Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star (1907-), 30 Jul 1936, p. 5

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x aad A ® PORT PERRY, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JULY 80th, 1986 PAGE FIVE * 5 | s------ we . , : -- i A) RE L---- ---- LT | Ai rey BLACKSTOCK : THE CHOICE OF GOOD MEA Ma Bee Fog Fico Hie F. W. BROCK & SON oe 4H left for Ottawa where Mr. Ferguson : : : : | 1sEasyir You BUY A TAL oe Gti pyre spn RED & WHITE STORE ! « ii ! "+ [both from our church and community or a ; -- FROM - --_-- '| life, we wish them every success in : dint i 3 y their new ome. " : lB " BERT MacGREGOR . BU SIN ESS MEN S| me a. 0 deur PEEK FRE * "the former's brother, Dr. John Me- : NS i Arthyr. i y AE ' ( goune fi y Fes I! . 13 : Ti TENE A Fier J ---- ST, A Taterstote iE Sdn Shoulder ~ Shampoo, fits all faucets . $1.75 " Armand's ncw Crean & Powder, 25¢, 50c. | + [I Old English Health Salts, 39¢. can . § « 3 Bathing fandals, small, medium - and large, 75c. Kodaks, Cameras; Films. and Sheet Music! + § Morrison's Ding Store : Port t Parry Phone 16 rm, Lime. 1 Tile, >, Hie. SPORTS DAY a WE WILL BE SEEING YOU AT PORT PERRY "Arrange with your Friends to spend Civic Holiday AUGUST 3Fo As Guests of the ihe Port Perry Business Men 16 Hours of Entertainment for 30c. AQUATIC SPORTS in the morning, commencing at 10. LAND SPORTS in the afternoon, commencing at 2.00 The Land Sports will be held at the Fair Grounds, including: HORSE RACES (Purses $200.00). Motorcycle Races. / SOFTBALL {als and Boys) BASEBALL, league game, ] » $ Now that the Spring is opening up, we will as usual, be © Sprints, Ite. GRE | HARDWALL after your needs of CEMENT, LIME, TILF, WITH A GRAND FINALE AT NIGHT Tams 7 1 PLASTER. STREET DANCE (9 Piece Orchestra) including e have just received a fresh Sr of Lime, including old Time Square Dance Contest, Midway, Booths > a also 3 iid Tile. and Community Singing 3 <4 A way. Wm len AEP nama 1s vow on thie {| MAKE UP-YOUR PARTIES, and come prepared . x to 'have a raal "Picnic? "The One Rig Day of the Year" By Lo HARD COAL, COKE, "HARDWOOD and HARDWOOD h SLABS, : ] Mm. GERROW, Pros, R. LEVIA, Sec.-Treas.. 5 Phone us you i} Your orders will receive prompt § ~# and careful attention. += +' : SALE Je : mem | NAPSHOT GUILD, PORT PERRY COAL YARD ClheS) / - : W. G. W. PYATT HR P al Phones--94W and 94) "Reliable Service 'and Better Fuels" Take © Children 5: Pictures Now Qi aA . > A co Ci - ie ok ' > i, : Pictures like these wil! ' fend enciintiment to you: "iicmory Album." ro : We have only a short time left to close out. our business; -. but we still have some splendid buying opportunities for the ai anapshots? . 4 public. Everything is going at cast or less, so if you-buy "a little in advance of the season you will still make a big saving in cash. Especially does this apply in the boots, ; --and shoes.: "We have a lot of Children's Boots which we are i ~ selling at- $1.00 a: pair. -Just the thing" when the weather - - becomes wet and cold. Below are some of the real bargains: ELE WOMEN' S MOTOR BOOTS ....... Sth reas S50 i wy || WOMEN'S 4 buckle GOLOSHES ............ 1.00 : WOMEN'S RUBBERS ....{.................. .60 : * MEN'S KNEE RUBBERS .................... 1.75 MEN'S 9 oz. Blue and Black OVERALLS ....... 1.60 po "% MEN'S WORK BOOTS, only a few left ......... 2.25 | 97 pe. Set of ENGLISH PORCELAIN DISHES . .18.50 (This i is less than wholesale cost) ou y. Our FIXTURES ARE ALL FOR SALE for less than half ul their real value. a CSTR, 4 > ok > ; oe! , --- y cogil ry i 5 dh OW many members of the Snap-| of the box type) set a' ine largest r : Tr shot Guild have taken snapshots | "stop" or lens open'.