Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star (1907-), 11 Jun 1936, p. 4

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x Yevonne, of St. Hyacinthe, Quebec,| $6.00 to go for $4.50 and $3.00. gi 3 CIE 5; 4) visited their cousins Mr, and Mrs, C. Come and see for yourself, CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION (8 bLUMS NEW CABBAGE AE H. Kellett, on Sunday, 8 a.m.--Holy Communion. ES i BAY : WILLIAM WEBSTER, --Lloly : : MATOES y) Mr, Arthur Beall, of Fonthill, was At Beatty's Store; Port Perry 11 a.m,--Morning Service, a PEACHES HOT HOUSE TO = A kh the guest of Miss L. Penhall, for the ' 7 p.m.--Evening Service which will be u CHERRIES ~ - HOME GROWN Fl i week-end. attended by the members of the HONEY BALLS STRAWBERRIES yoo A ei) T Masonic Order. RT Messrs. Clarence and Cecil Purdy, 4 bo Mrs, EH Purdy and Mrs. 1. &. Bent: | SUITS CLEANED| © oo... § CANTALOPES LETTUCE Ba ' e arder Lake, ill . > D 2 ; ( Ail J et re Handy | Suits sponged and pressed | : ORT bry LTE CHURCH : WATERMELONS RADISHES Eagal, ' ) 10 a.m.--Sunday School. ; TAD E. Purdy. 60 Cents 7 ill preach, |= 1 | $1.00 |g ie Tat of over |8 The Modern Fruit and ST Mrs. F. H. Sears and son Jack, of Dry Cleaned $1. Subject--*"The Fault of Over-Pru i Montreal, are visiting Mrs. Whitmore C. P ROLPH . Ses gaan A of|B Vegetable Market Wi. i is we m.--Rev re . | 'De ha Setanta is Seg ay i "Woodville, Ont. "|m Anthony Caruso, Prop. Phone 208. We deliver AEs A number of the members of Old Over the Observer Office " |= a --" DHS A England Lodge, Sons of England, at- - _- TTT TE pean LH tended the district Church parade at ST. JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN 3 RE ji © mrs wedi SAVE YOUR MONEY el ) Miss Dorothy' Davey, of Toronto,| Top Prless fal} fon age Wo Services at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m, Sep) spent the week end with her parents, AT ie For HE mation) = OM Operon By Buying Your Season's Fly Spray Needs 30 : Mr. and Mrs. Geo. k Davey. _ call Alix. Gilboord, Phone 177, day or| MRS. WM. J, BANamD Fi a from Your Watkins Dealer iF Mr. Alfred Andrus, of Fenelon|pjght, We would appreciate very| Word was received here o e 16 economical Wha by' placing. your bidder lth 03 Falls, was in town for the week end.|much your patronage. sudden death of Maribelle Clarkson, |§. -- Ly a you a Yi i AL on each gallon 3 oh J . ' . b ALIX. GILBOORD, PORT PERRY |wife of Wm. J. Hanard, who died you buy. I am taking orders now for summer delivery. Buy | no Fly 3 . Miss Olive M. Wallace has been en- suddenly of a heart attack at her late Spray until I have seen you. 5 i joying a holiday with Mr. and es : TT residence Franningham, Mass, on SAE Ivan Wallace at Ignace, Ont. She is =e May 28th. The body was taken to Sh now at home for a few days before] Main Street Ee It Goes Further Because You Use Less Rast resuming her duties at Sherbourne| ny Norman Ewers has rented the lwhere funeral services were held on Where 1 oz. of heavier oil spray is required to do the job for each y House Club, Toronto. store in the St. Charles Building and 'Monday June 1st. animal, only % oz. of Watkins Spray is needed. - That also ode, EL . . lis making extensive alterations. i we woh money for you. I'll be seeing you soon to take care of your nee s, - i Mr, Ken Pearce, of Lansing, was in Nobraels the prev ses wilk Be opeits Te Songun et Ted y ; er . a it t Perrv ' 'm. J. rd, sister, FALSE os Pott batty on Supioy. ed as a showroom and repair shop for Ay 7, McTaggart, gg Notar ORR C. BROWNE fd i . . oe . citi H 1 1 -- ' a < Bey Mr. and Mrs. D. Boe are visiting | Massey-Harris Farm Machinery. Ont., and one brother, Murray Clark- in ales Port Per: 4 a Mr. and Mrs. Waldon, at Kes- . : son, of Nipawin, Sask. : Phone 39 Watkins De hos ry. Au wick. . & 2 wee | Coming Events 15 Lab Fh AMATEUR NIGHT AT The annual decoration of Soldiers GREENBANK 5 4 graves by Scugog Chapter will take On Friday, June-19th, an Amateur i! 7 place Thursday evening, June '11th. Night will be held at Grenbank Com- . 