Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star (1907-), 6 Aug 1936, p. 4

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Se BE PAGE FOUR rx EN - mr a - - ar ; 4 8] [2 oF - o i; : : LOCAL ITEMS | See Us for Your |WE FIT gpa St ; Mrs. J. Ploughman is visiting in| py s PLUMS & BLUEBERRIES Lawrence 8 Drug tore News Rochester, N.Y. Hosiery Needs WE REPAIR Miss Jean McDermott visited with | Fancy Cotton Hose for Men, pr. 15e¢. 1 : ou Can Save With Barely at Your Rexall Store = 4 Bowmanville friends recently. Beautiful Rayon Sox, ..3 pairs $1.00 ( lasses for preserving are now in season is esr pe NEE : Mr. Murray Williams spent Thurs-| Other weights as low as, per pair 25c. | [eR y 5 ! Ls 'day of last week with Barrie friends. Leather Ties in the latest shades, 45c. Large Golden Ripe Bananas 25¢. doz. ER a » aL Typical Lawrence Miss Mason, of Toronto, has been| Leather Work Gloves, 50¢c., 65¢., : "You Save Money Good. Juicy Lemons 30c. doz. | Bi: Ty i" Values : . <€ es visiting Mrs. Thompson and Mrs. 80c., 95¢. and $1.00 per paix' S J 0 25 d Jlsma- ex i i 4 iad Emmerson. Gutta Percha Campacs, per pair $1.95 PRG AT . weet uic ranges C. 0z. Er Fait eg i Fy REXALL MILK OF MAGNESIA = x Mrs. J. Crozipr is at her summer| Work Sox, 20c., 25¢c., & 35c. per pair. L R. BEN TLEY) Grape ruit 5 for 25¢. ne Three mibute Relig TOOTH PASTE cineca 206 and 39c, | ¥ home at Port Blster. | ; Sa 7 PE fof Mi 38] ANTISEPTIS, ........40c. and 7c. fl Miss Klay Hiscox, Montreal, is the WILLIAM WEBSTER, : OPTOMETRIST. : a A h ; bl : Stomach Gas, " REGESEN FRUIT SALINE Ciena, : 1 & guest of My. and Mrs, C. Sleep. At Beatty's Store, Port Perry PORT PERRY, ONT. : Daily Fres Vegeta es ; Heartburn, PEPTONA (A great tonle) | Cd Miss Kendle, of Toronto, spent the PHONE 3 3 { NR 2 { Indigestion, 20 ounce bottle Qf Ma : holiday with Migs E. Brooks. S t of All Sorts i Carrots, Beets, Cauliflowers, Potatoes, - Acid or Sour GYPSY CREAM- For polson ivy and 3 Mrs. Cann and sons Richard and por 8 18 Vegetable Marrows, Green Onions, s Stomach, heat rash verrasiseieanigraeseas Bl 2 Chien; Wate on a trip to Callander . Baseball CAESAREA i Cooking Onions, Golden Bantam Corn 5% Pleasant to take. REXALL SHAVING CREAM, and wee EE : ; Mr. Frank Dickson and son Mr. W. pi Tomatoes, Celery, Cucumbers, etc. Te oles The & S180" 5 Permedge Razor Blades Mr. CV. Purdy, Oshawa, is visit-| = On Wednesday, July 29th, Bowman- Dickson and Mr. W. Anson, of Osh-|= . ; : _ 60c. value, both for. Gens HARA R00, ing in town. ville, champions of the Intermediate awa, visited with Mr. McDougall on o ® REXALL MILK OF MAGNESIA, Mr. and Mrs. H. Lucas, of Whitby, | "B" of the Shore League in 1935 came | o,, 4. Mr. McDougall is conval- " > > i 82 ounce bottle ................76e Ke were in town on Monday. to Port oT RE Gg escing with his daughter Mrs, Everson |8 : in tion game wi SOF, verry '| at Williams' Point and enjoys calls |i ; : iT TRAIN F During the week of July 21st, Jesse in. second place In the York = GET YOUR TICKET FOR THE REXALL STREAMLINED TRAIN > Peters, ot Toronto, called on Mr. and who Re iy IPN A from his aye Friend. a * i The Modern ¥F ruit and FROM US. THERE 18 NOTHING TO BUY--THEY ARE FREE Mrs. A. D. Peters, Together the twe 'manville 5. Port Perry 8. Mrs. Fisher and daughter Mrs. IH Mar 1S FOR THE ASKING. NE : brothers visited their brother James Beavis | ! po d urs in the Ist Thompson, of Toronto, are spending [J Vegetable ket : ~ of in Uxbridge, on their way to Udora i a Ti Ca A the week at the Point, | Anthony Caruso, Prop. 3 Phone 208, We