ve PORT PERRY GROCETERIA 8 ESN SS SS RS RA Sah ARREST SR SS SE SS SSS SR RS SS Prompt and Courteous Service of Good Baking " Phohe 32 when you need Bread, Cakes, or: Confectionery. You will be pleased, a0 fey 4 3 rrow Brothers Ee a a SS A AAAs rst ase o. 4 fits a THe <i pI : fifi - ; THIS SUPER-CLEANED HARD COAL a is now being sold at the lowest price in ; i FADIN years. Why not fill up your coal bin and have the benefit of this saving? You are assured of the very best heat satisfaction when you burn "FAMOUS READING ANTHRACITE." ' ST. MARY'S CEMENT A fresh carload just received; also fresh LIME, HARDWALL PLASTER, TILE, sy oo > supplies of ETC. Hardwood, Hardwood Slabs, Softwood Slabs eo @ oo PORT PERRY COAL YARD W. G. W. PYATT "Reliable Service and Better Fuels" X --_-- 7 dee Safthee ire iv ps ~ - Phones--94W and 94J Hifi ~~ WE SELL THE BEST FOR LESS PRUNES, good size vi RASPBERRY JAM, 32 oz. jar A 29¢c PUFFED WHEAT - - per pkg. 100. BEEHIVE CORN SYRUP, 10 Ib. pail 75c. HEINZ KETCHUP, bottle 13c. CHLORIDE OF LIME ....10c. LARGE CHIPSO and FRESH CAKES™ 3 KIRK'S CASTILE SOAP 25¢., 20c., 15c¢., 10c. all for 26c. RED ROSE TEA, ..1; Ib. 28c. BAKING SOFT DRINKS, . .20¢c, and 5c. ; cup tin 196 A & HL WASHING SODA, ge. CORNED BEEF .. tin 126. - SHU:MILK for shoes, bot. 25c. CORN] PLANTS --Cabba; "CHOICE BISCUITS. .. 1b. 17. ete. of ; Tomatoes, etc. ..2 boxes 25c. G. A. PALMER, Prop, 2 lbs for 230 GROCERTERIA POWDER .. DELIVERY 8 am. to 8 p.m, a RRR RR RR ROR OR ACR , President, Mrs. W. L. Smyth, gave a | Mrs. Smyth's address was based on a ' verse in Math. 16: "If any man will ' come after me, let him deny himself, "and take up his cross and follow me." ! During her remarks, Mrs. Smyth said i comfort and luxury we are not acutely ee e000 ESSE 0e0881e ete tbtbtes TT yr ryan i 0 4 Everything New Potatoes CHOICE MEATS Phone your order and we assure You of choice quality. BERT MacGREGOR 4 4 Seasonable and Fresh in Fruits and Vegetables You can rely on securing-good value for your money if you buy your fruit and vegetables from the GREENGROCERY STORE. - 6 1b. 25¢, Strawberries 1c. pl. 2 for 25¢ Sweet Juicy Oranges 29¢, GERANUIMS 20c. a pot g The Greengrocery Store, PORT PERRY, ONTARIO R. WAKEFORD, Prop. Phone 208. We deliver OPOPOROROROPOROPLPO Saat atest a SAT SDECIA oF FOR THIS WEEK END : SHORTENING 2 1b. for 250. CAWKER BROS. E :: BEST PRICES TS LR] es es LR $8 | strength and proportion to our ignor- 8| A church without missionary spirit is urgently needed in Ontario » "Unemployed Men : megiser wich ene FARMER JOBS OPEN! . FARM HELP Employment Service of Canada. * Tell your needs to the nearest * Employment Office, Relief Administrator or Agricultural Representative. MITCHELL F. HEPBURN, Prime Minister and Minister of Labor, Parliament Buildings, Toronto WESTERN SECTION OF OSHAWA PRESBYTERIAL W.M.S. MEET "AT BROUGHAM The Tenth Annual Meeting of the Society was held in the Brougham United Church on Wednesday, May 19, representatives being present from Brooklin, Myrtle, Columbus, Green- wood, Claremont, Brougham, Man- chester, Oshawa, Pickering, Port Perry and Whitby. Mrs. W. Gee, president, of Green- wood, presided and Miss Mary Brown of Greenwood, was appointed secre- tary for the Western section and pre- During the "quiet half hour", the paper on "The Mark of the Disciple", she feels that in this modern age of conscious of sin. The trouble with our generation today---we are not irre- ligious, we are lukewarm christians. Mrs. Smyth gave four marks of a true disciple: - (1) Steadfast loyalty to truth, (2) Love for others, (3) A fruitful and winsome personality, (4) Self denial and-a willingness to take the cross and share the burden and case the strain of others in their daily tasks. The third worship service. "The Kingdom in by own Church", in charge of the Kingston Presbyterial, with Mrs. T. J. Pritchard, Seeley's Bay, giving the message.. She said the universal church of God must have its foundation on God.The life sap is spirituality, it pushes off our lethargy of bad habits. The qualities of the church are: (1) Prayer, which lubri- cates the wheels of the church. (2) Personal consecration. (8) The Holy Spirit. (4) Faith, courage; fersever- anace, peace, zeal, missionary spirit, is without Christian spirit. The whole mind, . spirit and work of Christ is missionary. " Rev. Dr. R. G. Katsunoff, B.A. Pastor of the Church of all