Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star (1907-), 5 Nov 1936, p. 4

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Stl Se SE -- et and sympathy during their recent be- _ telling diction and fine evangelistic * knowing how the day had gone" and "mark of heroic adventure, PAGE FOUR oo py - LOCAL ITEMS See the Packard Lektio Razor at Bentley's Jewelry Store. The latest thing in shaving comfort. The members of the I. O, D, E, are requésted to meet in the basement. of the United Church. at 10.45 a.m. sharp to attend the Community Remem- brance Service. Mrs. Allen Ker and daughter, Mrs. R.A. Young, spent the week end with Mr. Harold and Miss Ella Broek. Scugog Chapter, 1.O.D.E. will hold their annual New Year's Eve dance. Keep this date in mind. Among those who went deer hunting from here were: Messrs. Fred Schell, Wm, Keeler, Orvan Stone, Bert. Mac- Gregor, Jim Cawker, Clarence Hood, Nelson Stokes, Chas. Reader, Bert. Beacock, Gordon Collins, Russell Gra- ham, Orr Browne. asi iE i ii ONE DAY SALE Mrs. L. G. Hall announces a one day sale of Coats and Dresses for Ladies, on Friday, November 6th. Ex- cellent showing of desirable graments at exceptionally reasonable prices. The regular monthly meeting of the W.M.S. of the-United Church will be held at the home of Mrs. C. C. Jeffrey at 3 p.m, on Wednesday, Nov. 11th, ------ EP SMALLER CENTRES GET INCOME TAXES Reimbursement of more Ontario municipalitices for loss of the income taxing privilege assumed by the pro- vince was announced last week by the Hon. David Croll, Minister. pf -Muni- cipal Affairs, The list of larger municipalities You will need some of these for Winter Work Rubbers, $1.95, $2.35, $2.60 pr. Work 'Rubbers. 15" Leather Tops, $4.75 and $5.00 Work Rubbers, 12" leather tops, $3.85 Extra Heavy Wool Sox, ....pair 60c. Lighter Weight Sox, 20c.; 25¢., 80c. Work Shirts ........90c. and $1.35 Blankets for Horses, $1.65, $2.25, and ve. . $2.35 each. Wool Motor Rugs, $3.00, $3.75 & $5.00 WILLIAM WEBSTER, At Beatty's Store, Port Perry Mrs. George Byers Mrs. George Byers, whose wi name was Sarah Jane Rose, died at 'her home in Port Perry, on Tuesday, October 27th, 1936, in her 86th year. Mrs. Byers was born at Rose's Corners on June 19th, 1862, She was one of a family of six, the children of 'Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Rose. She spent 'the early years of her life on the farm 'where she was born, until she married | 'the late George Byers. Mr. and Mrs. Byers set up house- keeping on the Byers' homestead east of Greenbank. 'Two children were infancy. They continued to operate the farm until Mr. Byers' health failed. Then they first moved to; 'Greenbank village, and some twenty' 'years ago bought a property in Port' 'Perry, where they lived until their death, Mr. Byers predeceasing his 'wife about a year ago. "Mrs. Byers was a staunch supporter 'of church and missionary work, and was announced the early part of last,|iwas a thorough housekeeper, whose the second list included Elora $2.30, Woodbridge $26.39, Markham $21,} Beaverton $4.80, Port Perry $41. industry and careful management did much to bring a competence for ad-| 'vancing years. ---- oe ---- CARD OF THANKS Mr.» Geo. Crozier and Miss Cora Crozier wish to thank their many friends and neighbours for kind help reavement in the death of their mother, Mrs. Francis Crozier. --eeoweo---------- CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION 7 p.m.--Evening service. ST. JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Services at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH 11 a.m. -- Community Remembrance Service. Preacher Rev. R. B. Mec- Eleheran,. D.D., Principal of Wy- cliffe College. } 7- pm.