PAGE FOUR be : gn = Li CAPO CATTLE SPRAY om 1 LOCAL ITEMS MEANS MORE MILK Eyes Tested Dr Store N, + ul uart. Ronald Sad Ratry, Ju :.Capo Cattle Spray sprayed freely AND | Lawrence s Ur ug. i NE : ave gone me Versi: land frequently on the cattle and = De Ds J 2 | E 3 Where they are taking a special a r-- will save your cattle Gl S hi d coration ay, une I (You Can Save With Safety " Your Beual, Store : course of lectures in Poultry raising 5 asses upp 1e : | El HE "|from the torture of flies and insects. : . WE HAVE | fs SE IEEE 3 = Mr. Beverley Smallman has. arrived| Sprayed over the animals' bodies, jt WHERE NECESSARY ' | DARLEY'S STOCK FLY TOX--80 ot. 3%, 1 or home after a very pleasant trip to|forms a stainless, non-irritating PANSY GERANIUMS, PRIMULUS, and GERANIUMS for. British Columbia, | armour which will keep the flies away IL R. BEN TLEY I SPR AY 49c. 3 ? ox 89%. or 4 from' the animals. while gra¥ing in planting' out. We will take orders for assorted Peonies I | ox 'Mr. A. C. Anderson and Mr. J. E.|pasture or in their stanchions in OPTOMETRIST | as Gauld, both of Montreal, visited at|parn. 0 8 and geliver them on Saturday. Samples at store, © Il I Ch . ot and Best. MOTH TOX=16 on. 69%. 1 , FONE the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Jef-| Flies will avoid buildings where "PORT 'PERRY, ONT. c po hay I the . cr ht | ERC pr frey for the week-end. - Capa Cattle Spray is constantly used. . PHONE 43 v Ha A Re 8 ecause: ELK AY'S' MOTH shen Y a Mrs. Bert Cliff had the misfortune Rave Jour Sonn the torture of Yes $e os o Ie does not taint milk; CRYSTALS 39. : 1 ia to fall while cleaning a window, and reek os 1e . yu eon a =§ iF bl I dics st biomass eats 3 | : NR CARO CATTLE SPRAY y= ruit and Vegeta es. th Whide | ENGLISH HEALTH SALT [| * J. H. Stephenson, optometrist, will Stainless, Non-irritating -- contains Bl Hanonss, dozen io 25c. © New Beets; ...3 bunches 10¢. NIN the animal's hide | --35 d 39. if 4 be at Morrison's drug store, Port expensive Fly Killer and Repeller in- Hl Cantaloupes. ........ 2 for 25¢ Large Cabbage.......each 10c. i but-- os Cc. an Perry, on Friday, June 26th. See him yoy Rroummieat, : Bh Honey Melons ....,,. 2 for 25c. -Leaf Lettuce, ...%....bunch 5e, I ' Hl & about your eyes.- $1.00 per gallon in bu 1 You Wik for x skis tender B Grapefruit .......... 6 for 25¢. Ripe Tomatoes, ..2 Ibs for 25¢. It does keep our ur stock VINOLIA CASTILE SOAP I The évening Auxiliary of the W.M. WILLIAM WEBSTER, steak, a choice chop, a onde cut of | H Oranges, dozen ..... reales 25¢, Large Carrots, ......bunch Be. i free from Hies and =8 cokes 2c. { S. of the United Church, held its At Beatly's Store Port P ERT A ara ot the || Cherries. Strawberries - Cucumbers ......... 2 for 15c. | June meeting at the home of Mrs. T. eatly's 8tore, Port Perry Ra naals Ys Plums, Peaches _ Cauliflowers, Asparagus, It does go further and a Asher, with twenty-nine present. The hi? 4 price. Pineapples .......... 2 for 25c, Peppers, Radishes, Celery last longer. B ATH | N G C APS Extra { devotional period was taken by Mrs. > PRIME RIB ROAST, ........ th. 16¢c. Large Head Lettuce ....... .Be. Hot House Tomatoes, Spinach ; ; d vale £15¢ 95 . + Peterson with a leaflet, also by Mrs. THICK RIB ROAST ........ Ib, 4c. fg good values a oy &9€C., Roland. Mrs. Ronald Peel gave a SUITS CLEANED TENDER POT ROASTS, 10c. to 14e. The Modern Fruit and Yo gal. 50c. 29¢., 35c., 40c., 50¢., 4 chapter in the Study Book in a very Suits spon ed and pressed |SHORTENING .......... 2 Ibs, 25¢c, = - interesting manner, and Mrs, Peter- pong Cents: p All our Moats ars" Quverimont Vegetable Market { : Gallon $1. 00 and Tie. : ; son gave a splendid report from the hy Inspected. 0 'Anthony Caruso, Prop. Phone 208. We deliver S Sectional meeting at Greenbank. The Dry Cleaned $1.00 : M. LAWRENCE | » treasurer's report showed an increase \"" BOYNTON Pc 0 0 00 0 A. ani: in givings over last year for the first C. P . ROLP H ° 2 BASEBALL for the convenience of the spectators. : : Ye five months. After the business part } 4 Port P : The largest crowd for some time is The Rexall Store oN of the meeting was finished a- social] Over the Observer Office | Phone Tiny and rn age per, | 3nected out, The time of the game Phone 49 : PORT PERRY £ half hour was spent. {0 | nce of Sunderland, with every | Vill Pe announced later, a | W.C. T. U. LOOK HERE! P P ° chance of doing 80. They deserve the IN THE BIG CITY : onto ralacr of. the Wa ANTED Eg 38 1 hl t th : ti t of the town. ; ; _|for twenty-five years ner 'of at egaias Bony) Y Sesting Sao Top prices paid for rags, wool and onies, eonies SE wh roveiven. pions Sedu Yass 2 i Aid in team will be honoured. Tim, who al-| Leghorn Cockerels, average 1% ths. omen's Christian Temperance feathers, also fowl, horse hair and all atinr augurated at the Maple Leaf Stadium trains the Maple Leafs of hockey | D, 'DUCHEMIN, : will be held at the home of Mrs. Jas. kinds of light metals. For information or Decoration sant surprise when they visit the fair [in Toronto to-morrow night, when the (20 'rains the Wap t r Myrtle Station Ont. Ewen, on Wednesday afternoon, June| .)\ ajiy. Gilboord, Phone 177, day or S d : grounds for the opening game. The| Montreal Royals will visit the Queen |faMe, is not alone an exper a J yr y 24th, at 3 o'clock. All ladies invited. ht. . We would appreciate ve un ay o diamond has been moved westerly and | City. From then on all week day but is a keen wit and ean create a vo = - \ os Big. your rugs, By H back near the stand. A grader has|games will be staged at night, with|¢chuckle at every opportunity. There HOUSE FOR SALE : y A BAD ACCIDENT ALIX. GILBOORD, PORT PERRY For Sale by been engaged and the field is being [Saturday and holiday games being [shouldbe plenty of fun a this game. Corner Shanly and Perry. Strobts, A On Monday while doing some re- vo M C. H. K 11 resurfaced and a new metal screen |played in the day. : Port Perry. It is a brick, two storey pair work in his stables, Mr. Art BOWLING rs. e ett will be erected when the other work| A special game will be carded on 2 home in good condition, Contains Woodley met wih § vary painful and| 50 10th, Mr. 8. Jeffrey, Miss PO] RT PERRY + is completed and everything" possible | Monday night next when Tim Daly,| [Baseball Tournament cight rooms, with furnace and sink; angerous accident. He was putting ' : er AEC : pr ; ? a logging chain hook into the whiffle. | H8zel Jeffrey, Mr. hibig Graham and : SEE Come to Stouffville on July' 