Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star (1907-), 2 Apr 1936, p. 7

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* " ---- ce . [= = - ; . ry - - + t- : : T : f fe 4 T KNIT THIS CUNNING SET FOR BABY'S A cla er | Try this fresh fragrant Green Tea AIRINGS, SAYS LAURA WHEELER Eo a es h AVY . Mothercraft Nurse Outlines : 2 Daily Routine During Pregnancy : r he or 4 Ee -- Yi 4 4 ' ¥ "It is!wiser to put up.g fende at| - 3 the 'top of a precipice' than 40 main- "} : x "oo tain an ambulance' at the bottom". KEEPS TEETH Lou "The normal woman is never saf-| ® er, healthier, happier, or more up-| SPARKLING Pe . lifted than during pregnancy, Life : i : ; ie should run bright and full at these 2 3 : : Alii i times: if thé habits are simple, sen- v - Ca : : ? w sible, végular, and active, there is no : B i . "ground for worry or ahxiely as to rears, Daily Newspapers Being Issued : : childbirth, The -expectant mother Eo 4 : : U . S J) who takes proper care of herself, and : E e Sein By United States Government - avoids invalidism, is safeguarded all : 3 Vo amore Py through. Nature can always De re . From the New York Times Assistant Attorney General and the relied on to do_her part kindly and : The initial issue of the first oflicial Public Printer. ¢ surely, Jf the mother does hers," de- \ i daily newspaper of the United States | The Register will appear daily flares Mothereraft harse. : . : Government rolled from the glant | throughout the year except on Sun. From the time of "conception" up : presses of the Government Printing [days and Mondays and days follow: to the. time of what we call its : Office the other day. | ing holidays. "birth ; the baby 153 living, Erow- by Stuart Martin Edited "published and cirenlated by The initial yun was 15,000 copies, 0 ely dependent oa jis * ore * ese > I» Governor personnel, it is devoted About L000 copics are required im the b 5 11 ie ASL can 0. for ; Y a oy. : i exclusively to the rules. orders, vegu- | the Government deparBnents and e baby, all that "heredity" can do,| SYNOPSIS vack to England « Foster follows and gr Bs I eo ard many ao rAd eae , has been done nine months beforeits| In the. West -Iridles, Maud Barron Maud Wiforins hin The Ghost" has ap- ations, specifications an ju a agencies. principally in their gi X birth : "|awakes with a premonition of disaster. | Peared fn ingland the sume us at th terpretations of the executive branch | divisions. The remaining copies are vi i i Rushing Into her father's study she | tie of hor raat Jeath. f the Federal establishment for-sale at 5 cents a single copy, §1 During the. first «nine. cventful|finds him dead. Dr, Sidney Foster, a Mand eipluve Elsle Munteith. 28 ~8 0 3 rs able © hale-at . 2A omy ik months of life in. the womb the friend, is Joined bY, Detective nQng Kye priate h A ott with him. Foster : A special appropriation of $100, [a month by subscription or $10 a ed health of the mother -is the health of the Roba Is aan toward all | leaves for Lundon and Is' murderously BABY'S KNITTED SET PATTERN 1177 000 is available from the recent De- [year % the baby. The unborn babe is warm-| Investigation. He accompanies Maud Sitached Jn. He yds. oe ron, i ficiency Bill to finance the venture | A survey by the American Bar As- ed 'by the mother's warmth and fed : a palsonous snake. . Whether His Highness, the Baby, is yours or another's you'll through the remainder of the 1836 | sociation showed a wide potential de- - { ith her. blooc SN 3s Maud meets her brother in London-- want to knit him this cunning sct of Shetland floss. Anyone can fiscal year, which ends June 30 next. | mand for such a daily record among wi er- blood. If the mother fails Dr. Foster following her finds him dead. : ig A to take proper exercise and to by he To pastes 2 5 'do it -- so simple is the sweater body of lacy stitch---the yoke of The daily is officially styled The Fed- | attorneys, newspaper editors, schol 3 ure air she bri io drefhe . op ; f dv , vibs, caught with contrasting yarn to resemble smocking, eral Register and is in the same for-| ars and business men, Pure she brings -on indigestion "The telegram you sent may have Pattern 1177 eomes to you with directions for making the sweater en . oo } De N Lo tonto' ni Thi Xe he gre: IR 1, t} Nev 1 1 1 tl \s . and constipation, and tends to suff cs less errand, but it 1-cap i 3 ; Sy whit FO % et} b mat as The Congressional Record, the New orders, the survey of the As. em » a suffer - taken me on a useless errand, but i and: cap in an infant and one year size (both given in one pattern) ; oaedl TDTORCH Never' 30 ATK sociation disclosed, fanieant' Rup oks eadache, neuralgia, nd weariness, was the thing that caused me to re illustrations of the set, and of all stitches used; material requirements. Closes! ap Ka Tint "iii iy ae atoly 0 10.0 0 we iy x {hiv i because her bl becomes impure figet. You thought to sidetrack me; Send 20 cents in stamps or coin (coin-preferred) for this pattern erica' history (0 the oficial gazetles { jinately 200, bl) words mospiy in and. poisoned. The most delicate and Wrap ed iffo result was the very opposite. to Needlecraft Dept, Wilson Publishing, 73 Adelaide W., Torunto. of other great capitals. simple text. Perhaps an equal volume _sensitive parts of. the unborn child i When [I recovered from the wound Write plainly PATTERN NUMBER, your NAME and ADDRESS. The Congressional Sspnd, he of pressing sing and decis- are its rapidly ~ growing brain and ee Twhich your ifien IT ohes. | z : * oC . ever, is devoted exclusively to the lions follows each month's orders, vliich, your friend, Witiiam Hughes, --Jorvous system; naturilly these suf. I d d ll dealt 'me--a wound that was within _ | oY transactions and debates "of the | Henceforward all cwrrent orders fer mokt, but impurity of the moth-: h vi ua 4 ria distance of ending ahem hs ns een fos 2s funy When The' Buffalo Honsy and Sette Bod oles ove ar i, um * er's blood leaves no part of the youn : ; 2 ; id "land vanished. re ! © when Congress is in session, It is|in the ederal Register, "As rapidly ani > : & reer--I saw, as 1 could not fail to see | : oo = [ SAT organism undamaged . ; 3 For some moments he did not move : . published by and for -Congress and |as possible the existing body of ad- G 5 : that I had been fooled. It was then : W i d hpi Siig ee ) * A baby fed for the first nine) TN that -I resolved to investigate: the |but at last he lifted the letter. He ore Two Coats 'never has been offered as an official | ministrative law wiff*be codified, de- months of its life on impure blood personality that had fooled me 1 broke the seal. and began to read, ) mt erecta -- {record of government, By contrast. | partment by department and bureau {ylsther the impurity. Is due. to the remembered all you had "told me, all| ~ He read it many times. It told him (From the Regina Leader-Post) | The Federal Register undertakes to | by bureau. Goi suffering from indigestion you had decliied or weré reluctant to! 'ow Hughes had held her by threats, IE oie Pastis Smict . Brose in oflicial, authoritative an . A ei Ng or to her taking al- tell, all 1 sensed in you, and I bal how he had forced her to do his bid- | fr es Sus Sluiting son bhAents Shite ho mult irayiens . "Ji is quite clear that if all the pa) comes into the world handi- anced all this against the possibilit-!| ding, how he had known her, for some T noaber of oi ro by res ; cisions il the 120-0dd Federal admin. RA a Tavs . ir. ti : Ahn MI odo te diane & -Limers S- isteative units, enlace M1 A oni The first duty of every. mother is bth di, ha can hal he Pe he. ent state of the weather compared | jt wilt be a formal journal, devot- fenceless.™--Mr. Lloyd George. | : : : 1) ait & > sly. I congratul: vielde e- | CL " LE Wo a eoBid . : ge >. Al to' spare no pains to keep. herself Wie CBO ONE "Mos cause of his intention to wreck her with the old days. Here are' some of ' (q4 exclusively to official texts. Edit "strong and health 1 1 on your experience of men, Most of the views: pte ; reiially Lord: a JX ealthy pad oy blood SE that experience is here." | life if she did not yield. It told how oe Jorial comment is specifically Tor i Dares a the sake of her child. In. ¥ "| He dashed the sheets of foolscap on Hughes had suspected that she and Ezra Peters, Lemon Hill, Sagk.: den by the statute cicating the en- { oeed iz e owes, this duty to herself ' o Abc or waza Foil oun. tho Baad. Foster wére in -love, and this had ui "She sure stayed down pretty steady terprise. News of matters beyond the _ he *. health jw ni ean goad, ROYAL YEAST CAKES I of is a her breath ven him the leverage that ho hu in January, but it aint--iothing - to | administrative "nfl : tai Judicial > : ' ! efore the baby is rn. she 1 EL , ; . roe | nT - 'hat i ns in "09 AR ine agencies is to be mitted sharply to i . i 3 ; Ame arse gas ; worked for his own ends. It told how [ what it was in "92. 