© PORT PERRY, ONT, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 7th, 1987 More Cas a SHIP YOUR CREAM TO US ~ We are paying this week: .* SPECIAL--31e. a Ib. " FRST-e a lb. . We pay extra for delivery "CITIZEN'S DAIRY, Phone 52, Whitby or Stanley Hope, Phone 173 r 4, Port Perry " < so ed 9 00ND 00 wat "i fe Hier Hees CS | LJ [J . What Delicious Pastry! This is what your family and friends will say when you serve our baking. You can always depend on it being "just right." If you have not tried it, ask our driver to call, he > : will be pleased to serve you. Try our Bread, too. BY JEMISON'S BAKERY THE HOME OF GOOD BREAD AND PASTRY PHONE 98, - - PORT PERRY I affine tiie foe FIRE! FIRE! FIRE! Be. prepared for such an emergency call. Protect yourself with Fire Insurance. It isalways a friend in time of need. Place your insurance with NT PE iN 34 To 00,00, A 8S 0A 0 00,8 508 00,0 0 4 hye' Tod rss 0%, A 0 0 8 HO 08 RA RA 0A A E91 901 tO 0 SN AA RAO R01 00 8 0 0 0g OUR MEATS We boast about the quality of our meats, and you will agree with us when you try them. They are always fresh and delicious. If you haven't tried our meats just call up 29W and our clerks will be pleased to fill your order. CAWKER BROS. 2 BEST SERVICE :: BEST PRICES Re C00 OPO 0 ets 2% 0% ot a®s 4% 0% 0% 1% 4% IN Na" $0 0% 0% 0% of Sete Y 0.0% 4% 0% 470.4% 4% 4% 4% 4% 4a 4% 40 oe 0% ote ~The Greengrocery Store, : PORT PERRY, ONTARIO ANN tN Sweet Grapes 33c. 6 qts. Choice Wealthy Apples, 20c. 6 gts. "Tokay" Grapes, 10c. lb. Tomatoes, 5c. lb. Iceberg Head Lettuce, 2 for 15c. 1 BL L720 1 YOURS... ..USE Lid <4 There is an unwritten law in the theatrical profession. Regardless of what happens--*'the show must go on!" In thousands of theatres throughout Ontario this same traditional rule still applies, but in a different way. Today, "the show must go on"--with Hydro. The ""Talkies" and Hydro, bring to the cities and the small towns alike, the best the theatre offers in drama, music, comedy, while travelogues and news-reels bring a new form of education. Hydro also makes it possible to enjoy your theatre night right through the hottest season, with the aid of air conditioning and cooling systems, which the majority of theatres now provide. This same Hydro service that is essential for the '"Talkies" is also necessary for night baseball, tennis, lawn bowling and other forms of night entertain- ment and sport, which electricity now makes it possible to enjoy to a much greater degree. : Thus in the realm of entertainment and sport--as in so many other phases of activity--Hydro--your Hydro--makes an essential contribution to a better, happier, healthier livelihood for the people of the Province of Ontario with its low-cost power. The success of Hydro in being able to lower power costs in the past two years in the face of a general increase in the price of practically everything we use, is a noteworthy achievement. Its continuous efforts to lower these power costs still further, and extend the benefits which accrue throughout the Province of Ogtario, is a matter in which you should be vitally interested. J HYDRO ELECTRIC POWER COMMISSION Gams 376A oe I ; 0) afew nf -- a month transforms your home "me RED & WHIT FLOUR SALE Quaker xxxx Bread Flour: | 98's, $3.79 Pastry Flour, 24's, - 79c. 98's, $4.15 24 lbs.: $1.13 LARD--20 lbs. $3.29 SHORTENING --20 lbs. $2.69 W. R. JOHNSTON Na SUITS or Overcoats MADE TO MEASURE and FIT GUARANTEED Our new samples are in and you are assured of a fine quality garment in Johnston's Approved Clothes, PRICED AT. $22.50 $24.75 $27.50 F. W. BROCK & SON PHONE 43 PORT PERRY = TR I I a at ai NANO SNE BEM SN itn SIRE Five Roses Flour, at 2 a Sa a -- MOOPOPOPOREOEISIEOROSOROPOBDPOSOEOEOSIPOPORORE ROPOROPOPOSIPOPOSOBORD STPOROROROBOPOPOSORORO ORPOPIPOROSORO a 'e Be Re ee Ee RON e RC ORCROROROROROPORORD We ms -- te Oh. AAAS AR AARRRRNAS ARRAS SANNA Ty aN . Prompt and Courteous Service of 3 ~ i Good Baking ¢ Phone 32 when you need Bread, Cakes, or { Confectionery. You will be pleased, i ; Gerrow Brothers f RAR AR AR ARIA ANS S AAA AA SRA REAR FAA ARAL SEE She Seine Sabena SSO safibe wie ales ii READING | 7, THRE If you have not been enjoying heat satisfaction from the coal you have been using, why not fill up your bin for next winter with this Super-Cleaned Hard Coal? One trial will convince you that it is the finest fuel your money can buy--Nut, Stove and Pea sizes on hand. CEMENT--Fresh St. Mary's Cement always on hand, also "Famous for Its Heat Value." Large