lowed. Open to Ontarig County and Entry Fee be. each. 1 Collection Towels, 1 guest, 1 bath, 1 linen 2 Linen Towel, emb...... ie isisiuiveinsnse .8 'Tea Towels (4) emb..........5.... ; 4 Sheets and Pillow Cases, any style 6 Pillow Cases, emb. .......oosrusissssns 6 Pillow Cases, crochet. trimmed. 1111111) 1. Centrepiece, white," emb........v he inss 8 Luncheon set, NER 8" Five O'Clock Tea Cloth ...... 5000 00ens 10 Table Runner, coloured Leirassiiesyeins Li R= Buffel Set ..i.i...iverssidensreiannns 12 Card Table Cover, oh LIP TY ho 13. Tea Cosy... .. EE CTE EPR PERE P Pi 14 -Bridge Set, coloured, linen:............. ° 16 Luncheon Cloth and Serviettes .%........ Plate of Five Alexander Se 2 _BenDavis serara sana rarnnt 416 2 Ewe, Lamb Cll MeN dd ade oh 8 2 eras snsnssanns a Flock--to consist of one Ram, two Ewes one year or over, RE Taldwips RNR : 72 and two Ewe Lambs sistesssesseennmpranseresssraRibbon Greeni RIA 76 y Class {5--HORNED DORSETS ] nas . Belltlowers AIRE 76 Aged RBI. sci xuenng vise is is pre sin vidS : Golden Russets .........." 6 Shearling Ram i cissssriinssseeraiesis a EA Snow or Faieuse ........ : a6 Ram Lamb , . 3 : LED Meintosh Red raeiieieas 16 "Ewe, two shears i ; p ( Talman Sweet ..l......i 6 CY by "Pewaukee Caengienisaiens Jq6 Shearling EWE xT mses eerie Ter ER : ; " ; ,, SET eh St Lawrence FER TIA Jab Ewe Lamb i iciaviiiia dvi dons dhivaviass i ; : : LTA SEPTEMBER 24th, 1936 |" ™.IiirIn mi fais and two Ewe Lambs ...... ER MRR) +. «Ribbon i¥ Sirk a 6 HORSES : : Class 16--COTSWOLDS | : Ontario Sarah aTaarrenrans J6 ) ; Blenh Pi seein 76 NOTE--In connection with the prizes for Horses, each winner Aged an SEARS a 7 : 20 A o on 4 Ppia 75 will be given a ribbon instead of prize tickets. Shearling Ram ........ teres ; fis) ei ARAL ? 16 Sofa Pillow, emb.......0u.o0iTuuiiyenns Ram LAD costes . Clapps Favorite Pears .... 76 117 Sofa Pillow, any style fees. Entry in this Class is One Dollar for each horse in Jaros. Bwe, i shears and over ....... Fran ph \ Hartjett ears 4 ahs Send, 1 0 18 Bed Lamp, hand made ....... All other entries 50c. each. This includes Classes 1, 2, 8, 4, b, and 6,| 5 Shearling Ewe ; Lombard. Pama ss oss 76 's0] 19 Bed Spread ......... TL Ra TTI Brood mare in all classes must have foal by side or show evidence of Ewe Lamb 2 . " MARY SIUMB eps eerees" +19, "2-1 20 Quilt, cotton, pieced i. being with foal. " Flock--to consist of one Ram, two Ewes one year or over, Reine Claude Plums™...... Jb. I Class 1--CLYDESDALE and two Ewe Lambs ........ NRF Y Pr vives seeeq Ribbon Shearling BWe ...i:snsssiissssasssastansnans 8 aad NOTE--Membership entitles the member to one dollar'in entry EE CR RI : Quilt, applique Hy A Ey STS Per Class 25-- BUTTER EGGS 'and HONEY 22 Afghan, any style,' home-made. , hE Brood Mare = $2 Champion Ram ....... Se ats «vee eeq.. Ribbon 4 23 Specimen of Roman Cut Work Pereira One Year Old Filly or Gelding Champion Ewe coi evvs er aainng wl Ee vvvv.rvs.v. Ribbon | NUTE--Membership entitles members to One Dollar in 'entry Fees,| 24 Specimen Tatting ............0.0vivunr. Two Year Old Filly or Gelding ...... TPN ] : lkintry Fee 'L0c. each in this Class Specimen Needlepoint &.......e......... Foal of 1936 Class 17--LAMB SPECIAL ' Entries only trom Ontario County and Cartwright Township. 