THE CHOICE ISEASY IF YO Phone us you needs. §. and careful attention, PORT PERRY COAL CE OF GOOD MEATS | U BUY Ee mr FROM oe BERT MacGREGOR ~ wo iy GOOD BREAD | : : Pickett sang a duet. ' : as he had suffered a stroke and he § i : i Tie airman Bf He ey bib Jendered il nabs te group had never really regained his normal : : - TE | 8 . 8 Comm y v . ; er, | strength. i ; : and Baking of the Daily Rev. Joa, Denny. also sole. Quite a Yo la, Pare, tor opening thelr pome| Mr. Warren had lived in Prince Al- ' ; 3xy- u TTY Naas} | large crowd was present and all were 4 ¢ re fortylpert over twenty-five years, and dur- y ; Family Requirements will impressed with the continued im- prevent: } ing that time had hain a faithful Y= . provement to the cemetery grounds. e regular meeting of the A, Y. member of the church, serving in th ESR be readily secured from H| A get-together party will be held|P. A. of St. John's Church as held at most oa Rens Porving pete : ~ §|at the Epsom Public School on Friday He ous o Mr. and Mrs. C. Devitt|ag 1, show his earnest desire to J : : & 0 ( hi © B k i sYening, Jone 190, at 8 bm, ; The ON eng eh 80; further the work of God in the com- : miso i | teacher and scholars are extending anf! ~8ix. € meeling | munity. He t iastic . x € n i (v nson, d er S ; invitation to all members of the sec-|OPened with hymn, Bible reading by aun. of the a aida: IE he "PHONE 93, Fd . PORT PERRY | fi | tion' and also to the young folk of [the rector, and prayer by the presi- members of which provided the musié¢ + paras 0 : = on Utica and Bethesda sections, The dent, Mrs. Cecil Hyde Bave a most | for the funeral service which was held - EL qn : ; ; evening will be spent in out-door [eresting talk on their trip to Eng- in the church, the attendance being so - y games and community singing, fol hn 4 1s ungrs] of the late King. large as to almost crowd the choir > 7 > ; lowed by 'lunch. If every family|Mrs. C. Harcourt, Mrs. A. I, Bailey, |1ort. Aft hort ice at th # MILE Or aGNESIA--A new produc by Parke, Pavia will kindly provide by bringing Mrs. Ww. Crawford and Miss Florrie house, the ey icy 4 held. 'y " em, + larg ' 'sandwiches, cake, cookies, and tarts, | Parr favored a Sans They | This was well attended and was a ' { were accompanied by Mrs, R. Archer. i i ; COLGATE'S CASHMERE BOUQUET SOAP with a full g|it will be much appreciated. beautiful service. It was in charge ¥ tube of dental cream. ONLY 10c. re On Sunday, June 21st, a Free Will| Lunch was served and a vote of [of the pastor, Rev. Mr. Smyth, who 5 : 4 Offering will be made at Epsom at thanks tendered the hostess after was assisted by pr : : * K E y a former pastor Rev. FILMS DEVELOPED--Bring them in to-day and receive 2.30 and 7.30 p.m, when the speaker | Which the meeting closed in the usual) 5. Ireland, who gave the address. In 2 your prints to-morrow--a daily service. will be Mr, R. B. Smallman, of Port| Way. this he spoke of Mr. Warren's staunch | EUTHYMOL TOOTH PASTE--a trial sample with every fI| Perry. Mr. Smallman is much dought| Fre Aric RHeOUrt, Tector of SE! Chistian charactor wed of a wn : tube. If d t like th 1 tury the | if | after as a speaker. He is a quiet un-| John's Anglican Church was the worn Bible which he had used as his 5 biog you IE fie sarily Yeti ¢ arger assuming man 'and is much beloved speaker at the, annual Decoration Day chart on life's journey. A solo by g yo! . y Sb : by all _who have the pleasure his pots Utica on Sunday afternoon, | pps. Ireland and a quartette by a BATHING CAPS--25¢. and up. of his acquaintance. Special music ii 9 ey zh that C. Clark, A. Hunter, H. Murphy and sal : : 3 il as been prepared and it i ident report the favor- i ry er ron MOONLIGHT MELL.0S8--plain or toasted in packages of JA has 2d ¢ proba on p i . > able condition of Mrs. Ira Argue, who by TsMrey, lent beauty and solemnity & : 10c. and 25 Also three pou d tins at 89 good treat 1s in store for the people] ® i he" r W to the service. The pallbearers: were . C. 80- re poun JC. of Epsom. 