eee me er ------ "Lifts" Seen As o Bad for Liver me ES = - a DAY = A ---- " EE ae de Bi ads aX 4 J err ------ Al -- ' : : LONDON; cay di ovie-radio cussed at a 1 ean a the release of a film supporting, the - government's health drive," * * * : _--_ ! i ir f the > > JOSEPH'S KINDNESS TO HIS Rachael, who alone is here called the Toy rk Storse Tiley, chateman 21 "a KINDRED wite of Jacob (19-22), and finally, the -gOssIp TE a a es 4 on : © + © printed Text<-- Genesis 461-7, 28- | sons of Bilhah, Rachael's handmajd -- the way to Harley street. Lifts are 2 30 : 60 : 24:26, ° (23-35). All the souls that went with ' wessssmes | bad for the liver. One of the un- m= By DOROTHY Golden Text -- "Be ye kind one to an- | Jacob into Egypt that came out of his ems | ocognized problems of modern ther, tenderhearted, forgiving each | loins were eleven sons, one daughter, ; 1 2 2 ' svi even as God also in Christ fifty grandchildren, and four Ea : transportation is how to prevent it + 5 4orgave you." -- Ephesians 4:32, grandsons; in. all, sixty-six. Jacob, Jo- In spite of her outstanding suc- | from giving us indigestion. THE LESSON IN ITS SETTING - | seph, and his two sons are<our, and cess, in Val'ant Is the Word for wereemserpilin : TIME -- According to the common J thus all the souls belonging to the fa- Carrie 3 and the forthcoming They w . Id ' hronology, Jacob went down with his | mily of Jacob which went into the val- Gave Him a Gun, which i§ said to Queer or © 35 "family into Egypt B.C. 1715; he died | ley of Egypt were seventy. The Sep- be even better, Gladys George looks ) . "B. C. 1698. Joseph died B.C, 1643. | tuagint gives reventy-five as the sum' on herself as just a novice at screen After the Ball Was Over--A small ' Place --- Joseph's residence in | total, which is. made out of inserting i acting. So intent is she on becoming | boy lost his ball down an area, pok- 3 . Egypt was at Zoan, the capital of the | five names not found in this list. as skilled a player on the screen as | ed his head through railings; and it on the stage, that she spends all of | took 20 firémen, 4 fire. pumps, oxy- her spare time studying movies, The | aecetylone cutting, apparatus, an am- players she. admires most are Garbo, | bulance, a builder, and severzl jo- Spencer Tracy, and Merle Oberon. | Jicemen to free him. kingdom at that time, located on the "And he sent Judah before him up eastern part of the Nile Delta. The | to Joseph, to show the way before Hebrew people settled in the land of | him unto Goshen; and they came unto Goshen in the eastern part of Egypt | the land of Goshen." Joseph had pre- : + and north of the southern part of the | viously promised his brethren that ------ . . Dustbin Hats--Every year nearly Na Delta. Hewson Lo Pilon miles to they Shou dwell 2 the land of Go- LE Social I'fe and eale-hopping ors 10,000,000 01d hats are rescued from _ (4 } the southwest of Jersualem, shen -10), and the region in Lower re : : ~at low ebb during the weeks when orica' sthins 2g ' Fi s » "And Israel took his journey with | Egypt east of the ohio branch of oN speed justice, the judge and the jury of the Prince George, British Columbia, Assizes, went into BLY on du r: Mig was talk in Amecias ? distin elsned, dyed /} i . , : ) - $ d 'new. Rs all that he had, and came to Beer- | the Nile, a region not of any great ex- Hie Wilderness to take the testimony of the Chief of the Siccaneus Indians (seated), who was quaran the air of a strike Bound in Calf!--A full-gown cow ALN: sheba, and offered sacrifices unto the | tent, having an area of approximately : . of the Screen Act- -ecentl toni occupying most | PK - God of his father Issac." Israel, who | nine hundred square miles, - but ex- | > -- ors' guild which Was regenily kk ull yu "We {A is, as we have seen before, the same | ceedingly fertile, and which allowed ! : counts all the great of She hg ite ex £ ag Jacob, knew that he and his en- | the Israelites more or less of a life of iian Dan 3 $ $ in its ranks, but] cant get it oul, ' ® tire family, the chosen people of God, | separation from the contaminating in- Hawaiian cers Proyide Gobs of Entertainment for Sailors the homes of Rob. | Plained. "It's been here since it was : were on the threshold of a great ex- | fluences of great Egyptian cities. . - iio : ori Mgtgomery, a tiny calf." = perience, were at a turning-point in "And Joseph made ready his char- { & Jim Cagney, Fredric & Booty !