deliver A. M. LAWRENCE rho ac i | made a stronge bid in the 8rd and| Mr: C. Philips of Lynburn, Alta. |g oy oy oy mmm emt mm mmc * brother Jumes has been in poor health | ™ i three counters each. The| left on Wednesday to return home. |* th ek end with his si Mrs. J. for some time. He died quite sudden- brought " ties COUN-RTS Sieloas Mrs. Philips has been visiting her : he ye enc-wi is sister. Mrs. The . oxall Store 3 ly the following Sunday morning, halitice 6f- the game was SCOreiess. | gister Mrs. Jack Glenn. Miss Isabel ICE ughson, : : = July 26th, and was buried in the B li Glenn spent a few days last week with kb Master Beverley Scott, of engrave, Phone 49 PORT I. PEERY & family plot in Bethesda Cemetery, ow ing i her parents at the Point. ale Desk holidaying with Master oe -- Udora. "we , : \ -| Mr. Edward Halbert, teacher in 2 D ordon arrison. The Men's Bowling Club held thei ; 4 In the report of the Sports Day ap- Five Cents per li Mr. Heppenhall, and Mr. Hugh| annual tournament last Wednesday. Bloor Street Collegiate, Toronto, and pearing in the Toronto Telegram, fie 5 Miss Betty. Chisholm, of Toro "WANT INT ADVTS -- -- Nig Lh Nind, of Campbellford, Mr. and Mrs, : " was a| Mrs. Halbert and family, are now oe-| iio e was made as to the chairman | has been holidaying wit er grand- Owing to the weather, there i : ; FOR SALE Philip Nind, the Misses Doris and | yo, cool entry. cupying their cottage for August. | ¢ pyplicity, This should have been PRsents Me ud Mes. x Chisholm, Mrs Fong SH for sald hor ; ; CW Sylvia Nind, spent the holiday at the Detenbeck of Oshawa won tie Jof- Mr. and Mrs, Ray Daniels left Wil- George Manning who gave excellent 3 r. ri i . Be jon and two ud I on Ser AL Sore SCIATICA 4 Rectory with Rev. T. A. and Mrs, frey cup snd lst prize with & wins liams Point on Friday for a motor|ggrvice. The mistake was entirely |® nee avelo -were SndaY Su Lee on ua. Lal Tis 11 you are troubled wih this palaful 3 Nind. . ¥ enp trip. due to the Telegram. No information | of the former's uricle Mr. J. O'Boyle, |. 4 Sls ; Rea Tour druggiet Ge will y . and a score of 47, Mrs. M. Bobingon: and Barbera Lot as to this matter came from the Star Mr. and Mrs. Fred Webster, of To-| household articles, including a piano. BLUE. MOUNTAIN ; Dr. Harold and Mrs. Jackson and| g Jeffrey, C, C. Jeffrey, R. Harper are visiting Mrs, MeCreery. Off ronto;-weré Sunday guests of Mr. and | RASPBERRIES FOR SALE : MINERAL A daguhter, "of Union, N.Y. are the| 14 G. Gerrow, of Port Perry, won ; ' ce. Mrs. Luther Mitchell WATER ds of Mys. Geo. Jack J ' ori Mr. and Mrs. D. Palmer and Sylvia Sir co . : Apply 'to Mrs, Fred Raines, Phone| A, M. Lawrence, Druggist, Port Perry guests of Mys. Geo. Jackson. the Port Perry Cup and 2nd prize of Toronto, are holidaying at Mrs. » Mr. and Mrs. Cooper, of Agincourt, 189-14, Port Perry. ; AWT¢ 3 Mr, Grant Robertson, of Cobourg, is| with three wins and a score of 46. | prost's. Mr. C. E. Robertson, manager and Mr, and Mrs. Frank Dickson and : "CONA NT - 4 holidaying with his parents. Alger of Oshawa won 3rd prize With | e100 e000 ation Life Association, RAGLAN family of Toronto, were. week end ROCK PULLETS FOR 'SALE & ANNIS ; ; i ; 2 wins and a score of 47+. ; ; ; : ' and holiday guests of Mrs. J, Dickson. Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public . Miss Jacks and girl friend of Hoho- : ! with which company Mr. Palmer also Miss Violet Thompson spent the Y. Suid | Apply to Mrs. R. D: 'Burnham, phone "GOR } Le Pash vist: ; . McTaggart of Port Hope won 4th i i iss Viole p Mr. and Mrs, Geo. Chisholm of To- ORDON D. CONANT, K.C, lulu, have been visiting with Mr. and gg p works, came down on Friday with holid ith' her parents here. 112 r 11, Port Perry. "ALLIN F. AN Mrs. Sinclair Robertson. prize with 1 win and a score of 46+.) Myr. and Mrs. Palmer. > 2 ay wi 2 Mn. Frank Grose ronto, spent Sunday with the former's © Offices 73% Simeoe NNIS: DAs LL LS. : Mr. Grant Real spent the week end There were 10 entries--three from| Miss Dorothy McTavish spent' a| Miss Hazel Grose, I ran r the parents. : 'LOST ' "Phones, 4 and B ( Sats ; with his mother Oshawa, 1 from Whitby, 1 from Port | happy birthday on Friday when | and Mr. Fox, of Toronto, 'spent the| M; and Mrs; Frank Harrison and| Large black and tan hound. Last and st Court House, Whitby, (Mr. Oenant) Rev n T Ri hards. of N , | Hope, 1 from Uxbridge, 1 from Stouff- | Misses Neta Chappell, Jean Elliott, | holiday with Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Grose.| son Gordon "also 'Beverley Scott, | seen south of 'Port Perry? Reward. Phone 7° (Whithy) ht Be, 3 p tichard Ph: : apanee, ville, 1 from Peterboro, 2 from Port| Jessie Colthurst, Margaret Eeverson,| Miss Laura Miller, of Coldwater, is | motored to Burketon on Sunday. Notify Ray Clark, R.R. 2, Seagrave, -- : was In Lown Ior the hohday. Perry. Joah McLaughlin, Nancy, 'Jean and |spending two weeks with Mr. and| Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Simkin and | (Fur Farm.) WN -" FOR SALE x a Miss {rva Now a hey SOE Nae The Port Perry Club was Seid: Shirley Lyons, visited her at her sum-| Mrs. Albert Miller. 1 daughter Sylvia were holiday visitors or ear Ten small pigs, six weeks old. Ap. y Phyllis Gariow, of Medicine Hag; are ed by the Oshawa Bowling Club at a| mer home here. Mr. and Mrs, Geo. Bray and family | with Mr, and Mrs. J. Simkin, Sr. ; 'VOTERS' LIST ply to Harry Raymes, Scugog, R.R. 8, visiting at the home of their uncle| ir a . Mr.-and Mrs, David Edwards, Mrs. E : ', . . x . | mixed jitney ldst Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Depnih left | spent. Sunday at Oakville, Muni lity of Port Perr Count Port Perry. augé Mz, Ys 3; Gerrow, of Cotunibusyoliie; Three of the Port Perry ladies were| the Point to enjoy a motor trip to| ppg. J. Smith, of Uxbridge, is hav- Dave Tucker, Mrs. Alf. Fletcher and In cipali y : Ontari Ls Y : : . Miss Mina Nott, of Winnipeg is go tunate in bringing home prizes. | Montreal, etc. i ing = holiday With her daughter Mrs, | Miss Dorothy Kindred, all of Keene, °! iy rio, that_I ha a " spending a few weeks with her mother) qpey were Mrs, McFarlane, Mrs, E.| Mr. and Mrs. C. E. McTavish and] jy El en were guests of Rev. W. E. and Mrs.| Notice is hereby given tha ve and sisters here, . 1 Honey; on Friday last. complied with the requirements of the | Beare and Mrs. C. Love. family are "visiting Mr. McTavish's 'Miss Rub Wilson {s home fora Voters' Lists Act i h matte dl: ic Niring Mrs. Perey Hooey, sister Mina of --<e® mother in Flesherton during Old gi My Miss Vera Masters, Miss Doris Sim- hay EL 2 bali wag Winnipeg, Miss Phyllis Gerrow, off" yp COCHRANE DIES- |Home Week there. The Stuart and |" kin, Mr. Geo. Allin and Mr. Frank 12% 2 nave postec up at my 5h AND REPAIR 3 {oi rR to ; and : Mrs. Cecil Wilson and family Spent Mitchell motored to Midland 3 on Sun. | Port Perry on the First: Day of x Sain Hot, ig Tok ok Now, iy Walter B. Cochrane, 67-year-old MTs Dinie at-Rlesherion ds. 84 Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. Wilson. | you August, 1936, the list of all persons Apply to Harlin