18 In t Toronto "General Hospital Messrs. E. Philp, W. Martyn, H. : 4 Members of Utica Cemetery Board | "here she was operated on recently, Murphy, E. McCrea, T. Saeger and A. . ' Re-elected, ; paz Zn Is spending a few Hunter, ) ? . ays w p ' 2 oh Morrison 8 Drug Store A few' days ago the members of aa le mother, Mrs. F. Lamb He leaves to mourn his loss, his » : p Appel fins s Yoo Quanigrly inst 0 ls Jats Merc one of Cartwright's widow Esther Barker Warren, sisters- y ; a meeting and in view of the marke > i i ' ort Perry Pune. 18 hn fu shown in the Utica | ©'dest and most highly respected citi. [1n-1aw, nephews and nieces. $ 4 i ; on oti =a os Cemeteries, the Board by unanimous | 2€"8 Passed away quietly to rest on 'The body was interred in the family nil ite ii "iF wife die elie Tr ee vote * re-appointed the Committee Wednesday morning, June 3rd, at the |Plot in Pine Grove Cemetery. ! which had discharged the trust re.|N°Me of his sister Mrs, Robt. Hamil- | ~ Mr. Warren was a man of quiet, un- oe pn ; ® _ B|posed in them in such an efficient ton. Coming. to Canada from Ireland assuming character, industrious and , & = {| manner, for the ensuing year. in the year 1871 he has resided in|peace-loving, a kind husband and a 9 9 : ©. B( The personnel of the Cemetery Cartwright ever since. He was a[good neighbour and a worthy citizen. ry : 3 £3 ; ; Committee is as follows: Chairman, member of the Anglican church and |[*"Father in Thy gracious keeping, .®_§ : Now that the Spring is opening up, we will as usual, be Mr. W. F. Thompson, Manchester; apne 1 0, L No. 133. The funeral | Leave we now thy servant sleeping. ready to look after your needs of CEMENT, LIME, TILE, §|Andrew Page, Uxbridge, Treasurer; | 28 2 on- og Tos hy Sarr - Sig, Fy = : =| Jos. D E : nglican urch, ' =o, 3 Sj 2ARDWALLPLASITR, i of Lis Totus BlToro recipes sen eames H tomitins Ione geo ie mre CREENBANK : RB We have just received a fresh supply of Lime, including § by: Bethesda; Geo. Ward and Thos. | Cemetery where the last rites of the Ny : "TE jj - spraying lime; Blso 8 and 4 inch Tile. Ea Gibson; Epsom, Wesley Ackney and | Orange Order were given. The bear- nw ei pes wo ign Sy As ery 3 ' 2 4 ers were brother Ora | --_ Wil- | parents and other relatives r fA fresh carload of ST: MARY'S CEMENT is now on the § Jo DeaY! is, Enoch Kendall bert Reynolds, Hy a dg after an absence of seventeen swyears. WAY. ie oom : a ¥ de * rell, Cecil Hill, Herb Swain, and L.| Mrs. Bushby is visiting with her *% - HARD COAL, COKE, HARDWOOD and HARDWOOD Devitt, Beautiful floral tributes from [daughter Miss Elsie, in Uxbridge. SLABS. : 3 d ; Robt. Hamilton and family, John Me- Mrs. Geo. Howsam, of Toronto, was Your orders will receive prompt 3 YARD =~ v PAGE FIVE BLACKSTOC Congratulations are extended to Dr. and Mrs. John McArthur on the ar- rival of a daughter on Saturday, June 13th. ] Under the auspices of a group of the W. A. of St. John's Church, a very successful Silver Tea was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Bailey on Saturday afternoon, 'June 13¢h. Utica Decoration a Great Success Last Sunday, June 14th, the Utica Cemetery Committee held their Deco- ration Day under favourable weather conditions. Rev. C: C. Harcourt, of Blackstock, was guest speaker, and his: address was much enjoyed. The Bethesda uvenile -Quartette acquitted them. selves well, they sang twice; Mr. Oliffe and L. Pickett also 'sang solos. { Mr. Frank Mill and Mr, Pickett and | Mesdames Prentice and * Ashenhurst made a splendid quartette and MA. Cook Ashenhurst presided at 'the piano. Mr, Pickett with Miss Mildred address of welcome by Rev. Mrs. Har- court to all the ladies present and to Rev. T. A. Nind, of Port Perry, who gave 'a most delightful talk: on his trip to England. Tea was. then served and a silver collection taken amount- ing to eight dollars. A vote of thanks Hymn and prayer were followed by an|' a Seep ---- Warren were Mrs. Jas. Warren and Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Butt and family of Pontypool, Mr. Geo, Barker of Chatham, and Mr, and Mrs. D. War- ven and family, of Oshawa, and many others, . / Mr. Gordon Burnett and daughter Anne were recent visitors. of Mrs. | McMillan, : CA : THE LATE JOHN WARREN On Tueday, June 2nd, one of the oldest and most highly respected residents of this village, passed to his reward, in the person of Mr. John Warren, after a somewhat lingering illness, His death was not unexpected, F. W. BROCK & SON RED & WHITE STORE ~~ DRESSES F rom 69c. to $3.95 LINEN DRESSES at .................... 