Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star (1907-), 20 Aug 1936, p. 5

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> . cin = RE ¥ EA A " Lr 8 EASY IF diay BUY -- FROM -- ar : BERT. MacGREGOR 3 m-- - . ERR ---------- PAGE FIVE GREENBANK ,/ (100 late 10r last week) = Mr, '1, Lanton, Saskatchewan, callea on 1iriends one day last week, Mrs, Burgess, ot' Gamebrigge, called on iriends last 'thursday. - Several of the members of the WA.f attended a meeting in Fenelon, Falls last Thursday. - : Mrs, Ji A: Leask 'In? Toronto at- | tenaing the wedding of 'her grana- daughter Mrs, Jean Wallace, - Interstate Health Splashless Shoulder Shower & Shampoo, fits all faucets $1.75 Armand' new Cream & Powder, 25¢, 50¢. old | English Health Salts, 39c¢. can Bathing g Sandals, small, medium" and large, 75c. - Kodaks, Cameras, Films. and Sheet Musie Morrison' 8 Drug Store = Port Perry Phone 16 BE PREPARED Do not forget during these hot days that summer. is slipping by and, "Old Man Winter" 'very soon will be just around the corner. ~coal'bim NOW. with our "Better Fuels" FAMOUS READING ANTHRACITE, the clean, bright, hard coal that always gives satisfaction. COKE, SCOTCH COAL, WELSH COAL; BEOGWER COAL, POCAHONTAS, STOKER COAL, STEAM GOAL-- whatever you wish let us know and we will look after the same promptly. "HARDWOOD, HARDWOOD SLABS, SOFT WOOD. : CEMENT --Fyesh St. Mary's Cement "always on hand, also LIME, PLASTER; TILE, etc. : Phone your orders to He m- PORT PERRY COAL YARD W. G. W. PYATT "Reliable Service and Better Fuels" i Phones--o4w and 94) a: x Bathing Caps, from 20c. up to 50c. yo Why not be prepared by filling up your § "her cousin Mr, Kmbury, on Tuesday. Rev. Mr, Wallace and family are holidaying for the month of August. Miss Ruby Phoenix is visiting in Toronto. Mrs. Moore and daughter, Yorkton, Sask., visiting at the home of Mr, J. Stone, Y Visitors at the home of Mr. Wn. Phoenix on Sunday were Mr, and Mus.] S. Wren, of Scott; Mrs. Hall, Whitby; Miss Mackey, Ottawa; Messrs, Geo., Tony and Norman Forsythe, of New Toronto, Misses Violet and Evelyn Hall and. friends of Whitby, at Mr, Rodd's on Sunday. Mrs, (Dr.) Petrass and children, of South Bend, Ind., are visiting with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Peter Leask. Mr. Harry McMillan of New York, is visiting with relatives here. Mrs, Gibson and Mr. J. Baird, of Toronto, visited with their sister Mrs. W. Boe, last week. 4 Mrs. W. Ward, Toronto, is visiting with relatives here. ' Miss Ruth Lee is holidaying in" To» { ronto for a week. Mr. and Mrs. John Howsam, Mr. and Mrs: Milton Howsam and family, visited with Mr, and Mrs. Ronald Johnston at Elmvale on Sunday. ~The Decoration service that was to have been held has been cancelled. . MYRTLE (Too late for last week.) Dr. and - Mrs. Parlow, of Ottawa, visited with Mrs. Patlow's sister Mrs. Hattie- Hudgins last week. Rev. W. E. and Murs." Honey left of Perth, visited with Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Beacock, and others here last week. Considerable excitement was caused here on Friday afternoon when fire of unknown origin started in a grain field of Mr. Archie Parrinder and be- fore the Brooklin Fire reels arrived and a local bucket brigade fought if, it had gained so much-headway that The Balance of my Stock and Fixtures will be offered fl for sale by Public Auction, commencing at 8.00 o clock on Saturday evening. Mr. Ted. Jackson will be the 'auctioneer. on . - la TN Fo If you have any ALSIKE CLOYER for sale bring in a sample. and we will quote .you top price. | nu felis J. F. McCLINTOCK PORT Phone 36 PERRY several Jhundred stooks of grain be- longing to Mr. Parrinder and' Mr. C Harrison were burnt. As everything was so dry it spread very rapidly and a stubborn fight was put up before it was under: control. Mr. 