Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star (1907-), 29 Jul 1937, p. 4

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oT La Sh Wow "3 on TUN RF Se A da | a» ¥ RAN SE a ¥ ¥ ANP Se URN Th ae A RAG UE A, TAIRA RE EASE OAM SRDS ARR ERNE Bt ae a ai PAGE FOUR . - pr a "| _ LOCAL ITEMS A CARD FROM MR. SMYTH Motoring by Greyhound bus. Ex- cellent service and comfort. Niagara fruit belt to Buffalo, via Scranton. Reached New York on Friday at 9 a. m. Had a fine day in New York. re --_-- Auction Sale of Ladies' Hats at Mrs. L.. G. Hall's Mil- linery Shop, on Saturday, July 31st, at 9 p.m., day- light saving time. Ted Jackson, Auctioneer --------------e------------ ------ Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Oldfield and daughters spent the week end with Miss E. McDermott. Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Koch attended the 12th Annual Hoover Re-union at Stouffville last Saturday, July 24th. Mr. and Mrs. David Jackson, of To- ronto, are spending their holidays at Lake Batiste, Ontario. Mrs. Virginia Archer is the guest of Mrs. Minnie Real. We are sorry to report that Miss L. Penhall is quite ill. - We are sorry to report that Mr, Roy Goode is suffering from blood-poison in his hand. It is thought the infection came from a fine piece of steel wool penetrating the flesh and lodging. ------------ Po - Town Council At the regular meeting of the town council, "all members were present. Mr. Koch appeared on behalf of the Tennis Club asking for removal of some trees so that an additional court might be built. Referred to Property Committee. Mr. Kaufman. asked for reduction in poolroom licenses on tables. The matter is receiving consideration, Reference was made by Chief Nes- bitt to certain unsanitary conditions Ain _the town. These conditions had An Open Letter Editor of the Port Perry Star: Sir: It would appear from our assessor's letter in your issue of the 22nd inst, he jis peeved over an anony- mous letter citing reduction of assess- ment on the Swan Building. In the absence of an explanation from the Assessor why he has placed this property in a position whereby our Corporation is not receiving one dollar in taxes, we are forced to be- lieve that the will of the taxpayers is thereby defeated. 4 He suggests defending his conduct before the Court of Revision. What do you think of that? JAMES LUCAS Deepening the St. Lawrence A contract has been placed with the General Dredging Contractors, of Montreal, to complete the deepening of the St. Lawrence ship channel at a cost of approximately $11,500,000, Transport Minister C. D. Howe an- nounced this week. At the same time the minister an- nounced the entire government dredg- ing fleet and the shipyards at. Sorel had been disposed of to General Dredging Contractors at a price of Here They Are! ZIPPER BAGS, by Carson and Co, Swaddeen and Covert Cloth, $1.25 and $1.50 each. COVERT CLOTH SHOPPING BAGS snap fasteners, each FLASHLIGHT BATTERIES, ea. 10c. FLY-GO FLY SPRAY for household use .. . «o..quart 65¢. CAPPO CATTLE SPRAY, gal, $1.00 WILLIAM WEBSTER, At Beatly's Store, Port Perry oS SUNDAY SCHOOL PICNICS On Wednesday afterncon of last week the Sunday Schools of St. John's Presbyterian Church, and the Church of the Ascension held their annual picnics at the Cream of Barley camp Last of Bowmanville, During the afternoon the members of the Angli- can party and other friends had the pleasure of a visit from Rev. T. A. Nind and Mrs. Nind. RAM, LL PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH IMPROVEMENTS The members of the Women's-Asso- ciation of Port Perry United Church have been very busy during the past week giving the church building a $1,700,000. The sale and contract pro- vide that those now employed at Sorel shall be kept on by the new owners, at least for the remainder of the pre- sent season. ' : Mr. Howe stated that in January, 1934, the then minister of marine ap- pointed the inter-departmental, Montreal and ship channel water level board. { This board