PAGE FOUR LOCAL ITEMS Mrs, Percy Hooey and her son Keith, on Sunday jaotored to spend the day with her daughter Norma. Don't forget. the big Dance to be held in the Asse mbly Hall of the High Sthool "Port Perry, on Friday, April 17th. There will be round and square dancing also bridge and euchre.. The proceeds for the benefit of the Port] Perry Hospital, Van Walker and his Orchestra will provide the music. Mr. Wm. Prentice, brother of Mr. George Prentice and Mr. Robert Pren- tice, died at his home in Brookdale on Monday. The funeral is being held to-day. Interment will be made at Uxbridge Cemetery. - Mus, Geo. Prentice was in Uxbridge lasf Thursday attending the funeral of Mrs. Wm. P. Watson formerly of Epsom. Mrs. Norman Claughton of Myrtle, spent a day with Mrs. Geo. Prentice _ recently. Myr. Bobt. Somerville and party, who were delayed in startin g on their Western trip last week, left on Tues- day of this week. Mr, Hugh Jack and Mr. Wm. Cruse are quite ill, Mr, Cruse is in Toronto undergoing special treatment. CARD OF THANKS Mrs. Geo. Byers wishes to thank her friends and neighbours for their kind deeds and words of sympathy during the illness and since the death of Mr. Byers. ENGAGEMENT The engagement is annoupnced of Helen Mary, daughter of Mrs. S. J. Mellow and the late Dr. S. J. Mellow, to Victor Parsons Stouffer, son of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Stouffer, of New- mygket. in May. I. 0. D. E. The 1. O. D. E. and Euchre in the Library, day, April lath, at 8 p.m. MR. GEORGE BYERS The -late George Byers died at his Port Perry, 1936, in his 86th yea:. John Davidson home on Cochrane Street, on March 31st, He was born on the farm at Ashburn, in November, 1850, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Byers --one of a family of ten, he being. the third son. ) The family moved to Greenbank when George was a lad, and settled 'on the farm one mile east of Green- bank, which became the family home- stead. Here George remained until 14903 when he moved to Port Perry. Forty-seven ears ago--1889--LHe married Sarah Jane Rose, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. €harles Rose, of Rose's Corners. Two children were born to them both of whom died in infancy. Since 1903 Mr." Byers has been a well respected resident of Port Perry. I'or some time he did some: carpenter work but of late years he has lived quietly at home. For a considerable time he has been ill. Mr. Byers was an industrious, care- ful farmor, and had his health been bgtter- would have remained on the farm longer. He served the com- munity for a number of year as school trustee and was a member of the Official Board of the Methodist Chareh at Greenbank. Deceased is survivéd by his widow; one brother, Raymond, of Glendale, California; and one sister, Mrs. Har- per, of Toronto. The funeral" service, which wag largely attended, was conducted by| Rev. W. J. H. Smyth; and interment was made at Pine Grove Cemetery. W. M. Ss SPECIAL SERVICE The Easter Thank Offering service of the United Church W. M. S. was held last, Sunday morning. The speaker was Mrs, strong, Korea. . . . Mrs. Armstrong, who has traveled through Korea with hei husband, gave her" impressions of the country and people. They are earnest, intelligent and self-respecting people. When converted to Christianity they 'soon make their churches self- -supporting. A.-E. Arm- Dominion Board Secretary for "But they still need the guidance of the white missionagies and their medi- cal knowledge and skill. She stressed the need of friends to prevent the six Korean missionary stations from being closed. y Usbridge, The song by the "Missionary Quar- totte" ws another special W., M, S. feature, EE a rat a Spring is here and the mahagement . has secured two fine pictures for the Easter holidays, Thursday, Friday and Saturday, April 9-10-11, Evelyne Prentice, Also Easter Monday, April 13-14-15, * Shirley Temple in "Our Little Girl" The marriage to take place will hold a Bridge Wednes- YOU WILL NEED LEATHER GLOVES TO PROTECT YOUR HANDS--WE HAVE<THEM Light weight Pecary Gloves with * elastic wrist ....per pair 50c. Moose Hide, one-piece back Gauntlets ........ per pair 65¢. Horsehide faced, one-piece back, Gauntlets .......... per pair 55¢. FOR YOUR FEET-- Work Socks, pair 18c., 25¢., 55c. Dress Sox, 18e¢., 25c., 35¢., 40c., and 50c¢. per pair. Come in and see them Bring 'Along your harness repairs, be ahead of the game. WILLIAM WEBSTER, At Beatty's Store, Port Perry ST. JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. D. A. Ferguson, B.A., Minister 7 p.m.--Evening service. Eh wJLZG CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION Good Friday, 11 am, Easter Day--8.30 a.m.--Holy Com- munion. 7 p.m.--Evensong. PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH Easter Sunday-- 11 a.m.--Easter Communion service Reception of new members, 7 p.m.--Easter sermon 'and music. The Carolina Singers will sing two numbers. Friday, April 10th, at 11 a.m.--Good Friday Service, i Monday, April 13th, at 8 p.m, The Carolina Jubilee Singers' cert in the Church. ---- fo oy DIED BROWNE--ATf Port Perry, on Wednes- day, April 8th, 1936, Andrew H. Brown, in his 88th year. private. HOOEY--In Cartwright Township, Lot 18, Concession 1, on Saturday, April 4th, 1936, John William Hooey in his 69th year \ ae con- The Carollivn Jubilee Singers IN A - Distinctly unique and enjoy- able entertainment in . Southern costume IN Port Perry United Church AT 8.00 P.M. Monday, April 13 Do not fail to hear these musically trained and cultur- ed artists, in Negro Spirituals Plantation Songs St Choruses Humorous Sketches Dramatic Readings Among them is the greatest basso in the Negro race ADMISSION Adults 25¢. Children 1bc. SPECIAL ON IRON HARROWS AT ALMOST HALF PRICE These prices good until April 15th-- not after. Cultivator points and plow points for all popular makes. C. SWITZER, PORT PERRY ee A OP NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Sara Amelia Tewkesbury, deceased All persons having claims against bury, of the Township of Reach in the County of Ontario, Spinster, deceased, [who died on the 6th day of March, 1036, are hereby notified to send in to the undersigned solicitors on or before the '1st day of May, 1936, full par- ticulars of their claims. Immediately after May 1st, 1936, the assets of the Testatrix will be distributed among the parties entitled thereto, having re- Coming soon, "Bonnie'gard only to claims of which the Scotland"; "Ginger" and others. Bring solicitors shall then have notice. _ your-Easter visitors to the Strand and they will enjoy themselves. Good Friday and Edster Monday we start at Perry, Ontario, 8 p.m. sharp. . The Strand Thearte, Dated March 81st, 1036. Harris, Harris & Wallace, Port Solicitors for Sara Amelia Tewkesbury Estate, Glasses Supplied. |f II. R. BENTLEY PORT PERRY, ONT. Eyes Tested AND WHERE NECESSARY OPTOMETRIST A 'PHONE 338 SATURDAY SPECIALS Watch our window each week for our Saturday Special. You can save many pennies during the year by buying these real bargains. Quality Guaranteed. YOUR ORDERS will receive careful attention, and prompt delivery. W. BOYNTON -- ee et---- Phone 4 1984. Good mixed seed grain. Arthur Orchard, High Point, R. R. 2 Port Perry. - FOR SALE - Apply to | Lawrence' $ Drug Store News (You Can Save With Safely at Your Rexall Store - 45 | Candy for Easter--nNejlson's and ftunvs Package Chocolates, :: One pound 50c, Easter r Eggs and Novelties, 5¢, 10¢ up All delightfully fresh. - Two pounds $1.00. SPECIAL PRICES KRUSCHEN SALTS (Giant Pkg) OVALTINE, 38¢., 58¢., and 98e. ENGLISH MALT and COD LIVER OIL, 'PEPSODENT ANTISEPTIC -- two 50¢. bottles for 69¢. and 98c. NOXEMA (265c¢. size) ..... ...16 oz. 49c. 32 oz. 89e¢. 54c. jar of Noxema A. M. LAWRENCE Phone 49 IN MEMORIAM MARTIN--In_loving memory of a dear husband and father Richard Martin, who passed away on April 8, 'Our hearts still ache with sadness, Our eyes shed' 'many a tear, God alone knows how we miss you: pairs and adjustments. As it ends the second sad year." Sadly missed by wife and family. excl swre -PORT PERRY HONEY FOR SALE Port Perry. PIANO ie -|V. P. STOVFFER BAYER'S ASPIRIN 25c., 39c., PREP (35c. size) ..... i net .15¢. NOXEMA SOAP--Free with a 'MODESS, 2lc., 2 pkgs for 39. KOTEX--25¢., two pkgs. 45¢. Pure Clover Honey for sale. During the month of April, 1986, will sell for 8c. per Ib. Also some mixed honey at 6c, per Ib. Apply to J. F. Gerrow, Cleaning and moth:proofing; re- Phone 80. Port Perry. id Funeral 3 sections at $16; 4 section at $20.]