--Men's Bible Class Anniver- sary. Speaker: Mr, M, A. Sorsoleil, M.A., Deputy Minister of Public Welfare. Special music by choir assisted by Men from Yelverton, ---- eo oo>------ A RARE OPPORTUNITY The people of Port Perry and vicin- ity will have a unique opportunity of hearing an outstanding pulpiteer on Sunday next at 11 a.m., when Rev. Dr. R. B. MeEleheran, Principal of Wy- cliffe College, Toronto, will be the speaker at the Community Remem- brance Service to be held in the United Church under the auspices of. the Churches of the town. Dr. Me- Eleheran, while in charge of St. Matthews' Church, Winnipeg, became a marked man as a preacher of the Gospel. In his preaching there is fine exposition of the Scriptures--vivid fervor, lending itself to timely appli- cation. Sunday morning next brings a fine opportunity to pay a tribute of Re- membrance to those "who died not to those who bear in their bodies the This is the service of the Community, let every home be represented. URE 't FS A, REMEMBRANCE DAY SERVICE Port Perry Unit No. 216, Army and Navy Veterans, will hold their Re- membrance Day Service in the Church of the Ascension, on Sunday, Novem- ber 8th, at 7 p.m. All Veterans in the district are asked to parade at their room -at 6.15 p.m. at the Armouries. Berets and Décorations will be worn, Ba a a THE STORY HOUR The Port Perry Public Library Board wish to announce to the parents and children of the community, that the Story Hour--discontinued during the summer months--will be resumed on November 7th, at 2 pm. in the Library. A ee lA AI Peis 'BORN ANDRUS--To Mr. and Mrs. Frank Miss K. Meharry It is with sincere regret that the friends of Kathleen Meharry learned of her passing in Winnipeg on Friday, October twenty-third. Kathleen was Perry Public and High Schools, this afterwards stood her in good stead in her association with the Eaton firm for twenty-six years. Last year she was signally honoured by this Company, after twenty-five years of service--receiving'a quarter century watch. Kathleen, familiarly known as "John" -among her school chums, was a girl of outstanding qualities. Her cheery, friendly way endeared her to hosts of friends, and her . passing leaves a vacancy not easily filled. = + Her body was brought from Winni- peg on Wednesday, October twenty- eighth. Numerous friends, and repre- sentatives from The T. Eaton Com- which was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Merlin Letcher. The impressive service was conducted by Rev. T. A. Nind, and interment was made in Pine Grove Cemetery. One sister, Mrs, J. Scobell, of Ot- tawa, and on uncle, Edward Meharry, Winnipeg, survive her. Mrs. Scobell was with her sister when she died. --_-- CARD OF THANKS "Dear Mr. Farmer; I would like to 'take this opportunity, through the columns of your paper, of thanking my many friends and neighbours for their kindness during my illness, and also to thank the Women's Associa- tion for their kind remembrance. g E. H. Gerrow, If you want perfect vision buy Corectal Lenses at Bentley's Jewelry Store. CHILDREN'S AID SOCIETY At the November meeting of the 1.0.D.E.,, Mr. Alger, of the Children's Aid Society, Oshawa, gave a very in- teresting talk on the work of their society. The care~of children whose home surroundings have been found unsuitable (either, through poverty or poor control) has n one of the t pieces of preventative work under- taken in the County in recent years. SEAGRAVE / Despite threatening weather con- ditions our anniversary services were well attended on Sunday. Rev. H. J. Bell, -of Blackstock, guest speaker at the morning service was introduced by our pastor Rev. O. R. Flindall, who assisted, x Rev. H. J. Bell took .as his text Ephesians 4:18, "Unto the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ," Mr. Bell stated that when we cease to grow spiritually, detay Leging no matter how sure we are t we are not back sliding. In order to de- velop our lives fairly and squarely there are four words which give us the keynote of a four-square life, Andrus, 118 Vaughn Road, Toronto, on October 20th, 1936, a daughter, | They are: Labour, Leisure, Love and Worship, The home cholr rendered two pleasing anthems and a trio com- WE FIT born to them, both of whom died in M as John Bull and "Unc a splendid student, attending Port] pany attended the funeral service, |- WE REPAIR Glasses You Save Money = AT --. I. R. BENTLEY OPTOMETRIST . W---- SHE thought it cost hundreds of dollars vo. But it $26.9 'only cost PORT PERRY, ONT. PHONE 338 ' i posed of Mrs. W. Keen, Mrs, C. W. Moon and 'Mr. J. Grantham sang "Resting in His Love". In the svening the Uxbridge Male Quartstte with their