26 Hemstitching on linen or cotton): ....:.. Best Market Lamb under 90 pounds ..7.....$6 $4 .$3 $2 $1 ¥ive rounds Butter in crock ,.,......s.. $3.00 $200 $1.00 Buttonholes on finished garments un- Prizes donated by Messrs. MacGregor, Cawker and Christie. rive rounds Butter in squares or prigts. 8.00 200. 1.00] laundered.. .. .. .... ., .iiiiiiiienin, : 8 Une Dozen Brown KEES. .........enness .60 25 Laundry Bag, home-made. . serrsidianen Brood Mare Best fa Gites 15h Jonson LAMB SPECIAL $3.00 | ° Une vozen White Kggs ,...ivivivinen., 60 : 26 4 Kitchen Apron '..... cv... iaiaarvivine - One year old Filly or Gelding Craven sa Zia AE gui GS AAAS RAMEE ERE ELE LL a Standard grading, quality and size to count. ~ Child's Dress, 6 years and under, ......... "Two year old Filly or Gelding SWINE . " Honey"incomb, 6 POURS ,ius.sessreens 1.00 : 1b Child's Rompera Ye EA reat rae Foal of 1936 ..... SET SHH ra vrs wn . - ~ kntracted Honey, 6--1 Ib. Glass Jars ...... 1400 50 Baby's Bonnet, Jacket, Bootees, knitted. . Best Percheron Mare, any age ........cvo0veenienenenns Class 19--YORKSHIRE Must be regulation honey jars, oe Baby's Bonnet, Jacket, Bootees, any .style Boar, under eight months ................ ... Baby's Carriage Cover, hd ii ey Class 3--AGRICULTURAL el Boar, over eight months ........ Fea vus veges ; Class 26--DOMESTIC SCIENCE: Cooking Ladies' Smock, home-made, ERE TE IL Brood Mare . 3 Breeding Sow, under eight months .......... Ladies' House Dress One year old Filly or Gelding . Breeding Sow, over eight months ............ NOTE--Membership entitles member, to 'One Dollar in Entry Fees, Ladies' Night Gown LI Two year old Filly or Gelding .7....... ¥. : " : Entry Fee bc, each. Ladi Foal of 1936 ; Class 20--BACON HOGS® : "Entries only from Ontario County and Cartwright Township, Loe ba a: BB ys a rake Sxnelase nal F Best Agricultural, any age ................ rind iat fee 3 .Rosette Best Pair Bacon Hogs, 180 to 230 Ibs, ....... 3 Loaf White Bread «...vveeeeersnneenns $.7 $.50 Ladies' Hat and Scarf to testers AAS AM 2nd prize--Metal Hog Trough by Metallic Roofing Co. Loaf Brown Bread 7% .60 Ladies' Ha J iti (hls lass 4--PAIR IN HARNESS-- _Clydes, Percheron or Agricultural. og ' 5 a ed ERR REE CREE ERE RAEN . . ies' Hand Bag,' hand-hade....... ces Pair in Harness, 3200 and over 8 6 4| [Exhibits only from Ontario County and Cartwright Township. = Home-niads 1 a POE ape BO 26] 42 Ladies' Costume Slip ........c000uenivn" Pair in Harness, under $200 ............ 8 . 6 4 . Class 21--POULTRY ; ix Baking Powder Biscuits ............ +60 2b Ladies' Pullover, knitted. ....viuviou,iis B * " Fruit Cake, light RT SY . 1.00 tiie 7 Jb $ Boys' Sweater Coat, "knitted; sleeveless i ETT Sante a Class 5--LIGHT HORSE CLASS eel Entry fee is 10c. each in this class. Fruit Cake, dark .............000000e0n, 1,00 <6 Boys' Sweater Coat, knitted, long sleeves Angel Cake, iced ..:..oreervnniasennnns J76 : 00 ' Boys' Sweater Coat, knitted oh ; pe nd ra " Send 3 "an ad A a ey A aint ", Ne St I am I A a TT Melon ah ey Cah ry : 5 ERP. pa 3 SS Brood Mare : Birds showing symptoms of disease must be removed from pens. Une year ald Filly or Gelding ' Exhibits only from Ontario County and Cartwright Township. Banana Layer Cake (recipe attached) ... +16 ; .60 " Boys' Golf Socks... Cee rE ee 'I'wo year ola Filly or Gelding ............ Orange Layer Cake (recipe attached) .... 76 60 Men's Knitted Socks ......vvvenerevnnss. Foal of 1436" Anconas, any variety ....... ' Crees 8 Chocolate Layer Cake i.ivvvvadiialnnnes : 6 60 Rug, braided ........iiiveeceesneiiiie. Single Roadster, under 15% ponds voor ] Wyandotte, White oo Date Loaf ....coviviiiiryniiinenenreens 60 25 Rug, 'hooked with wool \......iiiuuasn Single Roadster, 16% hands and over .... Sussex, - Light ...: RPE SHOrt Bread viii. v vise ine iensryisel® 60 26] 61 Slipper Case, any style .. Lady Driver .....ooeevveeieeennaens vee. Leghorn, White .......... Np aes ne i '13 Apple Pie .......... id sain A die 76 50 Hot Pan Holders SER PR SE DE . } . Leghorn, Brown : ; Raisin Pie .........cooiiiiiiiiiiiiiie, 6 60 Oilcloth Novelties 1.11111 Class 6--PONIES Minorca, any variety ........ eres '28 . Lion Pio... ci casnevoivssmessonsiiviin, oni HB 50 Best Labor Saving Devise ..:........... Ponies, 12 hands and under, on halter _---4| Orpington, Buff ....... Sige rnniet 3 Pumpkin Pie. .iiiiiiiiiiiiniininens J 60 Piece of Fancy Work made in 1936 by lady Ponies, over 12 hands and under 13% hands Orpington, White Fe Six Bran Muffins ........coivinnnnnennes 60 2b over 70 year of age in harness ($1 entry tee) Rocks, Barred ...... . : : Six Butter Tarts ...uovevveevreesernsnes 60 2b » Class 7--LLOYD McKEE SPECIAL } Rocks, White cere Tis : i Six Doughnuts tees sees ease issue .b0 26 ! Class 31--FLOWERS Rhode Island Reds > : Jelly Roll L.uiviiiiisisivonnvreninvonne to 1:50 26 |x 'or the best two 1936 colts sired by (ove )eeernnns eo ; A ' i " NOTE-- Membership entitles member to $1.00 i ; For the best-tibo cals sin byt ) Prizes for above--First Prize 7bc. Second Prize 50c. Six Cookies, (plain) ......c..iiiviiiiiy x60 26 fee for this class | is 6c. each. Open to Bats LEE ) ad : 3 Six Ginger Snaps ......vcieieiianaiiain £0 26 CATTLE i po ELE dt a : Six neni Bil 60 26 Township, 3 v Sed an Seas Sh wid SR § ed Ducks, Indian Runner oe BT Meat Loaf, garnished eereesiieniiiaees rn S76 - 60 1 Gladiolus, 8 of oath variety, not more than Turkey, Bronze ...... ries ie School Lunch £.....covvviivniiveseanras Jb 60 10 varieties viii ii iia van ae 1.00 Class 8--SHORTHORNS, Pure Bred °° Pair Geese, Embden, over 1 year ............ Let 26 % Ib. Box Home-made Candy, maple or fudge , .76 60 Me 2s yr Fibiind three additional priges in above-- Pair Geese, Toulouse, over 1 year BREE rE Class --DO ES SCIEN Canning adiolus bulbs of his choice--60c,, 40c., 20s, elie These. are * Prizes_for labove--First Prize $1.00. Second Prize 76¢. 27 MESTIC. CE: in addition to the above prizes.) « : A . ; y Entry Fee be. each, All fruit must be in one pint jars and jelly in 2 Snapdragon, 6 spikes ...........00iivunnii: © 50 - Class 22--GRAIN, SEEDS, Ete. . -small jelly jars. 3 Collection Dahlias, 1 each, ok more than 12 , 1.00 Entries only from Ontario County and Cartwright Township. 