Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star (1907-), 5 Aug 1937, p. 4

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Sh RANA hy a NEA 30 PAGE FOUR --y - LOCAL ITEMS Mr. Johnson Paudash and family of Lindsay, spent the holiday in Port Perry. Mr. Paudash was a famous sniper in the Great War. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Miller, of Sunderland, were in town on Monday. Mr. George Wallis, of Dodsland, Saskatchewan, is the guest of Mrs. Thos. Brent. Mr. Alfred Higgs, of Pontypool was in town on the holiday. Mr. Grant H. Gordon and daughter Yvonne, of St. Hycacinthe, Que., and Miss Maud Gordon, of Toyonto, have been recent guests of Mr. and Mrs, C. H. Kellett, Mr, Frank "Barker, of Burlington, formerly with Archer Motor Sales, spent Civic Holiday in Port Perry. Mrs. John Roach, of Toronto, was the guest of Mrs, J. Ruddy for the holiday. Mr, and Mrs. Chas, Dayton, and Mr. and Mrs. Stan. Dayton, of "Little Britain, were in town on Monday. They were accompanied by Mr. David Cherrie. Mr. Dayton was a resident of Port Perry fifty years ago. Miss Edith Peters is spending he: holidays with her parents here. Miss Toba Pollock, and Mr. Knight, of Toronto, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. S. Farmer, on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. F. Nighswander, ot Markham, spent the week end with Mr, and Mrs. L. A, Koch, Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Sinclair are the guests of Mrs. S. E. Allison and Mr. Archie Sinclair. Dr. and Mrs. Harold Jackson, of Union, N.J., were the guests of Mrs. Geo. Jackson. Mrs. Maud Boe, of Bowmanville, and daughter Mrs. Garnet Roberts and Mr. Roberts, of Whitby, were in town on Monday. Mrs. Frank Slemmon and daughter of Brockville, are visiting in town. Mr. Grant Robertson, of Brighton, was in town for the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. McMillan, of Toronto, were the guests of the form- ers' parents over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Grant McMillan, and Mr. and Mrs. Baker, were visitors of Mr. and Mrs. S. McMillan for the holi- day. Mr. and Mrs. Milbert Howsam, and "the latter's brother, Mr. Grant Rundle, were among the holiday visitors. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Roberts and two sons, of Windsor, and Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Clay, of Forest, are visiting with relatives in the district. Mrs. Elton Wright, of Detroit, 1s holidaying with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Rodman. Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Flint, of London, were renewing old acquaintances on Monday. } J Mr. Geo. Palmer, of Peterboro, was the guest of relatives over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Doubt and son Ross, of Toronto, were in town for the holiday. Mrs. Ada Vickery and daughter Miss Helen, of Toronto, were in town on Monday. Miss Helen is leaving shortly for a trip to England. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Cawker, Jr., and family, of Toronto, were the guests of his father Mr. Wesley Cawker. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Goode, of Fer- gus, were in town on Monday. Mr. Ken. Pearce, was in town for the holiday. Master Keith Peters, of Hampton, is holidaying with his cousin Miss D. Davey. ; _ Mr. Waldo Emmerson, of Peterbore, was in town last week. Mr. and Mrs. Winter, of the C.N.R. station, are holidaying at Brockville. * Mr. Kennedy, of Little Britain, is re- lieving at the station. Misses Virginia and Dorothea Na- smith, of Toronto, were in town on Monday. Mr. F. Hastings, Mr. M. Cryderman annd Miss Grace Hastings, of Hamp- ton, were guests of Miss Grace Caw- ker, on Monday. Mrs. Robt. McKnight has received word of the death of her brother, Alexander James Carrick, of Brule, Wisconsin, Her son, Mr. Andrew McKnight of Toronto, is suffering from a severe case of blood. poisoning. He i im- proving slightly. : WAITRESS WANTED White Kitchen Restaurant Mrs. S. A. Walace has returned from a two weeks holiday spent at Windsor and Belmont Lake. Mr. Hugh Lucas, of Whitby, spent the week end and holiday with friends in town. Prof. Anson Walker, and family, of