Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star (1907-), 9 Apr 1936, p. 8

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PAGE EIGHT 8: 4 of rolls or sandwiches, but the rolls | turned; out 'to. be rolls of cloth. The SEAGRAVE There was a splendid attendance at sandwiches looked harmless, but many| fl Sip on : 4 : the She Peoples Association tule did paowh apent Women « . Nr . Everywhere in 'Canal la . . . {ira Fa EE ; " gs wee eally those who are n n 3 * CL : the habit of attending do not know |these looked "innocent, several con. Are Talking About t the Senstronat Non ew. : : : tained cotton batting centres, Tarts] p13 what they miss. . There have been a coff h, ; ; a: 10 ever; erson tor excellent talks given, Rev, Mr. [43d cofie sompieed the lunch, tnd de Graff Permanent Wave or | Ny after a song, "Show me the way to gol der pian iia ll 6 : Flindall carried on 'the Bible Study Rome" all left ? ¥ of Sarat x i fn § | with an explanation. of the '"nuné} 'PH¢ all: left for their liomes feeling £ SI I $4 Seng o pow wenden Es aay hans lle o | Dimittis" which is taken from St, Luke that they had enjoyed a most novell ati comfort during waving... Ste i pa y in ree y ear Lip and delightful evening. lining "the oldaryle a ' Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Fishle d overhead apparatus +. Sean, psd tay HE : : pat The tople for the evening was onl!gunice visited at Carnbagton ly reconditioning the hair By Pe pasEal Loy Xo x Lin Japan. Reg. Moase gave a paper on| My and Mrs. L. Scott, Mr, Kenneth with & new scientific prin- ART EEE ee ®. FF Su )ISC r ipt ion t "The Home Life of Japan"; Leonard|gcott and Mr. C. W. Clarke, spent ciple of ofl treatment 4, gh Ay 0 Ea 50 : f+ SY : Chilvers on "The Religion of Japan"|Sunday with friends in Peterboro the de. Oraff method of : v . : el Bul = IR and Adele Wooldridge on "The Festi-| Rev. Mr. Flindall and Mr. J. Grant-} : *' permanent waving has won : 3 2 to A & i, ort err ta il vals of Japan", Mrs. Flindall followed |ham had the pleasure of Being in the ' iv : aricy 5 ; i i 3 fa with a splendid paper on Japan which]gtudio of radio station CFRB in To-| o "New oN are Mnking Finger Ee ids fie 8 : Hy il | b she tad Sided is three ig zonto on Friday and listening to the| Cdihignd et hii E 3 FAA E V 18t."*The Opening of Japan" show-|Dr. program, " i th ere W1 e gi en ing how Japan first began to be in| Mr, and Mrs, Frank Watson and Waves DOW, rT Te . touch with the other countries. . 2nd.|Miss Urquhart were in Toronto on : ak : "The Coming of the First Mission-|Saturday. ' I a i a I { R | / I / COp y of aries". Telling how James Curtis| Mrs. Kyle of Port Perry is visiting| = MULLIG AN S BEAUTY x suopr E! Beir ty 2 : Hepburn who together with his wife|with 'Mr, and Mrs. C, Sleep." £ EET Pho e 7 % went out as a médical missionary| Miss Muriel Clarke of Little Britain S ~ PORT PERRY nes n ey sa B sale ing born in Holland coming to the J iti d when he died the |misionary line, scriptions, renewals, or mporor himsell paid his funeral ex IS EASY IF YOU BUY meeting opened. with the singing of United States and not taking out| Easter -Communion. Service will, be --- -- - naturalization papers was referred to observed next Sunday. Emperor himself paid his funeral ex-| It was missionary night at Leagie the Ode followed by the Lord's Prayer penspg, So was the man without allast week, and fitting hymns were : The roll call, a spring verse, Was well - payment of arrears country beloved and honoured by the|sung for the occasion. . On. motion; EH : HL FROM-- bo x ahswered by 'e oho. The motto ° Sa er 3 We need the money. rN among the Chinese immigrants in|spent Sunday with her parents, Mr, | Siam in 1841 but returned in 1845 ow-|and Mrs. George Clarke. ON H E S H O RES ing to the condition of Mrs. Hepburn's . i eT health. Going out later to. Japan.