+ age PAGE FOUR LOCAL ITEMS ; wu -- > Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Thompson of Avways Use WE FIT THB PATH TO INDUSTRAIL wioaAL BASEBALL NEWS Manche. (er, were pleased to receive a Bick WE REPAIR PEACE i, Said ihe Jaagviod ten oreo . # call © few days ago from Mrs. An- ickmore's Gall Salve for harness Newton- oy Y, 28} 'ricay LL rare, of Voor She 1 thal "well and sores, The only Gall ewton Robinson, Ont, May 15|night the married men were right on awr ence' S sD r ug Stor e News | daughter of Mr. Lorne McAlpine, who Suire that is positively guaran- 1 To the people of Ontario: ,- Sock, Ville the sivgle nen hal were | ¥ ; (¥ '4 worked for Mr. Th 5 fort ( 3 asses This, i ere had .to rounded up by car, ; ou can save w exall . years i Shopng ms It is now apparent that some power- | They must have lost their nerve, I ih Satety at Your R Store) 3 0d : ; , .... |ful financial interésts are determined] As there were not enough single 3 ) . 2 Mrs. E. Bearé and daughter Hazel You Save Mone: to misrepresent the Party I have the|men to make a team, Bill Chapman | i. . : left last Friday for the West, where S Se. Y |honor t6 lead in the Province of On-|and R. A. Cornish divided the players | % Ty i al 3 - Lg 4 they will spend a month with relatives -- AT --. tario, as to labor problems. Recently |and started the ball rolling. The |¥! Is Your Hair y Pp ¢ awr ence: = PES : . and friends. for example I'gaye'a statement to the Cornish team took the field first with 1 rect | 5 " Mr. and Mrs. James Harrison, of I R. 'BEN TLEY Press including the Globe and Mail re. Heft DeShans on the pilehing Hontd, : F Hi 0 t Values "9 Detroit, and Mrs. W. Harrison, Sr . OPTOMETRIST garding labor issues, My exact words| Bert. MacGregor and Archie Me-|# a ing u 1 visited sriends in Port Perry over the as reported in other iewspapers were} Derwactt did some exceptional fielding 3 : i Sesk end : PORT PERRY, ONT. "As far as the C. I. O. or any other {and stopped many a home run, ' 5 Ask us about the GILLETTE RAZOR with ten Gillette ; ing "A Guaranteed Cure fos PHONE 33 ; organization is concerned, T am 100] -Dr. Rennie succeeded in doping a ¥ scientific En lish Blue Blades......... .All for 59¢. # £ Mr. Beverley Smallman is home WIRE CUTS . } percent. for the maintenance of law |runner by using a spare ball that was 4 & of ANTI MOSQUITO CR - > from Western University, London. HARNESS GAL and order in this Province." lying on the field, and he went out. |}$ treatment for : EAM, tube 35¢. : He will spend thé summer in Prince SADDLE 5 LAWN MOWERS The unfair headline that subse-| When Chapman's side took the field | falling hair DR. LYON'S TOOTH POWDER - Bo Edward Island, where he is to be as-| ROPE BURNS +r quently appeared in the Globe and|Archie Farmer's pitching was not so | ar ; 27¢. and 39¢ k sistant in a Dominion Biological Re- . SCRATCHES SHARPENED Mail--"Rowe endorses C..O." is a hot, and it was some. time before |} SILVIKRIN EEE 5 La search survey regarding oyster cul- SORE AEATS 1 COWS oe 1% i d 3 flagrant example of deceptive journal-| Bill's orders got the field organized to 4 BRITEN TOOTH PASTE ......29¢c. 8 = ' ture. an ave installed a machine for|ism. cope with the long flies that were |# 4 | yan cous eu Tho Tors Tian] Sow lot a' ashe my osliich |ISAutt ous 0 he arty Fe a ; The natural hair | ENGLISH HEALTH SALTS, a PY . A number of Old England Lodge| 350 verbo, te rotund your money 18 1t 1s not the work accurately. Now is the [abundantly clear. I believe the Can-|But when Re did, the runs evened up i food £- and 39, 5 3 0.9, og of England, were in Osh- time to have this work done. adian workman should have the privi-|a little. ¥ Get the Free Book- ENO'S FRUIT SALT ....47c., 79c. 3 2 wwa on Sunda, attending the annual fl WILLIAM WEBSTER, . S. CAUSLEY, Port Perry |lege of deciding whether he will be-| Mr. Hayes kept the strikes and |# ' " SASKASAL ) : |. oh Service of Oshawa Distilel. {A+ Rentiy's Store, Port Perry meses | long to a craft union or an industrial | balls balanced from his place behind let entitled "Your : + "24s ve 2.890, and 60e, LSA » 2 and hy Irvin Coates, Mus. _-- PAVING STRENTH ON ORILLIA in > ne i iy all. we oe box, Jsvagh Bill Car- $3 Hair Troubles MONTSERRAT LIME JUICE, 44c. i [an ilts hire, the Misses Eva, Vera and ROAD FROM BEAVERTON . . I, 0: . merican Iedera- "ofessiona rows to second ! 