Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star (1907-), 24 Jun 1937, p. 4

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Bt Ss om RY EIR cn = EE pn Sor ROR SRY "obtained from the members for 25c. x id re Re SS SE LAL Fo, Ah Ae ARE Rush VE PAGE FOUR LOCAL ITEMS Miss Beth Archer leaves on Friday of this week for England. She goes with a party from Moulton College, sailing on the Empress of India, The party will be gone for about six weeks, Mr. Murray Holtby has secured a position in the Dominion Stores. Mrs. H. S. White, of Coldwater, is the guest of her sister Mrs. Percy Densham, Mrs. Percy Hooey and Mrs. W. F. Nott were in London last week visit- ing Miss Norma Hooey. Dr. and Mrs, Henders,. of Toronto, were in town on Sunday, the guests of the former's father, Mr. W. Henders. We regret to learn that Mr. Lorne Mitchell, who has been ill for some time, has gone to Toronto Hospital for treatment. We hope that Lorne will soon be on the road to recovery. Messrs. Lewis and Norman Palmer of Brockville, were in town for the week end. Mr. John Jackson, of Cleveland, is visiting with his brother Mr. Wm. Jackson and other friends in the vicinity. Mr. Daniel Raymes and daughter of Saskatchewan and his son of Toronto, are visiting with relatives in town. Mr. W. T. Dix has discovered a happy way of beautifying the base of his trees. While in Florida, he noticed . that! the palm trees had beautiful flower beds at their bases. He has tried it out rat his home here with |: petunias, and they give a very pretty effect. Chief Nesbitt has been attending the Police Convention at Montreal, this week. Mr. William Oke has taken over the Jack 'O Lantern Pavilion at the Water Front and has opened up the refresh- ment booth and dance 'hall. We wish William success, Rl, iin sii i tr DIAMOND RING LOST Small change purse containing ear- rings and diamond ring. Finder please leave-at -Star Office. Reward. His Slt TENNIS CLUB DANCE The Port Perry Tennis Club will hold a dance at Caesarea on Friday evening, June 25th. Tickets may be _---- mea ------ ---- TWO FRATERNAL GATHERINGS Fidelity Lodge, A.F. & AM. A week ago on Sunady evening, Fidelity Lodge, A.F. & A.M. attended divine service at St. John's Presby- terian Church. The sermon was preached by Rev. Robt. Simpson. His discourse revealed the fact that he had gained a clear insight into the imagery and symbolism by which the Masonic Brethren express the great principles that have been the founda- tion of that great Order--the Ancient Free and Accepted Masons. The ap- plication of the illustrations of strength and beauty in architecture to the same qualities in the building of human character, was particularly apt. The choir of the Presbyterian Church rendered appropriate music. The service was greatly enjoyed. + + 8 Warriner Lodge, 1.0.0.F. _ Last Sunday evening the members of Warriner Lodge, 1.0.0.F,, together with a number of visiting brethren, attended divine service at the United Church, Port Perry, Rev. R. T. Richards of Napanee, was the speaker for the evening. Mr. Richards took -for his subject "Along the Jericho Road"--the story of the Good Samaritan, He pointed out that human need is the same to- day as ever, that particular personal friendship could still comfort the un- fortunate and sorrowing. . Referring to the causes of misery and: confusion in the world, Rev. Mr. Richards, claimed that jingoistic nationalism was the greatest menace to human safety and happiness. Such dictatorships as those of Hitler and Mussolini cannot do otherwise than be detrimental to human happiness. The speaker was particularly con- cerned with the irresponsible dictator- ship of such men as Lewis of the C.1.0. Christian principles in everyday living are