Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star (1907-), 13 Aug 1936, p. 6

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dv 3 Ans Veranda Bridges Call For Little: Homemade Cakes Several varieties of little cakes very different in appearance and taste, can be made at the same time and they are so popular for bridge teas, or in fact at any time, that they are apt to be eaten up before the special occasion has come about. Little cakes made with un- sweetened _chocolate are the hest yet for summer bridge parties. They may be arranged on plates while the hos- tess is "dummy" and need no special cutlery or china. And now that fresh fruit desserts are popular, these little cakes are the perfect complement at dinner, ee eee SS Just T dame A "heavenly" print of deep azure-blue chintz suns and stars in giddy patterns is used in this origin lovely Helen Wood, movie actress, » glazed and marked with white stylized ¢louds, al sun 'and beach suit pleasingly displayed by - - Makes 2 dozen 1% inch macaroons. Chocolate Nut Tea Cakes 1% cups sifted cake flour, 134 tea- spoons baking powder, 1% teaspoon salt, 34 cup butter or other shorten- ing, 1 cup sugar, 2 eggs well beaten, 3 squares unaweelened chocolate, % cup broken nut meats, % cup milk, % teaspoon vanilla. Sift flour once, measure, add bak- ing powder and salt and sift together 8 times. Cream butter thoroughly, add sugar gradually and cream to- gether until light and fluffy.. Ads eggs and beat thoroughly, add choco- late and blend, then nuts and raisins and beat well. Add flour alternately with milk, a small amount at a time, 9, overtaken in any trespass." is, if he be detected in the trespass which he has committeed, before he can escape. If a man's sin is never discovered, then the problem of the relationship between others never arises. D CHOO| esson os LESSON VII SOWING AND REAPING (Temperance Lesson) Galatians 6: 1-10. GOLDEN TEXT--Be not deceijv- ed; God is not mocked: for whatso- ever a man soweth, also reap. that shall Galatians 6:7, Devotional Reading: Galatians 5: he 16-24. Begimmer Topic: Jesus' Friend Tells Us to Help. - - Lesson Material: Galatians 6, 2-5, 10. Memory Verse: Love one another.' John 15: 12b, 1. "Brethren, even if a man be That himself and "Ye who are thing, he deceiveth himself." "If a man thinks himself so perfect that he can have no. burden which others may carry with him or for him; if hg regards himself so far above sin, frailty or sorrow, that he neither needs nor expects sympathy or help) --he will not readily stoop to bear the burdens of others." ~ 4. "But let each man prove his own work, and then shall he have his. glorying 'in regard to himself alone, and not of his neighbor." For the proving of one's work, see, e.g., Paul's classic consideration of this -subject in 1 Cor. 3; 10-15. . "For each man shal®bear his own burden." The word here translated "burden" if a Jifferent one from the gne similarly translated in verse 2. The one in verse 2 "points to a load of which a man may fairly rid himself when occasion serves," and is sometimes used with reference to the load carried ir a boat; the word h modern science and the dental pro- Shining White Teeth Depend on Daily Care White, sparkling teeth are import- ant to any woman's beauty. *Nature may not have blessed yau with nice. ly shaped, perfectly even teeth, but fession have provided you with ways and means to keep them clean and shining." There i8 no excusé for dingy, faded teeth that spoil your smile. 'You know, of course, that you ought to see your dentist at least twice a year anc that you should brush your teeth two or three times a day. Make sure that you brush correctly -- downward on the uppers, upward on the lower ones and with rotary 'motion inside and out. careful not to force the gums. away from the teeth, Ask your dentist to recommend a dentrifice which will re- move stains as-well as food particles and flim. : 3 You ought to use dental floss at least once a day. This removes foreign substances which cannot 'be reached with a tooth 'brush, Remember, too, that it's a good idea to use a mouth wash after each cleansing, : Select -» toothbrushes (everyone needs two) with firm (not soft, but Be | Heavenly ; The British Post Office, which con- trols the telephone service of the whole United Kingdom, some time ago inaugurating a popular service of telephoning to any part of the Bri- tish Isles for one shilling (256 cents) after 7 p.m, Distances are short there by comparison with