\ serving on _the Board of Education. _ among them is Mrs. Z, . to the town. ~ signally honoured by being unanimous- p> - tegchers and students we have both PAGE FOUR 4 Mr. Ken. Pearce, of Langstaff, spent "Mr, Ke "spective homes. . - 12s .me to draw to the attention of the " eligible to serve on the Board of Edu- LOCAL ITEMS After spending the Christmas holi- days at his home here, Mr, Storey Beare returned to Toronto on Mon- day, | where 'he is attending the Col- ~ lege of Pharmacy. the week end in town with friends. Miss. Spoorier, Miss Thompson and on the staff of the High School, after spending the holidays at their re- On Tuesday last the members of the Anglican Sunday School held their annual Christmas tea and entertain- ment: - This took the form of present- ing in drama the Christmas scenes. The Church, where this took place, was very prettily decorated for the oc- casion. The performers all took their parts well and reverently. The or- ganist and choir helped in the singing of the hymns and carols. A proces- sion round the Church closed the ser- vice after which the prizes for the 'year were distributed. The singing of the National Anthem brought a happy occasion to a close, Mr: and Mrs. R. J. Weir and Garnet left this week for Florida for a holi- day. | Mrs. H. C. Nasmith left last week to spent some time with her mother, Mrs, McCaw, in Florida. Mr. and Mrs. James Irvine wish to thank their many friends who assisted their little daughter Olive to win the third prize in the Rexall Contest at Lawrence's Drug Store. Miss Evelyn Somerville: and Miss. Dorothea O'Neill motored to Brock- ville with Mr. T. Harris, and spent the week end with Mrs, F. Slemmon. Mrs. Slemmon returning with them. ------ ------ HOCKEY MATCH AT PORT PERRY, FRIDAY, JAN. 8th. Bobcaygeon Intermediate Hockey team will play with the-Port boys at the local arena on Friday night of this week. The boys will be glad to have you come and see this game. --_--ee o> To the Editor of the Port Perry Star: Dear Sir,--Will you kindly permit ratepayers, the importance of women For several years we have been for- tunate in having public spirited women serve our community, and prominent M. Jackson, who has just retired after rendering fourteen years of contihuous servicé (as a member of the Board of Educa- tion) to the community of Port Perry. "During those years she has missed comparatively few meetings; has de- monstrated her ability to understand and interpret the complicated system of education that we have in Ontario, and that together with her experience, makes her retirement a distinct loss In 1930 and 1931, Mrs. Jackson was ly elected chairman, an office that she filled with distinction and credit, and was I believe, the second woman to fill that ofis | in Ontario, and incide : 1ce, a sister-in-law, f . Jeffrey, who presided over the ronto Board of Education, a short time prior to Mrs. Jackson's chair- manship in Port Perry, other women who have served on the Board in Port are Mrs. F. W. Brock, Mrs. A. H. Rose, Mrs. Jas. Forman, Mrs. Figary, and Mrs. Orde. It appears to me there is a distinct field of service for women who are cation. First, because they are rate- payers; and second, because in both sexed, and oftentimes a woman can render more efficient service than a man' in dealing with the problems ot her own sex as in relation to our edu- cational system, I hope that those iu authority will see fit to appoint an- other woman, if possible, to fill the vacancy created by Mrs, Jackson's re- tirement, who, after .fourteen years of faithful service rendered, deserves "to be recognized. (Signed) Ratepayer.. ---- ti et lis CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION 7 p.m.--Evening service. ST. JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. Robt. Simpson, Minister Services at 11 am. and 7 p.m. PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH, 11 a.m.