Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star (1907-), 16 Jul 1936, p. 4

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8 lear, oR Lf wail ay Fras EPA $ A > Sa Com C. Jeffrey. _ afternoon of this weék., for summer cottages, camping, ete. Mr. Bob Jeffrey is holidaying in Montreal. At Beatly's Store, rort Perry Mr. and Mrs, W. i. Butler, of Bos- ton, Mass, are 'visiting for a few weeks at the home of Mr. and Mrs, C. Week-end guests at the home ofl Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Jeffrey were Mr, and Mrs. J. C. Gauld, of Montreal; and Mr. Frank Slemmon, of Brockville. Mr. and. Mrs. J. G. Richmond and Miss G. I. Walker, all of Toronto, were guests of Mrs. Richmond's sister Mrs. K. G. Gemmell, over the week end. Misses Dora and Elma Reesor had a pleasant trip to Cochrane last week. Mr. and Mrs David Jackson of .To- ronto, visiting with the latter's par- ents, Dr. and Mrs. J. B. Lundy. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Reesor, Mr, and Murs. T. J. Blight spent the week end mm the Georgian Bay District. Mr. M. M| Statton was in town over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. S. Farmer are holi- daying in Bobcaygeon for a week. Harold Prentice has gone to Prince Albert, Saskatchewan, Mrs. Cooney and daughter Jose- phine are holidaying in Cobourg. - The Port Perry United Church Sun- aay School held their annual . picnic at Stephenson's Point, on Wednesday The Church of the Ascension Sun- day School held their annual outing at Port Bolster on Wednesday after- noon of this week. Mr. Geo. A. Rose while improving in health is not recovering as fast as 'his 'many friends would wish for him. --------~e oo MARRIED VICKERY-HARRISON The marriage took place on Sat- urday at the home of the bride's par- ents in Cameron, Ont.,, of Florence Christina, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. 'Thomas Harrison, to Clifford Lorne Vickery, of Toronto, son of Mrs. Ada Vickery. : Rev. William Sterling of- ficiated. The bride, who was given in marriage by her father, wore a gown of ivory bridal satin, the skirt ex- tending into a train. Her veil of silk net was arranged with a halo caught with orange blossoms, and she carried a bouquet of sweetheart roses and baby's breath. Miss Anne Harrison, only sister of the bride, attended as bridesmaid, frocked in dusky coral crepe with matching coronet, and car- ried a bouquet of summer flowers in pastel shades. Mr. Vickery Dobson, cousin of the groom, was best man. Following the ceremony, a buffet luncheon was served, the bridal couple leaving later for a motor trip north! For travelling the bride wore a white Ralph A. Wallace, July 10th, 1936, a daughter, Margret Anne.. day, July 2nd, at Prince Albert by Rev. Mr. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. to thank their neighbours for the kindness and sym- pathy shown during their recent be- BORN WALLACE -- To Mr. and Mrs. (nee Marie Val- eau), at 68 Brock St. K,, Oshawa, on -- too MARRIED WILLARD-BARTLEY--On Thurs- Denny, Ethel May, third HARRIS- READER A pretty wedding was solemnized "lat 7 o'clock on Tuesday evening in Jarvis Street Baptist Church, Toronto by Rev. T, T. Shields, when Ila May Reader, daughter of Mr, and Mrs, Oliver Reader, Scugog Island, became the bride of Harold E. Harris, of "| Montreal, son of Mr, and Mrs. A, Har- ris, Toronto, Palms were used to decorate the church. Mr. Penny, or- ganist of the church, played the wed- ding march, and Miss Lucille Jarvis was soloist. The bride was given in marriage by her uncle, Mr. C. Sey- Thomas Bartley, Greenbank, to George Grant ---- EP ------ -- + DIED BLIGHT--On Saturday, July 11th, 1936, at the residence of her daughter, Mrs, Lillian Tait, '119 Maitland