i -------- _-- cm © MANCHESTER Mrs. F. White has returned to her! home after spending a week with her son Mr. M. F. White at his summer cottage al 3ala Bay, Muskoka, Mr. Robt. Gregg and daughter were week end guests with Miss Aletha Barrett. Miss Alverta Mitchell has returned home after spending the last few months with her grandmother in Chicago. ' ; Mr. and Mrs. D. McKenzie and Ronald were on a boat trip to Niagara on Wednesday. . Mrs. Thomas, of Toronto, is visiting with her aunt Mrs. Vernon for a couple of weeks. Mr. and Mrs. McConnell, Hugh and Jimmy, have returned to their home in Toronto after spending a week with]! Mr. and Mrs. H. Dobson. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Beacock and son Allan, of Nestleton, spent Sunday with her mother Mrs. F. White. 'Miss Verna Masters, of Whitby, was at her home here on Sunday. Miss .Grace White who has been holidaying with friends for a week is home. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Lambe and Mrs. R. Butt and family are visiting with her parents for a couple of weeks, Mr. and Mrs. Gerrow and Maunsell visited with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Cooper at Pickering, on Sunday. Harold, were with Mr. and Mrs. "Linton, Claremont, on Sunday. - Miss I. Linton returned home with them | -- |i OSHAWA All the plumbing fixtures, including bath tubs, wash basins and stools, have now been detached and most of them sold. Men are busy detaching pipes and radiators. Thousands of feet of piping have already been asked for. The beautiful marble mantels are a particular prie and are being disposed ii A) a dows spoken group has bought some of the other burg, called on many old friends here last week. taught school and her old acquaint- ances pleased to see her again. Wednesday, Sept. 1st. Thé Board have had the interior of the school freshly decorated and it is now in good shape for the reception of teacher and pupils. ern Ontario, Miss friends recently, a few days with friends here. daying with Mr, Frank J. Booth, Parrinder's sheep last week and killed one and wounded the rest of the flock. Fortunately they were traced to their , i owners door and destroyed. This is family, of Lindsay were week end|geveral times during the past two guests with Mrs. F. Lambe, Mrs. H.| months that dogs have caused the Lambe. and daughter are remaining [township unnecessary expense and for a week farmers are quite alarmed about their : tlocks. In some cases they have the extra bother of putting:them in yards every night. experience on Saturday night while motoring to Uxbridge. ing another car und did not notice i three cyclists who were riding abreat Mr. and Mrs. H. Dobson, Ray and on the road until he was about up to them, he swerved his car and hit the ap- proching for a week. occupants, theless, far below their real value, E. Grosser, wrecking company fore- man, told that the stained glass win- in the old chapel had been for by some institution in British Columbia, A local religious furnishings of the chapel, --Times MYRTLE Miss Dorcas McFarland, of Tilson- Some eight years ago she scholars weré and former School re-opens for the fall term on Mr. and Mrs. Ross Smith returned ast week from a motor trip to West- Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Carmichael and Mary Ross visited Beaverton Mrs. D. G. Ross, of Brooklin, spent Mr. Will Doidge, of Tdronto, is holi- Dogs made inroads on Mr. Archie Mr. Geo. Leach had an unpleasant He was meet- In order to avoid hitting them car doing = considerable : lamage but causing no harm to the Mr. Josiah Smith, of Pririce Albert, as been doing some repairing to Mr. , A. Thompson's barn. The frequent. showers of late are "Bishop Bethune College is in the holding up harvesting operations as a| \ number of farmers depend on stook hands of the Wreckers. threshing and do not put their grain} n the barn. Miss L. Bradley is assisting an the switch-board-at the Brooklin exchange | while her uncle and aunt are away on a motoY trip. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. A.' Armstrong of Whitby upon the gift] and cow bells. of a baby girl on Sunday, August 15. Mr. Leslie McGee has sold his farm | at Mud Lake and has leased Mus. 3 } } Percy Pherrill's house and will take | Wa spent for the next few hours. of at fancy prices which are, never- possession this fall, If one of your loved ones--or even a friend--were a victim, it would become quite a grievous, horrible, personal loss! That is precisely what is going on in Ontario this year. Nearly 800 people will be killed on our highways. Nearly 14,000 will be injured --many of them crippled; many of them suffering almost unbearable pain, Death and SCUCOG Next Sunday the morning worship service will be at the Foot at 10.30 and the Centre at 11.30. "Evening service at the Head at 7.30. The services last Sunday were well attended, but the evening service took a different form with the singing of favorite hymns on which the pastor gave a talk, , Come out next Sunday and enjoy these splendid services. Well children, the play days will soon be over and you will be back to work at your schools. School starts next Wednesday, Sept. 1st. But the following Monday being Labor Day will be another holiday. The follow- ing Friday will be Scugog School Fair, SAVE MONEY BY BUYING YOUR SCHOOL BOOKS AT BENTLEY'S, PORT PERRY The Women's Association held an- other very successful sale of home- made cooking last Friday evening in the township hall. Business was brisk until the electric storm came. Buyers came from Pine Point, Stephenson's Point and Lakeside. Proceeds $9.00. The rain was badly needed and will be a big help to the buckwheat and root crop. . Mr. and Mrs. F. Toms, daughters Ruby and Jean, of Shirley, were re- cent visitors of Mr. and Mrs, George Samells. Mrs. Walker, of Toronto, is visiting Mr. H. Fralick, and was at the Sun- day morning service as were Mr, and Mrs. C. Sleep and others from Lake- side. Misses Myrtle and Luella Jeffrey are spending a couple of 'weeks in Toronto and will visit the Ex on the opening day. : : Mrs. Durdle is returning to her home in Windsor, after spending a couple of weeks with her sister Mrs. Mark and other' relatives. Mr. and Mrs. David Miller returned from their stay at Cedar Harbor last week to the home of her parents Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Sweetman, where quite a number of young people met and entertained them with music from such instruments as plow points, pans At the close they were invited -in and treated. Music of a different kind started and a jolly time Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Sanguine ana 4 [J 'dangerous to the public, Motor Vehicles Branch, traffic laws; you are re- adequately with offenders! HIGHWA Jf every human life in a village of 800 people in the Province of Ontario were snuffed out in one day, news- papers throughout the entire world would carry the story of the ghastly tragedy. little Joyce, of Pleasant Point, Mr, and Mrs. D. Hope and little Shirley, Mr. and Mrs. H. Long and Donald, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. Hardy. Mr, and Mrs, O. Jeffrey, Clem and| Lois, visited her sister Mrs, D. Harri- son at Port Perry on Sunday, Mr. John Jackson, of Cleveland, was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Murray Me- Laren:on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Smith, of Osha: wa, were guests of their cousins Mr. and Mrs. 0. Jeffrey, one day last week. Miss Blanche - Lee of Manchester, visited her sister M¥'s. J." Burnham last week, Mrs. Matheson, of Toronto, is visit- ing her friend Mrs. Stephenson. Miss Margaret Bratley is spending a few holidays with her aunts in Buffalo. Be Miss. B. Joness left