Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star (1907-), 30 Sep 1937, p. 3

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'a 2 a LJ] go L) NO > » RAN wo «vy AGENTS WANTED : Classified | 1 Advertising AAU YE VLE 3 bidet Sgt 300 ATE AES EASA YARE A Flat hr LE id ryan id be NF AL) > is pki FEL A SEF np RE Sart HO i eR ENS STAY (e SRE LR i AA aS TE ---- LOTION XX XX "a FUR FARMING POST OFFICE BOXES pos? OFFICE BOXES IN GOOD condition. . For particulars apply ¥. D. Ghent, Postmaster, Burlington, Ontarlo. a RADIO FARM-CITY RADIOS $7.96 COM. plete, Save hall, Agents free offer, Amazing prices windchargers, power plants, accessories. Marco 1243X Mc Gee. Kansas City," Mo. AGENTS--TO SELL MEN'S NECK: bd ties. 100 per cent. profit. Write for free samples and catalogue, Mur- gatroyd Agencies, Yonge 'St. Arcade, Toronto. ; corner EsENEATIVES wanted, for subscription work. Re- newal list supplied, Good commission, Write Canadian Magazine, 347 Ade- laide St. Wést, Toronto, SEND FOR FREE KIT SOBIE'S, manufacturers for their own 24 city stores across Can- ada, want agents to become exclus- ive factory representatives. Men and women, earn biz money! Sell Sobie's guarante d Lingerie und fine Hos- ery. Get into this profitable busin. ess now, Write today for free outfit. Sobie's Silk Shops, Department S.T. Farnham, Que. $50 00 WEEKLY SELLING FELT = . Rugs. For full particulars write M. Shedel, Box 473, Mimico, Ont. ANALYTICAL CHEMIST . CHARLES ALLDER, ANALYTICAL Chemist, established 1926. -Analy- gis of poultry and stock feeds. Box 117 Ingersoll, Ontario, ARTIFICIAL LIMBS HANGER STANDARD LIMB CO, 126 Wellington Street West, To- ronto. Improved light metal and wil. low artificial limbs without shoulder straps. © BARN ROOFING -- FENCE POSTS Our "DIRECT FACTORY PRICES save yoll money on Supertite gal- vanized roofing, Superior steel Fence Posts and steel granary lining, Super- for Products Limited, Sarnia, Ont. BUILDING WRECKERS WE WILL BUY OLD OR CON- demned buildings to wreck. Green- wood House Wreckers, 440 Greenwood - Ave., Toronto. BULBS INARCISSI -- PRINCEPS MAXIMUS. Early Yellow Trumpet-Daffodil. Pheasants Eye (Poet's Narcissus), fragrant, white, late. Evangeline, frag- rant, white, fluted yellow chalice cup, mid-season. All fleld run bulbs, as dug, $1 per 1,000. Canadian Pacific Bulb Gardens, Duncan, Vancouver Island. ~ "BUSINESS BROKERS ATTENTION! ANY BUSINESS, anywhere, sold quickly, confiden- tially for cash. Consolidated Business Brokers, 24 Bloor West, Toronto. CARPETS RE-WOVEN INTO RUGS QLp CARPETS WOVEN INTO RE- versible Rugs. Write for price list. " Baker Cleaning Co., Toronto 4. CORONATION COVERS IRST DAY ISSUE CORONATION Covers--Newfoundland 30c¢ each, L. Hodder,"~ Newfound land. : EDUCATIONAL TENOGRAPHY BY MAIL--WRITE for free sample lesson, Miss Mac- donald, 3472 West Rroadway. Mont real, Quebec. ELECTRIC WELDER RABE MINK FOR PROFIT -- GET started right with Moss "Quetico" strain mink--guaranteed stock, Write for full information, Moss Fur Farms, Limited (mink breeding specialists), Bapawe, 'Ontario, MINK with a proven pelt record, the same strain which averaged $36.50 in 1986 and $41.60 in 1937, and that after the best have been sold for breeders. O. Lee, Faust, Alberta. GAMES FOR FALL AND WINTER PARTIES Ten entirely new and original brain-teaser games, in attractive book- let form, assorted to suit all tastes and occasions, 356 cents, postpaid any- where. Canadian-American Novelties, 122 Wellington Street West, Toronto. "Collect", REMNANTS REE!--170 QUILTING PATTERNS! Giant washfast rémnants! "Makes five quilts" Cottons! Prints; $1.00 Sample bundle, 26c. Re- fund " guarantee! "Maritime Textiles, 8049 'Degaspe, Montreal. » TIRES MENZIE'S USED TIRES $295 UP tor Ford, Chevrolet, Plymouth Dodge, Buick, Oldsmobile, Packard, Cadillac and all other cars and trucks, Every tire guaranteed. 