'and Mrs. Lawrence Ad family of Toronto have been holidaying with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Walker. A number from here were in at- tendance at the Whitby Street Fair. No doubt many were disappointed that they did not drive home the new car. Mr. Chas. Taylor and son Jim of Whitby, visited the former's sister Mrs." Bert. Duff, on Saturday. Rev. Mr. and Mis. Chas: Leggett, of Walkerville, have been -holidaying with Mrs. Leggett's mother Mrs. A. Fisher. Rev. W. E. and Mrs. Honey left the early part of the week for Moose Jaw, Sask., and Expanse. They will visit their son Floyd at the latter point, War Veterans from Toronto made a house to house canvas through here on Monday gathering up discarded clothing or rags which they put through process and then shred them and make cushions which they rent to Exhibition guests for two cents a piece. Needless to say they met with a generous response and returned to the city in the evening with a good truck load. The August Piscing of the W.M.S. was held at the 'Parsonage with an You need OL Worry about what quality of meat 'to order when you phone Cawker Bros., we just have one quality--THE BEST that can be had. It is always fresh and tender--and so tasty when served. "+ CAWKER BROS. 'Phone 29w, Port Perry. Prompt Delivery "ro ; GET YOUR LIFE, FIRE, AUTOMBILE, and THEFT INSURANCE HAROLD Ww. EMMERSON = pA Phone 41 Port Perry attendance of nine. The programme | was much enjoyed. Peeing gyn Myrtle Station (Too late for last week) There will be no church service in Myrtle Church for the balaiice of this month. So folks go on your holidays and come back refreshed and take a keener interest in our church work. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Cook ana Audrey enjoyéd a motor trip to North Bay last week. : Mr, Arnott and sons Donald and Bobby, of Hamilton, are holidaying with Mrs, I. Grant, Mr. Will Lammiman, of Oshawa, has beén spending the past few days with Mr. and Mrs, Oliver Lane. Mr. Ronald Chappell, of Toronto, was a visitor of Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Simkin for the past week. Miss Kathleen Cook, of Port Perry, has been holidaying with her grand- parents Mr. and Mrs, W. J. Cook. Miss B.-Cooper is visiting with re- * latives in Oshawa. " L Mrs. Forsythe, of Toronto, visiting | t Friday evening last, . | son of Brooklin officiated. (Mis. Norn Hughson * and her took a trip to Montreal last week where they were the guests of Mr. Herb. Brent, who took them tosee the Laurentian Mountains. Migs Waring of Toronto and Mus. "Chas. Vice, of Chapleau, are visiting with the latter's niece Mrs. Q. Lane: 'Mr. and Mrs, Jas, Dickson and Miss | { Doris, of Chicago, were week end guests of the former's uncle and aunt My: and Mrs. Jas. Dickson, Mrs. Roy Spencer of Perth accom- panied her parents to Oshawa on Sat- urday, where. they attended the Jobb- Detenbeck wedding, | ASHBURN | Mrs. Charles Slack and son, Earl, are spending a very delightful holiday With relatives in Lansing, Michigan, Mr, and Mrs. Russell' Heron 'accom. panied by Mr, and Mrs. Pdter Robert- son visited relatives in Ashburn on Sunday. : . On Thursday evening, August 20, the Ladies Guild are having an open social in the basement of the Church. A good program is being prepared and refreshments will be served. Master Lyle Sherwin is spening his vacation near Rice Lake, Lyle is having a splendid time filling milk bottles, ete. Congratulations to' the Myrtle Ball Team on defeating Scugog 8-6, on Service at Burn's Church next Sun- day at 11 a.m. The minister, Rev. D. A. Ferguson will be in charge. Sunday. School at 10 a,m. Everybody welcome." Mr. and Mrs. E. Heron, Doris, May and Allan spent Sunday at the home of Mv. and Mrs. A: Reypolds, Utica. Miss Florence Doble is spending the week with Miss Margaret Wallace of Whitevale. Miss Georgena Reynolds is spend- ing a week with-her Titer, | Mrs. E. Heron. A very pretty wedding was solo- mized at the home of Mr. and Mrs; Fred O'Boyle when their second daughter, Margaret Kathleen was married to Mr. "Wilfred Lawrence Shortridge, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Shortridge of Columbus. The bride was given in marriage by her father and was charmingly dress- 'ed in white satin and carried Butterfly roses. Miss G. O'Boyle, sister of the bride acted as bridesmaid and carried Brier Cliff roses. Mr. Ii. Shortridge acted as best-man: Rev. Robt. Simp- cousin of the McCarthy of accompanied] Mrs. Robert Heron, bride. Miss K. Wolfe Myrtle sang "Becausc", by her sister. After dainty refreshments were served the bride and groom left on a trip to Fenelon Fills and other points near on their eturn they will reside in Agincourt. } Miss Dorothy and Marion Spencer spent Wednesday afternoon with Mrs. Edgar Heron. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. W. Heron of Broklin on the gift of a baby boy. Several from Ashburn attended the Brooklin-Bowmanville Football game on Saturday night the score being 1-0 in"favour of Be CAESAREA |/ Mrs. Fisher of Toronto is now oc- cupying her cottage at William's Point. Mr. and Mrs, L. Thompson of To- ronto are holidaying with her mother Mrs. Fisher at the lake. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Rice, and Mr. and Mrs. F. Avery visited Mr, and Mrs. Palmer on Sunday, Mr. Ed. Glenn and Mr. John Brown are holidaying at the lake this week. Mrs. William Taylor and Ruth are now , enjoying their cottage, Mrs. Nicholson of Toronto, is their guest this week. We learn that Myr. P. G. Campbell and Mr. George Thompson, Lindsay, are planning to enter their fast boats It, was an exciting race at Caesarea Vine Miss Rose Brent, of Toronto,' The wedding music was played by |" in the races at Toronto Exhibition. |.- cere sympathy "to those bereaved. Possibly one hundred and fifty cars followed ' the procession to Caesar cemetery where interment togk place. The many floral tributes were very 'beautiful, Mr, And. Mrs. J. C. MeGill, of Osh- awa, are spening August at the Point. rE F. W. BROCK & SON "RED & WHITE STORE Ns Miss 'Beatrice Daly of Toronto re- ports she is much improved in-health since she came to Caesarea to holiday, Mr. and. Mrs. Storey and son Don. are spending a few days in Muskoka. Senator McGuire with his friends Mr. Howard Clemes and: Mr. Garfat, enjoyed a fishing trip on Monday in lakes north'of Peterbore, and réport a fine catch. og Miss Mildred Snowden, of Maple Grove, visited with Mrs, Everson at Williams' 'Point on Monday. Mr, and Mrs. Ronald Everson were guests also. Mr. and Mrs, Edward Bewley with! a party of friends on Sunday visited his -mother and sister at Williams' Point, Dr. and Mrs. Edwards have left the Poift for a short stay in Toronto. Mr. R. Jackson is spénding two weeks at the lake as his holiday from the long hours as a druggist. Mr. C. E. McTavish, of Williams' Point has commenced his 21st year in the employ of General Motors. A spring on the line between Wil- liams' Point and Shady Acres is said to have been running one hundred ana convenience to cottagers, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Daniels have re- turned to Oshawa. * with friends at Williams' Point last week. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. McTavish, Don. and Dorothy, motored to Montreal to sce Miss Audrey McTavish leave for a voyage-to New York, then visited Quebec and Laurentian Mountains. Stuart McTavish is attending a Boy Scout Camp at Pickering. Rev. H. G. Frost and son James, of Columbia University, visited with his mother and" sister at Williams' Point last week. ' . Bobbie Scott cut his leg when he fell -on Friday. The doctor from Blackstock put several stitches in the wound, Several teen age boys held a corn roast on Thursday. -- > oP Myrtle Station Fo Mr. Cecil Hooper, of Oshawa, spending a few days visiting some of his old friends in this locality. Miss Etta Thornbury of Lindsay, Miss Greta Thornhury and friend of Port Arthur, also Mr. and Mrs. Porter of Detroit, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Johnston. The Women's Association held an afternoon tea at the home of Mrs. Jas. ! Cooper last Wednesday. There was a good attendance, and needless to say the tea was very much enjoyed. Mrs. John Hunter and. Jackie of To- ronto were week end guests of her is and Mis, assisted visiting with his cousins Mr. O. 'H. Lane and incidently with threshing -on Monday. Mrs. C. Harrison visited with her daughter Mrs. W. HH. McCartney Brooklin on Sunday. Miss Electa Birkett, of Port Perry, called on friends here on Tuesday. Miss Jean Chisholm, of Toronto, i visiting with relatives here. Miss Viola Butson, of Greenbank, is of the guest of Mrs. Claughton this week. i | Miss L. O'Boyle, last Saturday, at-! tended the wedding of her niece Mis d Margaret O'Boyle, of Oshawa, to Mr. Wilfred Shortridge, of Agincourt. A record crowd attended the ial schedule ball game last Thursday here! played between Scugog and Myrtle. The game was a close one, and well played. The home team was the win- ner, This leaves Blackstock and Myrtle! in line for the play-offs, The first game will be played on the 25th at) Blackstock, at 5.30, and on the 27th Blackstock will play here. | a Regatta, keenly contested by seconds, and another will be of special interest to Caesarea friends. 