Ny 2 I LJ] vy, ¢ Wr: Spite fim, 2, Wg RIO, THURSDAY, JANUARY 14th, 1087 | A GOOD NEW LARGE STALK CELERY, LARGE GREEN CABBAGE FRESH SPINACH ........ § SWEET POTATOES § MUSHROOMS, snow white. : TURNIPS ORANGES, dozen 15¢c. GRAPEFRUIT, 6 for 25c. TANGERINES, dozen 25c. i PEANUTS, 1b. 10c. OPOROPOPOPOPOROPOSOPOPOPOSOPOSOPOPOSOPOROPORORORO # BEST MEATS - BEST START THE NEW YEAR RIGHT BY PLACING YOUR ~~ INSURANCE _ HAROLD W. EMMERSON Phone 41 l EATS | FROM Ha MacGREGOR + © | ets i sts It ttt ttt LIE LR 0 4 This is CELERY MONTH Keep your teeth in good order by eating celery ~ SNOW WHITE CELERY HEARTS .......... bundle 10. { «++ 32 for 15¢. and 10¢c. each LARGE SIZE HEAD LETTUCE, 2 for 15¢., small size 5c. "RADISHES, ,.............. LR I RIE EUR NE RPE § SPANISH ONIONS ........ COOKING ONIONS, No. 1 .... RED CABBAGE Other nuts at reasonable prices. The Modern Fruit and Vegetable Market Anthony Caruso, Prop. - Phone 208. We deliver -- OL 0 0 0 0208080800020 E220 8080004 ore, 0% 00 0% 0% ate 0% 00 4% 0% 00% 0% 0% 0% 00 ate 4% 4% 4% 4% 0 4% 4% 0 00 4 has enabled us to know where and what to buy in meats. Our many satisfied customers know this. ~~ CAWKER BROS. PRICES - i ---- HSE ITI III IIL t ttt ttt tit rat rR LEE HL LA .++..3 large bunches for 10c. EE 2 for 15¢., and 10c.-each «oo. Ib. 10c. «ees .b Ibs. for 25¢. PEA LN «...3 Ibs, for 25¢c. TOMATOES, 2 bs, 25¢c. ...10 Ibs. for 20c. LR Sr) BANANAS, dozen 25c. LEMONS, dozen 30c. APPLES, 3 Ibs. for 25c¢. OESBOBOEOEOISESE ISOS S328 20200000 rec 4°03 "0 a BEST SERVICE Oo OPORO Oo 3 202 008 ob $0100, 00000 80000, 60070 0% 0% 0% 4% 4% 0% 4% 10 105 Soe ! O8d O $00000 00000000 ~~. Port Perry BLACKSTOCK The regular monthly meeting of the © Victorian Women's Institute was held at the home of Mrs. Harry VanCamp on Wednesday afternoon January 6th, with the splendid attendance of -50. Mrs. Russell Mountjoy read the Scrip- ture Lesson after which the Lord's prayer was given in unison. program comprised the following numbers: a reading by Mrs, W. Craw- ford, "The Twelfth Day Law and Customs"; a reading by Mrs. Mervin Mountjoy, "The Price of Success"; a reading by Miss Grace Mountjoy, "A Recipe for the New Year"; a read- ing by Mrs. John Carter, "Promise Yourself", and Dicken's Christmas Carol given by Mrs, (Rev.) Har- court. Lunch was served by the group in charge of the meeting with Mrs. "".* Royal Whitfield as convener. ian CAL » & -- Mrs. Jas. Parr has returned home after a week's visit with her sister Mrs. L. Williams, of Peterboro. - Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Graham enter- tained a number of relatives on Sat- urday evening, January 2nd in honour of the 87th wedding anniversary of ihe latter's parents: Mr, and Mrs. Jas, 'Strong. : Mr. Burney Hooey spent the week end with the Trewin Brothers at En- * niskillen. : The annual méeting of the A.Y.P.A. of St. John's Church was held at the carectory on Tuesday evening of last eek with an attendance of 24. Rev. C. C. Harcourt presided during the election of officers which resulted as follows: President, Mr. Lavern Devitt; Vice-President, Mr. Harold Crawford; Rec, Sec, Mrs, John Hamilton; Cor. Sec, Miss Vera Forder; Treasurer, 'Mrs. W. Crawford; Auditors, Miss E. Parr .and Mr. Harry McLaughlin; 'Program Committee, the Executive plus Misses Eva and Florrie Parr and Leona Devitt, Mrs. Robt, Archer, Mrs, Harry McLaughlin, Mr, Clarence But- gon, Lunch Committee, Mrs, A, L. sersessesstestsestststtttisttitstttistsstttsttitts 3338388838888 00s The| 200000000000 0000000000000044 Bailey, Miss Isobel Chilvers, The officers were then duly installed by Rev. C. C. Harcourt. After several impromptu speeches by the officers and other members present, lunch was served and a sincere vote of thanks tendered the host and hostess for their hospitality, The