Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star (1907-), 2 Apr 1936, p. 4

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PAGE FOUR -------- LOCAL ITEMS Mr. and Mrs. E, LaRose of Mark- ham and Miss Watts of Toronto with 'Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Allin on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Reesor, of . Markham spent the week end with relatives in the village. : Mr. and Mrs, Aubert: Rose and family, of Toronto, were visiting Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Rose on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Doubt were Sun- ~day visitors of Mrs. McCrae. Mr. Gordon Howard, of Toronto, spent the week end with his mother, Mrs. A. E. Howard. Mr. and Mrs. Rebt Doubt, of To- -ronto, were in town on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Woon and son Harold were in Toronto for the week end. The Rink Company and Junior Hockey Club are holding a Bridge and Euchre and Dance on Friday, April 24. Be sure to hold this date. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson were in town this week calling on the latter's mother, Mrs. Walker, on their way home to Brampton after spending the winter in Florida. WILL SPEND THE SUMMER IN WEST On Thursday of this week Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Somerville, and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Somerville and child, start on their trip to Bechard, Sask. They go by the way of Detroit ana Minneapolis. . Port Perry citizens - join in. wishing--the party a safe journey and a prosperous and pleasant summer, THE HOSPITAL REMAINS It is with pleasure that we learn that arrangements have been com- pleted'by which the Port Perry Hos- pital will be carried on at the same place. This institution has been a great "benefit to Port Perry and it would be very unforunate if anything occurred by which we should lose the advantages which is provides. _-- to >------------------ KEN. PEARCE GOES TO LANSING _ Mr. Ken. Pearce has been trans- ferred to the Canadian Bank of Com- merce Branch at Lonsing, north of Toronto. Mr. Pearce will be suc- ceeded by Mr. Ripley, of Oshawa. There is general regret that Mr. Pearce is leaving, as his eight years' residence in Port Perry has secured for him many friends, who will watch his future career with interest. He has been a valued and obliging official at the bank; and is a favorite among the young people. We wish him every success, - L Customer is Pleased The Port Perry Star, Port Perry, Ontario. Dear 5 Farmer:- Enclo8ed you will find payment for the circulars which you printed for __us recently. On behalf of the associa- tion I wish to express our appreciation for the accurateness of printing and promptness of sending same. With such service as this you may be assured of our business in the future. BD, [DE ' CAROLINA JUBILEE SINGERS This company, every one of whom is a musically trained artist, will sing in Port Perry United Church on Monday, April 13th; at 8 p.m- The company includes--the greatest basso of the Negro race with a range "of three octaves and registering A flat below C; a very gifted soprano from - Curvin Conservatory of Music in Chicago; the same charming con- tralto that has pleased 100,000 music loving Canadians; a pianist and ac- companist from the Northwestern . Conservatory of Music whose skill and technique leaves nothing to be de- sired; the same Internationally fam- ous Dramatic Reader, whose portrayal of the words of Paul Lawrence Dun- bar, the great Negro Poet, is sur- passed by none on the concert plat- form. Admission--adults 26¢., child- Ten 16e¢. a... OGD©S -. EASTER TEA Le The annual Easter' Tea and Sale of Home Baking will be held in the Anglican Parish 'Hall, on Saturday, 'April 18th from 4.80 to 8.30. Watch for the: quilt to be shown in the win- dow of the J. & H. Bakery from April © 18th: tt etl PAP Pins MARRIED HILL-McMILLAN--At Toronto on Saturddy, March 28th, 1986, by Rev. Simon Edwards of Parkdale United .Chureh, Lucille E. McMillan, daughter of Mrs. McMillan and the late Mr, W, : McMillan, of Port Perry, to Mr, "8. Hill, son of Mr. and Mra. Wile n Hil, of Toronto, YOU WILL NEED LEATHER GLOVES TO PROTECT YOUR HANDS--WE HAVE THEM Light weight Pecary Gloves with elastic wrist ....per pair 50c. Moose Hide, one-piece back Gauntlets , per -pair'65ec. . Horsehide faced, one-piece back; -- Gauntlets per pair 58¢. FOR YOUR FEET-- Work Socks, pair 18c., 25c., 85c. Dress Sox, 18c¢., 25c., 85c., 40c., and 50c. per pair. RRR REE Eyes Tested AND Glasses Supplied WHERE NECESSARY L R. BENTLEY OPTOM ETRI 8T PORT PERRY, ONT. PHONE 33 Come in and see them Bring along your harness repairs, be ahead of the game. WILLIAM WEBSTER, At Beatly's Store, Port Perry Churoh of the Ascension 1 a.m.--Holy Communion. <a Ar ST. JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. D. A. Ferguson, B.A., Minister 7 p.m.--Evening service. ~ _---- too -- PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH 11.00 a.m.--W. M. S. Easter Service. Speaker--Mrs. (Rev.) A. E. "Arm- strong. 7 DIS RVINE Soren, The pastor United Church Choir ~ Concert! ! and Social FRIDAY APRIL 3rd At-8.00 p.m. Old Time Musio and Old Time Costumes. Lunoh Served. Admission 26c. Proceeds in Aid of the Choir.' will preac i " Thur sday, April 2nd--7.80 p.m., Union Prayer Service at Presbyterian Church. Monday, April 6, at 8 p.m.--Official ..Board will meet. Wednesday, April 8 at 3 p.m.--W.M.S. will meet at the home of Mr. Jas. Leask. Service. HOCKEY In the semi-final for the Stanley Cup, the New York Americans and Toronto Maple Leafs are now tied with one game each. Toronto won the first game on Saturday night when they scored three goals to the New Yorkers one. : On Tuesday night! the teams met Gardens, New York. The Americans very hard fought game. Roy Worters, net minder for-the Americans, saved his team on innumerable occasions net. This was particularly so in the third period, when the Leafs seemed to have the best of the play. ] The third and deciding game will be played in Toronto to-night (Thurs- day, April 2). The winner will m 'the Detroit Red Wings 'in the finals for the Stanley Cup. Detroit had previously defeated the Montreal Maroons in three straight games. In the finals for the Intermediate "B" championship, Whitby will meet Durham, at Oshawa, for the second game of the les, "Durham won the first game on nday night. . } BORN SAMELLS--At "Elm Hill Farm", Scugog Island, on March 26th; 19386, to Mr. and Mrs. George W. Samells, the gift of a daughter--"Jean Marie". --_-------- or DIED BYERS--At Port Perry, on Tues- day, March 81st, 1836, George H. Byers, in his 86th year. Funeral on Thursday at 2 p.m. : ' NOTICE RE TAXES . Notice js hereby given that all ar- rears of taxes on lands in this Muni- cipality will be returned to the County Treasurer at April 1st next in accord- ance with the provisions of the Assessment Act, and that on and after' that date all payments on account of such arrears will be required to be made to the said County Treasurer at Whitby. Notice is further given that arrears of Business Taxes, Water Rates, and |. Licence Fees, overdue for more than 'six months at April 1st will be handed to the -Solicitor for the Municipality ordered by By-law No, 988 of the Municipality. : H, C. NASMITH, 'y+ Municipal Treasurer, Dated this 26th day March, 1986; April 10th at 11 a.m.--Good Friday| again, this time at Madison Square | defeated Toronto one to nothing in a| when the Leafs stormed around his t The winner will meet} to be collected according to 1aw and as| MYRTLE V Mr. R. Menzie of Toronto visited his mother Mrs, Joe Walker last week. Mr. Fred Broome has engaged with Mr, Frank Batty of Brooklin and has moved his family to Mr. Batty"s house this last week. - Mr. and Mrs. Fred Beadle and fam- ily and Mrs. Russell Richardson, of Ashburn at Mr. W. J. Cook's on Sun- | Qualiyy} Guaranteed. SATURDAY SPECIALS Watch our window each week for our Saturday Speciak You can save man