organist Miss R. ichols, were present to to assist with the music. Rev. W. J, H, Smyth of 8 Port Perry gave a very thoughi-pro- IN voking address. Taking as his text Daniel 10:7, "And I Daniel alone saw the vision: for the men that were with me saw not the vision." His theme was "Seeing What Others Miss," On Wednesday evening of last week a masquerade was held in the Sunday [ School Room under the auspices of Quadrata Girls' Club. A short pro- gram was given consisting of a solo by Miss Gloria Harding, a reading by Miss Marie Eagleson, a musical reci- tation by Marjorie and Bruce McCoy, and a solo by Mrs. S, Wooldridge. The judges of the costumes, Mrs. W. Frise; rs. E. Butt, and Mrs. C. Sleep gave their decisions as follows: Children under 10, Gloria Harding as a cat; children between 10-15, Ri Wool- dridge as a negro; best couple, Glen Wannamaker 'and Marjorie Mitchell, e Sam, Best Hallowe'en costume, Mrs, H, Hands; best gentleman, R. Scott as Charlie Chaplin; best lady, Norma Urquhart as Grandma; most original costume, Mrs. Barnett. After the judging was completed lunch was served. Some Sunday visitors in' the com- munity were: Mr. and Mrs. C. Slee and sons; of Lindsay, Mr. and Mrs. E. Frise and dpugiiter, of Toronto, Mrs. L. Frise and Mr. and Mrs. M. Culbert of Little Britain, Mr. and Mrs. S. Sweetman and Mr. .and Mrs, H. Tre- and and 'Audrey and Mr. W, Holtby with Mr. and Mrs. F. Watson; Mr. and|M Ritz Matches @ J. Col EE -- don ! tor on the market. With th BRAPY AU HEAT Mrs. C. Mark and Yvonne, of Scarboro with Mr, and Mrs. A. Bruce; Mrs, E, Jennings with Mrs, J. Tanner; Mr, Mrs. H. Bartley with Mrs. J. Harding; Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Wilson, Greenbank, with Mr. and Mrs, Miss' Marion McKinnon well; i Branming from the West is Spengine a. a rs. ew ys with f W. Moon. Special values effective for November 5th, 6th and 7th 12-box Pkg. 1 3 -Pard Dog Food 27 23¢ ©. 1 Hormel Chicken co: 1in29¢ Cox Gelatine 154-0z. Pkg. ] 8¢ "|| Corn Meal - - on 5¢7 DOMESTIC OR EASIFIRST SHORTENING /§ No. 1 Onions 10 1b, bag 21e = _- i -- MORE FOR YOUR MONEY! When you're buying Your foods at New Peel Lemon or Orange 'Ib. 25¢ Glace Cherries Lemon or Vanilla Artificial Extracts Raisins Australian Sultana @ Ibs. 25¢ Currants Re-cleaned T STORES LIMITED blue coal TOMATIC REGULATOR i FRED E. REESOR Phones: Office 73 w; Res. 73 j - Mr, and Wooldridge of Little Britain. Dr. Geo. Wooldridge of Low their parents at the home of Mr. and, Mrs, J. Wooldridge. 2 2 Mrs, M. Canton of Guelph, 3 . ART A : Sng he ¢ : EE 1b, 2 Be TG py, Ef Pkgs. : Cry 130 J DOME -1b. A " OMESTIC 4-lb. Pig. 47¢ Ups | RARE EE SANTA CLARA dig Soup" $4 2p, PRUNES [mais 2p "Tay n n Pa Aon 25319, AEROPLANE a Tom : GLIDER 3.925 8 3 3 ex " ; of a he Mg Yo spars | (Fim f E0 bandary Fone BAKING Ft 15 jn 2 n go, 9c. per ti n 35¢ f cid ary MILK or $2.16 per(case vi A AN iyase, 1% Fruit Cake? og FIVE ROSES FLOUR 3%4-1b. is Bag 1 9¢ 7-1b, Gr Bag 33 24-1b, ib. 43¢ 25: B5¢ ib. 14c ---- Hi .---- Dominion Stores Buy OXO in "10's" Instead of in "4's"; kd I 4 Cube Tin' 10 Cube Tin | --_ hi Chase and Sanborn's Seal Brand DATED GRAPEFRUIT JUICE Old Colony "MAPLE } Picnic, Sweet Mixed, PICKLES COFFEE i+ 36° - lr. <87 SYRUP 2 Sour, Mixed, Sweet Mustard c - y 'Large Jar 2 13-02. Tins 16-02. Bot. 110° 23° | SUNLIGHT 4-29 the BQ Paper Bag 01 i 25° 5 Now you can enjoy all the com- fort, healthfulness, convenience and economy of automatic heat control at amazingly low cost. The new 'blue coal' Auto- matic Heat Regulator costs only a small fraction of the price of any other heat regula- all-electric regulator and 'blue - coal'in your home you have the perfect heating combination, Mr. and Mrs, Stanley Wooldridge and Mr. Sidney Wooldridge atténded the funeral® of the late Mrs, Fred all, Ind meer. Mr, and Mrs, H. Strong and|Y- 4 i Dr. and Mrs. Ernest Wooldridge of Marie, of Manchester with the ens with Miss Durelle Martin. a Momence, Ill, spent a few Jays with parents; Mr. and Mrs, E. Ploughman| Mr, r. and spent a PORT PERRY, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER Lawrence's Drug Store News (You Can Save With Safety at Your Rexall Store : Pm , bth, 1986 Palatable year- round tonic for young and old. __Per bottle $1.00 OVALTINE . LISTERINE Phone 49 | TYPICAL LAWRENCE KEPLER'S MALT AND COD LIVER OJL HALIVER OIL CAPSULES....