meeting .then closed in the usual way with the AY.PA. motto and "Auld Lang Syne." the Young People's Union held a watch night service, Rev. H. J. Bell gave the Bible study. The election of officers then took place and the fol- lowing were elected to office: Presi- dent, Mr. Arnold Johnston; Assistant, Miss L. McColl; Secretary-Treasurer, Miss Mabel VanCamp; Assistant, Mr. Bruce Mountjoy; Worship Convener, Miss Jean Wright; Assistant, Miss F. Johnston; Christian Fellowship Con. vener, Mr, Leslie Beacock, Assistant, Miss Reta Swain; Missionary Con- vener, Miss E, Brown; Asgistant, Miss Ferga Johnston; Citizenship Conven- er, Miss Doris Marlow; Assistant, Mr. Waldon; Culture Convener, Miss J. Knox; Assistant, Miss Muriel Mount- Joy; Reception Convener, Miss Mabel VanCamp; Assistant, Miss Grace Wil- lan; Social Convener, Miss Mildred Hooper; Assistant, Miss Lorna Tre- win; Leadership Training, Mr. Walter Wright; Assistant, Mr. Leslie Bea- cock; Publication Convener, Miss D. Marlow; Assistant, Miss Lorna Tre- win and Mr. Bruce Mountjoy; Pianist, Miss L. McColl; Assistant, Miss M, Mountjoy. At twelve o'clock the New Year was ushered in by the lighting of candles, "A meeting of the W. A. of the United Church was held at the home of the President, Mrs. O. Wright, with an attendance of 26. The program consisted of a reading by Mrs, Russell Mountjoy, "Thoughts for the New Year"; instrumental by Mrs. Jabez Wright; a poem by Mrs. T. Samells, "Understanding"; a talk by Mrs, H. J. Bell on "The New Leaf"; a solo by Miss Reta Swain, "Work for the 83% | only the driver of the Buick was hurt, & | and after being released frowi the im- $¥| pact he was moved -to the Oshawa $%| Toronto, - : %| was held last week, with Rev. W. E. 5 various departments were given which 3| showed the school was in a very pro- 1 is, the--teachers-are taking turns 'in On Thursday evening, December 381, Saviour", Mrs. O. Wright read a letter from her daughter Miss Lulu Wright who has position in the United States, describing in a very interesting way, her first day in New York. At the close refreshments were served. Boras hg - The annual meeting of the Women's Auxiliary 'of St. John's Church will be held at the home of Mrs. R. Archer on Thufsday evening the 21st. " On Monday evening a very suecess- ful skating party was held on the rink under the auspices of the Victorian Women's Institute. A hot lunch was served at the close. a5 "i Mr, Chas.' Smith visited with his cousins, the Smith Brothers, on Sun- day. A SY Friends extend sympathy to Mrs. C. Harrison in. the death last week of her mother Mrs. Parker of Uno Park. Mrs, Frank Shell has been spending a few days with her sister-in-law Mrs. Cecil Wilson of Whitby. Miss Hugo Bradley and Miss. Doris Cook were appointed on Sunday to at- tend the Township Sunday School con- vention which was held in Brooklin on Tuesday, a "Mrs. Bill McCartney and family of Brooklin, visited the former's" grand- mother Mrs. R. 8. Long, on Sunday. Mr, Frank Booth and son Allin spent the week end in Toronto, The Telegram truck which makes daily trips from Toronto to Lindsay was badly smashed on Friday after- noon as it was making the grade just north of the C,P.R. tracks here, Ow- ing to the dense fog visibility was bad, and as the truck slowed down to pass a transport truck that was turn- ing around on the Highway, a Buick sedan ran into it and jammed it against the transport, Fortunately Hospital. On Saturday Mr, Elmer Cook- towed the Telegram truck to Miss Jessie Spencer of Brooklin has been visiting her aunt Mrs. Frank Booth. The annual Sunday School meeting Honey presiding. Reports from the gressive shape to start the new year. During the year there has been a number of removals which caused vacancies but the Executive hope that these-will