Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star (1907-), 20 May 1937, p. 4

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ah Le Og Ce, : NR : A SRE NN Rr Ark EN Se od WR A A y PAGE FOUR LR EA Salis ATA 53 2H AS GAs LS ERR AR PALS 0B EV aia 3 i AIRE DS RA . AT a ---- -- - LOCAL ITEMS Mr. and Mrs, Howard Frith, Mrs. Hayes and Mrs, C. Hayes, of Toronto, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Beare, on Sunday. | On Sunday, after the morning ser- vice, Rev. Mr. Nind and Mrs. Nind said good-bye to their people, and left for 'their new home in Grafton. Mr. John Stovin, of : Oshawa, visiting his sisters, Misses L. and G. Stovin. lhe Misses Dorothea and Virgina Nausmith, of Toronto, spent the week end with friends in town. is We are please! to report that Mr. Geo. A. Rose is sume :what improved in health. TEN YEARS OIF SERVICE - Time flies. It was ten years ago on Tuesday of this week since lie new schools were opened. Many students pave passed through the classes, and it has been a pleasure to see the gool service the school have given to the citizens of this community, LEFT PORT PERRY Mr. Fred Newman, who has been manager in the Dominion Store at Port P'erry, has taken a position in General Motors, Oshawa. Fred has been a genial citizen, and has made many friends who will wish him well in nis new field. He is succeeded by Mr. Clare Finn, of Bowmanville. LADIES LAWN BOWLING CLUB The annual meeting of the Port l'erry Ladies' Lawn Bowling Club was "held at the home of Mrs. Geo. Jack- son, on May 7th. The following of- ficers were electéd for the coming sea- son: President, Mrs. W. Chapman; Vice-President, Miss KE. Somerville; Sec.-Treas,, Sec., Mrs. Earl Beare. - -- You will find one of the finest dis= pensary equipments in any small town of the Dominion in Port Perry--A "M. Lawrence is the Rexallite--Peers Wil- son says that Andy has made a mar. vellous change in this store and that the dispensary is now ultra modern in every respect--finished in mahogany, and a real masterpiece. Another good Rexallite steps into the limelight. --Rexall Chatierbos <-> or-- --- LETTER FROM REY. MR. NIND Dear Mr. Farmer: I wish to avail myself of fi hos- pitality of your paper to express to my parishioners, whom I was. unable to meet before leaving, my regrets, at having been unable to do so. We have been very busy and it has been quite impossible to visit all whom I would have liked to have seen. May I also take this means of thanking vou for the kind things you wrote about my wife and myself. I feel that I have done but little to merit them. I want, too, to thank all the good people of Port Perry for all the kind things they have said about us. It was quite a surprise to me to find that I had won their esteem and aft- fection to such an extent. It has made me more than ever re- "ed to try to live up to their opinion of me. Port Perry has been very good to us and our family daring these past nine years. I will always have a very special place in our "thoughts and prayers. May God bless you all. Yours very truly, T. A. NIND. --_-- oy . IN MEMORIAM i WILLIAMS--In loving memory of Paul Williams, who passed away on May 26th, 1936. Peaceful be thy rest, dear uncle, It is sweet to breathe thy name; In life we loved you dearly, In death we do the same. Ever remembered by Flossie and Family. Stanley, > ee BORN MARSHALL~--At Larder Lake, Ont. on May 14th, 1937, to Mr, and Mrs. Fred W. Marshall (nee Edith Lam- bert), a son. BOWN---At Port Perry Hospital, on Wednesday, May 5th, 1937, to Mr. and Mrs, Fred Bown, a son--Kenneth Douglas. IANSON--At Port -Peryy Hospital, on Saturday, May 15th, 1937, to Mr. and Mrs. J. Ianson, a baby girl. rt OW ST. JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. Robt. Simpson, Minister . SUNDAY SCHOOL at 10.00: a.m. SERVICES at 11 am. and 7 p.m, (Daylight Saving Time) are Bvergbody Welcome -- etl MAI MW ne PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH 10.00 a.m.