oy a hee REL a Ne a * where his branch of the service will "be stationed for some time. "half hour was enjoyed. Cr if "PORT PERRY. Admission 26e. PAGE FOUR ee T CAPO CATTLE SPRAY MEANS MORE MILK Capo Cattle Spray sprayed freely and frequently on the cattle and around the barn will have your cattle from the torture of flies and insects. Flies will avoid buildings where Capo Cattle Spray is constantly used. Save your cows the torture of flies, and keep up milk production during the summer and fall months, with CAPO CATTLE SPRAY WILLIAM WEBSTER, LOCAL ITEMS WARRINER LODGE L O. O. F. " CHURCH PARADE " Next Sunday, June 20th, at 7 p.m. (D.S.T.) Warriner Lodge will attend Divine Service at the United Church, Port Perry, Rev. R, T. Richards, of Napanee, will be here to conduct the service. Special music. Band in at- _tendance. CARD OF THANKS Rev. W. P. Brown and Mrs. Hoppett desire to express their sincere appre- ciation of the many kind greetings and congratulations of the Feckle Of Port Perry on the occasion o r. : ' Foi ing his 90th birthday. |At Beatty's Store, Port Perry Ee SSsse-----m--m=== Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Collacutt, and . Mr. Orval Collacutt, of Toronto; and NOTICE TO CREDITORS: Mr. Frank Collacutt, of Ottawa, were| p.. petate of James Stanford Wilson. in town on Monday. All persons having claims against Mr. John Farmer, of R.CAF, the Estate of James Stanford Wilson, Trenton, left on Tuesday for Ottawa, | late of the Township of Reach, County of Ontario, Farmer, deceased, who died on or about the 20th day of May, 1937, are hereby notified to send in to the undersigned for the Executors, on or before the 3rd day of July, 1037, full particulars of their claims, Im- mediately after the last mentioned date the assets of the said Estate will be distributed among the parties en- titled thereto having regard only to to claims of which they shall then have notice. Dated this 11th day of June A.D. 1937. JOSEPH DENNY, Prince Albert, Ont., solicitor for the Executors. Mrs. Joseph Sission, who has been quite lill, has had her niece , Miss Dorothy Wilson, of Toronto, staying with her for a wéek. Mrs. Robinson and daughter, of To- ronto, spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Allin. Mrs. F. D. Slemmon and daughter Dawn Marie, are spending a few days with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Jeffrey. Mr. and Mrs. E. Cross and Miss Winnifred Cross, of London, Mrs. J. Brien and son, of Toronto, spent Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mulli- gan. Mr. and Mrs. Hardy Purdy are en- joying a motor trip to Philadelphia. Mrs. W. H. Harris is attending a meeting of the executive of the Pro- vincial 1.0.D.E. at Guelph. Mr. Grant Robertson; of Cobourg, is spending his holidays in Port Perry. BOWLING NEWS The local jitney was held on Monday night, June 14th. The winners were: ladies--Mrs, Mulligan, 1st, Miss E. Somerville, 2nd.; men--W. Graham 1st, L. Koch 2nd. Following are the individual scores: Mrs. Murray 10, E. Somerville 18, Mrs. Chapman 6, Mrs. Jackson 17, Mrs, E. Beare 4, Mrs. Mulligan 23, Mr, Koch 14, T. Harris 7, L. Pearce 10, Wm. Graham 24, Ef Sa -------------------------- WHITBY BOARD OF EDUCATION RETURN CHEQUE TO COUNTY Among the correspondence read at the session of the County Council this week, a letter was read from Dr, C. F, McGillivray, secretary-treasurer, re- turning on the Board's instructions a cheque for $3,131.87, passed by the Council a week ago and tendered as full settlement of the Board's claims far 1936 for the education of county pupils." A resolution passed by the Board set forth that in their opinion the amount due the town for the year had not been propertly computed in accordance with the Act, and asked for further consideration, Incidentally, the - Board's claim for 1936 was for over $9,000, but this amount along with others, was held up at the Jan- uary session on -instruction of the Minister of Education pending the passing of amendments to the Act under which thess grants are given. --OQOshawa Times Port Perry is also entering protest against the amount they received from the County for maintenance. A MANCHESTER SUNDAY. SCHOOL Manchester