RRY, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, AUGUST bth, 1986. RR RR A CR ORR CR CR CRC RRC R ORR ORCS ORORORO .. Phone 82 when you need Bread, Cakes, or = | + Confectionery. You will be pleased, 8 - +f + Gerrow Brothers Canny oY X55 : : "Famous for Its Heat Value." fi . If you have not been enjoying heat satisfaction from the coal you have been using, why not fill up your bin for J next winter with this Super-Cleaned Hard Coal? One trial will convince you that it is the finest. fuel your money can buy--Nut, Stove and Pea sizes on hand. : CEMENT--Fresh St, Mary's Cement always on hand, also §} LIME, HARDWALL PLASTER, TILE, HARDWOOD, HARDWOOD SLABS, SOFTWOOD SLABS. Your orders will be given prompt and careful attention. "} PORT PERRY COAL YARD Cr 2 W. G. W. PYATT 3 Phones--94W and 94): "+ "Reliable Service and Better Fuels" . i - Si wifjine wifi T 1! | 'WE SELL THE BEST FOR LESS will be held in the Head Church at 11 a.m. and 7.30 pm. Rev. F. G. Joblin| Violet Clark, of Toronto, spent the 5% | will have a special message for every- 8 | one in the morning, and then in the|. $2 | evening, Rev. Mr. Simpson, of Brook- % | lin, will be the speaker. Special music | Community Club will be held in the H program prepared by Gordon Shunk, SCUCOG Next Sunday, August 8th, services is being prepared. Then on the following Tuesday, the Church and tea room, with a good Stewart Sweetman, Anson Gerrow and John Reader. Congratulations to Miss Edith Mary VanNest and Mr. Glen Rouce, of Alix, Sask., on their recent marriage. The bride is the daughter of the former Lydia Gerrow. One evening last week the Institute girls met together at the Centre cor- ner and then motored to the home pf Mr. and Mrs! (."SWeetman and speat a very happy time with Miss Myrtle Sweetman. The following address was read: Dear Myrtle: There comes a tim in almost every girls life when she makes an acquaintance which is inter- esting, This develops into a friend- ship and finally she finds herself float ing along the sea of courtship. Thm quite soon it seems she stands on tle shore of the sea of matrimony. Ya, Myrtle, are about to launch out on this voyage of life. It is a life of partnership which we trust will pre mutually enjoyable to you both. Tt was always a pleasure to be in you cheerful company at school, both pub lic and high, as you were a genia) pal. Then yop became a very willing helper in Sunday School, bath as organist and. teacher, and a very popular leader in li the League. Your kindness, technique and work with the children's Christ- {mas entertainments were ynexcelled, Really our community missed yoy when you went away, You not oply -AYLMER CATSUP; 12 0z. bottle .............. eens rs 140 QUAKER CORN FLAKES ........,,...3 packages 25c. * JELEY POWDERS: 0 win EER viens. .4 for 19c. WONDERFUL _SQAP:......... EER ceer...B for 22c. 'SALADA TEA, brown label ............. eel Va 1h. 32¢. AUSTRALIAN SEEDLESS RAISINS ......2 Ibs. for 23c. ROSE BAKING POWDER «....per tin le. HEINZ TOMATO SOUP, 10 oz. tin ............... ..9¢. "DEVON TOMATOES ... .per tin 9c. PAROWAX, 2 for 25¢c. CERTO, per bottle 25c. | \ i see ees . 