-_ a large attendance will launch the PAGE FOUR - SAAN LOCAL ITEMS | Mr. R. C. Pike, of Toronto, and one | time resident of Port Perry, was in| town on Monday, lookirg up old | acquaintances. Mr. Pike is 82 years young and seems to be in excellent | health. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Chapman and! Miss Evelyn Somerville ha 'e returned | from their motor trip to the West. They were accompanied hcme by Mr. and Mrs. R. Somerville. ir. Somer; ! ville reports that crops wee not very { good in his district of Saskatchewan. Mrs. J. W. Elliott is visiting friends in Brooklin and Whitby. Mrs. J. E. Jackson has gone to New York for a couple of weeks, accom- | panying Mrs. Brooks, (sister of Mrs. Wesley Elliott) who has been visiting here. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Jeffrey, Mr. Robert Jeffrey, Mrs. R. F. Gauld, and Miss Edna Gauld, motored to Brock- ville for the week end. Mrs. T. W. McLean, of Leamington, was the guest of Mrs, Wilkinson a few days last week. > Mr. A. J. Bentley, of Grand Forks, N. Dakota, visiting his mother at the home of Mrs. G. Cann. PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH RALLY SERVICES The services last Sunday were- well attended and much appreciation was expressed concerning them. The Misses Vickery, Murphy, Baird, Carnegie and Carter, who spoke at the evening service all did exceedingly well. Young People's Work. A complete organization of Trail | Rangers and Tuxis Boys is now in process. A similar set-up is in the making for the girls and three groups i of C.G.L.T. are expected. Men's Class The Men's Class will re-open next |E Sunday at 1.456 p.m. with Rev. D. T. Forsyth as speaker. It is hoped that work of the Class for the year. Boys' Conference A conference of Boys and Boys' ROPE BURNS SCRATCHES SORE TEATS IN COWS and | ALL WOUNDS AND SORES. 380 per ere SEL we WILLIAM WEBSTER Gordon D. Conant Solicits your Vote and Influence to -elect him to the Legislature to represent the Riding of Ontario in the pending Provincial Election. A record for public service in the County Coun- cil, and in many important positions in the City of Oshawa, extending over 25 years, and as Crown Attorney for the County 1934. 1937, merits your support. ; At Beatly's Store, Port Perry RAT-RID for Rats see eae Workers for Oshawa Presbytery will | § be held on Saturday, October 2nd at 2 p.m. in the United Church. Rev. D. T. I. Forsyth, Boys' Work Secretary, will be present and direct the Conference, and speak. At 6 p.m. a banquet will be held and Mr. Forsyth will address the boys. The charge for the supper is 26c. The boys of Port Perry and sur- rounding district of all denominations are cordially invited. On Sunday Mr. Forsyth will pn at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. in the interests of Boys' Work and at the evening ser- vice we hope for a fine rally of fathers and sons. This is a fine opportunity. for infor- mation and inspiration regarding this COO ---- ST. JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. Robt. Simpson, Minister. No morning service. Rally Day Service at 2.30 p.m. Y.P.S.at 8 pm. --_-- ee @ o> -- ---------- PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH Oshawa Presbytery Boys' Work Conference, Saturday, October 2nd, Sunday, - October 3rd. ) | Saturday at 2 and 6 p.m. 11 a.m. Sunday, Rev. D. T. Forsyth, B.A., Boys' Work Secretary, 1.45 p.m.--Men's Class will re-open. Rev. Mr. Forsyth will speak. 2.45 p.m.--Sunday School. 7 p.m.