Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star (1907-), 8 Apr 1937, p. 5

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ey i reso Sesser rrnsenntat aren. a ------------------------------------------------ PO = : -- = i ~ i'n . THIS WEEK--Wednesday, Thursday, F Fiday Saturday i Vv ah i vB Medicines Toilet Goods Stationery ; i . 5 i : it a fl 25c. ABB. & C. Tablets ........2 for 26c. ~~ 50¢c. French Balm ............. 2 for 51c., 0c. Envelopes .............; «2 pkgs. le. © ff »- | i 25¢. A.S.A. Tablets Cie i..2 for 26e 50¢, Gardenia Face Powder .... 2 for 5lec. 15¢, 'Envelopes ............. +2 pkgs.' 16g. i i ALESARAMLS, : 5 d Ihc. Box Stationery CO in Th 2 for 36c. H Bl 49¢. A.S.A. Tablets 2 for 50c. 50c. Jonteel Face Powder ...... 2 for 5lc. d H do Malan "° 50c. Jonteel Creams ,........... 2 for 5le. 50c, Box Stationery ............ 2 for Slc : Re 100 ARBIOx .; piu on BOE SIOL gn gone) alg ran es 2 for 26c. oe. Writing Pad .......... veri for 166 i $1.00 Beef, Iron and Wine ....2 for $1.01 25¢. Klenzo Tooth Paste ........ 2 for 26c¢. 25c. Writing Pad ......... r++ 2 for 26c. i 50¢.- Bronchial Syrup vesiriea.. 2 for Ble, 40¢,:Klenzo Tooth Paste .....,.. 2 for 41lec. . : re » #1 . 25c Castor Oil ann pristir 2 for 26e. 40¢c. Lavender Shaving Cream -..2 for 4lc. Sundries ; HH $1.00 Cod Liver oil, oak $1.00 Mi31 Antiseptis ........ 2 for $1.01 $1.50 Hot Water Bottle ..... «2 for $1.51 Lo HH l5e. E Salts _ 40c. Mi31 Tooth Paste .......... 2 for 41lc. $1.00 Hot Water Bottle ....,.. 2 for $1.01 1 i S, Jspaom eh i 35¢. Rexall Shaving Cream..... 2 for 86c. = 10c. Adhesive Tape ......... va 2 for Iles H i -25¢. Hydrogen. Pe de i... 2 /25¢. Stork Baby Powder ........ 2 for 26¢c. 30c. Adhesive Tape ..... FER, .2 or 3le. ; . Hl © 25c. Meloids .................. 2 for 26¢. - 25¢. Tooth' Brushes ...........,2 for 26c. 10¢c. Stork Nipples ............ 2 for lle. i tH 50c. Milk of Magnesia ........,,2 for 5le. ~~ 35¢c Toath Brushes ...... seven 2 for. 36c. 20c. Absorbent Cotton .,....,...2 for 2lec. $ 3 tH "75c¢. Milk of Magnesia TRIS 2 for 76c. 10c. Wash Cloths ..... Cra 2 for 1lec. -50c. Floor Wax .......... cvasxa2 for 5lc. H » i $1.20 Miner: : Oill......oii2 for $1 < 10c, Toilet Soaps ........... «ev 2 for llc. i i) Pd i 25¢c. Rexall' Orderlies ....... La 2 f ag Candy 25c. Cedar Flakes .............. 2 for 26c. : ! 3] : 50c. REBB. vevvvvririnnnnnsnenso 2 for oe . 25¢. Permedge Blades .......... 2 for 26c. H $# 25¢. Stomach and Liver Pills ..;2 for 26¢. .5e. Chocolate Bars .............2 for 6c. 15¢. Mucilage .,................2 for 16ec. : Hl 35c. Tr, of dodine ...........:..2 for 36e. 35c. Ib, Humbugs ..v........ ~ 2 Ibs. 86¢. 1c. Ink .ooovviniiiiiii, 2 for 16c. i i 75. Carica Bile Pills sieeerrai2 for 6c. © 45¢. 1b Peanut er iyo 2 Ihe. 46e. 25¢c. White Shoe Cleaner. ........2 for 26c. { # 50c. Kidney Pills ivi. 0..2 for Sle. 45¢. bh Snowballs 2... 1b. 2 bs, 46¢c. . - 60c. Playing Cards ......... «...2 for Sle. $ >) "$1.00 Syrup of Hypoptosphite 2 for $101: 35c. Ib Butter Rolls ...".....:2 hs.' 36¢. B85 Velve "rou s r i ct a coere 2 for 36e, [H g 4 i acattts : t gi i #3 i wo A. M. LAWRENCE ; i H i : : H i 'Come i in and stock Telephone or mail i 3 " 3 € J 4 [3 i Hi 24 i$ & i + + Hl upforyour THe Rexall Store your order, if | } [By : $ ii future needs cannot attend |i HE ; Port Perry Phone 9 i v4 i : x ; i CHARA Sie 3333333333835 58 5883038838000 FRI3Eesiiiaai ii aiiiitiniiaiiiiiiiidiiiiiiiaizisiiiiiiziiiiiiing FER TERT » 3 po SEA WEE a FSLSsIIIsstEItssItstsessssessestssessseess HI I 333838538338 3331 $ CLCOG sister Lillian, who is returning to col- . Rn ao lege, his' cousin Miss Leona Prentice, 5 "##| The Women's Association will hold| ng Mys. F. G. Joblin who is staying "CHOICE MEATS f}| their April meeting next Tuesday at] fo, 5 few days in the city. # ; : 2a hope lin poi 3, Ss. Mrs. Carnochan and son Wilmot, of v v : HE H rs. D, lo e . M. P Shirley visited her son Howard one. ; Phone your order and we assure [jj me propuing the program. Hob he dy st eck : 8 | weather and roads ave favorable for! nico Florence Carter visited her i - you of choice quality. a good attendance, friend Miss Grace Demara for a feiy "a : #| The Junior Girls' Institute held their | days last week. | 'April meeting last Saturday afternoon| A number of the high school pupils : BERT MacGREGOR at the home of Miss Margaret Crozier. are staying in 'Port Perry until the xt 19 were in attendance, The roli' call | roads ave in better condition. was answered to by many good garden| Mr. Leonard Hope visited his sister Itt tstttratsissttted "Week nd Specials Large Lemons per dozen. . ..26¢. Large. Bunches. Beets, each Yoo: Large Bananas per dozen 25¢. Large Head Lettuce each 10¢. Large Grapefralt,.. , 18 for 25¢. 53 - Large Celery Stalks, each 10c. Large 'Bunches' Carrots each Be. 0 New 'Cabbage per lb...... Large Leaf Lettuce 2 for 13c. POTTED PLANTS and CUT FLOWERS Cinerarias, Daffodils, Tulips ir : ~ on display The Modern Fruit and Vegetable Market Anthony Caruso, Prop. Phone 208. We deliver -------- 0 0 Sunkist Navel Oranges, doz. 25¢. Se. © [SPRING SALE--While They Lost! | : YORK PEAS ...... 0 vviiiernssiniesass es 2 ting 25c. YORK PORK & BEANS ....................2 tins 25c. YORK CORN ...... .V..2 tins 25c. SHORTENING ..........ccc0ivuviennien... 8 Ibs, 40¢. '! CAWKER BROS. BEST MEATS :: BEST § SERVICE LA BER RH BE I EL I BEST PRICES Large Bunches Radishes, each 3c = | u moved to Toronto. $5 | every comfort in their new surround- if lings. hints. which will come in very handy. Mrs. 'Geo. Hood gave a splendid talk on shoes for different occasions. Mig Jean Hood gave an interesting talk on a beautiful girlhood, composed by herself and sister Audrey. Misses Marie and Grace Hood sang a duet. At the close of the meeting a tasty lunch was served, . ~ Miss Lucille Mark of Port Perry visited her aunt, Mrs, M, McLaren a few days last week, Mrs. Lewis and children of Toronto were guests of Mrs. E. Fines during the Easter holidays. Miss Gladys Joblin of Toronto visit- ed her parents at the parsonage over 'the week end. More signs of spring, the robins are 'heard singing their. cheerful songs early in the morning. The wild geese are on their way north in large flocks and the ice in the lake is breaking up and will go fast as it was not very thick, : : Mrs. A. Martyn, Harold and' Inez | visited their cousin one day last week. Mr. J. Joblin had a very. successful sale last Tuesday afternoon, Mr, and Mrs. Joblin are moving into the par- J sonage with their son Rev. F. G. Job- lin, Mr. John L. Sweetman has taken over the store business. We wish Mr, and Mrs. Sweetman elery success and comfort in their new home and busi- ness. Also Mr. and Mrs. Joblin in | their new home, _ Mr. Nelson Stokes and family have We_wish 'them Sympathy is extended to Mrs, H. # | Demara in the death of her sister Mrs. | J. Wannamaker, who was called to %|her home beyond on Monday, after #3| an illness of a few months, Mrs, Wannamaker was a resident on the 5 Jsland for many years before moving #5 | to Seagrave. Mr. Raymond Fralick motored to 4 Toronto on Sunday accompanied by his Mrs. H. Long and. brother Mr. Hope on Sunday. Mr. Sydney Chandler visited iin To- tonto on Monday, The farmers who have maple trees are busy making maple syrup, Roy tended last Tuesday evening in the Township Hall. The members of the Prince Albert Community Club attend- ed in large numbers and they also put on the program which was as fol- lows with the president Mr. Cecil Fra- lick acting as chairman. Mr. and Mrs. T. Asher had their dancing dolls which are very amusing; a duet by Miss Elva Hope and her brother Jack, "The Shirt My Mother Made" with Jack playing the guitar; a-dialogie by Mys. Smith and Lois Wray; an Easter solo by