Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star (1907-), 20 Aug 1936, p. 3

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£ tT 1 Feat A, b » In Buying Cows 2 Examine Udders ». A [Fey ve a """mext venture to taste it. iv Ys a » "3 For Naretg The Two Chief Phases That| Require Very Special "Attention .. There are two pringipal phases in connection with the marketing of the poultry in Canada that require very special attention just now, according to the report of the Special Poultry Conference held in Qttawa recently, These two phases are. 1. The weights and grades that are most iz demand in Canada for dom- estic and 'export markets. = 2. The best means of transportation of live birds trom the producer to the market so as to avoid unnecessary loss in weight or deterioration in qua- lity while the. birds are ii transit. Ordinarily Canada's chicken crop - 18 marketed for the most part in two weights -- broilers (2 1-4 1bs., and un- der) and heavy chickens (4% lbs and over). Neither of these weights fit the largest demand of the British market and during the last few years the quantity produced in Canada has not been veadily absorbed by the de- mand at home, Hh ~ .It 1s suggested that poultry produ- cers throughout Canada produce one- half of their leghorn and other light weight breeds to market them from 2 1-4 to 3 lbs each, and during the three weeks immediately preceding the time they are to be. marketed, "pen feed or crate the birds in order to have them qualify for A or at the least B grade in the milk-fed class. A similar practice is advised for the barred rocks or other heavy breeds. A proportion of these breeds should |. be sent to market early in. August, September and early October, when they weigh alive around 4 lbs. each. Premjums are recommended for those * that qualify in the milk-fed class. The premiums suggested by the Dressed Poultry Committee of the Canadian Produce Association: for birds in the milk-fed class are: 3 cents per lb. for milk-feds over selects; 2 cents per lb. for milk-fed A over -milk-fed B; and 3 cents per lb, for Selected A over Selected B and for Grade B over the Grade C 4 cents per lb. The fact is that marketing poultry of indifferent quality results in a sub- stantial loss to. poultry producers throughout Canada. Neither the dom- estic nor the British market, which is avallable for millions of pounds of Canadian dressed poultry, can get a sufficient supply of quality birds. The biggest money for poultry producers in Canada is to be made with milk- fed A and milkfed B birds. The mar- ket is too often glutted with low- grade birds, never with those of qua- lity which always command a prem- fum, eins wea aioe eva Cannot Judge Solely by the Looks or Take Soundness for Granted - In buying cows always look for a sound udder. One cannot judge solely from.the looks of the udder, or take its soundness for granted. An actual examination is absolutely necessary. Before buying a cow it always pays to sit down and go over every part of the udder with the hands. Gentle mas- sage will locate every lump and hard spot. Such tumorlike places or "bun. ches" in an udder tell the story 'of past attacks of garget, slight: or sev- ere, and indicate the likelihood of a recurrence of the attack at a subse- quent calving, They should also lead one carefully to examine the milk se- created by the affected gland. It is is therefore well to strip a stream of milk from each teat in turn into the palm of the hand; then ote its appear- Gum-Dipped Cords are only one of the ex- tra values you get in Firestone Tires--at no extra cost. + Only Firestone uses this extra process that saturates and insulates every fibre of every cord to eliminate internal heat and friction--the great. est enemy of tire life, : ~~ Firestone Tires do not cost one cent more than ordinary tires -- your nearest Firestone Dealer has a tire to suit every purse. See him today. Firestone HIGH SPEED TIRES - afent ever hull AWA B77) A A | tan New Extra Rider Strio : ----- Bullion production at ° Kirkland Lake Gold Mining Company .for the 'quarter ended June 30th amounted to $182,260 as compared with $192,141 in the preceding Quarter. During the "8months ended Jun. 30th the com- 'pany treated a total of 21,829 tons of ore, against 21,146 tons milled in the first quarter. Pandora Cadillac Mines, Ltd, 1s making application to the Montreal Curb Market for the listing of the shares on that exchange. It is ex- within a short time. The latest of- ficial - information from the property is. that the de-watering of the werk: ing has been completed,- and opera- tions resumed on the south crosscut on the 250-foot level, At the time ot cessation of operatfons this erosscut had reached a point about 800 feet from the shaft and was calculated to be- within. 