Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star (1907-), 23 Jan 1936, p. 4

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PAGE FOUR LOCAL ITEMS Mrs. Vickery, Helen and Clifford, were Sunday guests of Mr, and Mrs. Roy O'Neill, Mr. and Mrs. Courtice of Colling" wood were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C, C. Jeffrey. Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Real of Ux- bridge, in town on Sunday, attending the Jubilee services of the United Church. Rev. D. N. McCamus is the gueat of Mr. and Mrs. John MeClintock. Miss Jean Cawker of Toronto was a week end visitor at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Humphreys Miss M. E, Honey, of Toronto, with ness and leather goods business is and after February 6th. The reasons . have As formerly announced, this Jan going to be run on a cash basis on been clearly Eyes Tested AND Glasses Supplied WHERE NECESSARY tv -- FOR SALE Lawrence's ny Store Neus '(You can Save with Satety 34 your Rexall Store) Real Values in Toilet Goods stated in our former advertisement, and may be briefly summarized in these words--"For the mutual benefit of our customers and the business." Now is the time to look over your needed. ATTENTION Have your repairs done now. Be an early bird this year, then when 'work starts in the spring you will be »| ready. I. R. BENTLEY harpess to see what repairs are| SEAGRAVE 1 ------ Monday night was gala night for| the children. Well they loked the part. 6 tube Battery Console Radio, com- 'plete with batteries, $16.00. Also other table models in used NOXZEMA,. 25¢. size for 15¢. | 75¢. size for .... OPTOMETRIST Battery Radios, as low as $4. vio) . FARMER RADIO SERVICE seeanias PORT PERRY, ONT. 8 DR. WEST'S Tooth Brush and Tooth Paste y «+. both for 50e. . WOODBURY'S 80AP, ~~ = 3 cakes for 25c. MAYFAIR POWDER PUFFS : ~9¢. each, 2 for ]6¢. SEVENTEEN FACE POWDER ©. $1.00 size for 59c. " FACELLE FACE TISSUES Repairs. and service on all Radio, Sound and Talkie Equipment. b- nasium suits. Amos (Ada) Watson, Gus (Augusta) Mark, Teddy (Reta) McLean, and Jimmy (Esther) Gra- ham, looked like mummie's little boys, | Phone 85, Port Perry. Did I say children? It was the There is no need to look further for real values in Toilet Goods. Just check your requirements an this list. Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Gemmell, on Sun- day. "Mrs. McPhail, of Milton, has been WILLIAM WEBSTER, At Beatty's Store, Port Perry regular meeting of the Quadrataf Girls' Club at home of Mrs. R. Scott. Girls' Club? yes. but I noticed w-- spending the past few weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Boynton. Mr, Lorne Beare is home after spending some months in Lindsay. Mr. and Mrs. A. Brock, Mr, and Mrs. W. E. MacGregor, Mr. and Mrs. I. R. Bentley were in Bowmanville on Friday evening, attending thel Goodyear Dance. Dr. and Mrs. John Brock of Osh- awa were Sunday visitors with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Brock. Mr. and Mrs. John Davey of Whitby visting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. R. Davey on Sunday. and o ¥ "Points. Miss Bessie Crozier spent the week wedded life. end with her parents, Mr. and Mus: MARK-SCHELL A pretty wedding was solemnized at the Scugog Parsonage by Rev. F.G. 'Joblin, on Saturday, January 18th, when Blanche, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Schell, of Scugog, was united in marriage to Alton Bruce Mark, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wilford Mark, of Shirley. The bride's sister Miss Olive Schell made a charming bridesmaid, while the groom was ably supported by his brother Mr. Stuart 'Mark. After the ceremony the happy couple left on a motor trip to Toronto Their host of friends not .only on the Island, but elsewhere wish for them a very happy several boys had crashed the party. Judging by the costumes, it was evi- dent that time had turned backward in its flight and made each a chila again just for the night, and those who arrived early had a full