190 King West, Toronto. . ~ TRAPPING ¥ CAUGHT 16 FOXES IN 3 DAYS! You can do it. Particulars free. Wells Hadley, Stanstead, Que. GREAT SALE USED PIANOS (QRIGINALLY COSTING WHEN new up to $800. good makes, beau- tiful walnut, mahogany and golden oak cabinets, in real good condition, tuned, including piano benches; bargain prices, $39.60, $49.60, $59.60. Ideal for homes, schools, churches. Write for our bargain price list. Sovereign's Sales, 2418B Dufferin St., Toronto. HELP WANTED YOUNG MEN AND WOMEN--POSI- tions more easily secured if you train for Telegrapher or Stenographer. Become stenographer in ten weeks-- notes written in English. Typewriter supplied, Self-teaching machine loan- ed with telegraphy. Inexpensive. What course {interests you? Write Caisan Systems, Toronto. LILY BULBS PLANT LILIES NOW -- ADD, TO s brightness of your garden with Lilles from home-grown bulbs of| re- liable varieties, Also other perennial tflowers--and fruit trees for northern gardens: all of the hardiest strains. Send for Autumn Catalogue with in- structions for Lilies. etc. Arrival of all plants in good condition guaran. teed. The Manitoba Hardy Plant Nurgery, F. L. Skinner. Prop, Drop- more, Manitoba. ; MACHINERY GET OUR NEW PRICES ON THE Goold, Shapley & Muir gas, so line, and fuel oil engines 4nd grinders. Algo repairs for Brantford engines, pumps, windmills, J. A. Fellows & Co. Brantford, Ont. . BANNING MILL (KIANE) SEEI 2 (@rader, guaranteed increase crop Write, Kline Mfr 121 Empress Cres., Taronto. MACHINERY PP ZBUILT FARM MACHINERY AND trucks composed of: Grain chop- pers 8" to 156": Gas engines 11% to 14 h.p.; Tractors 8 x 16 to 256 x 40 h.p.; Power units 26 h.p. up: Ensilage cut. ters; 21 Trucks from ¥-ton up. We pay spot cash for old tractors. Write or see us. Hanna's International Sales & Service, MacDonnell St, Guelph, Ontario. ) MEDICAL QTOP SUFFERING, HAVE YOU s»itching, burning, scalding, wet or dry skin trouble. If so, use the guar- anteed Inch Eczema Remedy. Write Inch Drug Company, 1130 Weston Rd., Toronto. Sold from coast to coast-- One Dollar prev: The Trindl Electric Welder ° WONDERFUL NEW INVENTION . Operates from 6-volt battery. Welds--Solders --| Brazes. $4.50 de- livered. R. H. Anderson, Lindsay, Ont. © FILMS AND PRINTS = La PE ------ pares oy (WSTRUMENTS IT EARN TO PLAY A SAXOPHONE Trumpet. '"ombone, Become a Musician. Se: for Form for six days' Free Trial. Ten months' terms--no in terest. Literature free. Greene Music- Company. 57 Queen St., East, Toronto. CHRISTMAS CARDS FROM YOUR favourite -negatives, 12 for 76¢; 3 for 25c. Complete with envelopes. Sample, 10c. Brightling, 29 Richmond St. E., Toronto. - GPARKLINS, . HIGLOSS, DECKLE edged prints, three extra with each roll finished 26¢c. Twelve reprints 25¢ Delhanty's, Webbwood, Ont. OLLS DEVELOPED AND EIGHT prints with free enlargement, 26c. Reprints 3¢ each, Commercial Photo " Service, Dept. B.. Outremont, Que. STAMPS WANTED, CANADIAN STAMPS IN quantity. Best prices for accumu: lations and collections. Queen Stamp Co. Toronto. MISCELLANEOUS LEAF BURLEY, FOUR POUNDS $1.00, fourteen pounds $3.00. Five pounds Virginia Leaf Cigarette Tobac- co $2.00, Postpald with flavoring. Nat- ural Leaf Tobacco Co., Leapington, Ont. ERO PRICES, EXPERT WORK. 'Roll with free enlargement 26c. Trevanna Studios, 93 Niagara 'Street, St. Catharihes, Ont. ROLLS DEVELOPED; PRINTED, one free enlargement 25¢. Re- prints 10 for 26¢. Photo-Craft, 18314 King St. E., Toronto. 25¢ -- ROLL 'DEVELOPED AND ~~ one deckle edge print of each. Reprints 3c, 10 for 25¢, One Free en: . largement 'with ehch order 256c or «more Snap-Y Photo Service, Box 72, Station K, Toronto, FEMALE HELP IN NDREWS" ACADEMY OF HAIR- dressing. Visitors welcome. Write for prospectus. 