~~Sunday School 11.00 a.m~--1--"What is Wrong with "thet Church?" 7.00 p.m,~--Evening Worship. Murs. H. H. Mulligan; Cor. |. PLAY BALL TIME I8 HERE JUST ARRIVED--A GOOD SUPPLY OF RUBBER BALLS FOR THE KIDDIES. See our display in the window. Balls priced from 5¢., 10c., 15¢., 25¢. "Return Balls, 5c.. each. VETERINARY REMEDIES Bickmore's Gall Salve, 35¢., 70c. Hanford's Balsam of Myrrh 35c., 65c., $1.25 bottle. Sleckene -- a blood tonic for. horses, cattle, and poultry,~50c. pkg. WILLIAM WEBSTER, At Beatty's Store, = Port Perry WE FIT WE REPAIR Glasses You Save Money - AT -- I. R. BENTLEY OPTOMETRIST PORT PERRY, ONT. PHONE 33 AS) SARAH JANE CRANDELL On Wednesday, May bth, 1937, Miss Sarah Jane Crandell died at Oshawa Hospital, after a brief illness, Miss Crandell was born in Port Perry 82 years ago, and lived for many year upon the property where she spent the last years of her life. It was the family homestead. Miss Crandell was noted for two virtues--devotion to the church, which she loved to attend; and faithful, kind- ly service to those who employed hex in their homes. She spent some years with relatives in Rochester and Detroit; but most of her life was lived in Port Perry, where she was highly respected for her sin- cerity and kindliness. Toward the last Miss Crandell found a practical friend in Mrs. J. E. White, who did much to give hey, comfort in sickness. The funeral was conducted by Rev. W. J. H. Smyth, of the United Church. Interment was made at Pine Grove Cemetery. lo PORT PERRY TENNIS CLUB At a recent meeting of the Tennis Club the following executive was elected for the coming year: Presi- dent, Elma Reesor; Vice-President, Kathleen Carnegie; Sec.-Treas., B. Koch; Social Com., J. W. Kerr, Mrs. Cornish and Mary Pyatt. The most important item for dis- cussion 'was the building of another tennis court. Due to the increasing] cided that another court was needed. Many young people are prevented from joining because there is only one court, With only one court our Club has been unable to invite other clubs to Port Perry for tournament games. A great deal can be said in favour of termnis as a community sport. Ten- nis is a game which can be played long after the more strenuous games have been dropped. Tennis keeps you healthy and fit for daily life. Socially, tennis club members make many ex- cellent personal contacts. All tennis players realize it is one of the most profitable ways of spending leisure time, The Tennis Club would like to build the additional court this year. At the present time the Club has available assets of twenty-five dollars, By other means the Club decided to try and raise this amount to fifty dollars or more. However, this would not be enough to build a new court. Uxbridge laid down two new courts two years ago at an estimated cost of three hundred dollars. Therefore our objective is set for $300. To raise this amount the Club is opening a community subscription fund, All donations may be left at the Star Office or they may be given per- sonally to the. Sec.-Treas., Bernard Koch. The Club firmly believes that the people of Port Perry will gener- ously support us in making our village a better place for the young people. number of young players it was de- The annual fee for 1937 is $1.50 per member, : HIT RICHMELLO 5.29 EARLY MORNING COFFEE 1-1b ~~. STORES LIMITED COFFEE 2.21 EVERY ONE'S A KNOCKOUT! ET ITIE NION - Values are Effective - up. until Saturda night, May Bnd, Helmet Picnic IFancy Cohoe SALMON Choice Meaty PRUNES Summer Pride PEAS Emfo TOMATO Fancy Pack LOBSTER ! Bayside Stuffed OLIVES Brunswick In Oil; Allen's London CANDIES v Beef SMALL SIZE 2 for 250. Corned Beef PICKLES svi Tomato or Mustard Sauce SARDINES vild Seasoned BOLOGNA 2..2%7 BUARLBESRHPANDNANERENNAGAARANENNRRARRNERGANR PINEAPPLE WEEK MEDIUM SIZE VALENTIA ORANGES, doz. 29¢. 