the only means by which the ills of the world may be cured. The musical selections by the choir were much appreciated. The Port Perry Band headed the parade to and from the church, A ---------- ---- CAPO CATTLE SPRAY '" MEANS MORE MILK Capo Cattle Spray sprayed freely and frequently on the cattle and around the barn will save your cattle from the torture of flies and insects. Flies will avoid buildings where Capo Cattle Spray is constantly used. Save your cows the torture of flies, and keep up milk production during the summer and fall months with" CAPO CATTLE SPRAY WILLIAM WEBSTER, At Beatly's Store, Port Perry SS THE HOME BEAUTIFUL The Home Beautiful Hour sponsored by Scugog Chapter, 1.O.D.E, on Fri- day last was much enjoyed by the ladies of the town and vicinity. . Lionel Scott in a delightful and con- versational style made all feel that they would like to try out many of his suggestions to beautify their homes. His daily bulletin in the Globe and Mail will be read with more pleasure and his broadcasts over CFRB looked forward to. The after- noon was brought to a hilarious close an auction sale of white elephants contributed by the members; and the Chapter wish to express their appre- ciation of the parcels donated to this sale by the following merchants: t. W. Brock & Son, A. M. Lawrence, W. L. Parrish, I. R. Bentley, Port Perry be. to $1.00 Store. UNITED CHURCH NOTES ~The Sunday School Picnic will be held at Orono on Wednesday, July 14. Cars will meet at the Church at 1.30 pm. Reserve the date and plan to attend. On Sunday, July 4th, at 11 am, The Sacrament of the Lord's Supper will be administered, se On Sunday, July 11 soetar Flower and Bird services in the church will be sponsored by the Sunday School. Watch for further: particulars re- garding these intensely interesting services. Rev, J. F, Chapman and family will occupy the parsonage and supply the -- BOWLING NEWS The local jitney was held on Monday evening with a good attendance and a few visitors from the Oshawa Bowling Club. Mrs. Murray won 1st prize for the Ladies and Mrs, Chapman second. For the men P, Ingram won first prize and W. Graham second. The players' scores were as follows: Ladies--Mrs. Murray 34, Mrs, E. Beare 18, Mrs. Chapman 24, Mrs. Stacey 21, Migs E. Somerville 23, Miss J. McDermott 15, Miss J. Pringle 22, Miss M. Davey 23, Mrs. W. Carnegie 15; Mrs, Mulligan 20. Men--L. Koch 9, I. R. Bentley 23, W. Graham 26, J. Murray 23, E. Beare 17, E, Hayes 20, A. P. Ingram 30, H. Stacey 24, I. Beare 21, T. Harris 14, R. Harper 19, W. Carnegie 25, C. C. Jeffrey 20, R. Jeffrey 24. CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION Service at 11 a.m, Rev. F. H, Shaw will be in charge of the services at the Church of the Ascension for the next two months. ST. JOHN' 8S PRESBYTERIAN 'CHURCH Rev. Robt. Simpson, Minister SUNDAY SCHOOL "at 10.00 a.m, SERVICES at 11 a.m, and 7 p.m, (Daylight Saving Time) -- Everybody Welcome -- PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH 10 a.m.--Sunday School 11 a.m. and 7 p.m.--Public Worship Sunday School Picnic, Wednesday, July 14th, ENTRANCE PUPILS WHO PASSED ON THE TERM WORK, 1937 AT PORT PERRY CENTRE Osaduk, Polly Parry, Alice Read, Kathleen -Reader, Nelson Reynolds, Hilda Bowes, Donald Cawker, Margaret Christie, John Colbear, Alan Edgerton, Willa Mulligan, Doris Willan, Leah pulpit during the pastor's vacation, Osaduk, Olga + Wilson, Roy Effective Heinz Tomato Heinz Baked BEAN Heinz Heinz White, Malt or Cider KETCHUP 2:35 ja Jaman SOUP Tomato VINEGAR 29-28 PRODUCTS uatil Saturday night, June 26¢h. = 1X 2.23 PINE- APPLE Heinz Tomato vice Spread Heinz SINGAPORE 3.95 Ti 9 25 29 a 19 Tange Sandwich Heinz Assorted SOUPS Med. \ 27 Heinz Med. Bot, SAUCE 23 Jar . Chili