Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star (1907-), 30 Apr 1936, p. 5

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Y oy i 2 'od PORT PERRY, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, APRIL 80th, 1936 SCUGOG We are to be favoured this coming week with a number of special ser- vices beginning on Wednesday evening | "and will con on Thursday and Friday evenings. These meetings will | - be in charge of Mr, Kingsley Joblin and four' of hig fellow students ot Emmanuel' College, Toronto. They are to tour Ontario, and will be ordained in June, We wish them sucéess in the great: work, They will be assisted ; . pe by the young men's choir, The < al service will be on Sunday night. Let's all try to attend these services. | The' Junior Girls' Institute will hold + their May Meeting on the 9th, instead -of the 2nd. - The amateur program has been postponed from April 28th to Tuesday, # May 5th. All that would like to ap- pear on the program send your names to Mrs, Elmer Plovghuaa by Satur- day. Mr. and Mrs, o. Gerrow of Oshawa, visited 'at the home of his brother, Mr. F, Gerrow recently, Mr. ahd Mrs. W. F. Nott of Port visited at the home her sister Mrs; Alf, Prentice. The measles have broken out again at the Head. Mr. and Mrs. W. Jeffrey were guests of their son Orr on Sunday. Mr. J. Aldred and his son Cameron, and Mr. Joel Aldred, were guests of ~ Mr, and Mrs, Jonathan Aldred on Sun- day. Mrs. Sintzel has returned to the home of her daughter Mrs. J. Aldred after spending the winter with her son in Toronto. We are sorry to hear she is not: feeling: well and. is-under the doctor's" care, Mrs. H. Long is under the doctor's ¥ care also. We wish for these a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. John Davey, Whitby, and Mr. and Mrs, A, Prentice 2d » family, were Sunday guests of * ond ¥. Gerrow, on Sunday. Miss ~# Oshawa on Monday. Sorry to hear Mrs. 'F. G. Joblin be-| came ill while visiting. in Toronto and could not return last week. If is our a) hope that she is better and will be able to return this week. * Mr. Jack Pargeter, of Port Perry, ui helping Mr. Beacock for a "few months-- . «- re. -- too * MYRTLE Miss Dorothy Halk of Toronto spent the week end with her grandparents, 'Mr. and' Mrs. Robert Chisholm. 5 ~~ Mr. Will Booth of Whitevale spent last week with his son Mr. Frank Booth. Farmers started to work on the land for the first time this season on Mon- "day and the general report was that 5 Our meats are noted for fresh, tasty flavour. ad CAWKER BROS. the ground was splendid shape. «> A number" from here attended Mr. » Ed Lee's sale at Prospect on Monday. An interesting meeting of the Wo- men's Missionary Society was held at the home of Mrs. Hattie Hudgins on --ethursday, when some most interesting information on the work was given, After the program the hostess served a most tempting lunch. Mr. Ray Downey has secured a posi- working up in « tion in Toronto. '® Mr. Fowler of "Poronto' is having further improvements made to his summer home: here. Miss Everly Cross spent the week a A Leona Prentice visited in| end with Miss Barbara Bright of Port Perry. Miss Sarah Davidson of Ashburn is visting her -gousin, Mr. E. E. Mole. ------------ "GREENBANK The. Friendship Club held a euchre and dance in the Community Hall last Friday night with a good attendance, Dr. Ray Stone, Toronto, at Mr. J. Stone's on Sunday. J Mr. Elmer Lee. of Toron home here on Sunday. = Mr, and Mrs. T. Sharp and Miss F. E. Phoenix, visiting friends in Ux- |' btidge on Sunday. i Mr. and Mrs, H, V. Watson, of Ux- bridge called on Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Phoenix, on Sunday, Mrs. Johnston, Toronto, engaged in Social Welfare Work, addressed the ladies' and girls' classes of the S. S. on Sunday, on work in the slums in Toronto. The beef ring