Champlain and Sha Bo ers of re- mer Boy Scout troop in Toronto, as The only person who can tell your ing schemes proposed by producers' "Tes TORS ; : relative owhi 0 ; : ) - . Cw As 'ante : Ms daughter, Clara, Clemens (in Tensions of the ~Dorchestor" and | of sineswing~ aud dressing. the. dons lh = urd sgl 0, puteinlle Suasuss - pater tod A oo evision. a ORE rari Sore A ad / "My Father: Mark Twain"). Some-|a locomotive -of - the present day |p a ay 8 ths gods {diaries or anh Fuh any | Cliristmas. -- Santa Claus got in| St0 SURIEEE ob tee wan pr _{Sonbany, weld Den Mirae ii, i) times he made out the skeleton of a! strikingly demonstrate the pygm Buy (housaids weve distiiaatedlo | Kitel dif forces Jenominations | ost houses on time . . or on credit, a 2 plot beforehand. Again, he allow- siz pid Canada's first passen ) cally or-mailed to other less fortun- | 0 itchieney and Wein met thelr voy wang to put it that way. ducers-proposed restrictions on free, AGENTS 'WANTED ed the plot to grow as he wrote pln pom TY, i pin a fis Fis n gtely partie the Vo. Rreonins af: 180. Noril Watareo Tm -- handling of livestock to regulate o, SROGRESSIVE AGENTS WANTED D2 Once he said in a letter to his wife: Baby Austin yet smaller than a mio, tet : out Associating fo discuss exten- Junior-->Mather, when my dog dies io points Initial _asscmbly of | for made-to-measure men's clothings Ack "I am trying to think out atort Ford, a HOw man could easily see The carload quantities of discard- sion of the Movement in those cities. will it go to heaven? : stock from producers, wha Shall yar. Lisi werent ag h halt tory. I' t the closi : th boiler of the "D h tor ed playthings involved were gather- District Commissioner L. L. Laing| " aother--No. Junior. ket small numbers at a time and to ** ie st, Montrea), . £85 story. I've got the closing sentence | over the boiler of the orchester." | 4 by "the, Scouts and Guides from | cautioned against the creation of | 5 hen the cow dias wil it insure as far as possible the lowest TRAPPERS ! of it all arranged and it is good and | She was only 13' 6 lon 8s ComM- many sources--in many places by | new packs and troops before suit- Lniol 011 the 0% Wes transportation cost by full car load- | TrOrErm eT CT NTIFIC MIE 4 J strong, but I haven't got any of the | pared with the 90 foot giants ¢oll| house to house collection. Large atic onder had Boon sotarid: in atin? TE Send pajiinny Sou Mariah 08 hh . Yest of the story yet. I don't know |monly used today by both Canadian| jg tities were secured through| In an address on "Scouting as a praia fly oh ® pave to gol They proposed through this means, hte civerenn, iatiben Tim. Niu. 3 where to locate it, nor what it is to " be about." - In another letter to Clara Clem- ens, 'he said: "Yesterday, I read 'A Connecticut Yankee at King Arthur's Court' for the first time in more than 30 years. 1 am prodigiously pleased with it-- a most gratifying surprise." 5 WHICH RECALLS the fact that after his poem "Maud" was publish: First Railroad century ago find their answer in a new calendar just issued py The Royal Bank of Canada. Executed by Sheriff Scott, one of Canada's fore- most painters of historic subjects, this year's calendar picture depicts the colorful scene at Laprairie when railways. And yet, for all 'her dim- inutive size, she performed heroic service and over a fifteen weeks' period in her first year of opera- tion she travelled 8600 - miles and hauled 15,929 passengers freight. Additional interest is given to this year's calendar picture by the fact that plans are now going actively Was Canada's first railroad open- : besides | v A brother to every other Scout, ( without regard to race or creed - Latest reports record the opera- sent children on farms, with espec- ial attention to those on prairie homesteads. To help their brother Scouts at Regina, Moose Jaw and Saskatoon meet the heavy demand from their areas, the Scouts at London, Ottawa and Montreal made public school 'toy showers," and from Saturday- morning 'toy shop matinees'" given by the managers of movie theatres, the admission being one toy, old or new " A number of Scout troops in the i the collection of clothing and foot- wear made by the organized effort of the Scouts in one day surpassed all previous total collections during a year, : Rev. G. Kendell arranged for a visit to Bond Head, Ont., of his for- World Peace Movement" before the A.Y.P.A, of St. Johi's Cathedral, the 8th Saskatoon Crew passed the point of individual responsibility to show friendliness. Potato Planting Low Consumption Branches of the Federal Depart- Saskatoon, Rover Squire Shrader of Where would the average woman be if she took '"No' for an answer. -- If sonie of us got what we deserved ideal wife is who had tather hear her husband say "I love you!" than "Here's the fifty". -- After a man makes the first down payment he says to