Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star (1907-), 2 Apr 1936, p. 3

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: ~ wife to town when he wants to buy - ) 9 himself a new suit. He knows wh - La | 8 new suit. 1 k di 0 : A -. to please, 2 re ; "Fathér--~What's that young. man's " . intentions, daughter? Daughter -- Don't know, Daddy Dear. He is keeping me pretty much in"the dark, A career should be "up" to' you-- . not down, 'Political Speaker--1'm "pleased to see such a dense crowd here tonight. Voice--Don't be too pleased. We ain't all dense. « J - Most men buy a seat in the chair car so they cin have something to set their bags on while they are in the smoking compartment, . Judge -- I award the eight-day » clock to the plaintiff. & > Defendent--And what do I get? . Judge--You get the eight days. In order to cater to an intelligent public one must have a sm.ll supply on hand himself. stop nagging your a few Hubby--If you don't me' I'm going to tell things. : «| ae ) Wifey--You mighi. begin by tell- : ing me why you called me "Baby" "in your sleep last night. : 3 gS If we like his ideas he is a man of vision; If we do not he is a dreamer of pipe dreams, vow His Wife--You told an..awful fib to the doctor when he asked you what you-had been eatirig. po . Man-"I know what I was about. If I had told him I had been eating porterhouse steak and mushrooms he would have charged me, accordingly. "Brunettes make the best wives," asserts a psychologist. scientific days they also make very good blondes. SU ---- Now that the scientific shars minds licate that they ean measure a | HE ing to find the blush? The best way to starve to death wauld_be to start a lot 'of shops where -the girls could be made use- NN 3 Y ful "instead of beautiful. Friend--And so you have a sweet- heart in every port? Sailor--Yes--I got 400 ports, too. . Friend--Say, you're not a sailor, you're a wholesaler, There is some doubt whether 1936 will be a bigger and better year, but it is certain to be a noisier one. yA farmer,- paying his first visit to 3 the seashore, asked a boatman if he could buy some of the 'water to take ~home to show -his wife. The boat- man assented and charged the farm- er a quarter. A few hours later the visitor returned to the shore. By now the tide had gone out, and the man gazed open-mouthed at the spectacle. 17, certainly done a. big business today." Judith--My sweetheart has -- just lost all of his money. Edith--Lon't you feel very sorry for him? . Judith--I surely do. How he will of : miss me! L © The human race may be. compared to mushrooms, most of it is mush- rooms but there are a lot of toad- stools mixed in.' Bookkeeper--The new stenograph- er's hair is a decided blonde, isn't it? Boss--Yes, though I did notice a slight indecigion around 'the roots. Willing Captive She was "led" -to the altar-- But some made this crack: - "That she didn't falter } Or try to hang back. a "Modernized Murder In the past 15 years, no major un. derworld figure in New.York has had to answer to a court of justice for - he homicides done at his bidding, : a he only charges the major racket. i | . erg fear at all are charges of income ux evasion, and, surrounded by sharp .. -and: cunning lawyers who lave a §ppcial talent for "Axing" juries, even that fear is, with him, 'not the fear of despair. The racket boss has a pro. found contempt for the courts and creaky court machinery, If gangs and gang chiefs were not wiped out from > time to time by the gung of their competitors there would not be en.' ough penthouses and officy buildings © hold * them, -- (From Current History.) I | | Ll A man says he 'always takes his| 'In these! have invented an apparatus so de-| 'maiden's blush, where "are they go-| Ei "By cracky, mister," he said, "you've | Trial Bottle of KRUSCHEN '® GET YOURS NOW Ask your di ist for a 78¢c Khischen Gia tains a re, x . . Youth And Music The way .to have a musical people is to have people make music. A good deal is talked about the educa- tive effect of listening to radie and phonographic records, and there is something in it (albeit most for those who know music already), but to make an actor you do not sit and watch plays. In Springfield the hotels are full of especially appetizing vests, Who should they be but 600 boys and girls musicians in the orchestras and bands from High schools in New England towns and cities? Aud all rehearsing like a house afire-for the festival on Saturday afternoon; The public schools , are the lifesavers of Amerl- |, can music from the drowning of too much passive listening at radio and the_ asphyxiation oi vulgarian jazz, Here _children are taught to know the' MRS. SMALL He . he says, "but 1 can'now say that my. ality of the discase, despite all that has been accomplished to date by surgery or radium "or other treats Jd ment, ol 4 § : Total Living at end Organ CRaes of five yrs. Stomach ) ah6 1,.