Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star (1907-), 12 Nov 1936, p. 8

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MARSH HILL ¢ Mrs. Edwin Langstaff attended the funeral of her sister, who lived in To- ronto, recently, Mr, Harold Tomlinson, teaching school at Blairhampton, spent the week end at his home here, Mr. Harry Spencer, who has been| living at, Oakville the last while, was here on Sunday, Miss Thelma Hood with 'her aunt Mrs. Heron, of Wick, for a time. Mr. John Davidson, of Peterboro Normal School pent the week end at home herg. » Mr. and Robt, Swanick and Anson spent Monday of last week in the City. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Gregg and John, were recent. visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Russell Glide. oo e---- = NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Sarah Jane Byers, Deceased al All persons having claims against] the Estate of Sarah Jane Byers, late of the Village of Port Perry, in the County of Ontario, widow, deceased; | who died on the 27th day of October, A.D. 1936, are hereby notified to send in' to the undersigned solicitors on 6f] before the 24th day of November, 1936, full particulars of their claimsy] Immediately after November 24th, 1936, the assets of the Testatrix will be distributed among the parties en- titled thereto, having regard only to' claims of which the solicitors shall then have notice. - Dated, October 31st, 1936. W. J. Petty, 466 Bay Street, To- ronto, Solicitor for Sarah Jane Byers Estate. & Dr. Ed. Bailey VETERINARY SURGEON at Sebert House, Port Perry, Tuesday and Friday afternoons, Phone 127 Uxbridge, day or night. Calls will be promptly attended to. oct29tf Bl YOTERS' LIST, 1937 MUNICIPALITY OF REACH, COUNTY OF ONTARIO Notice is hereby given that I have complied with section 7 of the Voters' Lists Act and that I have posted at my office at Manchester on the 2nd day of 'November, 1936, the list of all ~persons entiteld to vote in the said Municipality at Municipal Elections and that such list remains ficte for inspection. And I hereby call upon all voters to . take immediate proceedings to have any errors or omissions corrected ac- cording to law, the last day for ap- peals being the 23rd day of November 1936. Dated: this 10th day of November, 1936. W. F. DOBSON, Clerk. 7 of the Municipality. a [(R H) 10) EA 4 Jlrs OSHAWA Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Nov. 12-13-14 SHIRLEY TEMPLE in "Dimples" with Frank Morgan and Stepin Fetchit MON., TUES. WED., THURS. NOY. 16-17-18-19 The Great Ziegfeld starring WILLIAM POWELL, MYRNA LOY and LUISE RAINER 60 Stars 300 Girls 3 Solid Hours of Dazzling Entertainnient ° * --at popular prices-- Matineo: Children 16c¢. ~ Adults '80c. Evenings Children 20e. Adults 88e. above prices include tax tT hn Continuous show daily 2 p.m. to 11 p.m. "THE GREAT ZIEGFELD" commences dafly ah 2.00--6.06--8.16 p.m. Fhe who is| » SNAPSHOT CUIL HAVE A SNAPSHOT PARTY " 1 RHOTOFLOOD = 2% SUBJECT @ 3FT. The "maglec chalr' will prove to be a popular at- traction. HER SoME people just naturally frown on the idea of doing anything un- usual or different, but he that as it may, here's a suggestion for a new kind of party. A "Snapshots at Night Party" and the chances are it will be voted by those who are fortunate enough to be invited as an outstand- ing success. To further add to the merriment of the party you might have your guests come in costume. Tell them to come dressed as their favorite movie star, some famous person of history, a character from one of the "nursery rhymes, or, you might sim- "plify the matter of costumes and make it a regular "Kid Party," all guests dressing as children. Setting the stage for your Snap- shots at Night Party is very simple and can be done before your guests arrive. . Here is what you do. Place a chair in an out-of-the-way part of the room so that it will not .be dis- turbed by the guests as they arrive. Close to the back and to the right of the chair place a floor lamp so that "the light bulb is about two feet from the back of the chair. Now tilt the shade slightly upward so that it will throw the light directly over. and down on the shoulders and head of the person sitting in the chair. About three feet directly in front of the chair place another floor lamp with its shade tilted to throw the light directly on the front of your subject and chair. You now have one floor lamp back of and to the - right of the chair and another one three feet in front of the chair or subject. =) ph With the lamps in this position you will have to take the picture from the side; so place your camera on a table or some firm support at a point where you can see all of your subject in the finder. If you have a folding camera with an 1.6.3 lens open it to this aperture and set the