Sunday School will hold its Annual Thank Offering Service on June 20th, at 7.30 p.m. (S. T.) Rev. Thomas Wallace, of Greenbank, will preach and Utica choir will sing. All are cordially invited. . Rev. W. E. Honey, Pastor. ERE RA i LE, SL a BASEBALL TOURNAMENT AND MONSTER AMATEUR CONTEST. A Monster Amateur Contest will be staged at Stouffville, on July 1st, un- der. the auspices of the Stouffville Baseball Club. There will be an after- ,noon program in Memorial Park with 'a Hard Ball Tournament consisting of four first class teams, ¥ The evening program will take the form of A Monster Amateur Contest in the Arena. Six prizes will be given. Program commences at 8 p.m. (S.T.) Mail Amateur entries to Reg. Button, Stouffville, Ont. Mr, and Mrs. Ivan Wallace, former- ly of Toronto, have gone to live at Walkerville, where Mr. Wallace has a position' with the Canadian Bridge Co. A niimber from Port Perry attended the reception for Mr. and Mrs. Donald Milne, who were married in Victoria chapel on June 6th. The reception was held on Friday evening, June 11, . These Values are Effective up until Saturday night, June 10th at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs, David Wallace, of Black-| water. . p "ad Mrs, Williams, and son Ross, spent gi the week end with friends in Shel- burne. We regret to learn that Mr. Thos. Brooks is quite ill at time of writing. ® Desiccated and Shredded COCOANUT ------eoe---------- W. M. S. MEETING BREAD FLOUR, xxxx Quality, $3.59 per] 98 Ib. bag. "PASTRY FLOUR, White' Satin, 89¢c. per 24 Ib. bag. - 18 The W. M. S. of the United Church - 2-.19 ls Good Size met at the home of Miss Lillian Stovin on June 10th. Mrs. Geo. Jackson pre- PRUNES sided. The program, which was given by members of Mrs. Wallace's group, Aylmer completed and reviewed the Study Book of the year. = The attendance was twenty-eight. A feature of the meeting. was the display of quilts, knitted articles, etc., brought to the meeting for the misgionary bale. Mrs. Wallace's group then served tea, as- sisted by the hostess, and a pleasant Summer Pride Sweet Wrinkled PEAS 19 Q vo re APP Q i a PHOENIX AND CORINTHIAN VISIT WARRINER Warriner Lodge No. 75, LO.O.F., Port Perry, entertained the two Osha- wa lodges, Phoenix and Corinthian, on Salted PEANUTS - PORK ¢« BEANS .10 22-0z. Tin . NATURE'S BEST Peaches No. 2 Squat Tin 225 - 10' Monday night, June 14, when the 2nd Richmello . ARLY degree - was exemplified by - Phoenix C 33 1 ORNI Lodge team, immediately followed by O. ee . Da the 3rd degree team of Warriner Avner Lodge. Both Oshawa lodges were well re- presented and a fine visit was enjoyed CATCHUP - 7 | by all the members. Plain or Pimento AUCTION SALE OF FURNITURE Chateau Cheese %-1b. Pkg, 18 Mr. J. F. McClintock is holding a dulk sale of his household effects at his residence, .Lilla St., Port Perry, on Black Pepper *.25 SATURDAY, JUNE 26th, at 2 p.m. (D.S.T.) This is an exceptionally fine offering. Ted Jackson, Auctioneer, Campbell's Tomato or Veg SOUP : % aah French's--with Fancy Bone Spoon MUSTAR SALE of DRESSES To-day (Thursday) at Mrs. Hall's Millinery Store, special sale of dresses, also coats and suits at half price. DON'T MISS IT! The talk by Lionel Scott, of "The Home Beautiful" hour over CFRB, at 8 p.m., JUNE 18th, in the Town Hall, FRESH LOCAL SPINACH, Tomatoes, 2 Ibs. 31c. Sods Local Head Lettuce, 2 for 13c. _ Senenws, 25¢. per Dozen FREE 6-0z, [] 4 1bs 190) CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION Service at 11 a.m. Rev. F, H. Shaw will be in charge of the services at the Church of the Ascension for the next two months, long PRESBYTERIAN URCH Rev. Robt bi Simpson, Minister SUNDAY SCHOOL at 10,00 a.m; SERVICES at 11 am, and 7 p.m. (Daylight Saving Time) -- Everybody Welcome -- . [ ST. PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH 11 a.m.--Public Worship led by Rev, W. J. H, Smyth, 7 p.m.