--'Thou shalt not steal." 1.45 p.m~--Men's Class and Forum, 2.45 p.m.~--Sunday School. 7 p.m~"Remember Lot's Wife" Wednesday, Jan, 16--W.M.S. at 3 p. mc at the home of Mrs: Stone. ; Ried ruses. Ashenhurst. illors -- Edgar Johnson, "Fred on, Walter Beach, , have returned to theiy duties| Have Your Repair- ing Done. - Don't wait until the last minute this year, be ready for an early spring. If you need a new Haeness or a new harness part, buy now: and save, Leather prices are going up so order early this year. _ We will be pleased to quote you prices on any special jobs made to your own specifications. SPECIAL--Webb Trace Harness, with 7%" lines and ring-crown bridles. Per set WILLIAM WEBSTER, At Beatty's Store, Port Perry A RARE COLLECTION OF OLD CHINA Mrs. C. C. Jeffrey is the possessor of a rare collection of old china which she has inherited from her grand- parents, who in turn had received the precious heirlooms from ancestors, some of whom, dated back to Charles the First. The pieces are chiefly cups and saucers, some decorated in blue de- sign, and some in a peculiar tone of red. Some of the pieces carry that rarest of all china decorations-- metallic luster, an art of beautifying china "which has largely been lost. One particularly treasured product of the potter's art is a medium sized jug... It was made as a souvenir of the building of the iron bridge at Sunderland, England, in the year 1793. - Another rarity (not an antique) is a trick jug with a perforated neck. You are challenged to be able to drink out of it as follows: "To drink and not to spill Will try the utmost of your skill." The trick can be performed in spite of the perforations if you know where to place your fingers. The making of pottery is almost as old as the history of mankind; and the study of the development of this art brings to light wonderful stories of patience and skill, The process of "firing" is particularly difficult and uncertain. The old adage--*"If at firsy you don't succeed, try again' has been amply lived out in the making of fine china. To the lover of antiques, Mrs, Jef- frey's- collection of-china would prove most interesting. RE ------ PA PORT PERRY HIGH SCHOOL SHORT COURSES IN HOME ECONOMICS and VOCATIONAL AGRICULTURE. January 25th to February 19th, 1937. The Port Pérry Board of Education offers, again this year, Short Courses as announced above to the young men and young women of Port Perr ry and Classes will meet each = from Monday to Friday from 10.30 a.m. to 3.30 p.m. The Courses will be made as prac- tical as possible. Special attention will be given to the needs:of those attending. Duplication of previous courses will not occur. No charge 1s made. HOUSEHOLD ECONOMICS --The school has an exceptionally well equipped Household Science room which will be available for the use ot these classes. Instruction in both sewing. and Cooking will be given as well as in other topics relating to Homemaking. AGRICULTURE AND FARM ME- CHANICS--Special - attention is di- rected to the course in Farm Mechan- ics. The school has a very well equip- ped shop. Actual practice will be given in Woodworking, Forge Prac- tice, Soldering, Tool Fitting, Motor Mechanics, ete. In addition there will be practical instruction in the par- ticular fields of Farming in which the various members of the class are In- terested. : As definite arrangements for the courses cannot be made until a suf- ficient number have signified their in- tention of attending, please send in your application at once. (Applica- tion forms may be had from the prin- cipal of the school, Mr, R. G. Gemmell, re Sales of Dominion Stores, Limited, for the 13th period ended December 26th, 36, were $16658,068, This condi with $1,675,089 for the cor- responding period in 19356, and is an 