Prompt and Courteous Service of «Good Baking Phone 32 whien you need Bread, Cakes, or | Confectionery. You will be pleased, hers OPO: < OPO eer nes OPO 0 RRA RR SERRA R RC R no SRERSER > Gerrow ST If you have not been enjoying heat satisfaction from \/ the coal you have been using, why not fill up your bin for next winter with this Super-Cleaned Hard Coal? One trial § . will convince you that it is the finest fuel your money can buy--Nut, Stove and Pea sizes on hand. CEMENT--Fresh St. Mary's Cement always on hand, also LIME, HARDWALL PLASTER, TILE, HARDWOOD, HARDWOOD SLABS, SOFTWOOD SLABS. i Your orders will be given prompt and careful attention. PORT PERRY COAL YARD W. G. W. PYATT Phones--94W and 94J + "Reliable Service and Better Fuels" ati. <A Rid "Famous for Its | Heat Value." i 3 Po " fis + turned home on Sunda 8 | Campbell at Lake Rosseau. Rlafter a two week's vacation at Belle- 5 ville, #|club of St. #% | presented their 3 | Attorne $2 | kard. 3 | tion, BI Mr. asd Mrs. W. Chapman and baby 4 | McBrien, Windsor, with Mr, and Mrs. BLACKSTOCK Mrs, W. Crawford and Harold re- after spend- ing two weeks with Mr. and Mrs, M Isobel Chilvers has resumed her duties at Dr. J. A. McArthur's, -- evening, the dramatic hn's lican Church, pop pla "The for the Defence" at Leas- his was the seventh presenta- On Monday 0, Recent visitors "to" and "fro" were Ann, of Port Perry, with her sister Mrs, Oscar Graham; : Mr, and Mrs. E, Cowan, Mr. and Mrs, Arey, Mrs, Holmes, of Toronto, Mrs, John Hooey, Burney and Roy, with Mr, and Mrs. Cecil Wilson, Mrs, Harry McLaughlin with her parents Mr, and Mrs. H. Hooey; Mr, and Mrs, W. Day and Marjorie, Mr, Gilroy, of Toronto, with Mrs, R. Crozier; Miss Hazel Wright of Oshawa, with relatives; Mrs. Florence Stinson and family, of Oshawa, Miss E. English, Mr. M. English, with Mr. and Mrs, F, F., Willan; Mrs. S. Dowson and Katherine, Mrs. K. Swan, Betty and Bobbie, Mrs. L. F. A. Bailey; Miss I. Dunn, of Oshawa, with her grandmother Mrs, John Forder. Mr, and Mrs. L. Hooey and Nancy, of Seattle, Mr. and Mrs. R. Lansing, Mr, and Mrs. Bert. Hooey and Miss Phema Hooey, of Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hooey. Mr, and Mrs, W, Cain, Miss Emma Cain and Mr. Potter of Pontypool, with Mrs, John Forder. Miss Ruth Bell is to be congratu- lated on passing with First Class Honours, Grade 4, Higher Eelmentary musical examination. A large number from here attended the-Harkness picnic in Cavan, July 1. F 'CLOVER .LEAF COHOE RED SALMON McCORMICK'S BUTTER SODAS PRESTO PACK WAX PAPER ............covvvinnn. BENSON'S CORN STARCH ..per pkg. 1lc. 4 SURPRISE SOAP and 1 INFANT'S DELIGHT. .FOR 21e¢." CLARK'S TOMATO KETCHUP, 12 oz. bottle JELIT JELLY POWDERS ................ ANGLER KETA SALMON, fancy quality - RED ROSE BAKING POWDER, per tin ............ CLARK'S VEGETABLE or TOMATO SOUP, ..2 tins 15c. BISCUITS, FANCY ARCTIC WAFERS, per 1b. 27c. CG. A. PALMER, Prop. A PERRY GROCETERIA WE SELL THE BEST FOR LESS 2 tins 25c. "tease see er ees eae sett eas rae 4 pkgs. 19c. ....3 tins 27c. [ see nee Phone 36 DELIVERY 8 am, to 6 p.m. -» | YES, MADAM! we carry the best grades of Beef, Pork, Lamb, Veal and . cured meats. Tell us your wants and we will assure you of the best at reasonable prices. We also carry a line of Cooked Meats, Canned Goods and Pickles. +"BERT MacGREGOR Fresh Fruits and Vegetables The GREENGROCERY Store '§ LARGE WATERMELONS 10c. Slice. 20c. Quarter. RED RIPE TOMATOES, COOKING CHERRIES LARGE FIRM LEMONS, FRESH GREEN PEAS LARGE WHITE CAULIFLOWERS, Open Evenings AE ..each T0c. 35¢. half per 1b. 15¢. 2 ibs. for 25c¢. 15¢. Quart. 