0 A SARL x - DOMINION 1-1b XO 23 il } | 3.25 28-0z. Bot. 2:23 wer f= 2.31 .23 ~5 CE LARGE SIZE 2 for 35¢. | be A Heartfelt Farewell The Church of the Ascension was filled to over-flowing on Sunday last on the occasion of the farewell service conducted by a much-loved rector, Just nine years ago to the day, May 16th, 1928, which happened to be Ascension Day, Mr. Nind began his ministry in the parish of Port Perry and Brooklin; and now, on.. Whit- sunday of 1937, he was taking leave. From Processional to Recessional hymn it was a service fraught with an extra solemnity, and the farewell ser- mon was heard with a tenseness of feeling-on the part of every listener. Mr. Nind spoke of the happiness-of his 'nine years of service in the parish and of the warm friendships formed, and characteristically bespoke the same co-operation with his successor as had been given him, saying, "You can't get the best out of him unless you give your best to him." None the less, tte next rector will have a difficult task before him to measure up to the standard set by Mr. Nind. After the service the congregation waited outside the church as Mr, and Mrs. Nind passed among them to bid each and every one a persqnal fare- well. Mrs. Nind was obviously much moved by the warm affection' shown for herself and her husband and found the parting a trying ordeal. Apart altogether from her natural share in Mr, Nind's popularity, she has won general esteem hy her own gifts as a speaker, her readiness as a worker, and her gracious personality. Seldom if ever has Port Perry been so blessed in pastor and helpmeet. Very different from the aloof type sometimes to be found in the Anglican clergy, Mr. Nind has been friendliness and cordiality personified in all his relations with ministers and members of other denominations and with "all sorts and conditions" of people in and three "abiding" virtures of faith, hope and charity--his faith being of that simple and vital kind so rare in a doubting' age, his hope of that cheery buoyancy which dispels pessimism, his charity amounting to a large-hearted kindliness and a broad tolerance which have seemed = all-encireling. What wonder that such a man should loved "hy all, that his. visits, especially to the sick, should be felt as a benediction, that his sermons and other addresses, thoughtful, direct, and happily free from the pretentious rhetoric' which sometimes passes for oratory, should have had a Potent in- fluence? It: is perhaps safe to: 'say that Mr. Nind will miss Port Perry almost as much as Port Perry will. aniss him. |' He has found everything here "very congenial, has spent, as he himself 'says, perhaps the happiest nine years of his life in our midst--the- longest time that he, confessedly "something of a nomad", has ever lived in any one .place.. He will miss the hours | spent in our Library--just round the corner from the rectory--and the daily and weekly contacts with people he has come to know so well. But Port 'Perry. and Brooklin make a large parish, and when one adds all the out- side work that so public-spirited a citizen cheerfuly undertakes, the bur- den, which is heavy enough for a man in the forties or early fifties, become too difficult as three score approaches. And so we try to reconcile ourselves to the fact that "The old order changeth, Yisliing 'place to new", , and we bid good- bye to one who has ever shown the hallmarks of an Eng- lish Gentleman, a democratic Cana- dian, and a true Christian. And, in saying good-bye, we are not ,unmind- ful of the phrase of which the little 'word (so much mote significant than other forms of farewell) is an abbre- viation--""God be with you!"