--Grand Rally of Boys and' their fathers. Rev. D. T. Forsyth! will be the speaker. aa. Ll PP -H E:rn' THANKSGIVING SERVICES AT GREENBANK Sunday services conducted by Revi Mr. Hillis, of Little Britain at 11 a.m. and 7.30 p.m. On Monday, Oct. 11th, a Fowl Supper will be served which will be followed by a play--'"Aunt' Abby Answers an Ad." | PE BIBLE SOCIETY Rev. F. B. Allnutt, District Secre- tary for the Upper Canada Bible So- ciety, visited Port Perry, Sunday, Sept. 26th, Mr. Allnutt in two excel- lent sermons, in the Presbyterian Church in the morning, and the Angli- can church in the evening, 'gave an account to some extent of the great work accomplished by the Bible So- ciety. This Society publishes the Bible or parts of it in 711 different lan- guages, last year selling over 11 million copies or the gospels, Mr. Allnutt praised the local branch --of the Society for their éffort in the past and thanked the officers, collect. ors and citizens for their support. Also speaking privately he was very en- thusiastic over our pleasant village, The officers of the local branch of the Bible Society were re-elected as follows: President, Dr. J. B. Lundy; Treasurer, Mr. H. G. Hutehetion; Sec- retary, Mr. Wm. Webster, ' 1%, pe "What Delicious Pastry! This is what your family and friends will say when yeu serve our baking. You can always depend on it being "just right." If you have not tried it, ask our driver to call, he will be pleased to serve you. Try our Bread, too. BY JEMISON'S BAKERY THE HOME OF GOOD BREAD AND PASTRY PHONE 93. 2 ; PORT PERRY TRA TD TS NEY] DOMINION - These Values Effective Until Saturday, October Sud SEC ue Domino SOAP CHIPS :.43 Crown or Beehive CORN SYRUP = .39 Perfection FLOOR WAX £.28§ MILD CHEESE - 19 - 10 Aylmer Choice Quality PUMPKIN For Good Preserving CERTO 24 Domestic 1-8, Pkg. 4b. Pig. Shortening 13 49 Marshmallows . 19 Je Black Tea 4-1b. pkg. 28 Oxydol_- large phir. 22 10 Paterson's Velvet Aylmer, Libby's, Campbell's, Silver Ribbon Tomato Juice = Seedless Raisins, 10c. Ib. Blue Concord Grapes, 33¢. bskt FAST FREE DELIVERY Bulk . . MACARONI. *.§ Hand-Picked White Beans » 6 EXTRA! E Solex 2540-00 Watt ies ite I = each 20 dies - = - 1b. 49 Pork 8 Cowan's Reticiion, ib. dn 28 - Fresh Salted Beans Pent - - ne] 22-0z. Tin Shirriff's Jolly Powders - pkg. A Morrison's -- PORT PERRY pa WAMPOLE'S PHOSPHO-LECITHIN A real tonic for the nerves WAMPOLE'S EXTRACT OF COD LIVER Take a bottle or two to put you in good condition to battle the colds of winter. OLD ENGLISH HEALTH SALTS A splendid morning refresher ..... TEN GILLETTE BLUE BLADES and a good gold Safety Razor (only a few left) . INSURANCE FIRE, AUTOMOBILE, LIFE Real Estate Farms and Village Properties 8. A, WALLACE 80 Cents Dry Cleaned $1.00 C. P. ROLPH OVER THE OBSERVER OFFICE "DR. J. B. LUNDY DENTAL SURGEON north side Queen Street, Port Perry. .per box 25c¢. . .per bottle $1.00 sess see EY large tin 39¢c. 59c. LN NR SUNN) o Drug Store -- Phone 16 Port a i, to 51.00 Store THREE DAYS' SALE! : THURSDAY, FRIDAY, Fall and Winter Merchandise 18 Men's Work Shirts, Socks, Underwear, = Leather Mitts, and Gloves Women's and Children' s Underwear B SPECIAL---Lady Beth pure silk, ringless | ; Hosiery in Latest Fall Shades, 59c. SATURDAY OWNED AND OPERATED BY H. DURKIN PORT PERRY | a a ik The Port Perry Coal Yard Edouard Bartlett VIOLINIST will give instruction in violin. For particulars, aply at the office of the Port Perry Star. oct? 'Theatre STRAN UXBRIDGE Thurs, Friday, Saturday (This Week) Billie SEAWARD and Tim McCOY, in "RIDING WILD" "Yipee!" Tim at his best in his whirl- wind Western. ALSO three Stooges in "FALSE ALARMS" CARTOON and SCREEN NEWS. EIGHT PRIZES SATURDAY NITE, OCTOBER 2nd, by Draw. Monday, Tues., Wenesday, Oct. 4-5-6. Patsy KELLY and Charlie CHASE, in their full length picture: . "KELLY THE SECOND" - . 