Davey daoghter Irva and Miss Inez Fralick, ; ; _ | annual affair. ' : : hl de ; e ndo visit with forinor sheriff Sar the County of var Mi Mrs. Albert Miller and Miss Laura| Mr. and Mrs: C. Harrison and Mrs. | entitled to vote in the said Municipal- Phone 3 r 2, Port Perry , all motored to London, to couver, and pioneer resident of B. C iss Thelma Ransom and Miss a ipal el d for th iss Nor hy o is doing) gi 4? Tan. | Aud M Miller spent one day in Oshawa with| Long were visitors of Mr. and Mra. R. | ity at municipal elections and for the . Miss Norma Hooey, who is E| died on July 28th. He went to Van-| Audrey IcTavish, who have been pe Le lative A. sembly, and that such |. fine and improving in health. couver from Port Perry more than 50 | teaching swimming at St. Christopher | friends.' Squelch of Mount Carmel on Sunday. | Legis ri Hh ti 4 Ww. A. S M#s. James Shurie, of Trenton, and| years ago. and Fenelon Falls Girls' Camps, re-| Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Dearborne, of | Mr. Squelch having returned the Tight bet Femaing Mee» iy angster © on Mrs. C. A. Wadsworth of Montredl,|" The father of the late W. B. Coch-| spectively, have returned home. Prospect, spent Sunday with Mr. and| before from Oshawa Hospital, where = Hie) to Simin ngs to - DENTAL SURGEON | spent a few days last week with their| pare" named Cochrane Street, Port] Mr. Ronald Everston and wife of Mrs. J, Wilson. he had been detained since his injury h . : > sions corre t- Office Hours: ' 9 am. to 8 pm. wistor- MysrA. BeHobmvd. Perry: Huntsville visited with Mr. and Mrs.| Threshing is the order of the day. [in-a. ear accident - while crossing the | have. any errors i omissions jad Office + Up-tain, over Remersen's Mr. Gordon Howard, of Toronto. was --<o@eor-- | E. Everston at Williams' Point this| Grain is turning out better than was | street in,Oshawa on Thursday last. od according tn il 'this' First: Day| ~ Insurance Office in town over the Von end with his CARD OF THANKS week. Mr. G. Bray and Miss Spears, expected. Rain is badly need to help| We sincere hope for his Sveedy ¥ re- 2 % 1036, Ei ? 3 Epes mother of Burk's Falls were also guests of | the root crop. covery. of Augus H.C. N ASH. : LOOK HERE! . ~b Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Edwards and| po Fverston. Mr. and Mrs. Cartwright, of Toron- SR Gd Gem i ivalit Top. prices paid for rags, wool and Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Blight spent the faily of Prince Albert, wish to ex- Senator and Mrs. McQuinn and | to, are holidaying with their son = vo Clerk of the Munie pa id feathers, also fowl, horse hair and all . hoy wad end Si with ['press their sincere appreciation to daughter have rented Mr. 'A. Goode's | Frank Cartwright. ~ A \ \ +9 g kinds of light metals. For information Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Miller. their many friends, the Young Men's cottage for two weeks. Messrs. Art and George Ormiston, fl y 0 [8 1 he = ie [call Alix, Gilboord, Phone 177, day or Prof. Anson Walker and family, of Bible Class and Community Club of | p. and Mrs. Edwards of Williams' are away on a fishing trip. We wish J EA tots 3 ecole o hes ti h night, We would appreciate very London, are holidaying with Mrs. I. | Prince Albert, and the Army and | point were saddened over the holiday | them luck. ELA hp ban, on : \ugust 104 oF i © much your pattonage. ! A. Walker. Navy Vets and Ladies' Auxiliary of [p the drowning of their nephew Mr. ri TH EAT construction of a Chapel in the Pine ALIX. . GILBOORD, _ PORT PERRY & Port