Nations, Montreal, delivered" a splendid and soul-inspiring address at the Thurs- day evening meeting, he being wel- comed by the president, Mrs, W, I.. Smyth, His stirring message in song and story of missionary endeavour in Canada, generally among those from foreign lands, was one not easily for- gotten. Following his rendition of the solo "The Stranger of Galilee", he poured forth an appeal for the strangers of other lands in our midst where even many calling themselves Christians, treat Christ as a stranger. He was glad to know the W.M.S. did not regard Him as a-stranger, but by their united forces are spreading His love and teachings, After mentioning facts in connec- tion with the work, Dr, Katsunoff said, "As a solution--time nor force are not solving this question, nor compulsory education, nor unscrupulous national- ist leaders, The only solution to this problem and particularly to young people is the way of Jesus Christ. Start where Jesus Christ and John the Baptist began their mission, Start by repentance and build one foundation of Jesus Christ. Repent, have a large mind and an enlightened, regenerated heart knowing no distinction. Get rid of the complex superiorify found in everyone of us; it is there in ance, Do not use the word 'assimila- tion," he advised, "in speaking to people, but rather amalgamation, cul- ture, ete., we should assume." In con- cluding, Dr. Katsunoff said: "The Christian attitude is one of love and Western Section of the Oshawa Pres- byterial of the Woman's Misstoqary | sented the report of the last meeting. | humility--with the attitude of shar- ing. Mutual understanding and ap- preciation is the road to national union, along with personal consecra- tion, --Jegus is here to continue His ision 5000 years ago. Let us ring, the\ Kingdom of God through . G. E. Forbes 8. Forbes brought greetings from the Dominion Board to the Bay of Quinte Conference .Branch, with pray- ers for continued success. The work of the W. M.S. extends from New- foundland across Canada to the Paci- fic Ocean with three hundred mission- aries at work in lands overseas and at home, Mrs: Forbes iit her inimitable style pictured to her audience the magic of travel by land, and sea and air, the magic of meeting new people with a great cultural background, and the magic of visiting- the-five great mis- sion fields, Japan, Korea, Honan, West China and the great wonderful group of missionaries who carry on our work so efficiently. She urged that we wo- men uphold these missionaries of ours, think 'of them, write to them, keep them in our minds and pray for them continually. If everyone could go to the Orient and see the worthwhileness of the work there would be no deficit in our givings. i | The work is steadily growing in the Orient where young people especially are-flocking to the-churches. It is a challenge to Canadian people. She closed her address with- the! challenge, "What are we people doihg at home?" and by way of a story il- lustrated that Jesus Christ has the power of transforming the lives of men and women that they may minister to the whole world. Mrs. R. O. Jolliffe is the newly elected president of the Bay of Quinte Conference Branch of the Woman's Missionary Society of the United Church of Canada. 'Miss Oliver left her audience with grateful hearts for her splendid mes- sage, i To conclude the morning session at Brougham, Mrs. N. J. White gave a very beautiful story about the picture, "The Angelus", showing most clearly that in the hurry of living it is so easy to miss the things that really count, } Afternoon Session The address by Miss Matjorie Gregg, B.A., of Krkland Lake, proved most interesting. She dealt with her experiences on a journey to Finland while on furlough. Since her mission work was among the natives of that country, she will understand their. pro- blems and their language much better. Swedish is an easy language because it is related to English. Finnish is very difficult, it is not related to any- thing, Miss Gregg displayed some beauti- i i NY TOMB) \ LG OSHAWA Friday and Saturda, June 4-5 CAFE METROPOLE Starring Loretta Young - Tyrone Power ADDED Popeye in "Hospitality" Revivial--Friday at 10.45 p.m. "THE CASE AGAINST MRS. AMES" with Madeline Carroll & Geo .Brent <o00)» Monday and Tuesday, June 7-8 --BIG DOUBLE BILI-- "SEA DEVILS" with Victor McLaglan-Preston Foster and "Don't Tell the Wife: Starring Guy Kibbe