shutter speed at 1/25 of a second. With supersensitive panchromatic film in your camera and two Photo- flood bulbs in the lamp facing the subject and one in the lamp back of the chair you are ready for the ar- . rival of your guests and fascinating indoor snapshots at night. In placing your camera be sure that neither of the lights shines di rectly into the lens of the camera or shows in your finder. After your guests have arrived lead them one by one to the "magic chair," switch on the Photoflood lamps, and--snap--you have the pic ture. And 'you can count on muc} merriment as each faces the camera - Suppose you do not have a4 camers with a lens as fast as 7.6.3. You capo have your party and take picture: with any camera just the same, You can take a short time exposure with out any change in your set-up. "In taking either a snapshot a: night at 1/26 of a second or a time exposure picture, caution your gues: not to move when the picture i: actually being taken. You and your guests will have fun at a Snapshots at Night party and in.turn you will have some highly interesting pictures to enjoy look: ing at for many years to come. 69 JOHN VAN GUILDER. CALL HOME "on those Sundays away-from Home! Jim Howard looks forward to the week-ends. He likes to spend them at home in the bosom of his family. So, "when a prolonged business trip found him at loose ends in a strange town that sunny Sunday morning, his cup of sorrow and discontent was overflowing -- until he suddenly thought of Long Distance and the new Low Sunday Rates. "It will be almost as. good as being with them" thought Jim as he briskly stepped \ to the telephone. @®0n both "Anyone" and "Porson: Person", calls, Low Night Rates apply after 7 p.m, and ALL DAY SUNDAY, Narrow Escape from Death | Frank Whitfield, Port Party; had a narrow escape from death about five a.m. on November 7th, when he made a mistake in the turn in a road and his car plunged into the harbor at Beaver- ton. In some way he managed to get on the top of the car just allowing his head to be above water. Aftey calling for 'help for half an hour provincial and local constables succeeded in 'get- ting him to shore. Whitfield is ap- parently none the worse after his early morning plunge. Mr. Whitfield was to meet some friends who were coming to Beaverton by train, but as that train had been cut off and did not arrive, Whitfield turned around and left the station, On making the turn he got on the wrong road which led him to the lake, where he was not acquainted and unfortun- ately drove off the wharf. go 'County Council COUNTY OF ONTARIO A meeting of the County Council of the Corporation of the County of Ontario will be held pursuant to ad- journment in the Council Chamber in the Court House in the Town of Whitby, on Monday, the 16th day of November, 1936, at the hour of two | o'clock in the afternoon. All accounts to be laid before the Council should be forwarded to the Clerk, properly certified, at least three days before the meeting of the Council. Dated at Whitby, this 4th day of November, A.D, 1936. R. DONALD RUDDY, County Clerk. HONEYDALE The regular meeting of the 'W. I. * was held at the home of Mrs. Chas, Honey on Thursday afternoon of last .week with an attendance of twenty- four. Mrs, A. Williams read the Scripture lesson and Miss Dorothy Williams gave a piano solo. A read- ing by Mrs.- W. R. Willan, a solo by Mrs. Harold Honey and a reading by Mrs, Jas. Owen." i A progressive euchre and dance was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. N. Whitfield on Friday evening. The prize winners were Mrs. W. R. Willan and Mr. 'M. Bowles, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Smith and Miss Florence, spent Sunday with Mr.-and Mrs, W. Symes. Mr. and. Mrs. Harold Mills and Miss Margaret Mills with Mrs. Mills' mother Mrs. C. Wells on Sunday. * Mr. and Mrs, Glen Dunn and family of Bowmanville, spent the week end with Mrs, Dunn's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Owen. Mr. Frank Whitfield vation es- caped death carly: Saturday morning when - motoring to Beaverton. He made a wrong turn on the road and plunged into the éold water of lake Simcoe. Although it was some time before anyone heard his call for help, | Mr. Whitfield seems none the worse for his experience, J SCUGOG The services will be the same as last Sunday. We all enjoy the after- - noon service at thé Centre and notice a good attendance, We were favored with a solo by Mrs, Nicklin, of To- ronto, who is visiting her mother Mrs, Elgie and sister Mrs. F. G. Joblin at the parsonage. «| 'Rev, F. G. Joblin was called away to Stirling, his former charge, on Monday, to take charge of the funeral | of a friend. =» All are isvijed to the Centre Church on Thursday evening, Nov. 12th, to hear, the story by Mr. Cook, of his work in Africa. : He