evening's entertainment. The roll call was an- swered by "My Earliest Recollection", In most cases spankings should have been the result, Norma Urquhart, Orla Flindall, Norma and Fern Moon, Aileen Fishley and Adele Wooldridge in their short dresses, pink bows, dolls and play toys created quite a sensation, while little Ila. Moon looked so demure in her pretty 'vojle dress, daintly ribbon, and ringlets, Mairon Eagleson and Dorothy Reynolds belonged to the littlebid-old girls and wote their gym- all nicely washed, combed and dressed in their Sunday clothes for the oc- casion, Andy (Gladys) Scott, feeling so smart in his first long trousers. Their behaviour was all that could be desired. Why, even Jimmy--but why go into detail. Before beginning the program each child was given an all day sucker to ensure quietness during the program. The first item on the program was a solo by Norma Moon. Norma is very shy but has such a sweet voice! "Jimmy" Graham bravely tried to re- cite a piece, had to be prompted so many times he began to cry but final ly braced up and said his piece so fast he got out of breath. Dorothy Rey: nolds tried to sing "Smarty". Never mind Dorothy it will come easier when you grow up. Little Orla Flindall told the story of the "Little White Ele- phant." 850 sheets for 25¢. LISTERINE, three sizes 25¢., 50c., 89c. a --------------------------------------------r_-- LIFEBUOY SHAVING | CREAM ...85¢. size for 29. 1 FITCH'S SHAMPOO and MASSAGE BRUSH for 69¢. RIKER'S FRENCH BALM Two sizes 25¢. and 39e. FORHAN"S TOOTH PASTE 25¢. and 39. GOLF RAZOR BLADES Gillette type, pkg. 15c. MILK OF MAGNESIA TOOTH PASTE 20¢. and 39c. L'Onglex Manicure Prepara- tions--Nail Polish, ete, 15c. A. M. LAWRENCE PHONE 49 : Keen and Miss Ila Moon were visitors tv Lindsay on Saturday. Mrs. Clayton Baker, Stouffville, is visiting her mother Mrs. A. Orchard who is still under the doctor's care. Messrs, Cecil Fishley and Reid Me- Farlane attended the dance at Green- bank on Friday evening. Rie Mr. and Mrs. 8, J. Wooldridge were John Crozier. CELEBRATING HIS 93rd BIRTHDAY *Mr. Thomas Brooks is celebrating his 98rd birthday to-day--Thursday January 28rd, 1936. He is hale and RR ik PORT PERRY JUNIORS NOSE ~~ OUT BOWMANVILLE Scoring two goals in - the third SCIATICA RUMACAPS CLEANSES your system of Uric acid relieving Rheumatism and Sciatica. P. G. MORRISON Marion Eagleson and Ila Moon were the winners of the flower contest after which the children joined in elor's Kitchen." Mrs. Scott served a dainty lunch of bread, butter and brown sugar sandwiches, cake and ! companied by Mr. and Mrs. R. Scott. playing "London Bridge" and "Bach-| 'Scott, Messrs. Ernest King and W. in Lindsay on Thurdsay evening to at- 22 tend the amateur program held in the SERVICE Acadamy Theatre. - They were ac- Mr, -and Mrs, L. V. Sornberger, Master Carl Sornberger and Harold "PORT PERRY hearty, and can read without glasses. "Congratulations. pr BORN CURRAH--At Port Perry Hospital, on. January 17th, 1986, to Mr. and Mra. Alvin Currah, Port Union, a son --Jack Alvin. TAYLOR--At Port Perry Hospital, on January 19, 18386, to Mr. and Mrs, Arthur Taylor--a- daughter. tooo w.C. T. U. The monthly meeting of the W. C. _T, U. will be held at the home of Mrs. Geo. R. Davey, on Wednesday, Jan. 20th, at 38 p.m. All ladies invited. RY - AMATEUR CONTEST The choir of the Anglican Churc is planning to hold an Amateur Con: . Prizes will be awarded to the winners. All are invited to attend and to enter the Admission and fee for the contest is 26c¢. for adults and 16¢. for test Night in the near future. contest. children. Re ae INSPECTOR HUTCHISON ILL Inspector R. A. Hutchison, of Sout period Port Perry juniors defeated the Bowmanville Lions, 4 to 8, in a fast Junior O.H.A, game at Bowmanville. on 'Monday night. After a goalless first period in which Bowmanville held the territor- ial play, but were unable to capitalize on their chances, five goals were scored in a second period. Hallman started it off by slapping in a pass from Raby after two minutes of play. 