'increase of 6.27%, Sales for the year 1036 were $19, 434,840. This compares with $17, 876,608. for the year 1935 and is an increase of 8.72%. The number of stores in operation at the close of 1936 was 488, : os i REI : yh Irs Ao follows: President, Mrs. Osmond | Wright; Vice-President, Mrs. Percy VanCamp; Secretary, Mrs. Arthur Cranand] Parsonage Com., Mrs. W. HA ~VanCamp, Mrs. Jas, Henry, Mrs, poi: EH VAG Le HERNAN I RR A et " 4 s BLACKSTOCK Now is the Time to Miss Susie VanCamp was. in Keene on New Year's Day where she was soloist at a church wedding of two sisters, Misses Edith and Jean Elm- hearst. The grooms were two broth- ers, Messrs. Ross and Charlie Me- Intyre, The play, Defence" put' on in the Community Hall, on New Year's night by the dramatic club of St. John's Anglican Church, was a decided success. The directors were Rev. and Mrs, Har- court, and the prompter Mrs. A. L. Bailey. Between acts the Reeve and Councillors for 1937 gave short ad- dresses; musical selections were pro- vided by Messrs. Howard Bailey, John and Fred Hamilton and Roland Thom. son, Mr, Thomson also sang two solos which brought enthusiastic encores. Misses Joan and Nancy Marlow, of Toronto, spent the holidays with their grandmother Mrs. Jas, Marlow. Mr, and Mrs. Rudd Heaslip, of To- ronto, spent Sunday with the former's sister Mrs," Wallace Marlow. Their daughters Misses Doris and Alice Heaslip, returned home with them after spending a week with their cousin Miss Gweneth Marlow. Mrs. W. A. VanCamp; Mrs, Albert Werry, Mrs, Stanford Swain, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Marlow, in Lindsay on Sunday attending the funeral of their cousin Miss Jennie Swain, Mr. and Mrs, Carl Wright and fam- ily, Mr. and Mrs, N. S. McNally and Verna, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Forder. Mr. and Mrs. Harry VanCamp ana Glen, Mr. and Mrs. W. VanCamp, were Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Rupert Werry. Miss Iona Dunn, of Oshawa, was with her grandmother Mrs. John Forder over the holidays. Mrs. Swanick spent Sunday with her brother and his wife Mr. and Mrs. R. Hooper. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Willan and children, Vivian and Charlie, of To- ronto, spent Sunday with their daughter Miss Grace Willan 'at the home of Mr. and Mrs, F. A, Willan, The annual meeting of the W, A. of the United Church was held at the home of Mrs. Jas. Henry. Mrs. (Rev.) Bell gave a reading, . "The Rich are solo, "The Sands have been washed o'er His Footsteps". = During months of December, January, February and March, the meetings will be held in the afternoon at 2 o'clock, instead of at 8 pm. H. Bell, Mrs. Bell .presided over the election of officers which resulted as Read; Treasurer, Mrs. Mervin Gra- ham; Organist, Mrs. R. Saddler; Asst. Organist, Miss Viola Bradburn; De- votional Committee, Mrs. H. J. Bell, Mrs. Cecil Hill; Fruit an Ey Com., Mrs. Jae" iFy, Mrs. George Mervin Graham. The Sunday School of the United Tuesday evéning when the following teachers and officers were elected: Supt., Mr. E. Dorrell; Asst, Mrs. E. Larnfer; Secretary, Mr. Herb. Swain; Asst, Mr. Murray Byers; Treas, Mr. Alex. Johnston; Librarian, Miss Mabel VanCamp; Pianiste, Mrs. Roy Taylor, Assts.,, Misses Vivian Saddler, - Viola Bradburn, Muriel Mountjoy. Musical Director, Mrs. Saddler; Supt. of Home Dept., Mrs. Jas. Henry. Teachers-- Bible Class, Mr. R. P. Allen, Asst., Mrs. N. Mountjoy; Y. Men's Class, Mr. E. Dorrell; Sr. Girls® Class, Mrs. C. Marlow; Sr. Boys' Class, Mr. W. Marlow; Intermediate Girls, Miss Eva Brown; Asst., Mrs. W. Marlow; Inter- mediate boys, Mr, John Beacock; Asst. Mrs, E. Larmer; Jr. girls, Mrs. A. Read, Asst., Mrs, Harold Swain; Jr. Boys, Mr. A. Johnston, Asst.,, Mr. H. Swain; Primary Dept, Hon. Supt, Mrs. Jas. Marlow, Supt.,, Miss Sussie VanCamp, Asst, Mrs. Cecil