= nd 'you are Phone J. F. McCLINTOCK Jon this summer of their children? ft|ready to shoot pe ime aur : . would he intresting to know for ga | (hild unintentiona y hy Wied a 7 . : n : « We importance ally, if he is a good d¢ tor--assumes - . - . _ Tew parents realize th { on Inter ding pose Hr potion. Bo wx : : al of keoning what might be called a gure all of him shows in the finder . : y ; » "Momory Album fascinating, sto. or elge he may appear in the finish 5 XS F ALITY ; * _ry-telling pietnges of their children. | pete minus his Goad of an tarm ' So § . : F J : el The two pictiires above are Boe Here's another simple precaution - d : ; : S jen. examples of story-telling pic-1 fia shutter on a hox canera oper Xe You need not worry about what quality of meat to ordér when you tnres--the kind you should strive 10 | greg at a speed of approximately 1/25 phone Cawker Bros., we just have one quality--THE BEST that can tice for your. "Memory Album." f 6f a gecold. This is hot fast enough PR Les apg ave FA \ They were taken on just such a day | to stop action wher the edmera is be had." It is always fresh and tender--and so tasty when served, ag we hope to have tomorrow---sun-| ¢lose to the stibject so in taking the CAE au shine and bright skies. Mother | picture of your child wait until that fl ti wy snapped little Billie a8 he was mak-| moment. when he (is not in motion ; ; * CAWKER BROS. ing a vain effort to sweep the front | before snapping the picture fo ; walk . while Jang was apparently | otherwise the image will be blurred. Cony Phone 29w, Port Perry. - Prompt Delivery pleasure-honnd with her toy dog and |* If you have a folding camera with Th ge zi ' > ; y dolls. Aren't they real story-telling {a footage scale you can work as close £2 BY 2 ; ag six feet to your subject and get * 4 Suppoeo that you want to snap a|a larger image. Set the diaphragm age JA GET YOUR LIFE, FIRE, AUTOMBILE,; and THEFT INSURANCE HAROLD W. EMMERSON Port Perry "| Phone 41 control pointer at f.11 or if it is quite shady, at 7.8. Set the shutter speed indicator at 1/25 of a second or num- ber twenty-five. Locate the child in the finder and snap the picture. Don't have the san striking (he child in the face and then expect him not to squint. Let the light come across his face and yon" will get in- taresting shadows and show his fea: tures much better. And there'll be - no squinting, JOLIN VAN GUILDER picture of your little son or daughter Copleving or "working" in the yard, This is what you should do. ("irat of all don't try to get the child peo, for the chances are he will 'pp oar in a stiff, unnatural pogition n the finished pteture. Let him be- come busily engaged in whatever he is 'dojng and' then rather nonchal- antly get ag near to him ns possible with your camera, If you have a hox camera vou should not be closer than eight feet, Have the camera (if it is tion. Mr. and Mrs, N. 8. McNally and Vena are enjoying a two weeks" motor trip to- Montreal, Ottawa, North Bay, and Bancroft, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Baker, Jean and Robert of Sunderland visited with Mr. and Mrs. W. VanCamp on Sunday Mr. and Mrs. O. Wright and Edith, Mr. and Mrs. C. Graham spent the week end with relatives in Midland. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Steele spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Steele of '| St. Chistopher, . Congratulations are extended to Mrs. Ada Sadler and her pupils on their very successful recital on Fri- day evening last: Piano selections were given by the following: Jean Wright, Mabel VanCamp, Pauline Ferguson, Gwen. Marlow, Kathleen Taylor, Hazel Wright, Anna Thomp- son, Pearl Wright, Verna Gibson, Wil- ma VanCamp, Edith Wright, Audrey Mountjoy, Kathleen Wright, Ruth Bell, Dorothy Wright, Verna McNally, Jean -Gibson, Jack Marlow, Arnold Taylor, Neil Johnston. Vocal numbers were given by the Glee Club: Wilma VanCamp, Verna McNally, Thompson, Pauline Ferguson, Vivian Sadler, and Leslie Beacock. The annual congregational picnie of St. John's Church was held at the Cream of Barley Camp on Thursday |§ afternoon of last week. We are sorry to report that Mus, Sandy Dawson of Windsor who with her baby daughter is on a visit to her parents, Mr. and Muvs. F, and rushed, to the Bowmanvile Hos- pital where she underwent an opera- We are pleased to know she is getting along nicely. Mr. Dawson arrived here on Sunday. The sincere sympathy of the com-|¥ munity is extended to Mrs. L. Byers |g in the sad loss 'she has so recently sustained in the death of a loved er, Mr. Frank