961 Bloor West, To- ronto. -- res FUK FARMING - > JF'NE: DARK EASTERN MINK from foundation stock and high kit production; correspondence invit- ed. Maple Leaf Mink Ranch, Blen- heim, Ont, | MNER MINKERY, KINGSVILLE 3 Ont., offers for sale Quebec, Lab- rador, Yukon mink of select breeding atock, Place your order early. CTION 15 JEWEL-WATCHES ONLY $5.95. Send us picture of any man's lady's wrist watch, sold anywhere up to $16.00. We will closely duplicate it for $5.95 with written guarantee. Wilson's Watch Company, 357 8t. Catherine West, Montreal. . Sensational New Discovery RECHARGES RADIO B's, FLASH- lights, dry cells, guaranteed like new. Stamped envelope brings full particulars. A. E. Lueck, Box 152, Lockwood, Sask. WE GUARANTEE YOUR FIT WITH best quality, latest style .suit or "winter 6vercoat (slightly used), regu- lar to $60.00 for $6 to $12. Fall coats, regular to $35.00 for $4 to $8. Suit coats, '$2, '$2,60, $3. New trousers, in tweeds, serges and worsteds, $1.25, $1.76, $2.85, $2.95. Postpald. State measurements, colours, style, age. Sat- isfactfon guaranteed or money refund: ed. Send money order--Ruskin & Co, Peterboro, Ont. Issue No. 40--'37 (Combination) WINTER PLANTS PERENNIAL PHLOX, BLEEDING ~~ Hearts, etc.,"10¢ plant; tulips 4c; Postpaid winter flowering = House Plants, ete. Write for list. Joseph Alken, Shannon, Que, WATCH REPAIRS 30 YEARS' EXPERIENCE $1.00 replaces mainspring, jewel, off. Then she fired' point blank--bang! bang! bang! Jeanne crumbled to the ground and spectators rushed forward. They stepped back, amazed, when Jeanne got up and brushed herself It then became known that a Lille gunsmith had become suspicious when Germaine asked for "a foaded gun" --and had filled blanks, The police took Germaine away. the pistol with cleaning, hands, crystals, ~ Providing no parts missing. 2-years guarantee. Re- turn postage paid. Formerly with Hamilton Watch Factory. American Swiss Watch Specialist Reg'd, Dept. W.. 4313 Brebeuf. Montreal. Movie Actress Shoots Rival With Blanks LILLE, France.--Germaine - Fev- rier, 23-year-old movie extra, drew herself up histrionically this = week and pointed a. pistol at Jeanne Ca- lime, 27, her love rival. "Miserable woman!" she shrieked. "Prepare to diel!" . dial repaired. | every table and every house. IN UP-TO-DATE' STABLES --O0ld Reliable Minard's When horses come in to stable with wire- cuts' or saddle boils, or cows have caked udder, the thing to do is get the Minard's bottle at once, as Mr. Dowd of Glenboro, Manitoba, knows. He writes: "I like your Minard's Liniment. Like to have it in the house. I have found your Minard's Liniment especially good for barbed wire cuts on horses." A family doctor prepared Minard's Liniment over 50 years ago. Still Invaluable in General "S a --- GENERAL "SUPERBILT" | uperbilt" "A" & "B" Batteries The best and battery equipment for your radio, THEY LAST LONGER Write for Pamphle! on "SUPERBILT" ** A" Batlery | General Dry Batteries of Canada Ltd. most economical A MAN HONORED IN HIS OWN COUNTRY Fellow citizens of Gwillimbury Township, who know Earl Rowe best, are enthusiastic admirers of his sterling character and gift for leadership A Public Servant For 22 Years! If you had a large scale map of Ontario, you would find Gwil-. limbury Township marked in the County of Simcoe. But you would have to possess a very large scale map indeed, to locate the town of Newton Robinson. | __ 'This little dot of a town is beginning to find itself in print: frequently these days. The citi- zens feel that this is only to be expected because one of their own boys, Earl Rowe, is going . to be, they are confident, Pre- mier-Elect of Ontario the night of October 6th. Some of the old-time-proverbs are wearing a little thin these modern days and that well- known one--"A prophet is not without honor save in his own - country" -means-nothing, simply _ nothing, to these sturdy citizens of Gwillimbury. They honor 'Earl Rowe because they know and admire him; the oldsters "have been watching him for twenty-two years, ever since he was elected a Township Coun- cillor on his 21st birthday. Reaches Cabinet Rank They start them young in pub- lic service in these Ontario towns but only one in ten thousand forges ahead to the Provincial Legislature--only one in a hun- dred thousand keeps going until he reaches Cabinet rank at Ot- tawa. Such a man is Earl Rowe --and Gwillimbury Township has followed, with pride, every step of his progress. The most important events in _ this young man's twenty-two ears of public service can be briefly summarized: : 1915--Elected to Council of Gwillimbury Town- ship. 1916--Elected Reeve --re- - elected each year for . five years, 1923--Elected to Ontario Legislature. 