3 All members are urged to attend this munity Hall, Send your entry to Miss Lf service. ~ Cars will leave the Town R. Wallace or Miss R. Pilkey. Cash 2 Hall at '7 p.m. The public is cordial- and valuable prizes offered. oy ly invited. (In case of rain the ser- . : . . wo JIL 0} J : a } Ontario County Educational Associa- - ais snisiin 2 . 2 irl bie wir take Blage theisame hoy:-on tion will hold its semi-annual meeting : . Te $d AE nay evening.) -- i » | at-Gamebridge on Monday, June 16th, | jal. wee las pm, VALUES Yo C. 0 LOOK ia : us . The 76th anniversary of Salem Sun- ou AN'T VER ve hei day School will be held on June 21 PANO WE [& ill be t A N vi } and 22. On Sunday there wi e wo c WESTON'S BISCUITS Ne services--11 a.m. and 7 p.m. On Mon - 1-1b.. 4 AN : MASONIC CHURCH SERVICE day tea will be serve which will be : Tins CHOCOLATE 2 a Tuewiibers of Fidelity Lodge No. followed by a god program. ; CRIMSON. LABEL ¥ EM FINGER RUFFLES : 428, Port Perry, will attend divine Seagrave Sunday School will cele- ; service at the Church of the Ascen-lp.ate their anniversary on June 21 R | R ca 26° 2 Ibs: 29¢ a sion on Sunday next, June 14th, at and 23. Sunday services will be con- e ose 1 - : o 3 : 7 pm. (S.T.) All Masons of the sur-[yucted in the morning and evening on 'BAYSIDE--PLAIN re wo. Jar i Eire ya ys rounding "district are invited to join|myesday, June 23. Tea will be served Cc r , FAA with Fidelity members, meeting at! followed by a play "Red Acre Farm. OLIVES: LUNCH QUEEN 25°. - NO. 1 WHITE - . aco the lodge room at 6.30. --_-- wt eo®o---- JUMBO QUEEN HO N EY Ea --_------------e CARD OF THANKS "MANYFLOWERS ANAS x . FIFTH-SEVENTH WEDDING Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hunter wish : +. RC ¢ TRAC) Be RE ANNIVERSARY to thank their many friends and : Cakes BE -. 35 4 | . - and neighbours also the W.A. of the 5 ai LE Congratulations are in order to Mr. United Church, Port Perry, the Prince | MacLAREN'S 25.0%. Jax a be. and Mrs. D. Boe upon the celebration Albert Community Club, the Junior | x T BRA ND) B of the 57th anniversary of their wed-| ped Cross of Prince Albert, and Miss| eanut utter ELME AND TIES ding. They have been honored resi-|g, Laird, teacher, for their many acts 5 e Patil BE dents of this locality all their lives;|of kindness shown to their little \ ok Wi A and at the present time are enjoying daughter, Edna.' ASPARAGUS C Y 23¢ "ay > i good health, The family gathering ] Glenwood 23-08. Boa. a 128 : -was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. an Eons CUTTINGS Choice' ! v LE Waldon, of Keswick, on Lake Simcoe. IN LOVING MEMORY . < The occasion was also Mri Boe's|of Morrison Mark, of Seagrave, who DOMESTIC Xs 79th birthday on Sunday. Those pre-{died June 11th, 1034, : Shortenin RZ So - sent were Mr. and Mrs. D. Boe,|Two years have asd) Re one can i Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Waldon and fam- tell ; G7 iA ily, Florence, Marjory and Harold,| The loss of a Daddy, we hs 80 well, MacLAREN"S OR SHIRRIFF'S : ? | Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Boe and family | Short and sudden was the-call } Lr 4 Audrey, Norma and Ronald, of To-|Of one so. dearly loved by all. : bo Plog ! Sb ronto; Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Beare|The blow was great, the shock severe, hi and sons Lorne and Jack of Port|We little thought death was so near DEL MAIZ : f By Perry, and Mr. and Mrs. James Boe|And only those who have lost can tell ' ; SALTED PEANUTS = hb 20¢ New DOE: RAS and daughter Shirley, of Port Perry.|The pain of parting without farewell. ! N i B LETS CERTO Sure Jell bottle 20¢ : ol : --Daughter and Son-in-law : : ; P & G SOAP 10 bars 38¢ - a a) ) 5¢ Navy ' I Summer Dress Sale| ES Tins TOILET TISSUE . 