1 4 Ivy Wiltshire, Mr. Rand McMullen, all BOWIANG NEWS Six miles of concrete road is being [tion of Labor) organizes on the crafu]came close to putting him in the red |# Sagnoned, NIAGARA MAID GRAPE JUICE- - 4 of Toronto, were visiting at the home The first local bowling jitney of the built on Highway No. 12, beginning a pan plan, for example: electricians, once or twice. $ ; H 35e. and 49¢. of Mrs. H. M. Coates, on Sunday. season was held on Monday evening, | mile east of the bridge at the Nar- Painters, musicians, ete. Those unjons| Darkness finally put an end to the , : . $2 ay 81st. The greens were in excel | ows and ending at a point afliliated with the C. I. 0. (Committee |88me, but many remembered the game 5 cB . Reeve w. ¥ Tassie was in To- [lent condition and a very enjoyable|eastword. o point six miles of Industrial Organization) organize [the next day when their muscles didn't A. M. LAWRENCE + : : b ronto on Tuesday along with a dele-| evening was spent. Following the| Work was begun around ; on-the industrial pl for e le, | Work just right, ' 4 : ; ; ion f 4 Sah the middl plan, for example, g . : gation from the Central Ontario High- | games the ladies served coffee and [of April. At A forty o en are the whole automobile industry. Be- Those interest in tHe game should B The Rexall Store $3 - way Assocition in connection with the sandwiches. engaged in grading the road, easing | 3US® of propaganda many people are|8¢t in touch with "Promoter Bill" 8 Phone 49 : Th . PORT PERRY proposed Orangeville-Peterboro High-| ~The winners of the ladies' prizes [curves and cutting down hills, It js | Confused and are not considering the Chapman. Let's go boys! it a good ¥ J way. The delegation was graciously | were: Mrs, E. Beare with a score of expected that the job will be com-1 difference between the two plans but healthy sport. received by the Minister of Highways. | 27 won. the first prize, and Dorothea |pleted some time during September. rather the methods adopted in the - PU My. Letcher says the citizens of. this | O'Neill With a score of 27 won second | Before it is finished 140 men will be | UNited States by some of the unions B. C. VOTING M district must keep boosting for this | Prize. The winners of the men's prizes employed. affiliated with the C.I.O. i . C. VOTING IN FAVOR OF Goo * 4 proposed road and not let the road| were: E. Beare with a score of 38, won| A stone crusher has been built near The Liberal-Conservative Party is HEALNID INSUBANGE LUMBER \d $ officials side track their needs. first prize, and Bob Jeffrey with a! the intersection of the highway and unalterably opposed to the introduc-| A majority of more than 10,000, on i Rev. W. J. IL Smyth and Mr. 8. pp, aes won second prize. the Rama Road at Atherley. There |'ioh into Ontario of sit-down strikes | June 2nd, showed the ballots swinging | We now have a good stock of lumber on hand to méet your nied. Farmer are in Smith's ¥alls this weak , 16 players and scores were as fol- | the stone is' crushed and washed be-|® other violations of our law, not only in favor of a "comprehensive health | § White Pine. H 8 Sk attending the meeting of Bay of Mullican i Palmer 23, Mrs. fore it goes to the far end of the $b the ground of 'thei illegality but pans scheme". for British Colum- | § te Pine, Hemlock, Spruce--in 2 x 4, 2 x 8; Novelty Siding; Cove - g Quinte Conferoned. A 8g 29, I's, . 