1 was hauling | a ; & Dest have no anviely that anything always keep Kathe 15.0 Bonise ssp ot agony, 1» | she had been assured that no harm cord wood from the valley that Win- | the oficial uttérances of departmedt - Who a Sa gta gl i FULL STRENGTH eb omy op irbigny ago would befall Foster if she sent the | ter vag the wood froze.right to the or Hascy, ehivt, i afl n ; oth- . § reathed, : talogy at' iehes want | sleigh rack ve had to burn the | mally to the Federal Register Ad - og x legram, that all that Hughes want-| Sleigh rack so we n 4 er and -Baby's First! Months by Sir ; "precisely. ve waved 2 y enol ) ost : ittee. composed of the |. ¢ bi ha recisely. These people have ways. ed was to gain a. * his casa | rack because we couldn't get it] strative Committee, composed o 10 ; i - J § ain possession of his caso g i J ) ) . Tay ah C.M.G., M.B., and means of finding out. [I regret containing (so Hughes said) some do- | away from the wood. Yes, sir, that Avchivizst of the United States, an NOWS BBC, (Public Health Edin.) d that they can tell me little about! . . AT outs hes | Was a gold Winter and the next . : She should her d . : ; cuments relating to Maud; for Hughes . ! SHE oor al See her doctor. early in -| Hughes; but of you they tell- me en- Tad suggested that Foster was delay. | Summer we had a great crop of d LS A 2 her dentist. Her hus- ough. There are the "hames of the ing and interfering with the settle | Wheat; mosquitoes. and bill collect- Whether the . Remedy "health 'and a igh men and the places of your escap-:, ot of James Barron's estate. - It | ors." You are taking for | 'sensible' oo- CHE, ee-trom ades. told how, when she saw the intention Beniah Bentley, Spruce Crik, Headaches, Neu ralgia . : e co-operation and life is eag- a § Nore ! 2 in wn , i] Bd : ier when we take our responsibilities Whe among us has not suffered the {of Hughes to harm Foster, she had Sask.: "W eather, did you say? Yep. or Rheumatism Pains seriously. - : pangs otf disillusionment, the horror) trjed to raise an alarm and had been | I see it's pretty cold all right, but : is SAFE is Your Doctor ee Fresh air--Day and Night. of shame! Who hag not faced the fu- | bundled into the car and driven off |jnot like it: was back in '82, when I % 1S . * Sunshine--An important essential tility of the scourge to wipe out what and how Ilughes, when she had fin-| was riding herd west of Wood Moun- ols. 2 Ask Him of life, ily has heen 'done! * : ally warned him that she would tell | tain. Me and Ikd Weever shot a buf- send for this . ) Exercise--An expectant mother Sidney Foster lashed the object of | all she new, and youd dety hi, hod fal butl that Winter am the sol af. } iv: Don't Entrust Your 1} should never shut herself indoors, his fury with whips. of frightful! glibly replied that there was not a] a-gun was wearing two buffalo coats. . v F iv' ES but go out for a walk every day. wrath because he was himself the vic- | scrap of evidence that could prove And, by cripes, he needed them." OCKEY 00 Own or our ramiuys he She should carry on a normal life. tim of both vengeance and affliction. | anything against him. Ira Swatfoot, Moose Mountain: CTOCHABLZD PICTURES of Well-Being to Unknown A daily 'rest should be taken. ; And then, when he had exhausted}, "When you have read this," cou-| "To tell you the truth, young feller, ! bused ANT FAVORITE PLAYERS Preparations ;®---- Water--Plenty of water to dri himselt, he sensed that any retribu- 'cluded the letter, "go upstairs to your [ I think she's been pretty cold the last| . i ; "How -- a mm, » in between meals. Water helps in tion was unavailing. In striking her he | room, and there will find the | couple of weeks. It pretty near © very boy will want this Book--Toxw to EFORE you take any prepara- 4 ] i \ ~~ 1 loved him--for a while-- ¢ - removing waste products from the _ body. -Each organ of elimination ._ must be kept in good working order if she is going to be healthy - and have a pure blood stream. Diet in 1Pregnancy--The mother and child's health depends so much "etables, whole wheat meal flour, whole grain cereals, milk, butter, eggs, cheese and fish. Minerals are as important as vitamins, Care must be taken in cooking vegetables. Cook in very little water or in casserole, n.. if cooked in water, use- as- little wa- ter as possible and do not throw-this away but-use as a soup. It contains valuable mineral salts. It is an ex- ------cellent idea to take somé raw apple or other raw fruit at each megl. The Health of mother and child depends on good prenatal care." --| Published under the auspices cf the : _ Canadian Mothercraft Society. "gh A] i y Parting Guest I know I welcomed winter With a delighted smile; He was a