1st-- also 'soft and 'hard water. Theregis 5 : tree when the horse used for hauling Mrs. C. Love, bsl nd prize' in a ; Baseball Tournament in afternoon for{& garage and hen house and ple enty . made a-sudden jump and the hook |!oUrnament at Whitby. prizes of $25 and $10. H of pple trees and currant bushes"as caught in his hand tearing.a finger| Mr. A. P. Ingram and Mr John Esse ens omre Big Amateur Hour in the evening [Well as other fruits. This house is 'a $ very badly. Medical aid was secured | Murray won 2rd prize at the Scotch 7X in_.the arena; Ken, Soble of CKCL|®plendidly situated being' only three . but the patient became affected with|Double Tournament in Peterboro on amateur hour will be master of cere-|blocks from. stores, post 'office,. ete. tetanus, and Mr. Woodley was taken|June 10th. monies. . Prizes of $20, $156 and $10 For - terms apply to W. F. Weir, . to Wellesley Hospital, where he was| Mr. A. P. Ingram and Mr. C. C. and the winner will be given an' ap- Brookiin, Ont. : Ee £ 7 F' treated for lockjaw. 'At first his life|Jeffrey won 2nd prize at the Scotch pearance on Ken. Soble's Amateur LY, -- = was despaired of; but later reports|Double Tournament at Lindsay on .| Hour.. Rehearsal at 5.30 in the arena, FE y have been more hopeful. June 12th. Applications in hands of Reg. Button, PIGS. F OR SALE 7% <a On Monday evening of this week Stouffville upto June 30th. A number of Shoats, Apply to Geo. 3 DECORATION SERVICES the Bowling: Club held a twilight - OPER Samells, F R. R. 3 Fort Porm 'Phone Next Sunday afternoon, June 21st,|tournament. There were 16 entries, NOTICE TO CREDITORS 1021 3; 3 the annual Decoration Services will be|1 from Highland -Creek, 3 from Osh- In the estate of Mar 'MeMillan, : held at Pine Grove Cemetery. The wk Box her 1 from Lind: "7" deceased. yo CONANT LY EB services will be conducted by resi-|Say, rom tby, rom ('are- AN dent ministers. The nclind is inf{mont, 6 from Port Perry. Rev. Cole- Every Dominion iors has all of All persons having claims against Barristers, ANT & A. . i ition i lough of Highland Oreek won 1st : Heinx 57 varieties. . _|the estate of Mary McMillan, widow GORDON very beautiful condition and is a real : : D. CONANT, EC, © credit to the House and Grounds Com. | Prize with 8 wins and a score of 354 of the late William McMillan, late of ALLIN F. ANNIS, B.A, LL LLB. * 3% mites Tait the Catotakos 4;2nd prize went to Lorne, of Peter- H E INZ the Township of Reach, County of Offices. 71% Simeoe FJ . = =O boro with 8 wins and a score of 30. od Ontario, farmer, deceased, who died "Phones, 4 and § (Ona a i a5 on or about the 8th day of May, 1936,|*" *¢ Court Houss, Whitby, (Mr. Conant) PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH A. P, Ingram, Miss Hazel Jeffrey, ra e ay o Ys s Phone 7 (Whig) 25h W. M.