Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star (1907-), 30 Jan 1936, p. 6

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-- VOICE s of the CANADA, THE EMPIRE 2 a comparison of recent case statistics. In 1929 there were 1,032 cases result. ing in 64 deaths in Toronto. Last year there were but 46 Jase and eight deaths, These figures,' however, show ed a slight gain over 1934 when only 22 cases with no deaths were record- ed. The increase was in large degree responsible for the. committee's de- Pithy Anecdotes - Of The Famous The inspiration of Frances - Hodg- son Burnett's famous story "Little Lord Fauntleroy,"--which is being A ; | cision to begin the survey. screened--was her younger son, a id TN : ; In other large centres where the |vian. He was a guaint little cha ap snd i : Ny THE WORLD Soclal Hygiene Council and its com. |she long toyed with the fancy of put TEA Rage AT LARGE mittees have been active similar de. | ting him in a book. Then one day, o 3 Neil clines are shown. In Montreal for | when he was seven, she had an idea < yl : -- example, the 1,254 cases and 116 |for a story about an American boy > CANADA 68; and General Castelnau, 84. The 'aths recorded in 1920 have been [with aristocratic English connect- ™ Ses) Supblvey is 3 Berman, Genial reduced to 187 cases and 23 deaths fogs. on ; hock bass: such : von Mackensen, ; while von Lu- f amilton, where the diph- will write a book about suc WORLD SCOUTS dendorff is nearly 80, puna lias 'been used 'as py a boy and Vivian shall be he," she The next, world jamboree 'for the| In Britain among the dead are Earl tonsively as any place in Canada, exclaimed, "Just Vivian with his Shes will' be held in Holland in| Haig, Mr, Bonar Law, Lord Oxford, there has not been a single diphtheria | curls, and "his eyes, and his friendly, 3 : 1987, says The London Times. It will | Lord Haldane, Lord Curzon, Lord death since 1930, kind little soul. Little Lord Some- IS be the fifth gathering of its kind, the | Carson, Admiral Fisher, Lord Jelli- thing-or-other, ~ What a pretty title ¥ Eis idea of bringing together the boys] coe, Lord Birkenhead. In Germany, EER elite Lo=Linle Tord = hae 7S b of the world having originated just| von Tirpitz and Hindenburg are pro. nd a day later it was Little Lo after the Great War, when it was|minent casualties. France has lost Canada Holds A | Fauntleroy. put forward as a gesture of thanks-| Clemenceau, Poincare, Joffre, Foche LSE giving for peace. Lyautey, Nivelle and Manzin. Upward Swing THE RESPECT. -- and awe -- in The first meeting took place at These are the leaders, many of : Rk oF Pierpoint Morgan, the elder ' 0 pia in dome, hos it hic then de- ey Sencrals J Hey flag, va pe 8 Per Cent. Gain Does. Better was held by the banking fraternity, A cided to hold a similar gathering ev-| lieve without exception, In d. 1 ery four years, The second Jamboree one of things which is often oii Than Most Other Nations B YL PA : A 2 * was held in Copenhagen in 1924, the |ten is that a good general shou : fom & * third at Arrowe Park, Birkenhead in| make a point, if possible, of dying in 4 OTTAWA, -- The mercury crept Past hoy 12 Be During ihe Lg 1929, to celebrate the twenty-first | bed, for he happens to fulfill a more higher in Canada's business baro- 1907 bank panic when the bankers -- birthday of the movement, and the |important function than that of the 2 meters through 1935. The industrial Mr. Morgan included=-were Kurryin | fourth at Godollo, in Hungary, in|ordinary soldier and, if he started to Weather: didn't achieve the sparkling py meeting to meeting, both 4 ht ox 1933. dodge shrapnel in the front of his Jean Batten, 23-year- -old ow Zealand aviatrix, who recently flow the South Atlantlo from Africa ¢ clarity hoped for last New Year; and °d Mr. Mo veg. list 5 ia FI 'obablv his courage would re- South America, is pictured as Sho wea greeted by the Mayor of Southampton, England, upon her arrlv but the profit sun was brighter. ay, Mr. rgan was listening, ; An official of the Boy Scouts As. |lines, probably his courag there, aboard the steamer, Asturias, from B.:ency Alres. : : one night, to a report being read at sociation at the Imperial Headquar-|sult in thousands of unnecessary od y i ~~. / Reducing the trend to figures, the 0 ol 1." ¢ tha Jeading bankers. L | > ries in London sald that the exact Seiilis oie) bis inefficiency, -- ; SE mam how a Fain foi "Suddenly I saw that the hand . 