Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star (1907-), 5 Nov 1936, p. 6

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------ "Six years ago the horse business | meeting of the Great Lakes Assoc. § ; ; 4 iation of Orthodontists here recent- Shopgirls Walk : A Bead a Day dragged bottom. But today it's com- ing back stronger than ever, ly. %- ¢ & 8 8 & + 8 5 * % 8 & & & 8s 0» tremors 1 "Horses are bringing double the| "People do not realize that many Like Goddesses S p ar L S from t e re S S money they brought then. Western | beautiful women and men, or should ser-- ia ah dhl it edhe iid died mustangs, unbroken, that you could |I say good-looking men, may have | Foresee New Fra In Physical . . . . Ld ¥ Ea A ES -------- -- -- 2 ¥ A ; ) not have sold for $30 a few years |maloccolusions and yet remain beau- : ; : ago are selling for $125 a head Yight tiful," he said. "If handsome people Yon (Litness As Result West them so poor either. But why have now in Chicago." : had the purely technical fault eor- End garden a ze 18-year-old bedi a text?=Chatham News. : Prices are up for the fancier also | fected, it might mar. their beauty.' some of them' Oxford street shop as. i : A ? : : : for the farmer as well. s ; sistants and some tailoresses from The 3ilent Toast - "Just an average sound fa¥m horse Bethnal Green, gave a display of 3 today costs $150. You used to "be CANADA 'On Bare Feet "Give me time 'to get on my feet and I will pay that oii"," said a young Almonte man the. other day, During the fair we saw him throwing away quarters on games at the midway and the other night" we hear he lost §60 in a poker game. If the yout man is left alone he"l soon be back on his feet--his bare feet.--Almonte Gazette, Ontario's Fish and Game The province cannot be too particu- lar about the enforcement of its game A few days ago a well-known pub- Jic man in Ontario, 'chief guest &t, a- luncheon of directors of an agricul. tural organization, responded to the toast to the King. This was an eg regious blunder, quite inexcusable '1 a man who is accustomed t public banquets and ceremonials, It is quite often done, jne of the big-wigs be- ing called upon to reply, particularly it he holds some kind of public of- fice or is a militia officer. There is only one man in the Do- | said, able to buy a good one for $65," he. Air-Mail Service | To B.C. Forecast Civil Aviation Too Import- ant To Allow Outside On Grenfell Work New England Group Gives ©» Annual Benefit Ini Its Support cs Boston. -- Sir Wilfred Grenfell, knighted by King George in 1927 for his work in Labrador, now lives al- most entirely at his Vermont home. Associations in Britain, Canada and the United States carry on his work. fitness, says the News-Chronicle. These girls have learned tow to breathe, sit, stand, and walk proper. ly. "As a result, they "hold thems selves like goddesses," their work has become joy instead of drudgery and at the end of a long working day they want to run and dance and sing. They were demonstrating the new method of keeping fit, under the auspices of : the National Council of Girls' Clubs, Miss Olive Horsfold, senior orgrne xe oes ras S55 1 grace and beauty in movement that Associations Carry foreshadows a new efa in physical \ 'a , ig <Ai™ Control in Canada minion who can reply to the toast +» the King, and that is the Governor- General, who is the King's rersonal representative. But the fact is, the toast to the King it never replied to anywhere. Strictly speaking, only His Majesty can do so, The correct thing is to rise and say 'The King, God Bless Him," or to sing the Na- tional Anthem and then d:in . And it is all the same whether the beverage is water or chalapasne. But to make a speech in reply -- Never.--Stratford Beacon-Herald. The New England Grenfell Associa: | jzer of physical education to the tion, supported by volunteer contribu- Council, explained the method to a re VANCOUVER.--Civil aviation - was tions, is accustomed to have a benefit porter, Her work is to travel about too much part of Canada's life for the annually to support the Grenfell work. the country and observe what is bee government to allow its development | This year the association announces | ing done in the 4,000 clubs. "A great by a foreign country, Hon, C. D, Howe, that tickets for the world premiere of | geal of researct is being done," she Minister of Transport, said in an ad-| "The Show's On," featuring Beatrice said, "especially among our organiz- dress to the Vancouver Board of Lillie, who as Lady Peel, is a fello s ers in Lancashire, where 3,000 'girls Trade, countryman of Sir Wilfred's, and Bert | are trained weekly to overcome tired. Forecasting a 16-hour "airmail ser-| Lahr, on Monday evening, November } ess and boredom in their work." vice between Montreal and Vancou-|2, will benefit the Grenfell Associa- Body training is adapted to the in- ver next year as Canada's part in an | tion. dividual. The typist who sits all day all-British service to the Orient, he| . Thirty years ago the young English is given skipping and dancing and told of successful