here last week for her home in Moose Jaw, after spending the holidays with her sister Mrs. J. Joblin, She stop over in Win. nipeg for a few days to visit another sister. Sympathy is "extended to Mr. and Mrs, C. Town, of Whitby, on the death of their daughter last week. kyl Mr, and Mrs. E, H. Gerrow, Mrs, R. D. Burnham and son Fred, enjoyed a motor trip last 'Friday and called on Mr. and Mrs, W. Heron, Mr. and Mrs. G. McKinley and Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Platten, near Blackwater. Sorry 'to hear Mr. Geo. Sweetman had a number of geese killed by stray dogs. Miss Joyce Wilson, of Toronto, was the guest of her aunt Mrs. W. Crozier and other relatives last week. Miss Grace Hood was Sunday guest of Miss Dorothy Graham, Mis Eula Richie, of Buttonville, 1s visiting her cousin Mrs. H. Hayes. Miss Dorothy Jablin and friend Miss Smith, of Tordnto, are vjsiting at the parsonage. "Mr. and Mrs. W. Mark and son Allie visited Mr. Gordon Mark at Oshawa Hospital, where he had. an operation for appendicitis. We wish him a speedy recovery. There seems to be an epideemic of colds, sore throat and stomach flu around here, 'Several cases of poison ivy have been reported. * We are glad to hear that Mrs. Addi- son, of Pine Point, is"recovering from YS! untold suffering stalk our highways. and this must stop! RECKLESS DRIVERS BEWARE! Motorists have been requested to be courteous on. the road but the death toll mounts at an appalling rate. This Depart- ment, with the aid of our internationally famous police force -and public-spirited citizens, intends to put reckless drivers off the road! You must stop cutting in, passing on hills and curves, crowding, racing, taking chances. Unless you have regard for the safety and convenience of other users of our highways you will soon find yourself in serious trouble. MOTORISTS : WE ASK YOUR HELP _ When you see a motorist driving in a manner take his number, make a careful note of the actual time and place, and when you reach your destination write to the Department of Highways, Toronto, giving full - details. We do not invite reports of minor infringements of the quested to usé 'sound judgment, We will deal Le ONTARIO Ee --p---- a bad fall a few weeks ago. We are also glad to hear that Mrs. Garnet McKinley is recovering from a lightning 'shock which struck the tele- phone some weeks ago. : Master Gordon Mark, of Port Perry is spending a few weeks with his cousins John and Clara Hardy. Next Sunday the morning HONEYDALE - Coulter Bros. and Pat Wherry, of Toronto, spent last: week at Couleliff farm, giving the house a much needed coat of paint, The Misses Holman, of Prince Al- bert accompanied Miss Lillian Murphy and Mrs. Lorne Thompson of Man- chester, Honey. ; Mr, John Hardy of Perth, has joined his wife and family who have been spending the summer vacation with Mrs. Honey's parents Mr. and Mrs. C. Honey. Mr. and Mrs. Edwards visited with friends in Caesarea on Sunday, Mrs: Fred Raines is holidaying with her son Merle in Gravenhurst, accom- panied by her sister Miss W. Robingon of Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. J. Owen spent Satur- day evening in Bowmanville, guests of Mr. and Mrs, Dunn, ° Mr. Geo. Symes is visiting with his parents Mr. and Mrs. W. Symes. Mr. Marwood Djgkey is spending part of his holidays with Mr. and Mrs. 0. Edwards. Mrs. Wm. Jackson and Mr, J. Jack- son, spent Sunday, guests of Mr. and Mrs. M, McLaren, Scugog. Mrs. J. Reader, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, C, Howsam. Mr. Ernest Gerrow and his friend Mr, Eldon Henry, are holidaying with Mr. and Mrs. W. Gerrow.. Miss Lucille Mark" is visiting her cousin Edna Samells, Scugog. : Miss Isabell Honey visited her aun Mrs. L. Thompson, last week. Miss Wipnifred Hardy visited with Mr, and Mrs. Lee Honey at Timmins for the past two