Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star (1907-), 5 Nov 1936, p. 7

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Lo M~ke Survey Of Waterways * Premier Hepburn Orders the Study of System to Aid Expansion of Pulpwood Industry x54 Toronto.--Complete survey of Nor- thern Ontario waterways to discover how they may be improved to make mature but inaccessible timber stands available to pulpwood operators has <4 been ordered by Premier Hepburn .0f Ontario. Sch "Announcing ' the - survey, Mr. Hep- Ww burn said his policy was to insure » continuous cutting in great where the timber was beyond ma- _turity. The government is requiring operators who get permits to post a cash deposit equivalent to one-fifth of the estimated stumpage dues. If the operators fail to renew their contracts to cut the area clean to allow for second growth, their de. posits will be forfeited, he said. ™ The government will not permit United States paper mills to cut pulp- 3 wood in Ontario, except through a 5 Canadian operator or a company for. 1 med in Canada. . Buys Magazine For Its Name Life, Humorous Periodical, to ~ Appear in New Form New York.--After 53 years as a hu. morous, satirical magazine, Life has been sold to Time, Inc,, which plans to continue its publication under the same name but as a new periodical with entirely different aims. Henry R. Luce, president of Time, Inc., said he would make known his plans for Life within a fortnight, It was widely understood that Time bought Life simply for the use of its name and will convert the cheery old journal into a weekly ma- gazine devoted to news pictures. It also .was rumored that Esquire plans to issue a weekly periodical in the = light vein called Coronet and thus pro- vide an outlet for some of the pres- ent contributors to Life. = In announcing the sale of Life, Clair Maxwell, president of Life Ma. » gazine, Inc. sald: "It is with deep ~ + personal regret that I announce that the November issue of the Magazine Life will be its last as a humorous and satiric publication. . Founded by Mitchell. "Fifty-three years ago Life was founded by the late John Ames Mit- chell, who lived to see it grow Into America's most - popular humorous eke ~ magazine, with more 'than--a quarter ES of a million circulation. Under his aegis were introduced to the world the cartoons and. drawing - of = such te men as Charles Dana Gibson, the ver- ses of. such poets as James Whit- comb Riley and Oliver Herford, such . writers as John Kendrick Bangs and Will Rogers, the vigorous editorials of Edward Sandford Martin. The late Thomas L. Masson, the ~~ man who wrate 50,000 jokes, joined Life's staff in 1893 and remained as ~ its. literar, editor. for thirty years. The late Arthur Crawford, idea man for humorists who receivea his cred- it by the line "plus A.C." was a frequent contributor, : - For many years, James Metcaite wrote Life's dramatic criticisms. He - fought the old theatrical syndicates of the Klaw and Erlariger school so effectively that he was barred from many New Yor: theatres. He bought his tickets for opening nights. Robert Benchley, more recently, reviewed the theatre for Life. v. Rs ~~ uy r >» ~ Fancy Scrip Writes the Ottawa Journal, -- The town of Orillia Is going in for ralief scrip to the extent of $30,000. Its - plan combines the worst features of the Ottawa system and Mr. Aber. hart's "prosperity certificates." + The recipient of relief receives from Orillia's city hall a certificate good for one dollar's worth of goods when presented to any Orillia mer- chant. He buys, let us say, grocer- fes, gets goods to.the full value of a dollar, But the certificate isn't worth a dollar to the grocer. Before it can be redeemed it has to be decorated with four stamps bought from the 2 town treasurer at a cent each, and when these are affixed the municipal ' SY. > bd &_ _- 2 ty will redeem the note-~for 99 cents, | The merchant thus receives, eventu- ' . ally, a net sum of 95 cents for goods | a worth a dollar, ; These bits of paper are called Mu. nicipal Co-operative Purchasing Vou- chers. The puzzle is, find the co-cp- _ eration. The relief family gets full waltYalue, takes no cut in its allowance. > ha town of Orillia buys a dollar's woth of relief for 95 cents, The solo contribution to the sacred cause of co-operation fs made by the un. fortunate merchants, who are called upon to bear the whole burden of a new and discrimatory tax, Apparently It is the right of any province or municipality to issue and «circulate such paper in whatever rr form it chooses. Obviously the right is capable of abuse and it may be- a, come the duty 'of Parliament to give "= the subject attention. areas 1,250,000 PACKETS SOLDEVERY DAY |A WORLDWIDE FAVOURITE] Co. (C, Lud J pons & A re Fairbanks A Co-Producer HOLLYWOOD. -- Douglas' Fair- banks and Samuel Goldwyn an- nounced they would produce joint- ly Gary Cooper's first film under a contract with Goldwyn. The picture will be "The Adventures of Marco Polo", a story Fairbanks long con- seidered as a starring vehicle for himself, : The association of Goldwyn and Fairbanks as a production team marks the former film star's first venture in pictures in which he him- self does rot play the leading role. In Bed For Weeks ~ With Bachache Quick Relief with Kruschen It was advice from her mother that .