-8 R. Carnegie and Mrs, V. Stouffer, of 4 SOUPS | are hereby notified to send to the un- The United Church W. M. S. met at|FOTt Perry, won 3rd prize with two HEINZ q domigmed mragutors Jor the said} " 4 ie abiding i € on or ore the 2nd day o : the home of Mrs. F. E. Reesor on|Wins and a score of 84. ed, 3 Baked { bn June 11, Mrs. Geo. Jackson, presiding. : toon | STRAINED Tomato bir 2 ¢ BE A NS | NL Lariam of i] ' 5 o the fevolionsl pe ing fing be STRAND THEATRE - FOODS | 2nd day of July, 1936, the assets of Kee ping This > by ute was paid to 'the memory o For Babie Assorted In Tomato Sauce I the said deceased will be distributed p n J 8 L late Mrs. Richards, and that of the Tacs ee } i lh 1ote Mrs Coultis ' UXBRIDGE : Lied Pos, Books Aliniagas 3 Mediiih 29: among: - the parties entitled thereto | Mrs. S. Baird, in her prayer, re-|Thursday, Friday, Sat. (This Week) ll - Cereal Carrots . Tr Pea Vegetable : dg a ped i d %. R membered our "adopted" missionary, |Ken Maynard and his horse, Silver, in | Vegetable Prunes _ Bean Mushroom. Boston Style Med. Tin. il - When. the, Executors. shall then hage n epair : ' , f Spinach Tomato "Onion Scotch Broth | BAKED BEANS -- 18¢ || notice. - = Miss Ruth Ede. A letter from Miss 'THE CATTLE THIEF Green Beans . L Verte: : Med. Tins | Dated at Port Perr this 8rd da Ede was read by Mrs, S. Jeffrey. in his new western thriller, Oxtail Celery. Oyater BAKED BEANS 2 Fou 23¢ | of June, A.D, 1936. y y The program was in charge of Mrs. Also Comedy. + 2 Tins - 19 "4 Yspetalle. Cri oh 3 Baked Red Small Tin [ Howard McMillan and Amur Me- Pp AYS Jno. McClintock, who read the de- Thursday, Friday Saturday (Nexty Ohicken with Ri KIDNEY BEANS, - 10¢ Millan" Seagrave, Ontério Executors = votional leaflet. Mrs. F. Reesor read : Victor Herbert's HEINZ padl 3 S------ for the said Estate, : ; 1 4 w the Scripture lesson and Mrs. S. A. "NAUGHTY MARIETTA" If | MAYONNAISE Med 2 . HEINZ COOKED WHEN THINGS ARE L > y "Wallace reviewed chapter seven of the Na SANDWICH Tins . ii - --<to> or - Study Book. Mrs. S. Farmer gave ex- Season's Most Popular Musicale I SPREAD Spaghetti Norice T0 UREDITORS IN GOOD REPAIR tracts from an address given by Mrs, Raa Sha s CR M Mess prices are effective for June Med, 10: In the Estate of William Mole ; Aris) 7 Carscalen .at the. sectional W.M.S. ALAD CREAM. ed. Jar ~~ 15th- to June 20th, inclusive, Tins All : AIRE Ni; ht persons having claims against TIME | Py = meeting at Groans 8! the Estate of William Mole, of the : and MONEY : 3 Ny, hs An amateur night will be held in | TOMATO JUICE HEINZ Tir 25 Sg i tae Coty VE; gi ils Tennis the Town Hall, Port 'Perry, on June Tin ~ Ontario, deceased, who died on the ? ARE SAVED: .: ote 2 LN | tenth day of February, 1936, are { ; 7 & ; 9th, sponsored by the L. O. L. and 4 2 : : 5 - rh On June 23rd, a mixed doubles Army and Navy Veterans. Entries to KETCHUP. CARNE - D, ue BS | hereby notified to send in to-the un- sgt! edie rE Wath tournament, between an Oshawa Ten- be mailed to G. H. Bridger not later : i ; A dersigned solicitors on or before the We will be pleased to PN nis Club and Port Perry Tennis Club, [4}an June 28rd. Admission 25c. and c |i 11th day of July, 1936, full particulars Beane ; ; a Toes i ol will be held. All members of the local 16c. VINEG AR HEME Melt, Cider, White ii BE of their claims, Immediately after quote you prices on > ¥ W ry Ah _ club are requested to take part in this op eo = : 4; my Doftle us | July 11th, 1936, the assets of the IRE id 0% tournament, > BLACK BASS AND MASKINONGE nator ------------------ | + |Testator will be distributed among |. new or repair work : y F ~~ > a OPEN SEASON ; Heinz Queen | the 'parties entitled thereto