--Church Parade of I. 0. O. F. Preacher: Rev. R. T. Richards. Subject: "On the Road to Jerico" Band in attendance Special music by the choir, SOFTBALL CHATTER Well, the Grain Grinders didn't make Butchers Pets; nor could the Butchers Pets take the Grain Grinders to the cleaners for. the five. innings game ended with a tie, 9-9. Sawdust is not considered a good Jixture for feeds but the Grain Grinders made no mistake when- they picked Sam Griffen from the Lumber Mill as his constant chatter made more than one victim bite the air. Tim Beare's long reach proved fatal to several hopeful runners. Lorne's Beare's pig-tail ball. made such decided swerves 'over the plate that most Grain Grinders could not straighten them out very far, Ted Jackson played third where he could keep good track of the runs that -went by while Norm. DeShane, Archie McDermott and Bert MacGregor starred in the rest of the field. The second game had different re- sult; for it seemed to take the Travel- ler's Heroes 500 miles to get warmed up enough to even get a look at the Sheriff's Deputies. - 'But then most Sheriffs try to pin all then can on their man. At the end of five innings, the Sheriff and his boys had----18 charges against the Travellers who could only dig up five excuses for their side of the case. But who knows, the Travellers may not have their motors broken in yet. Come out ond join the fun next Fri- day night. a ag f El Talking Pictures! See Victor McLaglen, in |"Laughing at Life" A fast moving. soldier of fortune picture, also - 'COMEDIES, = CARTOONS, MUSICAL SHORTS, ETC. AT THE TOWN HALL, |PORT PERRY SAT., JUNE 19 ~ at 8.45 p.m. (D. 8S. Time) ADULTS 30c. CHILDREN 15c. Extra! Extral on the same program England's Ceronation The pageant of the Century also The Hindenberg Disaster and Fire. -- 'A wonderful show-- Everybody should see itl DECORATION 700 JUNE 20th The annual decgration servites will be held at Pine Grove Cemetery on Sunday, June 20th, this year. This annual event gives friends and rela- tives -an- opportunity to remember loved ones who have passed on by decorating their last resting place with flowers, Thé cemetery manage- ment are already getting. the grounds in shape. ANNIVTRSARY AT SONYA and entertainment on July 1st. sausage meat out of: the | Massey-Harris Agency, a black, tan and white Beagle hound, answers to the nameé "Prince". ward. Suits sponged and pressed 80 Cents Dry Cleaned $1.00 - C. P. ROLPH OVER THE OBSERVER OFFICE The Tigh t way Is the only way. If you'suffer from kigne) trouble, treat Noa the Het ax: hem with NEY F . They wash the bladder, Fie and urin- ary tract; at the same time the whole is made antiseptic. No more getting up at nights; swollen limbs Ko down; rheumatism and that burn- ng sensation and backache Is re- moved. There Is only one (NOX) KIDNEY FLUSHERS, and each pagk- ake contains one month's treatment. Price One Dollar at -drugglsts or direct from the Nox Laboratories, Bay St., Toronto. Your kidneys will be regulated like a clock. NOX KIDNEY FLUSHERS act as a mild laxative, removing bile from the liver A. M. LAWRENCE, Port Perry. Flush HELP WANTED Re-opening The Ontario Hospital, new class commencing shortly. Superintendent of Nurses, Hospital, Whitby, BUCKWHEAT FOR SALE $2.00 per hundred pounds. F. Middleton, (Highpoint,) lot 9, con. 2, Reach Township. FOR SALE - Eaton Gasoline Engine, 1% h.p. Reasonable price. FOUND apply at Star Office. " ; FOR SALE - Kitchen Cabinet in good condition. Perry.' CAR FOR SALE inside and out, to W. Frise, Seagrave, Ont. FOR RENT porch, electricity; built-in cupboards, furnace, sink, soft and hard water, hot water tank and connections. Mrs. Cooney, Port Perry - SWEATER COAT LOST Child's Fancy Red Sweater Coat lost. Finder please return té Mrs, Norman-Heayii; Port Perry, or to the Star Dn LAWN ial SHARPENED SUITS CLEANED r Whitby Training School for Nurses, | For | application forms and full information | & writé Miss Pearl Sharpe, Reg. N.,|% Ontario | $8 July 1(§ Apply to | ¥ - Apply to Wesley 8 Brimacombe, Oakwood R.R.2. "june24 3 Ladies' Wrist Watch and dark blue | § purse at Port Perry. Owner please 4 Apply to Mrs. R. G. Gemmell, Port Lake Seugog Lumber & Coal Co., Lid. Buick-Sedan, 1930, in good condition 2 Price $275. Apply 2 6 roomed frame house, screened Lawrence's Drug Store News (You can save with Safety at Your Rexall Store) A SILVIKRIN Nature's own food for # nourishing the roots of 5 your hair, 28 days treat- : ment for. $3.00. ADRIENNE A harmonized high-grade Toilet Prepa- rations at egular prices, & line of Phone 49 Typical. Lawrence Values . . FLY-TOX, ..33¢, 49, 89¢. § FLIT ........83c, 49. 