zestful, keen guest, ~ \ But love is only transient, . . It passes like a song > Winter wore his welcome out By staying far too long, LJ "3 3 r . And such bewitching sunshine 'ntices me today; : i It has a touch of April LN And just a hint of May. Even my white hyacinth And golden daffodils Take on an added beauty From 'sunny window sills, So I speed my parting guest ~~ With an impatient frown, = March wind, will you hurry, please, And show. him out of town! Montreal, . --K. A. Mackinnon. ig 2 al 5 | : * Mr. Rudyard Nipling's strange Christian name was taken from the on proper diet. Fresh fruit and veg- A FORM CAKE Use Tested Royal Sponge Recipes and Royal Yeast: 'Cakes for these fine breads An air-tight wrapping Jeserves, the freshness of each Royal Yeast Cake-- the only dry yeast with this extra pro- tection. You can count on their fulls strength leavening power whenever you use them. 7 out of every 8 Cana- dian women who prefer dry yeast 'de- mand Royal, Buy a package today. FREE BOOKLET helps youl! "The Royal Yeast Bake Book' gives tested Royal .Sponge Recipes for all the breads shown above and. many others, . FREE=Mall cous pon today! BUY MADE-IN- ¥ CANADA GOODS - STANDARD BRANDS LIMITED Fraser Ave, and Liberty St,, Toronto, Ont, Please send me the free Royal Yeast Bake Book, & Name village of Rudyard, Staffordshire, where at a picnic his father "and mother first met, Street... a a Town Prov was chastising himself. A great wear- iness weighed upon. him. He tottered lon _his feet, swaying to and fro so much that he had to grasp a chair to steady himself, He looked at the-bro- ken woman whose shoulders no long- er heaved, whose sobs were stilled. There was an infinite pathos in her dejection and misery. "Go to your room," he said hoarse- 1y. : She staggered. to her feet, and as she moved slowly, pitifully, towards the door he saw that her face was haggard, her limbs as lead. She turn- ed her head and her arms went out in a wistful sort of way. "Sidiiey. Foster," she murmured, in i a low voice, "would to God I could | undo the past, I, too, have--thought much. I came to-night to hand you this that I have written out raborious- ly and in infinite pain. I saw that it had to be, that you must know, and 'thigt it was better to hurt you now. than stun you later--if there was any | later." \ RUN DOWN? TAKE WINCARNIS If work and worry have got the better of, you and you are feeling weak and listless, follow the recommendation of more than 20,000 medical men. Take Wincarnis three times daily. T'o thousands who once felt as you feel . now, this advice has proved invaluable. Wincarnis brings to you all the valuable elements of grapes (214 lbs. in each bottle), and' the strength building content of béef and malt extract. It is not a drug, but a delicious, blood and tissue building wine which quickly soothes tired nerves and builds new 'wells of energy. From the time You start taking Win- rnis you will sleep better, wake niore cheerfully, and feel more nearly as ou should, You will know, then, ow wonderful it is to be on the road to sustained, vigorous health, For those who are run-down, or who suffer from ragged nerves, insomnia, anaemia or debility, Wincarnis js a marvelous tonic. Get Wincarnis from our druggist today. ~~ Sales Agents: Tarold F; Ritchie & Co, Ltd, Toronto, you proof that since 1 sent the telegram [ have done what was in my power to undo-the-evil-1-was was forced un- knowingly to set afoot. For though we may never see each other again, 1 do love you." . Sidney Foster folded up the letter thoughtfully. ot = He rose and walked up the stairs of the quiet house and opened the door of his room. The light was on, the gas fire was burning. © A figure was scated in a crouching pogition over the humming blaze, A dark, mahogany-colored face turned towards him. ' One-eye, the mulatio detective, was + before him. CHAPTER XVI -- THE REVOLVER TRACED , "One eye! low did you come here?" "Set down, -Mistah Foster, Set down." E ' Foster sat down. The sight of the mulatto staggered him and he could not find the words that he wanted to speak. All le could do was to give vent to ejaculations and exclamations of surprise. J? "Guess yo' didn't git my cable," sald One-eye quietly, "Guess no." "Your cable?" There was no cable from you." . "Ho, yus dere was a-cable, Mistah If you are geeking mental improve- ment and efficiency, you should write for particulars of the courses offered at moderate fees by The Ine stitute of Practical and Applied Psychology. i] Read "THE HELPER" = a new I] monthly magazine ot py for eve ? eérybody published by The Institute of Practical and Applied Psychology , One dollar a year : i Sample Copy = Ten Cénta | f | versity of Alberta students here he { | f Write for your copy TODAY! 