Cecelia Hope, a musical selection by Miss Margaret McCrea and Murray Luke, a song'by Reg Bounty, the or- chestra gave selections, a. reading by Reg. Bounty, a musical selection by Elva and Jack Hope, Bill Heayn and Mr. Edwards; Mrs. Asher, Mrs, Smith, Jack Hope and Bill Heayn gave the next number, then the floor was clear- er for dancing with music by the or- chestra. The next meeting will be on April 16th. Dd Myrtle Station Service in the United Church next Sunday will be at 7 p.m, with Sunday School at 1.45, Everyone welcome. Last Sunday evening was our com- munion service administered by Rev. W. E. Honey, our pastor. Mr, Honey read for the lesson Phil, 2:1-11 and the text was the 6th verse 'Let this mind be in you, which was alse in Christ. Jesus," Mr, J. Bedford, of Havelock, was a visitor of Miss 0' Boyle on Sunday. Miss Doreen Willlams, of Toronto, spent the Easter vacation with her' grandparents Mr, ard Mrs, Britton. The Fortnight Club .was well at-| : OSHAWA ------ Wed., Thurs., Friday, Saturday, 'April 7-8.9-10 : THE RED & WHITE STORE. ELECTRIC Bw RATION "WINGS OF THE "MORNING" in natural technicolor starring Annabelln, Henry Fonda - Leslie Banka and the world's famous ter ar, John McCormack . Added--"Our Gang" in "Re-union in' Rhythm" REVIVAL--Friday, 11 p.m.-- 'Laurel and Hardy, in "BOHEMIAN GIRL" Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, . | April 12-13-14 i "SWING HIGH-- SWING LOW" : with Carole Lombard, F. MacMurray Charles Butterworth, Jean Dixon COMING! Thursday, Friday, Saturday April 15-16-17 "FIRE OVER. ENGLAND" : with Flora Robson - Raymond Massey | Mrs. Rancier of Brooklin, was the guest of Mrs. O. H. Lane for a few days last week, Mr. and Mrs, Fred Martin of Ster- ling, were week end guests of Mr. wy Mrs. D. Luery. Mr. and Mrs. Hervey Painter and daughter returned to their home in- Uxbridge on Sunday after spending the past week with Mr. and Mrs. El-! wood Masters, : Dr. Wallace Scott and Mrs, Scott, '] i also Messrs. Edmund and Kenneth Houston, all of Toronto, were Easter visitors of Mr, and Mrs. J. BE. Bea- cock. Mr. W. E. Harrison, last Thursday' returned by motor to his home in' Latchford, after spending the past two weeks at Toronto, Detroit and with relatives here. Murs. Long is visiting with her sister Mrs. Louis Hill, in Orillia. Mr. and Murs. Currie and son Mr. Geo. Currie, and Miss Rodd, of Joos, ville, were Sunday guests of MY. and Mrs. Jas. Dickson, i Mv: W. G. Prouse, of Lindsay, was the guest of his nephew Rev. W. B. Honey at the Parsonage on Wednes- day, of last week. Mrs. C. Harrison spent Friday last with Miss Mary Martin in Brooklin. Much sympathy is felt for Mrs. W.! J. Cook in the death of her brother | Mr. Wm. White, who passed away ati his home in Queensville about two weeks ago. Last week we received the sad news of the death of Mrs. Gideon Vernon, | § mother of Mr. Lou Vernon of Brook- 'g lin. Some years ago the deceased & who passed away at that time. sympathy is extended to the bereaved. The story, in a few words, is as fol- lows: Mac makes a bet. He wagers he'll be able to make an impression on the first girl he passes. The proof of his success is to be a blue handbag which she is carrying. So he trails her to a country hotel, and there finds three girls, all with identical blue hand bags. Not only that, but there is a detective snooping. around after one of the bags believed to contain stolen i jewels, To complicate matters, George, ! love. Béfore the tangles are alli straightened out, there are three acts of laughter and fun. If you want a laugh, be sure and see "The Blue Bag" next Wednesday. -- IN MEMORIAM MARTIN--In loving memory of a dear husband and father Richard. Mar- tin, who passed away April 8th, 1984. No one knows how much we miss you, No one knows the bitter pain We have suffered since we lost: you; Life has never been the same. In our hearts your memory lingers Sweetly tender, fond and true, There is no a day, dear father Plain or Cinnamon Flavour. . . Christie' s Cakes SESS ANAAANR IRI IPF oe * o : = i 2 PRESERVES ALL OUR PERISHABLE FOODS # Cooked Meats, Butter, Cheese, a. Vegetables, Bacon, etc. 4 * 5 i BREAKFAST BACON .......... AMER bh. 29c, § BOLOGNA ............. 