89. § Elkay's White Shoe Cledner. % C. Shu Milk White Shoe Cleator, C. Palm Beach White Shoe *' Cleaner crreenessei2be Noxzema ......1lb5c. and 54c. Tangel for Sunburn .....50c. Olive Oil, 4 oz. 23c., 8 oz. 39c. English Health Salt .. .. .. 20c¢. and 39c. Eno's Fruit Salt 47c¢., and 79c. A. M. LAWRENCE. mie Rexall sure PORT PERRY GOOD LUMBER Siding; Flooring; V-Joint. 3 Cedar Siding, Cedar Shiplap, and 3. Cedar Shingles. Zon Sash, Frames and Plone 240 OPOPOPORO Dr. Ed. Bailey VETERINARY SURGEON at Sebert House, Port Perry, Tuesday and Friday afternoons. Phone 127 Uxbridge, day or night. Calls will be promptly attended tw. oct29tf (The firm of GrExR & HUMPHREYS | is disolved) |, ARTHUR W. S, GREER 6 King St. East, Oshawa, Phone 8160 = attendance at my Port. Perry office on adngeday morning and Friday afternoon each week or by 'appointment. _-- Street, Port Perry, Phone 264 I have instalfed 'a machine for sharpening lawn mowers. It does the work accurately. Now is the time to have this work done. S. CAUSLEY, Port Perry SALT OF WESTERN. HORSES *D. McArthur & Son, Lot 11, Con. 10, Reach Township, will sell by auction, a consignment of Western Horses on SATURDAY, JUNE 19th, BERRY BOXES FOR SALE Pint and Quart sizes, any quantity. CONANT & ANNIS Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public GORDON D. ANT, KC, N L y ALLIN . a Phones, 4 and '8 (Oshawa) and at Court House, Whitby, (Mr. Oonaat) Phone 7 (Whitby) "W. A. San gster DENTAL Sang Office Hours: 9 a.m. to 6 p.m " Office Up-stairs, over Emmerson' 8 . Insurance Office N. Ewers, Port Perry. July 1 TO RENT Six roomed house, electric lights, newly decorated, John St., Port Perry. Apply to Mrs, G. Bruce. ; TWO DOGS LOST A Spaniel, liver and white colors, answers to the name of "Rustie"; and Re- Please notify Neil Gardner, Pine Point, Scugog Island. Scenes of the the 'Actual Explosion] simir street. electric lights, bathroom, drinking water in house. FOR RENT Seven roomed frame house, on Cas- Quarter acre garden, Apply at Star Office, : junelOtf St. Andrew's Church re-opening and 3 anniversary services will be held on] Sunday, June 27, with sport, supper 3 KILL! J ICR WET {TA THOU fff SHALT NOT HOUSE FOR SALE " Frame house for sale on Lilla st. Port Perry. For particulars apply to Garnet: Wright, R.R, 2, Nestleton, Phone 196 r 4. : junel? "WANT ADVTS. -- We now have a good stock of. lumber on hand to meet your needs. White Pine, Hemlock, Spruce--in 2 x 4, 2 x 8; Novelty Silling; Cove B.C. 4 x 4. * Fir V-Joint and Flooring. Cedar D4 S. Nova Scotia White Our mill is ready at any time to give you' service specials of all kinds, Port Perry OROROSOPORODOSOSOPOPOSO OPO SS RIESE ROROPOONO SOROPOPOPO4 - Five Certo per line, { © Minimum 20 Cents, LOOK 'HERE 5 TONS RAGS WANTED ALSO ALL KIND F-FEATHERS. i TOP PRICES PAID. ' For information eall Phone 177 or by mail INSURANCE . FIRE, AUTOMOBILE, LIFE Real Estate Farms and Village Properties S. A. WALLACE Phone 165 DR. W. 8S. HARPER - Graduate fo of Trinity Medical College Trinity Universit, Toronto. ne Lo London, England, Royal Infirmary, Glasgow. Office and Surgery--Port. Perey, Ont. The firm of GaEen & HumpHaEYs is disolved) RUSSELL D. HUMPHREYS 24% Simcoe Street North, Oshawa Phone 814 in attendance at my Port Perry office on Tuesday and Thursday afterncons of each week or by appointment. Queen Street, Port Perry, 'Phone 264 EE a LE a a ES aS ts SELL E2080 002800240000 00 . . . . I . . . . . 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' . . ' FUEL LUMBER Bullders Supplies ANTHRACITE PINE SIDING ~~ MASON'S LIME | COAL PINE SPRAY LIME i Stove. SHEATHING HARDWALL ae © Nut HEMLOCK = cpyient © | ' Pea. SPRUCE MORTAR COLOR Blower B.C. FIR _ GLAZED TILE ; COKE B,C.CEDAR CHIMNEY.TILE '. § 'Nut HARDWOOD GINGRETE i Range ... FLOORING BLOCKS : i POSTS SHEETROCK I : BODY WOOD ; Yael SASH and DOORS NAL ATING « | and SOFT SASH FRED E. Phones-- COAL - WOOD - LUMBER 'BUILDERS' SUPPLIES Office 73 w; 'Res. 73 | rece esssttes retest tttene es ROCK WOOL ~~} REESOR . A. GILBOORD : ! kL! » - J o 4 » ~~ 4 2 » &H A LAER J ? » > #3 { oH ¢