London, are the guests of Mrs. E. A. Walker. a The Misses Eunice and Morwenna Harris, Mr. and Mrs, Albert Orchard, and Mrs. W. A. Christy, are visiting Dr. Bert. Harris, at Copper Cliff. Mr. and Mrs, E. B. Flint, of London, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs, W. H. Harris, for a few days at the week end. They have recently returned from a trip to Europe, where they had a most 'enjoyable time, particularly in Italy, where much is being done to attract tourists, Mr. Jack Beare, who has been with the =DDominion Stores, at Port Perry, has taken a position with the T. Eaton Co., at Sudbury. Miss Leola Beare of McKeesport, Penn., was a recent visitor with her brothers in town. ~ Mr. and Mrs. D. 'McDonald and daughter Merylyn, of Brantford, have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. C. Beare. "Misses Dorjs and Irene Mulligan are spending two weeks holidays at Stur- geon Point and Bobcaygeon. Miss Jean Cawker, of-Toronto, was the guest of her parents Mr, and Mrs. A. B. Cawker, over the week end. We are pleased to hear that there is some improvement in the condition of Mr, Roy Goode, oy £ mt GPP ------ PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH Service at 11 a.m. conducted by Rev. Thos. Wallace, of Greenbank. Mrs. (Rev.) Jos. Derfny will conduct the service at Prince Albert. Rev. J. F. Chapman is seriously ill. Not much improvement is reported as yet. ST. JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH . Rev. Robt. Simpson, Minister Sunday School at 10 a.m. Worship service at 11 am. Everybody welcome.- --s ol. -- Here They Are! ZIPPER BAGS, by Carson and Co. Swaddeen and Covert Cloth, $1.25 and $1.50 each. COYERT CLOTH SHOPPING BAGS snap fasteners, each PERRET RY 13 FLASHLIGHT BATTERIES, ea. 10c. FLY-GO FLY SPRAY for household UBO +. «us vs vee +o.quart 65¢. CAPPO CATTLE SPRAY, gal. $1.00 WILLIAM WEBSTER, At Beatly's Store, Port Perry od To the Editor of the Port Perry Star: Mr. Editor,--In your issue of 15th ult., you published a letter from me in which I refuted certain statements re- lating to the assessment which ap- peared in an anonymous letter that was circulated around Port Perry. In your last issue there appears a letter from Mr. James Lucas who makes an- other very serious mis-statement. Now, Mr. Editor, I have no inten- tion of staging a letter- writing mara- thon with Mr, Lucas but I think it my duty to inform the ratepayers of Port Perry that the property and busi- ness taxes on the Swan Building are paid and in addition there is a very substantial revenue derived from Hydro and water services, Also I would like to state here that there is nothing secret about the assessments in Port Perry. Any ratepayer can 'ascertain the assessment on any pro- perty in the village and can apepal it if he or, she' thinks: it' is assessed too high or too low. i . G. D. AIRD tr ----------------- -- HAROL D ARCHER WINS TWO CUPS Mr. Harold Archer was successful in winning two important motor boat races at the Caesarea Regatta. He won the John T. Hodgson cup for the third time, and now retains it. He next won the Caster Cup; the free for all, took second place, Con- gratulations. a CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION Service at 11 am. SHLVER RIBBON TOMATO =. 19 Clark's Blueberries, $1 These Values Effective Until Saturday, August 7th Pork « Beans Biscuits = -.19 Bulk Peanut Butter 25.25 Doma, Gut, Can p 99 Motor Oil 2.19 New Potatoes, 15¢. 6 qt. basket 79, 11 qt. bskt Tomatoes, 59c. 11 qts. Little Britain Boys' Band Here Port Perry citizens were pleased to hear the. Boys' Band from Little Britain. They are a junior organiza- tion but are rapidly gaining experience under the leadership of Mr. . Linton. They gave a pleasing concert here on Saturday evening, We wish them success, ' ee ~~ Pr ee BORN NESBITT--At Port Perry Hospital, on Monday, August 2nd, to Mr, and Mrs, Harold Nesbitt, of Nestleton, a baby boy. DIED August 1st, 1937, Margaret Ann Davidson, beloved wife of. the late John Turner, and mother of William Turner, Port Perry, in her 85th year. Interment was made at Pine Grove Cemetery. WEIR--At Toronto General Hos- pital, on Saturday, July 31st, 1937, Walter