2 ron 38¢- AHF : \ White--Liquid : RED LABEL i 7 One Day Only Tenders W ad hoo 2IN 1 CLEANER bottle 14¢ %-b. Pkg. 1-Ib. Phg, , a ONTARIO . COUNTY ROAD COM- FRENCH'S PREPARED | MAXWELL HOU - -38¢ Cc Cc ar F riday, June 12th MITTEE TENDER. M ; : D Rol ; A : D HU . A x hy Voile Dresses from $1.95 up. Sealed tenders will be received by 4 UST R Soop h Qua' 2 ji Fra 4 Plain or printed crepe, from $2.95 up. |the undersigned "for the exchange of 6-02. [+ 3 PEAS i "i, 2 tins @8¢ , 3-0z. Pockage 10¢ So Summer Coats and Suits, $4.95 up. [the County Oldsmobile Special 1934 yi - i : : : yt Silk Suits, from $5.95 up. Sedan up to twelve o'clock noon on a, E Spring Coats and Suits, half price. Thursday, June 18th, 1936, Halle : ome MRS. HALL'S MILLINERY STORE. | Any further information, may be = §) Lip Port Perry. Ontario obtained on Monday, June 16th, 1936, i 3 FRESH FR IT AND 3; 41 ' at the County Engineer's Office. The H AW ES 41: AAA lowest or any ténder not necessaril : i oven oc an andr eh neces 42 [UBD | VEGETABLES Ho . D. J. KEAN, Engineer, #3) ie 75 FREE VOTE Whitby, Ontario. a . 7 . [ a PAGE FOUR LOCAL ITEMS |- Mr. W. S. Short found a beautiful]. Luna moth on his lawn on Monday .evening. It was a pale green colour with gold markings, These moth are very rare in this district. Mrs, Wm. Doubt, of Toronto, has béen spending 'a week with Mr, and Mrs. A, W. Allin. Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Doubt and family, of Peterboro, called on them on Sunday, Miss Maud Gordon, of Toronto, Mr. C. Howard Gordon, of Vancouver, Mr. Grant H. Gordon and daughter, Miss Ladies' Over-night $3.50 and $3.90, * Laides* at $4.50. and $5.00. Men's New baggage for men, Travel ARE YOU TAKING A TRIP : THIS SUMMER? Let us supply your baggage needs Mirapaks and Aeippacks Men's Club Bags, genuine leather at $10.00 and $12.00. Aerokits, Pullman Cases at $4.00 Large Trunks worth $9.00 and --~Eyes Tested AND Glasses Supplied WHERE NECESSARY |I. R. BEN TLEY OPTOMETRIST PORT PERRY, ONT. PHONY 33 Cases at $3.00, the new : at $6.00, Benny Best Tomato Plants 2 boxes 25c. Pansy Geraniums, Primulas and Geraniums in flower pots . ~ 0 COUPON good for25 votes from 7.80 until mid-night this Friday, June 17th. Big street dance. : oh: . the whole family to the Strand There will be a continuous show Bring "Fe ruit and Vegetables si a0 fbi # PINE Be SSSmms----------------======= | Theatre at Uxbridge. A as mrss RR CES ERS SIA OY DOM Rp ds. dn These. rites are, effective for June 11th, 12th and. 18 fn SAT TIC CLE LIMITE Bt Ty TA A A A Sy ew PORT PERRY, ONTARIO, 1 THURSDAY, JUNE {1th, 198 SE MOTH TOX pines pai ELKAY'S MOTH CRYSTALS ......... 3%. 3 PARLEY'S STOCK SeRAY SY : 3 antees '"'Pictures Re 5 or a new roll free." ANTI MOSQUITO. : 5 * ; CREAM CRUEL SN I) 3be. en I. FOR BETTER _ PEPSODENT TOOTH | PRINTS PASTE, 3 Shana DBms 89¢. 'OLYMPENE LINIMENT 50¢. and $1.00 | FITCH SHAMPOO ,....50c. fi * >= THEN! [ISTERINE, .25c, 50c, 89c. ff? Our expert photo finishing de- - ERG | partment guarantees prompt SASKASAL ...........69¢c [i service an ghest quality { || developiog and printios. KRUSCHEN SALTS ... 69, fll A. M. LAWRENCE. lo 1 Ce Phone 49 : PORT PERRY i - . : ------_-- an Smtr SEAGRAVE Winn . Leghorn Cockerels, average 1% hs. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs, M D. DUCHEMIN, _ Gordon on the birth of a daughter on | Myrtle Station, 0 Ont. : Thursday, June 4th, - hs Mr. and Mrs. T. Frise, Mr. and Mrs.| re 5 F, Grose and Mr. Elgin Frise weref J HOUSE FOR SALE Ed Sunday visitors 'at the home of Mr.| Corner Shanly and Perry Streets, and Mrs, W. Frise. Port Perry. It is a brick, two storey Miss Jean --Sellery spent Sunday home "in good condition. Contains with her mother Mrs, C. Sleep. eight rooms, with furnace and sink; " Mr, and Mrs. Fred Jennings and|also soft and hard water. - There is Mrs. E. Jennings Sr. visited with|a garage and hen house and plenty Mrs. A. Tanner over the week end. |of apple trees and currant bushes as > Mrs, L. Scott accompanied by Mrs.