I a ALY Fale £085 ¥ ide RETR AMIN LR AA bt a WA) Sie eS Pi WO et lat rE ? pl at np ne " 5 5 a! 5 iS - -- --.- - ' a HSE SCHOO SUNDAY As Canadian Premier Visited Hitler I ws 28 - : * Around = 'Fashion Career Better Than Going Into the Movies LESSON The Dial Tr ! > in aa . vu db 4 mr-- uty g ; e : More Highly Paid Jobs Awaiting" LSS30N IV. CS 23. For Jehovah wiil pass through * = : "Women in This: Field "Fhan GOD PREPARES A PEOPLE, to sm"te the Egyptians; and when he t 4 RADIO HEADLINERS In Any Other in U.S. Exodus 11:4--12:36. seeth the blood upon the lintel, and . OF THE WEEK Printed Text Exodus 12:21-28 on the two side-posts, Jehovah will h Ae Re NEW. YORK. -- Fashion, it segms Golden Text.--The Lord thy God | pasg over the door, and will not suf- H. G. C.- MURRAY no longer may" be taken flippantly' -- hath chosen thee to be a people for | fer the destroyer to come in unto 2 "5 : - . it i, ot ool aiNo-1 Industry. b hd A Cogs , ar "r ; : ' - o. 1 industry, bu Li own possossion, Denterationy your Dousss id Se hy And Star Cazin: Thomas Thomas, the | sages to these men who are up in the | it has more high paid jobs awaiging het yo sna' ohgerve (his Lng Jor an or. new Show Boat baritone, was born Arctic circle from their friends and | well-trained women than any er THE LESSON IN ITS SETTING. Place--The passover feast itself . was observed only in the land of Goshen, where the Jews were living, but the final plague of death among all the firstborn of course involved _ the entire land of Egypt. Time--B. C. 1498. 21, Then Moses called for all the "elders of Israel, and said unto them, Draw out, and take you lambs ac- cording to your families, and kill the passover. The word passover is the Hebrew word pesach and means ex- actly what the English translation in- dicates, namely, a passing over, with reference to the passing of the angel of death over the homes on whose doorposts blood was sprinkled the night of the exodus. 2.. And ye shall take a bunch of hyssop. "Outside of the Pentateuch, hyssop is mentioned only in I Kings 4:33 and Psalm 51:7. The cleansing for which it was used was not only through blood sprinkling with water. Though the plant must have been fa- miliar to Israel in Canaan and at the exodus time, we do not know what was the species of it. From John 19: 29, it'may perhaps be inferred that it had a long stalk. The sacrcd use of it required that it should be fit to be . formed into a bunch like a sponge." And dip it in the blood that is in the bas'n, and strike the lintel and the two side-posts with the blood dinance to thee and to thy sons for ever. The destroyer here is the de- stroying angel. (Cf. 2 Sam. 24:16; Isa. 37:36). 26. And it shall come to pass, when ye are come to the land which Jeho- vah will give you, according:as he hath promised, that ye shall keep this service, 26." And it shall come to pass, when your children shall say unto you, What mean ye by this service 27. That ye shall say, it is the sac- rifice of Jehovah's passover, who passed over the houses of the chil- dren of Israel in Egypt, when he smote the Egyptians, and delivered our houses. The passover feast was given to Israel to be perpetually kept year after year, so that Israel might never forget the wonderful re- demption which God wrought for her by his omnipotent power and by atoning blood in the days when she was helplessly in bondage in a for- eign land. The commands to instruct the children in the generations to fol- low regarding the significance of this memorial feast are especially signi- ficant. For the instruction of chil- dren, sce IIx. 10:2; 13:8; Deut. 4:9; 6:7. And the people bowed the head and worshipped. 