weeks, : Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Jackson on Tuesday were Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Camplain, and Murs. Carlson, of Cleveland. ---- PRINCE ALBERT Miss E. McCulloch ahd friend of Toronto, in the village last week, Mrs, Frank Vickery spent a few days with friends in Oshawa last week. Mrs, J. Warren visited in Oshawa last week. ONTARIO hy DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS 4 Motor Vehicles Branch Mrs. L. Fox and daughter Alma, PORT PERRY, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, AUGUST 26th, 1987 visited with Mr. and Mrs. L.| Mr, and Mrs. 'A. Williams, Mr. and |" Mrs. Geo. Jackson, Mr. John Jackson, | : A QUALITY H.DURKIN. Port Perry fc. to! THREE DAYS' SALE (THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY) = FEATURING SPECIAL VALUES IN Large and varied assort- ment of School Supplies. PRICE 'OWNED AND OPERATED BY Pom mmmaeane VI pa to $1.00 Store SERVICE PORT PERRY with Butson Bros. on Sunday. Mrs. Ingram, of Toronto, visited with her parents Mr. and Mrs, David Jackson, Mr. and Mrs. R. H, McKerihen, of Toronto, and Mrs. F. Stanton, Brook- lin, were in the village over the week end having attended the funeral of their aunt Mrs. W, Jamieson. : Mr. and Mrs. Groupe at Oshawa Beach on Sunday. and: Mr, and Mrs. J. Ellis, Toronto, Misses Merle and Cecila Hope spent last week in Toronto. : ENGAGEMENT : The engagement is announced of Alice Helena, younger daughter : of Mrs. Carr and the late Albert E. Carr, Uxbridge, to" John David Cumming, youngest son of Mr, and Mrs. Adam Cumming, of Port Perry. The Mar- riage to take place in September. Get the finest ~payments, appearance, erected acco Steel Products TITE-LAP Both Tite-La Roll are fe Fo tin are t 705 Guelph Street PRESTON, ONTARIO money can buy on easy spread over ree years. Tite-Lapand ~ Rib Roll roofings 'are durable, handsome in Bre nrooly even lightning-proof ng to the Lightning Rod Act. Buy from accompany that has served you hones years -- whose p set the pace -- Eastern Limited RIB-ROLL ROOFING and Rib. over your old fool. They save ypu money by cu {doe costs, pro. tecting your crops and livestock. Be sure to get the genuine E.S.P, pro- . Send ridge and a rafter measurements for free cost estimate, "" Eastern Steel Products Jmnire Fa at Limireq MONTREAL end YORONTO YEARS TO PAY under the - HOME IMPROVEMENT , PLAN i RE SAT] asks A drive-screw niall, develo; ment of the = Hed Nail, Takes ten timesas much forse to draw it out of as 'stan- dard barbed Yoofing JAMESWAY_ POULTRY we RQUIPMENT oh te te: bidder Bipiiig Lh try Equipment. Com Plte line of inet alors, brooder Y 0 ii ada" NRT in ven! housing for Bhe Pi eston Fertilato ttached to your seed pi} sow fertilizer wheat, . roofing for ucts put on They enables you with your fall ° y [J] ; Money Saving Specials PROPHYLACTIC TOOTH BRUSH---= Felt 50c. value, and Tooth Powder, 25c. value. GOLD PLATED GILLETTE RAZOR.and 10 blades for 59c¢, CASHMERE BOUQUET SOAP--You buy one cake for ten cents and get another cake for one cent, or 2 BOTH 49c. for llc. pe' i |§ BATHING CAPS from I5c. to 60c, For a good NERVE TONIC try a bottle of WAMPOLE'S PHOSPHO LECITHIN, HE PORT PERRY bY This is what your family and serve our baking. right." \ BY PHONE 98, |" FIRE! FIRE! FIRE! Be prepared for such an emergency call. 'Protect yourself with Fire Insurance. It isalways a friend in time of need. ; is Place your insurance with : gE: Phone 41 CIGARS, CIGARETTES, FILMS, CHOCOLATES. ® © ~~ Morrison's Drug Store -- Phone 16 Delicious Pastry! You can always If you have not tried it, will be pleased to serve you. JEMISON'S : THE HOME OF GOOD BREAD AND PASTRY . PORT PERRY IRIs ttt IR LL RR RY HAROLD W. EMMERSON \ 5 METI wife 11h friends will say when yeu depend on it being "just ask our driver to call, he Try our Bread, too. BAKERY llr ¥ A LIRR rn Lt RRR A 0 0 0 It Port Perry