Tins Spaghetti Butter Heinz Peanut Infant Foods Heinz - Domnal Motor 0il, 6 qts., 95¢. ~ Pineapple Sandwich Biscuits, Med. 28 i 18 5 A Hone RHE LG 2 Ibs. 29e. Geer, Earl Reynolds, Norm, Hood, Grace Sangster, Jack Hunter, Esther Symes, Margaret Mitchell, June Wallace, Mabel | Kean, Helen ~~ COngratulations to Rev. Mr, Fox, of BROOKLIN CENTRE Blair, Estella Hamer, Mary Bryant, Doris Howden, Harry Burroughs, Jas. Leach, Ruth L. Cook, Eileen M, Lockyer, Mark Crawford, Velma McCulloch, Mary DeHart, Ruth Owens, Kathleen Draper, Edward Porter, Dorothy Gimblett, "Ray," ~ Richardson, Jos. Gormley, Arthur Wilson, Blanche CLAREMONT CENTRE Beverley, Norma Forsyth, Lorraine Briscoe, Margaret Hill, Muriel Brown, Mildrea . McLeod, Roy Byers, Lois Manion, Betty Clarke, Muriel Sanderson, Coates, Harold Evelyn " PICKERING CENTRE Anderson, Ken. McChesney, Annan, Peggy Laurel Annan, Scott Balsdon, Vernon Bellhouse, Jean Campkin, Frances Carson, Jean Dixon, Mary Heron, Harola Heron, Murray Hobs, Leslie James, Irene LeGard, Betty Michael, Elias SUNDERLAND CENT RE Baird, Helen Healey, Jack, Baker, Gladys WHITEVALE CENTRE Armstrong, Momot, Helen Murkar, Barry Paxton, Melvan 'Puckrin, Lorna Raven, Kenneth Redditt, Grant Roffey, Marion Shea, Lorna Taylor," Marion Wade, Gordon Wilson, Carl. Dixon, Leona Elizabeth Hornshaw, Helen Barefoot, Doug. Milne, Reta Brownridge, Robt Shank, June WHITBY CENTRE Ashton, Arthur McQuay, Mary Bowman, Ruth- Mackey, Robert Brown, Alex. Mitchell, Robt, Bull, William Muir, Evelyn Campbell, Nora Fallow, Evelyn Freeman, Donald Gaston, George Green, Jack Greenfield, Owen Guy, Roberts Holliday, Margaret Huntley, Earl Johnson, Wm, Kapuscinski, S. North, Herbert O'Connor, Mary Parise, Francis- Parker, Isadore Pascoe, Wilfred Rudack, Dem. Spanner, Arthur Spratt, John Taylor, Audrey Thorndyke, Ed. Vallee, Desneige Watts, David Lemberg, Isadore Welsh, Vern Levine, Hannah ~~ Wood, Margaret McCarl, Ralph Wray, Lois, scLean, Eugene = " -row------- SOME COMING EVENTS June 28--Strawberry Festival at Bethel Church, (near Shirley) sup- -per and play. July 1st--Sports, Supper and play at St. Andrew's Church, Sonya: --- July I1st--Supper and Amateur Con- test at Greenbank United Church. July 1st--Play: in Community Hall, under auspices of St. John's Church, Blackstock. Sunday, June 27--Special services at 'Sonya, Greenbank and Blackstock. Myrtle Station Service in the United Church next Sunday at 3 p.m. Sunday School at 1.45 p.m. Everybody welcome, ) Mr. Harry Briggs and Miss Thelma Briggs were visitors to Toronto on Saturday. : Mr. and Mrs. Harold Simkin and son Donald, of Islington, and Mr. Joe Garnis, of Toronto, were Sunday guests of Mr, and Mrs, Jos, Simkin. Masters Bob and James Taylor, of Whitby, spent Sunday cousins Raymond and Gordon Duff, Mr. and Mrs, Chisholm attended the Decoration service at Prince Albert on Sunday afternoon and the Odd- fellow's Church service in Port Perry in the evening, Zale Miss Viva Briggs has gone to Osh- awa where she has secured a position for some weeks, Recent callers and Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Quinn were; Mr. and Mrs. A, Barnes, of Colborne, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Brooks, of Manchster, Mr. F. Oliver, of Whitby, Mr. Geo. Painter, of Uxbridge, Mr. and Mrs. L. Yelland, of Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Quinn and granddaughters Teresa and Loretto, and Miss L. Conlin, of Toronto. 3 Mr. and -Mrs. 