60-feet of a new zone that had been indicated by diamond drill- ing some distance south of the under- ground workings, Widths up to 12 feet were encountered in the new area. \ : James E. Boyle, president of Rich- mac Gold Mines, (1936) Ltd, in a wire to tocal officials, states that-first assay results from the No. 1 vein yielded values of $5.60, $38.40 and $112.00 (gold at $20.67) al] across a width of 8 feet and aver a length of 100 feet. : Public offering is being made by Milner Ross &:Co. of 300,000 shires of Sanshaw- Mines, Ltd., located in ance and-smell, and if there seems to be no sign of abnormality one may The quarter that contains a tumor or scar tissue has been attacked by garget at some time in {ts history; . and will be subject to futther attacks. In some instance tuberculosis of the -udder is present, especially where the lump is high up at the rear of the udder. Testing with tuberculin should therefore be done without fall, when hard insensitive lumps are felt'in an udder. : : Siete fies It fs also unsafe to buy a "three. teater" cow. or one whose milk is ab- WENDIGO ng Complete information re- arding this junior pro- ucing mine may be - had « from A. G. "WHITE & COMPANY 812 Metropolitan Bldg. TORONTO ELgin 6373 normal in any way, for infection pos. pected that the stock will be listed, the Patricia district of Ontario to the north and- east of Red Lake Gold Shore Mines. Work accomplished to date has resulted in the discovery ot 2 veins on which W. P, Mackle, M.E., recommends a series of diamond drill holes to be put down to intersect the vein at 100 feet. Surface prospect- ing Is also recommended by Mr. Mackle. ent 2 3 . R. M. (Rotter, M. E.,, mine manager of Molfatt-Hall Mining Co. in a re- port to head office states that the mine walls have been-- completely washed down ready for an examina- tion by Dr. James, who has been appointed conlulting engineer for the Moftatt-Hall property. Mine manager Potter also reports that well min- eralized vein has been intersected with the diamond drill 600 ft. south of the shaft at a depth of over 800 feet in the drill hole. ) F. A. Mrall, engineer in charge ot operations at Monetary Metals, Ltd., fn a wire to C. E. Powell, company president, reports that an important discovery was made recently on the property adjoining Arm Mines in the Red Lake district. The management at the present time 'is not disposed to divulge the importance of the dis- covery until results of assays are ob- tained and further details from their engineer are forthcoming. Ardeen Gold Mines production for the first halt of July amounted to $14,682, according to official informa. tion. Monthly output has beeh run- ning close to $20,000 and for the month of June .was valued at $21,000. Millheads, however, have been show- ing improvement of late and final re- turns for the entire month of July is expected to show a substantial in- crease over previous months, Samples of ore taken from the 1004 winze and rafse near the 1,000-ft. level and about 66 feet south of the winze are re- ported offically to run exceptionally Ligh in gold. Issue No. 33 -- '36 46 sibly may sptead from such a cow to the others in the herd. A careful ma. nual examination of the udder, in all of its parts, and as to the quality of. the milk yielded, {is of "paramount importance before money is invested fn a cow, and never should be neg- lected. ' The humble "tanner" is easily the most popular silver coin as 283,000, 000 sixpences have been issued from the Mint since 1920. Shillings, halfs erowns and florins come next in popu larity, but the threepenny piece 1s Just the "also ran." Since 1920 only pm-- = KENAKOTT KIR 'GOLD MINES, Limited One Claim North of Bidgood Kirkland, East Kirkland Lake Area surface development under direction of ngineer, and B. L, MacVelgh, B.A, M.8¢,, Doubled crew of men. now Ieahing James BE. Grant, M.E,, Consulting geologist. 65,000,000 have been minted, Financial arrangements are being completed to assure property. development to.the production stage. ! Fox further 88 King St. West rmation, write or telephone the company. ADelaide 2900 / KIRKLAND for this Toronto A wisetracker maintains that when a politician makes up his bed he should lie in it. Unfortunately, he seems more inclingd to make up his bunk and lie out of it. The little man had applied for a deed of separation from his wife on the grounds of cruelty, Asked to prove his case, he replied: "One night I dreamed I had won $100,000, and in the morning my wife nearly killed me for not putting it in the bank be- fore I woke up." When a fellow is referred to as "the most promising man in town" it does not always mean he is likely to succeed. He may be in debt. "Fond Wife--Who was that Sylvia you were talking about all night in 'your sleep? Convincing. Husband--Sylvia? Syl- via? Oh, that was just a horse I laid a bet on yesterdpy, my dear. Irate - Wife -(hours later)--That Kenakott Kirkland Gold Mines Limited An extensive diamond campaign has been started under the direction "of the company's consulting engineer, James E. Grant, M.E,, previously General Manager of the Wright-Hargreaves, and Mr. drilling JE. L. MacVeigh, B. A.,, M.Sc, Geo- logist. This. campaign was com- menced as the result of information gained from extensive development work and geological survey. .The first drilling is being concentrated on vein No, 8, where surface values of from $2.00 :to $10.00 have.been found. On the main break where a shaft has been sunk to over 20 ft values up to $15.00 have been found. This will be the second point for diamond drilling. On the east ena of the property there is a peninsula separating Me- Tavish Lake on the west and. Vic- toria Lake on the east, on which there is a break" about 100 feet wide. A pit 20 feet deep has been sunk in this break and shows favor- able geological formation and min- eralization for ore occurrences and some values have already been found. It is thought this may be a continuation of the Bidgood