Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star (1907-), 23 Apr 1936, p. 4

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oh Don A AHL LOCAL ITEMS Union. _ Port Perry. PAGE FOUR The annual meeting of the Lawn Bowling Club will be held at Gerrow's Store -on Monday, April 27th, at 8 pm. All members are urged to at- tend. : Mrs, M. Williams and Rosser, spent Easter week in Toronto. «Mrs. Ww. McClintock, of Lindsay, has returned home after spending a week with her phrents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Cook, Mrs. H, W. Emmerson and George, and Harry Carnegie, spent the Easter holidays in Toronto. Mr. Robert McMillan spent the the holidays with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Geo. A. McMillan, Rev. W. J. H. Smyth was in Belle- | ville, on Sunday where he preached and conducted services in "The Taber- nacle". His work in Port Perry was taken by Rev. I. B, Naylor. Mr. is spending his holidays parents at his home here. GOING TO FENELON FALLS Mr. Alfred Andrus left on Monday to take a position in the plumbing and tinsmithing business at Fenelon Falls. We wish him success. : "Alf" has taken a helpful part in the conducting of the United Church Sunday School Orchestra, and has al- so been a real chum to many of the younger boys in the Scout Movement. He will be missed in both these or- ganizations. Dawson Kaufman of- Sudbury with' his MARRIED The marriage of Mr. Fred Bown of Port Perry, and Miss Louise Pick- ering, took place on April 4th, 1936. They will reside on the Jeffrey farm near Prince Albert, recently purchased by Mr. Fred Bown. PROPERTY SOLD Mr. James Knox, of Oshawa, has purchased; Mrs and* 'Mrs. W. Bown's fine residence' on Cochrance Street, Port Perry, and will take possession shortly. Mr. and Mrs. Bown have purchased the McClintock property at Borelia. PAINFUL ACCIDENT Mrs. W. Cruse met with an unusual and painful accident a few days ago. On opening the furnace door there was an explosion of gas which burned her face, singed her hair, and threw her to the ground, giving her a shock and severe bruises. We are glad to say Mrs. Cruse is recovering from what might have been a very serious injury. -- MOVED OUT OF TOWN . Mr. and Mrs. Powell have moved to Port Union. Mr. Powell, who was a section foreman on this line when the north part was closed, has gone to the main line of the C.N.R. at Port We regret to see this family leave town, especially Norman and his two sisters who were quite popular with their fellow students at the| school. Mr. and Mrs. Newell and family have moved to Lindsay. This is an- other family Port Perry loses with the closing of the railroad. Mr. Ne- well has been working on the section from Port Perry South. --t o> ob-- MOVING TO PORT PERRY Mr. and Mrs. John McLaren, of Scugog, who recently purchased the Nay property, is moving to town. This necessitated a move by Mr. and Mrs. Currah, who are now occupying the cottage owned by Mrs. L. G. Hall on Union Avenue. MYRTLE Mr. and Mrs. A. Armstrong and baby spent Sunday with the former's - parents-at Bethany. Farmers are getting anxious to commence seeding operations as it was quite general on the 11th of April last year. Mr. and Mrs. Hugo Bradley were in Uxbridge on Saturday attending the funeral of Mr. Morton, Mrs. Bradley's uncle. . : Mr. Eli Harnden, of Whitby visited at the homes of Mr. W. S. Parks and other friends here last week, . Mrs. J. C. Lawrence visited her son Dr. Geo. C. Lawrence of Lindsay last week, Mrs. Joe Walker returned on Sat- urday, 'after spending a few days with friends in Toronto. The horse marke) booming just now, Mr. J. W. McDonald, of Green- bank purchased a team from Mr. M. Duff last week. - Mr, Will J. Cook bought one from McMillan Bros. of Mr. Stanley Nottingham 'gold one to a Blackstock farm, and Mr. Hugo Bradley has bought a team, while Mr, Archie Parrinder had one delivered from Janetville.. At Your Service, Gentlemen! Our shop will be Open evenings for your convenience during seed: ing time. : ¢ . Let us know your needs. We are are here to 'serve you. Is it a pr, of Work Boots? We have them at $1.35, $2.50, $2.60, $2.75, $3.25. 