% Intestine. ~~ 7% uo 6 Rectrm # Wc A © 6 Uterus k 178 3H p Breast * 38h i HK " Dr. Hett's Success: | ~ "A comparison of these records with Alie records that Dr, Het has at (his time world certainly 'give the medical profession an idea of the demurkabye results obtained in the treatment. of the disease similarly located by "Dr, Heit with his serum, The records were examined by the Telegram, and they ave available to members of the medical profession who desire to examine them, The doctor he realizes many difticultics which can avise be- lore the medical world can be cons vinced. A nmunber of local medical! men who have attended his clinic and examined his records have declared | themselves convinced is ample, but he declares some time | must elapse belore ho lay. his cards | lon the table, Four years ago, when | he had only a few patients to show, |! Fhe was urged to announce what ho | had, but he declined on the srounds | that it would be unwise to create any false hope if such shovld be the cose. ? x . "Time is always needed and [EEEITP ' tial to prove permanency of results," Says the noble music from rubbish that is of- ten filthy and vile, and being taught to love the good. As for their rehear- sals and concerts here in this hosom is nothing but the most whole-heart- 'ed envy of their good time, for if anything has ever been found that is more fun for 'a musical child thyn a Spring Festival of amateur players no ong knows what it is. A family party at che vila of 'Dr. Jean Sibelius in Finland, was 'debat- ing this question--whether passive # listening to radio and phouograph | =~ ; : Dr. J. E. Hell, oi 607 Sherbourne il Sienilize Tus soakiog Ong 0! St., Toronto, and 223 King Street E., the composer's daughters, a pianist, : { , ario, who has been in- said, "I like both preserved fruit and Kitchener, Qutario, who has bee . g er since his graduat- fresh fruit. Each has .its distinctive 1erested in concer since lls grad y i 8 ion in medicine from the wiversity J a ay Tillie) Shek R& vom of Tovonto, in 1891, has devoted near ; ly all of his spare time to research #The dilettanti will continue to N . 3 ork and inténsive study of this great listen to machines aud the great fal work ] 8 , preblem: 4 reate." : : ents - will continwe-to creat .. He toured 'Ilurope on different oc- casions and visited the laboratories and cancer clinics in London, Paris, Berlin, Heldelberg, Vienna, Prague, Padua, Bolonga and Rome. For years in his own laboratory in Kitchener he worked away quietly, taking no time off Mor sports er other diversions but devoting every spare moment, after the hard day's work at his profession of medicine and sur- gery, On many occasions he worked throughout the night. Eventually he became convinced (hat germs were the actpal cause OF _cancer and that irritation alone was not sufficlent. Ho pursed this theory steadily and. four and one-half. years ago reached the conclusion that he had developed a serum, which, if given intravenously would obtain the long looked for re- sults, AL first his patients were very few but gradually they have inereased in numbers so that now he is very busy treating patients_every week in Tor- "onto, Kitchener, ondon and Windsor. For some' months past, records have been compiled of a large number of Cases, These records are scientifically prepared with the clinical histories and biopsies (pathological reports of sections removed for diagnosis). As time goes on more and more records are added and:progress noted. In the Toront, Ivening Telegram of November 16th last, the following appeared: Doctors Surprised "A numbér of very promineni me- dical men have examined these re- cords and are very greatly surprised at the results, The profession as a whole, however, knows but little of this work-- which" has been going on 80 quietly. Dr. Hett up to the present time has not given his formulae to the profession and for that reason there has been but 'fittle publicity. Dr. Hett déclaves that it is his in- "| tention to give his secret to the pro- fession when the time comes. "I am entirely convinced myself, but I do not wish 6 be considered premature and declaring it. I have a 3y Sern During the last 10 vears, the popu- lation of Southwark, London, Eng. has- decreased Ly 22,764. ( 7 3 re 0 { "ASK YOUR DOCTOR FIRST, MOTHER 'Before You Give Your Child an Unknown Remedy to Take Every day, mitibingy, mothers take the 10 of unqualified persons -- instead of their doclors' -- on remedies for their children. If they knew what the scientists know, they would never take this chance. . ~ Doctors Say PHILLIPS' g For Your Child When it comes lo the frequently-~used "milk of magnesia," doctors, for over -50 years, have said "PHILLIPS Milk of Magnesia -- the safe remedy for your child." Remember this -- And Always Say "Phillips'" When You Buy, Your "child deserves it; for your own peace of mind, sec that you get it -- Gen. uing Phillips' Milk of Magnesia. Also in Tablet Form: Phillips' Milk of Magnesia Tab- lets are now on sale at all drug stores everywhere. Each tiny tab- let is the equivalent of a