77 location of the Holland jambor Hamilton Herald. ye ' Sigal Dep cent, In goh ip 14 is ci » p.. not yet been indicated, ) a mre Sp insters Club COLLECTS OLD gtd en Gores Ratt): eral conditions. This compares with | gable Is vifis ia] tejans] on 10e ! ! gram had been received from Admir- EXAMINATION NEEDED Gives No Welcome i Houston (Gary Cooper) are on Para- a 1004 Ioprasemens of 13a cent, head had sunk forward until his al J. J. Rambonnet, the Chief Scout A : : Mere T A Lea Year mount"s film biography list. over 1933, omparing his affairs opin wag cushioned on his cravat, ~ of Holland, saying he was now as- For some Hime past, The sroury o p TYPEWRITERS Dr. Samuel Alexander Mudd, who with those of other countries, Jack yy; breathing had become audible. sured of tho support of the Duteh |i WHA STEUER ' innocently treated Lincoln's assassin | Camick obsorves he did better than The weary old man had fallen asleep. rovernme p horities.-- : y es To --_ i i i ig - i Yi . : a oe HEE hari of sentient of diver eo $b], 3a Francisco, he zpin Milwaukee Alderman Has Fd ji ty 4 Hi Seven nations reported larger pick- a Ria -- motor vehicles. Under the [present sters' club gave leap year the razz F d CT id Bo Eo Ty with | up in industrial production -than| NO SATISFACTORY explanation KEEP AN EYE ON THE GOLDEYE | 5Y5ten almost anyone who can shift [13st week -- not the glad hand. oun More Than Wartior. Baciol, = Sonnis Sieridnn Canada and in these preparations |of her choice of the name Fauntle- Ans oachine Winns: Gabe + In gears and turn a wheel can receive | "Let the men do the proposing, if 230 Models wae Hordes 2ppesT in "A Message to for war comprised the chief stimu- roy was ever given (says the same no bi o on aay hr hy as 5 a permit. The examination for - li- any," was the consensus of the club, Gateia." lant in the distribution of credit.and | Vivian in "The Romantic Lady"--a or Sos on ah d ol ly wi censes. is not stiff enotigh, and Wo an informal social organization, Milwaukee.--An alderman .with a| "Norma Shearer as Marie Antoin- | Wages: : biography of his mother). It is ih J Ahan ad Feb eye n| is nothing in the nature of a physical [limiteq to 100 members. desire to commemorate Milwaukee as ette will be produced by Metro- Canada's domestic and foreign}not uncommon in England, and not AL Aleve or breakfast is one test--to determine the fitness of ant uf on't--betieve fm teap year --pro= | the birthplace of the typewriter tas Goldwyn-Mayer., The "Great Zieg.| '24e Nas been making satisfactory [long after (he story -- it created & al o gd ceperienped raveiley applicant for a license. Guelph | 05als," said one emphatic young | gathered what he said today is the fila" (William Powell) oun progress, having expanded 'in both | fashion in juvenile costume--began iii 3 Bo ios wr are for Er oF "Mercury. : woman, "and I don't intend to take | largest collection of old typewriters. | mova fait exports and imports and brought in| to have its big success, Mrs. Burnett Ottawa, but Manitoba bn tie pie re 'advaninge? of" Jowen's proogative COAST TO COAST Katharine Hepburn's next hero- about 3150,000,000 tage, than was hog) WE in Ty eye's native province. It is the trea- PATHETIC SEQUEL in 1936. oe ; His collecting hobby has taken|ine is Mary, Queen of Scots. paid Olt h the 1 Months Jor which Puter fom y Vi Wipigs 0 sure-trove of Manitoba lakes even| A statement of the Ontario Motor, Most of the members could not be [carl Pp, Dietz from coast to coast figures are available, Field crops I on; he Al i I what real- more than salmon is of Saint John | Vehicles Department the other day Yesched u home by telephone, the | within a year and a half. He has ob- lg ; 3 were nob 50 valuable ana wheat ee e reasons for xing on my Father or cod of Gaspe. It is conse- | Yevealed 41,983 persons had been in. ustol reply being, she is at the of- | tained more than 230 different mod- Dominion - Wide i [sales abroad in the first seven quently rather disturbing to hear | jured in.automobile accidents in On- Be working. ~~ [els of typewriters, most of them in - months of the current fiscal year ET : from Professor I. Neave that the | tario in"the last five years and 2,495 They do