will commence for the season next week. There was a very successful bee at the cemetery on Monday. Many im- provements were made. The Women's Association held their regular monthly meeting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Real on Tues- day afternoon. t his pt Week end visitord in our midst-- Mr. L. Bradburn, of Toronto, with his parents Mr, and Mrs. J. W. Brad- burn, Miss® Lulu Wright of Toronto, with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. O, Wright. Miss Beatrice Waldon and Mr. Mor- rey Waldon with their cousins Smith Bros. Miss Marjorle Marlow, of Toronto, with her mother Mrs, John Marloty, Mr. and Mrs, Royal Whitfield and family spent Sunday with Mrs. Whit- : T*| fleld's parents Mr, and Mrs, L. Mec- Guire, of Yelverton. Miss Mary Deck; of Toronto, is the guest of her sister Mrs. (Rev. ) w. J. Bell, at the parsonage. Miss Vera Forder and Miss Eva Brown spent the week end with the former's sister Mrs. Dunn, of Oshawa. . Miss. Ruth Marlow and Miss Caro- line Sims, of Toronto, were with the former's mother Mrs. Jas. Marlow, over the week end, as was also Mrs. Williamson, of Omemee, a sister of | Mrs. Marlow. On Saturday afternoon Miss Anna + Thomson-entertained seven of her girl friends to tea in honour of her twelfth birthday. At League on Wednesday evening, the Bible study was taken by Miss Aileen Mountjoy and the 'League paper was read by Miss Olive Van- Camp. Miss Jessie Knox favored with an instrumental and Miss Ferga Johnston with two readings: "Empty Front Pews" apd "That Chureh Going Habit," On Tuesday evonine a happy social time took place in the United Church basement when the Young Men's Classes and the Sr, Girls' Class were entertained by the Young Ladies' Class. After a short program the evening was spent in games and con- tests at the close of which lunch was served. The number present, 40. The regular monthly meeting of the AY.P.A, of St. John's Church was held at the rectory on Wednesday evening with an attendance of 24. The program consisted of current events by the members, a talk by Mr. Clar- oWe pay all express charges, pay top prices Se provide itemized accoun wing accurate test and weight of every can. Ask LINDSAY your banker about us. 18. Write for {i ° information. snd ou current LINDSAY CREAMERY Limited ONTARIO : ies, 2h _ Phone 29w, Port Perry. TASTY MEATS At this time of the year your appetite calls for poniething special-- order to Ww. ! Phone your next : Prompt Delivery 1 GET YOUR LIFE, FIRE, AUTOMBILE, and THEFT INSURANCE : Phone 41 HAROLD W. EMMERSON Port Perry . | ington, D.C. : rd Li a 2 GAY 7 Ee oz PAGE FIVE --_db ence Butson; arguments for and against the buildidg of a new rink; a paper by Mr. Laverm Devitt, "The Separate School"; wn Miss Isabelle Chilvers.! Lunch was served and the meting closed with the' AY.PA, motto and Auld Lang Syne. A hearty vote of thanks was their kind hospitality. ol Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Mason and child- ren,-Alex, Jr. and Mary, of Stratford, were recent visitors of Mrs, Mason's brother Dr, J. McArthur, Practice for St.:John's Choir was eld at the rectory on Friday night after which a' dainty lunch was served by Mrs. Harcourt, A beautiful bouquet of cut flowers was placed in the United Church on Sunday by Miss Ruth Marlow, of To- ronto, in memory of the passing of her brother Dr, Frederick C. Marlow, of Toronto, on April 25th, 19365. and Mrs. Wm, Hooey on their recent marriage in Toronto at the home of the bride, After a wedding 'trip to their home "The Hooey Homestead" near Blackstock. On' Friday evening last, a reception was held for them at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Earl Dorrell when about fifty friends and neigh- bours gathered to extend their best wishes and to welcome Mrs. Hooey to our community. During the even- ing