90 minutes of fuh and laughter--the new Jaugh sensation. ALSO Colored Comedy "FIEST SANTA BARBARA" and CARTOON. Thurs., Friday, Sat., (Next Week) FOR SALE A Beatty Electric Washer, in first ..] class shape for $35.00. Terms to suit. "| A Beatty Electric Copper Tub Washer may be had for balance of account at $1.16 weekly. See our representative now at Carnegie Hardware. sept30 SEN JOLY ? STILE ® ; OSHAWA Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sept. 30-October 1-2 SOULS AT SEA : with Gary COOPER and Geo. RAFT Luar WAY" with HAROLD LLOYD Monday and Tuesday, Oct. 4-6 "Toast of New York." starring EDWARD ARNOLD and FRANCES FARMER \ ~ Wed., Thurs, Friday, Saturday "THIN ICE" of Darlington, on Saturday, October 9, "Elmer Wilbur, Auctioneer. Ben BERNIE and W. WINCHELL r= With "WAKE UP AND LIVE" SONJA HENIE and TYRONE 'COMING!--"On the Avenue" and TOWER "Tarzan Escapes" . AUCTION SALE OF COWS A New Heating System has been SWINE, POULTRY, Ete. installed which forces the air Chas. Howsam, Lot 29, Con. 6, Tp. through an air purifier. Phone 155 i SUITS CLEANED || Suits sponged and pressed |& Office above Bell Telephone Exchange, i Money Saving Specials Lawrence' § Drug Store News (You can save with Safety at Your Rexall Store) Typical Lawrence Values LYSOL DISENFECTANT, 35c, 8c. & A cake of Lysol soap free with every bottle. TRY THE NOXZEMA CREAM, large size, 59c. SI LV I K RIN (Regular 83c. size.) i: D. & R. FACE CREAMS, ..209c., 49. METHOD OF LISTERINE TOOTH PASTE, fy TREATMENT : 25¢, and 8%¢c. ¥ FOR LISTERINE, ....25¢., 50c., and 7fe. FALLING HAIR. FRENCH BALM ...... 25¢, and 39¢. PROPHYLACTIC TOOTH BRUSH with Prophylactic Tooth Powder. . Both for 49¢. ADRIENNE PERFUME, 25e. and 50c. § ADRIENNE FACE POWDER, . .60c. 28 DAY TREATMENT FOR $3.00 A. M. LAWRENCE OPIPORONOIOPOOPOFOPO RE RS SS SE 0 SE Se dee Ls ae A A aaa Bn ay ye HOBOS EIEN YES, MADAM! we carry the best grades of Beef, Pork, Lamb, Veal and cured meats. Tell us your wants and we will assure you of the best at reasonable prices. We also carry a line of Cooked Meats, Canned Goods and Pickles. BERT MacGREGOR | 2 | SEND for FREE BOOK]! This fascinating illustrated book gives you all kinds of interesting suggestions for making. your home modern--inexpensively. For example: Cover cracked ceilings with beautiful J-M. Decora- tive Ceiling Tile. Brighten up your kitchen walls with colorful panels. of J-M Flexboard. Costs very little. Transform your outside walls with fireproof J-M Cedargrain Shingles." Never require paint. Many houses are protected with them. Send for your : free copy of the Johns-Manville "101" Book today. Headquarters for Home Improvements Port Perry AEE FTO NO 8 TN tH 8 aT Tt » 2 8% ,0%0 8% 0% 4% 4% +0 4% 4% 4% DEES ata Irae rissa i tartrate ttt ttettnttetetsneetnesnsesst COAL - WOOD - ' LUMBER BUILDERS' SUPPLIES FUEL LUMBER - Builders Supplies ANTHRACITE PINE SIDING MASON'S LIME PINE SPRAY LIME SHEATHING Gr eity HEMLOCK CEMENT SPRUCE MORTAR COLOR ower B. C. FIR GLAZED TILE B. C. CEDAR CHIMNEY TILE HARDWOOD CINCRETE FLOORING BLOCKS : POSTS SHEETROCK BODY WOOD DONNACONA HARD and SOFT SASH and DOORS INSULATING SLABS LATH 'ROCK WOOL FRED E. REESOR Phones-- Office 73 w; Res. 73 | a ann rrr nnn rrr RRR RRR LILI RRR LILI RII LIRR RAIN RR AA Lake Soy Lumber & Coal Co., ld. | A 8 % . RB: 3 : TH 4 I hd L L} A 4 o> - ¥ » v A 4 * S EK & ~~ > + 1] 4 ? «te al G7 ~ ¢ 5 = A 4 - - y 3 4 A