street, Toronto, Aquila Blight, widow of the late John Blight, formerly of Sea- grave. #BRANDON -- At Blackstock, on Bruce, widow of the late William Brandon, in her 76th year. COOK--At Myrtle Siation, on Fri- day, July 10th, 1936, Eliza Silver, wife of the late Willis W. Cook, in her 90th year, Geo. Franklin. Wednesday, July 16th, Franklin, in his 82nd year. on Friday, his son Howard Franklin, at 2 p.m. Standard Time. July - 10th, 1936, Alice in her 73rd year. WARREN--In Reach Township, on Saturday, July 11th, John Elmer Warren, of Winnipeg, Man. 13th, at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Geo. Heusler, Port Perry, Esther Wood, widow of the late Geo. White- wood in her 86th year. ---- SFC i CARD OF THANKS Mr, James Medd and family wish many friends and reavement in the death of Mrs. Medd. --------------e® '. CARD OF THANKS Mr. Herbert Warren and son Fred wish to thank the people of this com- munity for their acts of kindness and words of sympathy during their be- reavement in the sudden death of Mr. wool crepe suit with pink accessories; [Jack Warren. On their return they will live in To- ronto. . Rd PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH 10 a.m.--Sunday School. 11 a.m. and 7 p,m. the Minister, Rev. W. J. H. Smyth, will be in eharge. CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION. 8 a.m.--Holy Communion 11 a.m.--Morning service. Preacher--Rev. C. C. Harcourt, [i Rector of Blackstock. ST. JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Services at 11 a.m, and 7 p.m, SPA -- pr - --- I am instructed to offer for im- skin poison in Ontario. plant with hot brine or caustic soda will kill it; or burning it out; or de- strOying the flowering tops as well as the underground stocks. should be carried on every picnic, poison ivy might grow. develops, bathe the parts in a warm solution (one teaspoonful to a cup of water) of common salt or baking soda, doctor's care, --_--t oo POISON IVY Poison ivy is the worst vegetable Spraying the Common, brown - laundry soap' Wash your hands with it after be- ng in the woods or in. hedges where If the rash Severe cases should have a Dogs are poisoned by Pia ivy, | - VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE |but cows can eat it withon} any ef- | fects, mediate sale the Dance Pavillion and adjacent property, approximately 137 Ontario. So says the Health Almanac of Many humans are like the feet of water front by 300 feet depth, \cOWs--poison ivy doesn't hurt them, at the foot of Queen st, Port Perry, While others have only to be near it. This property Pavillion, sheds, etc, and is splendidly located includes the Dance 'especially when the wind blows over Refreshment Booths, car |it after rain, to feel its ill-effects. Remember that it looks something like Virginia Creeper, but whereas W. H. Harris, trustee of the assets |the creeper has five-fingered leaves ' of Port Perry Milling Co., Limited, the iv has but three, Willard, elder son of Mr, and Mrs. H. G. Willard, Port Perry. Saturday, July llth, 1936, Mary E.| FRANKLIN--At Port Perry, on Sunday, July 12th, 1936, Thomas Geo. Franklin, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. FRANKLIN -- At Manchester, on 1936, Frank Funeral July 17, at the home of MEDD--At Port Perry, on Friday, Elizabeth Crosier, beloved wife of James Medd, WHITEWOOD-- On Monday, July mour, and wore a gown of ivory satin I fashioned on long lines with a slight train, low cowl nechline and sleeves full to the elbow and tight to the waist, finished with a row of tiny buttons. She wore a short tulle veil arranged at the head with a tulle halo caught with orange blossoms, and car- rying a bouquet of red roses and lilies of the valley. Miss Doris Seymour, who acted as maid of honour, was in blue lace with a pink chiffon velvet mn with pink. She carried pink roses, Mr, Jack Scott was best man and the ushers were Mr. Wesley Mec- Arthur and Mr. Geo. Hartwell. Fol- lowing the ceremony a reception was held at"Hunt's, Bloor St., where the sash _and blue lace straw picture hat | more lives than did the influenza epi- |' Large CAULIFLOWERS 15c. "Large CABBAGES, ..2 for 15c. Large TOMATOES, 2 Ibs 25c. BUTTER BEANS,.. 