Frederick Weir, of Brookln, beloved husband of Jessie B. Franklin, and father of Chalmers H. Weir, | ----------ef RR ----_-- EE] CHANGE OF OFFICE ANNOUNCEMENT . Dr. J. B. Lundy wishes to announce the removal of his dental- office from the present premises to the McCaw Block, over the Bell Telephone Co, office, on Queen St.,, Port Perry, Dr. Lundy expects--to be ready to | receive patients at his new location about Monday, August 9th. The present oftice will be closed for work this week of August 1st, during the removal to the new - premises across the street, ' = > >> On Wednesday, July - 28th , the Ploughman family held a happy re- union at the home of Mr. Stanley Ploughman, Port Perry. The guests included Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Jackson, Winnipeg; Mrs, Chas. Ploughman, Campbellford; Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hand, Oshawa; Mr. Ed- ward ~Ploughman, and Mrs. John Ploughman, Port Perry, together with the children of the various families, making a party of fifty-five persons in all. 4 - Mrs. Orma Hood, Mrs. Elmer Ploughman, and Mrs. Stanley Plough- man, acted as hostess. -- A WANTED, One or two housekeeping rooms for August and September, centrally lo- cated. - Send full particulars to Box 12, Port. Perry Star. | INSURANCE FIRE, AUTOMOBILE, LIFE - Real Estate Farms and Village Properties S. A. WALLACE Phone 155 NOTICE TO CREDITORS . - Re Estate of Ella Berniece Leask. All persons having claims against the Estate of Ella Berniece Leask, late of the Township of Reach, County of Ontario, Housekeeper, deceased, who died on or-about the 19th day of July, 1937, are hereby notified to send in to the undersigned for 'the Executors on or before the 81st day of August, 1937, full particulars of their claims. Im- mediately - after the last mentioned date the assets of the said Estate will be distributed among. the. parties en- titled thereto having regard only to claims of which they shall then have notice. Dated this 3rd day of August, 1037. Joseph Denny, Prince Albert, Ont, solocitor for the Executors. Theatre STRAND §3ERibee Thursday, Fri,, Saturday (This week) i Rochelle Hodson, Harry Richman, in Music Goes Round Join the parade of music, fun, and laughter--voice of experience. Also "YOUNG BAGLES" Mon., Tues., Wed., Aug. 9-10-11 "The Unguarded Hour' a great drama, Also COMEDIES. Saturday night, August 14th $25.00 in Fifteen Prizes "by Lucky. Number Draw. "Secret Valley" Confectionery and Cold Drinks in eatre, Also see TURNER--In Oshawa, on Sunday] g PLOUGHMAN FAMILY RE-UNION Lounsborough, of Windsor; Mrs. Isaac|- Loretta Young and Franchot Tone, in] = Make the most of it NOW BY BUYING AT 'BOYNTON'S Count, : : Ca - Phone 4 © = FOR RENT "Himewood Farm", on Scugog Is- : land, 65 acres, good pasture extending | to the lake, and shade for cattle. Six |¥ room house, large barn and stables, |g also henhouse adjoining stables, North, Oshawa. COAL HEATER AND PIPES FOR SALE : Apply at Dr. Lundy's Office. MOTOR BOAT FOR SALE FOR STORAGE unless redeemed by 3 p.m. Saturday, Port Perry. augl2 NOX KIDNEY FLUSHERS The Fight way Is the only way. If you suffer op kidney trouble, treat them the right way. Flush them with (NOX) KIDNEY FLUSHERS. They wash the bladder, kldneys and urin- ary tract; at the same time the whole Is made antiseptic. No more getting up at nights; swollen limbs 80 down; rheumatism and that burn- Ing sensation and backache Is re- moved. There Is only one (NOX) KIDNEY FLUSHERS, and each pack- ° age contains one month's treatment. Price One Dollar at druggists or direct from the Nox Laboratories, Bay St., Toronto. Your kidneys will be . regulated Hke a clock. NOX KIDNEY FLUBHERS act as a mild laxative, removing bile from the liver - A. M. LAWRENCE, Port Perry. AUCTION SALE OF HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE + Mrs. A. H. Rose is holding a sale of household furniture at her premises on Queen street, on Saturday, August 7th. Sale at 2 p.m. (D.,S.T.) Ted 'Jackson, Auctioneer. TRAIN FOR A NURSE THE ONTARIO HOSPITAL TRAIN- ING SCHOOL FOR NURSES, WHITBY, offers an opportunity to a limited number of students-with matriculation standing, to be self-supporting: while