98¢c. and $1.35 PRINTED CREPE DRESSES .................... $3.95 WHITE PIQUE SKIRTS .......................... 98c. CBB BB BC RCI Ladies' White Purses, assorted, 98¢ 0 I BBB ONAN SUMMER FOOTWEAR LADIES' WHITE SHOES straps and ties $2.35 and $2.50 LADIES' WHITE or CREAM Elk Leather Shoes with rubber soles .................... 0. 0... $1.98" SISMAN'S SCAMPER SHOES FOR MEN AND BOYS For men, sizes 6 to 11 ...................... $2.19 For Boys, sizes 1 to 5 .................... a $1.99 For Boys, sizes 10 to IBY2 suwus tumsies snnmessavesns $1.75 CANVAS SHOES FOR EVERY ONE AT POPULAR PRICES TOO Men's Khaki Pants, $1.25 and $1.49 ~ CONGOLEUM RUGS 9x6 $4.50 9x71, $5.50 9x9 $6 75 9x10%; $8.00 9x12 $9.50 Phone 43 x Port Perry Brien and family, Mrs, Robt. McBrien and family, Mr. and Mrs. Milton Oster and Marion, Mr. and Mrs, N. S. Me- Nally and Verna, showed the love and esteem in which the deceased was held. He is survived by four sisters, Mrs, Robt. Hamilton, Cartwright; the guest of Mr. and Mrs. John How- sam, last week. The W. M. S. held its monthy mecet- ing in the church on Tuesday of last week. ©" : Born--To Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Foster, on Wednesday, June 10th, a son. The funeral of the late Mrs. Coultis last Thursday was largely attended. Some of those present were Rev. R. Burton, Mr. T. Salter, Mr. and Mrs. Nornian Phair, Mr. Harry Bewell, Mr, Ernest Jamieson, Toronto. We ex- tend our sympathy to the daughters, Mrs. Harvey Real and Mrs. W. F. Walker, in their bereavement. The funeral of the late Mrs. S. Dusty was held at the home of her daughter Mrs. Albert Akhurst on Saturday afternoon. We extend our sympathy to the family in their be- reavement, Cn {| Mrs. Ww. J. Coultis Passes. - Mrs. Coultis, widow of the late W. %|J. Coultis, passed away on Tuesday, {| June 9th, at the home of her daughter Mrs. Harvey Real, from 'whose resi- = | dence the funeral service was held on| Mrs. Mary Burns, Tqronto; Mrs. Al- Thursday, June 11th, and conducted | fred Gray, Manitoba; Mrs. Hugh Me. by Rev. W. E. Honey, of Myrtle, | Donald, Sask., and one brother John Mrs. Coultis was born at Greenbank | °f Oshawa. %|in- 1856, one of a family of seven of which five are still living--Rev. Robt. Burton, of Toronto; William Burton, Western Canada; Edward Burton, Port Perry; Mrs. Love, Niagara; and Mrs. Bryant, Greenbank. Her hus- band predeceased her in December, 1927, - i : Mrs. Coultis was a life-long Metho- dist and a member of the United Church, Port Perry. She was intense- Rl, PRINCE ALBERT The Church Service next Sunday will be held at ten o'clock sharp. Everyone welcome, 'Men take notice! At the forum in the Men's Class at eleven o'clock next Sunday, Dr. Harper, of Port Perry, is expected to speak. I "Summer Prices on Coal We are selling Coal at the low summer price at the present time, but owing to unsettled labour disputes at the mines, we are not able to guarantee the price after June 30th. If you contemplate putting in Coal at the low price do not delay, but phone us at once to fill your bin with BLUE COAL. FRED E. REESOR Phones: Office 73 w; Res. 73] Decoration Day will b . . ly interested in Church work and gen. ay will be observed at| My, and Mrs. W. Boe and Mr. and Pine Grove Cemetery next Sunday at|nMps, Ww. Phoenix, were in Newmarket. erously contributed in a quiet way to- wards the work of the churches she attended in the district. : For the last few years she made her home with her two daughters, liv- ing alternately with them, an ar- rangement which she enjoyed to the last. Many beautiful floral tributes ald | emphasized the esteem held towards the deceased. The pallbearers re- 2.30 o'clock. ~The Misses Hollan entertained a number of their city friends over the week-end recently at their