9 oz. Black or Blue Denim Over- alls at $1.85. 8 oz, Blue or Blue- Grey Denim Overalls at $1.65. 8 oz. Blue Double-front Pants $1.45 Work Shirts at 95¢., $1.00, $1.35. WILLIAM WEBSTER, At Beatly's Store, Port Perry 4% A legal investment for Trust Funds $100. and Upwards Accepted for Terms of 5 Years. * Unconditionally Guaranteed ON GUARANTEED TRUST CERTIFICATES THE STERLING TRUSTS CORPORATION TORONTO ~ Andrew H. Browne The death of Andrew H. Browne, on Wednesday, April 8th, 1936, in 'Port Perry, brought to an end another well- known family, in the Township of |' Reach. Mr. Browne was born April 9, 1848, on the 1st concession of Reach. He was the last of a family of ten, and was a brother of the late John C. implement dealer in Port. Perry. "Andy" as he was affectionately called by his intimate friends, was an interesting character. He was very fond of horticulture and horses. For a number of years he was in the em- ploy of Drs. J. and J. Moore, of Brooklin. During the last twenty years he has been a resident of Port Perry, making his home with his nephew; Mr. Orr Browne. Had he lived one more day, he could have celebrated his 88th birthday. Up to a few weeks before his death, Mr. Browne enjoyed excellent health. The funeral was held from the home of Mr. Orr Browne on Friday, April 10th, Rev. T. A. Nind, officiating." In- terment- was made at Pine (Grove Cemetery. - r ' % _--weovor-------------- ONTARIO REGIMENT On Wednesday evening, April 17th, the Ontario 'Regiment held a mixed gathering -of the Mess members and their ladies which was held in, the form of an informal dinner at which several presentations were made. Mrs. R. B. Smith, wife of Lt.-Col. R. B. Smith, V.D., presented to the Sergeants' Mess a very beautiful photograph of King Edward VIII which was received by R.S.M. H. Davies, W.0., and handed over to Sgt. Instructor S. Murray, Mess President. Before Sgt. Murray placed the photo in its place of honour, he said that it was an honour for him to receive the photo on behalf of the Mess, as he had served under four Sovereigns of the Royal Family, i.e. Queén Victoria, King Edward VII, King George V, and now King Edward VIII, and also on active service for three of them, The next presentation was to Lt. R. J. Donabie, which was made by R. Donabie is. the only member of the Ontario. Regiment to have risen from the ranks He joined the Signal Sec. in 1928, was later transferred to the Orderly Room as an. Orderly Room Sgt., then to A Co. as a Sgt. and in December 1935 was Gazetted and now holds the rank of 2nd Lt. Sgt. Mur in his new undertaking and said that he hoped "to be in the service and salute. Mr. Donabie as Commanding officer of the Ontario Regiment. Some time ago Mr. Neil Felt do- nated a very beautiful silver cup to the Sgts Mess for the best rifle shot and made the presentation to the Mess on this occasion. The cup known as the Neil Felt Trophy is for annual Regiment... terested in marksmanship and said it was his interest in shooting that prompted him to donate the cup. R.8.M. Davies called upon President Browne, who was for many years an|: S.M. Davies and Sgt. Murray. Mr.[ ray wished Mr, Donabie every success' competition among the Sgts. of the| Mr. Felt is very much in-| Eyes Tested AND Glasses. Supplied WHERE NECESSARY L R. BENTLEY OPTOMETRIST PORT PERRY, ONT. PHONE 33 -- Ss, presentation on behalf of the Sgts. Mess. It was a very beautiful wrist watch to Sgt. O. Hamilton for the work he had done in the past two years as chairman of the social com- mittee, Mr. Neil Felt then presented his trophy to W. Borrowdale as the best shot in the Mess. On the programme Mrs, I. Smart sang a solo, Sgt. Smart played the harmonica, Capt. Tosland, gave a reci- tation. Among the guests were Lt.