Canada, but even that is an excellent bargain as the maximum distance would run to near. ly 1,000 miles, writes the Stratford Beacon-Herald. Sik Ax Recently a London man received his telephone bill for "the quarter amounting to nearly $160. Some mis- take, lie thought, so he sent it back asking adjustment. But the Post Of- fice returned it to him with detats showidg four trans-Atlantic salls to Canada. © . Then the truth came out. His house- maid had telephoned to her boy friend over here, and proferred four shill ings--about one dollar--to pay for the calls, She thought a telephone call cost only one shilling" to any part of the British Empire, , "Our guess is that the maid has one year's work ahead of her for noth- ing. ; Shirtwaist Frock for Informal Day Wear Telephoning to Canada' Ra "extradition, and traffickers "Tn Drugs Fight ¥ \ ---- So much has beén said and writ- ten of the failures which have attend- ° ed the efforts of the League of Na- tions that satisfaction may be found in recording one of its out-standing successes, observes the Toronto Globe, This is in connection with its work for the suppression of the drog traffic, a work which it has pursued despite the most discouraging diffi= culties, and which it has a high pitch of achievement. Early conventions gained from League members an agreement ° not to allow the passage of narcotics across frontiers unless accompanied by a permit from the exporting company and a license granting entry into the importing country, and also limited the quantity of . such drugs allowed to be manufactured legall}. ch \ This summer the representatives' of forty governments met and drew up a further convention which was signed by twenty-five States. By its provisions the signatory countries undertook to inflict severe penalties upon any one who assists the illicit drug trade in any way, not merely by buying and selling drugs, but by offering foy sale, or even entering into an agreement to assist in the transporting of illicit narcotics. The signatories also 'agreed to make penalties against traffickers uniform in all twenty-five countries so that no longer will a crite pun- ishable by a long imprisonment in one country be looked upon as a mere delinquency condoned --by. a light fine in another. : _Moreover, the police in all the sig- natory countries will keep one an- other---informed concerning ~ known traffickers, and a person caught selling illict drugs in ofie country will be liable to have convictions in other countries brought against him. Narcotics offenses of every kind also are to be considered cause for will © no longer be -able to flee from one country to the safety of another to evade the penalty for their offenses. Police officials: who took part in the recent discussions declared that the extradition provisions of the new convention would help them im- measurably in breaking up interna- tional 'rings of traffickers, who pre- one beating after each addition until smooth. Add vanilla. Drop from teaspoon into greased small cup cake pans. Bake in moderate oven (350 I) When you make three differ- ent kinds at one baking you can have a change each night with desserts. Here are some recipes that you will viously had laid their plans in country and carried out their oper- ations in another, : be spiritual," That is, those who uve by- the Holy Spirit, who walk in the Holy Spirit, such as Paul was re. not harsh) bristles, Keep them hanging up so. the bristles will have a chance to dry thoroughly after each used in verse 6, however, seems to point to a load which a man "is expected to bear." to find not only. satisfactory but infer- esting to work on, and the results will be so delicious you are going to have trouble keeping the family from eating them all up out of hours! Old-Time Brownies 1% cups sifted cake flour, % tea- 20 to 25 minutes, or until done. Makes 2%; dozen small cakes. 