they were presented with a gift of a beautiful fern and fern stand. Com- munity singing, -games and contests helped to make more enjoyable this very happy occasion at the close of which lunch was served by the ladies. Rev. Mrs. Harcourt is in Poronto this week attending the Jubilee meet- ing of the Woman's Auxiliary. Dur- ing her absence Mrs. Harcourt of To- ronto will be with her son Rev. C. C, Harcourt atthe rectory. Saturday morning, April 4th;- John William Hooey, in his sixty-ninth year, after having suffered a stroke two weeks previously. Deceased "was a son of John and Margaret Hooey and was born .on the farm on which he spent his -whole life. He will be greatly missed in the community also in his home, where he was a de- voted husband and kind father. He was a life-long member of the Presby- {erian Church and at the time of his death was an elder in Nestleton -Pres- byterian Church: He was also a Past Master of L.O.L. No. 43. Besides his sorrowing wife, he leaves to mourn his loss; two sons, Roy and Burney, both at home; two brothers, Walter of Bethune, Sask. and Joseph of Bresaylor, Sask., also three sisters, Susan (Mrs. Henderson); Elizabeth and Maud, of Winnipeg. The funéral took place from his late "residence on Monday, April 6th, service being con- ducted by Rev.'V. Walker, of Janet- ville. Interment wap made in the Union- Cemetery, Cadmus. The: pall- bearers were six brother Orangemen: Bros. C. Devitt, H. Hooey, J. Archer, J. Byers, 0. McQuade and E. Gibson. Floral tributes were from wife and L. O. L., Mr. and Mrs, S. Hutchison, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. H. Samells, Mr. and Mrs. C. Wilson, Miss Mary Malcolm, Mr. and Mrs. J. Stewart and Mr: and Mrs. Hutchison, of Peterboro. Relatives from a distance present were: Mr. and Mrs.:S. Hutchison, John and Margaret; Mr. and Mrs. J. Lilli- crop, Mr. and Mrs. C. Marshall, all of Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Stewart, Donald and Betty, Mr. W. Hutchison and Pearl, and Miss Bessie Latchett, 'of Peterboro. of the community is extended to the bereaved ones in the sad loss they have so recently sustained. UTICA Sorry to report the serious illness He is. in Toronto General Hospital. Miss Jessie Stephens was in Oshawa on Thursday. Irwin, on Wednesday, April 16th, M. Vivian, elder daughter of Mr. and Mrs, son of Mr, and Mrs. Carl Wilken, of Taunton, Ont. of the State of Nevada, U.S.A. called on his sister, Mrs. H, B. McKercher on his way home from a trip to Wash- 'Mr. and Mrs, Herman Walker at- tended the Holstein Sale in Toronto on Wednesday. Mr, and Mrs, Orr Graham with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Harper on Sunday. A number from here: attended the party at the home of Mr. and Mrs, E. Lee. :: ~The 'Ladies' Aid will hold a social evening and program in Memory Hall on Wednesday, May 6th. The pro- gram will consist of two one act plays, one presentéd by the Young People of tap dance by tendered Mr. and Mrs. Harcourt for] _ Congratulations are extended to Mv. |: Buffalo, the happy couple returned tol There passed away at his home on|---- where he had made many friends, and |' CALL HOME on those Sundays - CR a" away from Home! -suddenly 'thought of Long -@0n both Jim Howard looks forward to spend them at home in the bosom of his family. So, . when a prolonged business trip found him at loose ends in a strange town that sunny Sunday morning, his cup of sorrow and discontent was overflowing -- until he Sunday Rates., "It will be almost as good as being with them" thought Jim as he briskly stepped to the telephone. ' Person", calls, Low Night Rates apply after 7 p.m., and ALL, DAY SUNDAY. to the week-ends. He likes Distance and the new Lows on nest Sp "Anyone" and "Person-toe The most recent meeting was held on: April 23rd, with Mrs. Ben. Smith in the