Squash R. WAKEFORD, Prop. CELEBRATES 76th BIRTHDAY On Saturday, Oct. 2nd, the pleasant summer home of Mrs. R. J. Hartry at Cedar Beach, Beaverton, was the scene of a surprise party given by the 'family in honour of Mrs. Hartry's 76th birthday. The table was tastefully decorated with pink and white and centered with a large birthday cake. A very pleasant evening was spent in the re-union of friendships, music and games. ¥ Those present were Mr. and Mrs. E. N. Hartry, of Scarboro; Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Bentley, Mr. and Mrs. W. Banks, Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Hoskin, Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Johnstone and son Russell, Miss Phenie Jones, all of Toronto, and | Mr. and Mrs. J. F, Hoskin and little - daughter Norene, of Pinedale. Large Cantaloupes, 10c. each Sweet Potatoes, 4 Ibs. 25c. Large White Cauliflowers, 50c. Spanish Onions, 4 lbs. 25c." 15¢. and 20c. Phone 208; We deliver § BARRED ROCK PULLETS \ \ FOR SALE Apply to Mrs. Austin Franklin, R. R. 2, Port Perry, Phone 109 r 14. . 3 irr : = HELP WANTED Girl wanted for dining room work. 'Apply to Whitby Ladies' College. Whitby, - DP HELP WANTED Rawleigh Route now open. Real opportunity for man who wants per- manent, profitable work, Sales way up this year. Start promptly. Write Rawleigh's, Dept. K, Montreal, Can. -- tr Sal MYRTLE STATION The Raglan Anniversary is to take place next Sunday, Oct. 10th with ser- vices at 11 a.m. and 7.80 p.m. The car for the West is to be loaded 14th, Those having vegetables or fruit to send, may leave it at Mr. E. Cook's garage or leave word for the truck to call. Mr. and Mrs. O. H. Lane accom- panied Mr. and Mrs. H. Stacey of Oshawa on a 'motor trip to New- market on Sunday where they visited Mrs. Rancier. Col. C. D. H, McAlpine, of Toronto, | Col. Percy Jobb, Mrs. Jobb and Miss Jean, of Oshawa, and McClellan, of Windsor, were week end visitors of Mr. and Mrs. E. Cross and family are moving this week to their new home at Tilbury. We wish them good health and prosperity in their new home. Mr. Flett is our new station agent and has moved in with his family. We are glad to welcome them to our com- munity and church, "Closed Lips", drama with strong appeal, ready for church concerts, ete., after Oct. 19th. Terms $10.00. Apply to Rev. Albert Bushell, R.R., 4, Ux- bridge. 2 Registered Shropshire Rams; 1 'three-year-old Clydesdale Gelding. Apply to Frank Lee, Greenbank. COG PP = DIED HICKMAN -- Near Greenbank, on Sunday, October 8rd, 1937, Jemima Wells, beloved wife of Henry Hickman in her 72nd year. McKINNON -- At Port Perry, on Wednesday, Oct. 6th, 1937, Charles 'McKinnon, in his 84th year. LIME, HARDWALL PLASTER, TILE, HARDWOOD, SULTANA RAISINS FRY'S COCOA ............. PUMPKIN, choice quality MILLSTREAM FLOUR, 24's CARAMEL COOKIE ROLLS, MACARONI ... conven CLOVER LEAF PING SALMON FIDDLESTIX BISCUITS EE IE) EE V4 1b. tin 10c. PEIN TR Vg per tin 10c. 40 biscuits ............ DEE EERE EEE) GC. A. PALMER, Prop. DELIVERY 8 am. to 6 pm. Phone 36 fee (DS HARDWOOD SLABS, SOFTWOOD SLABS IR a, advertisements spon- has Dy 4 . { . S g ny Sand of N l . . : Be (8 \ Whee Wot apred By the Nailona) Your orders will be given prompt and careful attention. i ; wm 0° wot need annie geme™ wl gh bas ' been "ae: g x f A . W in 1afe ur" frayed entirely o y X £10 LL LSE a We PORT PERRY COAL YARD ; : pn £0 5 gs o ert a a! dividuals, as a A > \ e y Ls o he pnt 2 ic ot y o\Y fv ange 2 contribution | to- iH W. G. W. PYATT Al A gc Nr TI 3 gt ds Tn me as, of, Fou oe 102% wards (but INS '8 Phones--94W and 94J "Reliable Service and Better Fuels" ot - 9 "gers nes; Jonvetily es way pie oan heen ASCE PoE nad I I A TA I TMNT OREN 0 ert mad peel ANY ied ov ix : ; a Oh AO TL TM. TIL R | ome ant. pro et wm 10 n x0 PANS mp' \Y by the Parlia- | \ J Yomiofiotects & va on Ww ot » ome Pome can ap g\OWN went of ca. ) ' \ (hat Pe nie 18 fof "can hes 0S y° ¢ Mie LL National INS 0 it M 0s) r004 of © obs ank® oM < Employment I, 4 ceats on gan o 10 o C mE Commission URES) Them go WOT 00% Shoe * MEN Lon cove" A) I ; wort e128 0d Phen \ | Wo EAE ners, a ae ot ALD IRY ganda m0 APLC we? GEO. A. McMILLAN, FARA : : jos? 0 AL prt Chairman of Committee, ERAN wat le wwe? PORT PERRY. FALNIN ow BENSON'S CORN STARCH ................ per pkg. llc. b , | BEEHIVE CORN SYRUP .................. 2 1b. tin 18ec. bh N at Brooklin next week on the 13th and| Mr. and Mrs. J. 2. Beacock. FOR SALE CLARK'S ASSORTED SOUPS ................. 2 for 15¢. AEN