1925--Elected to Federal Parliament, 1930--Re-elected. 1935--Promoted to the Cab- inet by Honourable R. B. Bennett, then Prime Minister. Re-elected to Federal Parliament. 1936--Unanimously selected as leader of the On- tario Liberal-Conser- vative Party. A Happy Family Earl Rowe, whenever his pub- lic duties will permit, hurries back to Newton Robinson. For there he finds awaiting him his sturdy red brick house--his wife and three fine children--his 225 acres of farm land--his pure- bred Yorkshire swine, Durham cattle, registered Clydesdales-- his old Township friends, One cannot hope to under- stand a public man solely by ob- serving him in the midst of pub- fic affairs in 'Toronto or Ottawa. Follow Earl Rowe back to New- _ton Robinson--have a meal with him in his big kitchen--walk" with him over his fertile acres-- see him feeding his swine and his cattle -- talk with his aged par- ents, who live across the road. Then you would realize even more fully than ever before how completely this man possesses that something without which all else is so much chaff<--and that something is CHARACTER. Heredity must get some of the credit, The Conservative leader comes from old British stock which settled in Simcoe County many, many years ago. His father, still active at 88 and his mother, eight years ybunger, were farm folk, and Earl Rowe, when little more than a young- ster, bought his farm from his father on credit and paid every cent of his debt from his profits as a dirt farmer, Virtues of the Soil On his typical Ontario farm-- in his typical rural Ontario resi- dence--Earl 'Rowe leads the regular routine of a farmer when + his/Parliamentary work does not call him to the cities. His is a friendly home--made happy by the presence of his wife, and his children, Jean aged 17, Bill aged 13 and Lennox aged 8. Here are enshrined the homely virtues of the soil -- those virtues which since earliest days have given strength of character to so many of Canada's greatest public ser- vants, A Warm Personality This has beenaritten of Earl Rowe by a long-time associate: "Thewarmth of his person- dlity ,is contagious. One cannot come into his pres- ence without feeling his force sincerity, tem- pered by a natural kindli- . pess and interest in, his fel- lowanen and their prob- lems, *With his splendid ideals, backed by long and honaurable Parliamentary experience, he js uniquely ¢quipped to make a great contribution -to* thie -public life of Ontario." Newton Rohihson isn't seeing much of Earl Rowe these days. HON. EARL ROWE It is a blessing that he is still in the prime of life and health, for he has mapped out a speak- ing program which will keep him moving back and forth through- out Ontario until the eve of October 6th. His friends are glad of this because they know that every man or woman who sees and hears Earl Rowe, who shakes his hand, who comes under the influence of his warm personality, will say, "This is the type of leader Ontarioneeds." For that's the kind of man Earl Rowe is--likeable, sincere, earn- est --a statesman whose good character and good judgment are written indelibly in the record of his twenty-two years of public service, You Can Trust ROWE VOTE CONSERVATIVE dssued by the Liberal-Conservative Party of Ontario, rom A-- Teachers Frown On Examinations Ontario School Methods Should Be Changed, Is Claim Radical changes in the materials and methods of teaching in Ontario public and separate schools are called for by the new course of study from grades 1 to 6 which has just been is- sued. The new course, publishéd by the department of education {s based largely on the research and recom- mendations of two Toronto education- - ists, Thornton Mustard, teacher in the Toronto' Normal school, and Stanley Watson, principal of Keele street pub- lic school, who has been transferred to Essex Street school. Notable in the new course are these points: 1. Discouragement of examina- tions as tests of progress. 