chair. The first number on the program was by the "tin pan orches: tra". They were followed by Bill Lyle who gave us a few of thé newer jokes A song was sung by Joel Aldred and Sam Arnold accompanied, by Mrs, S. Arnold. Myrtle Jeffrey gave a piano selection which was well received. Merle Hope. and- Esthet Huntot sang-a duet accompanied by Lillian Murphy. James Davidson and Clarence Fielding: accompanied by Reg. Boundy on the guitar, played the bones and violin; respectively. * The rest of the evening was spent in dancing. * The last meeting of the Club will be held on May 7th. We are looking for a good attendance. PRINCE ALBERT COMM UNITY PICKERING : CLUB Srey | Orders taken at the Star Office for any magazine or other publication. sons, Nestleton Presbyterian Chureh,}| . (Pickering News) The following resolution was passed | § at the Pickering Chamber of Com- merce meeting recently, and will he forwarded to the Twp. Council, ~ "Inasmuch as the County of Ontario | 4 has overpaid in error, to the High Schools of five urban municipalities in the County, during the five years since 1930, various amounts totalling ap- proximately, $16,000; And whereas |} these amounts have come out of the pockets of the rural ratepayers only; Therefore be it resolved by this meet- ing, that the representatives of Pick- ering Township Council in the County Council be requested to "insist on the 4 return of all these amounts for .each|§ and every year since 1930;-and that no other compromise settlement be agreed to. : y Ci BS CE Ls SS. TS F. W. BROCK & SON RED & WHITE STORE - Ll REN. Ca a _ <--. - Display. & JLocture. featuring BED COVERINGS, HOUSE DECORATIONS - = Su and STYLE SHOW M=> MAY 6th to 9th <=@K SEE THIS INTERESTING DISPLAY AT OUR STORE - ON-THE ABOVE DATES . Special Demonstration under the auspices of the 1. 0. D. E. in the United Church Basement at 3 p.m. on FRIDAY and SATURDAY, MAY 8th and 9th. SPECIAL PRIZE for the best child's cuddly toy in the form of a Wabasso Rabbit, after the style of the Trade Mark and to be made entirely from Wabasso products. GROCERIES ora gh "PINEAPPLES, this week ..................... cach 17¢. NAVEL ORANGES, per dozen ........ 20c., 29c., and 39c. TOMATOES, Ib. 5c. | LETTUCE, 7c. head FRESH CABBAGE CARROTS CELERY, ete. LEMONS BANANAS GRAPEFRUIT PIE CHERRIES, per tin . =... 0c. PUMPKIN, per tin ........ 00... 10c. TOMATOES and PEAS--SPECIAL--. ..... 3 tins for 25c. ---3 The sincere sympathy|- of Mr. Sam Nichols with pneumonia. : Married--at Whitby by Bev. A. M. H. B. McKercher, to Ralph Bryant,' | Dr. John E. Worden, Health Officer famous quality is Ns There is a store in your vicinity that can supply you. "THE BEST BRANDS OF PREPARED HOUSE PAINT The undernoted top quality brands of white lead paint are now reduced in price to $3.75 per gallon. risk using paints of less reliable qua. lity when you can have the assured beauty and protection of these time. tested brands at this popular figure? Any one of them will give you a job of outstanding beauty, long paint life {WILL GIVE THIS FAMOUS FERRER EEE 0 EEE RE REE R Hitch-Hiking Around the World !! Ellsworth and LeRoy Toll ILLUSTRATED STORY IN THE - GREENBANK UNITED CHURCH ON THE EVENING OF ~ FRIDAY, MAY 8th, 1936 "The Most Thrilling Travel Story Ever Told in Canada." ADU LTS 2hc., ADMISSION: CHILDREN 15. i 'ORR. C. BROWNE Thele . AUTHORIZED unchanged. Why " i DUCO and DULUX 3 |% Re-Finisher on Cars or Furniture A and ecinomy from first to last. By : Body and Fender Bumping. a : New Tops and Woodwork RN 'MARTIN-SENOUR ~ SHERWIN-WILLIA MS Utica and one by the Yourig People of Manchester, CANADA PAINT - 2 GLASS FITTED on short notice on any make of car. WATKINS AGENCY One Block South of the Post Office Phone 39 . . Port Perry mm mma a EERE EEE EERE EEE EEA

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