be filled again as time goes on. A new plan is being tried in re- gard the superintendent's office that this capacity. = The teachers and of- ficers for 1937 are secretary, Miss D. Cook, - assistant, Jack Thompson; Treasurer Mrs. O. H. Downey, Lib- rarian Mrs. J. Cooper; pianist, Mrs. Cross, assistant, Mrs. Luery; Cradle Roll Supt., Mrs. R. Chisholm; Tem- perance Supt., Mr. E. E. Mole; teach- er of Bible Class, Mrs. E. E. Mole, assistant, Mrs, Honey; Young Ladies' Class, Mrs. J. A. Carmichael Senior Girls' Class, Mrs, C. Harrison; Inter- mediate Boys, Mrs, Cross; Senior Boys, Mrs. Hudgins;. Primary Class, Mrs. Luery, The Sunday School meets every Sunday at 1,45 p.m. and visitors and new members are always made welcome, : GREENBANK The Young People's Society had a skating party at Uxbridge on Wed- nesday of last week and a wiener sup- per in the church after, Mrs, Stone has returned to, her home after spending the holidays in Toronto and Whithy, Mr. and Mrs: John Bagshaw, of Vroomanton at the home of Mr. Wm. Phoenix on Sunday, "Mr. W, Bagshaw, Sunderland, was visiting his daughter Mrs. W. Somer- ville on Friday, The Ladies' Sunday School Class held their monthly meeting at the home of Mrs. Harvey Real on Thurs- day afternoon. 5 The -W.M.S. officers for the year are President, Mrs. Cecil Phair; Ree. Sec., Mrs. Ryerson Beare; assistant Sec. Mrs. E. Phair; Treasurer, Mrs, Edgar 'Leask; Cor, Sec.,, Mrs. W. Phoenix. Mr. R. Flewell is much improved after his recent illness, Mr. and Mrs, Dyson have returned home after spending some time in Toronto, The community and .village were shocked and saddened on Saturday evening when they heard of the death of Mr. Alex. Leask. Mr. Leask will be greatly missed in the village and in the Church, where he was an active worker. Sympathy is extended to the family and friends in their bereave- ment. : A pp Te NS Ts gn ~ SEND THE PORT PERRY STAR TO ABSENT FRIENDS, 'Hardy and Miss Clara Hardy and ep ---- Myrtle Station Davey-Heaps--The marriage of Miss Florence E. Heaps, daughter of Mr. Mr. Harlan J. Davey, son of Mr. Jas. Davey, Port Perry, took place quietly at the Myrtle parsonage at 3 p.m. on Saturday, January 9th, Rey, W. E. Honey officiating. = The bride was at- tended by Miss Beryl Towns, of Osh- awa, and the groom was supported by Mr, Merlin Dowson, of Port Perry. The young couple expect to reside in Port Perry after a brief honeymoon. Mr. and Mrs, Petrie and family of Oakville were recent guests of Miss O'Boyle. Mr. and Mrs, John Varcoe of To- ronto were New Year guests of Mr. Will and Miss Mary Martin. Mr. E. Easterbrook and family of 'Oshawa were recent visitors of Mr. and Mrs. E, Cross, The former's mother, Mrs, Easterbrook, returned with them to Oshawa. Mr. Harold Brown of Uxbridge, Mrs. D. Duchiman, - Mr. H, Johnston, of Nepawa, Man,, lage over the week end. Mrs. O. Henry and Miss Brown of Orono, Mr. and Mrs, Curtis Smith and family, of Toronto, also Mr. and Mrs. A. Pickard, Mrs. Ferguson and Mrs. Tucker, of Bowmanville, were Sunday 'guests of Mr, and Mrs, Jas. Beacock. Mr. Wilfred Graham accompanied his daughter Mrs, 8. Brayant and Mr, Bryant to Toronto over the week end, 'where Mrs. Bryant was to undergo an operation for goitre, We are glad 'to know she has safely come through 'the ordeal and is .doing as well as could be expected, ; Mr, and Mrs. W. H, McCartney and family of Brooklin were Sunday visit- 'ors of Mrs. Long and Mr, F. C. Har- rison, . Miss Reva Cooper of Oshawa, spent the week end with her parents Mr. and Mrs, Jas, Cooper. Mrs, Oliver Lane was a visitors of 'relatives in Toronto for the past week. The annual meeting of the W. A. was held at the home of Mrs. W. J. Cook last Wednesday with a good at-] tendance. The President, Mrs. O. H. Downey, took charge of the first part of - the meeting. Satisfactory annual reports were read by the Secretary and Treasurer, Rev. W. E. Honey had charge of the election of officers, with the: following results: President, Mrs. E. Cross; Vice-President, Mrs. -0. H. Downey; Secretary, Mrs. Duchi- 'man; Treasurer, Mrs. J. Cooper; Visit- ing Com., Mrs. Long, Mrs. Dickson, Mrs. Downey, Mrs. Hudgins; 'Flower Com; Mrs, Chisholm and-Mrs.