teaspoonful of Gen- vine Phillips" Milk of esia. PaiLLips' ~~ MADE IN CANADA , A} Catarrhal Deafness May Be Overcome If you have catarrhal dexfness or head noises go to your druggist and get 1 oz of Parmint (double strength) and add to "it % pint of hot water and a little sugar. Take 1 tablespoonful four times a day, This will often bring quick relief from the distressing head noises. Clogged nostrils should open, breath- ing hecome easy and the mucous stop dropping into the throat, It is easy. to prepare, costs little and is pleasant to take. Anyone who. has catarrhal deafness or head noises should give this prescription a trial, 60 CYCLE--110 VOLT--C, G. E. MOTOR IN EXCELLENT CONDITION, 2 HORSEPOWER, 3 #HASE Wilson Publishing Co., 73 Adelaide St. W., Toronto ie n-- HING AND TO Bra aNG AND TO up Nely A VIY.\ AND SKIN RASHES - USE Dr. D. D, Dennis' Liquid Prescrip. tionpmade and warranted by the makers of Cathpana's Italian Balm Trial bottle 35¢ at your druggist." 24 Has Cure Of Cancer - Been Discovered? Instances Cited as Proof of Serum's Results. -- Hopeless Cases are Aided. studies and observations of many pa- tients prove to-me beyond the shadow of doubt that. permanency will he bro | ven," . De. Hett is not opposed to surgery, Xerays and radium, He claims these all have chejr places, but a very lurge number of patients are not amen- able to these treatments or have fail cd to respond to them, Whilst he has been successtul in advanced cases of cancer, he has also been successiul in cases of sarcoma. Ile belioves also that his serum will prevent cancer, but he has not given it in a single case for the reason that it would be impossible to absolutely prove it, le states that the time will certainly | come when people will be immunized ! against canter, but that will not conte |, until the profession will recognize that | the cure of cancer has heen discover: ed: Te Te ) Dr. Hett was the first physician in the world (o treat an internal fibroid ; growth by X-rays. He dbtained a com-, plete cure and published his results | in the Journal of Advanced Therape- | utics in September, 1901. Ile discon; tinned using X-rays since then, as he dit" not get any results with X-rays in cancer, Dr, _Hett takes no holidays and he works seven days a week. Ie is at present travelling some $00 miles ev. ery week, covering the province wos- terly as far as Windsor, in an endoa. | vor to meet the demands of patients who aie unable to come to Toronto. ! He declares the strain je a heavy one number of cases that have heen cured one, two, three and four years who had been given but a few months or weeks to live," he told the Telegram. "And the remarkable part of it is that these patients have kept well and ad- ded more weight than a year ago, and are carrying on their usual occupa- Lions, some of them the heavy burd. ens that fall on farmers' wives. "There was no selection of these 'cases and a large percentage of them were looked on as hopeless, and_the only thing that could:be _done foi them wast the administration of mor- phine to relieve their pain. [am no longer experimenting; that stage of the treatment was passed -four years ago..I am now obtaining results sucli as have never been obtained befdre anywhere," he says. "te ® Remarkable Results During the past four years Dr. Hett has carefully watched each patient, and has acquired considerable new knowledge. The subject of cancer is still a very great problem, and there! for a man of his age." are different forms of malignaney, Some cases are slow in grow th--and Dr. Hett states that he has had | others very rapid, His serum gives a) duite a number of patients, some ot] definite reaction when first admin. | them bedridden, who had been con-, istered, and during all the times he | Sidered. hopeless cases and who are has used it not a single accident has | NOW carrying on normal life again. In | happened to a patient, and he has | act states the Doctor, "ihe most. of, treated some with very high blood the cases 1 have treated were Fira) pressure; in others, i very low blood | Vineed." pressure with heart disease and other complications. He has discovered that where cancers are slow growing, he cannot obtain a high degree of re. action, whilst with' those of rapid growth the reaction is very strong, Some of these patients are living in Toronto and others outside. The Te- legram last year, and early this year had the opportunity of seeing several of them, and recently checked up on their progress following the appar- ent cure. Records recently made show, remarkable gains i weight and add- ed strength by some: and the others continue in good health, Curability of Cancer In 1927 the. Department of Health of Detroit established a cancer divi- sion as a registry of the cancer cases The case of Mys. Small, 930 Man- | ning Ave., Toronto, is the most re-! markable. Dr. Hett said that he has | not read of such a remarkable case | anywhere in medical literature, and that medical men who have seen and examined