'ferring to in the immediately pre. ceding passage (5: 25). "Restore such # one." The verb here trans. lated "restore" often means to 're THIS WEEK'S WINNER The following letter came to our desk this morning, The recipes are interesting, and too, it shows the in- set," or, "repair what is injured" (Matt. 5: 21; Mark 1: 19), spirit of gentleness." "The restura- tion of a fallen brother is not to be "In a "But let him that is taught in the word." That is, the pupil in the catechetical * class, the hearer, the church member, the one who re- ceives instruction in. the Word of God from the minister. "Communi- cate unto him that teacheth in zall good things." The word here trans- brushing. If, in spite of this they seem to get too soft, rinse with a strong solution of salt and water. Let the salt water dry on the brush. Incidentally, -baking soda is one of the finest cleansing agents for stain- ed teeth. You may not like the taste. of it, but it will do the trick. It your | - That there -is still much done before the drug evil finally is banished goes without saying, but the ever-rising price of narcotics and the number of successful prosecutions _-are sufficient proof. of the efficacy of the work done by the League in this conr.ection. undertaken in_a distant or haugney spirit, or in a hard, dictatorial, or censorious style, which dwells bit- terly on the sin, or brings its ag- gravations into undue relief. "Look- __ spoon soda, 1 teaspoon salt, 1 1-3 cup sugar, b egg yolks beaten until thick and lemon colored, 214% squares un- .s Bwectened chocolate (melted), 1 cup sour cream, 1 cup walnut meats budget doesn't allow for a commerci- |. ally prepared mouth wash, try plain salt and water. "1 lated © "communicate" means "to "share in common with others" (Tim. 65: 22; 1 Pet. 4: 13; Heb. 2: 14; 2 John 11). : . "Be not deceived; God 1s not terest displayed in the home town paper. "No doubt you will be surprised to hear from a Los Angeles girl, but my mother is a weekly reader of her Elinor Rathbone (broken), 1 teaspoon vanilla. Sift flour once, measure, add salt and soda and sift together three times. Add sugar to egg yolks, cream- ing well.. Add chocolate and blend. Add flour alternately with cream, a small amount at-a time. Beat after each - addition until smooth. . Add nuts and vanilla. Pour into deep greased cup-cake pans, filling them about 2-3 full. Bake in hot oven (400 F.) 15 minutes. Makes 3 dozen Brownies. Chocolate Macaroon 2 egg whites, 1 cup sugar, % tea- spoon salt, % teaspoon vanilla, 1% squares unsweetened chocolate (melt- ed), 1L cups coconut southern style shred. Beat until egg whites foamy -- == throughout; add sugar, 2 tablespoons at a time, beating after each addition until sugar is" blended. Then continue beating until 'mixture will stand in peaks. Add salt and vanilla. Fold in chocolate; then coconut. Drop from teaspoon on ungreased, heavy paper. Bake in slow oven (325 F.) 20 minutes or until done. Cool § minutes before removing from paper. ing to thyself, lest thou also be home town paper, "The Erin Advo- cate," I also am quite interested, and want to send my favorite luncheon salad recipe." Tuna Fish Salad in Cucumber Boats "Cut 3 or 4 cucumbers in half lengthwise, and hollow out. the cen- tres to hold the tuna fish. Place cu- cumbers in ice water until needed. Marinate tuna fish in French dress- ing, and let stand in the refrigera- tor for several hours. Before serving mix with 2 cups of tuna fish 1 cup diced celery, and 38 chopped hard- tempted." "It is a noticeable thing that men normally weak given direction are apt to be the severest judges of those who err in the same respect, just as people wno. have risen out of poverty are orten the harshest towards the poor." in any "Bear ye one another's burdens." "The" word here translated "burden" "donates any weight which presses heavily on the body or the mind, as toil, suffering, responsibility, anxte- ty." , 3. "For if a. man thinketh him- self to be something when he is no- boiled eggs. Place in the cucumber boats. Then pour over it a ravigote dressing. Ravigote Dressing Mash the yolks of 3 hard-boiled eggs until they are smooth,, Then mix in 4 tabsp. of salad oil, 3 tbsp. cream, 1 tbsp. vinegar, 1 tsp. salt, % tsp. pepper and a little paprika, 2 tbsp. chopped green onion, and 2 tbsp. finely chopped hard-boiled egg whites Attention 1 We will pay $1.00 on publication for the best salad dish or refreshing drink recipe received. HOW TO ENTER CONTES'1 Plainly write or print out the in. gredients and method and send it to- gether with name and Household Science, Room 421, 73 West Adelaide Street, Toronto. address to may be added. -- Leota E. Wright, 3336 Folsom St., Los Angeles, Cal. . 39 mocked: for whatsoever a man sow- eth, that shall he also reap." - As long as the law of this verse--that whatever a man sows he will reap-- is allowed to apply to nature, to sowing seed in the ground, every living person will admit its sover- eignty and truthfulness, and rejoice in it; but when this law is: lifted up into moral and spiritual realms, then men are often deceived into believ- ing that, no matter what kind of seed is sown, the consequences will not be so bad after all; or that they can sow one kind of seed and reap another. 