r a I. Ty PIOOOOOIXRXHH IIR RRIINXIRRRRRIXXII HII IXIIIRIX RICHI ARI ARN 3 Kd % 2% : a SSiile 3 - re! I] x] i >, , 4] I © 15) . Adv ol ervisin i 3 ih BEOORIIRFOOITRHHRAIARNARNK SR DR oo ROO AGENTS WANTED, LADIES' WEAR : Lad'es PORTRAIT AGENTS WRITE FOR catalogue and prices--Big money making proposition. United Art, To- ronto 2. ARTIFICIAL LIMBS HANGER STANDARD LIMB CO,, 126 Wellington Street West, To- ronto. Improved light metal and wil- low artificial limbs without shoulder straps. FILMS AND PRINTS ROLLS DEVELOPED AND printed by experts, mailed back same day. Beechwood, 173 Lambton Ave., Toronto 9. 2 NLARGEMENT FREE WITH every 25 cent order. Roll films developed and eight prints 2b cents, reprints 3 cents each. Brightling, 29 Richmond Street East, Toronto. - SPARKLING, HIGLOSS, DECKLE- edged prints, Three extra with each roll finished 25c. Twelve re- prints 26c. Delhanty's, Webbwood, Ont. To introduce our new methods of selling direct from Mill to Wearer, compare these big money saving prices. . It is smart to be thrifty 1 Slip (shadow proofed) $2.50 regular 1 Dance Set (double gus- $2.50 sets) regular 1 Teddy (double gussets) $2.50 regular .....oceiiiniiiinen. Any two of these numbers $3.00 OF Ciicninmanenrsrisetsasiaes Or all three for Our exclusive Hollywood designs are Tailored in our own factory of finest silk; shades white or tea rose; guaranteed to wash and wear like iron. Wear and wash them and if you are not satisfied return same and your money cheerfully refunded. Buy in confidence from an all-Can- adian firm. Order today. State size, enclose your check, postal or money order. WEAR-RITE MANUFACTURING COMPANY 707 Yonge St., Toronto, Ont. Telephone Midway 1613 - fyi 1 OLLS Jiu NPED;/ PRINTED, RAAT es Te 3: PONV] URE ed and sanitarily treated. Toronto's largest used furniture market. Speci- al attention given to mail orders. 11.25 Kitchen. Cabinets in per- fect condition. 6.95 Dressers, any finish. 11.50 Singer drop-head sewing machines. 0.953 or 4 burner gas stoves. Guaranteed. 11.85 China Cabinets, any finish. 14.50 6 Pec. breakfast suites, ena- mel finish, assorted colors. 12.95 Bed outfits, all steel panel beds, walnut finish, excel- lent springs and brand new mattres- "pes. All sizes. : 32.503 Pc. Walnut Mohair Ches- terfield Suite in perfect con- d'tion. Reversible Marshall cushions, A wonderful bargain. 24.50 3 Pc. heavy taupe repp cov- ered suite with reversible Marshall cushions, in perfect condi- tion. ) 24.00 8 Pe. solid oak dining room suite, large round table. and buffet, with six chairs, leather up- holstered, completely reconditioned. 62.009 Pec. 2-tone walnut din'ng suite, large buffet, glass door china cabinet, square table with 6 panel back, leather upholstered chairs. This suite cost over $200.00 when new. Looks perfect. A real snap. : 32.00 5 Pe. bedroom suite, walnut finish. Large dresser, chif- fonier and full size bed with sagless spring and new heavy roll edge all" cotton mattress. Al condition. A snap. . 67.006 Pe. Moderne walnut bed- room suite, large dieser, ch'ffonier, triple mirror vanity, full gize bed, sagless spring and new, ex- cellent qualify all felt roll edge mat- tress. A real bargain in fine furni- ture. } S2nd money ovder for complete price of goods. Any chartered bank our reference. Money back guarantee, LYONS, CHESTERFIELD MANUJ- FACTURERS TRADE-IN DEPT, 478 YONGE ST., Toronto. Furniture Man Dies In i>» Plunge of Nine Stories CHICAGO.--Sol. H. Franklin, 45 years old, leaped or fell to his death from the fire escape at the rear of the Standish Hotel, 5110 Kenwood Avenue. Policemen said he was in the furniture business and lived at : 1339 Madison Park. | 8 Grouse $5 Each In London LONDON -- Grouse shooting has begun on the moors and the grouse- eating season opened in London hotels--at $6.00 and np per grouse. m the King on down, sportsmen ied their luck. Caterpillar-tread tanks" were used in some spots to jury the hunters swiftly over rough n, } £s ¥ UA OTVANNING MILL (KLINE) SEED Livery article completely recondition- "ete. Day and evening classes. Speci- MACHINERY ¥ th Wer, guaranteed increase crop. SN Me Mfr, 121 Empress. Cres.; FN {'AL INSTRUMENTS "7N TO PLAY A SAXOPHONE, Zirumpet, Trombone. Become a fy Send for lrorm for six coe Trial. Ten months' terms s Nterest. Literature free. i» Company, 57 Queen Faomto. PHRSONAL QOKS EVERY MARRIED COU- ple and those contemplating mar- riage should read. "Entering Marri- age," 24 