training for an interesting profession. Write to Miss Pearl Sharpe, Superin- tendent of Nurses, for full informa- tion. Augustl2 DANCING AT THE JACK O' LANTERN - every evening, which is now equipped with a new amplifier. Special dances on Saturday and Wednesday evenings. Special rates to Parties, Clubs, etc. Dancing lessons by -a Professor in class or private Dr. Ed. Bailey VETERINARY SURGEON at Sebert House, Port Perry, Tuesday and Friday aftermoons. Phone 127 Uxbridge, day or night. Calls will be promptly attended to. oct20tt It's your Dollar! : Choice Inspeoted Meats | Buy where QUALITY and ECONOMY | § WE DELIVER | W. Boynton, Butcher Ap- | ply to A. G. Storie, 447 Simcoe St. | augd | Lawrence's Drug Store = (You can save with Safety at. Your Rexall Store) TYPICAL LAWRENCE VALUES § SILVIKRIN 1 A scientifically arepared Hair Food to prevent falling hair, dandruff and other diseases of the scalp. are not dead, it will grow new hair. treatment for August 21st. Apply to Elijah Gerrow, | sosceos Six rooms, screened porch, hot and cold water, garden. Hall on Lilla Street. Apply to Mrs. L. Cooney, or at Star Office, - . E Also, if the roots of the hair and Twenty- -eight days' complete LIP $3.00 ® Y Adrienne Toiletries xtra Lip Stick. FACE POWDER TRY ELL, 3 ROUGE .........vveusrs..60c STICK ...........,..60c 8 " FACE CREAMS ..........50e. PERFUME Eg SKIN TONIC ............60c. 8 TALCUM ... ceassa2be. and 50e, ~ A. M. LAWRENCE for fixing up your home " $END for FREEBOOKI ¥ This fascinating illustrated hook gives you all kinds of interesting suggestions for making your home modern--inexpensively. Ms / Fw Ne / fl, 2 STE For example: oO "Cover cracked cellings with beautiful -M Decora- . tive Ceiling Tile. @ Brighten up your kitchen walls with colorful panels of J-M Flexboard. Costs very. little, ] Transform your outside walls with fireproof J-M Cedargrain Shingles. Never require paint. Many houses are protosied with them. ' Send for your -free copy of the Johns-Manville HOUSE FOR RENT South of Town London, SALE OF WESTERN HORSES D. McArthur & Son, will sell a load of Western Horses on July 81st at "101" Book today. Headquarters for Home Improvements Lake Scugog Lumber & Coal Co., Ltd. . Phone 240 Port Perry p8383838588 DR. W. S. "HARPER Graduate of Trinity Medical College an Trinity University, Retain 4 Pods Graduate ir Bas ke ; North East Lo he Post London, Tghtnd : ndon. England, Royal Infirmary, Glssgow. Office and Surgery--Port Perry, Ont, (The firm of Greer & HUMPHREYS is disolved) ARTHUR VW. 8. GREER 8 King St. East, Oshawa, Phone 8160 in attendance at my Port Perry. office on Wednesday morning and Friday afternoon of each week or by aDpointment. Queen Street, Port Perry, Phone 264 CONANT & ANNIS Barristers, Bollcitors, Notaries Public GORDON D. CONANT, ao ALLIN F. ANN BA. Offices 7% Bimeoe by LLB. , . Phones, 4 and 8 (Oshawa) ond at Court House, Whithy, (Mr. Conant) y Phone 7 (Whitby) W. A. Sangster "DENTAL SURGEON Office Hours: 9 am. to 6 p.m. Office Up-atairs, over Emmerson's Insurance Office -" The firm of Garza & HuMpPHRNYS is disolved) RUSSELL D. HUMPHREYS 24% Simcoe Street North, Oshawa * Phone 814 in attendance at my Port Perry offics on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons 'of saoh week or by appointment. Queen Strest, Port Perry, Phone 264 n rf eta sete eset ts ttestetts er stnttrttttettettstissttstttttestisttstestssrsssed Scugog, choice FOR SALE OR FOR RENT At Armstrong's Point on Lake ve roomed furnished their premises, lot 11, con. 10, Reach toitage BL resaonaile Price, por dar Township. PE Nestleton, Phone Port Perry 258 r 82. COAL - WOOD - LUMBER BUILDERS' SUPPLIES FUEL AN THRACITE COAL .BODY WOOD HARD RE ang SOFT LUMBER PINE SIDING PINE SHEATHING HEMLOCK SPRUCE B.C. FIR B..€. CEDAR HARDWOOD _ FLOORING POSTS: Stove : Pea ps LATH SASH and DOORS: Bullders Supplies MASON'S LIME SPRAY LIME HARDWALL PLASTER : CEMENT MORTAR COLOR / § GLAZED TILE CHIMNEY TILE BRICK CINCRETE BLOCKS | SHEETROCK DONNACONA INSULATING ROCK WOOL FRED E. REESOR Phones-- Office 78 w; Res. 73 | high-quality face 8 creams, perfume, and blended shades of Face Powder, Rouge

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