- Col. and Mrs, Smith, Col. F. C. Chap- pell, Major E. Pearson, Capt. A. L. Tosland, and Mr. Neil Felt. } MANCHESTER | "Mrs. Harold Beatock visited her Mr. H. O. Dobson attended the O. E. A. convention in Toronto last week. Miss Ruth Baxter, Manatoulin Island was the guest of Mrs, Elwood Crosier last week. Miss Penny Robinson, Brooklin, spent the Easter holidays with hér brother at Mr. Alex. Johns'. Mrs. 'Bunker, and daughter Mys, Braithwaite, and Migs Florence Bunker and Mr. Harold Bunker, visited with relatives here one day last week, Mrs. Jas. Masters suffered a very painful injury last Tuesday when she slipped on the icy pavement in Port Perry and splintered a piece of bone mother Mrs, F. White, for a week. , 'FRESH cur TULIPS: AND KING ALFRED DOFFODILS FRUITS Aananas i venissyidonen. 25¢. Grapefruit Apples cones ans ..3 for 10c¢. Anthony Caruso, Prop. up. for yourself all these ne or smooth straws.' off the end of her spine. We hope she may soon recover from this un- fortunate acident. : Mr. Grant Christie and sons Fred and Donald attended the banquet in the Genosha Hotel, at Oshawa, on Monday-evening in honour of Mr, W. M. Croskery. Miss Verna Masters, Toronto, is|- spending a few weeks at her home here. Cut F lowers i and 1 Plants The Modern Fruit and Vegetable Market 'One Day Sale Wednesday, April 29th, 1936 A fine new range of up-to-date styles and and colors for the season. DRESSES from $2.95 up. PLANT os me aria J CO. Y = 3 = Primulas inred. = | VEGETABLES ' Head Lettuce Cauliflowers Phone 208. We deliver COATS from $8 95 Come and see w patterns. MILLINERY -- Also the New Spring Millinery Styles. Straws with veil and flower trimming in rough Also the new sport felts. Mrs. Hall's Millinery Shop, ert Perty ED The W. A, of the United Church held a social evening at the home of Mrs. F. Luke, on Friday evening of last week. After a delicious hot sup- per, a short program was given, Rev. Mr. Honey acted as chajrman in his usual happy manner. Receipts at the door amounted to about $19.00. Mr. Arnold Roach, of London, paid a short visit to friends here. There was a good attendance at SEE NEERERER- CONNOR'S CHICKEN { TOMATO vic HADDIES - £3 . These special values effective April 23rd to 25th inclusive. e- EBSEeSMNEEEERS NONE N ERAN NNER RARER ORR RENN R RSE R RCS NEE pp 2 Tins 25¢ § Ths 14 GOOD QUALITY: Brooms Sturdy--Well Made w= 29 '2 - Flaked } TUNA FISH COCOANUT S Black--Red Pkg. GOLDEN TIP FRY'S COCOA wwe 22¢ Choice Red PEAS i £5 25 PITTED Suit --~No. 2 Et Squat Tins | Bory Fs - wiAglc C Tasty i BE - EY 17 Pw New Season's-Old Colony Kippesed 5 Maple Syrup 160m, Bot. 27} ¥ Manyflowers and SOAPS -- - 10. Ti HY fi MACAROO Golden Standard--Wh 'UUABER PUFFED WHEAT 219 QUAKER PUFFED RICE Lr x 5 OXO 925¢ 10 Cube Tin 4 Murray, of the Mess, to make the next RLY A Apr Nua ARAAERERAARSRARAR WAFERS 20 Wale 8 j CATCHUP Betedee y J 19: WAX BEANS Oranges, Florida and - EE es TT LiL HONEY i 39¢ ---- ESS DOMINO ms 1:29¢ Hi 43" Fairy 3 coe 14¢ : Blue Labéi--Black Tea °° ? Karbol AcesliO¢ fl 8B: .Richmello vw 25¢ ba 49° RL - Golden TR ov ellow -02 Clover Brand No. 1 White A RICHMELLO {33 Fa 29¢ ) Babbitt's Cleanser 3-14 : ton Tins '25¢ Fresh Tomatoes 15¢ HAWES' hr 93¢ FLOOR WAX a 49¢ Fresh Pineapples. .19c. - Lettuce .....2 for 13¢c. Carrot or Beets bn. fe. The New Tiwi Oereal Ee EG 10°] 23¢ umor DOMINION | Walnue 27. Sot le Jd Ee s Drug -- = © (You Can Save With Safety at Your Rexall Story all Gillette tpye razors. any razor.' & a OVALTINE . Aas ea DEO RCC the Club on Thuraday evening. Com- munity singing was followed. by a the President Mrs. E, Crosier. It was decided 'to hold two more meetings-- April 80 and May 14, when the Club will close until October. The follow- ing program was given: readings by Miss. Marion Goode; solo by Miss Mc- Quarter, of Midland; solos by Mr. R. Bonnty with guitar accompaniment by Mr. C. Fielding, music by Prince Al- bert - Mountaineers, solo by