'Reader made it two for Bowmanville georing on Raby"s perfect pass-out from the corner. B. DeShane scored Port Perry's first from a scramblé in front of the net and Stewart tied it up a minute later, banging in a rebound. At the seventeen minute mark, Roach gave Bowmanville the lead again on a h{ bouncing shot from the blue line. In the third period after two min- utes of play, Vipond scored on a shot from the side that bounded off Brere- ton"s skate to again knot the score and six minutes later with Roach in the penalty box, Dafoe fed Brandon 'a pass for the winning goal. Port Perry--goal, Grice; defence, Cawker and Brandon; centre H. De- h| Shane; wings Dafoe and Vipond; subs, Beare, Cooney, B. DeShane, Steward. RUMACAPS coffee. Mr. and Mrs, Cephas Sleep, Mr, W. those who attended the hockey watch in Uxbridge last week. -- = LE DOMINION CHRISTIE'S RITZ BISCUITS Pkg. 1 4¢ -: ~ SURPRISE SOAP 5 on 236 Shirriff's or McLaren's STORES LIMITED Values Like "These MAKE BUSINESS GOOD!/ | Jelly Powders These values effective from Thurs. Jan. 23 to Sat. Jan. 25 inclusive. Pkg. 5¢ SALTED a . 10 [= eanuts = COCOA MacLAREN'S Hb QQ ; Keen, Miss Ila Moon were among} . Ontario, has undergone an operation. He is recovering slowly. We under: . stand that the Dept. of Education has made arrangements with Inspector Cannon of Oshawa, to attend to any matters needing immediate attention.| Depew. Bowmanville--goal, de- fence, Roach and Cameron; centre, Raby; wings, Hallman and Reader; subs, Nichols, McKnight, Woodward, Peanut Butter sa 25.0 9 1 GLASSCO'S Assorted JAMS We trust Mr. Hutchison will soon be restored to normal health. RURAL HOCKEY SCHEDULE Jan. 21--Butchers vs. Honeydale. 8 Stars vs. Myrtle. Jan. 27--Prince Albert va. Butchers : Honeydale vs. Myrtle Jan, 80--Prince Albert vs. Myrtle. Honeydale vs. 8 Stars, "Feb. 11--Butchers vs. Myrtle Feb. 13--+Butchers vs. 3 Stars. . Honeydale vs. Prince Albert. Feb. 16--3 Stars vs. Prince Albert, Playoff games--Feb. 20, 26, 27. ~ Results of games played on the 21-- Butchers 4, Honeydale 3. Myrtle 4, 8 Stara 0. ---- IN MEMORIAM COOK~--In loving memory of Ethel M. Cook, who died January 20, 1935, at Myrtle Station. Peacefully sleeping, resting at last, The world's weary troubles and trials are past; In silence she suffered, in patience she bore, Tin God called her home to suffer no more. --Sadly missed by nusband Clarerice, tos SESE ht tt DIED Referee--Army Armstrong, Oshawa. Just before the game started, word was received of the death of the King. The teams lined up across their blue line, facing each other, and stood with bowed heads while the announcement PORT PERRY JUNIOR WIN FROM 3 COBOURG 7-5 Playing more combination and their plays clicking, Port Perry defeated Cobourg by a score of 7 to 6 in an O.H.A., Junior "B" hockey game play- night. Port Perry led the end of the first period, 4-1. Cobourg scored two goals in the second and Port Perry none, the period ending 4-8 for the visitors in the last, Port Perry scored three goals and the locals one. ------ POP IN: MEMORIAM In loving memory of Hubert Colla- uary 26th, 1986, Gone from us his smiling face, Those kindly, cheerful ways; AYLMER we : ; 22 oz. ; = | with 3 Tins 2 5 added 33¢ ix $2.0z. WITH PORK 4 4 | Pectin" of the King's death was made. The AUSTRALLAN Slediess 5 ; ; C : audience arose and observed two "lbs. 5 : : =< wi. Raisins "a on RICHMELLO COFFEE Lib. QO Pkg. Sardines 3-14° | Soap Chips ed at the arena in Cobourg on Friday| GOLDEN HALLOWI Dates - La 3-925° cutt who was accidently killed on Jan-| FRUIT and VEGETABLES {ir qo B ORANGES, . large, dos 39c. LETTUCE ........5e. "head % - "ORANGES, ..good size, 23¢. TOMATOES, ......16¢ D, 10 CUBE TaN ROSEDALE on C' |Try The New ; Catsup__ 2-19" |p 0 i Baked Beans 10° _ GRAPEFRUIT, lacge, Ge. ea. CABBAGE, .......7c. head 4 pouoars- A. sin day, In bygone happy days. The heart that won so many friends} Sweet are the memories that never fade : , Of one we loved but could not save. Sincere and