pages, postpaid, 1be. "Sex and Youth," 104 pages, postpaid, 25c. Our 20 page illustrated catalogue of books, drug supplies, and household novelties, free upon request. Supreme Specialty, 169 Yonge, Toronto. POULTRY AND EGGS DON'T MISS THESE PULLET BARGAINS LL PULLETS FROM GOVERN- ment approved, bloodtested breed- ers, Barred Rocks and White Leg- horns 2 months old .36¢, 7 weeks old .32¢, 6 wecks old .28¢, 5 weeks old .24¢, month old .20¢, 3 weeks old .18¢c. Assorted breeds, 4 to 6 weeks .18¢, 7 to 8 wecks .22¢c. Special mat- ing .02¢ per pullet more. Write for prices on older pullets, Terms-- Shipped C.0.D. anywhere, 100% live delivery guaranteed. Tweddle Chick Hatchery Limited, Fergus, Ontario. OULTRY FARM WHITE EGGS wanted. Highest premiim paid on all grades. Bank reférdnces. A. Zammit, 5 Kane Street, Tpronto. CEDARBROOK GAME. FARM ; FFERS, AFTER SEPTEMBER |' first, large, hardy yoling Ring- necks, all breeds fancy 'Pheasants, Wild Ducks, Geese, Wildy Turkeys, hundred Ringneck breeders, non-re- lated, imported stock. price list. = 240 Jarvis Street (De- partment C), Toronto. SALESMEN ANTED BY WELL KNOWN Reputable Toronto Brokerage House, Representative Salesman over twenty-five years of age, in various Cities and Towns in Ontario outside of Toronto. Exclusive territory if desired, good commission and full co- operation. Experience helpful but not necessary. Reply giving full par- ticulars to Box 652, Wilson Publishing Co., 73 Adelaide St. W., Toronto. STAMPS ANTED, CANADIAN STAMPS in quantity. Best prices for ac- cumulations and collections. Queen Stamp 'Co., Toronto. TELEVISION AND RADIO ENGINEERING TAUGHT PRAC- tically. Motors, generators, ar- mature winding, electrical drafting,, al correspondence course. Employ- ment service guaranteed. Canadian School of Electricity, 282 Ontario West, Montreal, TIRES MENZIE'S USED TIRES $2.96 up for Ford, Chevrolet, Plymouth, Dodge, Buick, Oldsmobile, Packard, Cadillac and all other ¢ars and trucks. Every tire guaranteed. 190 King West, Toronto. bE ~ "Every major question in history is a religious question." Hilaire Belloc, Write for {= Jane Addams Figurine Is Added To Gallery A figurine representing the late Jane Addams, founder of Hull House and internationally known world peace worker, hag been added to the gallery of these little figures of prom- inent Chicago women in the Chicago Historical Society in Lincoln Park, says the Christian Sc'ence Monicor in a story from Chicago. The small wax figure dressed in an orchid-colored silk gown is carrying a tiny book titled "Forty Years at Hull House." It was made by Mme. Minna Schmidt, costumer and origin- ator of several thousand figurines of women from 'many nations who have contributed something to the progress of human'ty, Some 400 of her "women of the world" are new in Washington, D.C., and are gradu- ally added to when diplomats of for- eign countries propose women of their nation who, they think, deserve this honor, Miss Schmidt said. Alleged WIT It never pays to worry about what other people are thinking about you, for they are probably wondering just what you are thinking about them, Ir Harold -- "Was Ed shocked over the death of his aunt?" Jacob -- "Shocked? He was elec- trocuted." Ashes to ashes, dust to dust; If it weren't for paint, women would rust. Handler --- "He failed on legs -- not long enough." : Man (to farmer) -- "Why are those bees flying around so frantically?" Farmer -- "I guess they have the hives." BILLBOARDS I think that I shall never see A billboard lovely as a tree Perhaps, 'unless the billboards fall, I'll never see a tree at all. Lady -- 'Here you are again, and I just gave you a pair of shoes last month." Tramp -- "Yes, lady.-1 just came back to see if you would have them halt:soled for me." READ IT OR NOT !