4 Best Basket: Flowers, arrangement considered, 1.00 Collection of Fruit, 6 jars ............ $1.26 $ .76| (Mr. W. D. Dyer is offering two additional isi in the above 3 ~ Canned Peaches, 1 jar .......cveeveivnns 680 - ~ 40| if Gladiolus are the Predoniiiating flower--60c, and 40c, in Canned Pears, 1 JAr .....cvvievenionennes 60 40 bulbs of his choice.) Canned Cherries, 1 jar .......ooveuunns 60 . ~ A401 5° Asters, 1 variety, shell pink or "red, p blooms ,. Canned 'Raspberries, liar ooooeviiniiin, 80-40] g Asters, 1 variety, purple or mauve, 6 blooms .. Te Canned Plums, 1 Jar .........ccovenniun, 401 7 Asters; 1 variety, white, & blooms... ... 6 Canned Pineapple, 1 jar ............0000 60 40) g Collection Asters, 8 of each variety, not more : ! Canned Citron, 1 Jar .vooeviiiiieiiannnn, 60 40 'than five ir ha Sn ra eT ven 1.00 .Thimbleberries, 1 jar .....ovevunsreinnes 60.0 + 40} 9 Collection of Roses -. TE bt eam BT | Black Currants, 1 Jar 1. vive svers nes i480 «401 10 a iii etalon ; 50 ~ Collection Jellies, 6 jars ......coivvivees 1.25 "76111 Pansies, 12 blooms with folia < / ; ; REGTRIAO a if Crabapple Jelly, 1 jar ....coiieensnesnes .60 40] 19 Fern, L plant. Sr testes 2 » "Grape Jelly, 1 jar eveeartiesiidiii, . 60 40] 13 Geranium, in pot / Ss er Fruit Syrup for beverages <wiviiveviuoss. -60 40194 Begonia, 1 plant, tuberous ..........s..... eg! 76 RR =I BE BE BE VU Trees esr ete RISALAERN HKCU RE x3 oY] i Cd WR ER Th Ty Ht I NOTE---Membership entitles member to One Dollar in entry fees. Cattle entries oUc. each. Registration must be produced on demand. Bull; two years and over .. Bull Calf, one year and over Bull Call, under one Year ..........v.oeuns Heiter Calf, under one year Heiter, one year and under two Heiter; two years and under three ..... rh Cow, three years and over , Herd oi ® animals; Bull over 1 year, Cow, 2 year old Heifer Yearting Heifer, Heifer Calf Wy 4 Class 9--SPECIAL, Entry Fee 25¢. Best Pure Bred Calt, Dairy 'type, 6 months to 1 year, must haved bred, raised, and owned by exhibitor. Prize donated by the hite B ean . I. LATON CU; TORONTO. hoi 8 anes ; Class 10--HOLSTEINS, ure Bred. . Field Peas, any variety ....... Bull, two years and over . ~~ Oats, White EEE ERE RR ERE pull Calt, one year and over _ Timothy Seed . Bull Calt, under one year . - Red Clover Seed . : Alsike Seed . Hener Calt, under one year Collection Pickles, 6 jars, home-mad 1.25 Js]: Heiter, one year and under two Collection of Grains, four varieties, % bus. each En, Fi hd 9S ua ce. : 4 oll . re 1s Coleus, 8 pots .,. wer : : Marigold, 6 blooms... ..uvviessi si unrnnns Heiter, two years and under three : . Class 23--VEGETABLES and ROOTS . Onion and Cucumber Pickles, 1 Jar . ...... 60 40| 17 go ooms . 60 Cow, three years and over Nasturiums, 12 blooms . OT SPIDER .60 Herd ot b animals, Bull over 1 year, Cow, 2 year old Heifer, Entry Fee be. each. Son an Pikes, 2 jar hh oy Lok Add 0 : i 8 Annual Phlox, 6, blooms .........cvivenren.in 60 Yearling Heiter, Heiter Calf ........ 