1] DER EE EEE IE RUNES DR BCR RN SENT SC RIT Sr SS A Sry DELIVERY 8.am. to § pm. GC. A. PALMER, Prop. Phone 36 YES, MADAM! we carry the best grades of Beef, Pork, Lamb, Veal and i cured meats. Tell us your wants and we will assure you tof the best at reasonable prices. We also earry a line of : Cooked Meats, Canned Goods and Pickles. ~~ BERT MacGREGOR $1.50, 11 gt. Basket Sweet Corn, 20c. dozen Sugar Plums, 40c. 6 qt. Basket NEW POTATOES, 15c. Basket Home Grown Tomatoes, 5c. lb. By the Basket at Current Market Price " Bananas, Grapefruit, Oranges, Lemons ERRIES | ~~ ase 'The Greengrocery Store, ; PORT PERRY, ONTARIO R. WAKEFORD, Prop. Phone 208. © We deliver CR RO SE SERA aR IBOBOBIBOROBOBBOBOBORBBBOBOBABBOBOBOROPOBOBOROPIORO We boast about the quality of our meats, and you will agree with us when you try them. They are always fresh and delicious. If you haven't tried our meats just call up 29W and our clerks will be pleased to fill your.order. CAWKER BROS. i Miss Myrtle Jeffrey, of Toron ¥'ed the latter's parests Mr. an | Wm, Jeffrey, over the week end 8] Misa Florence Carter was the week' became interested in coaching classes, and county judging yourself, but you aroused and inspired the girls here in that work. Then in 1931 you won a trip to the Royal Winter Fair, sub- sequently winning a scholarship of two weeks at Macdonald Hall, Guelph, for being one of ten girls jn the pro- vince to have written an essay having been judged one of the ten hest, All these, sure are happy memories. We regret that you will be leaving us to make your home, However, we wish you to come back and meet us as often as you have done. Will you please accept this gift, an electric "table vrs | 18mp, from the Institute, as a token of affection and best wishes, May yon have a long life of happiness and use- fulness wherever you may go, and be assured that you have always a warm place in the hearts of your friends here. Signed. on behalf ofthe Institute-- Eliza Stephenson, Helen Carter, Alpha | Samells, : Mys. 0. Rodman and daughter Lydia of Buffalo, are visiting Mrs. I. Rod- man and other relatives. We are Mr. and Mrs, J, Davey, of Whithy, visiter her parents Mr, and Mrs. F. 2 | Gerrow, on Sunday. & ~ Mrs. M. McLaren visited her par- ents Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Jackson at Port Perry on Sunday. ' Mrs. A. Brunt, Mona and Carl, of Enniskillen, spent the week end: with i her parents Mr. and Mrs. W. Mark. Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs, W. Mark were Mr, and Mrs. A. Austin, Gladys, Marguerite, Isobel, Aubray, of Valentia, Ms. . Carpenter, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Carpenter and Marlyn, 8 | Mr. Martin, of Bowmanville, "Mr:-N. Stokes and daughter Mildred, Mr, and Mrs. H. Matthews and Jimmie, Mr. Gordon Matthews and friend, of To- = | ronto, Mr. Lloyd Harrison, Port Perry, Mr. and Mrs. H. Carnochan and Joan, Maxine and Lucille. Mr. Allan Sweetman of Toronto, is : 'visiting his parents Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Sweetman, for a few days.. The Women's Association had a very successful sale of home-made 2 | cook gz at. he township hall on Sat- A) & noon. The summer visitors at Lakeside, Pine Point and Stephen- son's Point, soon cleared the tables, after which all enjoyed afternoon tea served on small tables in charge of four girls--Luella Jeffrey, Audrey Hood, Ivah Milner, Mrs. J. Burnham. The proceeds, $12.00, It is planned to have another sale in the near future, "The Women's Association will hold $2| its August meeting at the home of 8 Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Jeffrey, on Wednes- % day, the 11th, instead of Tuesday, on # | accauiit of the Community Club at the ot | Head. i of Mrs. | m fhe program will be in charge J. Jahiip af Mrs. Geo. Sweet- an. © My. and Mrs. Perry and Sllgcen and id Mrs, end. BEST EST ROR RRR RR RIRORSS IRR IRR 4 MEATS :: | SERVICE BEST PRICES ? end guest of her friend Miss Grace 2 Demara. pleased to welcome them to the [slang. |! , vimit- | Mrs. Col. Pearson, Joan and Evelyn, of Oshawa, visited Mrs. T. Redman, a few days last week, Miss Flora Miller