8. "For he that soweth unto his own flesh." By the word "flesh" Paul here; means "that for the gra- tification of which the seé sown," or "that which forms the rulipg. end of the man's desires and actions, which conforms and molds the work and the aspirations of his presént life." "Shall' of the flesh reap cor- ruption." "The field of the fles} yields not full and solid- ears of corn, which may' be gathered up and garnered for future use,. but only blighted and putrescent grain," Spirit shall of -the Spirit reap eter- nal life." We must not confine our thought of this verse to the dark side, Too often the beautiful pro- mise of the last half of the verse is forgotten. The one who sows un- to the Spirit is the Christian who "walks not after the. flesh, but af- ter the Spirit." (Rom. 8:4'; "for the mind of the flesh is dead; but the mind' of the Spirit is life and peace" (Romans 8:6), 3 "And let us not be weary in well- doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not." Every man and woman attempting to live a straightforward Christian life knows what it is to grow weary in doing what he knows is right. It is a con- stant battle, - "So thén, as we have oppor- tunity, let us work that which is good toward all men, and especially toward them that are of the house- hold of the faith." In this verse the. teaching of the -entire preceding passage seems summed up. The church of Christ on earth, is frequently designated as the house or family of God (1 Tim, 3: 15; 1 Have you been looking for a frock really simple to make and flattering to wear? Then here is your pattern. You'll want it too, because it promises easy free- dom and carefree action wliether you are hiking, playing golf, ten- nis, or merely watching from the side lines, You can, run it up in no time, for the. step-by-step sew- ing instructions will direct you to short cuts in easy sewing. The frock has a simple yoke with set-in sleeves and a turn- down boyish collar- that is both: dashing and youthful. The skirt is notched for two additional pockets and you have a choice of either long or short sleeves. This sports, or generally utility frock is ideal in linen, gay_ prints, séer- sucker or gingham, Barbara Bell Pattern No. 1908: B is available for sizes: 10, 12, "14,716, 18 and 20. Size 12 ye- "quires 23% yards of 54 inch ma- terial, HOW TO ORDER PATTERNS Write your name and address plainly, giving number and size of pattern bi ig Enclose 20c¢ in stamps or coin (coin preferred); wrap it ta¥efully and address your order fo 'Barbara Bell, 73 Ade. "But he that soweth unto the Peter 2: 5; Heb, 8:6; Eph. 2: 19). laide W., T oronto, N FU MANCHU By Sax Rolimer -- Flas Severely Tyrannical Hubby British Woman M.P. Also Criticizes Laws Which Per- mit Man to Cut Famity. Husbands who, throughout married life, keep a "rod in picklke" for their wives were condemned by Miss Elin. - or Rathhone, M.P., at a meeting o the Union of Townswomen's Guilds, Lon- don. : "The 'rfod-in pickle'," sald' Miss Rathbone, "is the threat of disinherit- ance. Some tyrannical,- petty-minded men allow their wives no say in the education of their children, no money or not enough money for clothes or even for housekeeping. . "It the wife fnsists on her rights ° the husband says: 'Very well, have it your own way, but I'll cut you. out of my wil » . "England," sald Miss Rathbone, "is the only civilized country which al- lows the testator absolute freedom to leave, it he so wishes, his depend: 'ents unprovided for, As our laws now stand, a man with nioney can leave his wife or children to be maintained. out of Poor Law Funds. Most hus bands and fathers are mindful of their obligations, but it only one in 1,000 - 15 tiot that jiiakes a tofal, throughout the country, of 8,000 cases "| of hardship," ------ Take Census in One Day MOSCOW,--Using the services of 1,320,000 enumerators the Soviet Union expects to complete its 'census of 1937 in one day. : The work of enumerating will start at 8 am, on January 6 and will con- tine until midnight, Over 1,000 tons dt paper Will he '| used to print the census papers, and these will be cotinfed In Central sta- tions as Moscow, Leningrad and Kharkov by tabulating machines cap- o rebults o fthe census will be sum- marized within a year. able of sorting 480 'cards a ihinute. "

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