experiments -which | doctor, short, tanned, with, even then, stretching movements. The factory ed for every 1,000 farm inhabitants. [Dad been made in flying the north At. | the wrinkles about his bright blue | worker and shop assistant do their A total of 132,934 days were lost from | lantic from Great Britain to Canada. [eyes bespeakin; long hours in the exercises sitting down and learn how work, Ho sald he. hesitated in bringing | °P®™ came to Boston to talk about [to strengthen their leg muscles to Only one county, Morton, was free [8 new competitive factor: into Cana. !h® fine people he had been living overcome the .strain cf standing, with and helping on the coast of La- and fishing laws. Both fish and game are of enormous importance, and every effort ought to he made to con- serve them, Nothing in .he nature of slaughter should be allowed, such as has been the case with partridge in recent years. Ontario, with its large areas of national parks, should be a paradise for game and fish, and the government will find that public op- inion will support it in every effort: it makes towards their conservation, --Brantford Expositor. For 26 weeks, 2-month-old Robert, shown here with his mother, Mrs. Tyrus Fowler, has swallowed a_ steel bead which drops a linen thread through the oesophagus to the stomach and out through a tube in the abdominal wall. The treatment follows operations performed when the lad burmel his throat eating tye, and starvation threatened because of the closing oesophagus. : til public opinion asserts itself and insists that the present perils are lessened, or until those whose duty it is to help in removing them are made Stupid Young fellows keep on stealing motor car's, and they keep ~n 2 ting An Onterio "Punkin" In the garden of Walter Stroh at Conestogo there grew a pumpkin travel, Waitresses learn how to avoid the use caught, and they keep on ge'tinz pun. ished. There is something wron - in the head of the, young mar o- the older one who thinke tnat it is an casy mattar to steal a car and get away vith it. There is a number on the car and it is easily seen. It can- not be removed without arjusing sus- picion at once. There are traffic of- ficers in- cities and on the highways and they are constantly in touch with all reports of stolen cars.--Peterboro Examiner, The Best Two stories of Baron Munchausen, the world's best liar, are included in the new Grade VI. reader. Well, if children are to study lying, they may large enough io give cvery resident of the village, and then some, a taste of October's favorite ple. The pumpkin weighed 105 pounds, and took one man hustling to handle {t.-- Elmira Signet. Girl In a Million Ida Nicholson, 17, who hopes to become a concert singer, has been selected as "the prettiest farm girl in Western Ontario" at a contest in Windsor. She rises at six in the morning, helps with the work, de- votes some time to music and retires at nine. She can bake well and knows how to milk a cow. Likewise she has rosy cheeks and large grey to understand that they are unfit for their responsibilities.--Irish Indepen- dent, Dublin, The Day 's Instructions The * Peterborough Examiner ob- serves -- The dentist works with an some years ago. When he goes to extract one tooth, two_or any num- ber of them he knows his patient will not cry out and alarm those who are in the waiting room. The Individual who is losing the tooth or the teeth can with a degree of indifference assurance today which was unknown |. from farm accidents, varied from ore in Haskell to 94 in Marshall. contemplating a study of the possible relation of types of farming accidents to provide recessary information for preventive work, At Its Peak o The Citizens' Research Institute of Canada has been making a study of income tax and comes to the conclu. sion that revenues from this source would not be -increased by higher rates in the upper brackets. They think the rich are being soaked Mohler said the board was Other reports | dian 3 : could {ohne the /dog In the 'mange to develop the airways and not doing 80 herself. } More Publicity is Hon: G. Howard Ferguson, but the ta ~Canada by refusing to allow others Urged for Canada Former High Commission- "er, Tells of Need TORONTO -- "Canada needs more ed Boston. ple joined with the doctor's British compratriots in initiating support to his work, a : brador. They were .many miles-from the markets and institiitions of the world and needed help to health and educa- tion, } '| Dr. Grenfell's story greatly impress- Solid and influential peo- Take Life Easily Longevity Recipe of the wrong muscles in waist and back while carrying heavy trays. "The results are astonishing," said Miss Horsfold, "thpugh as yet we are only at the beginning of the move- ment," U.S. and Britain Are the 'Only Rational Countries' . LOS ANGELES, Calif. -- The United States and England are the "only rational and liberal countries in a world filled with suspicion and strife," said Admiral Sir Matthew Robert Best, of the British navy, at luncheon Abraham White, 94, Has Had |2 Chamber of Commerce : ere, A Varied Career "I suggest it is they who should ; supply the stabilizing influence to TORONTO.