'Chas. Goggin and family, of Toronto, visited with their brother Mr. Mark Canning at Mr. C. Harrison's on Sunday. Mrs. Wm. Lammiman, Mr. Hilton Lammiman, also Mr. and Mrs. Harry Stacey, of Oshawa, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. O. H. Lane. Mr, and Mrs, Frank Harrison and Gordon, spent Sunday with friends at Burketon, Toronto, and Hiss 'Hazel Grose, of Raglan, on their recent marriage, which too place in'Raglan Church last Saturday. A number of Myrtle friends attended, \ Noble, Stanley - 1 with their | SUITS CLEANED |f Suits sponged and pressed |§ 680 Cents Dry Cleaned $1.00 C. P. ROLPH OVER <THE OBSERVER OFFICE NOX KIDNEY - FLUSHERS The Heht way Is the only way. If fier {HHL kidne; ish the treat r wa ush t hem Ww (NOX KI NEY ARI S. They wash Aha IAs. EY nd hy ary tract; at the same time the whole Is made antiseptic. No more 'getting up at nights; swollen limbs go down; rheumatism and that burn- ng sensation and backache is re- moved. There Is only ong (NOX) KIDNEY FLUSHERS, and each pack- age contains one month' 8s treatment. Price One Dollar at druggists or direct from the Nox Laboratories, * Bay St., Toronto. Your kidneys will be regulated like a clock. NOX KIDNEY FLUSHERS act as a mild laxative, removing bile from the liver A. M. LAWRENCE, Port Perry. HELP WANTED Re-opening The Ontario Hospital, Whitby Training School for Nurses, | new class commencing shortly. For application forms and full information write Miss Pearl Sharpe, Reg. N., Superintendent of Nurses, Ontario Hospital, Whitby. FOR SALE Baby Carriage in good condition. Perry. PURSE AND WATCH LOST Saturday night, June 12th, please re- trouble, gx NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Elizabeth Bailey 1937, are hereby notified to send in to the undersigned administratrix on or before the 16th day of July, 1937, full particulars of their claims. Im. mediately after the said 16th day ot July, 1937, the assets of the deceased entitled theréto, having regard only to claims of which the administratrix shall then have natice. Dated at Toronto this 10th ay of June, 1937. : Louisa Collacutt, Administratrix, 69 Shields Ave., Toronto. july8 NOTICE TO CREDITORS Re: Estate of James Stanford Wilson. All persons having claims against the Estate of James Stanford Wilson, late of the Township of Reach, County of Ontario, Farmer, deceased, who died on or about the 20th day of May, 1937, are hereby notified to send in to the undersigned for the Executors, on or before the 3rd day of July, 1937, full particulars of their claims, Im- mediately after the last mentioned date the assets of the said Estate will be distributed among the parties en- titled thereto having regard only to to claims of which they shall then have notice, Dated this 11th day of June A.D. 1937. JOSEPH DENNY, Bites Albert, Ont., solicitor for the Executors, ANNIVTRSARY AT SONYA St. Andrew's Church re-opening and anniversary services will be held on Sunday, June 27, with sport, supper and entertainment on July 1st. AUCTION" SALE OF FURNITURE, Mr. J. F. McClintock is holding a sale of his household effects at his residence, Lilla St, Port Perry, on SATURDAY, JUNE 26th, at 2 p.m. (D.8.T.) This "is an exceptionally fine offering. Ted Jackson, Auctioneer. p AUCTION SALE The late Rev. D. A. Ferguson's ad. ministrator announces an auction sale of a. large assortment of household furniture and effects at the Manse, Port: Perry, on Saturday, July 3rd. Watch for sale bills. "TO RENT Six roomed house, electric lights, newly decorated, John St., Port Perry. Apply to:Mrs, G. Bruce, BERRY BOXES FOR SALE Pint and Quart sizes, any quantity. Massey-Harris Agency, N. Ewers, Port Perry. © july 1 FOR RENT Seven roomed frame house on Cas- simir street, electric lights, bathroom, drinking water in house, Apply at Star Office. July 118 Apply to Mrs. Norman Heayn, Port 1280808080008: Would the party who found. the | purse and watch at the lake front on | 3 turn to Star Office, and save further | § All persons having claims against. i the estate