ore. A large crew of men under the direction of the geologist are con- tinuing development work on the five- known vein systems," with a view to establishing the extent of the veins. : Mr. Grant in his July report said: "The property is so large and the mineralized area so widely some time to make a comprehensive report and with three major show- ings it is like examining three mines and selecting the best one to work on. ; carry lumps o' sugar around in my separated that it is going to take| house you bet on yesterday tried twice to get you on the phone, today. People who live in a fool's para- dise seldom think about paying the rent, : * Tramp--Could you spare me some- thing fora cup of coffee? Scotsman--Hoot, mon! D'e think I pockets, 4 + If we were as good as we advice others to be, heaven would be right here on this earth. : Two aristocratic looking gentlemen were discussing their family affairs one day. One was worried about the conduct of his son, saying: First --I don't know what to do with him. He went out with a girl about a month ago and caught trench mouth from her. . Second--That's nothing. Likely to happen to any young man today. First--But it is something. He gave it to our hired girl--and then I got it from her and gave it to. my wife! Second -- Say! You'd better do something about him right away. Good lord, maybe I've 'got it right now, ' If there's so much good in the worst of us, } ' And so much bad in the best of us, Why does one political party claim All virtue in talk to the rest of us? Friend (on the beach, as they watch the girls exercise in modern bathing suits) -- Do you think this sort of thing is really any good for reducing ? Second Friend -- Rather! Why, 1 walk three miles every day to see it! Still another thing this country needs in the light of recent develop- ment, is bigger and better taxpayers. First Friend -- What part in the play are they giving you? Second Friend--I'm to be the hero- ine's father. First Friend--What does he do? Second Friend--He dies five years before the curtain rises on the first act. Acquaintance is an asset or a liability. . . . We must know people in order to be truly interested in. them. . Gold mining and good men are much alike. . . . The deeper in you dig into their value, the more. values you are sure to find. . . . Get ac- quainted with men, . , , Father "(to youngster just put to bed)--Now, what are you crying for? Son--I want a drink. Father--So do I; go to slecp! Hay: fever is reported to be cured in St.-George's- Hospital, London, by "electroplating" the patients nostrils, the prccess consisting of applying a coat of ironized zinc to the inside of the nose by electricity. Recent figures show that the na- tion's defence can be paid for by drink, for the revenue which the Gov- ernment collects from the liquor trade nearly pays the cost of Britain's de- al ; You: Just CAN'T BUY A FINER The PERFECT Chewing Tobacco Lancashire Lass Completes Education In Unique School SINGAPORE--Miss Edna Taylor, a 17-year-old Lancashire girl, who is making a world cruise in a tramp steamer to complete her education, has reached Singapore. She is the daughter of Captain J. F. Taylor, master of the Liverpool steamer Athelduke, and her father took her straight from a Lancashire convent school to sign on as a nom- inal member of the ship's crew for the voyage. Miss Taylor has her pet dog with her. From Singapore her father is taking her to Batavia, and home to England via Cape Town. Captain Taylor, who has been 25 years at sea, is a na- tive of Bootle. His wife has often accompanied him on long voyages in tramp steamers. ' - "GAIN WEICHT C. C. & B. Tonic Tablets are really 4 great tonles -- Calefum Carbonate to purify the blood, banish pimples, blackheads and blotches -- and Brew- .er's Yeast, Blaud's Iron and Extract of Cod liver to bulld you up, nourish the bleed, steady the nerves and put pounds of solid flesh on thin people. Start to enjoy life, to look and feel your hest today -- all drug stores. $100.00. FREE in cash prizes Ask your druggist for C. 0. & B. Contest Blank. fence upkeep. Manila, Shanghai, -- The only faith that wears well and holds its colour in all weathers ig that which is woven of conviction, and set with the sharp mordant of ex- perience.--Lowell. Classified Advertising ARTIFICIAL LIMBS HANGER STANDARD LIMB Co. 126 Wellington West, Toronto. Im- proved limbs without shoulder straps, Free catalogue, AUTO ACCESSORIES NEW AND USED CAR AND TRUCK parts shipped everywhere. Satis- faction guaranteec or money refunded. Prompt attention to enquirles; Levy Auto Parts, Head Office 736 Queen St West, Toronto. : PHOTOGRAPHY ROLL your FILMS DEVELOPED, printed with free enlargement, 26c. Photo-Craft, 183) King East, FILM DEVELOPED ANY ROLL FILM DEVELOPED AND printed, 260 coln. Reprints, 10 for 26c. Windsor Photo Finishers. 102 Wel- lington St, Windsor, Ont. BICYCLE and AUTO TIRE BARGAINS $2 UP; AUTOMOBILE TIRES; Bicycles, $10 up. Transportation prepaid. Free catalogue. Peerless, 105 Dundas West, Toronto. PHOTOGRAPHY OUR ROLL FILMS DEVELOPED, printed with free enlargement, 28c. Photo-Craft, 1833 King East, Toronto. FILMS DEVELOPED ANY ROLL FILM DEVELOPED AND printed. 25c coin. Reprints, 10 for 26c. Windsor Photo Finishers, 102 Wele Ilngton St., Windsor, Ont. HERE : ® ® © o ! 0 ~ TORII Tv Toronto, ~~ Is

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