her hold the sam: opinion. that her case was hopeless and noth- | ing was left but morphine to-ease hey, ! Her family was told three months | previously that there was no hopao for | her whatever, She had a part of the | bowel removed in the Women's Col- | lege Iospital in November 1932 and | the finding pronounced by microsco: pical examination was adeno care noma, X-rays and radium were later given. A number of outstanding med- | ical men and surgeons had given her up in the beginning of 1934 and it was treated fn all the Detroit hospitals. | not until July 27, 1934, that Dr. Hett ! The attempt has been made to follow | saw her. At that time she was very | the cases treated there smrgically or | low. She was in terrible distiess and | otherwise in 1927, °'28, '20, for five! weighed less than 100 pounds. She years. No case was included unless had a recurrence and at large mass of | the pathological diagnosis was record- cancer in the pelvis, also cancer in| ed, but the attempt was made to in- the hladder-and was taking as much | clude all cases treated in 13 hospitals. ' us 19 one-half grain tablets of moy- The result is an exhibition of the work ! phine daily. On January 15, 1935, slie in attempting to cure cancer in the | took the last dose of morphine and ' hats not taken any since, Alter treat. | hospitals of a large city. The figures show the terrible mort-| ment with the serum she bas grad.' . 7 ually improved and leads a normal N . life again and has been doing all her WAKE Up YOUR household work-for «considerable LIVER BILE-- time, Her weight is now 146 pounds, And You'll Jump Out of Bed in the the same as it has been the past year and she is the pictuie of health as her photograph taken January 24,4 1936, shows." Morning Rarin' to Go Dr. Hett believes this is the most | The liver should pour Sut two pounds of spectacular case recorded. Not only Sule bile if yous bowels da; g 3s bile I because of the recovery after being | It just decays in the bowels. Gas bloats up 80 near to death but also because of | DE ket cana ed Ra the breaking off of the habit of tak- sunk and the world looks punk, A mere bowel movement doesn't always get atthe cause, You need something that works on the liver as well, It takes those , old Cartér's Little Liver Pills to get these two joan s of bile flowing freely and make you eel "up and up", Harmless and gentle, ¢ ey make the bile flow freely, They do the work of calomel but have no calomel or mercury in them, Ask for Carter's Little Liver Pills by ing so much of morphine eath day. Dr. Hett believes that no record can "be found in any medical journal or "other publication of a case that ap-! parently was as hopeless as this and a recovery made. : N i Dr. Hett is well up in years and re- cognizes the fact that the time is name! Stubbornly refuse anything else, 25¢. * short for the carrying on of his work. ' Issue No. 13 -- 36 H4 states that he does not want more | 46 patients than he can properly treat ' i year plans imposed on | Tt is "Mrs. Small was told in June 193 vg 1 1 \ Fe, CIGARETTE PAPERS DOUBLE AUTOMATIC BOOKLET 5 Pee eerrrsecerrrscverrevee By Prof. S. Editor's Note: This is the cénclu- sion of a scries of ten articles which were published recently in the Harri- ston "Review." While written special ly for the "Review" and addressed to residents of Minto Township particu- larly, we believe they have been found interesting to many of the readers of this paper because the problems of the farm folk of Minto Township are the same problems that confront rural peop'e throughout the province. all heme {a recon- So. with all respeet and in ility I make bold to suggest struction plan. tor Minto. It has no connection of any sor With a politi- cal reconstruction sucht as Mr. Stev- ens advocated in the recent election, Novis it of a sort such as (he five- the Russian farmers: by theic governmental dicta: tors. Rather it is the sort of economic reconstruction accomplished by Den- mark largely through a sensible scheme #0 adult cducation. . The ag- encey, which, in my opinion, could give the leadership best tor such a forward movement is the Min to Agricultural Society. A few weeks ago the Soviety veal led the West Wellington held its Thrd annual Fall Fair. hat necessary Society), Dineans that the first Fajr was held in ISG3. I believe the time has cone when there should he a general stock taking "with regard to all onr Agricul tural Societies and_other covernme nt supportyd raval organizations and in- stitutions to find ont pot only "whe pe they ave al" but also at what they aim to arrive, ." Nobody denies the value of the Harviston Fall Fair or any other Fall Fair as a happy social get-together, place From the standpoint of encouracing and perpetuating the spirit of neigh. borliness the all Fair is well worth- while. Tudeed there should he mor of such gatherings, But from the standpoint of advancing the econ- omic well being of Minto Township there can hardly be the same opimton about the