will illustrate his story with lantern slides. The date is the 12th, nbt 17th as reported. The whooping cough has broken out _in many homes on the Island. We hope is will soon disappear again. Congratulations to Mrs. J. Burn- ham on winning the pretty set of dishes given in acontest by Mr. and Mrs. Layton, "were here for the past week in the Township Hall en- tertaining. The report of Mr, A. Sweetman going deer hunting last week was in .eTTOor, Miss Florence Carter visited with her friend Miss Grace Demara over the week end. ¥ Mrs. M. McLaren is spending a few The Port Perry Star has a gorgeous selection of Personal Greeting call---No. 80-- wil bring a ropreentative to your home. W. Jackson, near Port Perry, . Mr, and Mrs. W. Mark, of Valentia, were recent guests of Mr, and Mrs, Wilfred Mark, Mr, Geo. Dodsley of Saintfield spent the week end with his parents Mr. and Mrs, W. Dodsley. visiting her daughter Mrs. G for a few days. with Mr. and Mrs, Russell, in 'Oshawa, on Sunday. The Institute meeting held on Sat- urday at the home of Miss Jean Hood place about the motto "No great characters are formed without sut- fering and self-denial". Miss W. Nid- her motor trip to British Columbia Mrs. 8. Reypolds of Sugars, i84 « Cherrie, |i Mr, and Mrs, Chandler; Miss Ivah : Milner and Mr. C.. Fralick, visited § was attended by twenty. The meeting |§ opened with the singing of the Ode, |} then an interesting discussion took |H dery gave a very interesting talk on i Itittittitt Sess tes tebe ene [titties sebee during the holidays, The poem "In Flanders Fields" was read by Miss M, | Mitchell as an Armistice contribution, The Christmas project taken by Miss Marjorie Milner had a goodly number of ideas. - The meeting closed with oma singing and lunch, | Mr. and Mrs, A, Bushby and child- ren of Pickering and Mrs, R. D. Burn- ham, were guests of Mr, and Mrs. J. Burnham, on Sunday. Mrs. D. Hope, Leonard and Shirley visited the former's daughter Mrs, H, Loug, recently, Mr. and Mrs, J. McLaren, of Port Perry, visited their son Murray for a few days last week. Mr. J. Crozier has taken over the work of tax collector, owing to the illness of his brother Mr. W. Crozier, Sorry to hear that Mr. Russell Hood had his car badly smashed on Monday while driving the pupils -to High School at Port Perry. Fortun- ately no one was hurt. The November meeting of the Vic- torian Women's Institute was held at the home of Mrs. Tennyson Samells on Wednesday afternoon the 4th, and was in charge of the group of which she was convener. The roll call was answered with a suggestion for an inexpensive Christmas gift, One item of business was the arrange- ments made for a euchre and crocki- nole party to be held in the Communi- ty Hall on Tuesday evening, Nov, 1%. The program consisted of readings by Mrs. Harold Swain and Miss Jean Wright, a paper on "The Social 'Life of Our Community" by Mrs. Wilber Archer and a contest in charge of Mrs. A. Read. - Lunch was served. - Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Hawthorne on the birth of a son on Friday, Nov. 6th. Sunday visitors were: Mr. and Mra. E, Dorrell and family and Audrey Mountjoy with Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Wannan, of Kirby. * Mr. and Mrs. W. A. VanComp, Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Bailey, with Mr. and Mrs. Norman Woodley, of Tyrone. 'Mr. and Mts, John Wright, Mr. and Mrs, O. Wright, with Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Bradburn, Misses Sybil and Vida Langmaid of Oshawa, at the home of Mrs. John Forder; Mr. and Mrs. R. Casement of Belleville, with the latter's brother and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. F. Willan; Miss Ruth Marlow and friend of To- ronto, with the former's mother Mrs. Jas. Marlow. . The annual fowl supper and concert held in the Community Hall on Friday evening under the auspices of St. 'John's Anglican Church was a splen- | E did success. to $147, The proceeds amounted United Church was held on Wednes- day evening in the: school room of the | church. The Bible study was taken 'by Miss Doris Marlow and Mrs. A. Johnston led in prayer. The tople "Peace" was taken by Rev. H. W. Bell the pastor. Mrs. C. Marlow gave a paper on "War is a Racket". A read- ing "Give Him a Lift" by Mr. Frank Hoskin and a peanut contest brought the méeting to a close. o Week -end visitors were Mrs. Henry Graham of Toronto with her parents Mr. 