Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star (1907-), 27 May 1937, p. 8

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fos 8 NT ALN Se ND ee Aah i Rad A WARK pC A Att TR SCUGOG The evening service for next Sun- day will be at the Centre at 7.30 p.m, y Congratulations to Mr, and Mrs, R. Brown, on the birth of a little son on May 18th, and also to Mr. and Mrs, H. Gibson, (nee Hazel Lee) on the 1 -------------------------------- FARM ond HOME WEEK ONTARIO AGRICULTURAL coLLEGE GUELPH MOTO RISTS! birth of a little daughter on May 21st. | 1 { June 21-25, a The best wishes and a long life of stock. field ft _ | happiness is the wish of Scugog vnou departments it] on ¢ + | friends to Miss Jean Harrison and. Mr, Bring our f ily and frien is. Sra er Allan Mark, on their recent marriage. y EA ; a n: a O U old ar | Vv | ng Many happy returns of the day are Arthur G. Street, of Wiltshire, England, Thins ® extended to Mrs. R, Reader on her suthor of Flory will g a farmers' picnic at the birthday on May 26th, also to Queen on Lue , June 8th, 't, miss it. Mary. ow. ouNGaN wARSIALL © DR. 6, I CHRISTIE, Miss Olive Schell and Mr, George Ormiston, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Schell, 4 ¢ Mr, and Mrs. A. Mark and little Marl- lt WA leen, enjoyed a motor trip through 2 -- ia 'Haliburton and to Maple Lake on FLAY 3 Monday. They claim the woods and eal the lakes are looking their best. Hi The Women's Association was held last Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A, Prentice. with a good attendance and Mrs, R. Prentice, Mrs, W. Nott and her daughter Gladys, Mrs. O. Bradley and little son Douglas and Miss Addie McLaren, Port Perry, were welcome visitors at the meeting. The meeting opened in the usual way 'with Mrs, Carter-in the chair. Mrs. C. Fralick read the Scripture, Mrs.s D, Hope gave a reading ona Farmer's Thoughts on Daylight Saving, and showed a new quilt which she had made (Crazy Banquet), the main colors being red and white. Mrs. G. Hood "the nconducted a Bible contest. The names of men and their wives el = oe oi ~ every inch of the way ACH successive year has seen motor traffic greatly increased. With this increase there has come, unfortunately, an increase in traffic accidents. ! ; da 'were written on different pieces of Wo pw et" re St paper and passed around and each one was to find man and wife. Some wives are not mentioned very much and the names were not very familiar. Then Mrs. Hood had twenty Bible questions. Mrs. Joblin and Mrs, Tet- low got nineteen 'right. It was de- cided to hold a women's Sunday in June. The meeting was dismissed by' Mrs, J. Joblin, All were then invited ) to the dining room where the tables : were tastefully decorated with Union Jacks and the serviettes had the King's picture on them. The hot sup- per, provided by group 3 of the Centre, was much enjoyed. Proceeds $9.65. Mrs. R. Reader and R. Burnham will have charge of the program for June. Mr. Fred Johlin léft last week for a charge at Success, Sask, where h is to spend the summer. We wish him success in his new work, He is following in the footsteps of his . father as well as those of his two B ro {| grandfathers and two brothers. % > Mr. and Mrs. Ivers and daughters, of Toronto, visited her brother Mr. H. Hayes on Sunday. ° It is the duty of those responsible for the regulation of the traffic, and of every individual who operates a motor vehicle, to do everything possible to reduce these ever-mounting and alarming accident figures. bh The Government and my department have taken every precaution within our means to make motoring safe. We have built wider highways, have painted traffic lines on the pavements, have erected signs at every curve, intersection and railway erossing, have continuously. patrolled the roads with uniformed police and in many other ways have striven earnestly to reduce traffic accidents. 