4 3 Exhibits only from Ontario County add Cartwright Township. ' EALKEEE LAS 8 : = Petunias, - 'single, 12 blooms with foliage .,,. . .b0 9 'I'wo ammals, progeny of one Cow 4 8 Ay ~The Directors of the Port Perry 'Fair Board have decided to 20 Petunias, double, 12 blooms with foliage ...... ~~. .50 TAKE NUILICE--The Massey-Harris donation of $6.00 Credit Slip Five Turnip Beets ............. tins en $.75 $ 5 make a class for the Women's Institutes of Reach, -Scugog and Cart-| 21 Table Bouquet, dining room ................ 6. will be allotted to the exhibitor winning the greatest amount in the ~ Five Blood Beets, half long . 1edid dae «6 wright, allowing $16.00 in five prizes--$6,00, $4.00, $3.00, $1.00 and Table Bouque, living room .............,... 6 ive stock classes and deducted trom his winnings. Two Heads Winter Cabbage ........ dren - 76 : 50 $1.00. Judging to be on points--100 for each article divided as 45, Best Individual Gladioli Spike (250. in bulbs donated by Mr. an Two Heads Red Cabbage ............... «+76 60186, 20. Also the exhibitor will have the privilege of placing their| ~~ W. D.Dyer, of Columbus.) 9. : Class 11--HOLSTEIN SPECIAL Two Heads Cauliflower Yoshio 76 601 name on the exhibit after the judging if they desire, but any mark- |" RR Miniature true type Model Trophy given by the Ontario County Five Table Carrots ........cccooovviine. +76 60 ings, signs or variations from the following list will bar the exhibitor, Holstein Breeders' Club, to the breeder of the two best Holsteins at Three Heads Celery . ETL Te 6 "60 Ent = ry fee $1.00, ; =) ; the Fair. To be kept by the winner one year thén returned for an- we Citrons ........ ded Bap halk bibs pith d od Ry Pieced Cotton Quilt. ' % dozen Parker House Rolls. Strand Theatre Raglan Jia) competion. hore Ontarie County | 10. TO WALEE MOIR soie ses senss esnoon 5 so| Hooked Rug (sag) Light Cake (layer) iced | ~~ UXBRIDGE is NOTE--No person may win more than-one of these Ontario County | : tein i ouse Dress . , /1'Pint Jar Canned Tomatoes : Mrs. J. Smith returned to "Trophies. . '| Five Fe i een : 280 Kitchen Apron _ 1 Pint Jar Canned Corn | Thursday, Fir, Saturday, (this week) | her home in Uxbridge. after | hie 2 i { .. |spending a week with her Class 12--BABY BEEF SPECIAL--Entry fee 25¢. * '16 Ibs. Early White Potatoes NYY ERENT 6 50 Vens Eniied Socks 2 Pint Jar ned Boars : 7 : XEN MAYNARD, In J daughter Mrs, John Wilson. : : 16 Ibs. Late White Potatoes ......... el le Srey Knitted Mitts ber io ways of Cooking Apples. "Hei : 99| Mr. Albert Miller and sons Animal under 700 Ibs. 4 '3 2 1] WE S85 wok l 9a 27 | Dining Room Bouquet, 1 1b. bar Home-made Soap. : elr to 'Trouble Clarence and Gordon spent - . rges Be ries Av : 1 Loaf White Bread, entire crush. - the week end with rela wl NOTE--Membership entitles members to One Dollar in entry fees. Largest Squash . A : Y "A new, thrilling Western, crammed at Orillia and Coldwater, Bis Entry fee for Classes '13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 19, and 20 is 26c. each. Double "Hubbard * Squash EERE TITRPS: * 60 3 5 Class 28--FINE ARTS ; ) ~ with action. Also Chap. 5 of Glad to, report, Mr. Robt, : : Five Tomatoes ......ccvvevveeievnvnas . 