Franklin of Port Perry. The July meeting of the W. A. of St. John's Church was held™at the home of Mrs. John Carter with the fine attendance of 37 members and visitors, The roll call was answered with a Biblical question. In place of the Study Book Chapter, Mrs. Harry McLaughlin read "Comments and Heart Searchings" and "Africa and the Conquest of Homes Pagan Christian." The program consisted of the following numbers: a reading by Mrs. R. Mahood, "Our Branch", a reading by Mrs. R. Hamilton, "A Little Rhyme and a Little Reason", a vocal duet by Mrs. A. L. Bailey and Mis, W. Crawford, a reading by Mus. T. Smith, " Parables of -a Housewife", a piano solo by Miss Ethel Carter i a reading by Mrs. I. Graham, "If". Lunch was served by the group in charge and a treat of ice cream was served by the hostes to whom a hearty vote of thanks was tendered for the use of her home and: her kind hospi- tality. At the league game played in Blackstock on Monday night between the locals and Scugog, the score was 8-1 in favor of Blackstock. Misses Wilma, and Jessie VanCamp have returned home after a two weeks" holiday with their grand- mother, Mrs. M, Smith. Master Harold Stinson of Lindsay is holidaying with his uncle and aunt Mr. and Mrs. F. Willan, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Lambe and family and Mr. R. G. Lambe of Lind- say spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. T. Smith. Strand Theatre © UXBRIDGE Thurs., Fri., Saturday (This week) MONA BARRIE and JACK HOLT, in "THE BEST MAN WINS" Thrilling! - Appealing! - Romantic! chap 3 of "HURRICANE EXPRESS" and COMEDY--Andy Clyde in © "HOT-PAPRIKA" WHOOPEE. ! ! SUNDAY MIDNITE SHOW 12.05 a.m. August 2nd W. C. Fields, B. Crosby, J. Bennett, in "MISSISSIPPI" Also two big shows Monday, Tuesday r . and Wednesday and Wednesday, August 3-4-5. Enjoy Civic Holiday at the Strand Thurs., Fri, Saturday (next week) CLARK GABLE, in "MUTINY ON THE BOUNTY" "The picture worth seeing" Anna] Bailey was |B Jtuken ill with appendicitis on Friday and || CHEDDAR F 'AMOUS "ENGLISH BISCUITS In Airtight Cartons Imported direct from Epgland, these biscuits in cartons are ideal for picnics and parties. EMON AND BARLEY CREAMS ................. 20c. LEMON-PUFF CREAMS ©... .. Le 15c. SAVOURY SNACKS ...oviunsstonserssnnnsnnsnsas 3be, TWIGIETS civ uiehvniuisinsve cnmnniaennicnund 30c. ASSORTED SHORTCAKES ........0.............. 23c. PEEK FREANS ASSORTED ...................... 23c. BONNIE SCOT ..... ME REE EN RSTRNT ES 15¢ RASPBERRY WAFFLES ......................... 23c. VITA WHEAT--Health Biscuits ................... 25c¢. AFTERNOON TEA ........ iii 25¢. CREAM BRAZIL ....ciovuipininsvinnenntnscnsnns 23c. FAIRY TALES ............ viii, 15¢. OVAL DIGESTIVE .............. oo iii 25¢ ASSORTED ........... coi. 23c. St. Lawrence Sugar, $5.19 LADIES' PRINT DRESSES A large assortment this week at 69c. and 89c. "SILK HOSIERY --Full Fashioned 89c., 69c., 79c., 1.00 Phone 43 Port Perry 4] a ee a ANE ---- { a Cn = { ----- Ka ee a Ll Jemison & Hutchinson, Bakers PHONE 93, - ] BRE Shel SHS Slee wae aie on = --- i -_ GOOD BREAD and Baking of the Daily Family Requirements will be readily secured from tne SSaies Seles Sse POR' I* PERRY CR Now is the time to check up and see what you might save in fuel, and added comfort next insulating the attic and sidewills of Begin now to make enquiries in order to have the job complete when the cold If you would insulate now you could enjoy the effect of a cool upstairs as RED TOP INSULATING WOOL will keep the excessive heat out in summer as well as keeping it in, in the "| winter by your dwelling. weather sets in. winter. FRED E. REESOR | Phones: Office 73 w; Res. 73 | " i OM 0 BAKING. :: Gerrow Brothers M. A. GERROW al OGG HJ OT ALL THE YEAR ROUND You can depend upon the excellence of GERROW'S No matter whether it be for Special Occasions, or for every day use, GERROW BAKING can be depended on for uniform good quality. 0 ht G. M. GERROW' PE WA RE Wer TT es " ) es Cw Ta rr Ro) FLICT Ar ma IA AT a ~ yg on Iel, > TRA SE or ~ ~ 2 S75, SE x ~ Sr Ba FR in ~

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