2 Ibs, 25¢. Large LETTUCE, ....each 5c. Anthony Caruso, Prop. 1 bride's mother received gowned- in blue and white, with a corsage of pink roses. The groom's mother wore a blue gown and her corsage was also pink roses. The bridal couple left for the Atlantic coast, the bride travelling in a pink ensemble. On their return they will live in Montreal. cond A HEAT KILLING MORE THAN 1918 INFLUENZA The heat wave is claiming daily demic of 1918, a survey states The Toronto Star. ° Over last week-end 120 persons died of the heat in To- ronto, while in the worst days of 'Qc- tober, 1918, the worst month of the FRESH VEGETABLES ® ; The Modern Fruit and Vegetable Market | |_| = mn 5 al 8 i = BE = |_| = | &. PEACHES | ~ CALIF, PEARS = CAN TALOUPES CHERRIES PAGE FOUR . rey - Liat: - - -------- . J » Y 2 » . i - _. { LOCAL ITEMS |Special This Week| Eyes Tested _------ Mrs, Morrison, Mrs. Weir and Mrs 10 prs. piece Boots, with panco AND S E C | A Archer visited with Buckhorn friends soles, sizes 7-8-9,....only $1.25 2 ; L Jag, week: 6 prs. Split Leather, rubber 'soled Glasses Supplied RASPBERRIES : Mr. and Mrs. Yuerin, of Milwaukee, "Boots, sizes 6-7-8-9 in lot,. $2.00 WHERE NECESSARY 'CALIF. PLUMS 'Wis, have been visiting with Mr. and : : Mrs. Love. 4 Yairg iis Tan Sold Kouther I. R. BEN TLEY . TOMATOES--Hot House and Imported. i ' , rubber heels, zea 1- : Mr. and Mys. B, D. Henry, of Kite] _ --- oedis ARE sz2 fone HONEY DEW MELONS cardine, were week end visitors of Mr. \ i OPTOMETRIST APPLES Eating and Cooking 3 Ths tor Sse. and Mrs. I. R. Bentley. : 4 pairs- Big Bem, leather soled PORT PERRY. ONT o ' Mr. Frank Slemmon, of Brockyille,|. Boots. Sizes 8 and 10 in lot $2.25 : 8) . 'WATERMELONS was a week énd visitor in town, Leather laces giveii with each PHONE 33 Mr, Grant, Robertson, of Cobourg,] ° pair 'Boots. was in town for the week end. 2 - WILLIAM WEBSTER, MARRIED Small LETTUCE, ....2 for be. BEETS, ......"3 bunches 10c. HOT HOUSE TOMATOES 1h 20e¢. Imp. TOMATOES, ..2 hs, 25c¢. Phone 208. We deliver epidemic, the death list totalled onl 68. or The ~epidemic began. early in Oc- tober, and on the 16th, when the death list from influenza had grown to 10, the schools were closed, On October 16 influenza victims totalled 22; on the 18th. 'flu and pneumonia "claitied 27 lives, as the' epidemic began to wane. : Te (The firm of Greer & HUMPHREYS is disolved) RUSSELL D. HUMPHREYS 24% Simcoe Street North, Oshawa ; Phone 814 in attendance at' my Port Perry_office on' Tuesday and Thursday afternoons of each - .week or. by appointment. Queen Street, Port: Perry, Blibne 264 DICED BEETS OR DICED - CARROTS 3:25 Squat Tins SOAP 10--51° CONNOR'S CHICKEN HADDIE e 1 }| Palmolive | SOAP u SURPRISE 2-23 co 314" = Ed . "BRUNSWICK BAYSIDE CHOICE QUALITY Olives Drink It Cold Toddy GLACIER BOVRIL CORNED ~~ BEEF COFFEE HEAD LETTUCE | ' APPLES ...... BEETS ... CARROTS ahaa Pears Richmiello CLERC RY CUCUMBERS eS for 15c. CAULIFLOWERS ..... shrines eene sl 2 for Be. i 4c. CABBAGE ........... WATERMELON, CHERRIES, Etc, Values ace Effective for July 16th, 17th and 18th. Sardines 5-23 "In OH, Tomato or Mustard Sauce. : = = 10° iy ; Jar 36 ok Tin 8 ox. Tia | 39 23 Sardines 2~ 15° Spinach 2528 2:27 E 29 .,each Be." <.. 10e. iis Ibs, 23c. cevvivs. oo head 10¢. DOMINION STORES a OY a z = LIMITE i DAD. 0.0. 