--Dutch clocks are made in Germany. Exhibitor, -- "Why didn't my dog win a prize?" ) floor, don't they?" Operator -- "Number please?" Drunk -- "Number nothing. I just put a nickel in here. Where's my chewing gum?" Guest -- "Well, goodnight, I hope I haven't kept you up too late." Host (yawning) -- "Not at all. We would have been getting up soon any- way." Breathing through the mouth is said to be harmful, talking through the mouth also has very serious results at times. Friend -- "She'll come along soon, without a doubt." . Man -- "Yeah? Shell be doubting my sobriety, my veracity and my fi- delity." . Explalning gets to be a chronic ha bit with a lot of people. ' lot of good." . Porter -- "Yes, sir. An hour of it would do more good in five minutes than a month of it would do in a week any other time, The fellow who got that job away from you yesterday is a low-down, chiseling so and so, and he cut the price to the bone to get it, When Fou got that job away from him last month it was superior salesmanship. June Groom -- "Who spilled - that mustard on this waffle, dearest?" June Bride -- "Oh, Jack how could you? This is lemon ple!" His employer said he was an inde- pendent salesman; he took orders from nobody. RHEUMATISM Pour Minard's into a warm disk, Rub Nniment gently ing a cord dite pply C 8 to you'll get relief! hdd Issue No. 35--'37 c-1 Exhibitor -- "Well, they touch the. Traveller -- "This rain should do a | Bountiful Crop Ruined By Rains Setious Low. Caused / in', Grain Fields in Many Points in Ontario Potatces in Danger, Teco out of sodden skies during the past week and soaking farmlands over a large "section of the Province, has blasted the hopes for a bountiful grain crop held by farmers earlier in the season. f "Reports from numciocus O-tario points indicate that aa ovce-abund- ance of rainfall is liable to cause a serious loss of gra"n, whiie farmers in the Chatham district have en- countered an outbreak of foot rot among thei herds of cattle, result of wet ground. Farmers in the vicinity of Wood- stock report grain crop conditions in Oxford County to be the worst in many years. In the London district, several cases were reported of grain sprouting in stooked wheat on the field. The hot, damp weather, it was tald, is a'so having a bad effect on the potatoes, and it is feared that a continuance of such weather may re- sult in blight. In the St. Thomas district there were also reports of gran sprouting while lying in the fields. Many sheaves have fallen over, sprouted and grown fast into the ground. Rain fell upon Kingston in heavy sheets, coming down in such quanti- ties that windshield wipers were of little use and street lights were turn- ed on to enable drivers to sce ap- proaching traffic. . pe Some apple growers in the Inger- soll district are preparing to give counteract the effect of the wet spell. 'An attack of apple spot is feared. Usually the orchards receive five sprayings, but owing to 'the almost continuous wet weather for nearly a week, it has been deemed advisable to give an extra spraying. One grower stated that there is a plentiful yield of early apples. The later varieties, it was estimated, will not be more than 60 per cent of an average crop, with the indications that the Spys will probably not be 50 per cent of the averace, Soviet-U.S. Trade Pact Won't Affect Canada OTTAWA. -- The new commercial agreement between the United States and Soviet Russia proclaimed at Washington will have little or no ef- fect on Canada's trade with either of the countries in the opinion of trad officials here. oo Interpretation placed on the agree- ment here is that the principal change will be to give Russian coal and coke free entry into the United States. Ca- nada and Russia are not competitors in this commodity and there is little competition in others. The .expansion of Russia's purchas- ing in the United States will also make little difference to Canada. The trade - between Canada and Russia, freed last September from a mutual embargo, amounts to only a few thous- and dollars a month. "The great task of this genera- tion is to save democracy, to pre- serve it and to inspire it," - ---Stanley Baldwin. more wheat because I treat my seed with New Improved CERESAN"' Want fo reduce root rots and other diseases--get bigger wheat yields -- better profits? Then treat seed with New Improved CERESAN, "This dust..." says a recent Divi. \slon of Botany report, "effectively conirols the smuts of oals, covered smut of barley, and bunt of wheat, It also Improves seed germina tion," Easy to apply. Costs less than 6c an acres Write today for free Wheat Pamphlet. SOLD BY THE MANUFACTURERS \ OF THE WELL-KNOWN C-1-L FREE-FLOWING FERTILIZERS. FOR YOUR FALL REQUIREMENTS SEE YOUR LOGAL DEALER: CANADIAN INDUSTRIES LIMITED ._ Wertilizer Division SEED DISINFECTANTS NOW Pay TORONTO--Rain, tumbling down' their orchards an extra spraying to --increase -day, the cooks ordered 250 - tons of Size of Dairy | Herd to Keep [cove llo:* "rofitable on Avercg rm -- -- f To The question {3 often asked as to the size of a dairy herd likely to