|led this woman to take Kruschen Salts for her backache, and before she had finished the first bottle she wai feel- ing better. This is the letter she writes: -- \ "About this time last year I had severe pains in my back and was prostrate "or three weeks, I could not even rise in bed. F tried several well- known remedies, bit to no avail Then I wrote to my mother telling her of my trouble. She wrote to me by return of post urging me to try Kruschen Salts. I immediately bought a bottle and L can truthfully say be- fore I had taken the fifth dose I could sit up. I kept on taking them and in' less than two weeks I was about again. .I am never without Kruschen 'now."--(Mrs.) A; G, Unless the kidneys function prop- erly, certain a-id wastes, instead of being expelled, are allowed to pollute the blood-stream and produce trouble. some symptoms: backache, rheuma- tism, and excessive fatigue, Kruschen Salts is an excellent diuretic or '-id- ney aperient, valuable in assisting the kidneys to excrete acid impurities. Cornhusks Are Thick; Bad Winter Coming Salem, Mo.--Ozark old-timers are holding up._for a .lorig hard winter. Hill residents say corn' husks have been unusually thick and the fur of wild animals more luxuriant than us. ual, Weeds, too, have grown tall -- indicating a high snow level. "Mountain folk say the weeds grow high so their seeds will reach above the snow and provide food for the birds. | + ' . All industries in Sweden are fc- tive. : To Quickly Ease Pains of Rheumatism || "Aspirin" Tablets Dissolve Almost Instantly In 2 seconds by watch, an an "Aspirin" tab- let into a glass of water. By the time it hits the bottom of the glass it Is disintegrating. What happens In glass "oe 1 In your stomach, Ask Your Doctor About a" ASPIRIN" Any person who suffers from pains of rheumatism should know this: Two "ASPIRIN" tablets, taken with a full glass of water, will usually. ease even severe rheumatic pams in a remarkably short time. Ask your doctor about this. He will probably tell You there is noth- ing better. For "Aspirin" tablets not -only offer a potent analgesic (pain reliever), but start going to work almost instantly you take them. Note illustration of glass. Try this simple way. You'll be * surprised at how quickly pain eases. ® "Aspirin" tablets are made in Canada. "Aspirin" is the registered trade-mark of the Bayer Company, Limited, of Windsor, Ontario. Look for the name Bayer in the form of a cross on every tablet, : and Get-5h JRL, ASPIRIN. # LOOK FOR THE BAYER OROSS i a dia NETRA - ---k MINING FLASHES per ton in gold were secured across widths of 8.5 to 17 feet. Hamlin B. Hatch, geologist, reports the hole gives good width of commercial ore on the hanging wall and suffests a wide low grade orebody, Wendigo Gold Mines' enlarged three-compartment shaft has been timbered to the 800-foot level, ac- cording to H. D. Tudor, president. While production for: October wil be curtailed somewhat due to the fact that illfeed has been drawn from the surface dump while the shaft was being enlarged to 500-ft. depth, by the first of November mill- feed will be, drawn from the uynder- ground wo:s'ngs on 2 or 3 stopes at the 200-ft. level which recently re. vealed high values in gold and con- siderable improvement .in recovery is anticipated. The mill currently treating 68 tons of ore daily, 1s be- ing gradually stepped up and will A. L,Reading, engineer of Rich- mac Gold Mines, in a wire to local officials reports that assays of re- cent channel sampling on claim 432 indicates ore for a length of 128 ft. averaging $34.60 across 9 ft. with the vein traced 200 ft. further north, Sampling. of the western sector shows consistent values across 200 ft. and more. The company has pur- chased a diamond drill and will car- ry on an extensive campalgn of drilling on the west section of the property. James Boyle, pres. will supervise drilling which will be en- tirely separate from No. 1 vein, where drilling is to commence in mediately. The Richmond Develop- ment Co, are developing the Richmae No. 1 vein under an agreement whereby the Richmac Co. are to re- ceive 60 per cent. of any net profits from-the mining of ore on this vein |- without incurring any development