sumnier home here. Mrs, Peter Raymer spent several days with friends in Toronto last week. mee Co Mr. and Mrs. Copp, of London, Ont, on Friday. A picnic was held on Saturday afternoon at the home of Mr. Amos Rodd in honour of Mr. and Mrs. G. D. McMillan, of Edmonton. There were about fifty present including friends from Toronto, Uxbridge, Port Perry, Whitby and Balsam. Dr.. Arthur Lee and-Mrs. Lee, of |g 5 / W.G. W.PYATT : : > Phones--94W and 94 "Reliable Bervice and Bettér Fuels" : ; AAS nT = < < SARS Ta % 0 ae Dye? = Our stock of Government Graded Seeds for farm and | bd J -garden use is now complete and our prices are right. When you are ready to buy we would appreciate your business ( oo and will endeavour tog ive you good service, i Purity Bread Flour, 24's $ .85 "Purity Bread Flour, 98's 3.25 i A FULL LINE OF GROCERIES, BOOTS & SHOES, : ag and CROCKERY. : ww pgs J. F, McCLINTOCK jor x <a So Aa ul ce AZAR HY rr A pra " TASTY MEATS AX this timo of the year your appetite calls for something special-- 81 Our meats are noted for fresh, tasty flavour. Phone your next '7 order to 29W. "© Phone 29w, Port Perry. - CAWKER BROS. Prompt Delivery I NE presented the three churches Mrs Toronto visited with relatives here on Coultis was associated with: Man- chester, Mr, W. F, Thompson and Mr. Jas, Lakey; Greenbank, Mr, Isaac Beare-and Mr. Geo. Lee; Port Perry, Mr. J. E, Jackson and Mr. R, B. Small- man, She leaves to mourn her loss, two visited the latter's brothers, Messrs. Robert and Russell Batson, on Friday. Sunday. . We are glad to see little Edna Miss Tryphina Rook, of Toronte, Hunter able to be out again after hay- visited at the home of Mr, W. Phoenix ing broken a limb some weeks Ago, on Sunday. Several adults attended the recital at the school last Thursday, The pupils' singing was well rendered and -- Ar NOTICE TO CREDITORS Pre 11 J OO 1 OO OC I hi . ALL THE YEAR ROUND You can depend upon the excellence of GERROW'S BAKING. No matter whether it be for Special Occasions, or for every day use, GERROW BAKING can be depended on for uniform good quality, Gerrow Brothers M. A. GERROW G. M. GERROW daughters, Mrs, W. F., Walker, Man- chester, and Mrs. Harvey. Real, Green- bank; two granddaughters, Edna Walker afid Joan Real; three brothers, and two sisters, A large number of did justice to their teacher Miss F, McMillan. As Miss Laird is leaving, her pupils made her a presentation of a pair of lovely cut-glass salt and pepper shakers, and a nice bouquet All persons having claims against the Estate of Paul Williams of the i Village of Port Perry, in the County of Ontario, Gentleman, deceased, who died on the 26th day of May, pp GET YOUR Phone 41 LIFE, FIRE, AUTOMBILE, and THEFT INSURANCE HAROLD W. EMMERSON Port Perry of flowers. . ; } Mr. and Mrs. R. Young and Miss Young, of Toronto, spent last week- end in the McBrien homestead here. We are sorry to report that Miss Julia McBrien, of Pasadena, Calif., has been in poor health for some time, be- ing unable to return home as early in the summer as usual. Mrs. Bates is staying with Miss McBrien until she is able to return. : Among those from a distance at- tending the funeral of the late Mr. friends and relatives attended the funeral. Interment was made at Pine Grove Cemetery, { 1936, are hereby notified to send in to the undersigned 'solicitors on or be- fore the 18th day of July A.D, 1936, full particulars of their claims, Im- mediately after - July 18th, 1936, the assets of the "Testator will be dis- tributed among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which the solicitors shall then have notice. Dated June 11th, 1986, Harris, Harris & Wallace, Port Perry, Ont, Re A CARD OF THANKS ~ The family of the late Mrs. W. J. Coultis wishes to thank the many friends for their expressions of sym- pathy and deeds of kindness at the time of their. recent bereavement in the death of Mrs. Coultis. Also for Wish to Announce THAT THE 'Lantern PAVILION IS OPEN For Dancing Now AT PORT PERRY BEACH Solicitors for Paul Williams Estate, the many beautiful floral tributes. a ARN py - > we es pales ad So ; LPO id BUD Xe LER