marry Liswever, dedpite working order. . Health League were down - about $2,500,000 and MR. BURNETT does not give his commercial supplies of poldeve are | dead. These statistics, cold and mat. | 41 antipathy toward making the| Aside from an exhibit at the Nat- = g about 46 per cent. comparing. the mother's ceply: If any bit Rn dles: being severely depleted. Nature | ter of fact, carry their own moral. advances, Last year 23 mew mem- | ional Museum. on Washington, D.C., lat two _grop. years... Bui. Canada esting document bearing on the gy cope with the nates: demands . ; bers were admitted to take the [and two small ones in Germany,| Plans for the formation of a Health produced and sold more lumber, matter is preserved -- a. sheet of of: Indian: tihooinen sire Brie ded: But there is more, What about the | places of those who had marched | Dietz said the Milwauke public mu- | League of Canada, the inaugural newsprint, motor cars, base and fine notepaper with 'Little - Lord - Fane covered the art of smoking this fish irreparable grief bean tet iy horn altarward. : seum collection to which he contrib-{ luncheon to be held in Montreal, on | metals, fish and live stock than iw tleroy" written on it, in a column of the priivie lakes, but it may be ol ame etme Ie y bat UL). | Voty tow of the girls who founded | utes is the only one of importance. | January 31st, were announced by (1934, In satisfying the home de-| ut ten times in the author's Seren Un Com i) the aid. of na support, At Pakenham three were | the club in 1929 remain members, Since C. Latham Sholes and Carlos | Dr. Gordon Bates, General Director mand the clothing, shoe, \ textile and handwriting. Evidently, she had eter Iter the Spt OF Horde killed when a car crashed a train. | They preferred to write "Mrs." in| Glidden invented the typewriter here | of the Canadian Social Hygiene Coun. | furniture factories and. steel gllied |... trying the effect othe title a Wi ah ona) They were survived by eight child front of new names. . in 1873, some G40 different kinds of [ cil, in Toronte this week. The new plants were buSier than in the prev- or horsclt. Soar Ha Bb ren. In Ottawa death came to Oscar" The club of - which Miss Evelyn | machines have been marketed. Dietz | Health League, to be Dominion-wide | ious year, : : : Ei Juneau, Eg craftsman of Salisbury is" president, doesn't at-|sais his ambition is; to obtain asin its actlvities, is being sponsored | ee elt ] Co the Royal Mint, when two cars erash-| tempt to get along wihout men. It [many of them as possible. by th anadian Social. ; " Che AUTO PERFORMANCE ed. Mr, Juneau is survived by his wi- en y couple of bachelors as "I guess I've as: for a life's tne Fanad bale ivgione on NOME Ong Ting ming ah We " AE EW oe J tea in Sorts ¥ ir 1 be gn] most of his finds Die bf ihe Avap setions of 2 pw i talking; 'another renched: forward on dis} oy np 8 Bt © The moral is the old moral which lolz lois) thy organization will be the absorption of and lifted from the relaxed fingers, sults of the recent tests in Philadel- cannbt be repeated: 108 often iu Hel . were "lucky." Some were obtained | the Toronto Diphtheri. Committee, 23 ohe Tight take a fallle thor a phia are timely, Six cars from the application to mvdern taffie--thet Simple Day Dress on tips, others by Lanvassing second | which has already passed @ resolution baby, the big cigar that was scorch- ow priced field were drive contin- rT vic is the rice of saf hand stores and typewriter concerns. | favoring this transfer of its activities ing the varnish of the table. Th uous'y for 100,000 miles at an av- PEN Wines 1 fas i halen a In San Diego, Calif, he spotted a| fron the Toronto Social Hygiene 'sat quietly, saying Sh A # v. ) I ¢ gs, i W sh itan 3} ' 2 Sra rate of speed of 10 miles Perl to rely on the right of way, to as- fom a hy Council. Under the new arrangement ever. One who went for a drink of sume that the other fellow both aries of one Just The it: he "tied the Diphtheria Committee will he able water walked on tiptoes. The only Whe ¥ oH only Hopped too, Breas- ows the rules and will obey them, oir or Din Dons wer he vorkod in to fhe expand its activities. sound that could be heard was the iny and, a change oll 1 re- R - 7 . v y i ' scribed intervals, and for ro ~- Dian donrhat, 3 12%. oiics 2 a : Ey oi is Bid idia badongo; pe dh i vars ong "while = * fills, No repairs o1 adjustments were man commercial he found 1n a store{ : vale nor ere vies pound or the| WAY CRINE GROWS. Re She Tucson, Art savond wr Sle Seve lo locate al the re i ah cirbon removed. during the tests. 