and Una Merkel 400)» Wednesday-Thursday, June 9-10 "Quality Street" with Katherine Hepburn and Franchot Tone and "Melody for Two" with . James Melton and Patricia Ellis TO en SR A Sai WS Gk a A IAS RNS? eS URE wy Myrtle Station Next Sunday is Conference Sunday and there will be no church service .in the United Church. But please ve member that the Sunday School will be held at 10.30 a.m. On Sunday afternoon last, Rev. W. E. Honey read for the lesson Matt. 5: "Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil." Mrs. R. M. Johnston, mother-of Mr. J. R. Johnston of this place, and who has been living with her daughter Mrs, Sam Arnold, in Prince Albert, started on a long journey to the West last Friday evening, motoring with relatives Lo Toronto. Mrs. Johnston plans to visit her daughter Mrs. Miller at Carman, Man, also other relatives at St. Thomas, N. Dakota. Rev. W. I. Hbney is attending the Conference this week at Smith's Falls. Mrs. Honey is visiting relative; at Sterling and Campbellford. Miss IS. Ii. Hayeraft, of Bowman- ville, and Miss Maude Mansficld, of Toronto, were recent guests of Mrs. F. Briggs and family. - Mr. and Mrs, Frank Ashton, Billy and Florence, of Taunton, were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Morley Cook. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Thompson. Arthur and Marie, of Tyrone, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. H. Bradley. Mr. and Mrs; Wilson, of Oshawa, also Mr. and Mrs. Johnson, of Whithy, were week end visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Chisholm. Mr. and Mrs. J. Grant and family were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mis. L. Woods, at Prince Albert. Mrs, F. Briggs and son Harry, were in Toronto on Sunday, and attended the People's Church, where they heard the great Italian Evangelist, Rev. Anthony Zeoli: Mr. and Mrs. Fred Clouston, of Rochester, were week end guests ol Mr. and Mrs. John Quinn, who joined them on a motor trip to Brighton. Mi Clouston is a brother of Mrs. Quinn. Other Sunday callers at the Quinn home were Mr, and Mrs. H. Stacey and Mr. and Mrs. I. Conlin, of Osh- ful gifts which she had received on her departure for Canada. The speak- er mentioned in'closing that the W. M. S. have done much to make the Fin- nish people happy in Canada, A solo by Mrs. Alex. Fisher of the Whitby Auxiliary was very much ap- preciated. Mrs. N. G. White gave a brief talk on the work at the school for leaders which will be held this year at Whitby Ladies' College, August 28-27. The weekly rate for same being $4.50. Mrs. Boyes of Brooklin, was unanimously chosen as delegate from the Western section to the school for leaders. . -----ar- LIBERALS RETAIN B: C. The last report of the B.C. election gave the standing of the parties as follows: ) ' Liberals elected ................ 80 Conservatives elected ......... «.. 8 C. C, F. elected ....... NY PIPTYIRL { Independent elected ............ 1 Labor elected ..........0o000vees 1 awa, Miss Margaret Fisher and Miss I. Fisher, of Columbus, were recent guests of Mr, and Mrs, A. Parrinder. ---------- A GREENBANK Mr. and Mrs. John Howsam visited relatives recently in Mount Clemens, Michigan. Miss Fartherington, Toronto, and Miss A. J. Pheonix, Ottawa, have re turned home after visiting at the homo of Mr. T. Sharp. > Mr. and Mrs. Cresswell and Mya. Myers, of Bobcaygeon, at the home of Mr. John Howsani, last Thursday. Mr. Blake Cragg. and My. Waller Phoenix, went on a motor trip to Cass City, Michigan, last Friday. Blake went to visit his uncle Mr. Isane Cragg. Mr. and Mrs. Ryerson Beare and Mr. and Mrs. Hughes, of Toronto, lef! on Saturday for a motor trip to Western Canada. 17-37, and the text was the 17th verse Cr hy Sg dea 3 éi % Po AW ow ! RP SS eee eee - ee - Sliced Breakfast Pineapples are good this week | 2 for 25c¢, 2 for 35c¢, 2 for 45c. Head Lettuce, 2 for 15c. Bacon, 1, |b.15¢ "e en ,- ~DRE ee Se TT ee ew. 69¢, 89¢, 98c, $1 Good assortment Aes oe - > ge RAAF Ta oe ee a ee. Boys' Broadcloth New Print House Dresses. 