'Early Settler Suddenly Passes Friends in this community were sad- ly shocked. to learn of the sudden death of Mr. A. E. Frayer on Monday, August 10th, at his residence in the village. In early evening after a hap- py busy day, he suddenly passed away, leaving a widow and two sons Mr, I'red Frayer and Mr. Donald Frayer, to mourn the loss of a beloved hus- band and father. The service was conducted by a friend of the deceased, Rev. R. P. Bowles, and was attended by large number of friends and neigh- bours who came to pay their tribute of respect to one who had lived among them during his entire life, time of UTICA (Too late for last week.) daughter and Mrs, Mrs. Sidney Howe and Ruth, of Toronto, with Mr. Geo. Payne. Mr. Frank Kendall visited with My. and Mrs. Hogarth in Napanee. Mrs. Fred Ackney and children are camping near_ Kingston for a couple of weeks. ~~) TUT } Master Donald Dunn visiting his grandparents Mr, and Mrs, J. J. Christie. Mr. C. W. Lakey is erecting a new barn. Mr. Rudling, Jr., of Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Philp. The Ladies' Aid met in the basement of the church on Wednesday sixty-four years, and to express sin- afternoon. 1 Special Values ten years, and at present is a great || Miss Betty Henley, of Oshawa, was = res, vy -H winter GROCERIES SUGAR St. Lawrence "Medium Gran. $5.19 VINEGAR, Pickling, 35c. a a gallon "BRUNSWIC K SARDINES ................... .. 2 9c. PEP BRAN FLAKES ................ RE. Foe llc. CORNED BEEF ................. ii ii. 2 for 23c. "SUGAR CRISP CORN FLAKES ............... ... .. Te. SALTED PEANUTS .................. .. . ..... Ib. 15¢. GUM DROPS ii Ib. 15c. } MOLASSES CANDY .................. 0" Ih. 15c. RED & WHITE COFFEE ................. Vy Ib. tin 22¢. i RED & WHITE TEA ................... 12 1b. pkg. 30c¢. CLOVER LEAL" SOC KE Y IH SALMON, ..... No. 1 tin 35¢. IVORY SOAP, medium ...... FEAR Ee ny 3 bars 2c. SUNLIGHT SOAP ................ Resi ~..3 bars 19¢. JEWEL SHORTE NING ...........¢c...... 2 Ibs. for 27c. SERVIETTES, ((White or Coloured) "Ph. Sd hates 15¢. FLY TOX per bottle 33c. SANIWHITE TOILET TISSUE .............. 4 rolls 25¢. h PAROWAX -. oo, 2 pkgs, 25¢. PEANUT BUTTER .................. large size jar 25¢. 4 GOLD MEDAL FLOOR WAX ................... tin 25¢. Mo 21-IN-1 WHITE CLEANER eee bottle 15¢. SWEET MIXED PICKLES, picnic size .......... jar 10c¢. LIBBY' COOKED SPAGHETTI wt haa nee tin 10c. RED & WHITE SHAKER SALT ( plain or iodized) . 2 for lic. uf "VINEGAR, spirit or blended .......... ee interes gal 35¢. 4 LPSOM SALTS, 4 oz. pkg. 5c. 8 ox. pkg. 10c. i MANYFLOWERS SOAP oo... ..... 4 bars 2lec. : and 1 BAR FAIRY SOAP FREE } WHOL MINED PICKLING SPICE, .......... 13 1h. 13c. } AYLMER INFANT FOODS ................. 2 tins 19c. HOFLY COILS oo 4 for 9c. A FULL LINE OF TOBACCO AND CIGARETTES Phone 43 Port Perry BS eS SE Ty LT MN A a I i ili ty RA Wg ~ Eh a I I ---- | {GOOD BREAD | ¢ and Baking of the Daily J Family Requirements will h be re y : J Jemison's Bakery grandparents Mr. and Mrs. R. Chis- - . i , i holm. . ' PHONIC 93, = - POR I PERRY Mr. Hilton Lammiman, Oshawa, is oes NP, -- Cl aT A TI a as adily secured from z4" INSULATION Now is the time to check up and see what vou might save in fuel, and added comfort next by insulating the attic and sidewalls of vour dwelling. Begin now to make enquiries in order to have the job complete when the cold 3 LR weather sets in. If you would insulate now you 7 of Ny could enjoy the effect of a cool upstairs as RED HE TOP INSULATING WOOL will keep the excessive y heat out in summer as well as keeping it in, in the y $ winter, } Phones: Office 73 w; Res. 73 j SELLER CIC BTC BET LEP: A = § aga i 1 %. « ALL THE YEAR ROUND = . IR [J ANN @ You can depend upon the excellence of GERROW'S OY m BAKING. :: No matter whether it be for Special SIRE Occasions, or for every day use, GERROW BAKING wh ] y CUES m can be depended on for uniform good quality. NAN n 1 [1] . A BY 3 Gerrow Brothers x M. A. CERROW G. Mm, I GERROW

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