3eare 27, Mrs. | job to be mixed into concrete. ecause they undermine the very prin- ia's 100,000 workers earning $1800 [§ Siding; Flooring; V.Joint. . B.C. 4 x 4." Fi fogs JS Sih Chrpivan 21, D. O'Neill 27, E. Somer-| The grading is being done largely ciples of democracy upon which any|©°' less as the votes were being counted | § 2 : % r V-Joint and Flooring. Te Ontario County Council are in os wikis do by a steam shovel and by. hand labor labor movement must Qepeny for its by the returning officers, : § Cedar Siding, Cedar Shiplap, and Cedar D4 8... Nova Scotia White * session at Whitby this week. We un- ientlemen--S, Jeffrey 12, Bob Jef-| ang trucks, of which there are about a existence, ° 'The plebiscite, held simultaneously 4: Cedar 'Shin 1 o derstand their is a heavy program of gh 36, 7: C. Jeffrey 21, Mr, Gemmell dozen. Over 9,000 yards of earth and If labor leaders, or any other lead-| With the provincial general election, i gles. Our mill Is ready at any time to give you service business to look after, 1, G Point 17, J. Mureay 18, W. rave) wire taken wnt of ome LIT op | 1% #8 5s alleged, have been guilty of showed 42,400 in' favour and 32 ,374 5 on Sash, Franies and specials of all kinds, 53 a » We extend congratulations to Mr AED Ir. Harper 17, L. Koch the easterly end of the job. The work |<F'™es in the United States, then' the against with seven outlying riding |3 : £ N. Coburn or he el a Wai) Beare 38, M. Yaighee 21 is being done by the A. E. Jupp Con- Immigration"Act forbids their entry unheard from and only a few polls 4 i Nl © co atic of her Pn struetion Company, Toronto. hao Canada and it is the duty of the in most rural sections available, Lake Secu 0 Lumber & Coal 0 e 1st, - ominion Government to prevent their ° X Kd TWO DROWN "IM IN? REA ! ' Mr. Forbes Nasmith and sister Miss CRE bueriys COUNTY COURT AND SESSIONS "Th t th k > P hone 240 Ps rt : Pe Dorothea Nasmith, of Toronto, left] A ha i Ton rust the workers of Ontario and N | (0) ppY f ly n . 'vy d : ) r err ok ok for 1 Stn, ha i gs oe, ced] TO OUEN OX JUNE th | proc my "ui "se ny" wi] UITS CLEANED se Wh and and the continent. Their Port| afternoon when G eh under yo flag. other: than the | Suits sponged and" oressadl ART A RArxs Te sci iii i a : 'hen Guy Ed oT ; uits .. Perry friends wish for them a very|49-year-old war volo ph yg Ri srs Dninly foun . Qangyal wl tate font Loy and pressed WANT ADVTS -- ive Cents per line. on pleasant trip and holiday. Junction, and his son, Albert, 14 were | Whitby Court House on Tocatny livered ot od pk 2rd I 0 Gents Te a oun. i re ~e we drowned in Duflin's Creek, in the|afternoon next. i day of May, 1937, ey in Dry Cleaned $1.00 Dr Ed Bailey LOOK HERE iy ' > po 7 N . : 1. 5 LJ , { A SALT OF HOMEMADE BAK Prensant Valley Dicnic Grounds, the| His Honor, Judge, Smoke, of Peter- | the considered policy of the Liberal- C; P. ROLPH VETERINARY SURGEON ING and USEFUL ARTICLES will be | ©: yo - Pascoe, on the Base] boro, will. preside, while His Honor, | Conservative Party as to Jabor pro-| OVER THE + 6 TONS RAGS WANTE held tn the LO.D.E. room ot ths on D€[ Line, a mile south of Pickering. |Judge Coleman, of Whitby, will pre. | blems. hon OBSERVER OFFICE | Schort House, Port Perry, Tuesday yg. 411 kinNDg oF Cm Library, on SATURDAY, JUNE 12th. The accident occurred when Audrey side at the Court at Peterboro. I'am confident that the 'citizens of hb ri By Sips, Phong ay TOP PRICES PAID. ®s. under the auspices of the Ladies' Aid Sells 12, fell into a pool about ten | At this date it is hard to determine | Ontario cannot be stampeded and after N ae oF Np, Calls will and Choir of St. John's Presbyterian fost