his friends "Come up to my house", -- There's no report yet of a reduction in.the wages of sin. -- "to hell to get milk? | One often wonders whether these women who give cooking lessons over the radio, really know how to cook themselves, or whether they are just reading that tuff out of a cook hook. supply provided, Between now and spring the Water Development Com- mission will aig farmers in the con- struction of dams and dugouts to Principle of Scheme For West OTTAWA. -- The Dominion Mar- keting Board has announced accept- ance in principle of livestock market- to facilitate orderly flow of stock to terminal markets, veducing glutting and eliminating at terminal markets' what they call abuses arising out of injuries, trucker and transient drov- er competition and generally redue- ing waste and excess costs, Producers from all three provinces proposed to divert over-supply from crowded markets to some other mar- "beets. sugar beets were harvested in 1938 than last 'year, a.survey of the: beet - situation frqm "this: "point revealed. The stand of beets this year was ex- ber than usual because of new leaf growth took its toll of sugar and .de- layed the storage of sugar in the Classified Advertising Sask. {LIVE STOCK MARKETING { Shipping on the co-operative plan has. been productive of splendid result Selling on the open market means re value for the owners. Get. in touch with us. wig Writ--Wire--or Telephone : LYndhurst 1143 THE UNITED FARMERS CO.OPERATIVE COMPANY, LIMITED LIVE STOCK COMMISSION DEPT. wii 4 aa gn tops . ; >: o y H N . : Tennyson often consciously praised | forward for a centenary ceicoration ; oe Of Cheese In Canada| aovie Extra--What is the mater yo. pie the diversion as large as DS Toya {5 3 y his own work. And why not? Soon | next July. Quite Popular ree with the new leading man? He seems : ' il . ; : mons to be completely floored. ETE S FOOT : ment of Agriculture' have unaer-| Second Ditto--He was showing oft taken a survey to discover the con- his Spanish, and a real Spaniard came sumption of cheese and milk in Can-! along and thought he was speaking ada. Russian, "When we stop to consider that all of life, as we understand it, springs from a little seed, then a progression! of life beyond this present experien- [53 ed he dined with the Brownings and a distinguished company, and after dinner read them the entire poem, finishing it in the early hours of the "London ~ Statistics" Shows Interesting Figures In Ringworm Infection Skin Troubles morning. Overcome by his 'own powers, he paused at intervals to as- sure his audience, "There's a wond- erful touch!" or "That's very tend- er!" or even "How beautiful that is]: - f A friend of the poet's -- Miss Harrison =-- tells how Tennyson on- ce took her for a long Sunday mor- ning walk and recited "Maud" to her He would stop suddenly and ask her angrily: "Do' you think Browning write that line? Do you Swinburne could?" "1 could only truthfully answer, could think Sg ait $100,000,000° Sneezes CHICAGO.--The United States winter sneezing bill is at $100,000,- 000--no figure to sneeze at, Every Activity ce should not seem such a miracul-| ous thing." --Mary Pickford IF YOUR EARS RING 'WITH HEAD NOISES, chal deaf or If you have catarrhal deainess 2 | listed recently. head noises go to your druggist an get 1 oz. of Parmint strength), and add to it % tablespoonful four times a day. Clogged nostrils ing become easy and the stop dropping into the throat. easy to prepare, pleasant to take. (double pint of hot water and a little sugar. Take a should open, breath- mucous | it 1s costs little, and is Anyone who has | catarrhal deafness or head noises should give this prescription a trial. ! LONDON. -- London possesses 273 agricultural workers, 1,879 pigs, 822 milking cows, and, even more sur- prising, 1056 acres potatoes. These 'are some of the Tigires re- lalting to the capital's best known industry which have been collected by the London county council and included in "London Statistics," pub- Altogether 78,867 acres are devot- ted to agriculture within the county of which 694 acres are under the plow. There are 36 acres of wheat, grasses account for 42 acres, and a further 1,307 acres are devoted either to grass for hay or to rough grazing, In_ "London Statistics" nearly every brahch of London's activities is reduced to figures. Use of the It is estimated that 70,000,000 | pounds of cheese will be produced in Canada this year, with approxi- mately a value of $6,825,000. The per canita consumption of cheese in Canada is only about one- third of that in the United Kingdom. Something ought to be done about this. . There are two kinds of taste for cheese in this country, taste for "green" cheese, and ap- parently that is not very widely in- dulged. Then there is the "culti- vated" taste which goes after cheese of foreign make forthe most part ripening, our Canadian