28. And the chil- dren of Israel went and did so; as Jehovah had commanded Moses and Prime Minister Mackenzie King, pictured at the Pres'dential Palace in Berlin, where he conferred with Chancellor Hitler, Mr, King refused to_divulge the nature of the conversation but said he had a "Most valuable and intersting review with Chancellor Hitler. _ "Injures Her Back In' Fall On Studio Set in Wales in 1913 . . . sang first in a children's cantata .., came.to Ameri- ca in 19256 and jointed the Boy Scouts . , , graduated from Scranton, Pa., High School . . . worked in ma- chine shop and studied music . won Atwater-Kent audition in 1932 . .. is a cross word puzzle fan and rides horses for relaxation . .. Gra- cle Allen who is practicing a series of new steps with Hubby George Burns for their picture with Fred Astaire, once danced in vaudeville with her two older sisters . .. SWING KING . . . Benny Good- man, whose-Swing School beats the tempo of the Nation every Tuesday night over CBS, began his musical career with five piece high school band in Chicago . . . at 16 he wes featured with Ben Pollack's band and later came up the musical ladder with Isham Jones, Red Nichols, Paul Whiteman and Johnny Green . . . Ferde Grofe, whose music hits a new high in. tone pictures, weaves his notes like a master painter in "Hol- lywood Suite." He makes you feel the full sweep of picture making. Phil Spitalny, whose "Hour of Charm" _ is heard every Monday at 9.30 p.m. over NBC's red network, once directed a 50-picce symphony orchestra in Boston. TRIPLE PLAY ... Guy Lombardo and his Royal Canadians, who will guest star on the "Magic Key" pro- relatives in civilization telling them how things are going and how John- ny"s cold in and that Sister Sue has a new bieycle or baby another new tooth. Needless to say this service is greatly appreciated by these trap- pers, miners, soldiers, missionaries, ete. - The "Northern Messenger" as the program is called was originated in 1933 by a suggestion of the com- mander of the British Naval Expe- dition who were studying magnetic changes along the North Eastern coast, and were acted on by Lt.-Col. W. Arthur Steel, formerly in charge of the Canadian Radio Commission technical department. Since its in- ception a total of over 11,000 mes- enzes have been sent and each year a great increase is noticed over the previous year. There can be no doubt that this service to the north has been of vast importance to our north- ern citizens residing a far-flung out- posts. It is to be hoped that the new CBC see fit to continue this service. "Pretty Kitty Kelly," the CBS dra- matic series center'ng around thé ro- mantic adventures of a young Irish girl, will be heard over the WABC- Columbia network Mondays through Fridays from 10.00-to 10.15 am, EDST, beginning Monday, July 19, The programs are currently board- "cast from 1.15 to 1.30 p.m.,, EDST. The sketches were introduced over Columbia on March 8th of this year, presenting Kitty Kelly as she arrived in the United States. So say two girls who became top- flight fashion experts -- Tobe Coller Davis, known to the style world any Tobe, and Julia Coburn, In their suite of Fifth Avenue of- fices, they sat. talking today about careers and opportunities for ad vancement, and said: \ 4 ' More women are holding big execu- tive jobs in fashion than in any other field. [8 The supply of trained women is un- equal to the demand for more. A fashion expert "in five years, should be making $5,000, if she is any good, and in 10 years, $10,000. or more." A career.in fashion is better than a movie career for earning a good salary over a long period of time, said Miss Coburn, f "The span of a movie star's activi. ty is often six to ten years. "But in the fashion field there 1s no age limit for improvement. A wo- man can go on- indefinitely as long as she is active and alert. ~ ""Throughout the depression," she added, "I didn't know of a single real- -- ly good fashion person who was out of a job for a long-period." q Watch Out For The ¢ Devil's Paint-Brush will go into service on thecair liness in the next year or so are 40-passen- ger, four-engine, 60,000 pound giants with high speeds around 237 miles an'¥ hour and landing speeds about 68 miles an' hour. To 'ensure #aféty of these winged drawing rooms, airports perhaps'to be. rated 'and known; ag. super-t 8, must be 'ereated said the 'bureau, #d- ing: "There will' be mo immediate neces: pity for a great number: of these su: per-téerminals, Later, perhaps, more will be required, but thé big aircraft will be avallable at first for only the that is in the basin; and none of you | Aaron, so did they. The attitude of N . : ) : Aig 0 " : shill go out of the door of his house | the people in worshipping clearly in- gram 5 2 p.m. will be herd on an | an Naw Wark hi pe Win wld $e well Sivied 1 