Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star (1907-), 16 Apr 1936, p. 4

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PAGE FOUR . of Oshawa, are spending, the Easter | __ronto visiting their grandmother, "Mrs, LOCAL ITEMS Mr. Gordon Howard, of 'Toronto,| - was an Easter visitor with his mother Mrs. A, E. Howard. Miss W, Milton and Mr; Ted Leckie, were holiday "visitors with Mr. and Mus. C. Reesor. Misses Doris and Lorraine Suddard, vacation with their aunts, the Misses Stovin. Mr. John Davis sod gon Wilson, of Montre ep spent the week end with the former's mother, Mrs. A, J. Davis. The Misses Laura and Norma Or- chard, spent the holiday with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Orchard. Mr. John Farmer, of Camp Borden, spent a few days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. S, Farmer. Grease Up! Oil Up! ' We have the best harness oil-- Eureka, harness this Spring? 80 at' once. siess Oil by the pint, quart or gal- lon, or we will elean and oil your harness for you by the Oil Bath Process. L R. BEN TLEY For your wagon and other OPTOMETRIST : wheeled "implements, ' use- Mica Axle Grease and be safe. Remembér we sell work boots, work sox us for your requirements in the the above lines. WILLIAM WEBSTER, At Beatly's Store, AND Have you oiled your If not do We sell Eureka Har- PHONE 338 - and work gloves. See Eyes Tested "Glasses Supplied WHERE NECESSARY PORT PERRY, ONT. Yt » Grapefruit HOME BAKING Port Perry Mr. R. G. Gemmell and the Editor of "The Star", Mr. S. Farmer, are in Toronto this week attending the O. E. A. convention. CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION 7 p.m.--Evening service. Tea, 'with Ice Cream, 2bc. EASTER TEA AND SALE OF guilt on view at Jamison's Bakery. See the EERE ERE FRUITS us : .+:8 for 25¢. Head Lettuce Green Onions 8 for 10c. Cauliflowers Green Peppers APPIOBZ. sion iors The Modern -Vegetable Anthony Caruso, Prop. Saturday, April 18th, from 4.30 to| PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH. 6.30 at the Anglican Parish Hall.| Sunday, April 19th, 1936-- : Rev. I, B. Naylor, of Tabernacle United Church, Belleville, Hear this sturdy preacher, formerly of Regina Cut F lowers and Plants FRESH CUT TULIPS AND : KING ALFRED DOFFODILS LANTS--Cinnerarias, all colors, 85¢, and 50s. Primilas in red. VEGETABLES it and ket +Phorie 208. «7 pm~--Evening service. Miss Greta Foster, of Toronto, spent the 'week end with her sister Mrs. Rowland. Miss Helen Vickery and friend, of Toronto, spent the holiday in town with friends. Mr, and Mrs. Oscar Baird, of To- ronto, spent the week end with the former's mother, Mrs. Nelson Baird. . Mr. Forbes Nasmith, and Miss D. Nasmith, of Toronto, spent the week end with friends in town. Mr.-Hugh Nind, of Campbellford, and Mr. and Mrs. Philip Nind, of Thorold, spent the week end "at the Rectory with Rev. and Mrs. Nind. Dr. John and Mrs. Brock, of Osh- awa, spent Sunday in. town. Miss" Marion Goode, of Midland, is with her mother for the holidays. Miss Miriam Richards, of Napane§, gpent the week end and holiday with Miss Lolo Gerrow. Mr. and Mrs. Anson Walker and family, of London, spent the week end with Mrs. E. A: Walker and Miss M. Walker. ~ During the week Dr. and Mrs. J."B. Lundy had as guests Mrs. F. S. Day, of Toronto, Mrs. Errol Wade, of St. George, Miss Daisy Westbrook of Brantford, Mr. Wendell Holmes, of Bay City, Mich.all cousins of Dr. Lundy. : Miss Jean Cawker, Toronto, spent the week end with her parents Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Cawker. Mr. F. D. Slemmon, of Brockville, spent the Easter holidays at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Jeffrey. Mr. and Mrs. John Connor, of Little Britain, were Sunday guests of Mr.