| 3 == OF SCU G O G Then Verbeck, who on account of be- PRINCE ALBERT | as a man without a country. He went| For Missionary program at Sunday T HE CHOICE OF GOOD MEATS The ~SCUGOG : i 'American- [School on Sunday Miss S. Laird told ob 2 ; ; This offer applies to new sub-[5i 15,0 tren ty NL tne Gunite meddle | reading and owning this excellent book of local history. Regular Price $2.00 Well bound in cloth, PORT PERRY STAR Start the New Year Right If you have not been using our "Better Fuels" place your order with us and be assured of getting heat satis- faction. We handle FAMOUS READING ANTHRACITE § that better Pennsylvania Hard Coal. HN: COKE--Hamco Dustless Coke--Nut. and Range sizes. Semet Solvay Coke. t "ROSEDALE ALBERTA COAL--the same good Alberta coal we have sold the last three winters. Fresh car- load just arrived this week. HARDWOOD. HARWOOD SLABS. If you wish WELSH COAL, SCOTCH COAL, coal or coke for Jour blower or stoker, we can get you what you nee PORT PERRY COAL YARD W. G. W. PYATT Hl Phones--94W and 94J "Reliable Service and Better Fuels" KRUSCHEN SALT, giant package has again made its ap- pearance. It has the trial sample in addition to the regular size package. Price 7bc. . WEST'S TOOTH PASTE SLOGAN CONTEST-- If you want to win a 1936 Chevrolet or one of the 81 other valuable prizes, procure two tubes of Dr. West's Tooth Paste for 88c, and I will give you a '"'contest You will enjoy i | nesday afternoon was not as well at- X| tion of the roads. Then maybe some 2 realize spring had actually come, 'A |is to be held this week in the school 2 | in charge of the program tried to play 3 | Mrs. L. Scott, Mrs. Shunk and Mrs. R. §| us; but it was splendid and if that is # | their idea of a joke we can stand more nation he had helped to make. -- 8.|our League is to send a leter to a mis- The United Church of Canada mission in Japan. The first missionaries of which being Dr. Geo. Cochran and Dr. Davidson McDonald. In 1876 Dr. Eby and Dr. Meacham were sent out. It was through the efforts of these men that the Central Tabernacle was built. This was destroyed by an earthquake in 1928 but. replaced by a beautiful church in 1929. Dr. Coéhran opened a school for training men-and boys for the ministry in 1882, Miss Cartmell was sent out to:assist with a similar work for girls and women. The Women's: Association on Wed- tended as. usual owing to the: condi- had become so used to staying in through the long winter they didn't social time was spent during the early part of the afternoon -tieing & quilt which had been pieced during the month of January. Another quilting room in. the church. It was April Fool's Day, we admit, and Group § a Joke on us.. It was maybe quite a surprise when three of our members Scott came to. the front and sang for like -it. Rev. Mr. Flindall sang that J | beautiful hymn so appropriate at|- Easter time "Alone" and Mrs. Eagle- son gave two poems, one of Edgar 'Guest's - entitled "Home". It would t' make it like a home." Sunday School attendance is begin- 3] The other -was one of Fay Inch- i | fawn's entitled, "The Longview". sionary in Africa to show our interest in them. Mrs. S. Hope had charge of the following, program: Instrumen- tal duet by Miss Myrtle Jeffrey and Mr. B. Snelgrove, reading by Olive Mrs, Hope and Mr. C. Clarke.. a month in Oshawa with Mr. and Mrs, David Warren. : Mr. Jack Butson was home from To- ronto on Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. W. Webb and Jean of Norwood were at Mr. A, E. Hunter's over the week end, There have heen a few cases of very mild measles in the village. F gold, torn down, and removed: to Port Perry. 'Toronto spent the: week-end at their home here in the village. We are sorry to report that little broke her leg. We hope she will goon get better. Mr. and Mrs. Groupe (nee Geral Paterson) 'afe enjoying 'a motor trip thredgh North Carblina and Florida, (Continued from page 1) Wife and Family; wreaths and sprays, Kay, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Hem- er and Clarence, Schumacher. The. interment took place in the Union Cemetery, Cartwright, where the Orange Order (following the regu- BERT MacGREGOR Bond, and a trio by Miss L. Murphy, |# Mr. and Mrs, John Warren have re- x turned to their home after spending . The old station house