Cheddar can be made to gratify this taste. But the well-ripened Cheddar cheese is hard to come at, unless the connois- geur buys a whole cheese and rip- eng it himself. For this purpose the small five-pound and ten-pound Canadian Stilton should be featur- There is the | Men are mostly known by the way they walk, talk, and balk. The Waiter--Did you have a vanil- la or a strawberry (ce, Madam? The Girl--It tasted lke glue! The Walter -- Ah! Then It was Strawberry. The ¥anilla tastes like paste. - "Most girls do not mind a bad egg go muoh, just as long as he lsn't broke. TR Laundryman--I can't see anything That was a sheet! Also it is the wise crack that knows it ' own father. Sarcastic Father -- My daughter doesn't want to be tied to an idiot all her life. dan END IT THIS WAY Millions have found Omega" Oll the quickest and surest works down deep to break up congestion and quiet throbbing nerves. At all drug stores, 35c. YIELD QUICKLY TO Dr. D. D. Dennis' Liquid Pre- scription, made and guaranteod by the makers of Campana's Ttalian Balm. . Trial bottle 350 at your a » MORE QUICKLY DIGESTED THAN COD LIVER OIL bin Science has discovered Scott's Emulsion of NS ¢ Tal 1 : . i bri ick relief | %, ) , lief from. deep-seated J Sa Srpossible: chuckles Miss Harri ro nt isos. | five acres of oats, and 60 acres of -- Gorgonzola, Roquefort, [Cama wrong with your lace table cloth! vo Eooely {ferent is Soon; . mangolds, ~ Clover and = rotation bert. With proper handling an Irate Customer--Lace table cloth! rom ordinary liniments, it TIMES | RL y : That amount for treatment of WHY franchise, the steady migration to|ed. Sultor (blandly)--Just go sir! Why Liver Oil is so' much morg common colds until spring declared FEAR MOTHERHOOD? outer London, wages, public assist. i not let me take her oft "your hands? beneficial than plain, Cod i LE HE i py Liver Oil. All plain oils are .. 3 2 by Dr, Lloyd Arnold, of the Uni. : Tk period | ance, public health, drainage, hous Storing Potato wa bard to digest; they nfust ba 1°" versity of Illinois College of Medi 4 fife Just before ing, town planning, parks, enter- toring Fotatoes - -- : . : emulsified in (the froma | ad ; eine, : . <u \ e emulsify the oil in out: 8 : ne HL het child is born | tainments, police, education and fin-| yy 1 going into storage, potatos U.S. Farm Revenue FRRN YOUBSHLE FROM Taboratotit hence. 1638 Lik : Doctor Arnold 1 these other! need not be a 'ance, Eig lo. All d fo in st immediate diges.~}1e a undesirable effects of colds during time of illness A remarkable fact is that the out- shuld be a4 dry uy possible. All din STOMACH TROUBLES on ang assiad tion. 8%. a single winler: and anxiety, At Lond istrict ebably al eased or damaged tubers should bel. Sales by U.S, farmers and bene. u : Area ARRAY y HY ; "Fighty thousand more deaths be- such a time it | oF Oncon districts are probably al- |. ited out. The best storage tem-|fiy payments combined for the first TRENCH'S STOMACH TABLETS Jd : : : Swoon: October and" April, the' ma. : is essential that read more populous than the county | perature. is from 88 degrees to 88 nine months of 1085 have totaled kstimulate' normal Jigestive Aste S 0 T S p _good health and itself. The latest figures are 4,170; | Jogrees F. Storing potatoes in the $4,710,000,000 compared with 34, | Pantera aoldity, pu the inten i ; EB (EYER nd i 4 'at least eight days due to common Wa aos and jority associated with common colds .~ and their complications. 'throat, _ influenza, _ "Pwo million wage earners in in- dustry, stores and offices sick for the sinus infections, sore and pneumonia ag colds, time at school." i hat follow or begin "Children losing ; A good spirits be oem > maintained. The Hon nourishes and ot "just the vegetable tonic ne ty now! - New size, tablets 50c., lquid $1.00 & $1.35, 800 and - 4,280,200 respactively. . Within two years from 1982 the gap 'had been reduced from more than 400,000 to 59,200, | "Each year I go away to be closer basement of a dwelling house Is not as a rule, satisfactory the difficulty of providing proper ventl- lation. Many thousands of bushels of potatoes are lost each year through storing in faulty cellars, closely constructed bing -and where to my husband." i ~-Olga Petrova 0 the temperature is too high, 468,000,000 in the corresponding period of 1084, Of this year's total, farmers received $406,000,000 in; benefit payments. compared = with $826,000,000 last year, The figures reveal an Increase of $187,000,000 in Incomé from aalés during the period. tract and keep the entire aystem good working grder, Send io a today 80, postage pald. Send mo or of or cash. Or we will send 008. 'TRENOH'S REMEDINS LIMITED (40 Years' Pitas Succes, ) Dept. 110 uroh 8t,, . Issue No. 3 -- '36 bottle |' oronto THE DIGESTIBLE COD LIVER NE THE PLUS VALUES |. AES Ah EMULSION |

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