-Luery; Pianist, Mrs. Honey. Following the A hearty vote of thanks was tendered 'Mrs. Cook for the use of her home. The annual congregational meeting was held on Monday evening of this week with a good attendance. former officers were re-elected: . The Women's Association of the Myrtle United Church are presenting a "Minstrel Show" in the community hall, at Myrtle, on Thursday, Jan. 21, at 8 pm. Entire program will be given by 24 young men from Green- bank and will consist of songs, jokes, solos, duets, quartettes and spirituals, also a magician. A moderate charge is being made, rm -- ------ CUGOG and Mrs. Henry Heaps, of Raglan, tof spent the week end with his sister| called on old friends here in the vil- All the| © OSHAWA Friday-Saturday, January 15-16 LAUREL and HARDY 3 in [13 $ + 9) Our Relations It's their Fastest, Funnest, Full- Length Feature, "It's a riot when they meet their twin brothers." REVIVAL--Friday, 10.45 p.m. Tai 1 "" Ceiling Zero JAMES CAGNEY and PAT O'BRIEN eee Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, - JANUARY 18-19-20 Let yourself go with your Favorite Stars. JOAN CRAWFORD and CLARKE GABLE in "Love on the Run" The Gayest, Romantic hit of the year. (XX) COMING THURSDAY, "Lloyds of London" "The FIRESIDE PHILOSOPHER By ALFRED BIGGS Learn to radiate happiness. L . [] All wealth 18 produced by labor. . * . Indiscriminate giving is no help. . * LJ As well drink poison as be jealous, 4 * [] * It 1s hard for little minds to forgive. [] . * Prosperity and humility rarely live to gether. LJ LJ [ The rich are in bondago to thelr weulth, It you cannot obey, you are uuflt to command, wal at J ">> UTICA Holiday visitors were Mr. and Mrs. E. Heron and family with Mr, and Prizeman and Miss Gwen. Ackney at the home of! Mrs. J. Ackney. Christie. An unusually large crowd attended Hall. 16th, the Bluebird Club will hold their annual Birthday dance. Come and] Sorry to hear of the illness of Mr. and Mrs. J. Joblin who are under the, doctor's care and nurse McLaren, We all hope for a speedy recovery, Mr. Chas. Pogue is also on the sick list at the home of his brother at! Valentia. : ! Mrs, Geo, Sweetman visited her uncle Mr. Wm, Savage recently, Mr, and Mrs. A. Brunt, Mona and Carl, of Enniskillen, visited her par- ents Mr. and Mrs. W, Mark on Mon- day. ; The cattle testing is finished on the Island and all turned out very well, there were just 34 cattle turned down out of 72 stables, The stables that have been cleaned and whitewashed look nice and bright now. Mr, and Mrs, I, Irwin of Seagrave were guests of their cousins Mr, and Mrs. J. Demara on Sunday. Mr. Stewart -Mark has 'been busy helping Mr. Beacock getting out his supply of wood. Mr. and Mrs, H, Long and little Donald, Mr. Roy Hope and Mr. John 1 Miss Jean Hood, were guests of Mr. and Mrs, D. Hope on Sunday. It is not like the old fashioned Jan- uary weather we have heard people talk about. - No snow and ice gone from the creeks, Scugog - Community - Club - will be held at the home of Mrs, J. Peace on Tuesday, the 10th. A good program is being arranged and each one is asked to bring a New Year's resolu- - tion. A large attendance is requested. 'welcome Mr. and Mrs. Parrott to our 'joyed skating ot Mr. Leader's pona 'these services are being discontinued C. W. Lakey has again been taken to Wellesley hospital, Toronto, for further treatment. We wish her a speedy and "permanent recovery. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. P, Parrott on their recent marriage. We village. - Mrs. Parrott was formerly Miss Jessie Stephens of this village. Mr. and Mrs, Albert Hall of Port Perry, visited with their daughter | Mrs. A. D. Christie, this week. if A number of our young people en- | on Monday night. Miss Delza Lakey has returned to Toronto to take up her studies at the University. . Miss Jean Miller of Maple Lake, visited with her parents Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Miller. Mr. Stanley Christie has secured a position in Peterboro. We are pleased to learn that Mrs, M. Dzenchoj has returned home from the Oshawa hospital, and is improving in health, We have all enjoyed the splendid sermons by Rev. Mr. Simpson at Breadalbane church, and regret that during the winter months. Evangelistic services are being con- ducted by Rev: Mr. Elliot-at Epsom; this week, The 'Bluebird Girls' Club will hold their annual birthday dance on Fri-|§ day, Jan. 16, in Memory Hall. Lunch will be served. 4 Mrs. A. Reynolds; Mr, and Mrs. S.J Those at home over the holidays | were Misses Olga and Delza Lakey, | § Miss Jean Miller, and Mrs, Stanley § the New Year's Eve dance in Memory , y On Friday evening, January § have a good time and get your share. of the birthday cake. ! We are sorry to learn that Mrs. | J me RED & WHITE « ORANGES, Sunkist, . . FRESH SPINACH .... HEAD LETTUCE, larg Perishable goods are : in GROCERIES LEMONS; large California GRAPEFRUIT, Black Diamond all kept by electic refrigeration MEDIUM OLD CHEESE .............. per 1b. 2lc. OLD CHEESE, Cheddar . . per dozen 19c¢., 25¢., and 33c. FOE wees .dozen 80¢, AE Re 4 for 25c. MERE LEN SN 3 hs, for 25¢. eheads ............ 2 for 15c¢. our store, . in Dongola Ties, combin $3.35 RARE s%s o's pons C--O bi ed E] ii Men's Oxfords, Wonderful Values ts A new line in Black Kid leather, blucher cut in a D #y width with single sole. These shoes are light and #4 strong and are very comfortable fitting. An attractive br price for the quality ....................... $6.50 aR Hy! LADIES' SHOES $3.95 ation fitting, in a quality shoe. $4.35 88 eRe PO 0000000808 ori A a 0." i Peas Corn Tomatoes ii Sieve 4 White corn 2Y, tins i STANDARY QUALITY st 2 tins 21c., 1 doz. assorted $1.19 nme ene Prices from--Wall 9c. - NEW 1937 WALLPAPERS are Now in Stock Ceiling 9c. Border 4c. yard. PHONE 43 [DE COKE, What ever your fuel WwW. G Phones--94W and 94) NORWAY COD LIVER OI 4 oz. bottle 25¢c. including Condition Wonder, Kidney and Blood Powders, etc. PASSMORE'S {om each capsule equivale Liver Oil SHEET MUSIC--AII the la PHONE 93, - - iw F. W. BROCK & SON Eton 328% A BN ae A A rar a aot 203%; RENNER es MO 2 is the finest Coal you can buy. We also have a good supply of HARDOOOD, HARDWOOD SLABS, ~ SOFTWOOD SLABS, STEAM COAL, CANNEL COAL, CEMENT. to look after the same for you. : ° 9 $ ®e © -- PORT PERRY COAL YARD 8 oz. bottle 39c¢. DR. BELL'S REMEDIES-- Two Minute Aid Bronchial Mixture, only ~ HALIBUT LIVER OIL CAPSULES-- Morrison's Drug Store PORT PERRY i age TH MT LTT IMS] OS A Le I TL NL TS PORT PERRY WE If you have not been using this super-cleaned Hard Coal try a ton and satisfy yourself that it Stove, Nut and Pea sizes. requirements are we will be glad . W. PYATT : "Reliable Service and Better Fuels" IRL TREE TT A a TIS A = SS Boe ie me Sie Saher Ses gee Sain Face-Elle Face Cleansing Tissue good value, four hundred sheets for only L-- 16 oz. bottle 69c. Powders, Hog Tonic, Medical nt to four teaspoonfuls of Cod $1.00 per box of 50 test Popular Songs. Phone 16 Your Baking Wants are Well Looked After BY JEMISON'S BAKERY | THE HOME OF GOOD BREAD AND PASTRY PERRY a a 4 : PORT pix PE 133 be Pega! 258, S38 &* i s, 3. specegrebing NR wn TA er IN Oo nt Rat LE » -