0. 0. 0. 0. AE 45 40 As 400 AE AT A 20 4 A AE AE A GE > |acres of woods and pasture, balance |"EARLY TO BED" {"Everybody's 01d Man" 'PORT PERRY, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JULY -16th, 1936 Lawrence' s Dru vou Can_Save With Safety at Your Rexall Store ug Store News ; | 'mineral product ° concentrated for convenience, Large bottle $1.00 BROMO Phone 49 CAR FOR SALE Ford Coupe in excellent condition, run less than 11,000 miles. Owner must sell through illness. 'Apply to E. C. Burton, Port Perry. DAIRY BUSINESS CONTINUED The Woodley Dairy at Prince Albert wil be" continued under the manage- ment of Mrs, A. R, Woodley. FARM FOR SALE OR FOR RENT Lot 15, Concession 8, Cartwright *ITownship, 180 acrés more or less, half mile west North Nestleton, formerly owned by the late John Samells, 60 workable. Buildings in extra good condition. . Inquire.of Fred Taylor or Stanley Malcolm, Nestleton. . LOST - Pair gold filled eye glasses, sup- posedly near the Post Office, They are special lenses and no-use to any- one but the owner with defective sight. - Finder please leave with Rev. Mr. Smyth ¢r at the Post Office. - WANTED To purchase a second hand Canoe in good condition. Apply at Star Office. | YO OO \ dl --) i ) (i o) | LIAR, i] WANT ADVTS.-- 50c. and $1.00 SELTZER 25¢., 50c., 98¢. of TYPICAL LAWRENCE | lovmue co warume fl MOUNTAIN BATHING CAPS, 25c, 29¢., 40¢, 50. | | MINERAL WATER BALLS ..............10. | WATER . SNGLISH HEALTH SALT 25c, 39c. | A natural WAMPOLE'S GRAPE SALT | ~BAYER'S ASPIRIN 25c., 39¢., 98c. JLYMPENE LINIMENT 50¢c., $1.00 NIAGARA MAID GRAPE JUICE 25¢. and 49c. Buy Agta Films for better pictures at no additienal cost A. M. LAWRENCE 'PORT PERRY Five Cents per line. ~ Minimum 20 Cents. + EXCHANGE 4 Two moderate priced Toronto houses \ creek running through it. See Wesley Boynton, Port Penny. Myrtle Elevator Fresh consignment of | Quebec Shingles -- Coal -- and: Cement. now at Myrtle Elevator. Sum- mer prices now in effect. Phone 120 r 5 GOVERNMENT APPROVED _ CHICKS commencing July 16th, ending July 22nd. All chicks subject to prior sale. Pullets "90% accuracy guaranteed. DAY OLD-CHICKS, Leghorns, 7%e¢., Barred Rocks 8%ec., White. Rocks, New Hanipshire Reds, White Wyan- dottes 9%ec., Leghorn Pullets 15%ec., heavy breed pullets 13c. Leghorn cockerels 23%¢., heavy. breed cockerels 8%c. STARTED CHICKS, add to 4c., two weeks 6c, three weeks 9c. Tweddle. Chick Hatchery . Limited, Fergus, Ont. - Phone 405." Toronto C2 "THEATRE OSHAWA Friday & Saturday JULY 17 and 18 --W. C. FIELDS, in "POPPY" REVIVAL--Friday, 11 p.m. "LES MISERABLES" with Fredric Marsh: Monda Tuesday J UL 20 and 21 BIG DOUBLE SHOW "MARY BOLAND and CHARLIE "RUGGLES no Plus--JACKIE COOPER and ~~ RIN-TIN-TIN JR, in ~ "TOUGH GUY" : Wed., and Thurs, JULY 22-23, BIG DOUBLE SHOW IRVIN COBB and ROCHELLE HUDSON, in Pluss; Gov, Raft and Rosalind 'Raffell, in "It Had To Happen" Complete Show at 8.20'S.T. 25 ANY TIME BEFORE 7.30 C. DAYLIGHT SAVING TIME 4 Branch, 3877 Yonge St. (just north of "York Tp. Market) Phone HUD 1791. OONANT & ANNIS Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public - GORDON D. CONANT, K.C, ALLIN F. ANNIS, B.A, LL.B. Offices 7% 8imeoe Bt. 8., Oshawa Phones, 4 and § (Oshawa) or and at Court House, Whitby, (Mr, Conant) : Phone 7. (Whitby) Keeping Things in Repair PAYS WHEN THINGS ARE IN GOOD REPAIR TIME and MONEY fl ARE SAVED We will be pleased to quote you prices on new or repair work Sam N. Griffen | Lumber Co. Phone 240 PORT PERRY, ONT. to exchange for. cheap farm. with a Myrtle Station E. Master, Manager, ONE WEEK SALE OF TWEDDIE day old prices, one week 2c., ten days J 0 a L 4 A 4 Pot % v C »

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