2 Quarts 25c. 3 for 10c. dozen 38c. basket 35c. each 15c. DICER REE] PEE ET SEAT BESTEL I ERE Ces ees eae The Greengrocery Store, PORT PERRY, ONTARIO R. WAKEFORD, Prop. ~~ Phone 208. We deliver ete Ae tea ah SAR PR 0 0 8 E80, 0 0 8 08S TH BAT Te AT TT A TE hae 0 00.0% 8 1% A AT Ah TN A 8 Te We boast about the quality of ouf meats, and you will agree with us when you try them. They are always fresh and delicious. If you haven't tried our meats just call up 29W and our clerks will be pleased to fill your order. CAWKER BROS. # BEST MEATS :! BEST SERVICE :: BEST PRICES HH , Devitt, Miss Helen Fowler, Miss D. of Miss Ellen Emmerson of Nestleton, 'Ola, Mr. and Mrs, A. J. Newton, Dr. | North Blackstoc 3 | from their midst but with best wishes 3 | for. continued. success in their new it | home in Millbrook. | spent Sunday with their son Mr. L. i 'Mrs, Fred Hamilton, Miss Jean Mal- if | colm, musical numbers by Madeline mg | ing led by Mrs, V. Archer and Mrs, 5 |B. Cowan and an interesting talk by | to the young people of Scugog on the lB | very fine presentation of "The Antics = |in the Community Hall here. 2 Women's Sunday, where the ladies will 2 | have the places of honour except the = | service will be in charge of our Pastor & | Blackstock, will deliver the message at 917.30. Both services will be held at the = | sisted by Miss Jean Brummel, =2|land Creek, will furnish the singing. s | Harding will take up the offering. All § | other services and the Sunday Schools §| will be withdrawn. Everyone invited. 2; Association will hold its picnic at 3 | They were assiste $8 | brother Mr. Arthur Clark and Miss|- i | Burnice Cochrane who also looked i | ver #| pin 2 | mother had dinner with- the groom's ; ¥ | sister Mrs, Lewis Pearce before going. #%|to the parsonage. After the ceremony | $8 |they were..accom $2| Mrs. J. Pearce, 2% | Pearce and daughter Mary, H|uncle Mr. Geo. Reid, of Enniskill 8 | Mr, and Mrs. M, McLaren to the home $% lof the groom's parents, $8 | W. Clark, at Mariposa, where all en- Mr, Fred Hoskin of Carstairs, Alta., is visiting his brother Mr. W. N. Hos- kin and other friends. _ Mr. J. Smith from U.S.A. is renew- ing friendships and acquaintances, Miss Hazel Mountjoy is attending summer school in Hamilton, Miss S. VanCamp at Kingston, Miss Aileen Stevens at Guelph. Miss Grace Willan was the guest last week. Mrs. Dr. J. McArthur, Jessie and Betty, are visiting her mother Mrs. Dempsey and other relatives in Strat- ford. Visitors last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Crawford, were Miss Grace Crawford, Mr. Sam. Craw- ford, Mr. Chas. Sutcliffe, Mr.-H. Craw- ford, Mr. and Mrs. De La Matter and Egan, Messrs. O'Connell, MacGregor and Goodall. ik On Wednesday of last week, the neighbors presented Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Graham with a lovely mantle clock (Normandy chimes) table cloth and bedspread with deep regrets at their departure Mr. and Mrs. W. Hoskin and family Hoskin of Columbus and attended the annual 'church anniversary there. Mr. Jack Hall visited with Mr. and Mrs. J. Carter on Sunday. A very sucessful strawberry social under the auspices of the W. A, of St. John's Church was held at the beauti- ful summer home "Bonnie Doon" of Mr, and Mrs, F. A. Bailey at Caesarea, The program consisted of readings by and Gilbert Marlow, community sing- Rev. C. C. Harcourt. "Congratulations are to be extended of Andy" on the evening of July 1st SCUGOG Next Sunday has been set for Rev. F. G. Joblin at 11 o'clock. At the evening service Mrs. (Rev.) Bell of Centre Church. -A ladies' choir, as- High- Misses Marion Stephenson and Clara On Tuesday, July 13th, the Women's Stephenson's Point. A good of sports is being planned an time is being looked for. Many happy returns of the day is extended to