| and Mrs. C. C. Jeffrey. Miss Smyth, of Belleville, is spend- ing the holidays with her brother Rev. W. J. H. Smyth, at the parsonage. Miss Florrie Miller, of Toronto, spent the week end in town. Mr. and Mrs. R. Taylor, Brighton, spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Taylor." Mrs. Leslie Wilson, of Toronto, 'was in town over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Lucas, Toronto, were 'Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Lucas. Mr. M. M. Statton of St. Catharines, spent the week end in town at the home of Mrs. W. Real. Mr. Storey Beare, of Toronto, is spending the holidays in town with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Dix, of Little Britain, spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs, W. T. Dix. - Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Hardy and fam- ily, of Perth ,spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Honey. Mrs. Malcolm has returned to her home in town after spending the win- colm is spending the Easter holidays colm is sepnding the Easter holidays Mr. Samson Yelland is in town for u few weeks. Joseph and Donald Stansfield fro- "Robt. Town. j Don't forget the big dance to be held in the Assembly Hall of the High School, Port Perry, on Friday evening of this week--April 17th, Round and square dancing, also euchre & bridge. Proceeds fon, Port-.Perry Hospital, Van Walker's orchestra. Pra PROPERTIES CHANGE HANDS Mr. James Knox, of Oshawa, has purchased Mr. Walter Bown's - fine residence on Cochrane Street, Perry, and will take possession short- y. Mr. Bown has purchased the Me- Clintock property, corner of Queen and Simcoe streets, Mr. Bown will improve this property. BACKACHES: BACKACHES gone after ick RUMACAPS-- ve quie and sure Take y P. G. MORRISON RUMACAPS Port |- Magic omini 1-0/5 Soup C 2u23 2:31 .abitant : Tomato Califorange Juice Sun-Ripened California Valencia 15 Campbell's Spaghetti Made from Select Fruits and Pure Cane Sugar iu Sultana 3 RAISINS - CHOOSE Li iB BY' "Gentle ch TOMATO k Eatchun 227° atchup A 10% -o0z. 1 4 Tins (added Peskin) FAMO PROD ors "Gentle Presc' ICE Tomato J HORMEL CHICKEN = ™ 27¢ Quality Brand (No. 2 Squat Tin) "lB Peaches 2 29° Australian (16-0z. tin) es ) AHalver) 1-1b. "Tin BAKING POWDER. Cash and Carry 14-1b, Tin 4 §¢ : 23 COWAN'S Perfection Cocoa 1-1b Tin "For All Shoes NUGGET POLISH Er ---------------- GLASSCO'S Raspberry or Black Currant Ee fi rawberry - 28° Tin 1 2¢ ta m---- i PALMOLIV FANCY BLUE ROSE "RICE 3-19 PALMOLIVE Gives you that Schoolgirl Complexion. 03-14" 4 |§ HAND PICKED WHITE ' BEANS 514° Bright's PIE * 12-0x. Tin Cherries 1 0 Unsweetere Colgate's Asst. L§LAC - COLEO - IRIS " For a cleaner, lovelier complexion use Col gate's Toilet Soaps. 314 Glenwood "Choice" Diced Beets Glenwood "Choice" Diced Carrots Smart's "Choice" Diced Turnips Smart's "Choice" Diced Beets YOUR CHOICE 25 | Princess Flakes : Wonderful for Silks and Woolens. Large Pkgs. 29° The only vo created specially for dishwashing. 4 40 mm ------ 'New Carrots, Bc. inoh New Beets, 2 for 9c. New Cabbage 4c. lb. Head Lettuce 2 for 13c. Celery 2 for 23c. v : 1} \alue Effective | nti Saturcay Apt] 18th A Meal iH 'a =: Chocolate TODDY Glass 1-1b. tin We deliver z a _-- ST. JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN || CHURCH Rev. D, A. Ferguson, B.A, Minister ------------ N SPECIALS $1.00 A great tonic for the whole system. $1.00 Phone 49 EPSOM Funeral of the late William Prentice: The late William Prentice who a few months a ssed his 80th birth- day had lived oi is life in the Town- ship of Reach died on the. 6th of April and his remains were laid to rest in the Uxbridge Cemetery on Thursday, the 11th inst. For the past few years the deceased gentleman had made his | home in Brookdale. Mr. Prentice was very highly respected in the commun- '| ity and leaves to mourn his loss his son David who lives at the old home- stead, Miss Vera at homeiand his son Claude in Saskatchefan and Russell in Lindsay; besides two