and friend Miss week end with Mrs. S. Rodman, Mr, and Mrs. F. Ingram and family, of Toronto, spent the holiday with Mr, 'and Mrs, A, Martyn, ; Mr. and Mrs. F. Jeffrey, of Oshawa, Mrs, I. Rodman and sister Miss R. Reader, had a pleasant motor trip to Bobcaygeon, Peterboro places recently, Miss Blanche Sweetman, of Toronto, is spending her holidays at her home here with her parents. ) Miss June Ashton, of Enniskileln, is spending « few weeks with her sister Mis, S. Rodman, - Scugog friends are glad to hear Mrs, ;W. Heron is able to come home after spending a few months in the General Hospital, Toronto. Mrs, Heron was formerly Greta Platten. Mr. Robert Montgomery, Toronto, is spending a few weeks with his cousin Mr, Owen Reader. : PRINCE ALBERT The July meeting of the W.A. was held at the home of Mrs, Vickery with a large attendance, Visitors were pre- sent from Oshawa, Port Perry and Manchester. After the usual business meeting the following program was given: guitar solo by Miss Olga Polax, of Oshawa, duet "Near, Still Nearer" by Mrs. Tarbat and Mrs. Raymer; reading "What Money Can Buy", by Mrs. Frank Luke; solo "Evening Prayer" by Miss Mildred Croxall, of Jethesda; duet.by Misses Olga Polax and Mary Stelmack on mandolins, ac- companied by Miss Strictland on the piano; solo, Little Old Lady" by Murs. Lloyd Huntw; reading by Miss Jean Parker, entited "Two Sides" by Edgar Guest; duet 'Sweet and Low" by Migs M, Croxal) aid Lillian Murphy. Lunch wasseyved tg aver fifty pey- sons hy Mrs, Gickery and Mus, Kirby. A hearty vde of appreciation was given Mrs, Vikery and Mrs, Kirby for their kind hgpitality, Proceeds $9. Mr. and Mz, M, Jackson and family of Indiana, ag with the former's par- ents, Mr, ancMrs, D. M. Jackson. ~My. and Mrs Chas. Plum and family from, the Wes, are holidaying with Mrs, Apple Pl. Miss Mildrd Croxall, of Bethesda, was the guest if her friend Miss Jean Parker, a few lays last week. Mr. and Mz. Regan motoyed to Peterboro oneday last week. Miss Esther Hunter has returned home from spading some of her ho- 'days with heriater at Norwood, Mr. and Mrs J, Pringle, Rochester, N.Y, and theirincle Mr. Will Butson, paid a visit to lessrs. R. and R. But- son, last week. We are sory Mrs. Sellers is not quite as well a usual. Mr. and Mrs.L. Bond and family, also Miss Dom Murphy, were in Caesarea, on Saday. Mrs. A. Macfregor was in Toronto one day last wek. The fyhietalof "the late Walter F. Weir was heldat Pine Grave Ceme- tery on Mopdg, Among those that attended the funeral were Mr, and Mrs. Fred Jeffre of Weston, and Miss Edith McCullog, of Toronto. Mrs. T.- Kirby Mrs. Strictland and daughter, of Oshwa, were guests of Mrs. F. iVckery, n Wednesday of last week, , At ada MANCHESTER Mr. and Mrs. 'as. Cochrane and family, BAI, wie with Her mother Mrs, Jos, Mitchellpver the week end. Miss Ruth Baxty was the guest of Mrs. Elwood Crosr last week. Miss Doris Johston, of Toronto, spent a couple of weks with Mrs. W. F. Crosier. Mr, Arnold Roac: Toronto, was at his home here fora few days last week, The following wet holiday visitors: Mr, and Mrs. Jas. ch and children, Toronto, with Mr.and Mrs. James Masters; Mr. Clark arrison; Midlkiid, Mr. and Mrs. Cha' Collat ahd bon Yestér) and Mr. andirs. Pdterdon and son of Trenton, withr. and Mrs. F. Crosfer; Mr, Coope, Jr, and Mrs. Coombe, of Toronto, #h Mr, and Mrs. Chas. Coombe; Mrs, Ws, and son ot Toronto, with Mrs. L Lamb; Mrs. Scarlett, Messrs Gordonsnd Stanley Scarlett and Miss McDojld, of To- ronto, with Mr. and Mrs, Christie. Mrs, Ireland and little'aughter of Oshawa, spent last week th Mrs, S. Nichols. - Mrs. J. Bain, of Toron her mother