until the morning. The Dintel is sup- | dicates that the whole passover ob- three major networks this week. . +. | iin the strange city. ichzael Conway, | X pt eyes open or ook wit posed to mean a lattice through | servance 'on this dreadful, but auspi- > They air their own commercial at | handsome police fisted ve] hoi Bits Map cion on hose Rey ormasiel 4 : which it was onsite to look in or cious occasion was sit mechanically 5.30 pm. over WABC, CBS, and | ty find a positon as a maid in the | flowers growing on almost leaflegs pw a p 5 bat SR y ed int then do a bi-weekly program over | Park Avenue home of the Van Or- | stems one to two feet high advises hd ol the door. Jat reverently entered mo. WOR .on Wednesday and, Thursday. pington family. Young Jack Van Or- | the Farmer's Advocate. This is or- Andre Kostelanetz and Martha | pington falls in love with the Irish | ange hawk-weed or sometimes known ) Raye are slated for roles in Para- | lass who has also von the afiections | as the Devil's paint-brush, a weed . - . ad - mount's new "Artists and Mode!s." | of Conway. that is spreading rapidly in South-4 } . [ Jack 'Pearl recalls the first tice he Red-headed Arline Blackburn, a | western Ontario and already well . : = BD = MM Nl O | E 5 fumbled h's lines during a rehearsal, | native New Yorker of Irish descent, | established in Quebec and the Mavi- I LI when he Harted in show business. Jhays the tite rola, Clayton Collyer, | time Provinces. It is a weed that, x vin S om 2 . - His shoe strihg producer was furi- | brother of June Collyer, the movie | will be found most abundant in pas- J Conducted by PROP ESSOR HH ENRY G. BELI. ous. "I pay you to know your part" | actress, is heard as Conway, and | tures and long-standing ian : poration of the, Varls A Dogar ments o | he thundered. "But you don't pay | Richard Kollmur plays the rival suit- | jte ability to spread and persist makes - '. ne NE P, pel countered Pearl, "You owe oa George Dahm of Chicago writes | it a menace to every field and cor- - i. . } ) . me three weeks back salary." "Well, | the scripts. ~~ "ner of the farm Q. -- "Can Feeding change the thut- | ser yr t hi "eS < - SL " =i J : . 8 et J rey, Io ome then, same back the producer, "I | Bryan Field to Report Ma/or Events | = Many of the bad weeds with wiich owe you to know your part. New York State's greatest races of | we now contend were overlooked in Xo. . the Cleanliness. of @ separator js 8 _ | 1938 ranging from the Belmont, the | the beginning and were anowed to CA Yes and No. Cows liberally factor in production of special grade SHOW BOAT PLANS TO USE Hopeful, and the Futurity to the Joc- s vail when in one hour or tw th x " fod nna Kept In meed condition will | Gierm. Them, too, it is useless to ex- TELEVISION . . . The exact reason | key Club Gold Cup and the Grand | (ould hav i id A . : . yeet efficient skimming from a mach- Fa Cu : Tot: could have been eradicated. Orange _ test at their ilormal inherited ability. } that he 7 tad oie of why Charles Winninger, "Captain | National Steeplechase at = Belmont | jawkweed may not be as bad as hind- True, these tests may vary a few | ho MAL Aas een standing cisht or Henry" of the new Show Boat hour | will be broadeast exclusively over the | eed, sow thistle or twitch, but it i points from day lo day, but will be | teh hours with the slime caked be ..| picked his cast so carefully was made | WABC-Columbia network according | Sie or taltch Iie 8 1s - : ld tween the discs. v > 2 a bad weed, nevertheless, and it is so very close to an average for a com- ) clear when his sponsor field a formal | to an agreement announced between conspicuous when in fl ) th plete lactation pericd. On the other Experimental work on the effect application with the National Broad- | the CBS Department of Sports and FE wi 2 at any hand, under feeding, using poor qua- | of washing the separator after using casting Co. for an option to sponsor | the New York Racing Association. and tak 10 Seo it on his properyy lity feeds or pasturing on poor grass | as compared with washing once a radio's first commercial television Bryan Feld, veteran New York hd takes ho Sieps te owe jos wiil lower the butterfat test below | day only, upon cream quality with