--M.E.S. STRAND THEATRE UXBRIDGE Now presenting on thelr new screen. Thurs., Friday, Saturday (this week) Robert Taylor & Binnie Barnes, in "Small Town Girls" Local girl makes good "Also SELECTED COMEDIES * "een Monday, Tues., Wed, May 24-25-26 HOLIDAY ATTRACTION Peter B. Kyne's Story in "Seoret-Patrol Ny starring Evelyn Knapp and Charl Evelyn Knapp and Chas. Starre this "Hounil Fee Sa er and COMEDIES eh Thursday, Fri, Saturday, Next Week) SHIRLEY TEMPLE, in "Stowaway" IWn, Bring the Kiddies out of church. : He has exemplified the |: Union Ave.) Port Perry wy i» $ CLEAN UP! i 2 : | Lawrence' S Tras ro News | » ' ¥, & > Complaints have been brought to : ~ (You can save with Satety at Your Rexall Store) ¢ the attention of the Council about re-|§ a fuse : being left: on streets and ini%s : : 5 yards. The Council request the rate-|& FOR BETTER SNAPSHOTS | TYPicaL LAWRENCE 8 s 'payers to eo-operate in keeping public | 22 a ed VALUES 3 % 2 * places and private property cleared of | 38 g g ; 8 all garbage and rubbish. 5 ALKA SELTZER, 33c., 69c. WREIRER J By order of the Council, 3 BISMA REX 75¢., $1.50 4 & f = 5 ' ota ; 5 , fs] | wavpoves mix or fi | " MAGNESIA ..8 oz. 25¢. § Dated Mey 20th, 1937. 5 J : : 20 oz. 50¢c. B vid eR Ag Fisgschrome Film pu FROSST'S 217 TABLETS § 3 15 antees "Pictures tha o BUY AT % ors new roll free," «4% i 330, Toe, $1.50 B ; 8 FROSST'S NEO CHEMICAL @ i BOYNTON"S |i lense Poon. sivas 1 ¥ T.P. BABY LAXATIVE, 25¢. § «oa Where QUALITY is i ENGLISH HEALTH:SALTS i remembered long : 20c., 39¢c. & after Price is i i Forgotten. _ . § SPECIAL THIS WEEK »- * ; # Ourexpertphoto finishing de- Two enlargements, size 4"x6" Ww. Boy nton, Butcher + banment Suarantees prompt mounted in folders, from your Phone 4 Port Perry, ; developing jshest ity own negative. All for 25c. B 8 | 3 x e {) FOR SALE 13 : & v -- 4% acres, 8 room solid brick house, | {3 A. M. LAWRENCE 5 barn, raspberry bushes, fruit trees, |$ 8 % Bailey Estate, Prince Albert. Apply to |e The Rees Store 4 ¥ Collacutt, 69 Shields, Toronto. june3 o Phone 4 © Pp PORT PERRY . FOR SALE ek $38238828 . Hientzman Piano, upright, good con- tas SUSE SE OE SRR 0 E00 08090800080008 dition, Apply Collacutt, 69 Shields rar : Rial = COAL 3: WOOD A, NOX KIDNEY FLUSHERS |§ + °°. Fo The right way Is the only way. If A CAR OF HARDWOOD and SOFTWOOD SLABS K {hem the Hicht way. Flusit thorn ion JUST ARRIVED (NOX) KIDNEY KLUSHERS. "They y : WEY tFROt BL The. same the. the We have NUT and STOVE COAL, always on hand. * a whois is jnade antiseptic hy fore fo EDA higiity) SWplien limbs ! One more car of Coal to be in about the last of May--to be * ul 'maved: De sold at t Spring price. -Next car will be advanced price. DT Tania 20d sash paihs Call us for coal and wood orders. Price One Dollar at druggists or E * direct from 'the Nox Laboratorles, Bay St., Toronto. Your kidneys will KIDNEY FLUSHiRe ac ook: iid - laxative,removing blle Jig Yi Lake Scugog Lumber & Coal Co., Ltd. 3 & A. M. LAWRENCE, Port Perry, = os a: L.. Phone 240 Port Perry : SUITS CLEANED! Ltr hs Va 105%;958852085858 SR 2858080858025252020202088 083! 