--Thieves who carried off a their history, and, coming to know | iot, and went up to meet Israel, his March and a few | large brass cross from the Commu- through his long years of experience, | father, to Goshen; and he presented " other leaders were | nion table at St. Lawrence Church, that great ventures undertaken with- | himself unto him, and fell on his neck oie continual mob | Morden, Surrey, also stole the ver- 5 < out God are doomed to failure, tar- | and wept on his neck a good while. scenes. These menu ger's boots. ries at Beer-Sheba on his way down | And Israel said unto Joseph, Now let JamesCagney ~~, ey Crocodile Cheers:--The 2 daugh- into Egypt, to offer sacrifice to God. | me die, since I have seen thy face, SR ' (See 21.33; 26:24; 28:10). that thou art yet alive." The meaning "And God spake unto Israel in the | of the patriarch is that, since with visjons of the night, and sald, Jacob, | his own eyes he was now assured of Jacob. And he said, Here-am_ 1." 3. | Joseph's happiness, he had nothing "And- he sald, I am God, the God of | more to live for, the last earthly long- . gratitude of extras and bit players, | ters of Mr. Abbott. newly-appointed for they were battling to improve administrator of the Northern Ter- their pay and working conditions, | ritory, Australia, arrlved home early not their own. Everyone is relieved from a ball given in the r honour and 'that no strike was neccessary. These | found a 7 ft. crocodile sitting on the leaders rallied the support of their [ doorstep. 7 _ thy father; fear not to go down into | ing of his heart having been com- N 3 yds , Egypt; for I will there make of thee | pletely satisfled and was perfectly fellow-players so quickly and thor- Seales) 1a pa lig hs a ® a great nation." 4. "I will go down | prepared for the last scene of all, rea- oughly that the producers gave in to | constitutec fp a rs the { : : their demands without a struggle. sa can possibly cla : « A with thee into Egypt; and I will also | dy, whenever God willed, to be called g smallest postman in the world. He surely bring thee up again; and Jos- | to his fathers. eph shall p.t his hand upon thine "And Joseph said unto his brethren éyes.! Here is the fulfillment of the | I die; but God will surely visit you, I LY oft-repeated promise -- "They that | bring you up out of this land unto the seek Jehovah shall not want any | land which he sware to Abraham, to good thing" (Psalm 34:10). Four | Issac;,-and to Jacob. And Joseph too things are promised -- God's permis- | an oath of the children of Israel, say- = S « Bion to go down into Egypt; God's | ing, God will surely visit you, and ye Lp presence as they go into Egypt; God's | shall carry up my bones from hence." ) promise to make of them in Egypt | Through all the terrible bondage they i a great nation, and God's purpose to | were destined to suffer, the bones of a -« bring them back again to Canaan. | Joseph, or rather, his embalmed body. And probably God's assurance that | stood -ag the most eloquent advocate ~ Jacob!s descendants would come back | of God's faithfulness, ceaselessly re- to Canaan in the future was the most + minding the despondent generations i" & reassuring of all God's gracious pro- | of the oath which God would yet en- mises to Jacob this day. : able them to fulfill. And' thus, as Jo- - "And Jacob rose up from Beer-She- | seph had been their pioneer, who ba; and the sons of Israel carried Ja- | broke a way for them into Egypt, so cob their father, and their little ones | did-hescontinue to hold open the gate ODDS AND ENDS -- Hollywood | is Dhoonana Kamannn, aged 48, but will throw a grand party soon in | only 3 ft. 9 in. in height. honor of Weber and Fields and the r----------r fifticth anniversary of their stag2 de- b but as a team. Imitavons of their Nature Has A Way act wil be put on by Jak Denny terme .and George Burns, Ilddie Cantor Nature seems to have its own me- and George Jessel, and two motion- |..thod of keeping inroads of pests in picture producers . .. Joan Crawford | check.--.Last year the Sudbury dis- is teaching Mrs. Gary Cooper to | trict was stripped of foliage by cat- crochet and Gary is threatening to | erpillars. They were so thidk on buy them old-fashioned rocking | railway tracks that they stopped chairs . . .Betty Davis never gets trains from moving, notes the Peter- the least bit nervous in front of a | borcugh Examiner. * camera or a microphone, but waiting' This year it looked as though Sud- between scenes g'ves her the jitters. | bury was going to have another ex- She calms down by sipping tomato | perience of similar kind. There was juice between scenes . . . Joe I. | n great showing of the tents in which Brown, Jr., is the envy of all his | the worms live after being hatched, -- A and their wives, in the wagons which and point the way back to Cahaan. 