pennies during the year by buying these real bargains. Phone 4 YOUR ORDERS will receive careful attention, and prompt delivery. W. BOYNTON day. The Sabbath School was pleased to a visit from Mrs. Beadle and Mrs. Richardson on Sunday. = They were formerly faithful teachers in the school here and it is pleasing to note they still take an interest in it by visiting it occasionally, Mr, Mark Duff left last week for Calgary where_he is judging horses, and expects to be in the Prairie Pro- vinces for some time. Miss Margaret Ross and Miss Helen Hurd, of Margaret Eaton School, in Toronto, 'and Mr. Donald Ross, of Maple Grove, spent the week end with the former's aunt Mrs, Edward Mole. Quite a severe thunder storm, ac- companied by heavy rain and hail, passed over here on Monday night. This is the second electric storm of the season, Mr, Howard Stevenson spent the week end with his mother in Whitby. Mr, H. Roy Bright's sale on Friday drew a large crowd and bidding under the persuasive hammer of auctioneer Maw, was keen and the prices realized were very satisfactory. The herd of twenty-four Guernsey cows was one of-the finest to be disposed of in this vicinity for a long time, the highest price paid was one hundred dollars. Mr. Bright moved to Port Perry this week where he will continue the in. surance business more extensively. While it is much regretted that the {family are leaving this community, bebt wishes for success go 'with them in thejr new environments. 'Miss Reva . Cooper, of Brooklin, spent the wéek end with her parents 'Mr. and Mrs, Jim Cooper. Mr. Jim 'Lawrence is spending the "|'week with his brother Dr. Lawrence of Lindsay. Mr. Arthur Boyes, of Brooklin, is making his 'annual rounds through here papering and _decorating for his patrons, Myrtle Statiort | Service in United Church' next Sun- day will be at 7 pm. Sacrament of the Lord's Supper will be administered |- at this time, Sunday School at the usual hour of 1.46 p.m. All are wel- come. The sermon by Rev. W. E. Honey.last Sunday was well delivered from the text John 8:14-16 and the lesson read was John 3:1-16. Miss Laurene Bradley was a week -end visitor with friends at Glenbrook, Mr. and Mrs. Carman Werry, of Dundalk, were visitors of Mr. and Mrs. J. E, Beacock, last week. Mrs. Ward, of Blackwater, spent part of last week with Mr. and Mrs, A, R. Ward. Mr: and Mrs. H. R. Bright and fam- ily John, Barbara and Sylvia, are moving this week to Port Perry where they will make their future home. We are sorry to lose the Bright family from the locality. Mr. Archie Parrinder has purchased the Bright farm and is moving in this week. © We are glad to welcome he and his family to our village, Mrs. 'W. E, Honey, Mrs. G. Painter, Mrs. D. Luery and Mrs. R. Thompson, took advantage of the week end ex- cursion to Toronto. Zs ble] ll Mle] SOUPS JELLY Mild Canadian CHEESE Macaroni | 4-19° FANCY BLUE ROSE CREAM STORES + LIMITED = These values effective from: Thurs.," April 2nd to ER PLUM JAM Glassco's (added Pectin) api Aylmer assorted POWDERS Shirriff's or McLaren's Sandwich 'Biseuits Weston's "Melba S-enden 23 3: 25° 3-14) 2-29 Domino Tea iu~ = 45° Rolled Oats Beef Bologna 2 » 25 Cocoa Blue Ribbea Jumbo Peas ri. 2 1.209¢ © 25 wn 29 Emery Corned Beek No. 1 Tin 10. Spaghetti c.. Fresh Sedbed- . Peanuts 35 28 ow 10 Soap Chips pommo jig BB¢ °* Red Rose ¢ Crinson Labe ae RT Vinegar Heinz Cider, Malt a 14 - Lettuoe New Carrots, So. bunoh 8o. head ~ Répaok Tomatoes 2 Ibs. for 380. . New Cabbage, Spanish Onions, a Ibs. tor 180. 