2. Discour- agement of home work for pupils up to grade 6. 3. Less stress on the fact. ual type of teaching. 4, More freedom to principals in grading children. b. Teaching of parables of Jesus and the Old Testament stories -- "curriculum should be pervaded by spirit of reli gion." ~ Guinea Pigs That Warble Manitgba University Has Them Minnie, the singing mouse has new rivals -- guinea pigs that warble like canaries. The guinea pig songsters are in the laboratory of Dr. Alfred Savage, dean of the University of Manitoba, agricul- tural faculty, who is experimenting with them to determine cause of sleep- ing sickness.disease among horses in Western Canada. Inoculated with virus taken from the brain of dead, diseased horses, the guinea pigs -scamper about their pen emitting cheery, canary-like noises in- stead of the usual squeak and squall, Dr. Savage doesn't know why. "Yes, it's a melodious note," he said, It's a whistle of two notes. They do it with their vocal chords. The harmony is not intentional and if that's a song we are hearing | am sure is sheer co- incidence." The guinea pigs besides being musi. --ecal have proven a scientific puzzle by refusing to act to the deadly virus that has killed hundreds of horses. Church Won't Support Wax Dr. Roberts Says There Will B¢ No More Pulpit Recruiting Rev. Dr. Richard Roberts, of Toron to, former moderator of the United Church of Canada, said last week th( next war will be fought without th( support of the church. "There will be no recruiting from the pulpit, no prayers for victory in the next war," he told the 20th annual Pastors' conference at the Hartford, Conn., Seminary. The pastor of Sherbourne Unit ed Church at Toronto referred to- war as "general murder" and "a diseased international relationship." . "The church is suffering yet from' the consequences of the last war," hq sald, "and it will not support another." 1938 Markers Now on Sale Have Orange Figures on Ba:lk ground of Robin's Egg Blue 'Tons of 1936 license plates, wit orange figures on a back-ground y robin's egg blue went on sale lasi week, 3s Though 1938 1s not a Coronation year, the crown motif, adopted on thg 1937 plates fs retained. At the top of each marker is "19-crown-38." Below this are printed the license numbers in brilliant orange, while 'Ontario" is at the bottom. Letters and numbers for 1938 are slightly smaller than In previous years. Licenses for four-cylinder cars will cost only $2. Six-cylinder cars up ta and including 28 hip. will cost $7. Six. cylinders over 28 h.p. will cost $10. Eight-cylinders up to and including 36 h.p. will cost the same. Elght-cylinder cars over 3b h.p. call for $15. markers. Twelve-cylinder cars will cost $25, and the plates on 16-cylinder models will be $36. i Other types of motor registration fees have also been reduced in price. For example, motorcycle markers will cost $1 instead of $2. The same reduc tion has also been made in the charge for transferring plates. Licenses for manufacturers' and dealers' cars have been cut from $25 to $20. Broken Heart Kills Dog A familiar figure in the commu- nity, "Teddy," a shepherd dog, of North Adams, Mass, was dead, aps parently the victim of a broken heart. The dog followed in death his lifelong companion, a horse own, ed by Fred McNulty, For two days and nights after the horse's death, McNulty said, "Teddy" remained in the horse's stall, its head fixed bes tween its paws, refusing all proffers of food. Death came the third dav, --- ---- fats he 8 mal I oh eng ., men : > AN ST ON) Ne at Si TP Py a ---- oa 5 ay SERINE Shep a ad! ER nN I, TL PER RT as

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