value of the Society's work, For the tasks we ave facing should not our Agricultural Societies modernize themselves and put them- selves at the task of re-divecting and reconstructing Ontario Agriculture? ~The Minto Agricultural has had a long and honorable career, the one organization in the Township, apart from the Township Council, that is all inclusive of the population and continuous in its op- eration. Its purposes are unselfish. Its aim is the public good. Its lead- ership is established and accepted. My suggestion is that the Society should broaden its services beyond the Fall Fair idea and become a | Minto Agricultural and Development (or Reconstruction) Society. Dur ing the War the Ontario Govern- ment had an Organization of Re- sources Committee to promote food production and other war-time needs. It is something like this for the new cra that Minto faces that I have in mind; bringing about a union of ali the Township's forces so that it may attain to its full possibilities. So that none of its veiources he unor- ganized. Should such a proposal find favor. able consideration one of the first duties of the Society would be to "take stock." If possible, the actual and real benefits, not the imaginary and supposed benefits, derived from the Fall Fair should be honestly es- timated." There -should 'he careful consideration of the really construe- tive value of cash prizes for most of the competitions. Mv. Whaley told and that it is his hope that the time will soon come that it is generally re. cognized that" he has discovered the treatment, for cancer for which the whole world has heen looking, Society | -- ---------- ee Ma a Sh RS I AR SDNY A Reconstruction Plan for Minto B. McCready AMAL ASSSetasds SEs sd dds 22 2S FRESE NSO OUIPSTPUUUN that his proof . : me of a farmer in Bruce County who years on the same bushel of Bluck Oats, thought they had long ceased to be grown by him or anybody else, Then the Society should take stock of the Township's needs. if possible the average milk yield per cow -in the Township; the average wheat yield; the losses from weeds, the defects in potato and turnip marketing; the conditions of the or- chards; the cave given to bush lots; the amount of beautification of farm surroundings; whether the live stock of the Township is noticeably im- proving 'from year to year; the diffi- culties of securing needed credits; the burden of mortgages; the cost of sickness; the distresses of the aged poor; the edircational facilities of the Township; whether the schools have medical inspection and musical in- struction, (Continued Next-Week) Classified _ Advertising INVENTORS | AS (0 CS OF FE WS J DAS OY F30Y INVENTOR. VL of Wut ine ntiine im ntormatton sent free. THE RAMSAY compaay, Waorlag [Malem Labi sieel Otiawa Candi LADIES' CHOXERS "ON CLA CK, Jet-1? Of DY Ly, From $15 ta $25 Your pelts made Up into Chokers for 23 on adolph aa wn, Kipling Ong INSECT POWDER PEI OOb Oo tental MARVELLOUS OR- Powder copepod tor killing bedbuags, rogehes, doc tens cents, i Technion Producers Mig, Co, Zoo St, ansent St, Montreal. - ) ¥ (ford Diggit can supply you with real foot comloit and will recommend CRESS CORN & BUNION SALVES Free M0 waar Mode on Canmidy 50th aR Dud and Dept Stas Dn Curat ty 1antd U Bede X Company 1rd, doo to ...rub in Minard's - Checks colds, taken in< ternally, Ends skin blemishes. At druggists _ in regular and new large cconomy sizes, "HOW'S YOUR STOMACH? ) You lose vital nerve force if vou allow Your stom ach to distress you, Acud stomach, di gestion, gas or hile ousness and cose tiveness" cause the blood to be poisoned and will eventually destroy health and his Is what Clarence Howe of nerve force, 53 Main St, SG Catharines, Ong had no pep, had to force myself to (at md said +f after eating, I would belch pas and sneer from indigestion and Learthuin, I had sour stomach quite a bit too T used Dr. Pier Vs Golden Medical Discovery and it toned up my systent so that 1 felt like a different n an, The 'Discovery' -hielped to drive away the Stomagh distress and give me an appetite." New size, tablets Soc, liquid SLU and $0.35, LIVE STOCK MARKETING Shipping on the - co-operative plan has heen productive of splendid valle "for the Get In toue with us, . Wrlte--Wire----~ox Telephone L¥ndhurst 1143 . THE UNITED FARMERS CO-OPERATIVE COMPANY, LIMITED LIVES STOCK COMMISSION DEPT, Union Stock Yards, West Toronto owners. 217 Bay St, The Perfect Farm Insect Powder Sure Death to Parasites Rid"your livestock and poultry of parasites. IMR kills every louse, tick and mite and, in addition, pres vents immediate reinfestation, Pull information from yonr local Cooper dealer or write CANADIAN CO-OPERATIVE WOOT, GROWSRSY 1.TD, Toronto, Ei Branches In Regina. Weston, Lennoxville : had been getting a prize tor many' Find out ~ fall | Allein ns. 203 result : Selling. on the open market means re MR oF a rms h el ade is » Io rm ts ay > Vr SPST bi 2 a eo 7 ACW ES heh I

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