costs. Brengold Mines has completed ar- rangements for Winter operations at its property in the Sturgeon River area, according to E., M. Hand, sec- retary. Underground work is pro- ceeding and .a raise has been start- ed from the 200-ft. level to prove the dip of the vein an dcontimuity of values, as recommended by Allan J. Anderson, mm charge of operations. On the 100-ft. level the No. 2 vein has been sampled over its full length of 80 ft., so far opened up, and this distance shows average width of 20 inches and averays grade of $36.22 gold per ton. Driftjpg is bikin en tinued with the face in ore. The cross cut to the south has cut a number of high grade stringers with one section running $9.10 across width of 21 inches. Officials believe they are just entering the No. 7 vein in this area It is planned to tontinue drifting on the showing to the west. Assay results obtained from tne vein -which was encountered at the | end of the 33-ft. crosscut on the sec- ond level at Mooshla Gold Mines, gave an average of $60.20 across 18 inches, according to a wire re- ceived from the mine manager. Be- fore continuing shaft sinking to the 3rd level, the vein was drifted on for a length of 12 feet and samptes across the last face are reported-to have averaged $32.98 over-a- width of 42 inches. At this pomt accord- ing to the wire the vein was getting' stronger.' The shaft has now reached a depth of 256 ft. and at the pres. ent rate of progress 1s expected to be bottomed at 360 ft. in about 8 weeks time. Following completion of this work the 3rd level will be op- ened at 345 ft. and several hundred feet of drifting carried on. . Diamond Urilling is progressing on the Gaffney Mines property on Man. itou Island, Lake of the Woods area, where the first hole has been com- pleted. The total length of core as- sayed was 133 ft. from the hanging wall of the extensive sulphide ore- body and values of from $2.40 to $8 POULTRY RAISER CONQUERS "ROUP" Pralsct Midard's Liniment As eme r Roup or Boneh al Flo Read in this letter from @. r and obtaining no Its whatever," writes Mr. Minvielle, "I tried Minard's Linimen five to ee on 3d togaus price times ding birds, I geniton THT Helps NT SEE or om. up em J x RT) or Bronchial a diseases, as well as Rheumatic trou) For sale by all druggists, 81 | was present in a body under Scout- be handling close to 65 tons by the first of next month, The shaft at the Crescent Kirk- land Gold Mines has been dewater- ed well below the 100-ft. level, ac- cording to company officials. The shaft goes to a depth of 400 feet, with stations and lateral work at 100, 200, 300 and 400-ft. levels. Most of the old lateral work was on the 200 and 300-ft. levels and it is the company's objective to complete dewatering as quickly as possible and to carry on a complete check of all underground workings. In the mean- time, four channel samples taken on the south breast on the 35-ft level (adit) are reported as giving values of from .04 to 8.67 ozs. across widths of 18 and 12 inches, respectively, or an average of .81 ozs. across the § feet. Little Old New York The New York Times writes: -- Life has become much quieter for former Mayor James J. Walker, who resigned under fire four years ago. Now he practices law, helps his wife, the former Betty Compton, raise Irish terriers, watches over his adopted daughter, Mary Ann, and stays pretty well away from politics (although recently he praised the New Deal. and- criticized Alfred E. Smith for a "run out" on the Demo- cratic Party). He even reminisces sadly, as last week before the Grand Strect Boys Association, on the good old days. "I'm a sentimental, old-fashioned New Yorker," he said. "Now and then I have been-given-the reputa- tion of being a wise-cracker, a smart guy, a play-boy Down underneath I have a deep, abiding affection for the city. This New York of today is not the greatest New York I have known. It started to decline when it lost its neighborhood spirit." "To be afraid is the miserable con- dition of a coward. To do wrong, or omit to do right from fear, is to supér-add delinquency to cowardice, -=D.D. Field, : | A lleged WIT Be wiser than others-- .but don't tell them. : ? BRL Father--Sonny, why don't you get the habit of going to the dictionary when you want to know how to spell la word. . i, ~ Sonny -- 1 do sometimes -- but somehow the. dictionary always has it wrong. ---- Judge .to the Prisoner--Take your choice * Ten dollars or ten days. Prisoner -- I'll take the money, your honor, c -- Our fathers sought to give credit where credit was due, but this gen- eration seeks to obain credit wnere credit is obtainable. wn () Conjurer--Now, sir, you hear your watch ticking inside this hand- kerchief. Are you satisfied? Spector--I'mi miore than