0... TTT Ih. 18c. PORK SAUSAGE .......... Ce Lb. 20c. § HEAD CHEESE ,.............. ren avsatessn Ib. 15¢. {8 MEDIUM OLD CHEESE .......... sae tunite Ib. 23c. 8 OLD CHEDDAR CHEESE .................... Ih. 29¢, # i HEAD LETTUCE ...................... .. each 10c. # CELERY ............... .... ....... head 10c. § SPINACH ........................... 4 bs. for 25c. TOMATOES ...........c0 iio, Ib. 17c. Honey and Butter Spread Changed twice each week cou 02 12¢.; 10 oz. 20c. , Always Fresh >cee R Layer with Icing, Raisin, and Fruit Cakes, 4 Each 10c., 15¢., 20c., and 25c.. o : Ne, = f+" fd ¢] Lo § a % 2 Xx PS »< oo) = ® f+ a - S y: - $3.85 . PHONE 43 PAN LARA IAB ANA AANA F. W. BROCK & SON PORT PERRY BEALS NAAAANRAANARRARI AN *s lived in this vicinity with her hushand '> Our | |i The Kinsale Dramatic Club are put- Ir Mac's chauffeur, catches a bad case of § That we do not think of you. | Smdly misved by wife and family. SEAGRAVE (continued from page four) turn they will reside on' their near Blackwater,-Ontario. farm. Mrs. Orval Boe; Carl and Fay, of Bowmanville, spent the Easter weck at the home of her sister Mrs, A. Martin, Mrs. F. Watson has been the guest of her sister-in-law Mrs. Goodale In Hamilton for the past few weeks. We are sorry to report Mrs. Watson not in the best of health, Rev. and Mrs, Flindall spent Friday in Peterboro, Miss Flindall, of Tren: ton, who has been visiting her brother during the holiday, returned to Peter- We extend our sympathy to Mr, I Wannamaker and 'Mrs. I. Irwin in the : death of their mother Mrs. John Wan- | namaker, on Monday, April 5th, 1937. FEOEROREEE@E SE (ERE EEE RD WE HAVE A GOOD SUPPLY OF PASTRY and BREAD FLOUR, BUCKWHEAT FLOUR, 'n 100% WHOLE FLOUR. ARGEN WHEAT TINE CORN, P EER EEE 'BRAN, SHORTS, MIDDLINGS, SALT, Lake Scugog Milling Company boro with them, where she is attending Normal School, Mrs, Albert Martin had her tonsils removed in the Ross. Memorial Hos- pital in Lindsay, on Friday. We wish her a speedy recovery. Miss N. Urquhart of Uxbridge was renewing friends around the village this week. Mrs. A. L. Orchard is visiting her daughter Mrs. Clayton' Baker in Stouffville. : Mr. Elijah Tanner celebrated his 83rd birthday-en_March 24th, and en- tertained the young men who had so kindly supply some time ago. was given by Violin music his son Mr. was spent in friendly games of cards. BREAKFAST FOOD and OULTRY GRIT, SHELL ting on a highly recommended play | m ; ' "IFULL-O-PEP" C ) "ARS called "The Blue Bag" sn Wednesday ! QUAKER "FULL-O-PEP" CHICK STARTER,' evening, April 14th, in the Myrtle FE and WHEAT. PURINA & MASTER FEEDS Hall, under the auspices of the W. Al! ALWAYS ON HAND. i EEE } PORT PERRY PURDY BLOCK, NEW CHEESE .. HILLCREST SHORTENING IRRADIATED MUFFETS PURE RASPBERRY JAM HEINZ BAKED BEANS ... A RAMSAY'S MARMALADE LEMON OIL FURNITURE P ORANGES 39c¢. and 256¢. doz. CARROTS . BLUE RIBBON BAKING POWDER Nie SLT ARR TI TM a bien ul HEE fis alii wis GROGETERIA PORT PERRY You help yourself to the best the ma rket affords-- low prices a ------ Cea vo... 2 Ibs, for 25c¢. .2 pkgs. for 17c. large 32 oz. jar vie ani 26 3 tins 23c. ..tin 2le. TT py per jar 21c. OLISH ..........bottle 21c. PINEAPPLES Joo 19¢, ...per bunch Se, DE eee Cree as DIE EE 'GC. A i ALMER, Prop. SON HNC Phone 36 "We Deliver assisted him with his wood | Howard Tanner, of Little Britain. The evening - A RE Fumo wm Pre 7% NT NG TI 7 RN ha " « <r Rl Ta re ET SRT a ic lh Rr eT aI SEN : £5 {BRA IN Ra A 3 os Sy oi Fe NS R ot 14) 2) N N i) » 2 URN

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