kind in heart and mind, A wonderful | ory 'left behind, ' ORANGES, 6 at. but 49e. CELERY. dive BC bunch AEE ICR TT COMMUNITY MEMORIAL IN GOOD er | TIME and MONEY ARE SAVED wu We will be pleased to quote you prices on "new or repair work § Sam N. Griffen Lumber Co. Phone 240 PORT PERRY, ONT. in loving memory of the late King George the Fifth will be held in the United Church|% Port Perry on the morning of | Tuesday, Jan. 28th The hour of service will be announced ~at church services on Sunday ...... a 2 ; --_-- eee AUCTION SALES Tuesday, Februaty 4th--Farm stock and implement the property of Geo. Ward, lot 5, con. 4, Reach Tp., half mile west Utica, Sale at 1 p.m. 1 Terms cash. See bills for list. Tuesday, January 28th--Farm stock and implements, the property of J. A. Sweetman, Scugog Island. See bills for list. 'Terms cash. Ted Jackson, Auctioneer. DOD MORTGAGE SALE UNDER AND BY VIRTUE of the Powers of Sale contained in a certain mortgage which will be produced at the time of sale, there will be offered for sale by TED JACKSON, Auctioneer, at PUBLIC AUCTION, on FRIDAY the 31st day of January, 1036, at the hour of Two o'clock n the afternoon at the farm of ETTA FLORENCE BRIGHT, Myrtle Sta- Hon, Ontario, t the following property, mely: i Ur AND SINGUAR those certain parcels or tracts of land and premises, situate, lying and being in thes Town- ship of Whitby and County of Ontario Province of Ontario, being' composed of parts of Lots numbers: 20, 21 and 22, in the Ninth Concession of the sad Township of Whitby more par- ticularly described in Instrument No. ing 'a mortgage from the said Etta Florence Bright to the Agricultural Development Board, saying and ex- cepting those parts of the said Lots more icularly described in Instru- ment-numbers 7724 and 8939 for the Township of Whitby. On the said farm there is said to be erected a dwelling house with suitable farm buildings. The lands will be sold subject to a reserve bid. "TERMS FOR 'SALE OF LAND; Ten per'cent. of the purchase money to be paid down at the time of sale and the balance within thirty days. For further particulars and con- ditions of sale, apply to R. G, M. MeDOUGALL, Solicitor, East Block, Parliament Bld a Toros Ontario, Solieltor to the | Jan, 7609 for the Township of Whitby be-|. D at Toronts La third 4. tay Fyesight 'Specialist Open Monday, Wednesday, and Friday Evenings, or by appointment at all times. ~ DISNEY BLOCK f Oshawa : Ops Post Smee Phone 15168 SUI TS. CLEANED Suits sponged and pressed 60 Cents Dry Cleaned $1.00 C. P. ROLPH "Over the Observer Office TTT Tr Trwrswe------------ FOWL WANTED 400 Birds--hens, geese and ducks-- city prices paid: Hens 12¢. 1b; Ducks 15c. Ib., Geese 12¢. 1b., all live weight. We pay top prices for goose and duck feathers, hides and skins; horse Horses. Phone A, Gilboord, Phone 177, Port Perry. ree P-GP JUNIOR HOCKEY SCHEDULE Jan. 24--Bowmanville at Coburg Jan, 24--Oshawa at Port Perry Jan, 24--Lindsay at Peterboro: 3 Jan. 27--Peterboro at Bowmanville 29--Port Perry at Peterbora 3--Cobourg at Port Perry 4--Lindsay at Oshawa. T--Rowmanville at Port Perry YOUR EYES Consult us if you have. any suspicion of f Feb, Feb. Feb. eyesight. It may save you years of: future trouble, © F. E.LUKE & SON 163-167 Yonge St. Opp. Simpson's--Upstairs Phone El 4820. = DR. W. S. HARPER Graduate of Trinity 'Medical College and Trinity University, 1 oR Post Graduate in Su ok Ton erg atea' College and Polyelin North Bast Londo oR rua Glasgow, Office and Surgery--Port Perry, Ont. "W. A. Sangster DENTAL BURGEON Office Hours: 9am toh pm. Office Up-stairs, over Emmerson's Insurance Office CONANT & ANNIS Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Pablie GORDON D. CONANT, KC, <ALLIN 2. FANNIS, BA, LL LLB OR , 4 and 8 oa ; and at Court Houss, Whithy, (Mr, Comast) ; Phone 7 (Whitty) ; CUSTOM LUMBER SAWING 6) ~The undersigned is prepared to do lumber * sawing at "his premises, of inary Borelia, Hill, Port Perry, 3 wopleation FI

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