50 v2 Squelch is able to be around entries in Sheep and Swine with only one exhibitor showing, second Clitieh Tolhlots op ER ; 6 Entries only from Ontario County and Cartwright Township. "HURRICANE EXPRESS" and a|after his hocident in hone - money only allowed. F : NOTE---Membership entitl b F _ COMEDY. . | which confined him to th our Swede Turnips ............... : 60 embership entitles member to One Dollar in Entry Fees. : Exhibits only from Ontario County and Cartwright Township. Fo Ao hint ces Pha 50-8]. Entries in this Class knowns. to have been shown before willbe oii - | hospital for a few days; aah, SHEEP Four Yellow Variety Mangels .......... 50 - . "discarded. ; i . LR 15 i = : : Bix Parsnip" . 1 vusv's i oxrsrvsysivrenens 50 : gt Entry Fee bc. each, ~ Mon., Tues.; Wed, AUG. 17-18-19 Class 13--LEICESTERS Six White Carrots ......cvvviiiniverins 50 Painting in Oil ..ivoviviiininiriiinees os 6 : You a i ; Six Ears Yellow Sweet Corn ............ 50 Painting in Water Colors ATTAINS | Loretta Young and Chas. Boyer, in hearling Ram ....... Civ dries evi. .e Collection Vegetables, not over 12 varieties Painting on China .....c.viviviiivinines Chenin 1b, [{ " dn dy ciated vin IA SENET IEE ' L : and must be from above articles (1-256) Pencil Drawing v.v.vevvivevenirniesins BE [} 'SHANGHAI! ! ah d : : = arrangement considered ......ve..0. 2.00 Crayon Drawing ......cccoviidvniiniiien 6 afi are Dleas Jie Jeo shat and oven ; a Dune svn Thin iar by sivas or, an [S618 £5 Blt Ewe Lamb EERE RE EER . Class 24 FRUITS Reed Work - FTE eR ve ae he dal «76 4 y: : [2 a at "Obata Flock----to consist of one Ram, two Ewes one year or over, NOTE---Membershi entitl es 'member to One: Dollar in entry toes. | ' aL aa . and two Ewe Lambs...,.... 8 ntry Sc. each in this class, Class 29---LADIES' WORK na Lo Class 14--SHROPSHIRES : 'Entries only from Ontario County and Cartwright Township, = | « All xhibits must be the work of the Exhibitor. Judges' of Ladies'| Thursday, Fri, Sat, (Next Week) si Fe yn oes 36,5 1 Collection Winter Apples, 8 of each variety. Sob work are authorized by the Directors of the Society to discard all| = We M. Powell in [Fe Aged Ram EA A GH Coorrectly. named i aps hiiaiiiy eto 4100 "§ 15] soiled, defuced ox olf work and iustructed tv award the prizes to the. "ESCAPADE" : or. and Shearling Ram Ce 8 2| 2 Collection of Fall Apples, 8 of each variety 7 "| NEW and UP-TO-DATE work. 'Tn case of né competition, unless the Es 4 Ewe, two heats ANd OVX ..uvivviiinnrinins © correctly named ...iiiiiiiiiiiiinin 1.00 6 SXhibjt is with, the prize will he withbed or sosond prise ouly al ~ COME WHERE IT'8 COOL, gar NF dan i: ' : > : Py : : : sd ee <n |e ©» NOTE--Membership entitles members to One Dollar in entry fees. Entry Fee 26c. each. Exhibits of Grain and Seeds must contain ONE 'bushel each. Exhibits only from Ontario County and Cartwright Township. BIC NNN x ~c eo RYN [SR 1% 8 1 Fall: Wheat. Spring Wheat .......... IPI LS, Sn ee venus Six Rowed Barley ........ wd pina sili eis © 00-3 CC CON NOOO NNN DD | ©» Pb pd fb pd pd ped ped pd ped pd x =~ CC a WN © 00-1 Cu ON EE ET