prove the most profitable on the average farm. : The profit In milking cows les mainly in the selection from, and in the breeding 'of high-producing, pure- bred dairy stock. Good cows are sel dom bought, but they can be raised. This means beginning with a pure bred sire with either the cows one already' has or with young heifers selected from practical, pure-bred herds. The size of the herd should be de- termined by the amount of pasture land that is available, the possibility of growing the bulk of other feeds necessary, can be cared for without the employment of additional regular labor, or without requiring added buildings, . A group of fewer than five cows is unprofitable because it requires too long to fill the cream ean, does not easily justify buying a separator and demands approximately the same amount of labor and barn room as a large number of cows. A herd of more than ten cows per family demands further employment and assistance, and more buildings on the average farm. THE GOOD ROLL DAYS 4 D oi There's no need to fish around for a cigarette tobacco of satisfying smoothness, Get a line on n's Fine Cut and you're set for the fullest enjoyment in rolling your own. Get a line on the best papers, too -- ""Chaiitecler' or Vogue". And remember that you get a bigger 15¢. package of Ogden's, now P.S-- Your Pipe Knows SCOUTING Here Everywhere A brother to every other Scout, without regard to race or creed There Boy Scout world census figures for 1937, just compiled by the Interna- tional Bureau, reveal a new record of 340,000. The figures bring the world total membership to 2,812,074. The last world census, taken in 1935, gave a total of 2,472,- 014, Scouting is active today in 4b countries counting the British Em- pire as one. The Herculean job of feeding some 25,000 Boy Scouts is reflected in some of the catering figures of the American National Scout Jamboree, recently held in Washington. For the 75,000-"boy meals" served each foodstuffs. Thig included 900 bushels of potatoes, 13,000 pounds of bread, 25,000 quarts of milk, 4,000 pounds of butter 50,000 eggs and 1,200 gal- lons of canned vegetables, such as 'tomatoes, corn, succotash and string. , beans, which, after consuming, the boys went out into the arena and played Indians-and-cowboys. ' * LJ LJ The rescue after two hours' of ef- fort of a young woman clinging to the face of a cliff was an achievement this summer of the 6th Bridgewater Boy Scout Troop, Somerset; England. A young man and his fiancee had been caught by the tide in a cove, 'help. With 'W. Frossel, and attempted to scale the cliff. The young woman was unable to complete the ascent, and her companion, fin- ally gaining the top, discovered the Scouts, and called upon them for rope and "tackle the Scouts descended the cliff by another route, then 'ascended to the young lady, secured her with their lines, and climbing ahead, hauled her by stages to safety. . * * % An interesting introduction of a rublic official involving Boy Scouts took place in New York recently. Governor 'Lehman appointed Charles a Justice of the City Court, and he was inducted into of- fice before nearly 400 people. As the ceremony was drawing to a close, Eagle Scout Theodore Endres was called to the Bench, and he ad- ministered the oath of the Boy Scouts of America, with Justice Frossel re- peating. This ceremony was re- quested by Justice Frossel, who has given 16 years of service to the Scout Movement. . : TORTU RE STOPPED In A Minute! plm For quick relief from the [teh ry Dr Bea rashes ine » Dennis' cooling, antiseptic, liquid D. D. PRESCRIPTION. Ita gentle oils A psy soothe the lrrita + s ET ey ast. ps 6 most Intense itching instantly, A 35c trial bots ¢ stores, proves li--or money back, Askfor-- "30 D.D.D. Prescription They Stop As provedin tests by a lead. up to 25% ing university. Quicker tp Scientifics. ally Designed Tread, with the extra rider strip and especially compounded rubber, gives you longer non-skid safety mileage and lowest cost per mile, They Give Because every Greatest fibre, cord aid ply are Gum Protection pj ned -- eat. urated and insulated with rubber to counteract internal friction and heat--the great est enemy of tire life, 2 Extra Cord Plies under the tread J Safe for High Speeds because of 2 Extra cord Plies Under the Tread and 4 Gum.Dipped Safety Lotked Cords : [I Ll NN Safe for Quick Stopping because rb ND of New Extra Rider PAT Strip and Scien. Pw | tifically Dengned % Safety Tread Bind tread and body into ons inseparable unit, providing greater strength and making the tire eafe at any speed. Only in Firestone tives can you get all these extra features . . . and at 'mo extra cost! See the nearest Firestone ~ Dealer today. oy. 2a . MIL Firestone "Whistler Made " United States Government would try Five Golden Rules For Marriage LONDON.