10808080 oo 5 Five Cents per line. Suits sponged and pressed "WANT ADVTS -- Minimum 20 Cents. - ~~ 80 Cents wir - Dry Cleaned $1.00 Dr. Ba Bailey LOOK HERE YET - o 5 a -K 5 TONS RAGS . C. P. ROLP H a soot 'House, Port Perry, Tuesday ( oy 5g App, Hill) JI OVER THE (OBSERVER OFFICE and Friday afternoons. Phone 127 TOP PRICES PAID. j Uxbridge, day or night, "Calls, will te VEE Si AUCTION SALE OF FURNITURE be promptly attended to. oct29tt Foy Messin call Bd 'thie' property of the late Mrs. John D . Wannamaker, $0 be sold 5b the: home (The firm of GREER & HuMpHREYS is disolved) Phone 177 or by mail of Mr. Isaiah Irwin, lot 24, Con. 12 ARTHUR W. S. GREER . 48 y : 1] 9 » : A E Reach Tp. mn Saterday, May 22nd. 6 King St.. East, Oshawa, Phone 3160 Vr oy vey See bills for list. 'Terms Cash. : Welnasday morning. and Friday" turnoon | By N S URAN CE : 'each wi .or by appoin ent. a Jackson, AucUoneer.| qusen Street, Port Perry; Phone 204| PS AUTOuDRI &. LIE E aS J AUCTION SALE - prey - of Household Furniture, the property| CONANT & ANNIS Farms and Village Properties of the estate of the late Rev. Wesley Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public |S: A- WALLACE Phone 165 Elliott, Shanly Street, Port Perry, on| GORDON D. CONANT, K.C.: -" - : a Friday, May 21st, at 1 p.m. (standard| ALLIN- F.-ANNIS, B.A.; LL.B. RW. HARPER: i time.) See bills for list. Terms cash.| ~~ Ofices 13 Bin BC 2 Gans DR. W. S. HARPER Ted Jackson, Auctioneer. =. Fhne. @ anCh (Oshewd) cons i to of Triokty Medical College and iin = FOR SALE Phone 7 (Whitby) Post Graduate. in Surgery of Medleal Gradu ° wed A 4-wheel trailer, in. Al condition, | ---- ER TT 1% Norn East London Bot 6 Lt t¢ uy with 1937 license; 1 spring platform W.. A. Sangster FH i TN Liana, Sean : one-horse wagon; 1 set harness, new. "DENTAL BURGEON y 2 ¥ Apply to Sam N. Grifen) Phone 240. Office. Hours: 9 am. to 6 pin . = - DOOLEY POTATOES FOR SALE | Office Up-stairs, over Emmerson's | The firm 6f Gass & Humrmnays fs disolved) Good stock, suitable for seed. Ap- Insurance Office RUSSELL D. HUMPHREYS ly to A. Gilroy, R.R. 2, Port P : y : 5 lyse. & Gutey, or Po : MINK FOR SALE 24% Simcoe Street North, Oshawa 3 A SS ga = ; $30.00 each. Avérage price last fall to a ndause » hone S14 es : TICE T or 80 of my cull pelts, $18.00 each. arty og © CREDITORS {Apply to Orvin Blakley, R. R. No. 2,| © wask on poy afternoons of each All persons having claims against| Seagrave, Ont. 1 ; the estate of James Somerville, late TI WEY) Queen Street, Port Perry, Phone 204 i ™ of the Township of Reach, in. the Up Hyy Ry HAOBSARMIO SAI Lis adi HIG , County of Ontario, who died on or ; : : Ce : > about the 16th day of February, 1987, #f COAL WOOD . LUMBER EG are requested pursuant to the Statutes fend Y - 2d : in that behalf to file particulars of Sriiaiet their claims, duly verified, to: the un-- BUILDERS' SUPPLIES : i dersigned, on or before the 1st day, : : : i Aungatd | of June, 1987, after which date the § - I FA ; | assets win be distributed and the ex. § OFk- LUMBER Builders Supplies # : * cuutors will not be responsible for any # ANTHRACITE PINE SIDING ~~ MASONS LIME 8 claims not so filed. : COAL : A i Mrs, James Somerville, Executrix, : PINE SPRAY LIME : 4 4 |RR2, Port Perry. may20 Stove SHEATHING HARDWALL : HOUSE FOR SALE Nut HEMLOCK CEMENT + 2 The property of the late Rev. W., Pea SPRUCE MORTAR COLOR § Eliott, Shanly Street, Port _ Perry. Blower B.C. FIR . GLAZED TILE : > - my rooms, all modern conveniences : : Eig ; hard water inside, extra lot sultable CORE. v B. C: CEDAR 3, CHIMNEY me un | 7) for building, small fruits, excellent § BU HARDWOOD CINCR garden. Possession immediately. Ap- ge FLOORING gs i Blower ply to Ted Jackson, Port Perry. 2 | POSTS SHEROCK may20 BODY WOOD SASH DONNACONA SEED POT HARD and SOFT and DOORS INSULATING x a OTATOES|§ suas LATH ROCK WOOL, x FOR SALE FRED E. REESOR Apply to-- : » : ff re bt BS : z . ---- } t y Blewett's Produce, Phones Offles 78 w; Res. 73) a Faded he £8 314 : SE ¥

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