5 ' pals because he takes Dixie Dunbar, and they proceeded to eat every- g t Pharaoh had sent to carry him. And "SoJogerh. died, belig 8 hundred ] . : nema dl a mn LU ; . d the cutest little trick in 20th Cen- | th'ng in sight in the way of foliage. § they took their cattle and their goods | and ten years old; and they embalm- ery mene a tury-Fox pictures, to his fraternity | The Sudbury Star reports. that vir- } - ¥ hich they had gotten in the land of | ed him, and he was put in a coffin in Honolulu beauties capture the crew of the battleship Pennsylvania by doing the hula on the deck as p dances . . . James Dunn has bought | tually all the trees in the vicinity of f - ~Canaan, and came into Egypt, Jacob, | Egypt." The book opens with life; it art of the welcome to the fleet 'during recent man-euvres. The fighting tops were used oy the galley an airplane so that he can fly around | the city have been stripped of their $e _ and all his seed with him. His sons, | ends with death, because in between gods. Co. the country to bi > foliage, Wit it also-says. the esterpih a. He bs and his sons' sons with him, his dau- | had come sin which brings forth the '¥ Wb. big spons evens toi 3 i = hter d- his *d ht d | death. And yet that coffin spoke of ' whenever he has a few days between | lars are moving in great numt¢ s to 3 ghters, an 3 sons' daughters, an eath. y A Horse On The House - pictures . . . Whenever the R-K-O | the edge of Lake Ramsay where 24 all his seed brought he with him into | life as well as death, It was a symbol 1 r ar int weder and ab IIe! Egypt." The wagons which Joseph | of hope, a me:csage of patience, and } studio wants to reach Ginger Rogers | they topple over in the water and are NE gent-wére certainly four-wheeled con- | a guarantee of life everlasting. Gene.' Ahaha Vahe lin on a day when she 's not working, | drowned. Others fall from. the J . 4 yeyanges, In such wagons, drawn by | sis, with its coffin in Egypt, was fol: thye call the hospital where James | trees S are ound to be dead. Se, i . Fed es. uch w Stewart is undergoing treatment for [| meco Leroux, the agricultural repre- s rs Yo Bl A ie arthritis . . . Paul Muni has rebelled sentative 'n the district, says they are v, . . : i irr Yili; he : . cattle were driven and the rest of the | finer to remember in all this lesson against beards and weird make-up. acting ie a bunch of Jities his we goods packed upon asses and camels. | than the five words: "I dle, but God year," and do not appear to h « a & n -- F. Delitzgch, ~* will." oe termination or the power to stay Rd RA 4. . A 3 . . 4 _. Ate . _-- . -- Vv. £7 While the carefully enumerated list The same writer whose books on British Spinsters . alive for ay length of tine t the b4) Ras Ba of names of those who went down | Genesis are so valuable, gives the fol- 3 . Ee amon bi kg , a ry Vilas fo Egypt is important in a minute | lowing qualities of the life of Joseph: Want Pensions At ; cater pi drt 1h Suc bury are boing at- ud iscussion of Hebrew history, we do | (1) Guilelessne s, (2) frankness, (3) tacked by some paras'te which is us need here spend but a moment with | tactfulness, (4) sensitiveness to evil, it. We must not identify this list with | (5) purity of heart and life, (6) hum- 3. another contained in Numbers 26, | ility of word and deed, (7) wisdom, AN written two hundred and fifty years | (8) executive ability, (9) filial affec- later. Jacob, himself, at this time, was | tion, (10) manly energy, (11) resolute éne hundred and thirty years old (47: 4 adhérence to duty, (12) prudence, (13 9), and Joseph approximately forty | self-control, (14) sympathy, (15) hope- years old, while Reuben, the oldest, | fulness, (16) considerateness, (17) eq- wag about forty-six, and . Benjamin, | uanimity, (18) courage, (19) patience, id 2? the youngest, about twenty-six. The | (20 large hearted generosity. These sons of leah are first enumerated in | are perhaps the most important feat 9-15), then the sons of Zilpath, Leah's | ures, though there are doubtless a 55 Instead of 65 killing them. Nothing has been done to introduce such a parasite into the-- battle, but apparently it is the meth- Gather in Hvde Park to Hear | od which Nature employs to keep all Leaders Denounce Governi=| things ir control. Several in the "ment -- Confident of Winning | Sudbury district who havé witnessed Fight. the annual attacks of caterpillars ex- pres the op'nion that this year will about see the end of their cycle and their damage. LONDON. -- Thousands of footsore spinsters gathered in Hyde Park, London's forum for those with griev. ances, to hear their leaders denounce the Government for not providing pen- siong for unmarried women who reach More Women Want JE NX Ta RAT np ER handmaid (16:18), then*the sons of | lot of others that can be found. . LEH : : SARE » : rpg Er EE IRE LF + $1 77) lar" Brady western figure whose afitic s are meant to attract attention to the Colden Gate and_admit the age of 75. . Fh Claims Death belie San ily es his horse, "Cheyenne," the s'ghts of New York from roof of hotel They were members of the Nation To Study Theology Scholarshin Horered : where both registered and were accommodated. al Spinsters' Pension Association. As N-- ®. 