Perry for their kind sympathy > hep == > : Grove Cemetery, Prince Albert, Ont. X Mrs. A. J. Davis and party returned : i arold Edwards, of Prince Albert. Dr. : = b a. . ; fo and floral tributes, in their recent be-| oq Mys. Edwards attended the Soi: x Building must be completed by Nov. 1, home from their Western trip on renvemont. , CREENBANK GL OSHAWA Plan and specifications may be seen}: Thursday of last week. They had a eral on Monday. : : ; | journey (except for the heat), ANNUAL FIELD DAY Mr. and Mrs. Ianson and daughter, ot the oftes of the Secretary Tresas Z00( 'ney (exce J > heat), ' F Y i : urer oon, Port Pe and went as far as Victoria. They MITCHELL ; py Manchester. oi The annual Field Day of the Re-|spent the week end in Hl ALL THIS WEBK The Yowest or any tender not NECORS & motored to Winnipeg. Thursday 3 July 30th, 1936 Pe gatta Association was held on Satur- Miss Jean Bushby is hep sying a "S AN sarily accepted, Keepin Thin S Residents of Lakeside Beach (north| Mitchell r his 90th year. dry. afternach wider a 'fajoraile why Dies G d Tony, and Miss eg z Grant Christle, President. 9 [| and south), and Six Mile Islanders and a pleasant sun. Slacks, shorts Messrs, Stee and Tons, at the 9) ROSEN DIE" Ln Cl GN I <« held a large meeting at the home of + | and bathing suits aided the speed of Ethel font > oy enix. on Sunday. FRANCISCO DR. W. S. HARPER Mr. Boddy and formed an Association.] the competitors while pretty voiles [ home i : Hy daughter of Graduate of Trinity Medical : College and n. epair Mr. H. R. Archer was elected presi-| THE REXALL STREAMLINED |gowned the spectators. Messrs. Ran- iin EE ih ~ I} iar gra ies niversity, Tovomte. C_ - - : dent and Mr. H . G. Hutcheson, secre- CONVENTION TRAIN som, Yeo, Sears and Downes were in ia Ji oh a CLARK GABLE, ater: College and Polsciinle, fond hagits bAWE 3 tary-treasurer, and a number of com- Perhaps . the greatest of. modern charge. Mr. Joseph Sedgewick, De- a Balfe aid daughter of Toron- JEANETTE MacDONALD, Nort Eg London, out (dradunte Collage PAYS . : : - ' . ' ; mittees were appointed. The object [ ;harvels to be seen in this country is puty Attorney General, called the to, visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. SPENCER TRACY, Office and Burgery--Port Percy, Ont x of the Association is first, to promote : : ; 1 | events. - 2 - JACK HOLT, ~ 4 " My the Rexall Convention train which will Miss Gwen Edwards, daughter of Bushby. : 4 a ------ ie general welfare o e. summer | ho in T to A A : hada - Lo (The fi tf G & H is disolved cottagers and "secondly to hold an i olen o og seh 1" Ai ih Dr. and Mrs. Edwards, of Toronto, ; Mw Fairweather, of Toronto, visit <r ARTHUR VW. 8 GRENR. ) WHEN THINGS ARE aquatic and sports day, the first of |. t i AE h ; Fovastina train { for the second. consecutive yéar won| Ing nis unce pr be a at Greco. Mon., T Wed ' which Will be held on Saturday, Aug. [loo educate both druggist and thel the first prize for the peanut race,| Decoration w ple On." lues., Wed: 6 King St. East, Oshawa, Phone 3160|f IN GOOD REPAIR i j a i is hin, which - Joa 8| Girls under twelve competed in the | bank cemtery on August 23rd. "August 10, 11 pi d2 in attendance at my Port Perry office on ; quarter of a mile long, is: pulled by a ee OGD = wen ed ! i ri af 2 - Andrew Malcolm, of Nestleton, | streamlined. locomotive. Among other Tans 2 Soo The sould hate the i ] * Now on the Screen w fi ine tod Hin Anim : TIME and MONEY ¢ was in town on business last Satur- things there is a modern dirug store, a Pears Digit jor ® ground. e ENGAGEMENT ? « Queen Street, Port Perry, Phone. 