--Celebrating his 94th | bring the world back to normality," birthday recently," Abraham White is |he said. "We should have not one receiving congratulations from his |large navy, but two large navies, many friends. [Moves for peace stand little chance Some 22 years ago he came to live |of success without the backing of watch the man at work; can notice 3 inabw PTY on that he tries onc set of instruments about to their capacity for bearing grey. Ade s punishment, that if government try | Publicity in Great Britain and much and then another. Can see too when |, take any more money from them, | more co-operation on the part he lifts the offending tooth from governments will defeat their own | Canadian producers to secure a con- the jaw, The reason Joo all Jule je purpose. ; stant supply of standardized or the freezing or numbing of the ~ Id graded products to present to the cconomic index advanced last week - nerves and tissue and all clse in the Ly Postiune andy thas tha income Bhitish people," stated the Hon. G. : ¥ : Pais : 1x as levied in the United- Kingdom to 117.1, a gain of 18% per cent. No Money For Hockey vicinity of the tooth. The dentist bears more heavily on smaller in.|| Howard Ferguson, former High when compared. with <orresponding [ The whole problem of professional | uses novocain, + | peas than -d ik Canadian levies,|| Commissioned to Great Britain who ; iohti week of a year ago. This Is cvidence | hockey for Windsor this Winter | Bug just what is novocain? We Soma a ® o larger incomes ||2ddressed the Toronto Branch of the | at his present home in North Toionto strong sea-fighting force. of solid improvement 'n the country's | boils down to a question of money. | c1od the dentist because the name id I a ay bas os the|| Canadian Women's Press Club here | Where, he told of his life in Ireland Ships and material gestures o- business.--Ottawa Journal. Whether or not the fans realize it, seemed unsatisfactory When one sa : - and Canada, discussing at length tho [Ward disarmament,. for we have . . ! ; 0 YS | other hand everybody_here Is hit by||recently, : 4 nm. learn i cash is required to operate a team "onion" it means something be- the sales tax, which 1s not a part of|{ . The total inadequacy of blue books conditions under which the tenant- |learned_ that disarmament follows, #8 well learn from an ack -owledged master --Lohdon Advortiner, c¢yes. She lives on "the Fourth Con- 'cession of Anderton Township, and some of the boys in the office are already looking up the road maps.-- Peterborough Examiner, 'Solid Improvement The Dominion Burean of Siatistics A Costly Colony The -people of Italy are b ginning to realize that it will bg a very long - time before any benefit can be ob- tained from -thre natural resources of Ethiopia. The war cost over $1,000, 000,000, adding enormously to the debt of the treasmy, and how the in- in the league. If there were some chance of coming close "to breaking ever, the promoters would go for it again. But, from their experiences in the _ past, . they: don't. see how they can run a team again this year with- out :'anding ready to por a lot of money into the pot. Even before they got started this year, there would be cause the object referred to is known; it looks like an onion and tastes like an onion, but novoeain is different.. By. the way of reply-the dentist produced a technical diction. ary, from which the following word was taken to tell just what novocain is. Here it is: the British tax scheme, Certainly~"we seem to be going ab- out as far as -is practicable im the matter of re-distributing wealth, and we should be entitled to assume that the income tax, both Dominion and provincial--and in some provinces municipal -- has reached its peak. -- and reports on the part of the Trade Commissioners in so far as keeping the Canadians in -touch---with - the British markets"and others was no- ted. Mr. lack of some open forum of the people sioner might return once a year or an Ferguson regretted the to which the Trade Comis- earnest follower of Gladstone, whose legislation on behalf of the Irish tenants he recalled clearly. It was 'the greater individual freedom to be found in Canada which decided him to settle in this country. farmers of Ireland lived in hig boy- [Dol precedes, security." -- hood days. Liberal fn politics, Mr, White was Admiral Best and his staff came ashore from the English naval_ ship Appollo, which is en route to its home station in the Bermudas. Billion Business Paramidobenzoyldethylaminoethe- nolhydrochlorid, It 1s our daily aim to keep this page interesting, dnd also to make it useful and informative. Now if any person discusses novoecain wilh you terest 8s fo be met has not been dis- closed. Only five divisions of troops have been brought home, and it is estimated that expenditures in Ethi- opia during the ensuing year will - amount to about $300,000,000., Last year $200,000,000 of new taxes were -- : p : imposed and the budget 'of this year Based Upor a Lie it will be possible to show intellig- is already that amount in the red, | The inevitability of war vests upon [ence and decp learning by pronoun- a'though the present fiscil year {is |2 lier "Man born of dust would beeing that word. It can be done. A only two months old.