R, Oliffe accompanied by Fred Christie. Music for dancing was supplied by a five piece orchestra. Be prepared for the "Economical Boomerang" on April 80. ATTACK THE CAUSE OF 'RHEUMATISM *= Permanent relief- from Rheumatism can only be effected by remov- ing the cause of the P trouble. R YJ effectively cleanses the blood of uric acid and other impurities which ---poison_the system, while giving i diate relief from pain. Start gour treatment today, - RUMACAPS RHEUMATIC CAPSULES RH RO ORG ~ Pp. G. MORRISON: Box of #105 Serrules PIGS FOR SALE Yorkshire pigs, six weeks old. Ap- ply to Robert Moase, Port Perry, oo SALE oF HOME-MADE ( COOKING . AND CANDY. The Evening Auxiliary of the Ww. '| M.S. of the United Church will hold a sale of Home-made 'Cooking and Candy at the Venture Tea Room on Saturday, April 26th, from 8 to 6 p.m. --_----e eo ------------------ SINGER SEWING MACHINE CO. Guaranteed repairs for all makes: Leave your order at the Star Office, Have several used machines at reason- able prices. Official Representative for Ontario and York, G. L. Lang- staff, Phone 20, Markham, FOR SALE Durham Cow, heavy milker, fresh two months. Apply to A. R.: "Woodley, Prince Albert, Ont. CRI 45 TR A ag FARM FOR SALE OR FOR RENT 100 acres; good buildings; east half Lot one, Concession two, Township of Mariposa. Immediate possession, 40 acres plowed. For further particu- ~|ars apply to the Victoria Trust and Savings Company, Executors of the Estate of Dr. A. E. Vraoman, apr28 ------h HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE OR FOR RENT Fiame house, corner of Mary and '| John Streets, Port Perry, Apply: to | Hugh F. Lucas, Box 645, Whitby, april28 Ontario. . LINDSAY hEAERy y Limited : PERMEDGE BLADES An exceptionally fine blade. to fit | REXALL SHAVING CREAM--A real good compani; To get new friends for these two. splendid ws we offering a package of blades and a tube of cream, - OTHER SPECIALS KRUSCHEN SALTS (Giant package) BAYER'S ASPIRIN .................26c, 39c. and 98c. | NGLISH MALT and COD LIVER OIL ....49¢c. and 89¢c, S Dn POWDERS, ......pkg. 15¢c, 2 pkgs. for 25c¢. NOXEMA-- (regular 25c. 8ize) ..........cunnssinq.1Be NOXZEMA--54c. size and Noxzema Soap. .+ Both for 54c. | A. M. LAWRENCE % ._ me Rexall sure short business session conducted by{. i sob i! i "Per pkg. of b blades 2bc. : Per tube 8c. Both for 80e. cs000 4880, 58c., and 98e. sas ete' NOTICE TO CREDITORS - sIn the Estate of Sara Amelia Tewkesbury, deceased All persons having claims against the Estate of Sara Amelia Tewkes- bury, of the Township of Reach in the County of Ontario, Spinster, deceased, the undersigned solicitors on or before the 1st' day of May, 1936, full par- ticulars of their claims. Immediately Testatrix will be distributed among the parties entitled thereto, having re- gard. only to claims of which the solicitors- shall then have notice, Dated "March 81st, 1986. : Harris, "Harris &- Wallace, Port Perry, Ontario, Solicitors for Sara Amelia Tewkesbury Fatale, ,.00NA T & ANNIS tors, Notaries Public Al 4, ANNIS, B.A.; LL.B. Offices 7 8., Oshawa To 4 yy 1} rhein and at Court House, Whitby, (Mr. Conant) - Phone 7 (Whitby) SUITS CLEANED Suits sponged and pressed 80 Cents Dry Cleaned $1.00 C. P. ROLPH Over the Observer Office in Repair PAYS IN GOOD REPAIR TIME and MONEY ARE SAVED 'We will be pleased to "quote you prices on new or repair work | Sam N. Griffen Lumber Co. . Phone 240 PORT PERRY, ONT. DR, AL 8. HARPER Offes Hours: 9 8 oh {9am to 5 pm. Unum ove Hnerso's Oe. *i ten .69¢. 1 > who "died -on "the Bth-day- of March, -- 1986, are hereby notified to send in to after May 1st, 1986, the assets of the GORDON "D. CONANT, K.C, ' | Keeping Things | WHEN THINGS ARE } . : > " o- Hs a . J $5] LJ : 3 } a p 5 . Sin 3 ro I * > | 3 ~ Tl x 8 ° » +i Ww Rd > bY xs FS B vy « -. -' « 2. | v v. « » 5 - ¢ ® wv y > a " > ITA Be [| 5. & \> >, 4 oe I 4 2 Wd FO {x 5

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