brothers Robt. and George who reside in' Port Perry. FORMALDEHYDE, 16 ounces 30c.," % 'gallon gy. $1.00, 1 gallon $1.75. A KRUSCHEN SALTS, (giant oackage), 69¢. PETONIA, A great spring donle, 20 ounce bottle WAMPOLES GRAPE SALTS, 50c. and $1.00 BASKASAL, 6 ounce package, 69¢. SPAHR'S TONSIL REMEDY, 50c. and $1.50 BUY SOME FRESH AGFA FILMS FOR THE WEEK END A.M. LAWRENCE 780 Rexall sure PORT PERRY NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Sara Amelia. Tewkesbury, deceased All persons having claims against the Estate of Sara Amelia Tewkes- bury, of the Township of Reach in the County of Ontario, Spinster, deceased, who died on the 5th day of March, 1936, are "hereby notified to send in to the undersigned solicitors on or before the 1st day of May, 1036, full par' ticulars of their claims. Immediately after May 1st, 1936, the assets of the Testatrix will be distributed among gard only to claims of which the solicitors shall then have hotice. Dated March 31st, 1986. Harris, Harris & Wallace, Port i = | Lawrence' % Drug Store News | * (You Can Save With Safety. 'at Your Rexall Store : 54 . ™ 5) Sessonsble Specials MOTH BALLS, 10¢. 1b, 3 Ibs, for 2e. bes BR the parties entitled thereto, having re- In spite of the inclemency of: the|Perry, Ontario, 'Solicitors for Sara the weather a large crowd assembled |Amelia Téwkesbury Estéte. : at the home when the funeral service A - =f was -conducted by Rev, P. G, Powell, rs: of Uxbridge, assisted by Rev. Joseph 5 OONANY 5 AN INS A \- Denny, of Epsom. GORDON 'D. CONANT, KC, The pallbearers were Messrs. Wm. and Hutchison Armstrong, Wesley ALLIN J, ANS na, LS, = ' Ackney, James Ashton, Wm. Asling ' Eig 4 and § (Oshawa) and Walker Kydd. The sympathy of | *n¢ at Court House, Whithy, (Mr. Conast) the community goes out to is be- Phone 7 (Whitby) i will Have, family. y | Lo ; 5 ervices on the 'Epsom' I f Be held at the regular hours néxt Sun- SUITS ! CLEANED : ' ay and on Monday the 20th, the of-| Suits sponged. and ficial board meeting will be held at ; p Fev Cent Pressed the parsonage at 8. p.m, onts Dry Cleaned Sl. 00 > "C. P.ROLPH = Over the Observer Office SATURDAY | os obneroms || Keeping Things in Repair PAYS Watch our window each week for our Saturday Special. You can save {ma ny ennies during the year by uying | these real bargains. Quality Guaranteed. 3 -- L 4 L Phone 4 R YOUR ORDERS will receive careful |i WHEN THINGS ARE attention, jand prompt delivery. IN GOOD REPAIR Bi W. BOYNTON + SIE ike hide iT TIME and MONEY ARE SAVED El i <> MANCHESTER Miss J. Hooper, is nursing Mr. T. Brooks, near Port Perry, who is ill, Mr, Cecil Ptolmey spent the week end with his mother in Hamilton. Mr.'J. Cooper and family moved to the base line near Pickering last Fri- day, where he has engaged with Mr. { E. Downs for the year, We wish them success in their new home, Mr. Al. Smith has secured a position on a dairy farm near Langstaff and 'moved there last week. Our best | wishes go with him and his family. Mr. Elwood Crosier and Miss Helen Crosier visited Mrs. Norman White at 'Brooklin one day last week. Mr, Starr, of Prince Albert, is work- ing for Mr, Clifford Sonley Tor the |e summer. We are sorry to state that'Mrs, M.}. J. Sonley is still confined to bed from 'an attack of rheumatic fever. Mrs, 'Sonley has been ill over two months and her. many friénds hope to. het] gp out again soon, kL Economy! yes, that's the way, * Biit to show you it won't always ad Come to Club and bring the gang To #ée "The Economical "Boomés We will be pleased to quote you prices on new or repair work Sam N. Griffen Lumber Co. Phone 240 PORT PERRY, ONT. "DR. Ww. 8. HARPER mpi tine yg Ww. A -- DENTAL SURGRON ? rang" Ofis. Hours: pam to bpm + "At 8 pm, on Thursday night 77] [Ofee Up-stairs, over Bmmerson's April 16th, Keep it right, : Insurance Ofles 4

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