Mrs, J. Mitch over the week end. piayirt Harvest is well under wi d cr pe are reported. % A 2 C i 2» oh LY F. ppd i and other | Parr attended a picnic of the Life | Mrs. Jos. Smith and son, of Buffalo, Wed., Thurs., Fri, Saturday, August 4-5-6-7 'A Day at the Races' starring FOUR"MARX BROTHERS. rod Mon., Tues., August 9-10, Woman Chases Man starring Marion Hopkins & Joel McCrea bod Wed., Thurs., Fri, Saturday, August 11-12-13-14 Wee Willie Winkle starring SHIRLEY TEMPLE Theatre Air Conditioned by Refrigeration d Myrtle Station Service in the United Church next Sunday will be at 3 pm, Mr. George West will be the Speshey Please come. Last Sunday evening Rev. W. LE. Honey preached a very helpful ser- mon, taking as his text John 14:22, "Judas saith unto him, not Iscariot, Lord, how is it that thou wilt manifest thyself unto us, and not unto the world." Mrs, R. Fewster, of Toronto, was a Sunday guest of her brother-in-law My, W. Graham, My, and Mrs, Chas, Chisholm, of Taronto, were Sunday guests of re- latives here, The ladies of the W. A. are holding afternoon tea at the home of Mrs. U. H. Downey on Wednesday of this week. ' Mr. Collins, of Port Perry, is assist- ing Mr. Oliver Lane put a cement foundation under one of his barns. The harvest is well under way. The fall wheat in this neighbourhood has been mostly threshed in the field, and some have their barley cut. Some of the younger generation here attended the celebration at Port Perry on Monday. Rev. and Mra, Merriam and Pearl, were callers of Mrs, Chisholm and Mrs, Luery, on Monday. The last ball game on the schedule for this season is to be played at Myrtle next Wednesday, Aug. 11, be- tween Whitby East Enders and Myrtle boys. Game called at 6 p.m. sharp. BLACKSTOCK On Wednesday, July 21st, Miss Eva Members of the Bell Telephone Co, tendered them by Mr, Barnard, at Niggara-on-the-Lake, when 82 were present, - ; Archdeacon Simpson and daughter, of Millbrook and Mrs. Olephant, of Montreal, were guests of Rev. and Mrs. C. C. Harcourt on Monday, July 26th. The annual congregational picnic of St. John's Anglican Church was held at the Cream of. Barley Tourist Camp on Thursday of last week. Over one hundred sat down to supper after which races were run and a friendly game of softball played with a team from Seagrave who carried off the laurels. ' "Among our holiday visitors were: CAARANABASARIK, CAAA AM AAAS PRA eS SS Le SN Redpath or St. Lawrence Sugar, 100 lbs. $5.69 Ba A 4 3 3 } * ee 'Wonder Soap 5 bars 16c. COFFEE, Gold Medal ..................... I's tin 39c. # PUFFED WHEAT, pkg. 10c. PUFFED RICE pkg. 13¢c. CROWN TEA ...................... I's,.. per Ib. 5dc. RINSO, ....... .small pkg. 10c..... ....large pkg. 25¢. & 8 P&G. SOAP 6 bars 25¢. # GEM RUBBERS ................. 3 packages 17c. #8 KOLONA COFFEE ............... per Ib. 29¢. § #§ HORSESHOE SALMON, Y's ................ tin 20c. ¥ o : 22 SPIRIT or i By 4 Vinegar, BLENDED gallon 40c £) & ROASTED PEANUTS .................... 2 bs. 25c. i PICKLING SPICE, whole Mixed ............ Ie I i # QUICK TAPIOCA, Red & White ............ pkg. 10c. & BOER, or osisiranasenssnmennnnns per bottle 25c. 8 JUNKET POWDER .................... per pkg. 12¢. § § GOLDEN SPRAY CHEESE ........ 0, pkg. 15¢. Hi ote tog SHRIMPS, American Beauty .................. tin 25¢. % SHAKER SALT, Red & White, plain or iodized, 2 for 13c. © PEANUT BUTTER .................... large jar 25c¢. 8 @ CALAY SOAP ....................... 3 bars for 17¢c. & % SUPREME SHORTENING ......... 2 15s. 27c. B 3 -- = k . GOLD » a: i Floor Wax MEDAL tin 25¢c. i ss SHREDDED WHEAT ........... SN 2 pkgs. : x & LIFEBUOY SOAP .... 