'rime is increasing at such a fa . tat Tircs, however, had to by changed. rate in New York that the immediate 1 MACHINE FOR BEER Arliss MbiRin boos gotineied . rondo in wide se anit ii At the end of the 100,000 miles | appointment is recommended of 2,- When I passed a typewriter shop such children in Toronto and every "Jack | wish you would put that | fo ence being made to.Mr, Morgan's - the cars were still as shiny and as 400 more policemen. The main or second hand, store thereafter, 1 SRL WH he Tedd to: hore. that Fifth Nocturne on the machine." nap." new looking as when they had left trouble across the line consists of always asked to see their old type-|~ t h y .. "Eight In the morning is a trifie neir fi Ges OT the fact th atso many legal delays writers," Dietz said. protected against the disease, early for musle, my dear." hr bay their factories, They had stood up ote possible after conviction and In a Pittsburgh store basement Some idea of the work already ac- "l know, but the length of time vider, the sruelling tondwork withe th the rast jority of those who below a h tol arded machines, | complished by the Committee in ell.| It takes to play it ls Just right for SPEAKING OF Mr. Morgan's ir ii, out noticeable deterioraticn; or, at at 3 VAs IMBJOiLy 0 108 : elow a heap of discarded machines, minating di Jhth 'ia, is to be had f bolling an egg." cigars," Mr. Vanderk Yount, deteriovation. thet could "only fir ianliy land "iv jail are speedily in Se a iwi nl g dig eria, is to be had from gars, eh Sh cs of be discovered from laboratory exam- paroec . Aang ta ae Who Phe Havana tobacco, but it was rolled in ination. i Of convicted murderers only a Sons at Thor N.Y. in 1873. In Tex- Keeping At The Top shapes never sold in any cigar store. This constitutes an undoubted tri-|very small percentage ever reach 2 he eBtiined a Bennett, the small. ; i Morgan cigars had the form of a i umph for modern motor engineer-|the extreme penalty and the entire cst made for commercial use; in ex- XA. Fi wo '| Hercules club, bulging thickly at the eh I ine and mechanical construction, Four | Administration of justize has become change for a barrel of Milwaukee outer end, and they were absolutely Fk 3 times around the earth, or there- [a ghastly farce with open perjury, Boor. gi poisonous for all but the most ex- 2A abouts; that is what the 100,000 | sccuring dismissal after dismissal. An Odell, in which the type bar '| perienced smokers. I know I fot } miles stands for! In the casting of The Lindberghs are wise in pr iy and platen run sideways, was uncov- smoked myself giddy the first time Ee > metals, in their fabricatior. into ma- | termination to reside in England ered in Denver. From Grants Pass, I lighted one that he had thrust into i : chines, man has become the wizard | Where the law is the law and there Ore., he brought a Yetman transmis my hand.' Thereafter; until I had i 3 ind magician in actual fact, And [is no coddling of criminals. -- The ting typewriter, a combination tele- become inured to strong tobacco, I nl i the wonders of modern metallurgical | Brantford Expositor . graph and typewriting machine used would always put his gift cigars in dH. science far outshine the feats of the : on' the Great Northern Railway un- my pocket, and so keep my mind A genii of Arabian Nights' Entertain- 3 til' 1910. free for the calm consideration of Tei ment. -- Winnipeg Free Press, THE EMPIRE In Knoxville, he found an origina! whatever financial matter we might 1 A } Corona, the first folding typewriter, be under the necessity of discussing." ied POG LICENSES DRIVING TESTS Under a stairway of a basement . Tt is difficult to see much justifi- Some variation in the relative shop in Philadelphia, he came upon . cation for the system being sugg difficulty of the driving tests in .dif- the Peoples typewriter, an. early in- Em Ey BA 5 ed sone bold Io actually oe ferent areas was to be expected. The dicator model machine in which the pire Imports Ki eration of basing the amount of dog |examinations are conducted by a Platel