having ; 3 : a PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH | Ordinarily the open season would SAVE ON Nise HEINZ OLIVES - 1745-02. Jar 20¢ [I |regard only to claims of which the ie | © 10 am--Sunday School. open on July 1st, but for 1936 the 1 AK S Pt 24¢ solicitors shall then have notice, ; 3. i The pastor will preach at both ser-|season will be open as from Satur- XXXX QUAKER BREAD P PICKLES Heinz Cooked : 'Dated June 6th, 1936. Sa 2% #4 _ vices, day, June 27th. This includes this FLOUR, 98's -....$2.59 MACARONI Med. fin 16¢ Harris, Harrig & Wallace, Port am N. Griffen oy 7h H Si part of the province. EXCELSIOR PASTRY Ft Gh Heinz 6Y-0z. Jar |b Perry, Ont, Solicitors for William of pi | ST. JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN FLOUR, 24s ..... B5e. + PEANUT BUTTER - 15¢ |" [Mole 'Estate. Lumber Co. n 3 YS } 2 + CHURCH Information Wanted New CHEESE, 2 Ibs. 29¢. fads pros Heinz Sauc& 6-0z. Bottle re 2 " a Services at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m, $20.00 REWARD ST LAWRENCE SUGAR WORCESTERSHIRE 33¢ | | A Phone 240 : we ..Cwt. $4.90, 10 Ibs, 49c, Med. Roman Jar Heinz Fresh Med. Roman Jar J ; a ion or THE ASCENSION Many years ago Daniel David CORN SYRUP, ..5's 3c. fa Mutat J 5 Cucumber. Relish 18e | MUIXSIDE PORT PERRY, ONT. | © . 704 E Oly; Lommunion Palmer lived in Port Perry. or' im- JAVEL WATER, 8/25c, | Heinz Prepared Regal Jar | : 3 ZA = irs 11 a.m.--Morning Service, mediate vicinity. He was born March "PRUNES, ....3 Ibs. 28c, | Sew Ouions Med, Roman Jar 20¢ | MUSTARD, Yollow < 20¢ PURE BRED CLYDESDALE ] 0 ~~ 7th, 1846, at or near Port Perry, He P. & G. SOAP, 10 for 35¢, | Sesuine Dilla Jusibo Jar 37¢ ging Peistest vor. 23 STALLION La? id T At her home in Fishers, Indiana. on |PecMme the founder of the "Palmer 0. K. SOAP, 10 for 29c. | Sweet Mustard yy Ra BYE | a to len 230 | [27220] (22550) 4 years old Whi ow 5. HARPER » \ af oil + June 18th, 1936, Lydia R. M. Broad,| System" more recently known as " . HORSE 'RADISH . 24¢ : " Be e "Te ZN 3 y road, | h = OM Fashioned . Family Jar 23¢ The. property of John W. Graham, of £. ; ig beloved wife of Dr. J. H. Allin. shiropractic". ~The "Associated Quality Brand Standard |, CMM Sanco Med. Gem Jat 23¢ Brooklin, 0 | a Gat ow! wf ett : Chiropractors and Drugless Ther- : STANDARD QUALITY ToD tiny Ont. ot Lo En i Es apists of Ontario" are trying to locate Peaches Bes Monday, June 1--will leave his own | Londen, Busions 1 3 FREE vor the birthplace of Daniel David Palmer bY tad Beef Bologna ax A eans stable and proceed to Frank Ver. | Office and Burgory--Port Perey, Ont. 7 E and will pay $20,00 to the first per- No. 2 3¢ 2 om pow 8; Prospet, for noon. Pro- d , son or organization giving authentic iL Ibs, i ceed to Grant Christie's, Manches- W. £5 COUPON information whereby the birthplace of | ter for night. A. San ster 4 ; Daiel David Palmer may be located. Tuesday, June 2--return to his own DENTAL SURGNON ress communications to Geo, W. stable at night. 0 5 good for 15 votes Doxsce, 408 Ryrie Bldg, Toronto, or -. | This' route will b wr Hows: 3 i oe * y : A e continued each 7Oflay Up-shairs, over Rumerson's " LTEEmEssssssssmaammnm, | Port Perry Star, ll SS week for the season, x * Inswranes a oh : ¥ : & 4 (oe