--St. Thomas | discordant, warring, hateful, self-de-| medical man did it in this office Times-Journal. ) structive. This lie needs its falsity | not two hours ago. . exposed by active, Christianity. Its _ ome _-- = spell upon men {5 the deep sleep of material thinking and this spell must and can be broken, It is this belief "| White ked: to which he re- TT bership in the Canadian Senate for plied i 1k ie As 000,000 Taxes a Year Horse Trade Is Back the Dominion Commissioner. He | it comes. Ido all the gardening, come WASHINGTON --Statisti 0% Again, Experts Say | 8pcke of the united efforts -of New| ang geo." Attractive flower beds bor- HOA ites BE Coe oa - i Zealand, South Africa and Australia dered a well-kept lawn which stretch- ai elon] 0 Die y 2 o. KANSAS CITY, -- "The old gray |i advertising products, and show- | eq away back, and the front lawn and nto dol Ea wy a mare ain't what she used to be. She |°d the difficulties presented in Can-| beds were equally well cared for, ment film section ex ne ot gE £ is even better. ada in theis regard due to the fact| «How deep is the lot?" history of Pn ins Now she's a rich man's bride, eq- ha Pcp betwtien 0d P i "Aobut 190 feet,' showing it to be among first ten uine experisat the American Royal a that ails 8 in a A ok aT single commodity industries of the iv ) se Show declared | . ' ' ' v adn BR Har Sia a 'fernment action was necessary if | was the nonchalant reply of this 94- sotlon, raving Government over ; h ' 1 Canada is to establish a record in] year-young gentleman, who had made $100,000,000 a year in taxes and. Here for the southwest's annua a first-rate job of that back-breaking left-over debts from last season to be cleared.--~Windsor Star. Ottawa Journal, Film Industry' Pays $100, The Empire New Wealth Farming is Dangerous The mineral resourcet of Canada spending similar sum ia advertising, her products for overseas trade. $77,000,000 of it in the U.S. NN iy i TP have produced in the past half cen- tury six billion dollars of new wealth, an enormous sum, and one which is not commonly realized by the ordin- ary citizen. The steady fiow of wealth thet comes from below ground has done more to help this country than is ordinarily appreciated. Dur- ing the past half dozen years in par- in the dust-theory of man's origin which denies the brotherhood of man, "It is (he reality of man's spir- [tual origin which demonstrates the brotherhood of man here and now. The responsibility for Europe's crisis rests upon no one statesman and no one people. The greatest force for war comprises a0 single country d Writes the Kansas City Times: J. C. Mohler, secretary of the state board of agriculture, told members of the Kansas Safety Council, meeting here, that statistics had show" far- ming to be the most hazardous indus- try in the state." Of the 223 deaths resulting last year from industrial ac- parade of blue-blooded stock, veter- an horsemen asserted the current market for draft, riding and driving horses is at the highest peak in fif- teen years. oe A convincing indication that the present trend is from horse cents to horse dollars is the total value of the entries for the show. C. J. Mercier, ~ The speaker gave a) resume of the functions and 'organization of Can- ada House in London, praising its efficiency, its plans methods. Maloccolusions Won't and publicity years old. clipping, -- Of Irish farmer stock, Mr. White first came to Canada when about 18 - He worked in the oil fields near Petrolia and afterwards at the copper mines on Lake Superior, re- turning to Iréland about three years later. In 1880 he returned with his wife --- Capital investment in this country placed at $2,600,000,000" out of world total of $2,650,000,000, of which $1, 800,000,000 is in theatres. Relying on trade figures for which départment accepts no responsibility, Golden placts number of houses in U.S. at 18,508, 16,989 of which are wired for sound, and 15,378 are oper- | RT NE cidents, he said, 112 occurred on farms. One hundred and twenty- seven persons sustained permanent no single race. The greatest force for war is the world's bling accept- ance of the theory tha* nan is ma- Spoil Your Beauty and children to Canada and set Up & [ating, New theatre construction qur- grocery business on College street, [ino year ended last April placed at where he remained for many years. 258 costing $21,600,000, which was superintendent, estimated their total value, on the hoof at $2,225,000 -- and there are only 675 horses enter- ticular, it has played a tremendous 'part in helping to keep things mov- inz. Without her mineral wealth to Rog Sn Ay. we i TORONTO -- Most patients of stor a terial, and mortal, from which stem | Injuries. , ps : p Te 2 Shae als false gods and false conflicts grow.-- | A compilation by Dr. Earle G.|¢d- . 