satisfied; I'm amazed; that watch I grve you hasn't gone for six months. -- When a man-is a bridge widower and his wife is a golf widow they ought to get along pretty well when they sce each other. -- Mother--Aren't you sorry you bit Mary? Son-->Yes, I hated the taste. } Gs Regular loafers find that time hangs heavy because there are not so many busy workmen to watch, --_---- Customer--1I suppose you are your own boss? Barber--No sir, I'd glve anything to be single again. " --_---- A Request All T ask is just enough of happi- ness and pain, Enough that I can realize the worth of sun and rain; For when both come into life may 1 rea! courage show, And "meet them wisely, unafraid, no matter where I go... ---- . Mrs. Clark--Has * ycur husband given up golf? 2 Mrs, Foster--Yes, but he still uses the language when changing tires. ---- Ho-hum says he has stopped his subscription to the funny papers until the women's new style hats go out. ) -- The dear old soul watched the cowboy. dexterously swinging his lasso on the grounds of the circus. "Wha a long rope!" she said at last. "What do_you use it for?" "Waal, lady," he drawled, 'when I'm out west on the ranch I -use it to catch cows." "Catch cows?" she cchoed. "How ) o A brother to every other Scout, Here © There Everywhere SCOUTING ( 0 THERE'S something about cutting your own tobacco right off the plug that" makes it taste fresher-- and it smokes longer. »; | ) 4 : A ry ~ Cf PLUG SMOKING TOBACCO 1 i [= 3 3 ) I} ", very interesting. Tell me, what do you use for bait?" ---- We would be able to accomplish more things of value if we wouldn't scatter our forces too much. Too many scattered interests, too many diversions, make for make-shift work which can be nothing but mediocre. ---- Mrs. Cattermole-- 1 won't keep my rubber longer. Mrs, Gingerpop--Why, 1 think it looks very nice. Mrs; --Cattermole -- Yes, but I've had it two whole years and'it hasn't raised a single pair of rubbers yet. [ don't believe it is going to bear. --_---- "Drink," said the Negro preacher, "is the greatest curse of the coun- try. It makes you quarrel with yer neighbor; it makes you shoot your landlord, and it makes yer miss him. a Life is what we make it, but it salves our feeling to blame it on somebody else. ' believe 1 plant:- any Dominions Sent Invitations To The Coronation LONDON, Eng.-- Invitations to the premiers of Canada, Australia, New Zealand and South Africa to attend the King next May are being without regara toraceor creed o (I _ It is expected that 6,000 Scouts will represent the British Empire at next summer's Fifth World Boy Scout Jamboree in Holland, 1,000 Montreal Scouts were pres- ent at the football game between McGill and Royal Military College on a recent Saturday, as guests of the Athletic Board of McGill, They paraded into the stadium headed by the Vickers' Scout band and wera reviewed by Principal A. E. Morgan of the University. At "half-time" a 16-minute display was given by g number of the Scout troops. Flags of the 1st Kingston Scout Troop were recently dedicated at a Sunday morning service in St. James Church, by the rector, Rev. Dr. J. D. Mackenzie Naughton. The troop: master Albert Thompson. Followina the service Dr. Naughton, as Presi- dent of the local Scout Association, inspected the troop. McKENZIE cussed in our ~~ SPECIAL . Copy on "od TEMPLE BUILDING TORONTO Recent developments at the mine ... their possible effects on earnings and market prices of this stock are dis- ALLAN THOMPSON & CO. RED LAKE REPORT Request BAY & RICHMOND S78." CANADA -- '| ped forward, Four hundred Cingalese Wolf Cubs (junior Scouts) assembled for a Cub field day on the estate of Sir Francis' and Lady Tyrrell, in Ceylon, and performed episodes from Rudyard Kipling's "Jungl eBook" Illustrating the value of a know- ledge of first-aid the following let- ter was received by the Editor of the Nottingham (England) Journal: Sir,--The value of a knowledge of first-aid is not appreciated until the time arrives when it is most needed. On August Bank Holiday, Tuesday, I, with my family, had a day trip to | Sandown, Ilse of Wight. While walt- ing at the pier steps to catch a re- turn boat to Southampton, we ob- served an aged lady who had tne misfortune to stumble, her leg slip- ping between two iron steps. She received a very severe cut behind her knee. There were at least 70 people waiting to catch the boat and not one had any knowledge 'of first- aid, The poor lady had to await the arrival of the boat fifteen minutes later before efficient help was forth- coming. All this time her leg was! bleeding profusely, bathing towels which had been wrapped round her, despatched by the Duke of Norfolk, Earl Marshal. This is in accordance with the "tatute of Westminster, which gave "e Dominion