Mrs, W. Savage on cele- brating her 83rd birthday on June 26. At the Parsonage, on Saturday afternoon,. July 38rd, Miss Dorothy Obliskey, of Oshawa, and Mr. Leonard Clark, second son of Mr. and Mrs. W. Clark, of Mariposa, were united in marriage by Rev. F, G. Joblin. The bride looked 'very charming in blue trimmed with pink and with pink ac- cessories and a houqugs of pink roses. by the groom's Jrograt) a good pretty carrying a bouquet of roses. . The bride and groom and the bride's nied b r. and Mr. and rs. Lewis and their finiskillen, Mr. and Mrs, of Mr. R. Hall, a neighbour, where a shower for the bride and groom was held. The bride and groom will re- side on one of Mr, J, McLaren's farms known as the Gerrow farm, Leonard has been here among us for a number of years and has made many friends, who wish tor Him and his bride a long and happy life Sopethet. Miss Marjorie Milner and s H. Carter, Messrs. C. Carter and C, Mc- Master, enjoyed a motor trip to North Bay and Callendar over the week end, and of course saw the famous Dionne Quintuplets. Mr. and Mrs. A. Prentice, Kay and Eddie visited their old friends Mr, and Mrs. Roy Hood at Marsh Hill on Sunday. Master Keith Mark, of Port Perry, is spending: a few weeks with his cousin John Hardy. Mrs. O, Jeffrey discovered a freak turkey in her flock of little ones. It has three legs: Quite a number of young folk met at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Murray McLaren on Monday evening to en- tertain them by a charivari. All were invited in and treated to peanuts and candy a social time was spent. Mr. and Mrs, H, Carnochan and lit- tle daughters, and Mrs. W. Mark, visited his parents Mr. and Mrs, T, Carnochan at Shirley on Sunday. - Mr, and Mrs, O, Jeffrey, Clem and Lois, visited his parents Mr. and Mrs. W. Jeffrey, on Sunday. Miss Grace Demara visited her friends Miss Florence Carter over the week end. Mr. and Mrs, Geo. Russell, of Osh- awa, spent the week end with her father Mr, J. Milner. Her sister Ivah returned with them for a visit, Mr. and Mrs. H, Hope and sons Mack and Jack, of Port Parry ! were Sunday guests of Mr. and frs. J. Demara. We welcome Mr. and Mrs. Fred Warren 'of Honeydale, who have moved in one of the M. Collin's houses, Mr. and Mrs. C. Hardy, Mr. and Mis. H. Long and Donald, visited with Mr. and Mrs. D. Hope on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. A, Brunt, Mona and Carl, of Enniskillen, visited her par- ents Mr, and Mrs, Mark recently. The farmers are very busy getting in the hay crop while the weather is fine. Sorry to hear Rev. and Mrs. O. R. Flindall have moved from Seagrave as we enjoyed his visits on the Island. Mr. and Mrs. A. Marytn and Inez visited their cousins Mr. and Mrs, C. Hardy recently. GREENBANK Rev. G. Miller and Mrs, Miller, of Ingersoll, called on Mr. and Mrs. W. Phoenix, on Wednesday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. C., Blair, Ottawa, fisited Mrs. and Miss Blair, recently. Mrs: Wood, of Boissevain, Man., was the guest of Mrs. W. Phoenix last week. Mr. and Mrs. Taylor and Miss Elva, of Toronto, with Mrs, and Miss Blair on Thursday. Lo Among the first of July visitors at our anniversary were Mr, and Mrs. Ferris, of Detroit. Mrs. Ferris was Annie Bush, a former resident of Greenbank, It was with regret the many friends of Mrs, Joseph Stone heard of her sudden death on Monday of last week. Sympathy is expressed for the friends in their bereavement. Decoration services wil be held at Greenbank Cemetery next Sunday at 3 p.m. when Dr. Kaiser of Oshawa will be the guest speaker. Special music will be given by Bethesda quar- or ette. Mrs. Nettie McMillan, Lockport, N. Y., and Mrs. F. Dobson, Toronto, were the guests