3 ++ what does she si; ye? : No. matter what "it" may-be -- the price of eggs, that other reci tpe. for shortbread -- are you sure your not-very-frequent visits with the neighbours give your wife real ample opportunity to "talk it all over"? Wouldn't a telephone suit her far better? A telephone never lets you get lonely. Maybe good roads and automobiles have brought us all closer = together . . . but not within a moment's speaking- distance, That's the telephone's job! : And you, Mr. and Mrs. Motorist, truck-driver and motorcyclist! Have you done everything you possibly can to prevent accidents that may kill you and your family or some other persons to whom life is also sweet? If you will just remember to Try Courtesy in all your thinking and driving in a motor vehicle you will have made your greatest possible contribution to the reduction of motor vehicle accidents. NEW LOW RATES for farm telephone service Please remember there will be more traffic than ever this season and there are now in effect! will be more accidents and deaths, too, (and that may include you) unless there is more Courtesy shown by every motorist towards every other motorist. : [13 : bh : . So, again, I beg of you to "Try Courtesy every inch of the way this season. Mr, and Mra. W, King and datighter) Do that and you will get safely to where you are going and safely back again. Eileen and Mr. V. Netherton, of Oak- : wood, Mr. and Mrs. W. Cook, Myrtle, : ii i > were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. IRON and YE jm T ASL od 8 PT 3. 2 plondid spring "pick-me- emis o a Fv lus =m ur gi up". One dollar per bottle of eighty tablets i ie} Y . Mr. and Mrs. W. Samells and sons LIFEBUOY SHAVING CREAM with a cake of Lifebuoy ) : 2 Herman and Kenneth, Mrs, Kenneth |§ Soap ] Both for 30¢. * : Samells and son Melville, of Nestleton, | § ? : £5 » ug COU RTESY ie were guests of the former's brother |# DEE-TEE MOTH KILLER--Per can 39c. i r 1 : DD $ en ? Mr. W. Samells and Mr. and Mrs. G.|i{ KLEENEX in 200's 19c. 500's 49c. i . -- -- . . Co LA, Samells on Sunday. nH EVERSHARP PENCIL The New Spirit MINISTER OF HIGHWAYS . y Mrs. D. Harrison, Norma, Rens, Fi and box of leads--69c. ; Muriel and Ross, of Port Perry and |i WITCH HAZEL CREAM--per bottle 1 of the Road PROVINCE OF ONTARIO Mrs. Weyrick, of Oshawa, visited the |} R P ttle 19¢ a oc ; i former's sister, Mrs. H.-Carnochan on | TASTELESS EXTRACT OF COD LIVER--a- splendid tonic-- = # Sunday, then .on Monday they visited for delicate women and children and general run-down - | with Mr. and Mrs, W. Mark, it being | § conditions of health--per bottle 89¢c. oo 2 : : Ed - '8, ete an) es Yell MOIR'S CHOCOLATES :: CAROLY'S CHOCOLATES day. * v and PATTERSON'S FRESHPACK i Mr. and Mrs. R. Fralick, Helen and [§ M T EL , SPAIN ARAARARARAARRKARSRR ARRAN AAAI AA AP iti 0 idee teed te i 0 as ts a arc ecececel Douglas, Mr. i Mrs, Rel nsolt sud 5 orrison' 8 Drug Store OSORCEOEOROECEOSOS0ICSCE00 daughters, Miss Lililan Fralick, all of | & Sih POR! PERRY P SE ACR A E Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Baker, of Mr. Cooper, 2 Hamilton, spent the [a demonstration on note Tig in| Toronto, spent the week end and holi- : 5 T -- hone 16 \"4 Stouffville, visited with the latter's] holiday with Mr. and Mrs, 0. Stone. |music. Miss Mildren Stone--Junior,|day at their home here. i oe i rp = The May meeting of the Seagrave|Parents Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Orchard| Mr. Reg. Osborne and sister| Miss Gloria Harding and Master Clare| Misses Myrtle and Blanche Sweet- Women's Association was of special]? W ednesday. Dorothy and friend, of Toronto, were| Wooldridge, Seniors, were the prize|man, spent the week end and holiday A, interest to all who attended. Missy Miss Jean Sellery, of Toronto, spent | week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. winners for neat music books. Gloria | with their parents. - : : Hn .Mac Fleming, of the Department of the week end with her mother Mrs, C, Sons. inh Harding gave a reading on the origin| 7 Glad to hear Mr. Amasa Sweetman 4 ' He alk | Public Welfare, Children's Aid Branch, | Sleep. | r. an rs, H. Wannamaker and|of Empire Day. Marjorie 'McCoy,| who is inthe Hospital at Port Perry, Y Bs ki hv : Toronto, was present and gave a most] Mrs, R. Scott and Beverley spent Glenn and Miss M. Mitchell visited in| recitation, "Empire First"; a drill by|is doing das well as can be expected, our a ng Vants are interesting address on "Child Wel-| Sunday with friends at Myrtle. Oni wosd and Little Britain on Sun-|the junior pupils. Recitation, "Prin- after his Jpetatien on Saturday night. : x fare." Points stressed by Miss Flem-] Quite a number from here attended] ®Y: cess Elizabeth", Mildred Stone; song| Mr. and Mrs, H. Cannon and child- Wi 11 L k Af is on child Training aves, ns Solos: 52 Minstrel ly eee Peres i Mr. and Mrs. Orr Shunk and family |by the Intermediates, Federation |ren, of Toronto, visited her sister Mrs. : (& 0O0Ke ter rs 1. To take responsibility. Thursday and Friday evenings of Belleville were guests of their|Drill; recitation, "How I, Love the|R. Henders on Sunday. 