3 " orthodontists -- teeth He After retiring from business, he |penviest construction expenditure in 7 ing point, Canada would have beer | Hong Kong Press. Brown, secretary of .the state board Lester "Swede" McGinnis, whose | --are more coneerned with beauti y- | again took up active work when near- any year since 1931.,. : 0) in a very sorry plight.--Cinadian of health, Mohler told the delegates, | background embraces 25 years of tra- ing their appearance than correction | ly 76 years old as traveler for a pro- During Arst six months of current 4 8 Geographical Journal ' In Ireland, Too. listed 8,255 accidents in Kansas farms | vel from coast to coast exhibiting at [of maloccolusions -- misshapen teeth | duce firm in the west end of the city, year films released in U.S. numbered AF ' There will be no safety on the [last year--one tc every fifty farms -- major horse shows, summarizes the |-- says Dr. Milo Hellman of New and held this position for about 13 | 495 of which 110 were foreign, Analy- A; Co roads for motorists or pddestrians un- | with an averag: of 4.7 persons injur- | market: Fes York. He addressed he 10th annual | years. sis of 1935 imports shows Germany 1 Healthy Fun i. RQ 3 \ leading- with 90 -out of- total of - 241 7 What other .game "can come up to brought fn, followed by England, 41; } i golf for healthy not-to-strenuous ex- France, 23 Russia, 19; Hungary, 16. iF 2 _ercise? A comfortable ,. stroll for 2 -- he three or four miles over springy 'turf, ici 1 1 ¥ under beneficial rays of a warm sun, Official Mourning For ih at least cightee healthy swings at a Late K ing Ended ball from the tees, frons un the fair- ways--goodness know how many sometimes, but exercise just the, --same--say five or ix or seven strokes to the hole including. the tap- ering off. putts on the greem, 90 to 100 or more separate pieces of club work fii' a game, And, of course, the walking 1s not all on the flat. A little climbing to greens remotely lo- cated, sporadic forays into the wood- ed sections to look, so hopelessly sometimes, for. a ball 'misdirected. And the fresh air one breathes on the course for three hours, purified by the scent of the trees and wild flowers,--~Ottawa Journal, ! The Next Depressior. Norman Thomas, Soclalist candi: ate "or President of the United Slates, says: "The next d.pression will pearcely fild men so docile as _ the last." It is hoped ft w~n't find C4 Yee A Fr SP SR SER PON When they reached the tree Bil- lina had indicated, Dorothy had to admit that she had never scen a tree like it. For it was full of square tin boxes which grew from the limbs. On the ripest boxes the word "Lufich" could be read in neat, rais- ed letters, The leaves of the tree were all paper napkins, Dorothy was delighted and, standing on her . toes, she picket the biggest and ripest box she could find, Inside she found, nicely wrapped 'in white paper, a ham sandwich, a piece of sponge cake, a pickle, a slice of cheese and an apple. Each thing _had a separate stem, and -had to be picked off the sides of the box, but | Dorothy found them all delicious and she ate every bit of lunch before she. had finished. "A lunch isn't ex- actly breakfast," she said to Billina, but when one is hungry one can even eat supper in the morning and not complain," Copyrighted 1032, Rellly & Lee Co. "I hope your lunch box was per- fectly ripe," observed the yellow hen, in an anxious tone. . "So mich sickness is cdused by eating green things," "Oh, I'm sure it was," de-._ clared Dorothy. "That is, except the pickle, and the pickle just had to be green," girl reached up and picked another lunch pail to datry with her while 'they explored. Then, accompaniet by the yellow hen, she walked out of the trees toward the seashore. As she spoke, the - __ They were part wey across the sands when Billina suddenly cried in a voice of terror: "What's that?" Dorothy turned and saw coming out" of the treés the most curious being ~ her eyes had ever behéld. "Run," shrieked the hen. "It's a Wheeler," "A Wheeler!" exclaimed orothy. "What can that be?" "Don't you remember the warning in the sand: 'Beware. the Wheelers'? Run!" So Dorothy ran, and the Wheeler gave. a wild cry and came aftr her in full chase, OTTAWA, -- -Official mourning for King George V ended on October 21.. Full mourning was decreed for the first six months after the King's death and for the past hree months partial mourning has been observed. The drawing room, held in con nection with he opening of Parlia- ment is expected to be the lacpast this winter in history, The opening probably will be early . in January. The function was cancelled this year fis 1 fell within the mourning pers. iod, Resumption of the more formal social events at Government 'House is also expected. Entertaining by the Governor-General and Lady Tweeds. muir Kas been restricted as motirns ing went into effect shortly after their arrival in Canada. ! The black-bordered stationery used by the state department and the Department of External Affaifs in official correspondence has leon a'so dropped. :

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