--Here's a fuan who takes a chance on advising girls how &o make a marriage successful. He {8s Claud Mullins, the- famous Eng]ish magistrate, who started a matrigon. fal court at the Southwestern LoNggn police court. ; Speaking at 'the distribution of prizes at a girls' school he laid down the following five golden rales; 1. Study marriage in #11 its aspects ® before you marry, and be frank with your intended partner. ; _ 2. Have communion in the home in the matter of money. Persuade your husbands that wives work at least as yp hard -as they do. 3. Share friends and don't jump to foolish conclusions it you see your partner talking to someone of your sex. 4, Be prepared for marriage and home-making by having a knowledge of cooking and food values. A lagge proportion of police court marriage cases originate in, the wife's failure to provide decent and healthy meals. 6. (And most important of all.) Re- "member what Moses said: "Man does not live by bread alone." For a happy marriage both husband and wife mug base their lives on sound spiritual val. ues. They would seem to have a good deal of sound sense in them and some day Mr. Mullins may outline a pro. 'gran for the male parties to the con- tract. : : A Saucy Map 1854 Chart Drawn Jp By Fam- ous Artist, Brings Governme:=é& Trouble . WASHINGTON. -- The Coast and Geodetic Survey is trying to chad its way around an art tempest involv. ing the work of its one-time employee --Whistler, the painter. Here's the log of the trouble: Back in -1854 a gangling youth oft ® 20 named James Abbot McNeil Whist- ler was doing engravings for the gov- ernment agency. oe His work was map-making, but he had a hard time. confining himself to its rigid restrictions.. He kept throw- ing in impudent sketches of fish and birds. Exacting officials, provoked with his decorations, advised him that the to get along without him. Whistler went his way to become a world-fanious- painter. The survey went its way with a couple of Whist- ler engravings. Eighty-three years went their way. Last spring someone erroneously spread the word that the agency was selling original Whistler engravings for 20 cents, -- . Requests poured in. The survey workers replied by sending a map' of Anacap Island ing . South Santa Barbara Channel, Calif. In one corner it says: "Eng. by J. A. Whistler, J. Young and C. A. Knight." Complaints poured in. The map wasn't an original. ' Now the government, which never said it had an original, has issued a 307-word letter explaining, The first plate isn't available. The maps are. from photographic prints of the plate. . » And--you can have your money back if you want it. : The map, incidentally, is a pretty one, and you can see Whistler's prank --two saucy groups of sea gulls where no sea gulls ought to be. Nudist Tea Shops Baffle Bobbie Londcn Home Office Battles With Queer Problem LONDON.--Enthusiasts of the cult ®" of nudism have provided the Home Office and the police with a qr problem. For in and around London the nud- ists have now opened tea shops and clubs, There is no secrecy about them, for they are openly advertised and visitors are invited. No allegations ars made that any of these places are run other tha with the utmost decorum, and visits paid by the police have revealed no indecent behaviour. Ample dressing®. room accommodation is provided, and guests of both sexes and the wait resses appear in slippers only. Even the girls at the cash desk of the tea shops wear nothing but a smiled 5, While the lord chamberlain | n- don, and the local authoritics®rlse where, have the power to ban nudism in public exhibitions and: stage per formances, they have no legal right to Interfere with the nudist tea shops. 80 in the absence of indecent be haviour, the police are hewildereegnd checkmated. « Doi 1 788 Fiie FAIRBANKS, Alasia,--Soviet re- presentatives here received word from their Polar Camp it had drifted 188 miles from the Pole, apparently in the direction of Spitzbergen. The weather was reported anything but. L favorable for a Polar Miah. > H ' + £ 8