of Elizabeth Bailey, late of | § the Township of Reach, in the County : of Ontario, Widow, deceased, who died | & on or about the 17th day of March, | 'will be distributed amongst the parties | - Quarter. acre garden, Lawrence's Drug Store News | (You can save with Safely at Your Rexall Store) TAN-GEL Sak, HD SUNBURN SCALDS. AND ABRASIONS 80028080808000000080804 DEES E E0808 eee R0R0R0R0RCEOR0R0S (RE RTEP0R Siding; Flooring; V-Joint. Cedar Siding, Cedar Shiplap, and Cedar Shingles. on Sash, Frames and : Phone 240 OROROPOROPOROPIPOPOROPOEO BS Ht HF Pe RA Ss SH 0 Dr. Ed. Bailey VETERINARY SURGEON at Sebert House, Port Perry, Tuesday and Friday afternoons. Phone 127 Uxbridge, day or night. Calls will be promptly attended to. oct20tf (The firm of GREER & HUMPHREYS 1s disolved) ARTHUR W. S. GREER 6 King St. East, Oshawa, Phone 3160 in attendance at my Port Perry office on Wednesday morning and Friday afternoon "of each week or by appointment. Queen Street, Port Perry, Phone 264 CONANT & ANNIS Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public GORDON D. CONANT, K.C, ALLIN F. ANNIS, B.A, LL.B. Offices 7% Bimeoe Bt. 8., Oshawa Phones, 4 and 8 (Oshawa) and at Court House, Whitby, (Mr. Conant) : Phone 7 (Whitby) p: | A. neon DENTAL SURGEON Office Hours: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. " Office Up-stairs, over Emmerson's Insurance Office a FOR SALE Eaton 'Gasoline Engine, 1% h.p. Reasonable price. GOOD LUMBER ¢ ~We now have a good stock of lumber on hand to meet your needs. White Pine, Hemlock, Spruce--in 2 x 4,2 x 8; Novelty Siding; Cove B.C. 4 x 4. Our mill is ready at any time to give you service Lake Scugog Lumber & Coal Co., Id 'WANT ADVTS -- Apply to Wesley |: y Typical Lawrence Values . ITALIAN BALM, 29¢, 55¢. 8 'NOXZEMA, ....15¢., 5c. § FRENCH BALM, 25¢., 39¢c. & LISTERINE, 25¢., 50c., 79¢. OLYMPENE, ..50c., $1.00 % ENGLISH HEALTH . 5 . SALTS, ......20c, 39c. # ENO'S FRUIT SALT 47c., and 79¢. ALKA SELTZER, 33ec., 69c¢c. 22¢., 39c¢., 98c. BAYER'S ASPIRIN 'ANACIN TABLETS : 25¢., 69c., 98c. § MONTSERRAT LIME i ¥ JUICE ............Me. oN A ee teat ate aed A. M. LAWRENCE OPOPOSOPOPORD 232323282588 Fir V-Joint and Flooring. Cedar D4 S. Nova Scotia White - i specials of all kinds. Port Perry OPOPORO Five ts per line. : = Minimum 20 Cents. LOOK HERE 5 TONS RAGS WANTED ALSO ALL KINDS OF FEATHERS. * TOR PRICES PAID. For information call A. GILBOORD Phone 177 or by mail INSURANCE FIRE, AUTOMOBILE, LIFE Real Estate Farms and Village Properties S. A. WALLACE Phone 155 DK. Ww. 8. HARPER Graduate of Trinity Medical Ooliage Trinity University, Toronters: 0 Post Graduate in Surgery of a ates' College and Pie London, Engen. North East London. Post Graduate por London, England, Royal Infirmary, Glasgow. Office and Surgery--Port Perry, Ont. The firm of Greer & HUMPHREYS Is disolved) RUSSELL D. HUMPHREYS 24% Simcoe Street North, Oshawa Phone 814 in attendance at my Port Perry office on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons of each week or by appointment. Brimacombe, Oakwood R.R.2. june24 Queen Street, Port Perry, Phone 264 80000 000000080000 00a tittttseittesntestonttsseaesssss 1804400044 FRED E. Phones-- Junel0tf | 3 CQAL - WOOD - LUMBER y QI. | BUILDERS' SUPPLIES i FUEL LUMBER Builders Supplies i ANTHRACITE PINE SIDING MASONS LIME i COAL PINE SPRAY LIME i Stove SHEATHING HARDWALL Nat HEMLOCK PLASTER i Pea SPRUCE MORTAR COLOR i Blower B.C.FIR ' GLAZED TILE COKE | B. €: Upba : -SHIMNEY TILE { u or HARDWOOD ETE : ange FLOORING . CINCRETE POSTS ; SHEETROCK i BODY WOOD DONNACONA HARD and SOFT SASH and DOORS INSULATING - SLABS LATH ROCK WOOL ® Office 73 w; Res. 73 | REESOR A # ! in LJ 4" » hd 4 . yo Aid qe

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