submitted its report on January 28, 1937. The majority report recommends that dredging estimated to cost about $11,600,000, in addition to the work now under contract, is necessary to provide an adequate and safe channel having a depth of 3b ft. below the 1934 extreme low water level. The report indicates that with this work the development of the St. Lawrence ship channel will have been completed to present requirements, | been reported to o.uners or tenants of property, but no action has been taken. The Clerk was instructed to write to the Provincial Health Officer 1 sting him to make an in:poetion. Mr. S. A. Wallace sent a letter mn. I «r appointment to the Library Board. : The Clerk was instructed to re- imburse Thos. Asher the sum of $6.00 being expenses for two trips to Toron- to, taking Mrs. Mitchell to the West- ern Hospital, : Resolved that Monday, August 2nd, 1927, be declaréd a Civie Holiday for the municipality of the Village of Port Perry.--Carried. : > Bowling News | On Monday evening of this week, | the local green was occupied by three Oshawa rinks and three Lindsay rinks. It the preliminaries for the Pro- | vincial Championship Tournament. Oshawa defeated the three Lindsay: teams. i In Bowmanville, on the same even- | ing, Port Perry and Port Hope played. Mr. 8. Jeffrey played singles, winning from Mr, Oke. A. P. McFarlane and W. M. Letcher, played doubles, win- ning from Mr. McTaggart's rink. J. Murray, P. Ingram, WW. Graham, Tom Harris made up a team and lost to Port Hope team skipped by Mr. Rose- vear. en's Bowling Tournament The Annual Men's Tournament of the local. Bowling Club was held on Wednesday of this week, for the S. Jeffrey Trophy and the Port Perry Bowling Club Trophy, as well as other prizes, Fourteen rinks took part as follows: Blake, of Bowmanville; Alger, of Oshawa; Murray, of Port Perry; S. Jeffrey, of Port Perry; Ingram, of Port Perry; . Colclough, of Highland Creek; Livingston, of Cannington; Dr. Lyons, of Lindsay; Timblett, of Peter- borough; Sedgrist, of Peterborough; Sturgess, of Whitby; Kidd, of Osha- wg; McTaggart, of Port Hope; Fordon | of Sunderland. The number of rinks is much small- er than usual, no doubt owing to other sports events, The winners for the day were: 1st, Dr. Lyons' rink, of Lindsay. 2nd, Rev. Mr. Blake's rink, of Bow- manville. f 3rd, W. Livingston, of Cannington. 4th, 8. Jeffrey's rink, Port Pérry, composed of 8, Jeffrey, C. C. Jeffrey, R. Jeffrey, and R. Harper. DOME = a ---------------- STORL] "been Thoeo Prices Effective Untll Set, Night, July Stst Pork s Beans 3.28 thorough cleaning. New matting has laid in the vestibule and the stairways leading to the Sunday School Room have been carpeted. A fine piece of work has been done, repre, 2 eI ~ i CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION "Rervice at 11 am, a -- -- PORT PERRY UNITED CIIURCH Service will be at 11 a.m. next Sun- day, conducted by Rev, J, I. Chapman, There will be no evening service, -- APP -------- ST. JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. Robt. Simpson, Minister Sunday School at 10 a.m, Worship service at 11 a.m. Everybody welcome, NION LIMITED seme ---- -- Maxwell House COFFEE . wn38 Standard PE AS No. 4 Sieve 325 SHORT 213 Good Size s PRUNES AYLMER CHOICE--WHOLE RIPE t TOMATOES 27.23 DOMESTIC ENING = 49 3.25] Palmolive sor Zc. 11 Concentrated Cowan's Perfection OCOA - 1-b, Freshly Salted tin .28 PEANUTS « a '1b. 10 Bulk ~ PEANUT Butter 2 Ibs. ,28 Singapore Sliced 19-0z. Tins PINEAPPLE - tin 10 Bai) Baa SALMON - 2 tall tins 19 Super Suds Seedless Grapefruit, 4 for 25¢. ~ Large Oranges, 37c. dozen ~ LQ | Bulk ICING SUGAR + hb. 09 Shirriff's Assorted pkg. .08 JELLIES - Harry Horne's 18-02. Bot. 25 PUNCH DRINKS « . 