00 3 gs Ye 8 MAZOLA OIL, Us ...... 00 = tin 28¢c. A i NUGGET SHOE POLISH ... 000 2 tins 25c. i CRISCO ................. =" I's 2de. 3's 69c. Pineapple, 5'¢ SINGAPORE LICED x PHONE 43 F. W. BROCK & SON He rob ORLras . a SA AMAA AR ARR ARR RRA RC RIOR ROR) ENON NM MAM NN 0 0 0 0 SE EE 2H 2 19c | Wiis PERRY ' x Watkins Fly Spray is economical buy. Spray until I have seen you. Phone 39 SAVE YOUR MONEY BY BUYING YOUR SEASON'S FLY SPRAY NEEDS FROM YOUR WATKINS DEALER at the present time, I ean show you a real saving on each gallon you I am taking orders now for summer delivery. It Goes Further Because You Use Less. Where 1 ounce of heavier oil Spray is required to do the job for each animal, only 4 ounce of Watkins Spray is needed. That also saves money for you. I'll be seeing you soon to take care of your needs. ORR C. BROWNE and by placing your order with me Buy no Fly Port Perry v with Mr. and Mrs. O. Wright; Mr. and Mrs, E. Mountjoy and family, of Ked- ron, Mr. and Mrs. M. Heard and son, of Enniskillen," Mr. Bob Oshawa, Miss Emily Lawrence of Col- umbus, Mr, Wood of Orono, Mr. Fred Smart of | -- This Act requires: -- owner shall notify the local the damage. Municipality, and one for the --if either of these is not may appeal to the Minister appeal is successfu Minister is final, HON. DUNCAN MARSHALL Minister THE DOG TAX AND LIVE STOCK PROTECTION ACT This legislation protects live stock owners against the ravages of dogs The taxing of dogs and the issuing of dog tags. --where live stock (Cattle and Sheep) are injured, the Municipality within forty-eight hours after discovery of --the local Valuer must make two reports, one for the Valuer J opositing $25.00. This money is returned if the but is forfeited if the appeal is lost. --the award made by the Valuer appointed by the For copies of this Act apply to the Live Stock Branch ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Parliament Buildings, Toronto, Ontariq Valuer or the Reeve of the owner of the livestock. satisfied with the report, he of Agriculture for another JAMES B. FAIRBAIRN Deputy Minister Mr. and Mrs. N. S. MeNally and was with |. Hoskin, of Carstairs, Mr. and Mrs. F. Hoskin, of Oshawa, Mr. Walter Davis, of Kedron, all with Mr. and Mrs. W. Hoskin. Mr. and Mrs. Qscar Graham and Alma, My. Ross Graham, of Oshawa, Mt. 'and Mis. Harry Graham and datighter, of Toronto, visited with Mr. and Mrs, Leslie Graham, of Millbrook, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John Carter and fam- ily' motored to Toranto on Sunday 7 where they visited with relatives, SEND THRE STAR 190 ASE z-. Ade bo 1 i 4 ai 'Monday of this week, ing with her aunt Mrs, Bailey return- Verna, Mr. and Murs, Jos. Forder and family, Mr. and Mis. Carl Wright and family are in Bancroft where they at- tended a Rutledge family re-union on Mr. and Mrs. Francis Werry and family of Enniskillen spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. A. L. Bailey. Their daughter Jean who has been holiday- ed home with them, Congratulations are extended to Mr. and Mrs, Harold Nesbitt on the arrival of a baby George. boy on Monday--Garry Mrs, Jos. Sanderson is visiting her daughter Mrs. Herb. Hooey. Mr. and Mrs. John Rahm were host and hostess to a family re-union at their home at Caesarea on Sunday. The interior of St. John's Anglican Church is greatly improved in appear- ance due to the re-decorating of the chancel and the three beautiful "falls" for the pulpit, reading desk and lectern, a gift of Rev. and Mrs, Har- court, a P% ----- WE Vian, an pa gl TE we " ~, \ A i Tn i oD ie rod ile oo Lar HL raat 4 - te -- A, or MNEs SENS enc ora b+ <>, - wo J ry. Te -