264 ® day. Mr. Malcolm is in his 93rd year. modern research laboratory, a i , iy on ond hi 'Mr. and Mrs. A.'M. Pugh, Clare- GREEN n pireel, tori erry, Ione ARE SAVED X PU Pg eri, | I ------ ; Sa i i h ngagement of HiT : ogy Fa ND CHC [LR 7, SE J, A sean wn the Sheds, nt J SRE | pAQTURES? metres arm mr sn | = Sunday, August 9th-- No Lars or, dancing with the con- Mrs. Jackson won the ladies' Time ir : h Mill BSA, RUSSELL D. HUMPHREYS ill ha n ; vention's own orchestra on board, and | g In th dies' race R.| Wallace Archibald McMillan, We will be pleased to Rev. J. S. I. Wilson, of Oshawa, will ; l ace. n ther open ladies' race R. A. MeMill 24% Simcoe Street. th, O sh it x : : a host of educative features which are ; son of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. A, McMillan - Cast of 500 mcoe Street. Nor shawa be the speaker at 11.a.m, and 7 p.m. Walsh won a silver cake plate, : Phone 814 t of interest to everybody. For lack of space we are unable to | °F Port Perry. The marriage to take 'N Ad in Pr : : one quote you prices on CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION The train will b for inspecti place the middle of the month. 0 vance ces. in attendance at my Port Perry oftcs on Tot b will be open for inspection| publish a completé list™ of the prize : Tuesday and Thursday afternoons of each new or repair work - ~~ IT a.m --Morning Service. -| in Toronto from 10 a.m. to 12.16 p.m.| winners. RE : - i "week or by appointment. pair , al ST, JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN and 2.30 p.m. till 9 p.m. on- August 13 Zn ay : pane itn, Queen Street, Port Perry, Phone 264 : ve : CHURCH and 14, "There is Io Siuigsion fee but 5 Myrtle Station Uw Next-Thurs., Fri.. Sal. E , : kis 3 ; ) . . 5 LY) '9 3 v : Services at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. you must have a ticket which you can Service in the United Church next 2 IAI oso smoitpiabenn procure from your Rexall Drug Store. Bad Accident - | Sunday at,3 p.m. 8. S. at 1.456 pm. SHIRLEY M LE SUITS CLEANED Sam N Griffen ory : PRESENTATION 'All members of the staff of A, M.| Mr. Russell Steele, of Purple Hill, | This will likely be the last church ser- TE P Suits sponged and ressed . ba i ! A "The residents at Pettitt's Point pre-| Lawrence's Drug Store are attending | had the misfortune to fall from a] vice for the month of August. ivy = IN es P x ¥ L rr b Co sented an Elgin gold watch, and fi this great convention and it is ex-|load of grain to the barn floor break-| There was a fair turnout last Sun- : 80 Cents umper C . | g I y e turnou " Rolls razor to Mr. Ben Smith in re-| pected that many from this com- ing both wrists, He was fixing the day evening. POOR LIT T LE : Dry' Cleaned $1.00 Phone 240° / cognition of the rescue made by him| munity will take advantage of the in-| slings on the last lift, when something | Mrs. William: Lammiman, of Osha- ol P, R oO PRED x ¥ at the time of the burning of the gas- | vitation to see this streamlined giant| gave way and he fell. It all happened | wa, has been visiting this past week : PORT P oline launch. This action was timely | locomotive and the host of interesting | so quickly that it is not possible to| with her niece Mrs, Oliver Lane. RICH GIRL LPH ! 4 PERRY, ONT, i and greatly appreciated by Mr. Smith. | features on display. tell just what caused the accident. Mr. R. C) Fike, of ATerota, spent vr. Over the Observer Offies 8 a » at « 3 > 4

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