14-44 30. All fast colors Toc Dresses at $1.75 and $1.98 Children's & Misses' Print Dresses, Sizes 2 to 14, SSES of Pique and Tje- 98ec. Suits, 2, 4, & 6, i Blue, Green, Brown, 59¢, 75¢, 98¢ # SUMMER DRESS GOODS i Wabasso Prints, 36 in, wide, 20c., ; 26¢., and 30c. Yard : Piques, 39¢. a Yard i i Printed Dimity 39c. a Yard ; # Spun Rayon, Plain Colors, Blue, # : Green, and Yellow, 50c. Yard § : | A | i F. W. BROCK & SON | : PHONE 13 : PORT PERRY i eae RRL A AAA AAS FL Mrs, Peter Leask visited Miss Alma Harmon tor the aveek end. Messrs, George and Tony Tronside, of New Toronto, at Mr. W. on Sunday, Mr. and Mrs, Ivan Spencer in Hams titon on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Coldwell, of Toronto, at Mrs. Balf's of Sunday. Mr. Robt. Wells, of Niagara Falls, N.Y. with his sister Mes. Hickman, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Lisgar O'Neill and daughter of Stouttville, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Wilson on Sun- day. Mix. Crompton, Toronto, is staying with her smother, Mrs. Hickman, who Is we regret, quite ill, Miss Newton, Mrs. Armstrong, ot Phoenix's Uxbridge, called on Miss Harmon on Sunday, The funeral of the late Mrs. Bryant was held on Sunday from the home of her daughter Mrs. Norman Midgley last week. Sympathy is extended to the family in their bereavement, CaP MANCHESTER The regular monthly meeting of the WMS. was held in the Church on Thursday afternoon with a good at- tendance, The president, Mes. Walker, The Rees, reported a gen Thank Offering, very conducted the devotional period: treasurer, Miss Faster for We hank the pastor also for his impres message, ¢rous which we are grateful, SIVe ) We deeply regret to report the death of a very faithful and esteemed member, Mrs. Edward Barrett, who passed away on May 16th. She closed our last meeting with prayer, a fitting farewell [ devoted message from a Christian servant. We extend our sincere sympathy to the bereaved family, Miss Hooper gave interesting notes on Christian Stewardship emphasizing sacrifice and The fourth chapter the Study Book was re-| viewed by Murs, FE. Holthy. Mr. Wilmot Walker is attending the Conference at Smith's Falls this week. Mrs, Chas. Mitchell, of Toronto, was a week end guest. of Mrs: 1. Vernon, service, of Miss Verna Masters, of Whitby, was at her home here on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs, Elwood Crogier spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. N, White, of Brooklin. Mr. and Mrg, Cecil Mewham, Prince Albert, visited with Mr. and Mrs, Har- vey Dobson, on Sunday, Miss Hazel Gregg, of Wilberforce, 'pent the week end with Miss Alotha Barrett, My. and Mrs, Geo, Nhunpp, of Buifado, were with Mys. J. Mie over the week end. Sympathy of the community is ex- tended to Mrs. W. Walker in the loss of her aunt My, Bryant who was buried on Sunday afternoon, Mr. and Mrs. WW, Crosier, Mr. Vyrtle Crosicer, Mr. Archie Crosier, and Miss R. Pilkey, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Go Samells, of" Sc ugog, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs, LL.D. Christie, Misses Ilda, Lula and Christie, and Mrs. A. Crosier, of Oshawa, called in the village on Sunday, - We are glad to sce Mrs. I, nome Leta Lamb gam. after spending the winter menths in Blackstock and Lindsay. TTT ew ar-o-- PRINCE ALBERT The May meeting of the Women's \ssociation was held in the Church basement on the afternoon of the 26th, Owing to rain the attendance was not ws Loge as usual, The president was im chargeof the meeting which openea with the singing of the Doxology, and then "Holy, Holy, Holy", The Scripture portion of 10. Minutes of last meeting were read and approved. The Treas- urer's report Some dis- nssion about reduction Fhe W. A. the caretaking. The closing hymn was 'A Charge to Keep I Have." program, several ladies read articles on the Coronation, reading was a Isainh was read. the Hydro Lunch was then served by the two in charge, Mrs, -W. Martyn and Mis. G. Luke, and a very enjoyable afternoon came to a close, Mrs. T. White, Toronto, visited for a few days with friends in the village. Mr. Jack Regan, of Toronto, was in the village for the week end. Mrs. Bert. Wannamaker and little Ronald of Toronto were at the home of her parents Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Martyn over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. W, Wannamaker ana Mrs. 8. Hope were in Oshawa on Monday, Mrs. Parker and Miss Jean Parker | visited friends in Bethesda last week. ell, finance this bill and also - For the - Miss Polina White, a former rési-. dent "here, called on friends in the village last week, Miss Marion Kirby has returned home from a mdtor trip to Albany, N.Y. he ae iy z ow; Nh Ve a rg ORAS A aT nt aa