'and Mrs. Henry Mountjoy; Miss parents Mr, and 'Mrs. N. Mountjoy. W. A.of-8t. John's church will be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Parr on Thursday evening the 19th. Mrs. Annie E. Smellie, Hammond's brother and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. F. Willan, uation School spent the week end at his home in Blenheim. and Mrs, W. VanCamp and Mabel, were in Millbrook on Wednesday éven- ing the 4th, when a further contest in Speech making was held in connection with the Home and School Club by The weekly Y. P. S, meeliig of the Hazel Mountjoy of Bronte, with her |}; The regular monthly meeting of the : Port, U.S.A, is the guest of her { Mr, Allin, principal of the Contin- 4 Mr. and Mrs, Wilber Malcolm, Mr. |E devs with hor parents Mrs and "Mra. [Fort perry ic, to Wore) FEATURING fi i ality Price Large Assortinent of Staples and Novelties ~ Kitchen Hardware, Glassware, Chinaware Service | Toiletries, Stationery, Confectionery | H. DURKIN, two pupils from each township in the County. Misses Jean Malcolm and Jessie VanCamp were the two selected to speak for Cartwright. All the contestants received a book but the first prize was awarded to a Port Hope Public School pupil. She chose a8 her subject "Sir John A. Mac- donald". The next contest will be held at Brighton and the successful boy or girl there will go to Toronbo to com- pele at the O. E. A. Convention, A number from here attended the dance at Purple Hill last Friday night and report a good time. Congratulations are extended to Mr. .and Mrs. Ralph Saddler on their mar- riage on Wednesday afternoon Nov. 4th at the home of the bride's parents, Mr, and Mrs. Wilfred Williams. The sudden passing of Mrs, David Heaslip at the home of her son Mr. Bruce Heaslip, Janetville came as a shock to her many friends in Black- stock and vicinity. Mrs\Heaslip lived for some time with, the late Mrs, Brandon. ! Mr, and Mrs, Cecil Hyde, Messrs. R. Smith and Norman McCurdy of To- rénto, spent Sunday with relatives and friends here. 3 " Miss Dorothy Redman and Mr. C. Butson, attended the dance in connec- tion with the Manchester Community Club. Mrs. John Carter spent Saturday with relatives in Toronto. PRINCE ALBERT : Dr. Grierson, recent medical mis: sionary in Korea, will preach in our Church next Sunday at three o'clock. A citizenship program was enjoyed at League last Wednesday night. Mrs. J. Denny gave a splendid challenging talk on "War and Its Aftermath". This was much appreciated. Follow- ing this Mr. A. Harper rendered a vocal solo, "Jesus is a Friend of Mine", Miss Margaret McCrea read a few fine verses entitled "Our League". A ladies' duet "Whispering Hope" was sung. We are. having missionary lantern -- slides Nov, 80th. The: Men's Class will resume the Forum period next. Sunday. " Don't forget the Men's Banquet on Friday night of this week at 6.45. The Sunday School executive met on Monday night to make plans for the Christmas concert. The date was set on or about Dec. 18th. Each class will be responsible for one number, BAKING. :: entitled | "Two Missionary Heroes" on 'Monday, : Special Line of Christmas Cards and Toys Owned and operated by PORT PERRY . 4 [titi ttttt ttt ttttrttt ttt tt aa ato Itt titititetd Mrs. W. Webb and Jean, 'of Nor- wood, are spending a week at the home of her parents Mr. and Mrs, A. E. Hunter, ie Mr. John Jeffrey has returned from his visit to the West. 'Mr, and Mrs, Patterson, of Agin- court, visited with-Mrs. J. Warren last week. : Remember the League Play "The New Minister Arrives" to be given next .week. Mrs. F. Watson has gone back to British Columbia, Strand Theatre UXBRIDGE Thurs., Fri. 5" (This week) Ann Sothern and Edmund Low, in : "Grand Exit" insurging flames to get the girl hé ..loves. Also "WOLF DOG" and.. COMEDIES. 'Mon, Tues., Wed., Nov. 16-17-18 Bob Steele, in ANew Western Thriller and' Comedies Thurs., Fri., S8at., (Next Week) Geneva Mitchell and Tim McCoy, in "FIGHTING SHADOWS" - A Mounted Police story coming soon, "Small Town Girl"? You can sit now on-soft seats at the Strand.' and PLAYS The firm of Samuel French, oldest play publishers in the world, has established 'a Canadian house, A com. _ plete line of Samuel French plays is now available $51 in Canada Send for Canadian Catalogue to SAMUEL FRENCH (CANADA) LIMITED 128 Uni a A x piety venue ALL THE YEAR ROUND You can depend upon the excellence of GERROW'S No matter whether it be for Special Occasions, or for every day use, GERROW BAKING can be $ depended on for uniform good quality, . Gerrow Brothers M. A. GERROW PORT PERRY PURDY BLOCK, You help yourself to the best the market affords--low prices G. M. GERROW GROCETERIA : PORT PERRY --_------------ CLOVER LEAF SALMON, 2' BLUE RIBBON COCOA, 11h, tin rayne va EMERY CORN BEEF, per tin ....... PASTRY FLOUR, 1st EXTRACT OF VANIL BENSON'S CORN STARCH BROOM'S, 4-strongs RED ROSE TEA 1 CUT GOLDEN Wik & ERAN ..+.3 for 25c¢. yvevh aia 186. 1lec. LORE A RRR AT AR EAS WTR ATR 20 | 8 oz. bottle .............15¢. ERE A REA HRI: a 12e, RR aR ALC ILRI LIE ERR ICR LRT rT ( EANS, per tin .......i..i000 We Deliver at all times between 8 am. and 6 p.m. 8. A. . PALMER, Prop. We Deliver i R

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