Hill; Primary Girls, Miss Ferga Johnston, Primary Boys, Mrs. R. Taylor; Be- ginner Boys, Mrs. C. Hill; Beginner Girls, Miss Doris Marlow; Nursery Class and ,8upt of Cradle Roll, Mrs. N. 8S. McNally: Mr. and Mrs. Norman Mountjoy celebrated their wedding anniversary recently when they entertained sev- 'eral relatives. ) Miss Reta Swain visited her aunt Mrs. Oakley Carley of Caven during the holidays. The young people who took part in the New Year's play were entertajned to a fowl supper by Rev. and Mrr, Harcourt on New Year's Eve, Obituary . of Misa Elizabeth Hooey, contributed by Miss Mary Malcolm, of Nestleton, Ontario, cember, 1936, Elizabeth Hooey, of 607 Lipton St., Winnipeg, died of pneu- © "The Attorney for thel|, 'of the 1st Concession of Cartwright. Poor"; Mrs. Saddler favoured with a| = In the 'absence of the 'pastor Rev.| Church -held its annual meeting on] On the morning of the 7th of De-| Now is the time to start the New Year Right and protect your health they are pr operly select-| ed -- under Government supervision, We Deliver W. BOYNTON Phone 4, PORT PERRY by buying our meats, as| IL. R. BENTLEY WE FIT 'Glasses You Save Money SAT -- OPTOMETRIST PORT PERRY, ONT. - PHONE 38 of the late Mr. and Mrs. John Hooey She spent all but four years of her life in Cartwright. In early life she became a member of Cadmus Presby- terian Church under the Pastorate of Rev. W. Windle. She always took an active part in the Church activities. For many years she was a teacher of a girls' class. She was g charter member of the Woman's Missionary Society of which she was treasurer for about twenty-five years. She was elected President of the first Ladies' Aid organization in' Nestleton Church and was Church Missionary treasurer for a few years. She was always ready with her means as well as prac- tical help in the church and in the community, The funeral service was held on December 9th and burial took place in Brookside Cemetery, Winni- peg. Many beautiful floral tributes showed the respect and love of numer- ous relatives and friends. Those surviving her are two sisters, Mrs. Susan Henderson and Miss Maud Hooey, R.N., Winnipeg, two brothers Walter of Bethune, Sask., and Joseph' of Battleford, Sask., also two nieces Amma _H enderson of Winnipeg, Isobel Hooey, of Bethune, and three nephews Roy and Burney Hooey, of Burketon, and Jack Hooey, of Battleford, Three brothers, John of Burketon; Gibson of Burketon; and Samuel of Darlington, predeceased her, Besides these sor- rowing relatives she will be missed by friends and acquaintances in Cart- be held in the Town Hall, Port Perry, wright and Winnipeg. SUITS CLEANED |g Suits sponged and pressed 60 Cents Dry Cleaned $1.00 C. P. ROLPH Over the Observer Office Annual Meeting of the Cemetery Co. The 75th Annual Meeting of the Ontario Pine Grove Cemetery Co. will on Monday, January 18th, at 2.30 p.m. The President's, Auditor's and other | & Reports will be received. Directors for 1937 are to be elected. i The General Business of the : year will be discussed, also|¥ the advisability of building 8 a chapel in the. Cemetery. . "Any Plot Owner is entitled to a i vote, or is eligible to be elected alf Director of the. Company. The meeting is open to anyone who | & is interested, and a good attendance [gs Lake Seugog Lmber Coal Co, i is very earnestly requested. Grant Christie, -R. D. Woon, President. = . Sec.-Treas. = DOMI =A3 & Pobons hiective for. January 74h, 8th and 9th. _ +» . DOMESTIC SHORTENING NION 4-1b, Pkg: 49 SPER Li SALMON PRUNES = Plump Tall Tins AUST. "PEACHES - CORN FLAKES k For 52 ; and Meaty Bp br. BE J6-0z 33 3.23 AYLMER Peacy Quality Raspberries Vacuum Pack == 15 Prensls Prepared Mustard So. a . Manyflowers Soap "for 20 and 1 Cake of Fairy Soap for .1 the § Cakes ~ 21 SINGAPORE WE REPAIR|| 'Barristers, Solicitors, Notarles Public' eNews (You Can Save With Safety at Your Rexall Bore Lawrence' $ Drug Stor ~ TONICS COUGH. KEPLER'S - REMEDIES Cod Liver Oil and Malt ! ©" 8bc.and $1.40 REXALL ; : ' Bronchial Syrup, ©. 