910 CONFEDERATION BUILDING Montreal "te Quebeo h bi - | Issue No. 13 -- '36 i : 40 froze my mother-in-law stiff in Jan- uary, but we didn't notice much change in her. But I was out ane day there a couple of weeks ago, and I sure would have froze my ears off if it hadn't been that I had froze them off completely back in the cold Winter of 1907. Having no cars now, and knowing enough to keep my nose out of other people's busi- ness, I get along pretty well now, Winter and Summer. Good day." in" go outside and get it. I'm staying . ~ . { been out of the house since Christ-| mas, © If you're looking for weather, . EE i i Early to Bed | Undergoes Revision Id \ ---- ' EDMONTON, A group of Uni- lieve they have found the secret of scholastic. success. They go to bed | at 7 p.m, and arise at 1 am. From then until lectures start they study. I g "There is always a tendency to criticise sovercigns till © they have been able to forge their own great- ness," --The Dean of Windsor. FFosteis™ Ah ghost." : "Tell me what you mean, One-eye," "Tain't . difficult: suh, Ah sent a cable sayin' dat ah'd arrive Bristol certain day. We coom in night. 'Stead ob yo' meetin' me, dere was a gal" : ' "ATgITL" To Be Continued. coom to fix dat green Regardless, of the nature of onr illness or its duration, do not fall to write or telephone Iles Company Ltd, Federal Bullding, Toronto, for Dr, Thos. J. Xles' free information, "Notes of Interest on Ferments" and "Antiphyminol."" Successful during 17 years. Henry Woolbottom, Goose Gulch, Sask.: "Weather? What weather? Cold weather? Who cares? T ain't]: late las-| Become Hockey Star", by T. P. (Tommy) Gorinan, coach and manager of the World Champion Montreal Maroons. Simply take alabel from atin of "CROWN BRAND" or CLILY WHITE" CORN-SYRUP--write on the back your name and address--plainly-- and the words "Hockey Book". Mail the label to The Canada Starch Co.; Limited, Toronto, and your book .will be sent you immediately, = also @ Scnd in a label or the front of a carton froin any product of The Canada Starch Co., Limited marked with your namo and ad- dress and the picture you want (one picture = foreach label), and your choice of the follows _ ing pictures, mounted ready f{omframing, will be sent to you. Group Montreal "Maroons" --=Group "Les Cana- diens""-- Group Canadian Olympic Hockey Team-- Intividual pictures of Baldy Northcott, Georre Mantha, Russ Blinco, Art Lesieur, Dave Trottier, Armand Mondou, Earl Robinson, Frank Boucher, "Ace" Bailey, : EnpwannsBune CROWN BRAND CORN SYRUP THE FAMOUS ENERGY FOOD LILY WHITE CORN SYRUP BENSON'S CORN STARCH CANADA CORN STARCH € CHALLENGE CORN STARCH SILVER GLOSS LAUNDRY STARCH . Products of The CANADA STARCH COMPANY Limited TORONTO oO. tion vou don't know all about. for thé relict of headaches: or the -pains "of rheumatism. neuritis or neuralgia, "isk your. doctor wha he thinks about it in comparison "with "Aspirin." : We say this because. belore the discovery of "Aspirin," - most so- called "pan" remedies were ad- vised against by physicians as being had for the stomach: or, often, for the heart And the discovery of "Aspirin' targely changed medical practice Countless thousands ol people who have taken "Aspirin' year m and out without Wl effect, have proved that the nedical findings aboul its safely were correct. Remember this "A\spinm" 1s rated among the fastest melliods yet discovered for the relief of headaches and all common pains Cand safe for the average uverson to luke regularly "Aspirin" Tablets are made mn Canada. "Aspirin as the registered trade-mark of the Bayer Company. Limited. Look for the name Bayer in the form of a cross on every Lablet. Demand and Get -- "ASPIRIN' NEVER TOO YOUNG TO LEARN -- MOTHER, CAN'T | HELP ? YES, DEAR, JUST HAND ME THAT TIN OF MAGIC Made ln Canada DON'T RISK FAILURES' «+. Follow the advice of Can- ada's leading cookery experts and use Magic whenever you bake at home. This famous baking powder is absolutely dependable, Assures luscious, YOU MAKE YOU WiLL, TOO, SOME DAVY IF yOU SUCH LOVELY CAKES ALWAYS REMEMBER o> TO USE MAGIC fine-textured cakes every time---becauseit Always gives full leavening power! And Magic is very economical actually you use less than 1¢ worth in a cake! Order a tin from your grocer today! T a Sa LR CANES res £0

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