broadcast. The option application | sports writer and generally rated as Dace " sentencing Yitsol? and lis the inherited ability of the cow. And | other factors being equal, resulted in was filed with Roy C. Witmer, vice- | the 'nation's outstanding "caller," successors to extra labor and needless when any or all of these faulty diets | an invariable drop in grade from a president in charge of sales of NBC. | will be at the microphone whenever | "32, a , : are corrected the test will return to | special to a No. 1 grade during three Television clauses were included in | Columbia is carrying one of the N. It ig altogether probable that short 4 normal, and, in this way, feeding in- | days collecting cream. Also these re- every contract of the new rivershow. | Y.R.A.'s big stake events. rotations and thorough cultivation creages the butterfat test by bringing | sults showed a dirty separator to Alice Faye, beautiful singing star of the screen, who fell down The application also revealed that the Field has broadeast six Kentucky will keep this scourge in check, but a it back to normal but will not per- | gkim only one-half as efficiently as a flight of 14 steps during filming of a scene on Hollywood set. She entire new Show Boat cast of 73, | Derbies, and travelled from coast to it is a weed that cafinot be ignored manently increase it beyond - this | a clean one. (W. H. Sproule, Prof. of hurt herself badly. X-ray was used to locate spine 'injury. consisting of- principals, orchestra, | coast for oother important stakes. in any community where producers point. (Prof. (i. Raithby, Department | Dairying, 0.A.C. = -- J ; di chorus and dramatic players, is being Racing fans throughout the coun. | 27 Up-to-date and are making some of Animal Husbandry, 0.A.C) an lo THOR CTSA Ie PY Mule Headed For into the background of the picture | decked in costumes reminiscent of | try have listened to Bryan Field's attempt to secure exemption from tho 2 Ww hy is iodine necessary in the el Tl Th S : F of our increasingly mechanized age. | 19th Century Mississippi River Show | terse and accurate recountlngs of toll exacted by weeds. ration?" -- B.T., Bruce Co. in the storage tank? -- §. B., Huron "ne yoap actory The number of horses in the Unit- | Boat attire, and that-spotlights. and | turfdom's classics since 1930. Horse A -- lodine is necessary to prevent | Co. ) or i - ed States dropped from 16,401,000 | curtains are being installed to make racing, easily one of the most tech- | . Pd : ; go-to Ti-now bor calves, eolls and | TT any in-1926 to 11,868,000 in 1935. the weekly radio program and ideal*| nical of all sports, requires a tremen- Super Airports lambs 'and to prevent hairlessness. in A. -- In the production of churning Among vanishing Americans" are And, as time goés on, there are | subject for television. dous background .and Field acquired \ A PX o iim.) - new born pigs. Feed commercial fo- | cream of high quality. it is essential | NOW to be listed the humble and pa- | likely to be fewer horses and mules Es i» his extensive knowledge of the sport Needed B11 8 Future dized "salt or home mixed fodized salt | that the natural flavour of cream be tient mule, which has carried so large | put between traces in this country Yasar almost ruined a television | through thirteen years of reporting : > : : | prepared by mixing one ounce of po- | maintained. Bacterial growth and fer- | 2 share of farm work in the southern | instead of more. _ Dasiormancs by Hildegords, NES rates for one of the nation's biggest WASHINGTON. -- A glimpse into nL. tasstum fcdide with 300 pounds of | mentation, If allowed to develop bring | States, according to a speaker at the | ~ Whether that is cause for regret | Singer now filling guest engagements | dailies, ee; the future of the air transport busi [I salt. First mix the fodine with about | about abnorm.l flavours, In order to | 2nnual convention of tho Texas | or for satisfaction is not easily said, | 8broad. During the last of four pro- His terse style lends itself well to | ness, was provided by the United ten pounds of salt and then add this | prevent bacterial growth, tempera. | Horse, Jack and Mule Breeders' As- | without fear of contradiction. grams for BBC television, Hildegarde | the rapid-fire broadcast necessary to | States bureau of air 'commerce last to the remainder. Koop in a dry place | ture is the all important factor, It sociation. Co The determining factor will be the rubbed her eyes during an emotional | tell the story of a horse race as it is | week with a' forecast of super-termin- and do no mix too much at a time. | warm cream after separating bs ad- The trend to mechanization of | element of cost. moment in the song . . . and got | being run. His knowledge of horses | als, super-ships 'and super-speeds. (Prof. S. Raithby, Dept. ,of Animal | ded to the already cooled cream in | farms in the South is pushing the . i make-up in her eye, She finished the | and colors enables him to identify "The bureau is urging all cities," Husbaridry: 0.A.C.) the storage tank, there will be suc- | mule steadily toward the soap fac- Over two-thirds of the land fn the | 80NE With her eyes closed. animals which seem lost to the aver- | said the air trafic regulatory body," Q. "Is it necessary to wash and cessive Increases in temperature with | tory. , Union of South Africa could be farm- Much interest has been aroused in | age onlooker in a rushing mass of | "to keep definitely in mind long rango 2iold B CIonm no A bowl twice , the resultant development of undes- And in th's way another very [ ed but at present only four pér cofit, | 'the past few years over the service | horses and dust. C.4 planning for the future." daly in order to produce a special | rable flavours and souring. - There useful animal is following the horse ' is cultivated, ---- the CBC has been giving to the hun- | He estimates he has "booted 'em The day when an air-minded com- wei eget 4 ah bs pe fore, it is important to cool each lot Fo RETA | dreds of men who are following the | home" for radio audiences on 'more munity painted {ts name in big, grade cream?" -- R.R., Halton Co, of fresh vend £0.58 depress F, ber : A trails in the far North. On each Sat- | than 300 occasions, © fj white letters on the roof of a' con A -- The slime which forms on the foro adding it to tho storage can that The Beaming Rayes i 8-5 urday evening the CBC has a special venient: barn and cleared a few acres % separator discs contains large num- | ought to be maintained at 50 degrees p TH A, program which sends personal mes- C3 of stubble and called it an: airport is bers of bacteria and. other impurities | F. (W, H. Sproule, Prof, of Dairying, | BS E - over. » of milk and if allowed to remain will | 0.A.C, z From the Jungle Into a Maze of Figures Larger airports, more paved land- Lo - ing surfaces and a diversion of non- r. ) : - commercial traffic to fields especially . establislied for its purposes will be- i Eggs By Ma le come imperative in the not so distant . = , future, the bureau predicted. . . a ' ¢ "New airplanes," it explained, "that 0 : w -- 0 ; _ more heavily traveled 'routes.," (Wp 5 THE COMPOSITE OHIOKEN : _ Whilo the bureau refered only to & Beamsville, July 6-~Here Is the ha its own eggs a year ago, The 'big "afrplanes already being fabricat- ; now-famous Beamsville egg-laying rooster, According to pouliry experts , [from all parts of the continent, there Sele fs ke; - + |is no denying that the bird Is a ir [ rooster, while definit& proof that "his p) does lay the eggs comes from | fully an inch Fe FL or es, Motherly, yet fatherly, thing that 1s Frederico, a Woolly Monkey from the Amazon jungles, seems have shown themselves in | Tis owner Is. Arthur A "walle Glows of happiness light the faces of the Rayes, Martha, singing to ba bent on statistical research as he opens a file in the offices of th bird Ia that 4¢ Iald," sed and | khown dog and comedienne of the stage and screen; her mother,. and her brother the importers who brought him in as part of a shi 'of st proach the 100,000 pound mark Hh : ro fan Buddy, as théy hold a little family gathering backstage in New York. 1 Animals. 2 2 PASS SL thangs welght. two years old, To prevent ite with other cock birds in the = ) ed, soma prominent afrcraft engin. eors and manufacturers have. pictured the construction in the next 10 yeart of large planes weighing 200,000 lbs "Flying boats aré now. being riveted together in west coast plants ap righ fl The an