of their sister Mrs, James Leask, on Tuesday of last week. <i cf ~ Myrtle Station Mrs. George Painter and daughter Mildred of Uxbridge, called on friends here last week. Miss Mildred re- mained the rest of the week with the Misses Evelyn and Phyllis Cross. Mr. and Mrs. E. Wickett, of Little Britain, are spending a few days with the latter's mother Mrs. H. Lane. Mr. and Mrs. Fred O"Boyle and Miss Galilee, of Oshawa, and Mr. J. R. Bed- ford, of London, were Sunday guests of Miss L. O'Boyle. . : Mr. Arthur Beacock, who is Grand- master of the Orange Lodge, at Re- gina, Sask. and his daughter, were callers of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Beacock on Saturday. --_ Mrs. A. KE. Ramsay made a business trip to Toronto on Saturday. Briss Margaret Armstrong, Matron of the Mission Home for girls in New Liskeard, is spending her vacation with her mother, Mrs. J. Armstrong. Miss Dorothy Hall of Toronto spent the week end with relatives here, Mr. E. H. Cross, who is relieving agent on the C.P.R. at Severn Falls, was home for Sunday. Mr. Kitchener of Lindsay has charge of the work here in the absence of Mr. Cross, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Cook, of Oshawa, were recent visitors of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Cook. : . The Women's Association-on-Wed- nesday of this week, are entertajning the societies of Manchester, Prospect, Raglan and Ashburn, to afternoon tea and socially. Master Gordon Harrison is spending the week with his grandparents Mr, and Mrs. E. Gascoyne, of Brooklin, Mr, and Mrs, Charles Fleming of Detroit, Mich., were week end guests of their niece Mrs, C. Harrison, On Sunday evening last Rev. W. E. Honey read for the lesson, John 6:62- 71, and preached a very good sermon, using for his text verses 66-68 Service in the United Church next Sunday will be at 8 pm. Sunday School at 1.46, Everybody welcome, > - MEN TEACHERS OF 8. ONTARIO SEE NOVEL PLAN OF TEACHING %1joyed the wedding supper. 2 evening all were invi In the to the home On Friday, the men teachers of the South Ontario Teachers' Institute TON () #, "THEATRE OSHAWA ® Friady-Saturday, July 9-10 @ "SLAVE SHIP" Wallace Beery, Warner Baxter and Elizabeth Allen. -- ADDED -- For the first time IN COLOUR "THE CORONATION OF KING GEORGE VI, and QUEEN ELIZABETH" CARTOON-- Magician Mickey. REVIVAL FRIDAY at 11 pm. COLLEEN" Starrin Ruby Keeler and Bick Powell 400) @Monday-Tuesday, July 12-13@ -- BIG DOUBLE BILL -- NIGHT MUST FALL Starring '5.69 : Clover Leaf Salmon, fancy red, 1's 35¢c. : | Yy Ib. 20c. 1, Ib. 15c. | PASTRY FLOUR, 24 Ibs. 89c. | REDPATH SUGAR Medium granulated RIND : Breakfast Bacon "OX th -, b> Chiffon Hosiery, new shades, 69c. Rounind Rinse and : Boys' Wool Bathing Suits $1.25 mama steps our ||[[§ Men's Wool Bathing Suits $1.50 Starrin rh Guy Kibbee - Alice Brad be . . v RL oo i Girls' Wool Bathing Suits, 26-32, Alexander Korda presents 5 red, green, blue, 15¢, $1.25, $1.50 « ELEPHANT BOY " |[||i WT - - ll Ladies' Bathing Suits, all colours, KALA NAG---the wort urs: ([|[] 1 and 2 piece, with and without Don't fall foes this outstand- i skirt, 34-40, $1.50, $1 89, $1.98 _ ng Production. 