. {the Estate of Sara Amelia Tewkes- | Pr Catsup2 12-0z, Bots. - Specials are in effect all week April 6th to 11¢' Choice Quality Pumpkin No @ 'Tin : Bayside Choice Quality Peaches No. 2 Dsai y 41 33 FRY'S Cocoa wn LQ Y-Standurd Quality Creams Peas 35°27 WESTON'S Ls . Melba Danduich iy 29 . WESTON'S NEW Jelly: Gum Drops gi 10° . Mdple Leaf Stoked ~ Pork Butts ch i £27 Smoked Hams 'Smoked Picnics ». Swift's .-Maple Leaf Smoked Midget Rolls * | Cottage Rolls 20 Side Ba Bacon. SPECIAL ARRAY OF EASTER MEATS York Brand 12 to 14 Ib, Average Ib. 12 to 14 lb. Average | Premium Hams 28° 24 Maple Leaf Shankless Cellophane Wrapped 5-1b. Average 2:1b, Average Peamealed By the piece b. 27¢ Back Bacon °< "Smoked Peamealed 29° +26 HEINZ SouPs BAYSIDE SPECIAL JUMBO QUEEN SWEET MIXED BRITISH COLUMBIA FANCY Ty SPINACH CREAM OF TOMATO Tins 2 QUEEN OLIVES --2§° PICNIC PICKLES = PINK SALMON NEA ARARARARASANNRANANAARARRRARANA ARAN NEW-€ABBAGE ..:.......c...v.u Ibade HEAD. LETTUCE ..i........ ....each Raves are iese. 2 18, for 8c, CELERY iii iin iiss se? for 23e. TABLE TURNIPS ...........2 Ibs. for be. B.C. APPLES hyesgasssureseasved for 106 DUTCH SET ONIONS .......2 ibs for 16¢, MULTIPLIER ONIONS conve 2 hs for 16c. ssnmanunsuny ANSaRRERRAERRBS RRS RRR NARS nn DOMINION 16-02 ASSORTED 23 2-25 £ i yee £ Faioy. Seep 3-14 STORRS CLOSMS - Goop FRIDAY © Open watil inn] be. i p.m. Thurs. - STORE! Ee "4a why Act © 0 0 ° '| Borer Infestation it has been found '| Township. * ta ~ Easter Lillies with from 2 to 6 blooms : Cinnerarias in all colors. Primulas i in Red and Mauve 2 CUT F LOWERS Kin Alfred Daffodils ~ Van Wafer Dati 3 Tulips, single and double, in all colours =~ ° Carnations in all colours ~~ 'Narissus Oran nge Cups © Our 2be. boquets are very pleasing-- all with Poi ; iF Vegetables t New Cabba vases Ibe dei Tomatoes, ......2 Ibs. for 35¢. California oH ....each 10c. Radishes ,......... nch 5c. 'New Carrots ....... bunch 5c. Green Onions, . a 2 bunches 15¢. Fresh Spinach, aries Bs. 15¢. Spanish Onions -.....2 Ibs, 15¢c. New Beets, .,...... 2 for 1be¢. Green Beans, Cauliflower White Crisp Celery Hearts ' bunch 10¢. : "Head Lettuce .............,0¢ : Leaf Lettuce, Cucumbers Head Lettuce ........2 for 15¢, "Peanuts .,......2 Ibs. for 19c. FRUITS Re - Green Peppers, Parsley Mushrooms, Asparagus Tips Bananas ...........dozen 25c, 'Cooking Apples, +++ :basket 35¢. Oranges 18¢c., ...2 doz. for 35c. Spy Apples, McIntosh Apples Grapefruit ..........6 for. 25¢. Greening Apples, Pineapples B. C. Apples ........38 for 10c. Strawberries - PP Ro ETAT 20c. dozen = Easter Greetings to All The Modern Fruit id i Vegetable Market Anthony. Caruso, Prop. Phone 208. ~ We deliver Lemons WANTED ; E : Chicks, laying hens, will 'give cash, new ' Quebec heater, 'man's fur-lined coat in good condition. posite Prince Albert School. . Corn Borer Be EY CONANT & ANNIS Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public GORDON D. CONANT, K.C., to be enforced in AREER : ALLIN F.' ANNIS, B.A, LLB. Ontario County | orcs 14 sine : 5, Gras and at Court Houses," Whitby, (Mr. Conant) Owing to the increase in Corn Phone 7 (Whitby) necessary - to again enforce clean-up methods as prescribed. in the - Corn Borer Act. RATE . Tie Area under inspection will take in- all South Ontario Riding as far north as Greenbank, also Uxbridge apr 9 and 23 80 Cents Dry Cleaned $1.00 C. P.ROLPH Over the Observer Office -So--o> Do You Know what will happen to your Estateif you do - not make a Will? --Qur little pam hier -- entitled "I- t Need A Will" Toles 3 some of the prob-, ' lems. A Acopy will gladly be sent to youuponre- quest. ; Keeping Things in Repair PAYS WHEN THINGS ARE _ IN GOOD REPAIR "TIME and MONEY _ THE STERLING TRUSTS CORPORATION ARE SAVED . TORONTO ; ra We will be pleased to quote you prices on . new or repair work (Y.27% AL. and weight of every can clearly itemized. - Write for current prices, - No charge for cans, LINDSAY CREAMERY Limited heey; ONTARIO Sam N. Griffen Lumber Co. Phone 240 PORT PERRY, ONT, . LUMBAGO ATTACK. i CAUSE of Rheu- | Rona 73 Lambage-- SE RUMACAPS P. G. MORRISON | RUMACAPS FOWL WA © 800 Hens wanted at ies, ETA paid live weight. 'Also to for feathers, hides, For information call at ¢ 177, night or day. Stes eum: 9am. to 6 pm. ig Mr. Amis, op- SUITS CLEANED Suits sponged 'and pressed - rn (ve