506, ¢ WAMPOLES, ie ® Extract of Cod Live 00 REXALL ind oo. . Cherry Bark 35c. & 60¢, % SCOTT'S Emulsion @ 53c. and 98c. ~~ MASON'S 49, d0c. and 75. AYERST'S Alphametics' $1.00 and $3. 50 @ : BUCKLEY'S MIXTURE 40c. and 75c. @ HONEY and Horehound PNGLISH MALT and Mixture ene ras BOC Cod Liver Oil, 49¢., 'HALIVER 0 Capsules, $1.00 and $1.85 89c. POOR ORONONRO ® RUM, HONEY and Cod Liver Oil ..... -.60c. A. M. LAWRENCE DO ated Phone 49 PORT PERRY bROSOSOS0S00S00S0S0S090S0S0S0S0S00S0S0S0S0S0800S0S0E0SOS0S0S0SOS0S0SOEOSOSOSOROSOFOPOS0RO OROSOSOSORY CRABB OROBOROBOBLIOBOIPB APSR BOBOP AOI OPOBOBOBOROPOBOROBBOIOBOBOBOBO CAOBOBOBIBOBOROBAAOPBCAOPOOBORORD "00 00 0A 0 AT re ett sl FUEL Seite ARE YOUR FUEL REQUIREMENTS TAKEN CARE OF § FOR THIS WINTER? : OPOROPOPOSOROOROPOSOPOROPORIIOROROROSOIOPOSOSOPOPOONOROORO SBOPOBOBOBOPOBAOBOBON. Call 240 and ORE 1 ton of Cod, Coke, or 4 single cords of wood, and get a chance on n the 1 ton of. fuel FREE { L. Phone 240 Port Perry CECE ROI E0000 08000008080020C00800000808 0080800080000 ORO0I0IOROR0ROROR00 SABIE ROIINC 80 WANT ADVTS -- "Five Cents p ~ Minimum r line. : Cents. WOOD CUT BY THE HOUR 'Orr Browne, Phone 39, Port Perry. Dr. Ed. Bailey VETERINARY SURGEON at Sebert House, Port Perry, Tuesday FULLER BRUSH COMPANY has "opening for two. dealers. : 3 We train, you, give you restricted terri- tory and pay you $6 weekly plus com- mission and bonus if you qualify. Ap- ply or write Mr. P. Webster, 78 Mec- Millan Drive, Oshawa. 1 and Friday afternoons, Phone 127 + Uxbridge, day- or night. Calls will ---------- be promptly attended to. oct20tf (The fixe of an & Buurasrs Is disolved) | 4p property of Ray Bartley at Lot ARTHUR W. 8. GREER _ 416, Con. 11, Reach, % mile: east of 6 King St, East, Oshawa, Phone 8160 Greenbafik, "on THesday, Jannary 26th. {5 Attendance at my Port Perry ofics oa | Sle at 1 pm. Terms Cash. Wednidsy morning and Friday afternoon : of Sth, wedk oF BY apochbaiit Ted Jackson, Ahctioneer. Queen Street, Port Perry, Phone 264! -- ~~ CONANT & ANNIS | DR. W. S. HARPER ~~ Graduate 'of Trinity Medical College Trinity University, Toronto. nd Post Jraduate in Paizl, of Flo og oro reins Norn East Londen, London, England, Royal ay Glasgow. Office and Surgery--Port Perry, Ont. GORDON 'D. CONANT, K.C, ALLIN F. ANN L Gficm 134 bimave Bi, 8 Gobo" Phones, 4 and 8 (Oshawa) and at Court House, Whithy, (Mr. Comant) . Phone 7 (Whithy) W. A. Sangster DENTAL SURGRON Office Hours: 9 am. to § p.m. Office Up-stairs, over Emmerson's Insurance Office or. 2c 122 The firm of Gazsn & HuMPHASYS is disolved) RUSSELL D. HUMPHREYS 2414 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa Phone 814 : 'in attendance at my Port Perry office on Tuesday and Thursday afterncons of each week or by appointment. PINEAPPLE CUBES 18-om, br. 25 ' CHOOOLATE 4.17 o CLARK'S COOKING FIGS Chicken Haddies 2.25 Tomato Juice - 3.25 No. 10 . Tin 39 wl A HEAD LETTUCE ....5¢ (} CELERY ............5e ', TOMATOES, ,2 tbs. 25c. CABBAGE ....2 for 15c. GRAPES .....2 hs, 27¢ monia, Miss Hooey was a daughter SQUASH, Hubbard, 2/25¢ SPY APPLES, basket 39¢. RADISHES ...... 3/10c. TABLE TURNIPS. ...5¢. ~# 1'ONIONS, 10 1h, 28c. COAL COKE WOOD BLUE COA L-The standard for quality--the coal that is increas- ing in popularity every day with: the coal consuming public. TRY IT AND PROVE IT FOR YOURSELF .COKE--Range and Nut sizes. WOOD--Bodywood, Hardwood - Slabs, Soft Slabs, White Birch. LUMBER, Lath, Shinglps--Asphalt & Wood 7 8ypres, gm na. Sash and Deors. : Artie pe FRED I AN. eects ststrstnsessttetetttctstctetestettresreetettsens JESS 000000004 Stites AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK Queen Street, Port Perry, Phone 264