pressed pong the Ietigrs; Show Increase A Jicense on the weight of the dog. front Jeny diene, dnaiduns : N {4 Size is not the most important thing | Fach will have his own ldeas : : : 3 ERLE fir about a dog. Some ops canines por ing efficiency. Each will "pass" or Film Biographies > ) "iously -jrrital 5 "fail," his examinees in the light of - oo November Value $35,867,- i notoriously irritable and will snap oy Pl ed £ 1936 S ' 9 and bite on slight provocation, whil them. But it ought to be the steady : ann or 765 Which Is $3,260,614 7 Yo Zht y Wiel sim of the Mi tT t to| Here's the darling of tt 1 . it bat 7 the larger animals, such as the col. |aim of the Ministry of Transpor hil Cae 5 Dr abie WEY Ovér 1934 vo lies, spaniels, Newfoundlands--ex-| Secure uniformity as rapidly as pos-| : jgomforiabls hile HOLLYWOOD. -- A year of "bi 5 , ible by examining its examiners,| Walst lines. It's go universally LL . y 8 / cept police dogs--are well known for Whet Ye driving and the non-driv-| Practical, and go very becoming to |names" for movie goers wus pro: : » ABE their aftiability and popularity as ing public, IIE is some yeas-| 'omen of all types. mised for 1036. Imports from British - Empire oH / E pets for children. There is no serise| | LL "ys tho Ministry that contin-| mane che or inel. on ag. mart, | As 1935 closed, the lives of great Sountries in November were valued *; iil or reason in this dog hy the pound} o. "otroris' are being made to se- ok hy Hstnal in Aine, Er Fi men--and women--were reminding at $20,000,278, an increase of $2, ~: ji idea, -- Niagara Falls Review, cure that the local tests approximate| lightful, Or make it of light-weight produgers of potential profits In 813,276 over those of November, 7 to a national standard, -- London| woolen in dark or gray bright |screening them. At least 21 movie 1984, while imports from foreign #1 THESE WARRIORS DIED IN BED | paily Herald. : shade, biographies will be placed in produc countries were valued at $36,876,765, gE A London newspaper has just made : ae. Style No. 2090 is designed for [tion this year, an increase of $3,260,614 the Domin- id 8 a list of important personages who Slzon 4, 15, 8 Joars 36, 3 and At Warner Brothers studios, Kay jon Bureau of Statistics reports. STR figured in the last war, who still HONOUR FOR WOMEN Yorae ooh Bite 3b equ res Francis will create Nurse Florence Canada's total imports during ? survive, and one of those who do| The New Year's honours list ~ is| How T0 ORDER PATTERNS Nightingale; and Miss Francis, Jean November were valued at $55,968, : - not. more than usually interesting be- Write your hame and address 'Muir, and Josephine Hutchinson will 043, against $49,884,168 in 'Novem. There are few Britishers left. They cause of its wide recognition of the plainly, giving number and size star iin a film based on the lives of ber, 1034, are, according to this newspaper, | work of women in varied spheres of of pattern wanted. Enclose 16c |Emily, Jane and Charlotte Bronte, The United Kingdom was the best : Lord (in war days Rear Admiral |activity. In this respect it marks a in stamps or coin (coin prefer Paul Muni will portray Goethals supplier of goods from Empire coun- : Sir David) Beatty, who is 64 years| precedent. Conspicuous among those - red; wrap it careful and ad. |or Gorgas in "Panama Canal" A| tries with 312015, 819, against $12, sh of age; General Sir Tan Hamilton, 82 | honored are Miss Christabel Pank- dress your order to Wilson Pat. |life of Madame Curie is set for Jo- 527,662 last "and. the United Ef * Lord Allenby, 76. In France there is | hurst, for public and social work, and tern Service, 73 West Adelaide sephine Hutchinson, Lafitte the States led rain countries with the comparatively young Marshal Petain, aged 59; and Marshal Fran- chet-d'Egprey 79; General Gouraud, Miss "Myra Hess, the pianist, for her services to music, ~-- Mail, London 'Daily I" Street, Toronto, £2 43 pirate awaits a swashbuckling actor, possibly Errol Flynn, Buffalo Bill, Vietor Herbert, Hou- | Before 18,000 fans An Madison Dweller 7, Duquesne, An University won 10th straight 0) Kramer a Lh Ll "Biving Square Gardens, NY, Long foland ag gd 36.34. or ball, goods valued ot $27,645,062, compar- od with §2278570 in 'November, igre 5

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