|well as other fruits. This house is C. Harrison, of Myrtle, is on a visit|splendidly situated being only three to her brother in New Leaskard. blocks from stores, post office, ete, .. .- 'Mrs, Wilbert Lambe; of Portage la|For terms * apply to W. F. Weir, . Prairie, Manitoba, is visiting at the Broo, Ont. : tt. home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Shunk. --- 4 PS "| Mr. M. Harper of Port Perry, spent oe it > the week end with his friend Mr. Reid PIGS FOR SALE ) -| McFarlane. "A number of Shoats. Appl to Geo. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. D. McMillan, of | Samells, R. R. 8, Port Perry, Phone Ednionton, Alta., Mrs. J. Leask; of[102 r 3. : Greenbank, sient Monday with Mrs. ; h S. J. Wooldridge. - The Quadrata Girls' Club held its) CONANT & ANNIS | regular meeting at the home of Miss Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Publis Aileen Fisher on Wednesday evening, GORDON D. CONANT, phy ' > Mrs. A. L. Orchard gave a very inter- ALLIN F. ANNIS, B.A, esting talk to the girls on "The Mod- Enid Sin My 5 Gar ern Girl and Ideals for a Modern Girl a Cogs Whithy, va Caer to live up to.' At the close of the ifn Phone 1 (Whitdy) ye: : meeting, Miss Ila Moon,. a coming| _ bride, and Miss Esther Graham, who |} SE] has been teaching in the public Shoal g : for the past four year and who is : te ' " contemplating a move at mid- -summer, drills 't "| were each presented: witha small} 'Keeping Things 3 token of appreciation of their work in the Club. Miss Marion Eagleson and : ENGINE A "| Miss Norma Urquhart read the ad- FR Be | dresses while Mis Alexa Stone and in Repair. = Miss Aileen Fishley made the pre- indie : i sentations. To Ila, a linen table cloth and to Miss Grgham, the poem PAYS "Trees" in a frame. . ity Mrs. H:. Eagleson, Misses Marion ; a Eagleson and Noram Moon,. Messrs. : : Joe Grantham, Grant Orchard, George | WHEN THINGS ARE Bredin, Oliver Martin and Reg. Abra- EN ham, were among those from our Sun- IN GOOD REP AIR day School who attended the annual fi - Business Men's Bible Class services TIME and MONEY at Uxbridge, on Sunday afternoon, Soa : "Mr. and Mrs. J. S. McFarlane 'and 'ARE SA' Reid, and Mr. M. Harper, visiteg, with : VED ny their cousin Mrs, Marquis' in Ux- bridge on Sunday and attended the : ¥ special services, We will be pleased to x Several of our young people at- "Hrioo y X tended Valentia Anniversary on-Mon- quote youprices on day evening and enjoyed the ball ganie new o i --Seagrave vs, Valentia. What was w.or repair work the score? Well, we aren't going to : publish it this time but we would like to sée the boys receive. a little more | Hi support both at practice and encour- if agement in Hiei § good sportsmanship, Sam N. Gr fon i Apparently the boys haven't hit their | # coe stride' as yét but with plenty of the Lumber Co. = stuff it takes to take their beatings |and come back for more they are Phone 240 . » 'bound to. win. Their real supporters § RES are the ones who will stick with them PORT PERRY, SNY, i : in defeat, mot the ones who openly : A rejoice when they come back on the HLL small end of the scor¢, Little Britain DR. Ww. 8. HARPER and Valentia in turn defeated them by Sug iin wt 4 good. margins and deserved their : hf wind. They take on Little Britain at i So Ae "| thet Civie Holiday on Wednesday of L. -~ this week and will be out their | of | Ghee gory--Port rary, om. ing till the last man is out, wd fu The next game of the home dia- . | mond will be Tuesday, June 16th with | VN. "A. Sangs Sunderland as opposition, "Tubby" : AL Sangste Baker has a smooth working aggre-| DENT : » gatioh which will be worth watching, | Ofies Hours: 9 a.m. to § pm. Everybody be out ahd try to boost the | Ofles Up-atairs, over Bemmersen's : bon. Insurance Ofee A * >, JA

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