8 z 2. Respect of Sabbath. Mr. and" Mrs. Wra: Keen: ond: Mi: parents over the holiday. Empire", Bernice Harding; Empire| Rev. F. G. Joblin and Mrs. Geo. : BY 3. Accept the personal responsibil-| Kenneth Scott were in Uxbridge on Mr. Frank Smith spent a few digs Product Drill. Rev. Mr. Flindall gave | Sweetman attended the convention at . - ; 57 : ity as to how our children will turn| Fviday evening attending the Hockey in Toronto this week. ] a short talk explaining the crowning) Columbus on Tuesday of last week. 3 a ; y ¢ ; out. Don't blame someone else. Club banquet. Empire Day was fittingly observed of the King. Recitation, "Empire| Mr. Leonard Hope visited with his JEMISON S BAKERY 4. Teach a child to be independent.] My, and Mrs. P. Ripley of Oshawa, |at the Public School on Kiday after- D ay", Alexa Melaggari; recitation, gousin My, John Hatdy on Sordey; i Se ; : Fatih g ; b. How to be a leader--teaching| visited in the village over the week-|noon. How Sleep the Brave", Earl Sorn-| Mr. and Mrs, J. Burnham visited her THE HOME OF GOOD BREAD AND PASTRY ' i out of our own experience instead of) i : . berger. parents Mr, and Mrs, E., Lee at Man- xh ; Xpe : end and attended anniversary services| The Junior Red Cross held their heste Sund i showing "nquestionable authority. [at Zion (Mariposa). regular meeting and opened the meet- The following W were given prizes for | ¢hester on sunday. : PHONE 93, PORT PERRY oy ; 6. Eto train a child to eat{ Mr, and Mrs. W. Moase and Verna, |ing with a salute to the flag followed best kept School Garden Plots during Ths schoo] pupils had a holiday on everything suitable to children and| Mr. and Mrs. Eagleson and Marion, by all repeating the motto. After | 1936: Monisy and will have another one on | ; like it. ... | Mr. and Mrs. A, Snyder, were among | singing the chorus of the Maple Leaf,| 1st Adele Wooldridge, 2nd Gloria Jung Pile ibaa ie Jirihiey Ai LL 7. How to overcome fear in a child. | those who attended anniersary ser- | Miss Ruby McCoy, who was in charge | Harding, 8rd James Short, 4th Eva ; ju " ge ying gh his bir y EE SEs EEE EERE seas titssttsetsstessststtitttneaeetesssttsssstsstistassstsssssssttstststatieyl \ 5 Remus i raming " hon iv vices at Greenbank. of the program, spoke a few words of | Fishley, 6th Clare Wooldridge, 6th ® ras rer in hind the play thel@ isa, : ia spoken word and not act dishonestly] Mw and Mrs. J. S. McFarlane, Mrs. | welcome: to the visitors, After the|Ruby McCoy, 7th, Aileen Sornberger, : : av H i ; ourselves. : ) Dure, visited friends at Victoria. Cor- regular business was discussed Miss [8th Hilda Barnet, 9th Mildred Stone, Ee Tying 9 in he : START THE NEW YEAR RIGHT BY PLACING YOUR : Avoid bartering -- build up an F. McMillan, Musical Director, gave' 10th Evelyn Harding. ¥ SVEning, May ; Won satisfaction, 10. Punishment--Ilearn to coiitrol ners on Sunday. BASEBALL SCHEDULE--TRI-TOW NSHIP LEAGUE i 28th---'The Antics of Andy", - May the 28th is the birthday of the famous Dionne sisters, also the wedding day INSURANCE one's own temper before inflicting] The following is a schedule for the Tri Township League. For home games, read down, away from home, across. punishment. . Salem Valentia Little Britain Zion Seagrave Sunderland if Mz. and Mes. 8; Chatiler Many WITH Xu if We were pleased to see so- many | Salen X June 19 May 29 May 24 July 8 June 4 ; CARD GF THANKS CARD SFTIRKE £8 EL visitors present and hope they enjoyed | Valentia June 29 X June 26 July 6 June 16 June 9 L . i the address as much as the rest of us.| Little Britain June 1 July 8. X - June 11 June 22 July 1 Juss, Jon er eos Tiled, "HAROLD Ww. EMMERSON 4 Mrs. Harding, Miss: M. Mitchell and Zion June 21 June b July 10 X June 1 June 26 Wishes er friends and neigh- Phone 41 Port Perr 4 : Mrs. W oldridge supplied the musical | Seagrave June 24 June 12 June 9 June 18 May 25 bours for their kindness during her y 3 i numbers for the afternoon. Sunderland _ June 16 May 381 June 19 May 28 July 8. Bilis recent illness, p

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