Parliaments the right of direct access to the Sovereign. The Dominion Prime Ministers who attend the ceremony on May 12, in Westminster Abbey, there- fore, will be taking part at the Coronation in a new historic role as representatives of the peoples of ¢ntirely self-governing Dominions, For Backache Kidney and Bladder Trouble , Stop Getting Up Nights and Feel Younger Here's one good way to flush harmful waste from kidneys and stop bladder f{rritation 'that often causes scanty, burning and -smart- ing passage. Ask your druggist for a 40-cont box of Gold Medal Haar! .. Oil Capsules -- a splendid safe and harmless diuretic and stimulant for weak kidneys and {irritated bladder. Besides getting up nights, some symptoms of kidney trouble are backaches, puffy eyes, leg cramps, and moist palms, but be sure to get GOLD MEDAL -- {t's the genuine medicine for. weak kidneys -- right from Haarlem in - Holland. leg being saturated with blood. When the steamer arrived there were calls for a doctor, or anyone with first-aid knowledge .Of at least | 200 people on board only one step-! and he was a Boy Scout, He did the job well, and the' lady was taken to hospital, I envied that Boy Scout's knowledge and efficiency.--~W. B. Nottingham, i Proof "Lessons are wonderfully helpful and inspiring." Organist Attacked by Queen's Park Thugs.--Headline. Bu why blame it all on thc organist? What about the choir?--Toronto Mail and Empire, A gigantic scheme to plant over a million acres of forests so that the trees will protect the fertile green belts from the desert winds has been approved by the central authorities, Classified Advertising FANNING MILL TANNING MILL ers say best, Empress Cres., - Kline Champion. Farm- Write Kline Company, 121 Toronto, INVENTORS! A" OFFER TO EVERY (INVENTOR List of Wanted Inventions and full Imformation tent free. THE RAMSAY Company, World Patent Attorneys, 273 Bank Street, Ottawa, "Canada PERSONAL GREYING HAIR INSTANTLY Darkened. No. "dye. Bafe. 50c. Trial size 25c. An- nette, 220 MecDermot, Winnipeg. STAMP COLLECTING ZANZIBAR -- Also Sudan. Sunaliland. Tigerstamps, Togoland, Caribbean, Alyerl- an, Central Americans, British Colonials. This Magnifcarocteus collection free for he. postage. GRAY STAMP Co, Dept. PC., To- ronto. * SALESMAN WANTED SALESMAN WANTED--FINANCIAL House desires the services of a high class man to represent them in this locality. We have na mining Issue of real merit. We handie nothing else -- our last two Issues were both winners' with the properties In production; commission basis. Apply Box 69. Wilson Publishing Cos, 73 Adelatde Bt. W., Toronto. ABTHMA SUFFERERS ASTHMA -- A misslonary from India cone pletely relleved of asthma 15 years igo will gladly send valuable Informn:t:n to anv sufferer. Bend name and adiress. Gladys Roberts, 302W Avenue Road. Toronto, Ont TUITION FREE [HAIRDRESSERS not doing Permanent Wave ing, we teach and equip vou free Fur- ther particulars, write Box 8 [Listowel Ont- arfo. , rear MOTHERHOOD? FEAR H HE period ina woman's life just before her child is horn need not be a time of illness and anxiety, At such a time it is essential that good health and i good spirits be Zi maintained. The tonic effect of Dr. Plerce's Favorite Prescrip- tion nourishes and strengthens the body of the - expectant mother, which means, of course, - that {tis also strengthening the - child. Also for girls Zoning ive yomaibood and for women in middle Nfe going through the "change," "Favorite Prescription" is Just the vegetable tonic needed. Buy nowl New size, tablets 50c., liquid $1.09 & $1.35, ---- @ltching TORTURE In A Minute For Jia relief from the Itehing of eczema, blotches, pimples, athle! Vs foot, scales, rashes and other ekin eruption: Sony Dr, nis' Rue cooling, antise Ale, liquid D, D, D, PRESCRIPTION. Its gentle of soothe the irritated skin. Clear, eso and stalo- less -- dries fast. Blogs the most Intenso itching ne stantly. A 350 tris} bottle, £1 drug stores, proves it-- or money back. Ask for D, D. D, PRESCRIPTION. 29 "I have been able definitely to change the habit of--." "You are a great help and 1 hope it is given me to measure up." "Results are wonderful." We could quote from many more letters, but the above extracts are proof that oth- ers are being helped, If others, WHY NOT You? Give that mind of yours a chance. Write today for particulars of an intensive course of mental training. The Institute of Practical and Applied Psychology 310 Confederation Building, Montrezl, PQ. Issue No. 45 -- '36 The Graphochart Shows how to read character from handwriting, at a glance ' 10¢c PREPAID Craphologist Room 421 73 Adelaide St. W. Toronts C--1 I rn FA Rl 5 ' a lS Rs gg Lo A A BRA Sl INC amin. we ratio ne ry ic"

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