$1.00 and $1.85 SCOTT'S EMULSION ...........53. and 98c. REXALL MELO MALT .................$1.00 MELOREY COUGH SYRUP .............T5c. 'SPAHR'S REMEDY for sore throat, 50c. & $1.50 REXALL CHERRY BARK ......,.35c. and 60c. ENGLISH COD LIVER OIL and MALT tives fii +... .88¢., 58e., 98e, A. M. LAWRENCE 720 Rexall Swre VALUES 85¢, and $1.00 1 Ib, jar 49¢. 2 1b, jar 89c. ir ats 25¢., 50¢., and 79¢. PORT PERRY few days last week with her parents Mr. and Mrs. T. Bredin, Mr. Chas. Tait, Mr, and Mrs, Cecil Tait and son, Miss Evelyn Fishley, Mr. G. Williams, Mrs. Burrs and Mrs. P. Gillard and son, were Sunday Flests of Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Fish- ey. «i A few from here attended the Cen- tennial Anniversary Church on Sunday. ZION ANNIVERSARY NOV. 8-11 Sunday services at 11 and 7.30, on Wednesday, a hot Fowl Supper and Play. . ------e AUCTION SALE pm, Frank Moore will sell farm stock and implements at his Jremises lot 20, con..9, Reach Township. Services at Sonya Ted Jackson, Auctioneer. Wy, Sou ~ Phone 240 ge Eg ST} Lake Scugog Lumber & Coal Co., Ltd. Port Perry DRY HARDWOOD FOR SALE" Apply to the Port Perry Auto Wreckers, Phone 21. novl2 . FOR SALE Nash Sedan, excellent condition, 1930 model--worth seeing. Apply to Arthur R. Ward, Myrtle Station. ROCK PULLETS FOR SALE Three and a half months old. Ap- ply to Arthur R. Ward, Myrtle Station QUILT BLOCKS If you like to make pretty bed spreads .and quilts, send your name and address to the Rainbow Quilt Block Co., of 4916 Wichita Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio, and we will send you color pictures of our latest patterns in 18 inch applique quilt block. novi? WANTED A Baby Perambulator. = Apply to box 16, Port Perry Star. POTATOES WANTED Ontario graded. Any quantity. Apply to the Port Perry Star. I The firm of Grazr & HUMPHREYS 'is disolved) RUSSELL D. HUMPHREYS 24% Simcoe Street North, Oshawa \ Phone 814 . : in attendance at my Port' Perry office on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons of each week or by appointment. Queen Street, Port Perry, Phone 264 CONANT & ANNIS Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Publis GORDON D. CONANT, K.C, 4 ANNIE BA, LL Phones, 4 and § (Oshawa) Phone 1 (Whithy) Dr. Kd. Bailey VETERINARY SURGEON at Sebert House, Port Perry, Tuesday and Friday afternoons, Phone 127 Uxbridge, day or night. Calls will WANT ADVTS. --insmvpsi: SUITS CLEANED Suits sponged and pressed : 60 Gents Dry Cleaned $1.00 C. P. ROLPH Over the Observer Office DR. W. S." HARPER Graduate of Trinity Medical College and Prinity University, Toronto, - . Post Graduate in Su of Medical Gradu- ste, Goes pnd, pulinle, London Bagitnd London, England, Royal Infirmary, Glasgow. Office and Burgery--Port Perry, Ont (The firm of GREER & HUMPHREYS Is disolved) ARTHUR W. 8. GREER 6 King St. East, Oshawa, Phone 8160 in attendance at my Port Perry office on Wednesday morning and Friday afternoon of each week or by appointment. Queen Street, Port Perry, Phone 264 W. A. Sangster DENTAL SURGEON Office Hours: 9 am. to § p.m. Office Up-atairs, over Emmerdon's LOOK HERE! feathers, also fowl, horse hair and all kinds of light metals. For information call Alix. Gilboord, Phone 177, day or night. We would appreciate v much your patronage. : ALIX. GILBOORD, PORT PERRY for any corn or callous $10.00 which eannot re- Reward 1oved, by the new scientific LLOYD'S THYMOLATED CORN SALVE. This new salve de- sensitizes corns and callouses with first application. Call your druggist today and order a jar of this N- DERFUL SALVE, 40¢. For sale at A. M, Lawrence's Drug Store. DRAG SAWING DONE 76¢. PER HOUR be promptly attended to, oct20tf Apply Wm. Keeler, Honey's Corners. [£ On Monday, November 16, at 1.30 NOW is the Time ~~ for STORM SASH Estimates given on Open or Glazed =~ Sash, or Completely Installed. fo Top prices paid for rags, wool and 1. L. 4 a - > 3 re 4 - 1 (S a .... So J ~~ > 4 x & + . 'a : 1 ¥- a » ~ LE 3D i A A ; > a . i, ' : or ¥ ;

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