4 Rate Reduced : a sembled from all parts of Great Brit: | Ti.alye Take Honors Fxamira- ; ain, they paraded from the west end tions at Enslish | a m-- Indian Maidens Bearing Gifts BO any Wilewolides fos College In Tubercular War pm Head of 1 Eh ERR RT 3 i A delegation earlier presented to -- League Reports Disease FRE Sir Kingsley Wood, Minister of Health CAMBRIDGE, FEng.--More women IS . x Preventable Posy femand that spinglog be made are anxious to study theology. At fe 4; i ig for slot at oo Inston) of Newnham College, 12 students have ERM s ~ " REGINA. -- Tuberculosis death rate | i, under the present pension | yj oady taken the honors examina- Eade W- ) 8 . ; Tw wr re working sf 4 has been cut in half within the last Sir Kingsley said "No," politely but tion. . I'wo more arc Woraing for it, 8 15 years and can be cut in half again firmly. His ministry argues the change and there seems a well defined tend- { during the next 10 years, Dr. R. G. would cost too much. 7 | ency among young college women to ha Ferguson, - general superintendent of This failed to dampen the enthusi- | desire a grounding in matters which, Iv the Saskatchewan Anit-Tuhorenlosis asm of the Hyde Park meeting. Miss | once the full ministry of the church Ul ; - Jose 1 the Women's, Educational IMlorence White, national organizer, | is open to them, will afford the neces- gy 3 ub here. said sha was' sure "we are going to | sary equipment for their work. £3 3 . J ~ "It"is not a fatal Somes) send . win this Fight." . According to speakers who attend- NERY to be, and ov BS ee ay BAIL "I believe Sir Kingsley. Wood was | ed a luncheon given here recently un- RR a - He Gros ) Form gg i tt a Jmpressed although he hardly liked | der the presidency of the principal of ® and medical records to show th wl his job of receiving us," she declared. | the college, Miss J. P. Strachey, - $410. of . tiboremias Jonugs Yurizerle ~The spinsters sang their theme | pany older women are of the opinion % women was almost twice that of PS BANE ner any ol omen ar e opi i song, "When we's worked to 66™--to | that there will' be in the future a young unmarried men, the tune of "When I grow too old to srosing Somard for women "with o The important factor is spread of dream"--and "Fight, fight, fight for sound theoloricnl k wedge" who 4 _ the disease, he continued, was move: > spinsters' pensions" to the tune of will ia 1 "i i" i ily ey into tI ® ment of young people away from their tramp, tramp, tramp, the boys are | "0 ¢ven before full entry into the homes, bringing them in contact with marching." . priesthood is gained, be of immense infection, Tendency toward independ- ee value both in parish work and in ence, experience, travel, took young Blessed is the man who can get | Preaching. Nd women into infectious Places and money without letting money get ; Nowihain College -- which Was among infected people, Dr. Ferguson him,--Whitsitt Impressions, ounded in 1871 --fs extremely i said, > . mini -- : anxious to do its best for the young *% > ! : . N : Advice was the only thing that 7 The Mississippi river carries 400,- | theological student. It is as much Nae igh Davis Secinhardty 5 ou could be given to independent young Ved 8 BY 000,000,000 tons of mud into the | for her as for the student of any ork Sits who took her as Sor women on this subject and that had FEELS ; v4 : : Gulf of Mexico every year. other subject that the college is with distingtion in Philosophy, at | to do with personal hygiene, physical a -- nar I a ------. : ) ES, spreading abroad its appeal for the Bryn Mawr College. She was se. | fitness and hwinan associations, Irma Washington (left) and Lucille Washington, Cherokee Indians from the Great Smoky Mountains Only young bees reared lato fn the | $500,000 which will 'make, possible, SRA lected as alternate for European : Reservation of North Carolina and Tennessee, presenting Viee President John Nance Garner with some season and the queen live through the | by changes and additions ta the build- AR 'ellowship. Cc---3 : of the handiwork of their tribe. ; winter. ings, a fuller, happier college life, Ah