deop. Ania, Bot fue vot 16, how lengthy the docket will be, as having read my speech will in their 0X KIDNEY FLUSHERS ptly attended to. oct20tf Fer Tuformatin call » ¢ Church. AFTERNOON TEA will ssn i Re gh 'she, like civil cases can be listed up until Wed- considered judgment, agree with the The Tizht way is the only way. If (The firm of GREER & HUMPHREYS Is disolved) ra . GILBOORD also be served. sister, could | nesday of this week, Dr, Bascom, clerk | principles which I have enunciated Jou suffer from kidney trouble, treat ARTHUR W. 8. GREE og 177 or'hy 'mall Co" sw. As the girs struggled in| of the Court, said. So far one jury Yours faithfully BR BOOSH UNIS jut thon Yi 6 King St. East, Oshawa, BOER 0 tooo» - eep water the father and brother [and one non-jury has been li d wash the bladder, kidneys and urin- i ; " 1. 0.D. E. - thre on pyooden bench for them to| There is likely to be of i I . RARE ROWP. iota" 'mado anttaoptic ae Weinres hE Fa afternoon 'INSURA NCE ' > The regular meeting of S cling to. The sisters warned Albert (cases to come before th rt. Tew eky £0 dOWNS Fheumuti co wey mbs . Ei Vint gent, RE) - . Chapter, 1.O.D.E. will : held hee not to come in, but he plunged into the] The Court is slated wm a num- CARD OF THANKS iy ni ation nd Bathe 2 Fo Com Sons, Toi Perth Pion "Real Eatot iE ts . A " - 8 on basement of the Public Library, at water to help them. He failed to ber of application for naturalization| Mrs. N. Midgley, sister and brother, & IDNIY FLUSHBRS, and ancl pack. far ane 3 o'clock, on Monday, June 7th, reach them as they floated down-|from eitizens of different natinalities wish to thank the friends and neigh- a eg SR) a: CONANT & ANNIS 8. Sean Village Br opextise } stream, clinging to the bench. in the district, mostly rom Oshawa. bours for flowers and all other help | direct from the Nox Te Barristers, Solicitors, Notatles. Public A. WALLACE Phone 156 eit yas The father leaped into the water| = ; _...Jgiven_ through the time of their ny Se kidneys will GORDON D. CONANT, K.C, -- pr SE DEATHS bss suve Albert. Both drowned. in a TW . | mother's sickness and death, : ps FLUSHES act ny : mia AGk ~ Avis, BA Lh, = DR. Ww. 8. HARP ER | . Ki ev ' 7 ; SC 'é, removing hile f ' wa TL VA SYRE RR 1. EE ios Spl ba DIZZY' DEAN BANNED FOR voor AM AREER EH 0 wt ctor Land} (Oshawa). | Graduste of Trinity Collag* and PB " » i S-- -F ---- EE -- : td n = May Slat, 1937, Carolin Bassets boc help Tore wus mother, ran for INDEFINITE TIME CORRRCTION- AM LAWRENCE, Port Rory... 0s a Sos ous a G0 nner | "SATE M pe loved wife of Jerome Sutcliff, in her|the time of the accid » Presicent of the Natlon-| = mppou0h- 4 misunderstandin h 'ates' Giese. ume hy Roth year kv ; on: Constable {al League, suspended Jerome Herman Card of Thanks g ty el \.% North East Londo ale Te rite. Sobba t ciman and Constable R. O.| (Dizz i i apearing in last| | man. London, England, g Glasgo LI BRYANT---In Reach Township, Lot Crummer were immediately called. on) Sealy a i in of the Port Perry Star DR... R..11; HAMILTON : A. Sangster Office Rp tx a 15, Con. 11, on Friday, May 28th, 1937, The two bodies were recovered later. baseball. ead : 'recent bereavement in the PHYSICIAN & SURGEON DENTAL SURGEON : Elizabeth Burton, wife of the late Em, u Lm i death" instead of "the illness" of Mrs, Aten the SNe ; : Office Hours: 9 a.m. to 6 p.m Thomas Bryant, in her 85th year. mm na nn. Lm. Lm um Lm umm Ba 0 Lm mm uy Arnie We rogr this mistake | - pn ang - office in| Office Upstairs, over Emmerson's The firm of Gain & Humenzays is disoived) A = | very greatly, and apologize for its oc-| 7 c nsurance Office DICKEY--At Cadmus, on Tuesda u ; oe : RUSSELL ) yy ; eurrance, The corrected "C Phone 26--P : D. HUMPHREYS Ss po Fi 1 fo Go Start, beloved | Annual M 2 D S 1¢ Be | Thanks" follows: 2 of : gy Perry: : HOUSE FOR SALE 24% Simcoe Street. North, Oshawa 4 pol ge 2) arold Reid Dickey, in her|o ivien 8 vay Jervices : and ee Ae : a hi for sale on Lilla 84,1. attend Phone $14 ; = g CARD OF THANKS en rt Perry. For particulars apply to ndance at my Port Perry office on 2! BUSINE A The family of Mrs, W : Garnet Wright, RR. '2, Nestlton,| «mea Thursday afternoons of each ----o@or-- ay SS MEN'S BIBLE CLASS sro Ds I rs, William Arm- Phone 196 r 4, ~ june1? week or by appointment. BORN a S ng, o yrtle;. wish to thank : , Queen Street, Port Perry, Phone 264 ss unda June 6 th the friends and neighbours for the i EEE & 4 2 2222s tease taste etr ree resssesssssasssqsnryiey 11 $849 908008888800% x KR a wg os sos oe By ang fru lont Se Go, ie Sms fs Corn Borer | TT : r. and | g® to be held in the ° Iness of Mrs. rmstrong. OAL : a : M Ch z os . : h $ H : I a5 omeed a baby boy-- nt Uxbri d U it d Ch h Mrs, Gordon Sweetman : 'WOOD - LUMBER i a" idge Unite urc 8 GIBSON--To Mr. and Mrs. Harvey | gi BUI ' Gibson, (nee Hazel Lee) on May 21st, os at. 2 o'clock (Standard Time) STRAND THEATR E 18 9,6..0 LDERS SUPPLIES i N 1937, a daughter--Dorothy Fay. : H oS i oe | 8 Noted a en I a UXBRIDGE to be enforced inj FUE: LUMBER . Builders Supplies s or an ; } 4 PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH i inl hg La ni il alia the Annual Rally Bg | Thue, Fri, Saturday (This week) "ed ; i ANTHRACITE - PINE SIDING MASONS L : 10 a.m.--Sunday School. ly Jen J (Ue p opular clarke : \ Ontario Count iE COAL - ; IME : 11 am.--Rev. P. L. Jull, of Brooklin. "The York Bible Class Quartette "" and W. Bes Beery, § See Tale DEY 1} St DE A SraaY Iie £ 7 pm.--Rev. W. J, H, Smyth ) i 1# ove SHEATHING HARDWALL 4 Le ¥ 5 will be present and assist Men's Choir, by rendering several selections ""CHINA seas" Owing to. the narenss in Com Borer $ Nut PLASTER The W.M.S. will meet at the home |B LOUD PEAR = infestation it has been found necces-|§ ° : HEMLOCK CEMENT : of Miss L. Stovin, on Thursday, . ERS for the overflow gathering will bo installed. gi |® frost, fetion picture--Thill upon (sary to again enforce clean-up Pea SPRUCE MORTAR COLOR a he. wit that outstanding young Presbyterian = roq Borer Act. 3 tf COKE B. C. CEDAR - CHIMNEY TILE i ; CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION Mon, Tuesday, Wednesday, June 7-9 f Nut HARD BRICK BT, Say or ort "REV. FRANK S, MORLEY, B.A, Ph.D. i Claire Trevor o Michael Whalen | The area under inspection will fake|§f | -RANEE FLoone CIN of the services at the Church of the |Mg of Knox Church, St. Catharines, will be guest speaker. Familiar gai «4 2 in all South Ontario Riding as far|§ Hlowet J Ascension for the next two months. |i Bl hymns led by the large choir of gifted male singers, assisted by special =° CAREER WOMAN?" SOF. Jas Greenbank, i ; BODY WOOD POSTS 4 SHEETROCK [a8 soloists, will feature this Service, Sa | "I wanted to love! They wanted to an id Uxbridge # HARD and SOFT SASH and DOORS DONNACONA « 4 ST. JOHN'S PRES BYTERIAN mi The Class Orchestra together with visiting artists both Afternoon . hang mel" Also comedies. Township. i SLABS LATH Roc oo ie wii CHURCH 2 and Evening, | : ti OOL # Rev. Robt Sinem, Minister. All Bible Classes with their leaders will bo heartily welco . Thursday, Fri, Saturday, June 10-12] SALE OF WESTER} IR a SUNDAY SCHOOL at. 10.00 Afternoon Rally, Come as guests o y. med; at the Conrad Nagel, in TERN 'HORSES FR : a.m. : g fthe Uxbridge Class and Af 0" D, MeArthur & Son,-Lot 11, Con. 10, H SERVICES at 11 mand 7 pam, | _bossible stay for the evening. DEATH F LIES EAST" Réach Township, will sell by auction, ; ; aylight Savin Time) = ¥ - Aeropl a cons ed a ~~ Everybody Walcome ~- all I 5: oplane. Thriller bi Senmen of Western Horses on Phones Office 73 wi Ros. 73 ] " [ALWAYS COOL AT THE STRAND | mean ine 10th