40. Ib. FREE! OLD DUTCH on x uimens CLEANSER isk your Manager. about the WHEATHEARYS with each ch pnviias of 1azing opportunity to secure WM. A. ROGERS | Plus Quality Silverware Nw 2 Minute Oats - Bb-ox. pkg. 0 LAD | 3 have Lillies for Easter. Anthony Caruso, Prop. Mr. Ross Broonfe and some friends of Oshawa, were recent guests of Mr, and Mrs, O. H, Lane, Mrs. Long, Mr. W. E, Harrison, Mr. Frank Harrison and Gordon, were Sunday visitors relatives at Sea- grave. Mr. Fred Moore reidived word this week that his mother, Mrs. S, Moore, of Seagrave, was taken to the Port Perry Hospital for an operation. We understand she came through safely, and we sincerely hope for her a quick return to 'health. A pleasant event- took place last Saturday afternoon when ten little girls gathered at the home of their S. S. teacher, Mrs. C, Harrison, for a little farewell party for Miss Barbara Bright. During the afternoon, a pre- sentation was made to Miss Barbara, when Miss Beulah Cooper read an ad- dress and Miss Phyllis Cross present- ed her with a dainty China sugar and cream set, for which she kindly thank- ed them. ™ - The Women's Association peld their Irish Tea last week, just a week later than' it' was planned; but never the less 'it' didn't spoil in the waiting. After a good supper with "Irish Stew" and. many other good things, a program was put on with our pastor 'acting as chairman. For the opening ndmber, with Mrs. . Honey at the piano, Mr. K. Moyer led in community singing, followed by the chairman's remarks, guitar selections by Mr, H. Briggs and a recitation by Master Stanley Painter. We were then fav- oured with a pleasing number by | Messrs. Barber, Gilroy, J. Stevens and G. Larkin, the Prospect Quartette, with Miss -Niddery as _ accompanist. Mr. D. Duchemin favored 'with an in- strumental and encore which was: fol- lowed by a one act playlet given by Mr. O. H. Downey, Mrs. D. Luery, and Mr. A. E, Ramsey, the latter tak- ing the part of Hezekiah. The play was called 'Assisting Hezekiah" and caused a great deal of laughter. The acting' was. excellent, and the -cos- tumes just grand. The Prospect Quartette then sang two more selec- tion. The National Anthem closed the program 'and a pleasant evening. SCIATICA ACHING MUSCLES AND JOINTS are quickly relieved by using RUMACAPS. P. G. ACAF : RUMACAPS MUSKRAT SEASON RXTENDED The open season for trapping musk- rats in this district has been extended to include April 26th. Trappers are allowed a period of ten days following: the closing date to dispose of their pelts trapped during the open season. --------eetl PDE Prrgurree WANTED : Brooder- house and stove, must be in good shape. well, R.R.2, Blackwater, Ont.. FOR SALE. Grey Mare, 8 years, heavy draft; also sow and 9 pigs. Apply to Roy | Bartley, Seagrave R.R.2, phone Port Perry 247 r 18. | PIGS FOR SALE Eleven young pigs for .sale--nine weeks old. Apply to Lorfie Duff, R.R. 2, Port Perry. april 2 ee Pe FOWL WANTED , 300 Hens wanted at once. 1Bc.a Id paid live weight. Also top prices paid for feathers, hides, and horsehair. For information call at once, Phone 177, night or day. Produce brought in, fair adjustment in price made. ALIX, GILBOORD, PORT PERRY - Large Oranges 2 dozen for 45¢. : Medium Oranges, .basket' 45¢. ° Lo CaPRrIRmataly 8 dozen) B.C. Delicious A] 3 for 10¢c Grapefruit, 6 for 25¢., 5 for 25¢c, Juicy Lemons, ..... .dozen Be. Greening Apples, ..basket 35¢c.. " M¢Intos Apples, Spy Apples Also Cut Flowers. We will ~The Modern Fruit and Vegetable Market Phone 208. Apply to John Col-| | Song Green IY gs Large Ontarlo Potatoes, $1.38 'per bag delivered. . We deliver : "CONANT & ANNIS Publis GORDON _D. CONA 3 K.C, MLE, SUR Bal LE OO hones 4 854.8 (Ovbawa) and at Court House, » (Mr. Cement) Phone 7 (Whithy) SUITS CLEANED Suits- sponged and pressed 60 Cents Dry Cleaned $1.00 .C.-P, ROLPH Oree the Observer Office See the FREE offer on page 8 re subscriptions to the "STAR" ; i B mn i amp mn Keeping Things in Repair PAYS WHEN THINGS ARE IN GOOD REPAIR TIME and MONEY ARE SAVED ~ We will be pleased to -quote you prices on new or repair work Sam N. Griffen ~ Lumber Co. "Phone 240 PORT PERRY, ONT. Open and Friday | appointment at puswax soon ' Oop. ro Cae Tans ais Post' a orth Olle ud Bway = Part Pris, Ou, W. A. Sangster _ DENTAL SURGEON | "Office Hours: 9 am. bo 5 pm Office Up-stairs, over Emmoevesa's ed BR i) " a WO © oe id . a i] v i 3 LS 4 om x e . EE a wi

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