5 - > - . Se Theatre Afr Conditioned by ||| |& Ladies' Batiste Pyjamas, 2 piece, Refrigeration i sizes 14-20, 98c, $1.25, $1.49 spent an enjoyable and highly instruc- tive day when they visited the school taught by Mr. Cecil Potts at Cherry- wood. Here, Mr. Potts for the last two years has been carrying on a novel plan of work with his classes, which has attracted much attention throughout the Province. "On arrival, the visiting teachers 'were requested to sign the school register and they were then invited to inspect the display of projects made by the children the present year. By adding the idea contained in the old Chinese proverb, "One picture 1s worth ten thousand words," to -the regular school curriculum. Mr. Potts in his display clearly illustrated how he has made use of the project to teach to better advantage the sub- jects: Literature, History, Geography, Nature Study, Hygiene and even Arithmetic. The pupils collected pic- tures from current magazines, news- papers, catalogues and other readily available sources, then these are mounted on large sheets of corru- gated paper derived from carton, and supplemented with drawings, maps, diagrams, samples of goods and notes are used to illustrate very graphically the lesson topics taken during the year, This work, explained Mr. Potts, is | carried on in all grades of the school, and does not interfere in any way with regular work as it is done only when the child has satisfactorily com- pleted other wark which has been as- signed. Many pupils are enthusiastic to the point of putting in much time outside of prescribed school hours at it. ' Of special interest to the -visitors was the school magazine of which two editions had been produced in entirety, containing all the features of a good publication, by the pupils themselves during this year. SEAGRAVE (Continued from front page) Prizes were also awarded Adele Wooldridge--health; Carl Sornberger --character; Geo, Harding--language. These three prizes were donated by Mrs. C. Sleep. Lawrence Ewen and Alexa McTaggart were the winners of the prizes donated by Miss Frise for the neatest scrap books. Report of Seagrave Public School «Jr. IV to Sr. IV--Lawrence Ewen, Bruce McCoy. Sr. III to Jr. IV--Gloria Harding, Hilda Barnett, Eileen Sornberger, Ross Wooldridge. Jr. III to Sr. III--Mildred Stone, Marjorie McCoy, Dorothea Wool- dridge, George Harding, Ross Hard- ing, Murray Short, Carl Sornberger, Beverley Scott (part). : Sr. to Jr, III--Lloyd Short. Jr. to Sr. II -- Alexa McTaggart, Bernice Harding, Earl Sornberger, Doris Barnett. Primer -- Kenneth Short, Archie Barnett, Eunice Fishley. Miss Alma Frise, teacher, Don't forget the Strawberry Fes- tival at the United Church on Thurs- day, July 8th. Batiste and Crepe Gowns, 98c. Ladies' Fancy Cotton Pullovers, Green, Blue, White, 69c. . BROCK & SON PHONE 43 PORT PERRY LAT SON F. xs 10808084, Ea te a a tt TN aR SN a Se SR ER RE ER, oF 2 wo . #4 tl ay ® +" 2 ba EE RB Rs POBOSOPONOS PORT BS SAN a ee a WS NN SAVE YOUR MONEY BY BUYING YOUR SEASON'S FLY SPRAY NEEDS FROM YOUR WATKINS DEALER Watkins Fly Spray is economical and by placing your order with me at the present time, I can show you a real saving on each gallon you buy. I am taking orders now for summer delivery. Buy no Fly Spray until I have seen you. It Goes Further Because You Use Less. Where 1 ounce of heavier oil Spray is required to do the job for each animal, only % ounce of Watkins Spray is needed. That also saves money for you. I'll be seeing you soon to take care of your needs. ORR C. BROWNE Phone 39 Port Perry A. E. MOSS, LIQUIDATOR OF Thos. A. Hawkins' Stock! AT JANETVILLE NOW CUTS LOOSE! BIG VALUES FOR THIS WEEK IN REMNANTS of all kinds of materials-- DOUBLE VALUES -- The most for your money you ever bought--1 yard to 3 yard lengths Js 5c., 10c, 15¢, 25¢, and up to $1.00 Jp=p Stock up while the supply lasts. You will positively pay "three times' more for the same remnants elsewhere, 12 BIG BINS TO CHOOSE FROM BIG CUT IN PRICES OF PATCHES oxi raice NOW 35¢ a Bag =p LAY IN A FULL SUPPLY NOW All Yard Goods--Chinaware--Dishes--Toys--Fan- cy Goods--Curtain Goods, Ete., Ete. AT PRICES CUT TO THE CORE For Quick Sale ¥-> AT HAWKINS' <@K LIQUIDATION SALE AT JANETVILLE