has been |} PHONE; 98, - Mr. and Mrs. Regan and family 'of{ : Edna Hunter fell 'off a horse and| BLACKSTOCK» St. Cuthbert's United Church, Toronto, |. /] take too 'much space to include it in|y 01, No. 133, Blackstock; Mr. ana 8 the correspondence but those Who|pus Andrew Power, Lindsay; Albert] - 4 | have never might do well to|Gribben and Stanley Perkins, Tim- i | do so. It begins and ends something | iins: Mrs. C. Sanderson and Mrs. D. 81 like this-- - ) ral ) "It takes a heap of livin' in a house | ming, Timmins; Mr. and Mrs. J. Fish- GOOD BREAD and Baking of the Daily Family Requirements will be readily secured from Jemilion & Hutchinson, Bakers PORT PERRY "Clothes do mot "make the man, but they make him look better after he is made", was very ably given by Miss Fae McCollum in the absence of Miss Jean Hood. - A" dress parade followed. 'Miss Eliza Stephenson modelled the correct and Miss Margaret Crozier the fncorrect ensemble for church, Miss $ Marion Stephenson modelled a sports outfit. A. discussion on correct and B lincorrect clothes fdr different affairs was then outlined: by the president. Miss Dorothy Fines gave an interest- ~ Bling talk, A few community songs were il |lustily sung by the members present. When the meeting was over all: par- [took of a lunch enjoyed immensely by everyone,' Listen girls, don't forget to come to 'Hthe next meeting with Miss Helen Carter as'hostess. As this is the last f|meeting of the 'term, election of '8 lofficers will be held. Big surprise awaiting! Come and enjoy the-In-- stitute. Everybody is welcome. Group No. 8 of the Foot Ladies of the Women's "Association will enter- tain their friends ih the Township "| Hall on Tuesday afternoon, April 14. "| Mrs. C. 'Li Fralick and Mrs. C, : acting as program committee. pe the weather and roads wil be favor- Sorry to hear Mrs. Carter's sister Miss Tweedie, is :in the Port Perry . Hospital fora few days... We hope her health will be improved as she has been: poorly all winter. 5 : Mrs, A. Sweetman and Mr, apd Mrs. |S. Sweetman visited with Blanche in Toronto, on Sunday, who we are glad to hear is improving after her operation. . Word was received repently of the death of' Mrs. S. J. Abernethy, of Campbellford, in her 76th year, There was a double bereavement in the fam- ily. The day before she passéd away, her husband was buried. Mrs. Aber- 'nethy. was-one 'of our "former young girls of years ago when she lived here with her parents Mr. and Mrs. John able for a large attendance. = ~~ entry blank" on which to wiite your slogan of twenty 4 j [ 'words or less. {| ning to come up again. There were|jan committal service) under the lead- 111 out Sunday morning. The or-|ership of Mr. Creighton Devitt, con- STOCK-TAKING IS OVER nd I am clearing out at half J§f|chestra was almost full force. Masters |jycted a very sacred service to the price all odds and ends as well as some discontinued §|Carl Sornberger and Bruce McCoy memory of their departed brother. manufacturers' lines, also a few lines in jens find a sang a hymn with orchestra accom- i int ei ; over stock at two for the price of one. e latter in- §|paniment. It being Palm Sunday, ere are lest to-mourn Ui Joss o thin town, knows he's the man to fill it. But 8 . cludes some cotigh medicines, toilet water, hand lotions, §f| Mrs. Jas. Harding sang "The Palms". |a loyal husband and a kind father, his kn isk costly eymour, and one son Russell, of ) y » } does he dare risk the y . journey Campbeliford, Mrs Abernethy leaves creams, powders, throat tablets, cod liver oil, kidney J| There will be special services on Mon- wife; four sons, Lewis, Herbert, and "with so little money left? Maybe the two sisters Mrs, E. Hands, of Oshawa, pills, ete. | day, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday |Harold at home, Weir of Timmins;) ~ ~~~ : y Toe and Mrs. C. Toundshorough, Wisidsor, ll | evenings this week in keeping with | three daughters, Annie (Mrs. M. R. 5 job will bo filled when he gets there; one brother Mr. Edward Ploughman, R | Passion Week. ; Sanderson, Toronto) = Agnes '(Mrs. : : perhaps the boss will be'away . . . : of Reach Township, Sympathy is 0s {| On Wednesday evening, April 1st;|Clarence Marlow, Blackstock). Mar- Ph 3 tended to the id Tamil from the members of the Quadrata Girls'|g8ret (Mrs, Oakley, Carley, Cavan). Scugog friends. i | Club entertained the young men of the The second son, Roy, was killed in | The farmers took Advantage of the {| community at a Leap Year and April|France, June 8, 1017. Two brothers,| last' snow fall recently, to get their Fool Party at the home of Miss Ila Wiliam and Herbert, in Grandview, | logs hauled ready for the sawing. Moon. When the members and their Man,; two sisters, Agnes (Mrs. A. machine at Mr... Jeffrey's guests arrived a notice posted on the Werfy, Blackstock), Margaret (Mrs. There are several cases 'of measels i door instructed them to go to another |Arthur VanCamp, Blackstock), algo and one case of mumps' around here. Lr "| Ploughman, Sr. Mr. and Mrs, Aber- nethy leave to mourn' thelr passing, "If 1 cvuild only be SURE! ! » three daughters Mrs, Arthu¥ Reeks, Newbury, N.Y., Mrs. Jean Olive, of Arthur Wilson needs that job in the next ; Detroit, and Mrs. Robert Bibby, of 3 > --s J Morrison's Drug Stere Port Perry Too bad there isn't someone to remind Arthur how « easy and inexpensive it is to * make an sppalptment by Long Distance! SN WRI Sr @0n both "Apyone and "Pesonte Person" ali ow Night roa eptly every evening after 7, 'and CALL. door. This door bore the notice|Survive. One sister Busan (Mrs. L 5 DAY SUNDAY. Sos Mr. and Mrs: Gordon Mountgomery : :) [a Fool--go back to the other |Werry) predeceased him. Gite = Sanita a ~|and children of. Bowmanville were fe [door On entering, the guests were| Someone has said "An honest man SAAR ---- -- ._#|Sunday guests of his sister, Mrs. R. . : asked to Teglster, but when they at- lig the noblest work of God". In the : ee _ Reader. o> [tempted to do so, the pencil was found ljite of the departed, honesty was a RAR RAY ee] Mr and Mra. Allie Mark visited hia > to be of plasticene, Various games |ghining pa for this oy other FOR BALE FARM FOR SALE OR FOR RENT|pq0nts Mr, and Mrs, W. Mark on : were played throughout the evening |noble, Christian qualities possessed by |. A number of used Cream Separators |, 100 acres; good buildings;. east half Sunday. tie A which were suitable for such a party, {him thers shall be in the hearts of including DeLaval, Renfrew, and Lat one, Concession two, Township 6f| "Miers is a special Good Friday ser- and' which caused much merriment.|many for year to come a deep sense [Anchor Holt; also new machines. . Ap- Mariposa. Immediate possession, 40}iics in the Centre Chyrch on. Fiitey: a 4 Purity Bread Flour, 24s $ .85 wa $7 Among these, we might make special |,¢ itude f red [Ply to O. Hyland; Burketon, Phone [acres plowed. For further particu. evening. hia (Es P urit read F lour 98 8 3.25 mention of the stunts when several he gat ® for the good hie Tende dn r B, Port Pi ' apr 16|1ars apply. to the Victoria Trust and wat Savings Company, Executors of: the members and guests were asked to do A FULL LINE OF GROCERIES, BOOTS & SHOES, things quite foreign to their nature, Now the labourer's task is o'er; and also the Intelligence Test when Now the battle day is past . and CROCKERY, the results weve quite surprising, Re-|Now upon the farther shore PORT Lands th last, J. F. McCLINTOCK jai Er Br re SE Br fa |ing. The menu consisted of a choice Leave Wo now Thy Aervant sleeping. to SOCIAL EVENING DUCK EGGS FOR BALE Estate of br. 4 1 Veooman. | Fh Womens' Association of Manchester | From Mammoth Stratn Pekin Ducks, RASPBERRY CANES. BALE United Church are having a social 7c. per setting of 11, of 6%c. per Columbia Raspberry canes for sale,Jevening at the home of Mrs, Frank egg for 60 or more. Apply to E. TE fers ies stack gle per doi orf Luke on Friday, Amt Sovper wi un ng m J.Jand program, sion ; Jackson, Phone: 189 r81, aprlé F. Melnick, Port Perey, pe alana i i. wiaalo % \ Aen, 5" 5 ' : 24 : i A « 23 ¥ : > 1 EE |

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