3.38 Fancy Pack LOBSTER FLY COILS «- 3 for 085" x New Potatoes, 17¢. SIX QUARTS Tomatoes, §9c. ELEVEN QUARTS 4 WF MORTGAGE SALE . Under and By Virtue of the powers contained in a certain Mortgage which will be produced at the time of the sale, there will be offered for sale by public Auction at the farm near Brady, on TUESDAY, AUGUST 10th; .11937, at the hour of 2 o'clock, Stand- ard Time, Lot 33, Concession 9, Dar- lington, except the south: 100° acres and Secondly the north east 16 acres of Lot 34, Concession 9, as described in the mortgage: being thé farm late- ly occupied by Leslie Cochrane, to- gether with all buildings thereon. TERMS: 10% of purchase price to be paid down at the time of sale and the balance within 80 days thereafter. The property will be offered for sale subject to a reserve bid. For further particulars or condi- tions of sale apply to: HARRIS, HARRIS & WALLACE, 41 Alger Building, Oshawa, and Port Perry, Ont,, Solicitors for Mortgagee. va July 29 SUITS CLEANED Suits sponged and pressed 650 Cents Dry Cleaned $1.00 C. P. ROLPH OVER THE OBSERVER OFFICE INSURANCE FIRE, AUTOMOBILE, LIFE Real Estate Farms and Village Properties S. A. WALLACE BL Phone 153 AUCTION SALE Murs, A. H. Rose, is seling her house- hold effects at her premises, Queen St., Port Perry, on Saturday, August Tth. Ted Jackson, Auctioneer SALE SUMMER DRESSES Reg. $2.98, Sale $2.39 "0250, «1.98 "198, "1.49 "195, "1.00 No Try-Ons Exchanges i Refunds SMITH'S LADIES' SHOP {~~ PORT PERRY LOOK HERE 5 TONS RAGS WANTED ALSO ALL KINDS OF FEATHERS. TOP PRICES PAID. --A. GILBOORD _------------ STR AN Theatre UXBRIDGE Thurs., Fri, Saturday (This Week) Myra Loy and R. Montgomery, in "Petticoat Fever" See them thrill you in the Arctic north, our gang comedy. "YOUNG EAGLES" also "POPEYE bod --~WHOOPEE! -- Sunday Midnight Show 12,06 a.m, August 1st--Harold Bellwrights, Judith Allan and Paul Kelly, in "It Habpened Out 4 4 b est." A 1937 cowboy thriller. Also show Mon, Tues., Wed. nights, also COMEDIES. : bog Thurs, Fri, Saturday, (Next Week) Harry Richman, in Music Goes Round CLEARANCE It's your Dollar! Make the most of it NOW BY BUYING AT i /% BOYNTON'S Choice Inspected Meats Buy where QUALITY and ECONOMY Count, Tu WE DELIVER 'W. Boynton, Buther = ~~ FOR RENT "Humewood Farm", on Scugog Is- land, 6b acres, good pasture extending to the lake, and shade for cattle. Six room house, large barn and stables, also henhouse adjoining stables. * Ap- ply to A, G. Storie, 447 Simcoe St. North, Oshawa. © augd Phone 4 COAL HEATER AND PIPES FOR SALE, = Apply at Dr. Lundy's Office. SEND THE STAR TO ABSENT FRIENDS : | NOX KIDNEY FLUSHERS The right way is the only way. If fou suffer from kidney trouble, treat hem the right way, Flush them with (NOX) KIDNEY FLUSHERS. They wash the bladder, kidneys and urin- ary tract; at the same time the whole is made antiseptic. No more getting up at nights; swollen limbs go down; rheumatism and that burn- ing sensation and backache 1s re- moved. There is only one (NOX) KIDNEY FLUSHERS, and each pack-s age contains one month's treatment. Price One Dollar at druggists or direct from the Nox Laboratorles, Bay St., Toronto. Your kidneys will be regulated like a clock. NOX KIDNRY FLUSHERS act as a mild laxative, removing bile from the liver A.M. LAWRENCE, Port Perry. . CHEVROLET SEDAN 1930 Chevrolet Sedan, five wire wheels, splendid condition. Always driven by 'owner. Small mileage. Apply at Star Office. "FOR SALE : - Large English Gooseberries and Red Currants. At Sam Arnold's, Prince Albert, Ont. FOR SALE A Beatty demonstrator copper tub washer with 3 accessories. Regular $169.50 for $89.50. Terms, $1.15 per week. 1 only Beatty electric white cap washer, $29.60. Terms if needed. 1 only Beatty electric washer, por- celain tub, very modern, new guaran- tee. For balance of payments, See Mr. McKeigue, at Carnegie Hardware. DANCING AT THE JACK O' LANTERN 8322208082800 28%58280% ; awrence's Dru. (You can save with Safety at Your Rexall Store) TYPICAL LAWRENCE VALUES | in Vacation Needs & Regular Items | CANDY 4 Toiletries ..1h. 28¢. D. & R. Face Creams, 29¢c., 4%¢. § Woodbury's Creams, . .-25¢., 50c. - § Woodbury's Face Powder 2c. and 60c. Lyon's Tooth Powder, 27¢c., 89. Colgate's Tooth Powder 20¢. and 35c. "Briten Tooth Paste ........29¢. Fresh Marshmallows Patterson's Summer Special -........ vor. Ib, 29¢, Neilson's and Hunt's Chocolates ........ Ib. 50c. ® Sunburn Relief Noxzema Unguentine ........ FY {TN " Tan-Gel French Balm .....25¢c. and 39c. Italian Balm ...... 29c. and 55¢. Olive Oil, ..4 oz. 23¢c., 8 oz. 39¢. Mentholatum ..... 27¢. and 54c. Gray's Balm. ..... 39¢., and 69¢. y A. M. LAWRENCE ; di a : Medicines Norval's Iron and Yeast Tablets ..............49¢. Alka Seltzer ....33c., and 69. - English Health Salt, 16 oz. 8Y¢. Eno's Salt .......47¢c. and 79c. Bayer's Aspirin, 22¢,, 39¢., 98c. Puretest A.S.A., ..25c, and 49c. OS R00080808080008 208089. 20808080808080808080S00S0S0R0S00S0S OE0SOPOPOFOROSOPOSOSOPOPORORTPOSOSOSOFOSOSOSOSOPOIOOSOSOFOPOSOSCE0SOSOSOSUPOSORVSOSOPOFOPOPOPOSOSOSORY OO OD SE SS Ct dS SSRN OROROR OPOSOROPOROROROPOPOVOSOROPOPO 0th ee 00 00 0 0% 0 0 00 00 4 | for fixingup /&%. BR your home &7/ SEND for FREE BOOK This fascinating Hiustrated book gives you all kinds of : | suggestions for maidng your heme modern . ~dnopenaively. Foc exampler-- ; @ OFroreraddand culling: with besutifd J-44 Desare- ew ve Oslling To--/Awerage rooms cost as Bittle as : ® Bsighten wp your kitchen wells with colorful Uranaform youre ootelle wells with fireproof J-M \ Dovsss ostomy « 0 0 000000 00 ? Bead for your foo copy of the Johas- Manville "101" Book today 4 Headquarters forfHome Improvements Lake Scugog Lumber & Coal Co., Ltd. i Phone240 Port Perry EOP 000008 0009080808 080R0R0ROPORIRORIRORIRORORD eS Eee 000800300080 00080800080R0R000R OR: 24% Simcoe Street North, Oshawa, ; Phone 814 | : ram ws Tuesday and week or by ; Queen Street, Port Perry, Phone 204 'every evening, which is now equipped a tt ae Se LL LE with a new amplifier. Special dances| ~~ HOUSEFORRENT DR. W. 8S. HARPER on Saturday and Wednesday evenings. Six rooms, screened porch, hot and| Graduate of Trinity Medical College and 9 ig. Special rates to Parties, Clubs, etc.|cold water, garden. South of Town| Trinity. University, Toronto. Dancing lessons by a Professor in| Hall on Lilla Street. Apply to Mrs. L. hi Siadunte In Suwen. 5 Mddien) hg class or private : Cooney, or at Star Office. Monk Bast conden, Post Graduste ay : : : Office and Surgery--Port Perry, Ont. Dr. Ed. Bailey SALE OF WESTERN HORSES : FOR SALE oR FOR RENT : N | ~~ VETERINARY SURGEON D. McArthur & Son, will sell a load| At Armstrong's Point. on = Lake at Sebert House, Port Perry, Tuesday |of Western Horses on July 81st at|Scugog, choice five roomed furnished and Friday afternoons. Phone 127] their premises, lot 11, con. 10, Reach Soiiage at Fesgonable price. For par- Uxbridge, day or night. - Calls will| Township. Nestloton, Bhon Port Bd Titra, ? be promptly attended to. oct20tf ait ' y r 94. 100000000004 DE Rt attr atti tintin tri itti tesa ittnttentettntsstess III T 200411 . ¥ . (The firm of Grezr & HUMPHREYS Is disolved) | § hbo Rtidaatnt iad dedigt/ dad tase St Ab IAA SAAT AL i ARTHUR VW. S. GREER 3 . Tn 'Y 6 King St. East, Oshawa, Phone 8160 ATLL. COAL - WOOD - LUMBER n morn; afternoo - of each week or by. appointment. : J ; Queen Street, Port Perry, Phone 264 i \ BUI LDERS SUPPLIES - CONANT & ANNIS FUEL LUMBER Builders Supplies {| | Barristers, Solleitors, Notaries Public ANTHRACITE . PINE SIDING ~MASON'S LIME : "GORDON D. CONANT, K.C, COAL | PINE SPRAY LIME ALINE 4008 BAILY (| Sov gHEATHING HARDWALL Phones, 4 and § (Oshawa) Nut HEMLOCK ASTER : and at Court House, Whitby, (Mr. Oomast EY ba CEMENT : Phone 1 (Whithy) » Pea SPRUCE MORTAR COLOR § _ py Blower B. C.FIR, GLAZEDTILE _ B@~ W. A. Sangster |j COKE /B-C.CEDAR . CHIUNEY TILE DENTAL SURGEON Ree HARDWOOD CINCRETE Office Hours: © a.m, to 6 pm, Blower : FLOORING BLOCKS _ Office Up-stairs, over Emmerson's POSTS SHEETROCK Insurance Office f BODY WOOD SASH and DOORS DONNACONA - HARD and SOFT an "INSULATING Lu The firm of Gassn & Husrmzays fs' disolved) SLABS LATH : ROCK WOOL 1 RUSSELL D. HUMPHREYS |§ ; "FRED E. REESOR Office 73 w; Res. 73 | Phones-- =

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